#Marusia Churai
vintage-ukraine · 1 year
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Marusia Churai by Feodosiy Humenyuk, 1986
Marusia Churai was a semi-mythical Ukrainian Baroque composer, poet, and singer. She has become a recurrent motif in Ukrainian literature and the songs ascribed to her are widely performed in Ukraine.
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unhonestlymirror · 9 months
Stamp series "Glorious women of Ukraine"
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1. Duchess Olha (Olga)
The first, among the dukes of Kyivan Rus, accepted Christianity, although she was unable to make it the state religion. She was canonized by the Orthodox Church. Having a tough temper and a sharp mind, she harshly took revenge on the Drevlians for the murder of her husband, first killing the ambassadors, and then burning the city of Iskorosteń. At the same time, she managed to very delicately refuse the courtship of Emperor Constantine, making him her godfather. She organized the collection of tribute and is considered the founder of the city of Pskov.
2. Roksolana (Nastya Lysovśka)
A woman who needs no introduction. An example of a personal feat, when, despite difficult circumstances, a person was still able to find the strength to overcome them.
By the way, contrary to popular opinion, Roksolana in no way facilitated the fate of the the Ukraine, and in no way prevented further robberies. But it would be extremely unfair to condemn her for this.
3. Anna Yaroslavna
The middle daughter of Yaroslav the Wise, who later became the queen of France, is the author of the oldest examples of Ukrainian writing. Her signatures, which are on many state documents, are surrounded by countless crosses - marks of the highest vassals of France. The first of the queens of France who had regent power. She founded the St. Vincent Abbey, which still operates today and was purchased by the Ukrainian Catholic University in 2013.
4. Halshka Hulevychivna
With her donations, this woman started the Kyiv Brotherhood School, which later became part of the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, sponsored the opening of a school and a hospital for the poor population.
5. Marusia Churai
A semi-legendary singer with an unfortunate fate. She inspired her contemporaries with her songs and has been inspiring poets and writers for many centuries who sing her tragic love story. He is considered the author of the songs "Winds are blowing", "Oh don't go, Hrytsya", "Hrytsya, Hrytsya, go to work", "The dove is sitting on the shore", "Zasvit vstaly kozacheńky"
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propalahramota · 5 years
More people on this site should be into Ukrainian lore because you guys are missing out on the glorious story of Marusia Churai, a fucking icon. 
So, Marusia was a semi-legendary Ukrainian Baroque songwriter and poet. She was basically a bard and she was extremely popular at the time. She was kinda this definitive artist of the big Hmelnytsky`s rebellion (1648-1657) that made Ukraine independent from Poland for a while. She also got famous at a very young age. She`s twenty-five or so and on the peak of her fame when our story takes place.
One day Marusia`s boyfriend, Hrytz, cheated on her. Marusia`s first call? Fucking murder the guy! Some versions of her story say that she bought a potion of poison from an old witch, and some say that she diy-ed that shit but anyhow she totally killed him. There`s also a super lame version of the story that says that Marusia was so heart-broken she bought the poison for herself but Hrytz being a dumbass chugged that shit on accident. But it`s stupid and I don`t like it so it`s not canon.
And like, Marusia didn`t even try to deny it. She was like “yep, guess Hrytz choked on that bitch juice!” Naturally, she went to jail for this. Murdering someone was illegal even in the 17th century Ukraine and it carried a death penalty. But when the court gathered to condemn her they were like “Shit! We can`t do it! I mean, she did murder someone but her songs are just so good, she`s like a 17th century Ukrainian Florence Welch! Not guilty!”
And if this isn`t the greatest Nat 20 Performance check rolled by a bard, I don`t know what is.
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petite--craft · 6 years
Oh, Hrytz, Don’t Go To These Evening Shows!
Translated from Ukrainian by Lera Muzyka Original text is  "Ой, не ходи, Грицю, тай на вечорниці" by Marusia Churai "Oi Ne Khody Hrytsiu Tai na Vechornytsi" 
Oh, Hrytz, don’t go to these evening shows! Because on those parties witches used to go! Every girl that owns charming dark night eyebrows Is the girl that uses magic and brings sorrows. Young girl dug the potion on the Sunday morning. Then that Monday rinsed it carefully and slowly. Tuesday came and she boiled the potion mix. And then on Wednesday she got poisoned Hrytz.
When Thursday had come Hryts was dead and gone. Friday was the day make peace to his bones. And Saturday morning mother beat her daughter: “Why, did you, my child, poison Hrytz ? What for?”
“Oh, mum, you don’t know! Hrytz guy had no mercy! Why then did he show love to both girls, dear? Then may he be neither mine nor hers! May he lie down deep in raw cold earth!”
“So you see now, Hrytz! My promise was true! So even my mother beat me up for you! Here you are all gone and the price you’ve got The oak wooden house where you lay and rot!”
You can listen to the original song here. I hope you will be able to use my translation to sing it in English because “Yes, My Darling Daughter” clearly DOES NOT DO JUSTICE to the original text. Enjoy!
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nerdia-a · 4 years
so far I've mostly only made friends with Ukrainian speaking people, which means I finally get to get more comfortable with speaking in an informal setting, and tbh.... I'm thriving
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was-is · 4 years
𝙻/ 𝟸𝟺𝚢.𝚘 /𝚞𝚔𝚛𝚊𝚒𝚗𝚒𝚊𝚗
1. How old are u?
• 24
2. What’s your nationality?
3.Currently what relationships status do u obtain?
• single
4.Define the notion of Love?
• Caring about the other person with selfishness close to zero. If it’s love toward a partner, i am adding the willingness to hug and kiss the person any time i want.
5.Are words a soulmate/ other half commonly accepted and used in your country?
• Basically i do believe that i am one piece unit and can’t be divided ( spiritually). So not really.
6 Do u believe in the love at the first sight?
• Fell in love with my first bf, the moment i saw him. So i think u can feel the possibility of appearing and obtaining the connection at first look. And love comes after the closer communication.
7. Typically how many years/months should pass before the marriage to be arranged?
• one year, mb a bit more.
8. What are the popular love heroes of your nation?
• Marusia Churai & Grytsko. Unrequited love of the girl, who decided to commit the suicide after getting to know her boy was going to marry the other. Being fathoms in love, Marusia prepared the poison potion for herself, accidentally Grytsko drank it. The Boy passes away, and due to the personal unbearable feelings Marusia doesn’t reassure the society of her innocence and as a consequence is sentenced to death. The girl dies but finally gets the chance to reunite with her love and lose the burden of her soul.
9. Can the parents arrange wedding in your country?
• If only due to financial reasons.
10. Who is most likely to do the first step?
• For both sexes applicable, however more afforts to be made from the male side. I am such a lier, have never asked a man’s number in my whole life🦋😂. But theoretically read the first sentence.
11.Place, where the 1-st kiss happened.
• On the street, nearby my house.
12. Define the notion “relationship” by using 3 adjectives?
• Caring, trusting, putting a continues affort from both sides.
13.Do u believe in second chances?
• I have given even 3 to a person i loved, it depends on how the partner uses it and if u both managed to change your behavior.
14. What situation will make u brake up immediately?
• Devaluation of me as an individuality ( an always-there-for-me treatment), cheating.
15. What are your usual actions after break ups?
• Pretending that I don’t care while suddenly crying out in the taxy.
16 Name your brake up song?
• Lykke Li - possibility
17 The principals of a long term relationships are...
• Ability to change together? I am not sure.
18. Share your frequently used pick up or a charm that brings your crush attention.
• Mantain eye contact and laugh at his jokes, while touching the hand.
19. Put in your own hierarchy: Career, Family, Friends.
• Fam, career, friends
20.When was the last time someone you loved left?
• 2017
21. How important is money and being financially stable in a relationship?
• it’s important, as well as the willingness to earn them. I don’t believe in the poorly ever after.
22. If your family and friends does not approve of your partner, will their idea bother you or change your mind of him/her?
• Sister’s voice matters. It’s easy to get her appreciation, when u try to do it. If the person fails, why then i should waste my time on smn, who doesn’t give a damn about getting along with the person i love most on Earth.
23. What do you think of a person who remains single after the age of 30?
• Depends on when u meet the person u need, it can be at 40/50. And it’s perfectly okay.
24. What object/place brings you the memory of your ex or current partner. Attach a pic
• Corniche and some skyscrapers.
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unhonestlymirror · 7 months
People: Ukrainians are blonde and blue-eyed!
Ukrainian literature: folk songs about "black eyebrows, black eyes", poems with "coal-black eyebrows", "those dark eyebrows should be owned by none", literally Marusia Churai's existence
Ukrainian art: literally people being dark-haired and dark-eyed
Ukrainians: dark-haired, dark-eyed
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petite--craft · 6 years
So I looked up that the translation (which is more like interpretation) of Ukrainian son “Oi Ne Khody, Hrytsiu!” made by Americans - which you all know as “Yes, My Darling Daughter” - doesn’t do justice to the original text by Marusia Churai AT ALL!
The original lyrics are dark and about witchcraft and death. So I’m translating it with rhymes so you could SING IT RIGHT! I’m going to post it soon!
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