#Martyn Sanderson
badmovieihave · 4 months
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Bad movie I have The Lord of the Rings : The Fellowship of the Ring Special Extended DVD Edition 2001
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amatesura · 4 years
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An Angel at My Table (1990) | dir. Jane Campion
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moviemosaics · 4 years
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An Angel at My Table
directed by Jane Campion, 1990
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undiaungato · 7 years
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An angel at my table (1990) · Jane Campion
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mrbrettmcdonald · 5 years
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I stepped up my reading this year, and I’m proud of the work I put in. Here’s what I did.
Community - Brad House. A good little book written by a former leader at what was Mars Hill in Seattle. It’s a good little foundation for groups ministry in a church setting.
Transformational Groups - Ed Stetzer. Same as the above. A nice, concise foundational book on groups that make a difference.
Documents of the Early Church - Henry Bettenson. This book is a collection of different important documents from the earliest church fathers all the way up into the 1960′s. It can be dense at times- but it’s a great overview of some important themes and turning points in church history.
The Martyrdom of Polycarp. The account of the martyrdom of Polycarp, a second-century Christian. A demonstration of extreme faith in God, and an example of living in the midst of severe persecution.
Confessions - Augustine. Kind of an autobiography of Augustine that lays some foundational theological truths for future generations.
Here I Stand: A Life of Martin Luther- Roland H. Bainton. Biography of Martin Luther. A little dense but fascinating.
Luther: Man Between God and Devil- Heiko A. Oberman. Another biography on Martin Luther. Worth your time to read.
Institutes of the Christian Religion Volumes 1 and 2- John Calvin. Deep and dense theology. Volume 1 and 2 cover theological concepts such as creation, Scripture, the work of Christ.
The Bruised Reed- Richard Sibbes. An exposition of Isaiah 42:3 by Richard Sibbes, Anglican theologian and puritan.
A Glance of Heaven - Richard Sibbes. An exposition of 1 Corinthians 2:9 and a study of heaven and the joy that awaits us.
What Is Biblical Theology - Jim Hamilton. This is a look into what is meant by the term biblical theology. How should we understand the whole of Scripture?
The Blood of Heroes: the 13-Day Struggle for the Alamo and the Sacrifice that Forged a Nation- James Donovan. A fantastic telling of the story of the Alamo.
The Bourne Legacy - Eric Van Lustbader. The fourth book in the series. Robert Ludlum wrote the first three, and Van Lustbader picks up with the fourth book. It’s a quick read, and basically more of the same.
Die Trying - Lee Child. The second book in the Jack Reacher series. A mindless page turner. Just what I need sometimes.
Trip Wire - Lee Child. The third book in the Jack Reacher series.
Manhunt - James Swanson. The captivating story of the 12 day search for Lincoln’s killers.
Words of Radiance - Brandon Sanderson. Lengthy fantasy novel. It’s the second of a three book series. Fascinating story, but difficult to follow if you don’t read a lot at once.
Red Rising - Pierce Brown. The beginning of a nice sci-fi series. It’s fast paced and hard to put down.
Pilgrim’s Progress- John Bunyan. A must read for every believer. The story of faith in Christ from the perspective of a pilgrim. It follows him as he meets interesting characters along the way and strives to find his way to the promised land. This allegory is valuable for every single Christian.
Communion with God - John Owen. Owen looks at the meaning and importance of communion with each member of the Trinity.
Jonathan Edwards: A New Biography - Iain Murray. Murray is a master biographer. I want to read every biography he’s ever written. This is a great study of Edwards.
Jonathan Edwards: A Life - George Marsden. A little dense, but worth the read if you’re interested in Edwards.
Lectures to My Students- CH Spurgeon. Spurgeon had a pastor’s college. This book is a collection of lectures he gave to his students.
Revelation and Inspiration - BB Warfield. An incredibly detailed, dense, and technical look at what is meant by the inspiration of Scripture. There in depth studies over single Greek words and their uses throughout history.
David Martyn Lloyd Jones: the First Forty Years - Iain Murray. Murray kills it again. I didn’t know much about Lloyd-Jones until this biography, but now I feel like we’re best friends.
David Martyn Lloyd Jones: The Fight of Faith- Iain Murray. The sequel biography. It helps that Murray knew Lloyd-Jones personally, and at times can say “we talked about this.”
Mere Christianity - CS Lewis. An essential read for not just Christians, but every single person. Most of the book is a defense of theism. He eventually points to the Christian God, but he begins by showing the impossibility of atheism. A worthy read for anyone.
Surprised by Joy - CS Lewis. A kind of autobiography, but not exactly what you’d expect. He’s a storyteller and takes an interesting angle to the story of his life.
Knowing God - JI Packer. A book that covers basic theological themes and concepts. This book is essential for every believer. There are many gems to be discovered, and I promise you’ll find at least one thing that will cause you say “ohhhh” out loud.
Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God - JI Packer. A discussion of the sovereignty of God and the responsibility of man, and how that applies to evangelism.
The Epistle of James - Douglas Moo. A pastoral and a little technical commentary on the book of James. This was extremely helpful when preparing to teach Men’s Bible Study on Wednesday nights last fall.
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hdrsee · 8 years
Herr der Ringe Charaktere – Überblick
Im folgenden Beitrag finden Sie als erstes eine Übersichtsliste der Charaktere und danach eine kleine Zusammenfassung mit den wichtigsten Aspekten, die Charaktere betreffend.
Die Gefährten Frodo Beutlin (Elijah Wood) Gandalf (Sir Ian McKellen) Sam Gamdschie (Sean Astin) Boromir (Sean Bean) Gimli (John Rhys-Davies) Merry (Dominic Monaghan) Aragorn (Viggo Mortensen) Pippin (Billy Boyd) Legolas (Orlando Bloom)
Die Verbündete Arwen (Liv Tyler) Bilbo Beutlin (Sir Ian Holm) Elrond (Hugo Weaving) Galadriel (Cate Blanchett) Eowyn (Miranda Otto) Celeborn (Marton Csokas) Eomer (Karl Urban) Denethor (John Noble) Faramir (David Wenham) König Théoden (Bernard Hill)
Die Gegner Saruman (Christopher Lee) Grima (Brad Dourif) Gollum (Andy Seriks) Mauhúr (Robbie Magasiva) Lurtz (Lawrence Makoare) Sauron (Sala Baker) Uglúk (Nathaniel Lees) Saurons Mund (Bruce Spence) Grischnakh (Stephen Ure)
Die Legenden Sauron (Sala Baker) Elendil (Peter McKenzie) Gil-Galad (Mark Ferguson) Isildúr (Harry Sinclair)
Die Nebendarsteller Bauer Maggot (Cameron Rhodes) Haladir (Craiq Parker) Butterblume (David Weatherley) Háma (John Leigh) Rosie Hüttinger (Sarah McLeod) Haleth (Calum Gittins) Damrod (Alistair Browning) Gamling (Bruce Hopkins) Iorlas (Ian Hughes) Aldor (Bruce Allpress) Sandigmann (Brian Sergent) Déagol (Thomas Robins) Elanor (Alexandra Astin) Torwächter (Martyn Sanderson)
Bei „der Herr der Ringe“ gibt es die neun Gefährten. Hier sei von besonderer Bedeutung Frodo Beutlin (Hobbit), den er ist der Auserwählte, der den Ring tragen darf. Der Ring muss am Vulkan zerstört werden. Zu dieser Unterstützung haben die sich oben genannten Gefährten gemeldet. Darunter die drei Hobbits Sam , Merry und Pippin, die stets gut gelaunt und mutig sind. Aragorn (Landstreicher), Legolas (Elbe), Gimli (Zwerg), Boromir (Mensch)und Gandalf (weiße Zauberer) sind zusätzlich prominente Unterstützer ihrer Völker. Bilbo Beutlin ist ein sehr alter Hobbit, der den Ring zu Beginn der Bücher/Filme an Frodo vererbt.
Saruman ist ein Zauberer, einer von drei Großen. Er ist sozusagen der Gegenspieler zu Gandalf. Sauron ist der Gegner, der den Ring an sich reißen möchte. Hierzu stellt er ein Herr zusammen. Ugluk ist hier der Anführer eines Teils.
Zusammenfassend kann man es auf die Formel bringen, Gut gegen Böse. Viel Spaß beim Film oder den Büchern.
from http://www.hdr-see.de/index.php/2017/02/11/herr-der-ringe-charaktere-ueberblick/
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aiylpop-blog · 13 years
Watching Sylvia Online
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undiaungato · 7 years
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An angel at my table (1990) · Jane Campion
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