#Mary Colleen Delaney
colleenmurphy · 4 months
"Mar Bear!"
"Saint Mary!"
The cacophony of sound that hit Mary Flannery as she walked up her small patch of lawn and up the gravel path towards home startled her nearly to her wits end. Her head buzzed as she staggered for a second before catching herself and leaning against the hood of Frank's blocked up clunker he tinkered on. Being hit by a wall of sound from your loved ones at 2AM after being put through the emotional wringer washer of life sets one on edge. Frank was in the drunk tank again but not before he'd been booked for battery and assault, his third strike and would be headed Up River to the lock up in the morning once he'd slept off the whiskey anger, rum strength and the possible concussion she'd given him. Her lip was busted, her left cheek sported twelve stitches as her head was ringing and her left eye was a dusky shade of blue black. She felt a cold shiver of satisfaction knowing she'd fought back this time. She'd given him hell and managed to gouge out his eye and make him swallow two of his own teeth. The back window of her Monte Carlo was busted out, her driver's side scraped and dented and smeared with her own blood. She'd left nail scratches in the paint. It had been one hell of a night tracking down Francis Patrick Flannery.
"I'm gonna fucking kill-
"Shut up, Mike. He's locked up. I've got a protective order filed. He's going up River a while."
Her feet had carried her back into the trailer and the tattered pieces of the life before he'd stormed out. She had just gotten it set to rights after Frank's last temper tantrum. There was a her sized hole in the sheetrock and she felt her head spin. The shelves that had stood the very test of time and many of Frank's emotional tornadoes was smashed to pieces. The dainty carnival glass figurines her Granny Delaney had gifted her as a child and the ashes of her first best friend, the former junkyard pup, Elvis lay scattered and wet. The hope chest her grandfather had built for her lay amongst the rubble, the baby blankets their daughters had been brought home in that her great granny had made for her before she passed away covered in the remains of the bleeding heart flower she kept in Great Granny's memory ground in all over the burnt orange shag carpet. The framed photos that lined the tidy little hallway leading to the bedrooms were smashed and their wedding photos were ripped apart. Her gown, made by her own two hands because they were young and in love and broke..and because it was what her Mama had done before her lay scattered on the back side lawn as the backdoor was left wide open. Ironically her mother-in-law's dog, Buck was currently taking a wicked piss on what looked like the back panel; this she knew because of the embroidered Claddagh she'd spent two months making.
The reality of her situation hit her full force as she felt her blood pressure spike as she grabbed the bat she'd defended herself with only five hours before and marched out onto the back porch.
Buck was a trashy mange covered mutt with a bad attitude much like his mistress these days. Cybil's head popped out the back window of her mobile home, a pastel Easter egg nightmare just behind Mary's own place. Frank had absolutely insisted on setting up their family home right next door to his beloved Mammy.
"Don't you got go hurting my dog! Bad enough you got my son locked up!"
Making a swift move passed the would be guard dog he let out a low growl to which Mary matched him look for look. Bucked backed away with a whimper for the shelter of his kennel a few yards away. Mary kept her pace as she marched put to Cybil's front door and knocked politely.
The thwack of the bat met the cheap plastic covered metal sheeting leaving a horrid dent and scrape. Followed swiftly by two more.
"Open your door you fucking coward! Look at what your son did!"
Dead silence from inside. A plan was wheeling away inside her mind as she came to the conclusion that she'd never get the apology she was owed. If she had known what a monster Cybil had managed to bring into the world she never would have accepted his marriage proposal.
"Boys! I need your help."
Her collective herd of half siblings, or half of them, looked at her seriously.
"Anyone know someone with a dolly system and a valid CDL?"
Denny casually raised his hand and looked at her through those impossibly thick eye glasses he needed.
"Yep! He's only a call away and he's home for the next two weeks. Cost ya a case of beer and an ounce of weed."
Mary raised an eyebrow and winced remembering the scratch at eye level. She hadn't thought it was going to be this easy.
"I'll throw in some shrooms and $150 out of the Squirrel fund if he can take her over the county line and dump her trailer and all."
Looking towards the elder of the Flaherty brothers she sighed.
"Mike..I'm calling it in."
"No. No you're not."
Studying her over the rim of his beer bottle Mike shook his head. He knew about fifty people that wanted Frank's tool collection and not to mention his pride and joy of a truck he treated better than his wife and kids.
"I want you to take that stupid fucking truck apart and sell it piece by piece for the highest bidder for cash only. If anyone has a problem they can talk to me."
Mary was well and truly apocalyptically pissed the hell off and fed up, this much her brothers Mike and Denny knew. Her mother could feel it rolling off her daughter in waves so she ended up taking Dawn and Fawn for the evening just to give Mary a moment to herself.
"Even if you can't cry yet Mar Bear...let yourself. You've got to get some of the poison out."
"I plan on it, Ma. I plan on it."
Pouring herself a few fingers of Yukon Jack she hunted down her smoking box and rolled the largest joint she could as her hands shook. He had very nearly killed her tonight. She couldn't allow him the satisfaction of knowing he had scared her. She'd also ensure he never saw her girls ever again. Fawn and Dawn were Mary's entire being and reason for living. His influence on them would be washed away, she'd ensure that.
"I'll get you Frank Flannery...and you're going to rue the day you set eyes on me."
Just before dawn the roar of a diesel rig woke up the Hidden Hills trailer park, well everyone except Cybil Flannery who slept like the dead through any manner of biblically loud events due to her use of an eye mask, ear plugs and prescription sleep aid along with a tipple of three of Scotch each night. She and her Easter egg colored nightmare trailer were hauled away over into Gallow's Ridge in Vermeer County right into American territory.
'Well, it's half on half out. So it'll cost her either way to get back to anywhere she needs or wants to be.'
Roddy MacLeod had told her. He was one of Denny's friends and back in town for the summer. They had gone to school together back in the day before he and his mom had moved away. Neither of them brought up the fact that they had been absolutely smitten with each other and had a spark as it was so long ago.
'Thank you...I can add on another ounce if you want."
"How about I take all three of you out?"
"You and your girls?"
"They're three...and not very...people-y."
"Like you said they're three and that's ok. I'm 36 and not very people-y either. How's about dinner at my place?"
"Where are you these days?"
"My Mom's old place actually. Just around the lane on the right."
"I remember."
A very small non wincing smile graced her face as she accepted the invitation.
"We'll bring dessert."
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toririvas · 2 years
Superpowereds liveblog part 2.
So Nick grew up in what, a mob casino? Wild! Insane.
Party for finals, held by upperclassmen. Cool.
PRESENTATION GUEST SPEAKER EH? a powered. Interesting. I get what Dean Blaine is trying to do but holy fuck, Nick is so paranoid. Like I get it, literally raised tht way whatever, but goddamn. Get this kid some Sertraline.
Party time! Nice to see Hersch out and about. I love that he's tapping Roy's memories for all the partying. As soon as someone starts pursuing Herschel and not Roy, I have a feeling Hersch is going to take on that "nerd that gets a TON but nobody understands why he does" stereotype. I'm not going to complain if it happens.
Fuckin. Is whiskey one of Roy's triggers? That's hilarious. God, having a cowboy brother/headmate is hilarious.
Alex clocks Nick having fun, partyboys Herschel and Nick content WHEN.
This guy Chris just cheats at beer pong but he can't hold his liquor because it's too good. Metaphor for something here, I can feel it. He gives up because Angela says to. Nice. Wonder what her deal is.
Alright, finals weeeeek! Nick's a movie guy, I love that. Vince is literally me prepping for shit. I love ya, silver.
"Just an easygoing guy I guess." Nick you have OCD levels of paranoia and anxiety. Girl.
"if you want enlightenment, I think there's guys that have some." "Huh?" Oh my god, Vince you're a nerd ass.
Finals! Nice.
Last man standing. Got it. Into the Labyrinth.
Okay, last three standing, top three killstreak. Neat.
"Do. Nothing." King shit.
Roy is out! Against an Amber. Neat! I think Roy deserves a pal or two. He's a dick, but I think some solid friends might be able to coax him into at least not being a TOTAL ass.
Alex and Vince team up? Fun.
Mary has located Nick. "Lead on, O champion of the misfit Supers." Ugh. They're so good dynamic wise.
Alice knocked out two! Nice.
Vince ate his taser! Nice. Down Thomas goes.
Nick is using Mary as his stand. God. I kith him.
"Emotional growth can wait for later."
A siren? Oooo! How evil. Nice. Alex and Vince down.
"/Playboy/ has issues. /I/ have personality." Nick is just explaining how he reads people to the girl who can read his mind, because she doesn't get the context. Goddamn. "Mister sad-sack. Get some bitches."
"Does Vince really think of me as his best friend? 🥺"
Chad? Why can't she read Chad's mind I wonder? He wants to 1v1 Mary? Fuckin Pog.
I like Chad. I again just hear my fucking ex boyfriend in his VA. It's hard to hear.
"Sometimes doing the right thing leaves you feeling like an asshole."
I need to know WHYYY she can't hear Chad. Whyyyyyyyy. Oh my god he's altered his brain chemistry and frequency? That's so cool. I like Chad. He seems a cool guy.
Alice got GOT!
It's an invisibility person? Nick is out. That's the melbrook kids gone!
Final exam, Melbrook style. Climbing a fucking mountain?????? Christ.
Nick eye reveal after almost fucking dying? Aw. They're brown. That was a gay ass sentence, Vince.
Oh my god it's our bonding trip!!! Childhood trauma talking. I love all of them.
"You make the call." Nice. They're bondingggg.
"Nick, I'm right here." "Oh I know."
Christmas at home. Nick, Mary and Herschel are what I expected. Alice is so... Oh, baby girl. The maid is fucking Colleen Delaney, and my brain went /RUBY JOURNEY?/ because the other graphic audio production I listened to had her in a main character role, Deathstalker!
Found day. Vince...
We're back together! Nick won a car. What a dweeb. Vince is showing signs of that paladin rigidity.
Sasha! Nice. (And Julia, and the Murray twins.)
Alice keeps punching Nick. I'm amused. (Ellie spraying Ike with water also made me laugh. It's the same dynamic.)
The foley for this production is immense. The movie in the background of Numbers and Transport is good. I wonder what the lesson was. It's early, I'll probably get it later.
Alright, so we've got combat/alternative placings! Vince, Mary, and Herschel into combat, Nick and Alice into alt iirc?
Tumblr media
Vince rn lmao
I had the system explained to me prior so I knew the whole "competing against past years" thing. That's wild, but it makes sense. They'd just try again anyway, might as well streamline the process. Ten spots for graduation, huh? I hope at least a couple of the Melbrook kids make it. I'm not expecting them to, but maybe I've just read too much Wildbow. He left his protagonists fate up to a dice roll. Nobody is safe over there.
Into combat and alt training. Holy shit, listening to Nick have a fucking seizure was delightful I mean, so crazy. Hell yes, alt training, that's where I'd want to go.
Alice and Mary dress up montage!!
Jill sends dudes after Will. This is clearly like, a haha gay people funny joke, and yet, I'm amused. Is this homophobic of me or am I just like "Jill clocked her brother and is just going about it the wrong way and THAT is funny"
Camille... Shy? Camille- oh my god they've MET! That's ADORABLE! Oh shit she's the injury transferrer! In talking to my dad I've learned of her. Jeez. That's potent as hell. She's so baby. And Vince doesn't remember?? That's adorable.
Okay, cool, so Alice has a friend, that's neat. Let's expose Mary to some culture. I like it.
"Cute? /Him/? ///REALLY?///" Alice. Girl...
Hersch asked Mary! Good! Look at them bumble around like newborn fawns together. The fact that it specifically calls that she isn't using her power, too? Ughhhh!!! so cute
Combat training. Roy v Chad always, and then other combat partners. Nick keeps getting shut down for being mouthy, I think it's cute. Ugh. I could break him.
Roy getting continuously beat is so good. He's got that spirit though. Oh, Roy manifested to protect Herschel? That's adorable! I love all the little flashbacks. Ugh. Ugh!!! This is so emotionally investing!
Mary said "ya got daddy issues and you're taking it out on us" and Roy said "fuck off!" nice. Chad still wants to spar, what a... A Chad, I guess.
Parents weekend? Ooh. Tfw only two people in your dorm have parents that care. Sasha is so cute. I hope she doesn't die or something.
"Nick go hang out with Alice." "Fuck off." "Please?" "Fine." And he's having *fun* dammit. Even if he's getting shoes thrown at him.
Nick's got his... Bouncer? Mary has her parents, Hersch has his mom, and poor Alice is stuck hanging out with her dad who didn't actually come for her.
Nick wanted Vince to come along! Aw, baby BOY. Vince is just so nice.
"For a conman you sure have a strict moral code." Go comfort Alice, oh my goddd she's gonna cry dude! Look at her she's got anxiety!!!!!
Ohhhh my god he's putting on the fucking WILES. He's so!!! She's gonna collapse oh my god. No glasses too!!! Aaaaugh???
"We've only been together for a few minutes and you already know I'm into the kinky shit." "I am going to k i l l you." Fake dating ends me ends me ends me. I think I like them so much because I already write Essentially This Dynamic with mine and my friend's OCS. It's ridiculous.
Transport asking Vince to eat so he isn't alone. Hrghrhhrm.... adorable.
Ma Daniels, a competent woman after my own heart.
Date went solid, Alice is starting to /flutter/. Nick is solidly in denial that he likes his friends, or will call them his friends at all. Ugh.
Dean Blaine sounds like how I imagine Vice Principal Goldenhoard from d20. Big booming voice.
Chad isn't hangin out huh? Wild. Anyway Roy got slutshamed. Swag.
Part 2 officially complete.
Asking Mary out! There's some Otome game ass music in the background. I'm half expecting to hear a soft /Doki Doki!/
Everyone is just like "oh my fucking god FINALLY" lmao
Nick is playing into his avoidant streak, thinking he's going to make Alice hate him when really she's just going to get jealous. Wild play. It's Bubbles! She's cute. Poor thing is gonna get her heart broken.
Here's the point where I got into the car so imma speed summarize.
Alice getting a surprise birthday party was adorable! The Melbrooks really went all out and I'm glad, she deserves it. I was so wowed by Nick's gift that I audibly said "this is so cute I'm going to puke". What else... Vince has some sort of sexual trauma, inchresting. Ranged practice was before that and I? Am just so. Hmm, about Nick's upbringing. Three? You learned to shoot at three? I knew he was faking immediately, it reminded me of the scene in spiderverse where Miles gets every answer wrong on purpose. Vince cast chain lightning. Michaels got a drinking and ego problem.
Anyway, it's lake trip time. My impending sense of doom is building. Something is going to go wrong, I can feel it. There's no way finals will come THAT easy.
That will be all for today.
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fulltimeallthetime · 4 years
So I’ve recently found my love of books.  It started with audio books...and then reading while on the treadmill (giant ipad, big print).
I had to start tracking my reads because I would start a book and think I had read it before, but couldn’t be quite certain.
I’m into serial  killer, thriller books.  Definitely appreciate a strong female lead.
Here’s my list for the past two years!
This is How I Lied by Heather Gudenkauf
The Look Alike by Erica Spindler
Sister Dear by Hannah Mary McKinnon
Eight Perfect Murders, Peter Swanson
The First Mistake, Sandie Jones
The Perfect Wife, JP Delaney
One Night Gone, Tara Laskowski
Buried by Ellison Cooper
The Wife Stalker by Liv Constantine
Cut to the Bone by Ellison Cooper
The Turn of the Key- Ruth Ware
The Twin by Natasha Preston
The Third Wife by Lisa Jewell
The One by John Marrs
The Guest list by Lucy Foley
The end of Her- Shari Lapena
The Half Sister by Sandie Jones
Pretty Thing by Janelle Brown
Caged by Ellison Cooper
Have you Seen me? by Kate White
The Undertaker's Daughter- Sara Blaedel
Dear Girls- Ali Wong
Under the Table- Stephanie Evanovich
Watch me Disappear- Janelle Brown
Pretty Baby by Mary Kubica
A woman is No Man- Etaf Rum
Emma in the Night- Wendy walker
Never let you go- CHevy Stevens
Every Last lie- Mary Kubica
A Good Girls Guide to Murder by Holly Jackson
Caught- Harlan Coben
I see you- Clare mackintosh
The Girl Before- Rena Olsen
Yes please- Amy poehler
what she knew by gilly macmillan
what rose forgot - Nevada Barr
My Lovely Wife- Samantha Downing
How to be a Bawse- Lilly Singh
The Boy from the Woods- Harlan Coben
The Last Time I lied- Riley Sager
No Exit- Taylor Adams
Calm the Fuck Down- Sarah Knight
Girl, Stop Apologizing- Rachel Hollis
The Other Mrs- Mary Kubica
You Are Not Alone- Greer Hendricks
The Wives- Tarryn Fisher
When you See me- Linsa Gardner
The Kept Woman- Karin Slaughter
Criminal- Karin Slaughter
Lock Every Door- Riley Sager
Blindsighted- Karin Slaughter
Beyond Reach- Karin Slaughter
Snatched- Karin Slaughter
Little Fires Everywhere- Celest Ng
Trace of Evil- Alice Blanchard
Faithless- Karin Slaughter
A Faint Cold Fear- Karin Slaughter
Broke- Karin Slaughter
Indelible- Karin Slaughter
Behind her Eyes- Sarah Pinborough
Undone- Karin Slaughter
Outfox- Sandra Brown
Accused- Lisa Scottoline
Leaving Time- Jodi Picoult
Triptych- Karin Slaughter
The Ex- Alafair Burke
Someone we Know- Shari Lapena
Other Woman- Sandie Jones
The Better Sister- Alafair Burke
The Last House Guest- Megan Miranda
Sleeping Beauties- Stephen King
RUnaway- Karlan Coben
Someone Knows- Lisa Scottoline
Girls LIke Us- Cristina Alger
One of us is lying- Karen McManus
Don't let go- harlan coben
Mean Streak- Sandra Brown
Fierce Kingtom- Gin PHillips
I Have no secrets- Penny Joelson
It's always the husband- michele campbell
Right behind you- Lisa Gardner
2nd Chance- James Patterson
The WOman in the Window- AJ Finn
NOS4A2- Joe HIll
The House Next Door- James Patterson
One Perfect Lie- Lisa Scottoline
The banker's wife- Cirstina Alger
The Whisper Man- Alex NOrth
Crash & Burn- LIsa Gardner
Without Merit- Colleen Hoover
Dark Sacred Night- Michael Connelly
1st to die- james patterson
Unsolved- James Patterson
Survivors Club- LIsa Gardner
The Grown up- Gillian Flynn
Touch & Go- Lisa Gardner
Pieces of Her- Karin Slaughter
A is for Alibi- Sue Grafton
Pieces of her_ Karin Slaughter
November 9- Colleen Hoover
Redemption- David Baldacci
The Perfect Mother- Aimee Molloy
THen She was gone- lisa jewell
The 4th Man- Lisa Gardner
If I live- Terri Blackstock
Never Tell- Lisa Gardner
If I run- Terri Blackstock
Why not me- Mindy Kaling
The Silent Sister- Diane Chamberlain
My Husband's Wife- Jane Corry
Murder Games- James Patterson
GIrl Wash Your Face- Rachel Hollis
Blonde Hair, Blue Eyes- Karin Slaughter
Say Goodbye- Lisa Garner
The Woman in Cabin 10- Ruth Ware
GOne- Lisa Gardner
The Lying Game- Ruth Ware
SOmething in the Water- Catherine Steadman
One Dormant- Blake Pierce
THe Late show- Michael Connelly
The Silent Wife- ASA Harrison
The Killing Hour- Lisa Gardner
THe Fallen- David Baldacci
The Next Accident- Lisa Gardner
The Fix- David Baldacci
The perfect Husband- Lisa Gardner
The Last Mile- David Baldacci
The Anonymous Girl- Greer Hendricks
All the Missing Girls- MEgan Miranda
Memory Man- David Baldacci
The Chemist- STephenie Meyer
Last Breath, Karin Slaughter
Look for me- Lisa Gardner
An Unwanted Guest- Shari Lapena
Pretty girls- Karin Slaughter
Breakdown- BA Paris
FInd her- LIsa Gardner
Fear Nothing- Lisa Gardner
Luckiest GIrl Alive- Jessica Knoll
Catch me- lisa Gardner
Bring me back- BA Paris
The 7th Month- lisa Gardner
The girl before- JP Delaney
A Stranger in the house- Shari lapena
After anna- Lisa Scottoline
Love you more- LIsa Gardner
Live to Tell- Lisa Gardner
The NEighbor- Lisa Gardner
Hide- Lisa Gardner
Once Trapped- Blake PIerce
Alone- Lisa Gardner
Final Girls- Riley Sager
nOnce Bound- Blake pierce
Once buried- Blake pierce
the couple next door- shari lapena
once lost- blake pierce
behind closed doors- ba paris
the last mrs parrish- liv constantine
once stalked- blake pierce
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sipofsin · 4 years
Meet Marylouise
There were many things Marylou would remember about her growin’ up years as she called them. The Delaney kids, all four of them, grew up dirt poor in the hills of Kentucky. Two parents, Fritz and Wilma started out as high school sweethearts and became more and more embittered with one another with every passing year and subsequent birth of each child. The first two, Fritz Jr. and Lynelle were born sleeping and the next two, Calvin and Bart weren’t anything remarkable, and were sent to live with two far flung cousins out in Owensboro who couldn’t have children of their own. Next came Otto, a wily lil’ sumbitch as their father called him was born during a blackout. The final Delaney child born into the family was little Mary Louise born on all Saint’s Day and hollering with clenched fists raised to the sky at the unjustness of being pushed out into a world where she clearly wasn’t wanted. Some say that Fritz Sr. lost his mind the day Jr. was born and sent into Jesus’s arms, needless to say he had checked out by the time Marylou had been brought into the world. Her big brother Otto thought she was most beautiful angel baby he’d ever seen with her big blue eyes and head of hair that was black as coal. Their mother let him name her, as Soot wasn’t suitable for an infant he settled on the name he liked best, Mary Lou after the Ronnie Hawkins song that he’d heard. The nickname of Soot or Sooty stuck, much for her chagrin as they grew up. 
One of the first memories that stuck out to her was being about four or five and watching her mother put her face on one morning. Wilma Delaney was a slender woman with large green eyes and pin straight thick dark hair much like Marylou’s own. A fine straight nose and high cheekbones make her resemble the fine china figures she’d seen in the shop windows one day as she and Otto walked to the bus stop. Carefully teasing and adjusting her bouffant Wilma moved to powder her nose and line her eyes with a deft hand. Reaching out she gently tapped Marylou on the nose with the powder puff as little hands found the tube of Firecracker lipstick in the pearly pink case. 
“MaryLouise, you’ve gotta promise your Mama somethin’. Find you a man with kind eyes, babygirl. Let’s you see just what’s in his soul...down deep. Don’t go fallin’ for some pit viper that promises you the world and breaks your spirit.”
Marylou looked her mother deeply in the eyes and reached out a small hand towards her mother’s. 
“Cross my heart, hope to die stick a red hot needle in my eye, Mama. I promise you.”
By the time Mary was twelve and Otto had just celebrated his eighteenth birthday their mother was locked up in Eddysville and and Fritz was one very crispy critter buried down in the old churchyard down on Cumberland road. The only saving grace was that Otto had a stable job and was legally considered an adult in the eyes of the courts. He had been looking after Marylou her entire life, now it was just court recorded.
By the time Colleen was 18 Otto was doing a piece in San Joaquin. Colleen headed towards the Dakotas and found steady work for herself. What she didn’t know was from her first night being featured on a billboard outside the city limits a lonely truck driver was struck by Cupid’s arrow. Little does he know that he’s in for a time.
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thatpennybenjamin · 2 years
Slave To Love Verse
Name: Mary Colleen Delaney-Wilde
DOB: November 1
POB: Newtownabbey, UK 
Grew Up: 
Parents: Minerva Delaney & James ‘Wincher’ Wilde
Profession: She’s had many jobs. Here’s just a few:
- Coat check girl at the Rum Runner in Birmingham 
- Cocktail waitress at various establishments ( too many ) 
- Dog groomer ( yep, she’s got her certificate and everything ) 
- Hairstylist and Nail Technician ( Mhm, same as above ) 
- Care Giver to the Homebound ( this was always interesting and what she loved ) 
- Nursery School Assistant  ( she also loved this one as well ) 
- Portrait Sitter ( this one led to Big Things ) 
- She originally didn’t have any ambition to go into modeling at all. 
- She originally just wanted to be a dancer. She had loved ballet as a child but she out grew the height requirement. 
- Grew up surrounded by music as her mother dabbled with it along with her aunts Athena, Diana, and Cassiopeia. 
- Counts her lucky stars for finding her best friend during their first day or nursery school. 
- She met Jack ‘Black Jack’ Donovan through their mutual good friends Maurice and Cage back in November of 1978. They had traveled in the same circles for ages and never put two and two together. 
- They have a few properties across the globe bath they’re understated places. Quiet, hidden gems that hold a special meaning to both of them.
- It took them the better part of a decade to actually tie the knot.  Between his touring schedule and studio booking time and her travel schedule for runway shows and photo shoots it was hectic. 
- Left modeling world very quietly in 1999 to focus on home. 
0 notes
Christmas in Connecticut-Chapter 13
A little fun Christmas fluff-Because it’s pretty evident that Andy is a dog person. Anyone else ever notice how much he seemed to like the dogs they came across on the show, he had real affectdion for them (as a dog lover I noticed and appreciated this). I remember the little one he raced off to catch and was then cuddling in his arms--Provenza made him give the dog to Rusty to walk and get back to work. Provenza is NOT a dog person. Anyway, that’s where the inspiration for the first scene comes from.
Also in this chapter we meet Sharon’s sister and brother in law, Christine and Ed. For reference, when writing them I pictured Dana Delaney and Brian Dennehy.
You can find Chapter 13 here:
and here:
and here:
Sleigh bells ring, are you listening In the lane snow is glistening A beautiful sight, we're happy tonight Walking in a winter wonderland
Gone away is the bluebird Here to stay is a new bird He sings a love song as we go along Walking in a winter wonderland
In the meadow we can build a snowman Then pretend that he is Parson Brown He'll say, "Are you married?" We'll say, "No man" But you can do the job when you're in town
Later on we'll conspire As we dream by the fire To face unafraid, the plans that we've made Walking in a winter wonderland
“So, you like dogs?”
Andy glanced away from TV at William’s question. He’d been so engrossed in the football game, he’d hardly been aware that Guinness had jumped up on the couch and had his big golden head resting on his lap. Or that he’d been patting that head.
“Yeah, I do. We had one when Nic was a kid. Cute little mutt.” He’d lost Bandit in the divorce, along with Nicole. At least with Nicole he’d gotten visitation rights. Not so with Bandit.  “After my divorce there was no way I could take care of a dog on my schedule. You can’t have a dog when you’re getting stuck at work for sometimes 13 or 14 hours. But someday, maybe when I retire, I‘d like to get another one.”
“That’s why Mom never let us have a dog,” Ricky said. From the tone of his voice, Andy could tell this had been a bone of contention in the Raydor household.
“Ricky, you know I would love to have had a dog, but like Andy said, it wouldn’t have been fair to the dog. I didn’t work the crazy hours he did, at least not once I moved to the PSB, but with work and you and Emily and all your extracurricular activities there just wasn’t time.” She left out the dealing with everything “on my own” but it was there, and they all knew it.”
“Besides, Mom let us have cats.” Emily jumped in to her mother’s defense.
Ricky nodded. “Princess Buttercup.”
Rusty raised an eyebrow. “Princess Buttercup? That’s what you named your cat?”
“It’s from the Princess Bride,” Emily said.
“What’s the Princess Bride?”
“You’ve never seen the Princess Bride? What did you, live under a…” Ricky stopped himself, horrified at his open mouth insert foot moment.
Rusty flushed, as the room grew quiet. He was embarrassed to know they were all thinking about his horrible childhood of abuse and neglect, but before the moment could become even more awkward with Ricky starting to apologize, Andy interjected.
“It’s a great movie.”
“You watched the Princess Bride? And you liked it?” Rusty snickered at the idea of Andy Flynn watching a movie with that title.
“Dozens of times. It was Nic’s favorite movie. And yes, I liked it.”
“It’s still one of my favorite movies,” Nicole said.
“Don’t let the name fool you. It really is a great movie,” Ricky agreed. “It’s not just some sappy girly love story. It’s funny.”
“And full of swashbuckling adventure,” Andy added.
“Swashbuckling?” Rusty was still skeptical.
“Yeah, you know, pirate stuff, sword fights. When we get back to LA, we’ll have a movie night and watch it together. It’s one of your mother’s favorites too.”
“Not that there is anything wrong with sappy girly love stories.” Sharon ruffled Ricky’s hair as she walked past him to sit beside Andy on the couch. “And as far as pets go, let’s remember that against my better judgment, I let you get a lizard.”
Andy turned to look at her. “You had a lizard?”
“I didn’t have a lizard, Ricky did.”
“After she refused to let me get a snake.”
Sharon shivered at the memory. “No snakes in my house. We compromised on the lizard…What?” She asked at Andy’s grin.
“Nothing. I was just thinking--you’re the master negotiator at work AND at home.”
“Yes, well, that negotiation came back to bite me on the…well, rear end,” she said, keeping it clean for the little ones who were laying on the floor playing ‘Chute‘s and Ladders‘. “Ricky broke his arm playing Pop Warner football and guess who had to clean the lizard cage?”
“Terrarium,” Ricky corrected.
“Cage, terrarium, whatever you want to call it, I had to clean it.”
“Aw, Mom, you know you developed a nice little relationship with Draco.”
“If by nice little relationship you mean I stopped nearly having a nervous breakdown every time I had to pick him up, then yes, I did.”
Andy squeezed Sharon’s hand. “You have a great mom, Ricky. If I’d ever had a lizard my mother would have let it die before touching it.”
White wash!” Ricky raced out from behind his fort like a World War 1 soldier charging out of the trenches and chased Emily with a large pile of snow in his hand.
“Don’t you dare!” She shrieked, slipping on the ice as she tried to avoid being slammed in the face with the pile of snow. “Ricky stop, I can’t afford to hurt my foot again.”
Ricky stopped, his eyes narrowing suspiciously. “Oh, you’re good sis.”
“What’s a whitewash?” Scott asked, ducking his head behind the wall of snow that protected him from the snowballs whizzing overhead. Everyone had gone out to the front lawn bundled up against the cold to help the kids build a snowman, after which Ricky had suggested building forts, picking teams and having a snowball fight.
Andy grinned at the boys and bent to pick up a pile of snow before approaching Sharon with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. “I’ll show you what a whitewash is.”  Seeing what he was all about she turned to make her get away but he grabbed her by the coat before she could bolt.
“Andy, Andy stop!” Her tone was far more commanding that Emily’s shriek.
“Just trying to educate the boys.”
“Andy I mean it---”While trying to twist out of his grip, they both lost their balance and fell back into a large snow bank. Andy rolled on top of her his eyebrows twitching in what he thought was a menacing manner but which only made Sharon giggle.
“I’ve got you just where I want you pretty maiden.”
“Andy.” Her voice grew low, threatening. “I swear to God if you whitewash my face there will be a certain part of your anatomy that will not be functioning properly for the rest of this vacation.”
“You wouldn’t.”
“Oh, wouldn’t I?”
“You‘d be cutting off your nose to spite your face.”
Sharon lifted her knee. “Try me.”
Andy dropped the snow and quickly rolled off her. “Okay, you win.”
“Oh for goodness sakes. She can‘t knee me in the balls.”
With that statement, Sharon felt an icy handful of snow smashed forcefully into her face. 
“Now that boys, is a whitewash.”
Gasping and sputtering, Sharon quickly rubbed the snow out of her eyes so she could see her assailant. There she stood, familiar hazel eyes dancing with mirth, her hands on her hips and a cocky smile.
Sharon rose, eyes narrowing in her best Darth Raydor glare. “Christine Mary O’Dwyer Simmons, YOU are going to pay for that.”
“Oh yeah, who’s gonna make me?”
Before Christine could even blink Sharon had hooked a foot behind her calf and pulled her feet out from beneath her so she fell into the same soft pile of snow, then treated her to her very own whitewash.
“That’s enough girls.” Colleen had come out of the house when she’d heard the car drive up and was surveying her daughters with a shake of her head. “You two sound exactly like you did when you were eight and nine years old.”
Sharon and Christine grinned at each as Sharon extended a hand to help her sister up out of the snow. “Good to see, sis.” She said.
“You too.” Christine pulled her into an exuberant hug. “Where the hell did you learn how to do that? I didn’t even see it coming.”
“You don’t mess with a cop, Chrissie.”
“Geez. I guess not.”
Andy watched the sisters with amusement. This was a completely new side of Sharon. “You must be Christine,” he said stepping forward with interest. There was no denying the two were blood. Though Christine was a little shorter than Sharon was and as he got closer he noticed that her eyes were hazel rather than Sharon’s vivid green, they shared the same porcelain and rose complexion dotted with a few whimsical freckles and the same thick auburn hair, though Christine wore hers in a shorter pixyish cut while Sharon’s fell over her shoulders in waves. If he had to classify them, he’d call Christine cute, while Sharon was beautiful. Then again, he might be a touch biased. No one, in his eyes, could hold a candle to his Sharon.
“Must be. And you must be the very dashing Andy Flynn.” After shaking his hand, Christine looked him up and down. “You’re even better looking in person.” Andy laughed at the flirtatious flutter of her eyelashes.
Sharon groaned. “For God sake Christine, do you have to say absolutely everything that pops into your head?”
“Uh, yes.” Christine was as irreverent as Sharon was circumspect.
“Are they always like this?” Andy turned to the heavyset bearded man who was also watching with amusement.
“Pretty much.”
“Hey Ed.” Sharon stepped into the big man’s embrace.
“Hey, gorgeous. I don’t know how you do it Sharon; you get more beautiful every time I see you.”
“Quit flirting with my sister.” Christine’s protest was belied by her affectionate smile.
“Just stating facts. The O’Dwyer girls are something to look at, wouldn’t you say?”
“I would,” Andy agreed.
“Andy, this is my brother in law Ed Simmons. He‘s not even Irish but he‘s got the gift of the blarney. Ed, Andy Flynn.”
“Nice to meet you.”
“You too. You’re a cop right?”
“Yes, a lieutenant with the LAPD.”
“And Sharon’s your boss.”
“Yep.” Andy grinned, not at all put out by that fact. “Best boss I‘ve ever had.  
“I bet. So, what’s that like? Is it kind of sexy, being bossed around by your girlfriend? That can be a turn on.”
“Actually, sometimes it is.”
“Andy!” Sharon shoved at him with her shoulder.
“What? I’m just saying…. “
Sharon cut him off, turning to the rest of the family. “Why don’t we all go in for some hot chocolate? How does that sound? “
“It sounds like you’re changing the subject.” Andy fell in step with her as everyone began heading back toward the house. “And you’re turning a pretty shade of red.”
“Must be a hot flash.”
“Yeah, that’s it.” Andy chuckled at her discomfort.
“You need to behave. “ Sharon pointed a warning finger at him, which only made Andy laugh harder.
“There you go again, getting all bossy. “ He leaned in closer so only she would hear. He didn‘t want to completely embarrass her. “It is a turn on, you know.”
“Andy Flynn you’re incorrigible.” Her reprimand was laced with amusement. This boyish, playful, slightly naughty side to Andy had always been irresistible to her.  
“Mmmhmmm. And you love me for it.”
Oh yes she did.  
Once inside the foyer, with coats and hats removed, there were hugs all around. Sharon was hugging her youngest niece Bridget who was in grad school and had come down from Massachusetts with her parents when she saw Christine hugging Ricky. Her sister’s eyes clouded over with pain, but it was only for an instant and anyone who didn’t know her as well as Sharon might have missed it. By the time she had pulled back, to look up at her nephew Christine was grinning and teasing him about his scruff.
“Hard to believe this tall young man came from your body, isn’t it?” she said to Sharon.
Sharon turned wistful. “It is. I can still remember so clearly how easily he fit in the crook of my arm.”
The sad look touched Christine’s face again compelling Sharon to take her hand, squeezing it gently. Their eyes met, acknowledging that pain without a word.
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chenardery · 7 years
List of girls that may break your heart
Aaliyah Abbey Abbie Abbigail Abby Abigail Addison Adrian Adriana Adrianna Adrienne Aileen Aimee Aisha Aja Alaina Alanah Alana Alanna Alayna Aleah Alecia Alejandra Alena Alesha Alessandra Alex Alexa Alexandra Alexandrea Alexandria Alexia Alexis Alexus Ali Alice Alicia Alina Alisa Alisha Alison Alissa Aliyah Allie Allison Allyson Allyssa Alma Alondra Alycia Alysa Alysha Alysia Alyson Alyssa Amanda Amani Amber Amelia Amy Ana Anabel Anais Anastasia Andrea Angel Angela Angelica Angelina Angelique Angie Anika Anissa Anita Anjelica Anne Annamarie Anne Annette Annie Annika Annmarie Antoinette Antonia April Araceli Ariana Arianna Ariel Arielle Arlene Asha Ashanti Ashely Ashlee Ashleigh Ashley Ashli Ashlie Ashly Ashlyn Ashlynn Ashton Asia Aspen Astrid Athena Aubree Aubrey Audra Audrey Aurora Autumn Ava Avery Ayana Ayanna Ayla Bailee Bailey Barbara Baylee Beatrice Beatriz Belinda Berenice Bernadette Beth Bethany Betsy Betty Beverly Bianca Billie Blair Blanca Bobbi Bobbie Bonnie Brandi Brandie Brandy Brea Breana Breann Breanna Breanne Brenda Brenna Breonna Bria Briana Brianna Brianne Bridget Bridgette Brielle Britany Britney Britni Brittani Brittanie Brittany Brittney Brittni Brook Brooke Brooklyn Bryana Bryanna Caitlin Caitlyn Callie Cameron Camille Candace Candice Cara Carina Carissa Carla Carlee Carley Carli Carlie Carly Carmen Carol Carolina Caroline Carolyn Carrie Carson Casandra Casey Cassandra Cassidy Cassie Catalina Catherine Cayla Celeste Celia Celina Celine Chandler Chanel Chantal Chantel Charity Charlene Charlotte Chasity Chaya Chelsea Chelsey Chelsi Chelsie Cheryl Cheyanne Cheyenne China Chloe Christa Christen Christian Christiana Christie Christin Christina Christine Christy Ciara Ciera Cierra Cindy Claire Clara Clare Clarissa Claudia Colleen Connie Constance Cora Corey Cori Corina Corinne Cortney Courtney Cristal Cristina Crystal Cynthia Daisy Dakota Dalia Dallas Damaris Dana Danica Daniela Daniella Danielle Daphne Dara Darby Darcy Darian Darlene Dawn Dayna Deana Deanna Debbie Deborah Debra Deja Delaney Demi Desiree Destinee Destiney Destini Destiny Devan Devin Devon Devyn Diamond Diana Diane Dianna Dina Dominique Dominque Domonique Donna Doris Dorothy Drew Dulce Eboni Ebony Eden Edith Eileen Elaina Elaine Eleanor Elena Eliana Elisa Elisabeth Elise Elisha Elissa Eliza Elizabeth Ella Ellen Ellie Elsa Elyse Elyssa Emerald Emilee Emilia Emilie Emily Emely Emma Erica Ericka Erika Erin Esmeralda Essence Estefania Esther Eunice Eva Evelyn Fabiola Faith Fatima Felicia Fiona Frances Francesca Franchesca Francheska Gabriela Gabriella Gabrielle Genesis Genevieve Georgia Georgina Gianna Gillian Gina Giovanna Giselle Gladys Gloria Grace Graciela Gretchen Griselda Guadalupe Gwendolyn Hailee Hailey Haleigh Haley Hali Halie Halle Hallie Hanna Hannah Harley Haylee Hayley Haylie Hazel Heather Heaven Heidi Helen Helena Hilary Hillary Hollie Holly Hope Hunter Iesha Iliana Imani India Ingrid Irene Iris Irma Isabel Isabella Isabelle Isamar Itzel Ivette Ivy jashi Jackie Jacklyn Jaclyn Jacqueline Jacquelyn Jada Jade Jaime Jaimie Jalisa Jami Jamie Jamila Jana Janae Janay Jane Janelle Janessa Janet Janette Janice Janie Janine Jaqueline Jasmin Jasmine Jayla Jayme Jazmin Jazmine Jazmyn Jean Jeanette Jena Jenifer Jenna Jennie Jennifer Jenny Jerrica Jesse Jessenia Jessi Jessica Jessie Jessika Jill Jillian Joan Joana Joann Joanna Joanne Jocelyn Jodi Jodie Joelle Johanna Jolene Jordan Joselyn Josephine Josie Joy Joyce Juana Juanita Judith Judy Julia Juliana Julianna Julianne Julie Juliet Julissa Justice Justina Justine Kacey Kaci Kim Kacie Kaela Kaila Kailee Kailey Kailyn Kaitlin Kaitlyn Kaitlynn Kala Kaleigh Kaley Kali Kalie Kallie Kalyn Kara Karen Kari Karina Karissa Karla Karlee Karley Karli Karlie Karly Kasandra Kasey Kassandra Kassidy Kassie Katarina Kate Katelin Katelyn Katelynn Katerina Katharine Katherine Katheryn Kathleen Kathrine Kathryn Kathy Katie Katlin Katlyn Katlynn Katrina Katy Kaycee Kayla Kaylee Kayleigh Kayley Kayli Kaylie Kaylin Kaylyn Kaylynn Keely Keila Keisha Keishla Kelcie Kelley Kelli Kellie Kelly Kelsea Kelsey Kelsi Kelsie Kendal Kendall Kendra Kenia Kennedy Kenya Keri Kerri Kerry Khadijah Kia Kiana Kianna Kiara Kiera Kierra Kiersten Kiley Kimberlee Kira Kirsten Kirstie Kirstin Kori Kortney Kourtney Krista Kristal Kristen Kristi Kristian Kristie Kristin Kristina Kristine Kristy Kristyn Krysta Krystal Kyla Kylee Kylie Kyra Lacey Lacie Lacy Lakeisha Lana Lara Latasha Latisha Latoya Laura Laurel Lauren Laurie Lauryn Layla Lea Leah Leandra Leann Leanna Leanne Leeann Leigh Leila Lena Lesley Leslie Lesly Leticia Lexi Lexie Lexus Liana Lidia Liliana Lillian Lily Linda Lindsay Lindsey Lisa Liza Lizbeth Lizeth Lizette Logan Loren Lorena Lori Lorraine Lourdes Lucero Lucia Lucy Luz Lydia Lyndsey Lynette Lynn Macey Macie Mackenzie Macy Madalyn Maddison Madeleine Madeline Madelyn Madison Maegan Magdalena Maggie Maire Makayla Makenna Makenzie Malia Mallory Mandy Mara Maranda Marcella Margaret Margarita Mariam Mariana Maribel Maricela Marie Mariel Mariela Marilyn Marina Marisa Marisela Marisol Marissa Maritza Marlee Marlena Marlene Martha Martina Mary Maura Maureen Maya Mayra Mckayla Mckenna Mckenzie Meagan Meaghan Megan Meghan Melanie Melina Melinda Melisa Melissa Melody Meranda Mercedes Meredith Mia Micaela Micah Michaela Michele Michelle Mikaela Mikala Mikayla Mindy Miracle Miranda Mireya Miriam Misty Mollie Molly Monica Monika Monique Montana Morgan Moriah Mya Myra Myranda Nadia Nadine Nancy Nautica Naomi Natalia Natalie Nataly Natasha Nathalie Nayeli Nia Nichole Nicole Nicolette Nikita Nikki Nikole Nina Noel Noelle Noemi Nora Norma Octavia Olga Olivia Paige Paloma Pamela Paola Paris Patrice Patricia Paula Paulina Pauline Payton Perla Peyton Phoebe Precious Princess Priscilla Rachael Racheal Rachel Rachelle Randi Raquel Raven Reagan Rebeca Rebecca Rebekah Regan Regina Reina Renee Reyna Rhiannon Rhonda Rikki Riley Rita Robin Robyn Rochelle Rocio Rosa Rose Rosemary Roxana Roxanne Ruby Ruth Ryan Rylee Sabrina Sade Sadie Sage Salina Sally Samantha Sandra Sandy Sara Sarah Sarai Sarina Sasha Savanah Savanna Savannah Scarlett Selena Selina Serena Shaina Shakira Shana Shania Shanice Shaniqua Shanna Shannon Shantel Sharon Shauna Shawna Shayla Shayna Shea Sheena Sheila Shelbi Shelbie Shelby Shelly Sherry Shirley Shyanne Sidney Sierra Silvia Simone Skye Skylar Skyler Sofia Sonia Sonya Sophia Sophie Stacey Staci Stacie Stacy Stefanie Stephanie Stephany Stevie Stormy Summer Susan Susana Susanna Suzanne Sydnee Sydney Sydnie Sylvia Tabatha Tabitha Talia Tamara Tammy Tania Tanisha Tanya Tara Taryn Tasha Tatiana Tatum Tatyana Tayler Taylor Teresa Terra Terri Tess Tessa Thalia Theresa Tia Tiana Tianna Tiara Tiera Tierra Tiffani Tiffanie Tiffany Tina Toni Tonya Tori Tracey Traci Tracy Tricia Trinity Trisha Trista Tyesha Tyler Tyra Valeria Valerie Vanesa Vanessa Veronica Victoria Virginia Vivian Viviana Wendy Whitley Whitney Xiomara Zoe
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pcwpolwrestling · 6 years
Feeling the 'Bern'/Sanders In/Extreme Election Night 2016 Review: PCW Newsline
2/21/2019 PCW NEWSLINE-Review of last week’s Extreme Political TV-Bernie Sanders joins the 2020 Sweepstakes -PCW Rankings-Preview of this week’s show. -PCW Extra- Matches from 2016 Extreme Election Night including a replay of the Bernie Sanders-Hillary Clinton match.
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CURRENT CHAMPIONS OF THE POLITICAL UNIVERSE:Universal PCW Champion: ‘Red Solo Plastic Cup’ Ray McAvay (Independent/Les Miserables)Universal PCW Tag Team Champions: Jill Berg Enterprises: P.M.C. Banks and Kirk Walstreit (American Patriots)Universal PCW Women’s Champion: ‘Extreme Pizza Delivery Girl’ Tessa Martin (Independent)PWF Red Brand Champion: Kirk Walstreit- the Wall Street Market Analyst with the Man Crush on ESPN’s Kirk HerbstreitPWF Blue Brand Champion: ‘Mr. Hollywood’ Kevin Daniels
PWF Red Brand Tag Team Champions: Banks and WalstreitPWF Blue Brand Tag Team Champions: Union Jack Taylor and the Ultimate Social Justice Warrior
LAST WEEK ON EXTREME POLITICAL TV:‘Low Level Reporter at the New York Times Trying to Make a Name for Herself’ Colleen Crowder gets offended at ‘The Voice of PCW’ Johnny Suave’s ‘Fake News’ t-shirt.
PCW Owner Dawn McGill talks about her experience being ‘detained’ by the Coke Brothers/George Moros/The Establishment.
The Champion of the Political Universe (which sounds really impressive if you think about it) ‘Red Solo Plastic Cup’ Ray McAvay stops by to watch Truckin’ Average Company (Ken Worth-American Trucker/Average Joe/Brad Company) defeat Georgia-Florida State Line and Mr. Wrestling XXXIV.
Russian Collusion comes up. Fox News’s Tucker Carlson tells Colleen that THERE…WAS…NO…RUSSIAN…COLLUSION after she complains about Russian referee Corrina Romanov coming back to officiate a match (Romanov was the referee of the Trump-Clinton match at Extreme Election Night 2016).
Jill Berg Enterprises continues to woo Charlie Blackwell of the Sports Entertainment Corporation.
The Shutdown was averted thanks to a deal brokered by Executive Committee President Nancy Pelosi (CA-Progressive Alliance) and American Patriot Leader Mitch McConnell (KY-American Patriots.
But then CEO of the Political Universe Donald Trump (NY-American Patriots) declares a Security Emergency and gets into it with CNN’s Jim Acosta again.
‘New Age Sensitive Guy’ Blaine Thomas-Taylor vs. ‘The New Age Cybertronic Criminally Insane Rogue Sentient Robot Wrestling Machine’ Ultratron-Five makes his PCW debut and defeats ‘New Age Sensitive Guy’ Blaine Thomas-Taylor.
‘Sports Entertainment Genius’ Mr. McMann visits McGill and warns her she can’t defeat the Establishment.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez celebrates preventing Amazon from building a new headquarters in New York City. ‘American Citizen’ Kevin Scott comes out and he’s not impressed.
Main Event: Scott defeats SNAFU.
BERNIE SANDERS JOINS THE PROGRESSIVE ALLIANCE CEO RACEBernie Sanders (VT-Progressive Alliance) announced this week that he is joining the increasingly crowded 2020 race.
Sanders competed in 2016 and lost to with eventual Progressive Alliance standard bearer Hillary Clinton in a hard fought contest in 2016 Hillary Clinton. Clinton went on to lose at PCW Extreme Election Night 2016 to Donald Trump.
Sanders joins a field including Cory Booker (NJ), Kamala Harris (CA), Julian Castro (TX), Tulsi Gabbard (HI), John Delaney (MD), Richard Ojeda (WV), former tech executive Andrew Yang (NY), Elizabeth Warren (MA), and Amy Klobuchar (MN).
Others who may join the race: Kirsten Gillibrand (NY), Pete Buttigieg (IN), Former PCW COO Joe Biden, billionaire Michael Bloomberg (NY), and Sherrod Brown (OH).
RED BRAND SHOWAs both shows get back into gear following the month plus long shutdown, here’s how the Red Brand shows breaks down at the moment.
The Red Brand Champion remains ‘Wall Street Market Analyst with the Man Crush on ESPN’s Kirk Herbstreit’ Kirk Walstreit representing Jill Berg Enterprises. JBE also boasts P.M.C. Banks, Big Oil, and 4 time PCW champion Yamamoto Tanaka in their ranks plus Berg herself is a former PCW champion.
Jill Berg Enterprises also has the Red Brand Tag Team champions in Banks and Walstreit- who also hold the Champions of the Political Universe Tag Team belt as well.
The Sports Entertainment Corporation still has Charlie Blackwell in their ranks for now.
A new group is forming called Main Street USA. Farmer John and John Deere are their feature wrestlers and Sarah Mae Smith is the headliner on the women’s side.
The American Military Complex faction has formed featuring the newly signed Weapons of Mass Destruction: A. Tom Bomb, Hy Drogen Bomb, Newt Tron Bomb, and kid sister Daisy Cutter-Bomb.
Lastly, the religious right is also represented by The God Squad: Rev. Oral Hinnrich and Rev. Buddy Flambe with Sister Mary Marlboro.
BLUE BRAND SHOWLooking at the Blue Brand show, Mr. Hollywood’ Kevin Daniels is the featured wrestler as the Blue Brand champion. Daniels represents the very strong and influential Hollywood contingent in the Progressive Alliance.
Big Labor has James the Auto Worker and Union Jack Taylor- the Blue Brand’s Tag Team Champions.
A Tech/Silicon Valley group has just formed with Myles Microshoft being their feature wrestler.
Extreme Attorneys Felcher and Felcher aka ‘Seriously Bad Lawyers with Seriously Bad Combovers’
The hard left has the Ultimate Social Justice Warrior and Professor McCarthy’s Flock.
Paddy O’Kennedy and Mark Ditka make up the moderate faction in the Progressive Alliance. Kathryn Randall Collins is a longtime stalwart of the women’s division.
PCW Title Champion: The One Man Anti-Hollywood A-List’ Stone Chism #1 Contender: Jack Fraiser #2 Contender: ‘American Citizen’ Kevin Scott #3 Contender: SNAFU #4 Contender: Average Joe
PCW Tag Team Title Champion: Island of Misfit Wrestlers: Rah and Halitosis #1 Contender: The Dork Dynasty: Leonard and Sheldon Robertson #2 Contender: The Beer Bellied Softball Playing Ninja: Hank and Tiny #3 Contender: Truckin’ Average Company: Ken Worth-American Trucker and Brad Company #4 Contender: Rough Justice: D.B. Ruff and Connor Justice
THIS WEEK ON PCW EXTREME POLITICAL TV-More on Bernie Sanders jumping into the 2020 race. -The Washington Post gets sued.-PCW Champion ‘The One Man Anti-Hollywood A-List’ Stone Chism attacks Blue Brand Champion Kevin Daniels at a Blue Brand show. -The PCW Tag Team champions Island of Misfit Wrestlers are in action.-The Champion of the Political Universe ‘Red Solo Plastic Cup’ Ray McAvay is also on the card.
HIGHLIGHTS FROM EXTREME ELECTION NIGHT 2016 Back at the broadcast table with Johnny Suave sitting on the left, Colleen Crowder on the right.
Johnny Suave: Well, if it gets Barbra Streisand to leave the country, there’s as a good reason as any to root for Donald Trump.
Colleen turns to him with a surprised look of disgust.
Colleen Crowder: How dare you say that? Barbra Streisand is a national treasure.
Johnny Suave: So is the Moonlite BunnyRanch in Nevada.
Colleen’s jaw drops.
Johnny Suave: Let’s see how Trump arrived here tonight.
She turns to Johnny.
Colleen Crowder: I can’t believe you compared Barbra Streisand to a rabbit farm.
(FILM CLIP-AMERICAN PATRIOTS GAUNTLET MATCH: Donald Trump vs. Jeb Bush, John Kasich, and Ted Cruz-Taped July 21st in Cleveland, Ohio) Johnny Suave (voiceover): Donald Trump had to run the gauntlet to earn his shot to become the next PCW PEO. First, he had to face Jeb Bush and the Bush Family (former PCW CEO’s George W. Bush and George H.W. Bush).
Trump arrives in the ring wearing an authentic Viking costume complete with a huge wooden club that he brings to the ring with him.
Referee Reince Priebus gives Trump and Jeb Bush their final instructions.
The bell rings. Trump pretends he putting the club down but then spins around and clocks Bush with club cutting him wide open in the face. The Bushes at ringside are horrified. Priebus’s jaw drops. Bush drops like a rock and Trump slides in and hooks the legs.
Johnny Suave (v/o): Suffice to say, both George W. and George H.W. Bush were furious with Trump after he literally bludgeoned Jeb Bush…
George W. angrily wheels his father George H.W., in a wheelchair, away from the ring.
Johnny Suave (v/o): …with a club. The Bushes are so mad that they are not supporting Trump tonight against Hillary Clinton.   Next up in the gauntlet…John Kasich.
Kasich tries. He tries real hard. Kasich gets in a few shots but in the end, Trump takes him out with a Skyscraper Slam and dispatches the Ohioan to move on.
Johnny Suave (v/o): Then…Ted Cruz.
Cruz puts up a battle. Trump has all the cards in the end. One Skyscraper Slam later and Trump takes the win.
DONALD TRUMP PROMOInside a ritzy china store in downtown New York City, Donald Trump looks at and examines a pricey piece of china. His manager Kellyanne Conway stands in the background with the storekeeper and watches.
Donald Trump: Four years ago, PCW all but went out of business. When PCW CEO Barack Obama became the CEO, I thought he’d do well. I thought he’d be a great cheerleader for PCW.
Trump shakes his head.
Donald Trump: But I was wrong.
Trump whips around and in the process catches one the plates on the shelf and sends it flying to the ground. The expensive plate smashes into pieces.
The storekeeper gasps. Conway doesn’t flinch.
Donald Trump: That’s not what happened. Under the policies of CEO Obama, PCW went dark in 2012 and we had people who weren’t working. Now, with the restart of PCW, we need someone who can rebuild the PCW brand and make it great once again. My opponent’s catchphrase is ‘I’m with her.’ No folks. I will work for you. I will wrestle for you.
The camera follows Trump as he goes around the corner, his coat brushing up against the china on the shelf and causing them to smash on the floor.
Horrified Storekeeper: Um, Mr. Trump?
Donald Trump: We need someone who will lift PCW back up.
Trump bumps into another set of dishes and sends them spinning to the floor.
Donald Trump: With Donald Trump running PCW, we will do it. PCW has tremendous potential but it’s been held back by an establishment who doesn’t care about you- the PCW fans.
He grazes another shelf of dishes and they fall to the ground.
Horrified Storekeeper (more urgent): Mr. Trump!
Conway just shrugs and follows Trump through the store.
Donald Trump: We can take PCW back from the corrupt ruling class and we can make it work for you – the fans.
Trump bumps into another shelf sending the whole structure crashing to the ground.
Horrified Storekeeper: MR. TRUMP!
Donald Trump: PCW Extreme Election Night 2016. Trump vs. Hillary. Who will prevail. The status quo?
Trump points at the camera…and accidently catches another plate.
Donald Trump: Or YOU!
The storekeeper confronts Trump.
Horrified Storekeeper: MR. TRU-
Trump motions to Conway. Conway reaches into her purse and hands the intensely anxious storekeeper a check. The storekeeper takes one look at the figure written on the check and immediately exhales and de-tenses down.
Now not-so-horrified Storekeeper: …oh, that’s better.
Johnny Suave: Well, speaking of Hillary Clinton, let’s take a quick look back on how she reached tonight’s PCW CEO showdown against Donald Trump…
(FILM CLIP-PROGRESSIVE ALLIANCE MATCH: Hillary Clinton vs. Bernie Sanders-Taped July 28th in Philadelphia, PA) Johnny Suave (voiceover): All lethal weapons were banned from the match and replaced with cardboard in an attempt to tone down the violence. The leader of the Progressive Alliance, Debbie Wasserman-Shultz, presided over the match as the referee. With questions about her impartiality in the air, would Wasserman-Shultz call things right down the middle?
Bernie Sanders grabs an empty cardboard toilet roll and smacks it over Hillary’s head. Wasserman-Shultz admonishes Sanders.
Hillary clubs Sanders with her own empty cardboard toilet roll. *CLANK* Sanders staggers backwards into the corner. The cardboard toilet roll slides off and reveals a small lead pipe. Sanders’s manager Jeff Weaver screams at Wasserman-Shultz. Wasserman-Shultz shakes her head and tells him she didn’t see anything wrong.
Johnny Suave (v/o): Even Bill Clinton got into the act.
Weaver again engages referee Wasserman-Shultz over an infraction. Bill Clinton sneaks over and spins Sanders around- then he jabs him in the eye.   Then Hillary walks over with what’s purported to be a paper plate but what is actually a steel plate sandwiched by two paper plates. *CLANK*
Johnny Suave (v/o): But then Sanders turned the tide and took the fight to the Clintons.
Sanders hits a single leg takedown on Hillary. Bill then tries to sneak up on him from behind. Sanders low bridges him and then whips him into the corner turnbuckle. Halfway there, Bill ‘stumbles’ and falls face forward into the turnbuckle and flips up and over. Clinton tries to snag the top rope, misses, and tumbles down to the floor. Bill then gets back on his feet…takes two steps…stops…and then flops face first to the floor.
Johnny Suave (v/o): But in the end, Hillary would prevail.
Sanders has Hillary down and hooks the leg. Wasserman-Shultz takes her sweet time going over to make the pinfall. Finally, Sanders jumps back up and gets in her face. While he argues with Wasserman-Shultz, Hillary slides over, grabs Sanders from behind, and rolls him back into a pinning situation. Wasserman-Shultz immediately slams her hand on the mat with a machine gun “onetwothree” and that’s the match.
HILLARY CLINTON PROMODeep down in the bowels of Washington D.C. Extremely dark setting. Hillary Clinton, accompanied by her husband Bill, Debbie Wasserman-Shultz, and her manager Robby Mook, steps forward into the light.
Hillary Clinton: Donald Trump. You might be a big shot in the business world. You may be a legend in the corporate boardroom. But Donald, you have no idea what you’ve just walked into. You see, this is my arena. And you have no idea what lengths I’ll go to get what I want and deserve. PCW CEO.
Bill folds his arms in front of him.
Hillary Clinton: There are many people all across the PCW universe who believe, like I do, that Donald Trump simply cannot get the job done…that Donald Trump is fundamentally unqualified to be the CEO of PCW. As PCW starts up again, we need new ideas and someone who is temperamentally prepared to do the job. That person is me. At three AM in the morning, when the phone rings and there’s a crisis that needs to be handled, you want me to take that call- not Donald Trump. Donald Trump’s ideas are dangerously incoherent, he is horribly unprepared for a position that requires knowledge, stability, and responsibility. Putting Trump in charge would be rolling the dice with PCW’s future.
Bill Clinton: Trump running PCW would be the craziest thing in the world ever- even crazier than Obamacare- *SMACK* – OWWW!
He rubs his shoulder where Hillary had just smacked him with her open hand.
Hillary Clinton: Don’t say that!
Bill Clinton: Sorry.
She turns her gaze back to the camera.
Hillary Clinton: To get PCW back up and running, it will take a real plan, with real experience, and real leadership. Donald Trump is unfit to be PCW CEO. It would be a historic mistake if he somehow won. At Extreme Election Night 2016, my experience, built up on years of working side-by-side with the Progressive Alliance, fighting for what we believe, will prevail over Donald Trump. If you don’t believe me, listen for yourself to the voices of my Hollywood friends.
Hillary turns and burns a steely glare towards her manager.
Robby Mook: I…I…I…
Mook awkwardly smiles.
Robby Mook (pointing at Hillary): I’m with her?
Hillary looks at him incredulously.
Hillary Clinton: GAH!
She throws up her hands and storms off.
Hillary Clinton (offscreen): WHEN I FIND OUT WHO SWITCHED THAT TAPE…
MATCH 6: The Battle for PCW CEO
Hillary Clinton (Progressive Alliance) vs. Donald Trump (American Patriots) Referee: Corrina Romanov
Back to Suave and Colleen at the broadcast desk with the crowd buzzing in anticipation for the PCW CEO showdown that’s just mere moments away.
Johnny Suave: Johnny Suave back with the low level reporter trying to make a name for herself at the New York Times Colleen Crowder…
Colleen Crowder: Do you have to say it like that?
Johnny Suave: …and we are just about ready for the big match to determine who will become the next PCW CEO.
Both Clinton and Trump supporters rise to their feet, holding up their pro-Clinton and pro-Trump signs and shouting dueling chants of ‘I’M WITH HER!’ and ‘TRUMP…TRUMP…TRUMP!’ back and forth at each other.
Johnny Suave (talking louder): Joining us now is Five Thirty Eight’s Nate Silver. Silver, of course, boldly predicted four years ago at PCW Extreme Election Night 2012 that Triple R would win the PCW Title and Barack Obama would win a second four year run as PCW CEO.
The camera pans to the right and adds Silver to the picture.
Johnny Suave: Nate, thanks for joining us.
Nate Silver: My pleasure, Johnny.
Johnny Suave: Your insight on what you think will happen tonight.
Nate Silver: Well Johnny. As of right now, I believe Hillary Clinton has a 70% chance of winning this match. I think it’ll be close. But I think the distinct trend is towards Hillary right now.
Colleen Crowder: Nate, I think you’re being too cautious. The New York Times believes that Hillary Clinton’s chances of becoming the first ever woman to become PCW CEO is around 85%. There’s simply no way that Trump will win this match tonight.
Nate Silver: I wouldn’t go that far Colleen. Yes, I believe Hillary Clinton is the clear favorite here tonight. But, I still maintain that the match will be closer than most think it will. There’s still a path for a possible Trump victory. For starters, Clinton doesn’t have the solid advantage that Barack Obama had against Mitt Romney four years ago.
Colleen Crowder: Yeah but that’s not the narrative we’re running with. Hillary Clinton will win this match tonight because Trump is not qualified to be PCW CEO.
Johnny Suave: You know Colleen, narrative driven news is to journalism what World Wrestling Entertainment is to the sport of wrestling.
Once she comprehends what Suave has just said to her, Colleen glares at him and her eyes shoot daggers through Suave. She grits her teeth.
Colleen Crowder (slowly): Eighty…five…percent…
Johnny Suave: We’d better get to the ring. Kimber Marshall, take it away!
Kimber Marshall: Ladies and gentlemen. This next match will determine who will become the next CEO of Political Championship Wrestling!
Kimber Marshall: Introducing first…
The lights cut out and music starts…
*”Imperial March”- Star Wars
Dressed in all black complete with a flowing black cape, Donald Trump and his manager Kellyanne Conway walk out on stage to a big ovation from the American Patriots. Some of the more official types of the American Patriots…ie…John McCain, Susan Collins, and Rick Perry, who sit down front close to ringside, don’t seem overly enthusiastic with their support.
Back on stage, the leader of the American Patriots Reince Priebus filters in behind along with PCW Executive Committee member Paul Ryan.
Johnny Suave: Trump looks particularly sinister tonight!
Colleen Crowder: It’s hideous Johnny. Simply hideous. We really need Hillary to win.
Conway leads the way as Trump, black robe ruffling behind him as he strides, makes his way down the steps from the stage and heads toward the ring.
Kimber Marshall: Residing in the Trump Tower in the great city of New York, New York! He promises to…
The Trump supporters shout out: “MAKE PCW GREAT AGAIN!”
Kimber Marshall: Managed tonight by Kellyanne Conway, accompanied by his Second in Command Mike Pence, and representing the American Patriots! LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! DONALD J. TRUMP!
Again, the Trump Supporters let loose with thunderous roar that shakes the building. Trump nods and acknowledges the fans.
Johnny Suave: Donald Trump climbs into the ring. Can be make history of his own here tonight by becoming the next PCW CEO?
Colleen Crowder: NO! I mean, David Brooks from the New York Times is a conservative and even he doesn’t think Donald Trump should be PCW CEO.
Johnny Suave: David Brooks is conservative for the New York Times, yes.
The supporters “TRUMP! TRUMP! TRUMP!” chant merges with the Imperial March and becomes:
Trump holds the ring ropes open for Kellyanne Conway to slip through. Pence, Priebus and Ryan join them.
Kimber Marshall: And his opponent.
Imperial March- off…
*”Formation”- Beyonce*
…Beyonce’s ‘Formation’- on.
The house lights cut out and then start flashing to the beat causing the Progressive Alliance fans to leap out of their seats.
Quick cut to the upper section where Amy Schumer and Chelsea Handler are dancing on their chairs, Miley Cyrus is on the table twerking, and Madonna…well, we don’t really want to know what she’s doing right now.
Kimber Marshall (loudly over the blaring music): Managed by Robby Mook and accompanied by her Second in Command Tim Kaine, Debbie Wasserman-Shultz, and her husband…FORMER PCW CEO William Jefferson Clinton!
Beyonce comes out on stage lip-synching to her song. She and Jay-Z lead the parade to the ring. Next out, Mook, Wasserman-Shultz, and Bill Clinton.
Kimber Marshall: From Chappaqua, New York. Representing the Progressive Alliance!
Next out, Bill and Hillary’s daughter Chelsea Clinton.
Kimber Marshall: And vying to make history by becoming the first ever woman to become CEO of PCW!
Finally, Hillary Clinton walks out wearing a white pants suit.
The A-List celebrities in the top section of Hack’s stand up and shout. On the floor, the Progressive Alliance section is simply rocking. Hillary Clinton signs bobbing up and down, moving left to right as Beyonce continues to lip synch her song and dance down the aisle.
Reaching the ring, Hillary climbs up the steps first and ducks into the ring, followed by her husband and daughter.
Johnny Suave: Oh wow! Listen to that ovation for Hillary Clinton. Both sides are geared up for what promises to be an incredible match.
Colleen Crowder: Again Johnny. According to the New York Times calculations, it’s going to be an early night, it’s going to be a quick match, because Donald Trump has no chance to defeat Hillary Clinton.
Johnny Suave: Nate?
Nate Silver: The odds are definitely in Ms. Clinton’s favor but I won’t go that far to say that he has no chance.
Johnny Suave: Thanks for your insight. Nate Silver, everyone. Let’s take it back to the ring and the referee in charge of this match- Corrina Romanov.
The name Romanov causes Colleen to cock her head quizzically to the side.
Romanov enters the ring wearing the appropriate white and black striped referee’s shirt and black pants. A former wrestler of her own right, she gets a healthy round of applause from the patrons of Hack’s Rusty Nail Saloon.
Colleen Crowder: Hold on…isn’t she like- Russian?
Romanov goes over to Trump and does the usual pre-match check.
Johnny Suave: She is. So what?
Then Romanov walks over to Clinton’s corner and does the same.
Colleen Crowder: Nothing. It’s just…strange…that PCW would assign a Russian referee for this match.
Johnny Suave: Nah, you’re overthinking this. Hold on to your hats, ladies and gentlemen. We are just about ready to go.
Satisfied, Romanov turns to the bell table and calls for the bell.
Johnny Suave: And here we go!
Both Trump and Clinton cautiously walk forward from their respective corners and circle each other in the middle of the ring.
Then out of nowhere, Clinton drives a knee to the balls. Trump crumples over. And the Progressive Alliance section goes nuts.
Clinton whips Trump into her corner where he’s greeted with a few forearm shots from her husband Bill.  He lays in more big forearms on Trump. Hillary follows up with some knife-edge chops.  Trump then whips Clinton across the ring into the opposite corner.
Johnny Suave: Trump sends Clinton for the ride…
Trump sets up for a backdrop but Clinton flips over him and then delivers a punt kick to the jewels.
Johnny Suave: HOLY CRAP!
Dropping to his knees, Trump’s face scrunches in pain. Clinton moves behind him. Basement dropkick to the back sends Trump down face first to the mat. She rolls him over for a cover.
Johnny Suave: Easy kick out for Donald Trump.
Debbie Wasserman-Shultz shouts at the referee and then slams her hand down on the mat in the same rapid-fire fashion she’d done when Hillary defeated Bernie Sanders in Philadelphia.
Colleen Crowder: That was a slow count.
Johnny Suave: Any count is slow compared to what Wasserman-Shultz did to Sanders.
Trump fights back to his feet and tries to stop the momentum. But Clinton scratches his eyes and then hits a knee to the gut. Russian Leg Sweep follows and Trump is right back on the ground. Clinton again makes the cover but Trump out of nowhere pushes her off and then rolls her up.
The American Patriots rise up in anticipation.
Romanov calls for a break. While she tries to get Hillary to let go of the bottom rope, Bill Clinton sneaks in and pokes Trump in the eye. He recoils back and covers his eye.
Johnny Suave: She’s not letting go of the rope. WHAT?
What? Suave does a doubletake when Captain America…yes…Captain America runs down and slides into the ring.
Johnny Suave: What the hell is this?
Colleen Crowder: It’s Captain America.
Johnny Suave: I know it’s Captain America. Why is Captain America in the ring?
Trump staggers back. Captain America takes his shield and then blasts him in the back of the head with it.
Johnny Suave: Oh…that’s why.
Captain America stares at the downed Trump, who’s holding his head from the shield shot. He then pulls off his mask.
Colleen Crowder: Hey! That’s Chris Evans from the Avengers movie!
Johnny Suave: Where is the referee?
Referee Corrina Romanov is in deep conversation with ABC’s Martha Raddatz at the edge of the ring.
Suave sees Evans pick up the shield.
Johnny Suave: What is he doing?
Evans places the Captain America shield in Trump’s groin area. Then Iron Man jumps into the ring carrying a bowling ball bag.
Iron Man (okay… it’s really Robert Downey, Jr. playing Iron Man) takes the bowling ball bag, lifts it in the air, and slams it into the shield.
Johnny Suave: HOLY CRAP!
Crowd: Oooooooooohhhhh!
Trump rolls back and forth in excruciating pain.
Finally, Conway gets Romanov’s attention and the referee refocuses her attention back to the match and sees Evans and Downey in the ring. She immediately chases both Hollywood stars from the ring. Which, of course, allows Hillary to indulge in a little blatant choking while the referee continues to be distracted.
Colleen Crowder: I’ve changed my mind. I now believe that Hillary Clinton has a 90% chance of winning. She’s totally dominating him.
Clinton uses the boots to deliver a shot to the gut and another. Trump finally trips Clinton up and sends her to the mat.
Johnny Suave: Big boot by Trump knocks Clinton off her feet. But there’s a lot of worried faces at ringside.
Quick cut to the American Patriots section. Reince Priebus brings a hand to his chin. Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell both watch the action with extremely concerned expressions on their face.
Back to the ring where Clinton has gone over and talks with Robby Mook.
Johnny Suave: Bad idea.  She can’t give Trump time to recover like that.
Trump pulls himself back up again. He goes right over to Hillary and they trade forearm strikes.  Trump whips her into the corner and then catches Clinton on the rebound with a Bulldog.
Clinton tries to whip Trump to her corner but Trump blocks, lifts Hillary up, bringing her legs off the ground, and falls backward to the mat sending her back-first to the mat.
Just as Corrina Romanov starts to lower her hand down for three, Anderson Cooper bolts into the ring out of the blue and pushes Trump off of Clinton.
Colleen Crowder: Maybe we should reduce the chances of Hillary winning back to 85%.
While Hillary scoots back to her corner, Trump gets into Romanov’s face and argues about the count.  He doesn’t see Bill Clinton sneaking up from behind. Bill tries to whip Trump into Hillary’s corner. Trump reverses and goes for a big boot to the face. But Bill ducks, boots Trump in the gut, and then hits a spinning neckbreaker.
Johnny Suave: Bill Clinton fires up the crowd and now he’s going for scoop slam!
Clinton goes to lift Trump up but he doesn’t see trouble brewing behind him. Two women from his past.
Colleen Crowder: What are they doing in the ring?
At once, the crowd noise jumps dramatically which causes Bill to wonder what’s going on. Finally, his innate curiosity wins out so he turns around and gets an unpleasant surprise. His eyes widen and the crowd goes wild.
Johnny Suave: Nowhere to run! Nowhere to hide!
Colleen Crowder: That’s not fair! They’re interfering in the match!
Johnny Suave: Here we go!
Willey and Jones take Bill by each arm and fling him into the corner turnbuckle. Bill ‘stumbles’ and falls forward head first into the turnbuckle. He flips up and over the turnbuckle, tries to snag the top rope, misses, and tumbles down to the floor.
Johnny Suave: RIC FLAIR FLIP!
On the floor, Bill then gets back on his feet…takes two steps…stops…and then flops face first back to the floor.
Johnny Suave: RIC FLAIR FLOP!
Back in the ring, Hillary comes off the ropes and leaps onto Trump’s back.
Johnny Suave: SLEEPER HOLD!
Colleen Crowder: YES! COME ON HILLARY!
Trump spins to try and dislodge Hillary from his back. Unfortunately, he loses his balance and ends up on the mat. Hillary wastes no time in making the cover.
Johnny Suave: Trump kicks out. He’s trying to regain his bearings and…why is the referee talking to the Clinton corner again?
This time, Romanov is having a heated conversation with Hillary’s manager Robby Mook and MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow. While they’re distracting the referee, Chelsea Clinton slides a steel chain over to her mother who quickly wraps it around Trump’s neck.
Colleen Crowder: Sleeper hold.
Trump’s face turns bright red as the chain is wrapped tightly and cutting off his oxygen.
While Trump desperately tries to loosen the chain around his neck, yet another person races down the aisle towards the ring.
Wallace jumps up on the ring apron, grabs Romanov, and spins her around. He points at Hillary who’s still trying strangle Trump with a steel chain.
Colleen Crowder: What is he doing? Chris Wallace has no business butting his head into this match.
Johnny Suave: And CNN’s Anderson Cooper and ABC’s Martha Raddatz didn’t do the exact same thing?
Colleen Crowder: That’s different. Everyone knows Fox News is biased towards the American Patriots!
Romanov immediately acts. She pushes Clinton back, breaking the choke hold. Then Romanov literally rips the chain out of Hillary’s hands and tosses it out of the ring.
Colleen Crowder: The Russian referee is exerting too much influence on this match which means Vladimir Putin is trying to affect the results!
Johnny Suave: Um…Corrina Romanov just enforced the rules because, newsflash, even PCW has rules.
Colleen Crowder: But Vladimir Putin-
Johnny Suave: Is this another narrative or…
There’s a collective gasp inside Hack’s Rusty Nail Saloon.
Johnny Suave: HOLY CRAP!
Colleen Crowder: What.
Colleen turns her attention back to the ring and immediately shoots up from her chair in full righteous indignation mode.
The reaction is instantaneous and the fun really begins. An enraged Colleen Crowder literally jumps up on the broadcast table and points at Trump.
The Clinton team are stunned. Without hesitation, they all charge the ring.
The Progressive Alliance are stunned. Disgusted. Repulsed. Suddenly, the likes of Chuck Schumer, Elizabeth Warren, and Nancy Pelosi charge the ring.
The media are stunned. Revolted. Aggrieved.   Don Lemon of CNN, the Washington Post’s Eugene Robinson and Dana Milbank, and the New York Times’s David Brooks and Paul Krugman pile into the ring.
Even some members of the American Patriots are stunned. Appalled. Queasy. John McCain, Lindsey Graham, former Jeb Bush, and Mitt Romney charge the ring and a huge scrum explodes.
Johnny Suave: IT’S HIT THE FAN NOW!
Trump finds himself swallowed up by a mass of humanity as members of each group literally throw each other out of the way to get to him.
Johnny Suave: This is just a mob scene!
Johnny Suave (sarcastically): Maybe Vladimir Putin told her not to.
Colleen Crowder: SEE! I TOLD YOU!
Johnny Suave: Trump is getting no help from the American Patriots either!
Cut to Paul Ryan. He’s whistling while he ever so subtly tries to inch away from the ring, hoping that no one can see him subtly trying to inch away from the ring.   Mitch McConnell? He’s gone from ringside and nowhere to be found.
The rest of the establishment? Sitting in their seats reading the Wall Street Journal or on their phones making plans for their golf getaway.
Quick cut to the Les Miserables section. What had been a full section of people is now half empty.
Johnny Suave: WAIT A MINUTE!
‘Prairie Populist’ William Daniels Bryan, ‘Red Solo Plastic Cup’ Ray McAvay, and Charlie Blackwell stream to the ring followed by forty other people sitting in their section.
Johnny Suave: It’s the LES MISERABLES!
Colleen Crowder: I’m confused Are they coming to help Clinton?
Bryan hops up on the ring apron. He drapes Dana Milbank’s neck over the top rope and drops to the floor causing the Washington Post columnist to whiplash off the ropes and onto his back.
Bert the Janitor tosses McAvay a Big Bertha Driver.
Mitt Romney sees McAvay using the driver to pole axe his way through the crowd. He wisely uses discretion and decides to slip out of the ring.
Blackwell jumps into the ring wielding a steel folding chair. and starts taking people out left and right.
Blackwell turns and swings the chair again.
Johnny Suave: HE GOT JEB BUSH TOO!
Colleen Crowder: WHAT ARE THEY DOING?
The rest of the Les Miserables climb through the ropes and suddenly there’s a lot of people in close quarters.
Colleen Crowder: DEPLORABLE!
The American Patriots, Progressive Alliance, and media contingent still in the ring decide to hastily exit stage right leaving just Trump, Hillary, McAvay, Blackwell, Bryan, and the forty-odd Les Miserables inside.
Johnny Suave: Actually, they’re Les Miserables.
Blackwell and McAvay re-station themselves outside the ring and the Les Miserables surrounding the squared circle. The ring steadily clears and when it does, leaving just Trump and Hillary inside, there’s an unpleasant realization for one side.
Crowder pulls at her hair.
Colleen Crowder: NOOOOOOOOOO!
In the midst of the chaos caused when the Les Miserables invaded the ring, Trump took one of Hillary’s legs, turned it 90 degrees, grabbed her other leg and crossed it with the other. Then he put one foot in between, the other on the other leg, and bridged over to lock in the figure-four.
To make matters worse, Trump had her smack dab in the middle of the ring- a long, long way from help.
Colleen remains defiant.
Colleen Crowder: Sixty-five percent, Johnny. I’m still quite confident Hillary will win if the Russian referee would actually DO HER JOB!
The Progressive Alliance contingent charge forward but the Les Miserables protecting the ring stop them in their tracks.
Colleen Crowder: Okay…maybe fifty-five percent- COME ON!
Clinton closes her eyes and sits up. She takes a couple swipes at Trump and then falls backwards.
Johnny Suave: Is Hillary going to tap out?
Colleen Crowder: NEVER!
Hillary reaches for the ropes but she’s too far away.
Johnny Suave: What do you say now?
Colleen Crowder: Fifty-fifty.
As the pain registers all over Clinton’s face, for the first time a realization comes over the folks sitting in the Progressive Alliance section that she could lose this.
Johnny Suave: Are you sure about that?
Colleen Crowder: (whispers incoherently)
Johnny Suave: Didn’t hear you.
The camera pans through the Progressive Alliance section of the bar. Jaws dropped. Shocked expressions. Hands on cheeks.
Johnny Suave: Do I hear seventy percent…seventy-five percent? Going once. Going twice. Going-
Colleen Crowder: SEVENTY-FIVE PERCENT FOR TRUMP. (shouts to no one in particular) COME ON! ANYONE? DO SOMETHING?
Over the loudspeaker, the opening notes to…
Johnny Suave: Wait a minute! I know that song.
A man dressed in a flannel shirt, holding a mocha in one hand and a Singapore cane in the other, steps out of the shadows on the second level of the bar.
Johnny Suave: And I know that guy! HE’S BACK!
The crowd merrily sings along to the Fleetwood Mac song as the man dressed in flannel started towards the stage.
Colleen Crowder: Hold on. Is that who I think it is?
Johnny Suave: It is.
As the sing along continues, the man holds up his mocha, contained inside an environmentally friendly biodegradable cup of course, and chugs it down.
Colleen Crowder: YES!
Gore crushes the paper cup on his forehead in an alpha manly fashion. Gore then spews the mocha out of his mouth like a geyser going off and sprays several tables in close proximity.
Colleen Crowder: Look at the expression on the Trump Team’s faces!
The camera cuts over to Kellyanne Conway and Mike Pence. They’re not paying any attention.
Johnny Suave: Um…they’re not paying attention.
Colleen Crowder: Well…THEY SHOULD BE!
Gore moves up to the steps leading down and turns around to face the Progressive Alliance section. He pulls out another cup of mocha and holds it high in the air. Again, Gore chugs down the mocha, crushes the container against his forehead, and spits the mocha onto several tables.
Colleen Crowder: …if he ever gets to the ring.
Back in the ring, Referee Corrina Romanov maneuvers around, watching for any sign of a tap out. Mook, Kaine, Bill Clinton, Chelsea Clinton, and Wasserman-Shultz, blocked from the ring by the Les Miserables watch helplessly. Hillary falls back again and her strength wanes.
Johnny Suave: Trump is THIS close to winning!
Colleen Crowder: Son of a bitch. Ninety percent chance for Trump to win.
Colleen shouts up at Gore.
Colleen Crowder: HURRY UP!
Gore makes it downstairs. He stops and pulls out another cup of mocha.
Again, Gore chugs down the mocha, crushes the container against his forehead…
Colleen Crowder (lamenting): He’s not going to get to the ring in time, is he?
Johnny Suave: Nope.
…and spits the mocha towards the ring just as Hillary slaps her hand on the mat.
Colleen Crowder: NOOOOOOOO!
Romanov calls for the bell.
Colleen Crowder: Oh…my…God.
Johnny Suave: The next CEO of PCW is Donald J. Trump!
The camera cuts to outside the ring. Now that Trump’s won and it’s ‘safe,’ Paul Ryan is slowly edging his way back towards the action.
Johnny Suave: And the conservative chickens have come home to roost!
Mitch McConnell races by Ryan, actually he knocks Ryan out of his way, cheering and pumping his fist in the air. However, others sitting with the rest of the American Patriot supporters aren’t so sure about what just took place.
The Les Miserables at ringside have no inhibition about celebrating. Blackwell, Bryan, and McAvay find themselves in the midst of a big time party.
Panning back to the Progressive Alliance section- soul-crushing sadness among Hillary’s supporters is the prevalent feeling.
The majority of the people on hand begin to sing: “Na na na na, na na na na, hey hey hey, goodbye” and wave goodbye to the Hollywood celebs who said they would leave the country if Trump won.
Johnny Suave: After everything that’s happened over the past few months and with the entire Washington D.C. beltway establishment lined up against him- the Republican establishment, the Democrat establishment, the militantly left wing Democrats- who seem to have all gathered in California, and the mainstream media, when the chips were down Donald Trump came through on PCW’s biggest stage.
Colleen Crowder: I think I’m going to be sick.
Johnny Suave: Is that the narrative or an actual story?
Colleen Crowder: Shut up!
0 notes
mateushonrado · 6 years
Status Post #7311
Updated version of this post.
Voltron Coalition members
*Team Voltron: Takashi "Shiro" Shirogane (Josh Keaton, ascended into an astral being and later resurrected, currently in Garrison), Keith Hawkins (Steven Yeun, departed to join Blade of Marmora and later rejoined, currently in BOM), Lance Azul (Jeremy Shada, currently at Altea), Hunk Garrett (Tyler Labine, currently being a chef), Katherine "Katie" Holt aka Pidge Gunderson (Bex Taylor-Klaus, currently at Garrison), Allura (Kimberly Brooks, currently at white dimension with Honerva, Lotor and the original Paladins), Kuro (Josh Keaton, later merged with Shiro), Coran Smythe (Rhys Darby, currently at Altea) and Romelle (Mimi Davila and Lacey Chabert [one episode only], currently working with Hunk)
*Space Mice: Platt, Chulatt, Plachu and Chuchule
*Blade of Marmora: Kolivan (Mark Rolston), Keith (Steven Yeun, rejoined Team Voltron and later returned to BOM), Krolia (Ana Gasteyer), Ilun (Cherise Boothe), Vrek (Nolan North), Thace (Mick Wingert, deceased), Ulaz (Arnold Vosloo, deceased), Antok (Trevor Devall, deceased), Regris (Josh Keaton, deceased), Acxa (Erica Luttrell, reformed villainess), Zethrid (Jamie Gray Hyder, reformed villainess) and Ezor (Kimiko Glenn, reformed villainess)
*Rebels: Nyma (Lacey Chabert), Rolo (Norman Reedus [first appearance only] and Tyler Rhoads [later appearances onwards], presumed deceased), Beezer (Dee Bradley Baker), Ozar (John DiMaggio, deceased), Te-osh (Lacey Chabert, deceased), Matthew "Matt" Holt (Blake Anderson) and Olia (Jessica McKenna)
*Galra Empire (post-Kral Zera): Lotor (AJ Locascio, later evil all along and deceased), Party-Bot (Brian T. Delaney, deactivated), Dayak (Mary MacDonald and Andrea Romano), Bogh (Trevor Torseth) and Lahn (Ray Chase, reformed villain)
*Olkari: Ryner (Mindy Sterling) and La-Sai (Ike Amadi)
*Balmera: Shay (Emily Eiden) and Rax (Scott Wolf)
*Mer: Florona (Alyson Stoner, presumed deceased), Luxia (Kari Wahlgren), Plaxum (Mae Whitman), Blumfump ("Weird Al" Yankovic) and Swirn (Kari Wahlgren)
*Arus: King of the Arusians (Neil Kaplan), Klaizap and Moontow (both Cree Summer)
*Space Mall: Sal and Varkon (both Fred Tatasciore), Female Bearded Dish Washing Employee (Cree Summer) and Luki (Kimberly Brooks)
*Other Allies: Slav (Iqbal Theba, currently at Garrison), Vakala (Matthew Moy) and Remdax (Bill Millsap)
*Colony Alteans: Bandor (Elan Garfias, deceased), Tavo, Merla and more...
*Original Team Voltron: Zarkon (Kevin Durand, later corrupted and reformed), Alfor (Keith Ferguson [season 1] and Sean Teale [later appearances], dead then revived), Blaytz (Chris Kattan, dead then revived), Trigel (Angie Harmon, dead then revived), Gyrgan (Geno Segers, dead then revived), Honerva (Lily Rabe, later corrupted and reformed), Melenor (Kimberly Brooks, deceased) and Coran Smythe (Rhys Darby, see above)
*Guns of Gamora: Sven Holgersson (Josh Keaton) and Slav (Iqbal Theba)
*Galaxy Garrison: Samuel "Sam" Holt (Nolan North), Commander Iverson (Nolan North), Ellen Sanda (Sumalee Montano, double agent for Galra Empire, later deceased), Officer Sablan (Neil Kaplan), Colleen Holt (Renee Faia), Adam Walters (Isaac Robinson-Smith, deceased), Veronica Azul (Krystina Alabado) James Griffin (AJ Locascio), Ina Leifsdottir (Anna Graves), Nadia Rizavi (Zehra Fazal), Ryan Kinkade (Bumper Robinson), Curtis (Blake Michael) and Vehicle Voltron
0 notes
colleenmurphy · 5 months
Meet Mary Colleen Delaney
Tumblr media
Full Name: Mary Colleen Delaney
Mar, Mare, Col, Marco ( only by her nephew Sammy ), That Delaney Bitch ( by those that take offense to how she keeps peace in the Park)
DOB: November 1, 19-
POB: Auerbach Falls ME / Fennish Bay NS ( grew up )
Parents: Marguerite Minerva McGuire & James 'Jigger Jim' Delaney
Siblings: The eldest of six and only girl, all half siblings are through her mother's subsequent marriages and last relationship.
Mike & Dennis Flaherty ( Minnie & Dick Flaherty )
Ronnie & Will Kirwan ( Minnie & Hank Kirwan - Mar's favorite step dad of them all honestly )
Steven McGuire ( Minnie & Frank Lapierre - Stevie will always be the one Mare and the Boys are protective over )
Occupation: She's had many over the years but at the moment she's tending bar at the Legion outside the border town she calls home. She also has a cosmetologist license so she's on call around the trailer park.
Home: 333 Tam Lin Drive, Hidden Hills Trailer Park, Fennish Bay NS
Significant Other:
Children: Hers? Yours? Theirs?
Hers - Twin girls Fawn and Dawn Trager ( grown ) + her brother Denny's boys, DJ and Tyler ( almost grown )
Your's - Her four youngest brothers and her ex husband's child with his affair partner while both did time.
Their's - Her ex sister-in-law's two kids ( Allison and Zack )
Vices: Essex Super Slim menthols, Northern Light cocktails, weed and the occasional tipple of straight Yukon Jack.
4 notes · View notes
colleenmurphy · 3 months
"M-Mary you gotta come quick. It's Ma."
The receiver was left dangling in the sunny yellow kitchen where minutes before Mary Delaney had cleaned up the breakfast dishes and set about putting the finishing touches on the cake she'd made for her parents surprise anniversary party later in the day. The screen door didn't even have a chance to slam behind her as she ran out like a shot into the pink sunrise. Her parents, even though they'd split when she was small had never officially divorced would have been married for exactly as long as she'd been alive. Thirty years.
"Mama please wake up!"
Her little brother Stevie loomed over their mother's small frame trying to gently shake her awake, not quite understanding that their mother was no more. Even after Mary herself had done the chest compressions and mouth to mouth. Her younger brothers crowded around her, Mike and Dennis only two years apart and six years apart from her stood there shell shocked as Mary walked over to Stevie and put an arm around him.
"Stevie...remember what Mama loved the most?"
"Well...now -"
A lump formed in Mary's throat as her mind reeled from the sheer force of the fact that EMS had just pulled away with their mother. The sirens dead silent but the lights flashing as the rest of the park came out to see what was the commotion.
"She's an angel now, Stevie."
"She's our angel, Mack."
Marguerite 'Minnie' Minerva McGuire-Delaney left her earthly body at the age of fifty-four on a beautifully clear July fifth day and left a void in the hearts of her children and semi-ex husband and everyone that knew her.
"Do we have to do it today? I mean...it's your birthday, Mar."
Mike wrapped an arm around her and for the first time since the day Minnie had passed away she felt something in her crack.
"We can't put it off. We have to do this for her, Even if Ronnie can't be here."
Their middle brother Ronald had been doing time up river for a string of car jackings last year and wasn't looking at getting out until Christmas this year. Mary made a pact with herself that she'd cross that bridge of taking the reins for her younger brother from her mother's mantle when she got to it.
That was the last full sentence Mary could bring herself to say besides the occasional 'thank you' to those that offered their condolences.
The hours ticked by as well wishers stopped by and offered their heartfelt condolences and a sea of casseroles. She was busy puttering around the kitchen trying not to think of anything at all and pushing all the memories that happened in the happy little single wide that was just four doors down to the right from her own home. Standing at the sink washing Great Granny McGuire's china that had survived the trip over from Ireland itself Mary felt another crack and felt her lip quiver. Taking a deep breath she steeled herself and went back to the dishes.
"Mary Colleen..."
It was her father, standing quietly leaning against the counter watching her. His blue green eyes studying her carefully his brow wrinkled.
Jim Delaney was a quiet man, a retired fisherman by trade he wasn't home much but when he was there was always a good time to be had. Even after he and Minnie had split up he still kept close and filled the father role for Mary's half brothers even though they weren't his.
Behind him she saw Mike, Dennis, Will and Stevie standing with a cake candles already lit.
"Mom always made a huge deal out of everyone's birthday and I know she'd want you to celebrate today. We even made sure it was a Black Forest cake for you."
A lifetime of memories flooded back. She five, eleven, fifteen all over again and with each sweet memory she felt another crack. It wasn't until she heard them starting to sing Happy Birthday that she felt like she couldn't catch her breath.
"It's ok to cry, baby but don't cry too hard for me. I had a great life. I love you..I love you all."
Was what she heard in her ear as clear as day as if Minnie was standing right next to her whispering in her ear. There was a final crack and the tears finally fell.
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colleenmurphy · 3 months
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colleenmurphy · 4 months
"Cybil Flannery's missing you say? Can't say I'm too surprised, she always one to just...wander off somewhere when she got the itch to explore. Maybe she's going a little funny?"
Was all her former daughter-in-law could say before she carefully rolled her own hand rolled cigarette on the front porch of tidy white '67 Holiday Cottage, her shutters newly painted a deep plum to match her newly rehung front door.
"I'd be more worried about dealing with that dog of hers once you find her. Last I knew he was real mean."
Satisfied with her answers the local uniforms left her lot in peace leaving her to enjoy the summer sunshine and the gentle breeze along with the momentary quiet. The wind gently shook her wind chime collection before a soft whimper and a scratch at the inside of her front door caught her ears. Popping the hand roll into her mouth and lighting it carefully she sighed.
"Hang on, Buck I'm comin'."
Her former mother-in-law's mangy mean tempered mutt had stuck around after his mistress was carted over county and territory lines for some reason. Without the old woman's nasty temper he really was a good dog. After a few baths and a trip to the vet for some long needed care Buck was a new dog. They found out he had a preference for elk steaks and dark meat drum sticks with sweet potatoes over anything else in the world.
"It's amazing I can finally tell what color you are.."
His Labrador style double boat shined as bright as a copper penny in the sunshine. Laying his head on her knee as she sat back down in patio lounge he wiggled his ears and his tail at her. She'd made the mistake late one night after she'd finally relented and let him sleep in the house of leaving her rolling tray out on the coffee table after the twins were tucked in for the night and they both discovered that Buck enjoyed an occasional herbal elevation session.
"I already gave you an edible from your treat stash. You're the only dog I ever had to make weed cookies for before you know that?"
Her voice drifted into a sing song lilt as she hugged him and played with his ears. Dawn and Fawn could lead him around on a piece of yarn and he'd dutifully follow them and keep a close watch on his charges. The border collie in him was strong with the herding instinct. He even sorted the local cats and herded them off towards Denny's place, much to his delight as well as their brother Stevie's.
"So...I gotta ask you.."
Buck looked at her in a very human fashion almost as if he was waiting for her to continue. He huffed a 'go on...'
"How the hell did you end up with Cybil?"
Buck's ears went left then right twice and then down for a beat then up again. In her heart of hearts she knew the answer, just as she knew Buck knew how she'd ended up a Flannery.
"Frank baited you in with promises too huh?"
A sad sigh and another head on Mar's knee.
"We don't ever have to worry about that stupid fucker again, buddy...never again. If he comes anywhere near here, which he won't don't worry...I'm shooting him but not before you get to bite him in the balls."
A happy tail thumping sounded as Mary ventured back into the house to find another lighter and grab another special biscuit for Buck.
"Consider this pain and suffering allowance....sit, Buck."
Buck dutifully sat down like a gentleman and waited for his cheddar peanut butter snap Mary made for him special. The special ingredient being her homegrown. Given his age it seemed to help his anxiety and mild arthritis.
"Good boy!"
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colleenmurphy · 7 days
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colleenmurphy · 4 months
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colleenmurphy · 4 months
The rattling and banging on her front door was what woke her. According to the grandfather clock on the wall it was well past three in the morning and to her own internal clock it was much too late in the evening to have someone trying to break down her front door.
"Maaaaarreee it's meeee! Lemme in!"
Squished against the front door's first panel left hand panel of glass was a familiar face, albeit a little distorted from being smooshed up against the formerly pristine windowpane. Frank Flannery stood there on her front porch trying in vain to jiggle the front doorknob open. He looked like he reeked of low shelf rock gut he usually favored when 'Life Got Hard' and kept in large supply in the trunk of his beat up Buick. It's tan hulking frame visible from her front room window, she knew it. Parked half on the narrow strip of front lawn she had, nearly smiting her colony of happy little garden gnomes by mere inches but stopping short just in time.
"What Francis?"
"I'm cold! Lemme in!"
Looking him dead in the drunken eye she scowled and he stood a little straighter as she rolled her eyes. Snatching a pack of matches from the nearest foyer table drawer she sent the box through the mail slot at his feet.
"Light yourself on fire then!"
It was evident to the other residents on 333 Tam drive just who was healing from the nasty divorce that had taken place just nearly twelve months prior to this scene.
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