#Mary is mourning the best way she knows how aside from kicking ass
godsweakestsoldier · 2 years
carry me home
“Where are we going?”
“Keep walking, Lil.”
“Mary, she has a point. You dragged us out of bed at two in the morning.”
“Bea, you know I love you, but just-” Mary begins, looking over at the younger woman, “Just trust me on this, okay?”
There’s a glance between the women behind her, “Okay.”
Dirt under the soles of their boots fills the silence between them as they continue up the trail. A trail lit up with Mary’s flashlight’s soft yellow glow, and she couldn’t blame them. She had shaken Beatrice awake and instructed her to change as she wiped the sleep from her eyes with her palms. Lilith was simpler. Interrupting her rosary, bearing the brunt of her infamous disapproval, and tossing a jacket at her had worked. In ten minutes, Mary had unceremoniously collected them in the courtyard and began ushering them toward the mountains of Andalusia. 
“So, you brought us to a cliff in the middle of the night,” Lilith observes. She’s turned away from Mary, so all she can see is her outline washed in moonlight, “Can I ask why?”
“No,” Mary answers, fingers occupying themselves with a bundle of kindle. A lighter, glinting in the light, in Beatrice’s hand appears near the bundle. She takes it, nods a thank you, and flicks it open. Dried grass smolders in her hands, white smoke puffing around it. Mary gently places it underneath the various twigs. 
“Did you bring us to stargaze or freeze?” Lilith has turned around, staring her down from ten feet away. 
“I thought I might get some company or, at the very least, a decent conversation. Should’ve known that’d never happen with you.”
“How can I converse when the halo is still out there.”
“Oh, will you give it a rest, Lilith-”
“Enough,” Beatrice interrupts, dust rising as she sits back on the ground. Her eyes are on the growing fire. Mary watches her gaze switch between Lilith and her, “Let’s please try not to argue right now. I’m sure Mary had a reason for bringing us up here, right?”
Something deep within Mary’s chest pulls at her heart, threatening to let the tears that well in her eyes lose. Sometimes she forgets just how much of Shannon Beatrice has picked up. It almost made her forget how she had held Shannon as she shuttered her last breath. It almost makes her think she will walk up that path and offer that smile. She swallows, digging her sole into the dirt, “To mourn.” 
“Shannon,” the word falls out of Beatrice's mouth, the firelight highlighting her delicate features. 
Mary nods, looking up at Lilith, and she despises how small she sounds, “Sit with us, Lil, please, just for right now.” 
There’s a fluidity to Lilith’s movements that have always unnerved Mary. In combat and everyday life, she has moved like a ghost. It has not changed as she moves across from Mary and sits across from her, flames building between the two. 
“Why here?” Beatrice asks, leaning back on her hands, gaze gradually moving towards the stars, “It is a remarkable spot, but why?”
“It’s a place Shannon and I found,” Mary starts, dragging her heel across the dirt, “We come up here when we need a break.” Her hand finds the picture in her pocket, “It’s a place that she loved.” The picture’s edges are rough. Shannon, drenched in the snow with a snowball cocked, smiles back at her. She sighs, “She’d want us to mourn properly, and I thought of this place.”
Beatrice’s hand is heavy on her knee, “We’ll mourn her together then.”
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nothisis-ridiculous · 3 years
An AU where Kaidan joins Cerberus for the events of ME2.
Chapter Eight: Visitors
"You could have changed first," Mary's eyes flickered to the man, "it would have made a better impression."
This was the Commander on her best behavior, attempting not to scorn the man she once loved. The man that had carried her broken body from the field and into safety. The man that blushed and rubbed at his forehead under her scrutiny, unconsciously buying himself further slack with a motion that brought her back to the old days. She thought reaching him was impossible then; now it was somewhere between impossible and a nightmare. The dissonance firing off in her skull was astounding, painful.
"I was worried about," he choked out, in the husky tone that made her heart flutter, " you."
"We should worry more about ourselves- really, Kaidan? Mouthing off to the Illusive Man?"
Honestly, she was proud of him. Other than the one time he killed a superior, he was quite mellow toward most authority figures. The point value tripled because it was toward the Cerberus ring leader. His hand rubbed the back of his neck, fiddling a while before he would answer.
"Commander, the writing's on the wall here- he sent you... us into a trap. It was negligent at best, he could have easily told us. Given us a chance to prepare-"
"Leave that sort of thing to the three billion dollar asset."
"Four billion," Kaidan smirked, "that also happens to have a death wish."
Mary's eyes fluttered away, losing her will to act brave. Her heart was allowed to fear for another, "maybe I was aiming for you."
His dark eyebrow raised.
"Besides, I can at least try to end my life in the way I see fit."
It was a harsh kickback from the moment of vulnerability. It was too easy for her to return to a level of comfort with Kaidan; why wouldn't it be easy? They had spent nearly a year together more than enough time to grow close, to learn all the ticks and what they meant. Plus, she was bitter. Angry, he had a part in bringing her back to this fucked reality. One where she was shackled to Cerberus. Where her autonomy was a fading illusion, Mary was trapped, and rattling at the bars wasn't enough. Whether it was the nuclear option or falling into submission wasn't entirely clear, both paths still fought.
His other eyebrow joined, creasing toward the center. Reflexively frowning at Shepard's insinuation, a hand returning to massage at his temple, he had no defense. Nothing that would change her mind anyway. He loved her; that was obvious. He couldn't stand to lose her, but he had already told her that. It was in the galaxy's best interest to have her around and kicking Reaper ass, in that there was no doubt. Mumbling and fumbling over words wouldn't budge the Commander. There was no reason even to attempt such a thing.
"I won't apologize for bringing you back."
"What about working for Cerberus?" Mary spat.
Kaidan barked, the aggressive tone an accidental exhaling of emotion, "did Chakwas or Joker get this lecture too? Or is it just me?"
"Does it matter?"
"So Joker gets a warm welcome, you end up drunk with Chakwas, and I end up dodging crates? How is that fair?" he questioned with folded arms.
"They didn't see what they did first hand," she reeled, "they... you... didn't... you knew they killed my unit. You met Toombs."
"And hearing about it wasn't enough?"
Mary's throat bobbed, "it's different."
"Don't BS me, Commander," he retorted sternly, "we're way past that."
"I expected better of you."
"Why? Why just me?"
"You're a good man, Kaidan. I don't like being wrong," Mary went cold, folding her arms over herself, "I don't like thinking I misjudged you."
"Let me get this right...because of our relationship, you expect me to live up to a lofty standard?"
"Hardly lofty. Terrorist organization hardly seems your style," Mary's eyes barbed him with daggers.
"Yet you stick with them."
"What choice do I have? Can I just leave? They've brought in everyone I care about, the Illusive Man has already proved he doesn't mind using anyone connected to me as bait," she looked away, "I'm trapped here."
Kaidan lowered his arms, daring to close a portion of the distance between them. He wanted to assure her, to assuage Mary that she was not the only one caged. It wasn't the time, "I felt the same way when the Council... the Alliance threw me aside. Knowing the Reapers are coming is terrible stuff. Instead of waiting around, I did something."
"You went too far, Kaidan."
"The same could have been said when we mutinied."
"We didn't experiment on people."
"Yeah, Cerberus has a lot to answer for," Kaidan retreated.
Mary didn't answer, watching him coldly. He was sure if she could move from that bed she would have decked him hard on the way out. But she was stuck- tied to the bed by medical tape. She seemed in fine condition to anyone else, but he could see the subtle wince when her breath drew too deep, or her volume grew too loud. Kaidan knew Mary better than anyone.
"What am I supposed to say, Mary? Surviving tore me apart. You, you already know what happened at first, but I had the chance to do something. To fight against what I knew was about to happen," Kaidan stepped forward, "maybe we'll never be what we were. But don't judge me, and let me help. I know how this looks-"
The biotic finally dared to meet her gaze- just in time to watch the tears spring from her eyes," just stop," Mary pleaded, looking at anything else that could distance her, "it may have been two years for you, I get it. You've mourned me. It's only been a few weeks, I felt myself die... just to wake up, and everything is... different. I'm still not sure if I'm in hell or not. Cerberus wasn't even a place I'd be in my nightmare."
Mary's bright eyes suddenly caught him, "and you're with them."
Kaidan moved forward, a hand extended as the Commander curled into herself, pulling up the blanket in vain, hoping it would hide her. Sheild her from the vulnerability she was not willingly presenting. It leaked, and it was unfair of him to take advantage of her. In a previous time her guard would have dropped; now she fought to keep it up—only a part of her struggle to keep sane in this new life. His hovering arm dropped, retreating several paces to force himself to stop.
"I didn't want to believe it," Kaidan stalled, looking at his feet, "but I've been thinking, realized that some of these people are good people. Maybe misguided, but... good."
Mary nodded, keeping her head turned away from him.
"Look, I didn't come here to lecture you," Kaidan sent over a dossier from his omnitool, "I brought some good news. If pulling in someone else we know into this mess is good news."
She shook her arm free of the blanket, the orange illumination of her face revealing a subtle shift in her state. The corner of her lip pulling up after the initial pass of regret filtered over her face, at least the tears he should do nothing about slowed to a trickle.
"There are more dossiers, but I knew this one would be most the important."
"Send them over."
Mary scanned the other two, far more passive in her reading of the other potential members of her crew. This was his cue to leave, so he moved to do just that.
"Just be more careful next time," Mary murmured, following his path out of the medical bay.
Kaidan paused, nodding before ducking out of sight.
"Thanks Shepard, I will," Liara smiled warmly.
"I'll talk to you later, Li Li," Mary stood, acknowledging Miranda's sideways look with a lop-sided smile. Trotting down the stairs from the administrator's office.
"Jealous, Lawson?"
"No, I-" Miranda smiled nervously, "you aren't going to let this go, are you?"
"Not until I find the perfect nickname."
"Oh god," Miranda muttered, massaging her temples, "Miri and nothing else will be acceptable."
"Really?" Mary prodded but gently offering concern rather than utter mirth.
"Is it not embarrassing enough?"
The Commander grinned smugly, "no, it's just-"
"Just what?" Miranda blew with hands moving to her perfect hips.
Mary didn't avoid the conversation out of pettiness- Joker's voice drowned out the moment, pulling away from the lightness of her mood.
"Shepard, we, uh, have a visitor? Some Kai Leng he claims to be Cerberus."
"You let him on the ship?"
"Let is not the word I'd use."
"And everything was going so well," Garrus quipped, the quicker of her companions to read the shift of Shepard's energy.
"Mr. Moreau is correct, Mr. Leng is here on the Illusive Man's orders," EDI pipped in, "I had to let him in."
"You better hurry; he already pissed off Tali."
"I'm on my way, Joker."
"A stowaway problem, Shepard?" Garrus asked with a cock of his head.
"Miri," it was too grave for a lighthearted nickname, "do you know a Kai Leng?"
"That bastard."
Mary cocked her head, her smile fading into a frown, "Miranda?"
"This isn't good news, Shepard. He's the Illusive Man's personal pet," she spat.
"Threat level?"
Mary picked up her pace to the Normandy, ignoring the sideways glances and concerned looks she received. The doors to the ship were open for her, and an over-the-shoulder call from Joker directed the party to the shuttle bay. The elevator felt like it took centuries, and neither of her companions wanted to say a word. Not even a half ignored news clip to pass the time. Leaving her to claw at her vambrace, annoyed to be tramping through her ship in unclean armour. It was a minor detail, but she hated bringing unnecessary germs onto the belly of her ship. She had a quarian to consider.
As if that was her greatest worry at the moment.
Mary stormed into the cargo bay, surprised to find three figures, and notably the lack of a certain Quarian. The krogan presence was less of a surprise, if there was a fight Grunt would find it. With his space overlooking the bay, he didn't have to pry, and furthermore, Jack's latest biotic blast wasn't easily ignored.
"If you think I'm letting you take me now," Jack heaved, dodging a projectile and returning a side-stepped shockwave, "you're fucking wrong!"
"Jack!" Mary screamed, breaking the biotic's concentration, and then her head swiveled to the stranger, "you must be Kai Leng."
"Shepard," the dark-haired stranger drawled, sending an instinctive shiver down her spine.
She wouldn't be intimidated, ignoring the gnawing sense this man would as quickly kill her as he would shake her hand, but it couldn't stop the protect folding of her arms over her chest, "why are you tormenting my crew?"
"Lawson," he continued, the smug smile leaving as he examined the turian, "and this must be the one known as Archangel."
Mary stepped in to partially block his view of Garrus. She knew that look.
The mixed heritage man extended out his hand- Mary had never wanted to do anything less, but this was a power move. Declining would give him the literal and figurative upper hand. Fuck, his grip was tight, overbearing.
"I was sent here to help; after all, the fate of humanity is resting on your shoulders," Shepard felt the omitted words from his saccharine tone.
"I don't need the kind of help that torments my crew."
"I corrected your blatant disregard for Cerberus' confidentiality."
A chuckle escaped Garrus's airway, on inspection, Miri sported a fleeting smirk. Spurring Mary on to laugh in his face, "yeah, from stolen Alliance and Turian designs."
"This wasn't part of the deal, Shepard," Jack butted in.
"You'll get those files back."
"Will you?"
"You'll learn soon enough that Shepard gets her way, Leng."
Kai Leng took his turn to chortle, "so quick to betray Cerberus, Miss Lawson?"
Miranda exhaled slowly, "what's the harm in a few classified files," her tone almost defeated. Mary and Jack meeting each other with a curious look.
"I'm sure you can find your way to temporary quarters?" Mary returned her attention to the stranger, "The Illusive Man and I need to have a chat in the meantime."
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Being Crowley’s daughter and dating Jack Kline would include...
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Not my gif!! (Please tell me if you, the owner, would like me to take the gif down!)
Of course you were half demon, your mother was human but died when you were 10
You met the boys way back when you were a teen; maybe around 15 years old in season 8 or 9
You were half demon but your mom showed love, taught you to give it back and be kind
You were the ultimate princess of Hell duh
While the boys were hesitant around you, they eventually grew to love you
And ohhh...your dad always threatened them if you tagged along in hunts
“You let a monster lay one finger on my little bear’s head, and I will end you two.” “Daaaaaad….”
Rowena never admitted it, but she utterly loved and adored you. She thought of you as an apprentice since you sometimes practiced spells with her
During Kelly’s pregnancy with Jack, you became her protector as well as Jack’s
Kelly was also hesitant around you since you were half demon, she didn’t want you to maybe end up killing her and her baby or even using Jack as a weapon once he was born
Just like the Winchester brothers, she grew to care for you too. Kelly knew Jack liked you from the start because he always just happened to kick whenever you touched her stomach
You were there when your dad killed himself for the boys, Sam was the one holding you back
Your dad’s last glance at you was a small, simple smile. “Goodbye boys. Take care of my little bear.”
When he stabbed himself, you screamed so loud that Sam and Dean winced at the pain in your voice
When Cas died a little later, you were crying right next to Dean on the ground because he was practically an uncle to you just like Sam and Dean
You mourned for three people that night; your dad, Castiel and Kelly
You vowed to avenge your dad no matter what, you were angry and sad just like Dean for so long
You never went back to Hell and you were sure that you weren’t even the next ruler of Hell anyway, not that it mattered to you
When you guys found Jack, it was strange to see that he was actually your age
You barely talked to him, angry at him for what his father did to Cas and made your dad do
Soon, you slowly began to open up to Jack more and more because he was really one of the only people you could talk to
His innocence was actually kinda adorable, his questions about life were funny too
“(Y/n), what is this?” “That is a pair of headphones, Jack.”
You were still a little bitter towards him until you literally cried on his shoulder one night about how you felt
“I was too weak to save my father, to save Castiel and soon, maybe I’ll be too weak to save you and the boys.”
You half expected Jack to be a little angry at you but he was actually really kind and gentle about it
That was when you realized you were gaining feelings for the nephilim and you didn’t even bother denying it
Unknown to you, Jack was feeling the same way
Castiel coming back was amazing to you and Dean, your uncle came back from the dead!
“Two salty hunters, a half demon princess, one half angel kid, a guy who just back from the dead. Team Free Will 2.0, here we go.”
But the happiness didn’t last long when Jack ran away because he didn’t want to hurt anybody after he accidentally killed a man
Once you found him again, you almost slapped him and yelled at him
“How dare you leave like that?! Do you know how scared and worried I was for you?!”
That was when you had your first kiss with him
He was trying to calm you down but you just caved in and smashed your lips onto his own
Jack didn’t really know what to do but went along with it anyway since he really liked you too
Rescuing Jack and Mary (the Winchesters’ mother) from the other dimension was tiring but you did end up saving both of them later on
Seeing Lucifer again and Jack went off with him, you felt mildly betrayed and hurt
Lucifer tried to convince his son that you didn’t really love him, that you were just using him to get back at his father
Jack never bought it though, he knew you loved him more than anything
He felt so powerless without his grace, Jack was so tired and all he wanted to do was be with you again
When you were trapped in the church with Jack, Sam and Lucifer, you tried your best to kill the devil with your powers
“Poor little girl…left all alone by her daddy.” “Screw you.”
You felt so weak not being able to defeat Lucifer, so vulnerable and weak
Lucifer finally tired you three out and gave a small proposition; one of you dies by the archangel blade and the other two walks out alive
Sam gave you and Jack the blade and told you to kill him but you weren’t having it, so you took the blade from him and pressed it against your own stomach
“I love you, Jack. I love you both so much.” “(Y/n) no!”
Just before you could finish the job, Dean came in and began to fight Lucifer with Michael
Jack was holding you from collapsing becuse the blade had drawn some blood
“Why would you do that?” You smiled weakly at him. “Because I’m not letting either of you die for someone as worthless as me.”
The battle was won by Michael!Dean and finally after all these years, Lucifer was dead
The victory was short lived when Michael had taken full control over Dean and left
Dean was MIA for so long and Jack was feeling worthless without his powers, it was all so much
You, of course, comforted Jack about how he felt. He didn’t deserve to have his grace taken away by someone he thought cared about him
You were so scared when his illness was starting to take him over. Jack was dying and there was nothing you could do to help
When Jack died and went to Heaven, his own Heaven was with you and the boys until he (sadly) had to leave it to go to his mother’s
Jack brought you up to her, telling Kelly that he was in love with you to which she just smiled
“I’m in love with her, mom.” “I know, Jack. I know.”
Rowena was used as a suit for Michael and when he went to attack at the bunker, Jack killed him and gained his grace back….at the cost of burning his soul out
Soulless Jack was saddening to you, he was empty and wasn’t the same boy as before
You weren’t even sure he loved you anymore since he couldn’t feel anything at all
You set your feelings and concerns aside and continued to act the same as you normally would with Jack in your relationship, but it was never the same
After he killed Mary Winchester, you became much more worried about his condition and mildly scared at his actions
Jack being locked away by Sam and Dean was torture to you. Yes, he didn’t have a soul anymore but he was still the same boy you fell in love with. You missed him
When he escaped, God/Chuck came back and was the one who told you that you needed to kill Jack or it could be very dangerous
Instead of Dean, you were the one holding the gun to Jack’s head while he kneeled on the ground, ready to die
In the end, you couldn’t kill him. He was still Jack, he was still your everything and still the love of your life
But before you knew it, Chuck killed Jack himself and raised the souls from Hell
As you and the boys were trapped in the tomb with no way out, you sobbed and mourned over Jack’s dead body with his eyes burned out
The amount of anger you had for Belphegor when he had the audacity to use your boyfriend’s body as a vessel was only felt once for when your dad died
Sealing off the town was hard enough when you had a demon in your ass the whole damn time. Belphegor never left you alone
“Hey sweetheart...” “Belphegor, I am half demon and I will literally send you back to Hell no matter what.”
You went with Belphegor and Castiel down to the rupture in Hell in order to finally get rid of all the ghosts and souls
While down there, you found out that Belphegor was really planning on sucking up all the souls to be as powerful as God
You managed to get him down and punched him so many times that his lip was bleeding and his sunglasses came off, showing Jack’s full face
“Please (Y/n)...stop. It’s me...Jack.” “....You’re not him. And you’ll never be him.”
You killed Belphegor using your powers and needless to say, Dean was not very happy about going off-plan (which was stupid to you because you would’ve had to kill the demon anyway)
You had never felt so depressed and empty in all your life. Your mom and dad were dead, Rowena was dead because of the spell she had to use and Jack was dead as well. Everyone you ever loved was dead and you were just an empty shell of who you used to be
But when Jack was resurrected by Billie the Reaper, you felt the same way as Dean did when Cas came back
It wasn’t until you realized that he was the exact same as before, soulless. You couldn’t bare it, Jack didn’t love or care about anything anymore.
As much as you still loved him, you finally broke things off with him because no matter how much you tried to deny it, your old Jack was gone
When those hellhounds were after you all, Sam and Dean were the ones holding the doors shut while you, Jack, and Cas were in the main part of the chapel trying to activate the Occultum...until Jack swallowed it
“Where’s the Occultum?” “I ate it.” “YOU WHAT?”
Just before the hellhounds could maul the four of you to death, there was a bright light that killed them and Jack’s unconscious body appeared onto the floor
Later, Jack was found awake in the bunker’s kitchen, crying to himself and Cas told the rest of you that his soul has been restored
You couldn’t help but let a small tear escape your eye. Jack was so innocent and new to the world but already was introduced to so many horrible things within three years
You loved Jack, and you always would no matter what happens to him or you
A/N: Most of you might know about the BLM protests and the unjust murder of George Floyd but if you haven’t donated or signed any petitions yet, I would strongly suggest that you do! Black Lives Matter! I hear you and I stand with you.
Justice For George Floyd - https://www.change.org/p/mayor-jacob-frey-justice-for-george-floyd
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