#Maryland process servers
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Eclipses create atmospheric gravity waves, student teams confirm
Student teams from three U.S. universities became the first to measure what scientists have long predicted: eclipses can generate ripples in Earth's atmosphere called atmospheric gravity waves. The waves' telltale signature emerged in data captured during the North American annular solar eclipse on Oct. 14, 2023, as part of the Nationwide Eclipse Ballooning Project (NEBP) sponsored by NASA.
Through NEBP, high school and university student teams were stationed along the eclipse path through multiple U.S. states, where they released weather balloons carrying instrument packages designed to conduct engineering studies or atmospheric science experiments. A cluster of science teams located in New Mexico collected the data definitively linking the eclipse to the formation of atmospheric gravity waves, a finding that could lead to improved weather forecasting.
"Understanding how the atmosphere reacts in the special case of eclipses helps us better understand the atmosphere, which in turn helps us make more accurate weather predictions and, ultimately, better understand climate change."
Catching waves in New Mexico
Previous ballooning teams also had hunted atmospheric gravity waves during earlier eclipses, research that was supported by NASA and the National Science Foundation. In 2019, an NEBP team stationed in Chile collected promising data, but hourly balloon releases didn't provide quite enough detail. Attempts to repeat the experiment in 2020 were foiled by COVID-19 travel restrictions in Argentina and a heavy rainstorm that impeded data collection in Chile.
Project leaders factored in these lessons learned when planning for 2023, scheduling balloon releases every 15 minutes and carefully weighing locations with the best potential for success.
"New Mexico looked especially promising," said Jie Gong, a researcher in the NASA Climate and Radiation Lab at the agency's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, and co-investigator of the research on atmospheric gravity waves. "The majority of atmospheric gravity sources are convection, weather systems, and mountains. We wanted to eliminate all those possible sources."
The project created a New Mexico "supersite" in the town of Moriarty where four atmospheric science teams were clustered: two from Plymouth State University in Plymouth, New Hampshire, and one each from the State University of New York (SUNY) Albany and SUNY Oswego.
Students began launching balloons at 10 a.m. the day before the eclipse.
"They worked in shifts through the day and night, and then everyone was on site for the eclipse," said Eric Kelsey, research associate professor at Plymouth State and the NEBP northeast regional lead.
Each balloon released by the science teams carried a radiosonde, an instrument package that measured temperature, location, humidity, wind direction, and wind speed during every second of its climb through the atmosphere. Radiosondes transmitted this stream of raw data to the team on the ground. Students uploaded the data to a shared server, where Gong and two graduate students spent months processing and analyzing it.
Confirmation that the eclipse had generated atmospheric gravity waves in the skies above New Mexico came in spring 2024.
"We put all the data together according to time, and when we plotted that time series, I could already see the stripes in the signal," Gong said. "I bombarded everybody's email. We were quite excited."
For students, learning curves bring opportunity
The program offered many students their first experience in collecting data. But the benefits go beyond technical and scientific skill.
"The students learned a ton through practicing launching weather balloons," Kelsey said. "It was a huge learning curve. They had to work together to figure out all the logistics and troubleshoot. It's good practice of teamwork skills."
"All of this is technically complicated," Des Jardins said. "While the focus now is on the science result, the most important part is that it was students who made this happen."
IMAGE: Plymouth State University students Sarah Brigandi, left, and Sammantha Boulay release a weather balloon from Moriarty, New Mexico, to collect atmospheric data on Oct. 14, 2023. Credit: NASA
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boniebenntt · 2 months
Navigating the Process: How to File a Motion to Terminate Child Support in Maryland
motion to terminate child support maryland is a crucial component of family law, ensuring that children receive the financial support they need from both parents. However, circumstances can change, leading one or both parents to seek a modification or termination of child support. If you are considering filing a motion to terminate child support in Maryland, it’s important to understand the legal process and requirements involved. This guide will walk you through the steps and considerations for effectively navigating this process.
Understanding Child Support Termination in Maryland
In motion to terminate child support maryland obligations are typically determined by a court order. Terminating child support generally requires a formal request to the court, and the request must be based on specific legal grounds. Common reasons for seeking termination include the child reaching the age of majority, a significant change in circumstances, or other legal grounds established by Maryland law.
Grounds for Terminating Child Support
Age of Majority: In Maryland, child support usually continues until the child turns 18 or graduates from high school, whichever occurs later, but not beyond the age of 19. Once the child reaches the age of majority or completes high school, child support obligations may be terminated.
Significant Change in Circumstances: If there has been a substantial change in circumstances that affects the need for child support, either parent may request a modification or termination. This could include changes in income, the child’s living situation, or other relevant factors.
Emancipation: If the child becomes legally emancipated before reaching the age of majority, such as by marrying or joining the military, child support obligations may be terminated.
Steps to File a Motion to Terminate Child Support
Prepare the Motion: Begin by preparing a formal motion to terminate child support. This document should outline your reasons for requesting termination and provide any supporting evidence. You can find templates and guidelines through the Maryland Judiciary website or by consulting with a family law attorney.
File the Motion: Submit the completed motion to the court that issued the original child support order. This is typically done at the family law court in the county where the order was issued. You may need to pay a filing fee, which can vary by jurisdiction.
Serve the Motion: After filing, you must serve the motion to the other parent. This can be done through a process server or by certified mail. Proof of service must be filed with the court to confirm that the other parent has been notified.
Attend the Hearing: The court will schedule a hearing to review your motion. Both parties will have the opportunity to present their case, and the judge will make a decision based on the evidence and legal standards.
Receive the Court’s Decision: If the court grants your motion, a formal order terminating child support will be issued. Ensure that you obtain a copy of the order and keep it for your records.
Considerations and Tips
Consult an Attorney: While it’s possible to file a motion on your own, consulting with a family law attorney can provide valuable guidance and increase the likelihood of a favorable outcome. An attorney can help you understand the legal requirements, prepare your motion, and represent you in court.
Document Changes: Be prepared to provide evidence supporting your request for termination. This may include financial records, proof of the child’s emancipation, or other relevant documentation.
Understand the Impact: Consider how terminating child support might affect both parties, especially if the child’s needs or financial situation are still relevant.
Filing a motion to terminate child support maryland involves understanding the legal grounds and procedural requirements. By preparing thoroughly and seeking appropriate legal guidance, you can navigate the process effectively and ensure that your motion is handled correctly. If you have any doubts or need assistance, consulting with a knowledgeable family law attorney is always a wise step.
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gwydionmisha · 5 months
Internet data centers are fueling drive to old power source: Coal
CHARLES TOWN, W.Va. — A helicopter hovers over the Gee family farm, the noisy rattle echoing inside their home in this rural part of West Virginia. It’s holding surveyors who are eyeing space for yet another power line next to the property — a line that will take electricity generated from coal plants in the state to address a drain on power driven by the world’s internet hub in Northern Virginia 35 miles away.
There, massive data centers with computers processing nearly 70 percent of global digital traffic are gobbling up electricity at a rate officials overseeing the power grid say is unsustainable unless two things happen: Several hundred miles of new transmission lines must be built, slicing through neighborhoods and farms in Virginia and three neighboring states. And antiquated coal-powered electricity plants that had been scheduled to go offline will need to keep running to fuel the increasing need for more power, undermining clean energy goals.
The $5.2 billion effort has fueled a backlash against data centers through the region, prompting officials in Virginia to begin studying the deeper impacts of an industry they’ve long cultivated for the hundreds of millions of dollars in tax revenue it brings to their communities.
Critics say it will force residents near the coal plants to continue living with toxic pollution, ironically to help a state — Virginia — that has fully embraced clean energy. And utility ratepayers in the affected areas will be forced to pay for the plan in the form of higher bills, those critics say.
But PJM Interconnection, the regional grid operator, says the plan is necessary to maintain grid reliability amid a wave of fossil fuel plant closures in recent years, prompted by the nation’s transition to cleaner power.
Power lines will be built across four states in a $5.2 billion effort that, relying on coal plants that were meant to be shuttered, is designed to keep the electric grid from failing amid spiking energy demands.
Cutting through farms and neighborhoods, the plan converges on Northern Virginia, where a growing data center industry will need enough extra energy to power 6 million homes by 2030.
With not enough of those green energy facilities connected to the grid yet, enough coal and natural gas energy to power 32 million homes is expected to be lost by 2030 at a time when the demand from the growing data center industry, electric vehicles and other new technology is on the rise, PJM says.
“The system is in a major transition right now, and it’s going to continue to evolve,” Ken Seiler, PJM’s senior vice president in charge of planning, said in a December stakeholders’ meeting about the effort to buy time for green energy to catch up. “And we’ll look for opportunities to do everything we can to keep the lights on as it goes through this transition.”
A need for power
Data centers that house thousands of computer servers and the cooling equipment needed for them to runhave been multiplying in Northern Virginia since the late 1990s, spreading from the industry’s historic base in Loudoun County to neighboring Prince William County and, recently, across the Potomac River into Maryland. There are nearly 300 data centers now in Virginia.
With Amazon Web Services pursuing a $35 billion data center expansion in Virginia, rural portions of the state are the industry’s newest target for development.
But data centers also consume massive amounts of energy.
One data center can require 50 times the electricity of a typical office building, according to the U.S.Department of Energy. Multiple-building data center complexes, which have become the norm, require as much as 14 to 20 times that amount.
The demand has strained utility companies, to the point where Dominion Energy in Virginia briefly warned in 2022 that it may not be able to keepup with the pace of the industry’s growth.
The utility — which has since accelerated plans for new power lines and substations to boost its electrical output — predicts that by 2035 the industry in Virginia will require 11,000 megawatts, nearly quadruple what it needed in 2022, or enough to power 8.8 million homes.
Thesmaller Northern Virginia Electric Cooperative recently told PJM that the more than 50 data centers it serves account for 59 percent of its energy demand. It expects to need to serve about 110 more data centers by July 2028.
Meanwhile, the amount of energy available is not growing quickly enough to meet that future demand. Coal plants have scaled down production or shut down altogether as the market transitions to green energy, hastened by laws in Maryland and Virginia mandating net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2045 and, for several other states in the region, by 2050.
Dominion is developing a 2,600-megawatt wind farm off Virginia Beach — the largest such project in U.S. waters — and the company recently gained state approval to build four solar projects.
But those projects won’t be ready in timeto absorb the projected gap in available energy.Opponents of PJM’s plan say it wouldn’t be necessary if more green energy had been connected to the grid faster, pointing to projects that were caught up in bureaucratic delays for five years or longer before they were connected.
A PJM spokesperson said the organization has recently sped up its approval process and is encouraging utility companies and federal and state officials to better incorporate renewable energy.
About 40,000 megawatts of green energy projects have been cleared for construction but are not being built because of issues related to financing or siting, the PJM spokesperson said.
Once more renewable energy is available, some of the power lines being built to address the energy gap may no longer be needed as the coal plants ultimately shut down, clean energy advocates say — though utility companies contend the extra capacity brought by the lines will always be useful.
“Their planning is just about maintaining the status quo,” Tom Rutigliano, a senior advocate for clean energy at the Natural Resources Defense Council, said about PJM. “They do nothing proactive about really trying to get a handle on the future and get ready for it.”
‘Holding on tight’ to coal
The smoke from two coal plants near West Virginia’s border with Pennsylvania billows over the city of Morgantown, adding a brownish tint to the air.
The owner of one of the Morgantown-area plants, Longview LLC, recently emerged from bankruptcy. After a restructuring, the facility is fully functioning, utilizing a solar farm to supplement its coal energy output.
The other two plants belong to the Ohio-based FirstEnergy Corp. utility, which had plans to significantly scale down operations there to meet a company goal of reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by nearly a third over the next six years.
The FirstEnergy plants are among the state’s worst polluters, said Jim Kotcon, a West Virginia University plant pathology professor who oversees conservation efforts at the Sierra Club’s West Virginia chapter.
The Harrison plant pumped out a combined 12 million tons of coal pollutants like sulfur and nitrous oxides in 2023, more than any other fossil fuel plant in the state, according to Environmental Protection Agency data. The Fort Martin plant, which has been operating since the late 1960s, emitted the state’s highest levels of nitrous oxides in 2023, at 5,240 tons.
After PJM tapped the company to build a 36-mile-long portion of the planned power lines for $392 million, FirstEnergy announced in February that the company is abandoning a 2030 goal to significantly cut greenhouse gas emissions because the two plants are crucial to maintaining grid reliability.
The news has sent FirstEnergy’s stock price up by 4 percent, to about $37 a share this week, and was greeted with jubilation by West Virginia’s coal industry.(Hadley Green/The Washington Post)
“We welcome this, without question, because it will increase the life of these plants and hundreds of thousands of mining jobs,” said Chris Hamilton, president of the West Virginia Coal Association. “We’re holding on tight to our coal plants.”
Since 2008, annual coal production in West Virginia has dipped by nearly half, to about 82 million tons, though the industry — which contributes about $5.5 billion to the state’s economy — has rebounded some due to an export market to Europe and Asia, Hamilton said.
Hamilton said his association will lobby hard for FirstEnergy’s portion of the PJM plan to gain state approval. The company said it will submit its application for its power line routes in mid-2025.
PJM asked the plants’ owner, Texas-based Talen Energy Corp., to keep them running through 2028 — with the yet-to-be determined cost of doing so passed on to ratepayers.
That would mean amending a 2018 federal court consent decree, in which Talen agreed to stop burning coal to settle a lawsuit brought by the Sierra Club over Clean Water Act violations. The Sierra Club has rejected PJM’s calls to do so.
“We need a proactive plan that is consistent with the state’s clean energy goals,” said Josh Tulkin, director of the Sierra Club’s Maryland chapter, which has proposed an alternative plan to build a battery storage facility at the Brandon Shores site that would cut the time needed for the plants to operate.
A PJM spokesperson said the organization believes that such a facility wouldn’t provide enough reliable power and is not ruling out seeking a federal emergency order to keep the coal plants running.
With the matter still unresolved, nearby residents say they are anxious to see them closed.
“It’s been really challenging,” said John Garofolo, who lives in the Stoney Beach neighborhood community of townhouses and condominiums, where coal dust drifts into the neighborhood pool when the facilities are running. “We’re concerned about the air we’re breathing here.”
Sounding alarms
Keryn Newman, a Charles Town activist, has been sounding alarms in the small neighborhoods and farm communities along the path of the proposed power lines in West Virginia.
Because FirstEnergy prohibits any structure from interfering with a power line, building a new line along the right of way — which would be expanded to make room for the third line — would mean altering the character of residents’ properties, Newman said.
“It gobbles up space for play equipment for your kid, a pool or a barn,” she said. “And a well or septic system can’t be in the right of way.”
A FirstEnergy spokesperson said the company would compensate property owners for any land needed, with eminent domain proceedings a last resort if those property owners are unwilling to sell.
Pam and Gary Gearhart fought alongside Newman against the defeated 765-kilovolt line, which would have forced them to move a septic system near FirstEnergy’s easement. But when Newman showed up recently to their Harpers Ferry-area neighborhood to discuss the new PJM plan, the couple appeared unwilling to fight again.
Next door, another family had already decided to leave, the couple said, and was in the midst of loading furniture into a truck when Newman showed up.
“They’re just going to keep okaying data centers; there’s money in those things,” Pam Gearhart said about local governments in Virginia benefiting from the tax revenue. “Until they run out of land down there.”
In Loudoun County, where the data center industry’s encroachment into neighborhoods has fostered resentment, community groups are fighting a portion of the PJM plan that would build power lines through the mostly rural communities of western Loudoun.
The lines would damage the views offered by surrounding wineries and farms that contribute to Loudoun’s $4 billion tourism industry, those groups say.
Bill Hatch owns a winery that sits near the path of where PJM suggested one high-voltage line could go, though that route is still under review.
“This is going to be a scar for a long time,” Hatch said.
Reconsidering the benefits
Amid the backlash, local and state officials are reconsidering the data center industry’s benefits.
The Virginia General Assembly has launched a study that, among other things, will look at how the industry’s growth may affect energy resources and utility rates for state residents.
But that study has held up efforts to regulate the industry sooner, frustrating activists.
“We should not be subsidizing this industry for another minute, let alone another year,” Julie Bolthouse, director of land use at the Piedmont Environmental Council, chided a Senate committee that voted in February to table a bill that would force data center companies to pay more for new transmission lines.
Loudoun is moving to restrict where in the county data centers can be built. Up until recently, data centers have been allowed to be built without special approvals wherever office buildings are allowed.
But such action will do little to stem the worries of people like Mary and Richard Gee.
As it is, the two lines near their property produce an electromagnetic field strong enough to charge a garden fence with a light current of electricity, the couple said. When helicopters show up to survey the land for a third line, the family’s dog, Peaches, who is prone to seizures, goes into a barking frenzy.
An artist who focuses on natural landscapes, Mary Gee planned to convert the barn that sits in the shadow of a power line tower to a studio. That now seems unlikely, she said.
Lately, her paintings have reflected her frustration. One picture shows birds with beaks wrapped shut by transmission line. Another has a colorful scene of the rural Charles Town area severed by a smoky black and gray landscape of steel towers and a coal plant.
A previous version of this article incorrectly reported that Prince William County receives $400 million annually in taxes on the computer equipment inside data centers. It receives $100 million annually. In addition, the article incorrectly stated that two FirstEnergy plants in West Virginia have been equipped with carbon-capturing technology. They do not have such technology in place, The article has been corrected.
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addyourlabs · 1 year
High 10+ Open Supply Laboratory Management Systems Lims
Labwise XD unifies all laboratory processes, from staff and amenities to instruments, samples, and knowledge. It is constructed for both laboratory personnel and laboratory executives alike, by subject-matter experts with many years of practical experience laboratory workflow management software. The digital laboratory platform can adapt to all laboratory wants, including high quality control, CAR T, immunotherapeutics, diagnostic labs, preclinical drug discovery, stability, and analysis, and quickly adapt to rising wants.
The global Lab Information Management System Market Size was valued at $1,475.14 million in 2021 and is estimated to succeed in $4,one hundred fifty five.34 million by 2031, rising at a CAGR of 10.9% from 2022 to 2031. LIMS permits labs to provide accurate, dependable, reproducible, and sooner knowledge. These techniques are broadly used in varied industries similar to life science, chemical compounds, oil & gasoline, and different industries. Laboratory information laboratory management software management methods (LIMS) improve access to quality diagnostic testing and supply correct, timely info for affected person care, public health planning, and policy choices. In addition, laboratory info management methods (LIMS) are recognized as a robust software to improve laboratory data management throughout the laboratories and reporting of knowledge externally.
The first section is to make necessary exams on the code after writing the code for every module. In this case, the writer of the module code and the tester of the system are the same person. The second phase is a separate part in the medical laboratory management software software development, which can be a devoted testing part. In the system testing, the system running results are good, each system perform is steady, and the system network structure is successful.
You can not and mustn't use a rigid off-the-shelf product like ELN (electronic lab notebook) and LIMS (lab info management system). To assist you to choose one of the best lab management software, we've listed 5 must-haves each lab ought to count on from their lab software distributors. The global laboratory info management system market size, valued at 1.eighty five Billion USD in 2021, is growing rapidly at a compound annual progress rate (CAGR) of seven.0% from 2022 to 2030. Novatek International in Montreal offers Nova-LIMS a laboratory info management system emphasizing workflow automation and operational efficiency for research and biopharmaceutical labs. RURO in Maryland offers LimitLIS, a laboratory information management system focusing on diagnostic workflow automation and management, with knowledge and document accessibility and a focus to privacy legislation (e.g. HIPAA). We provide guidance to next-generation sequencing (NGS) labs on choosing a LIMS.
These will be mirrored in real-time on the dashboard enabling managers to make informed choices about workflows for greater efficiency and productivity. The hardware structure of the LIS360 laboratory management system contains Web server, database server, isolation machine, interchanger, router, hub, inspection instrument, and numerous terminals. The software expertise platform uses Microsoft Windows as the appliance platform [26, 27]. The database is MS SQL Server2000, which is a big and commonly used database [28]. Through the analysis of the needs of inspection department personnel, the existing system network structure design scheme is learnt, to design the function required by this technique.
This one-stop-shop type resolution permits customers to access all the needed information that impacts analysis and manufacturing manufacturing in a single place. This is especially useful for nationwide and international pharma firms that maintain varied sites around the world. A laboratory Information management system, shortly known as LIMS, is a software that is used to help lab schools in accumulating samples, processing and delivering reviews to patients. It acts as an interface between the lab colleges and the database where all the data and important details are stored.
Conduct certification evaluation, create visualized reviews, and share data with your lab members. Strong framework for inside and exterior collaborationLab work is a group effort. You need to find a way to collaborate, notify and selectively invite your labmates, companions, prospects, and vendors (e.g., CROs, core labs, and so forth.) in order that analysis is finished the right method.Keeping everyone updated on Scispot is a cinch.
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ivirginus · 1 year
How to Find a Company’s Registered Agent
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How to Find a Company’s Registered Agent
Tracking down a company’s registered agent may seem difficult, but when a company files for formation with the state, they have to list their registered agent on their paperwork. After their business is formed, their documents become public information. Whether you’re looking for the registered agent of an LLC or a corporation, the process of finding their information is the same. Sometimes a quick Google search can lead you to the company’s registered agent’s information. But sometimes, registered agent information is a little harder to find. Luckily, a little digging can get you what you need.
Why would I need to find a company’s registered agent?
Process servers are generally the ones who will be looking for a company’s registered agent. A process server is someone whose job is to serve legal documents to someone involved in a court case.They’re tasked with delivering what’s known as “service of process.” Service of process is notice of legal action, such as a legal complaint, summons, or subpoena. In order to serve a company, a process server will need to deliver service of process to the company’s registered agent, who serves as a company’s point of contact. However, contacting a company’s registered agent isn’t just limited to service processors. Individuals or businesses who are struggling to get in contact with a business might seek out its registered agent too.
How to find the registered agent of a company
Whether the business is domestic, with one location, or foreign with their headquarters in another state, they are required to have a registered agent in the state where they are operating, i.e. the state where you are serving papers if you’re a process server. This is the registered agent you’ll typically want to contact. Find the state agency for business filings In the state of operation, you’ll need to contact the state office where the company originally filed their formation documents. For most states, businesses are registered with a division of the Secretary of State or the Department of State. In a handful of states, however, business registrations are done via different state commissions or departments: - Alaska: Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development - Arizona: Arizona Corporation Commission - Hawaii: Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs - Maryland: Department of Assessments & Taxation - Massachusetts: Secretary of the Commonwealth - Michigan: Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs - New Jersey: Department of the Treasury - Utah: Department of Commerce - Virginia: State Corporation Commission - Wisconsin: Department of Financial Institutions Most filing offices give access to business registration information on their website. Conduct a business entity search A business name search or business entity search will often get you the information you need. If the state you’re looking into has an online business search, you’ll usually be able to find a company’s registered agent by doing the following: - Go to the Secretary of State’s (or other state agency’s) website. Look for a tab or link labeled something like “Businesses,” “Business Entity,” or “Corporations.” Sometimes the tab will read “Search Businesses” or “Business Search.” >> Checkout our complete list of Secretary of State Name Searches - - Read the full article
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geezerwench · 2 years
LONDON/WASHINGTON, Nov 14 (Reuters) - Thousands of smartphone applications in Apple (AAPL.O) and Google's (GOOGL.O) online stores contain computer code developed by a technology company, Pushwoosh, that presents itself as based in the United States, but is actually Russian, Reuters has found.
On social media and in U.S. regulatory filings, however, it presents itself as a U.S. company, based at various times in California, Maryland and Washington, D.C., Reuters found.
Pushwoosh provides code and data processing support for software developers, enabling them to profile the online activity of smartphone app users and send tailor-made push notifications from Pushwoosh servers.
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Happy Holidays from ARMENHYL GROUP LLC!
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warlordess · 3 years
Okay, I may have gotten the Leverage: Redemption watch party discord server working properly. If anyone is looking to try the reboot series as a group, feel free to join.
Some things:
1. A friend told me we must be friends for you to join the watch/server? If you want to search/friend request me, my discord handle is Warlordess#2014
2. The server link is https://discord.gg/E4H3KQR8 so you can try to access directly/without friending me
3. I live in Maryland, USA and don’t know if this will be accessible to anyone out of the country/overseas (however trying to do this was in part because I wanted to make the series accessible to aforementioned people)
4. I’m working off my mid-range gaming laptop so I have no idea how framerate and quality will be effected in the stream, nor do I know if more and more people joining will bottleneck that quality
5. I don’t have a designated start time for the stream right now but today is my only day off for the week. it’s currently 3:47pm est so maybe I could start at 5pm est (start time is negotiable if people want to push back an hour or so)? basically once i start the stream i don’t want to pause or leave it to friend/add people and i’m a bit unfamiliar with how discord operates a stream with background activity from the host
Feel free to spread this post. If you have any other questions, concerns, or have more knowledge than I do about the process of a party stream, mention it here and I’ll reach out to you.
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mobile-notaries · 3 years
Mobile Notary DC Maryland Virginia
Looking For a Notary Services Near Me DC, Maryland or Virginia? Need Notary Near Me DC or Maryland? 24 Hour Mobile Notary DC MD & VA; DMV Notary Mobile. Traveling Notaries that Comes to You. Notarizing Power of Attorney, Wills, Deeds, Escrow Documents, Financial Documents, Contracts, Loan Signings, Affirmations, Oaths, Apostille Services and Authentications Day after day the notaries are filled with requirements and requests that wish to be processed as quickly as possible and in accordance with the needs of all clients who turn to these institutions, in order to provide legality to all the processes, they have generated through of the same requests. Due to the growing demand for applications, which has been presented more frequently in the notaries, there are many more servers and professionals who are dedicated to providing their services in this branch, only in this way can cover all the demand of the applicants. In Washington DC Maryland and Virginia, there is a traveling notary service called DMV Notary Mobile, able to offer any notary service, anywhere in the region, any day of the week and at any time you need it. Apostille Services What is a notary? A notary is a person who is responsible through their knowledge and law studies, to give a public nature to certain documents that are of private origin, and also gives them a legal certification through his signature. It also acts as a witness that attests to everything that is contained in the document is real and has legal validity until it can be proved otherwise. Most requested documents in the notaries in the United States. While it is true that notaries certify a large number of documents of all kinds, in the United States there is always a great demand for the following applications: - Deed of Trust: This is a very popular application where three parts of a whole are involved, the first place its goods at the disposal of the second so that it generates a benefit over time, and at the end, when the conditions dictated by the first figure are compiled, this transfers the administration to a third party. A trust serves to ensure that certain conditions of a contract that involve elements such as the acquisition of a good, or money, are met, thus protecting its value, while the terms of the deal are given. - Real state closings: This refers to the final part of a purchase or sale deal, where finally the seller gives the seller the property, for the value that has been agreed in advance. The date for this event is decided when the negotiations begin, meaning that both parties have a time limit to close the deal. To reach this step, it is important that a series of events have been developed beforehand, leading to this final step, where the seller will deliver the keys to the property, while the buyer will deliver the money for his purchase. - Affidavits: The affidavits are accounts of events by one of the witnesses of the event, where it is expressed orally or in writing that the information that is being granted is completely real and his truthfulness. This is done in the presence of a jury that gives legal character to this document, the witness indicates under oath that everything that is contained there is the truth. - Divorce papers: Divorce papers are among the most popular applications in Washington DC, Maryland and Virginia as there is a high number of divorces in this region. Divorce lawyers are professionally prepared to write divorce papers that involve the conditions proposed by your client, or also the agreements reached by this with your counterpart. These documents specify very clearly under what conditions the events that follow will take place. - Divorce modifications: To request a change in the conditions that have already been established in the official papers of a divorce, the professional should consider that before the criterion of the judge this is viable, because these requests should not be subject to the will of any of the ex-spouses but they must be based on situations that are quite serious and also unforeseen,
which may need to be considered with much more attention. - Statement of consent: A declaration of consent is a document through which a person expresses his willingness to assign to another or other persons, rights to perform some activities that are also theirs, but for various reasons can not perform for themselves. There are several types of consent statements, but to give them real value before the law, it is necessary that they are notarized. - Power of attorney: This document is a certificate through which a person, who may be natural or judicial, designates another to be their legal representative before a certain number of matters, those specified in the document and for as long as the document indicate It is important that to apply for any type of power, whoever carries out this process should not be limited by law, that is, if he/she is declared incapable of making these requests, for various reasons, this will not proceed. - Rental Agreement: It is a document in which two parties are involved a landlord and a tenant, these parties set out certain conditions about the use of a property, or rather, the tenant, who is the one who is providing the service to the tenant, indicates in this document the conditions under which the person who is requesting to live in his property will live, this includes the value that the tenant must pay and the time in which he will stay there. These are the most popular, but the truth is that notaries are able to cover thousands and thousands of documents that all their clients can request. In the United States has always been taken into account the importance of notaries to facilitate all operations that want to perform all customers who for a large number of reasons require any service immediately. This has caused companies to always seek to innovate in the type of service they offer for all, this has resulted in DMV Notary Mobile, fulfilling the requirements of all customers throughout Washington DC, Maryland and Virginia. Being a pioneer in bringing all your services to the door of your house, at the time and day you need, as they are not subject to an office schedule. Need a Mobile Notary DC? Call us today at 202-826-8179 Notary that Comes to You.
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rbankhead-blog · 4 years
It’s Over!
Marriage remains the number one form of commitment for couples in the United States. Still almost half of our commitments will end in divorce. Divorce affects different members of the family differently. Family members go through a process of mourning their familiar existence. Children often mimic the reactions of their parents when trying to cope with the transition. Often if parents act as if everything will be alright in time the children follow suit with the thinking. If parents are crying and falling apart in front for the children, the children will have a harder time accepting the transition. The majority of children will adjust to a healthier state of being after the divorce is settled and they are living in their new spaces with their new situation. This blog is designed to be a learning tool about the process of divorce and child custody in Maryland, and a sounding board for those that have navigated the process. Grounds for Divorce Spouses seeking absolute divorce in Maryland (i.e., a divorce that can be finalized or a complete dissolution of marriage) may use the following grounds: • Mutual consent, i.e. irreconcilable differences, if: o The parties may not have any minor children together o The parties must submit a written settlement agreement that resolves issues surrounding alimony and property division o Neither party may file a pleading to set the settlement agreement aside before the divorce hearing o Both parties must appear before the court during the Absolute Divorce Hearing • Adultery • Deliberate desertion (at least one year) • Constructive desertion, i.e. one party’s misconduct causes the other party to leave the marital home. • Insanity with at least 3 years confinement to a mental institution, hospital, or similar institution prior to the date of filing with the following conditions: o Maryland divorce law requires testimony that the insanity is incurable from at least two physicians competent in psychiatry; there must be no hope of recovery. o At least one spouse must be a resident of Maryland for 2 years before filing. o A felony or misdemeanor criminal conviction resulting in a sentence of at least 3 years, of which 12 months have been served. o Cruelty or abuse o Harsh behavior either toward the spouse or toward a minor child. The terms outlined in the Separation Agreement are meant to bridge the gap between marriage and cohabitation and the time when a divorce is finalized, or the parties opt to resolve their differences by revoking the agreement in writing. The Separation Agreement is not a substitute for divorce.
The Separation Agreement should contain the following information:
Details concerning the support, care, and custody of any children. The amount of spousal support to be provided. Details concerning the continuance of health insurance benefits if they are currently provided by one spouse for the other. Division of property and responsibility for debt during the separation period. Under Maryland divorce law, parties may not engage in sexual relations with others while separated, as this legally constitutes adultery. If one of the spouses violates this law or any of the terms of the Separation Agreement, the other has the right to file a lawsuit for breach of contract.
After the one-year separation has passed (if applicable) all parties seeking an annulment, limited divorce (legal separation) or absolute divorce should use the following procedures to file for divorce.
In order to begin a legal action, you start by filing a complaint with the court. The complaint will include:
Date and location of marriage Names and ages of children Length of residence in Maryland Whether any other legal actions exist between the parties Grounds for divorce A specific amount of relief, i.e. child support and/or alimony being requested: a statement of income and expenses must accompany the filing when relief is requested. Next, you will need to serve the other party with a copy of the complaint and a summons.
The sheriff, a private process server, or certified mail may be used. The defendant (the spouse who did not file) has 30 days to respond if he or she lives in Maryland, and longer if residing outside the state. The response may admit or deny the stated grounds for divorce. The defendant may file a counter-complaint with his or her grounds for divorce, along with a statement requesting relief if applicable. If the defendant fails to file a response, then the filing party may request a default judgment.
In case a default judgment is requested, the filing party must also provide a military affidavit stating that the responding party (i.e. defendant) is not in the military. If the divorce is uncontested and both parties agree to the terms, then the case will be heard by a Master-Examiner, who will determine whether divorce should be granted. The defendant will be given an opportunity to appear but is not required to do so. The plaintiff (filing party) will need to testify, along with any witnesses who can corroborate evidence in assigning grounds for divorce. • If the Master-Examiner determines that the divorce should be granted, then a recommendation will be given to a judge, who will review the case and enter the final judgment. This process usually takes several weeks.
Completing A Contested Divorce in Maryland If the divorce is contested, then the case goes to trial. Many months of discovery may take place depending on the circumstances. Prior to the trial, both parties can expect to attend a scheduling/settlement conference. In some cases, multiple conferences may take place so that issues can be resolved. The court may also require parties to attend mediation to reduce the burden of trial. If no agreement can be reached, the divorce will go to trial. During the trial, both spouses will present testimony, and both spouses can expect to be cross-examined by the other side. Witness statements will be heard as well, if applicable. After all the evidence has been presented, the judge will determine whether the divorce will be granted to the plaintiff. Terms concerning contested issues, including alimony, child custody and/or visitation, and the division of marital property, will be determined as well. It is worth noting that contested divorces can take months to even get to trial and even longer to proceed after the trial begins. Once a judgment is entered, a 30-day appeal period goes into effect. The losing party then has the opportunity to enter an appeal if he or she wishes to do so.
How long will the Divorce take to be finalized • In some cases, the state of Maryland requires a one-year separation period before allowing spouses to file for absolute divorce. The one-year separation allows one party to file, even if the other does not want or consent to the divorce. • If the parties are able to meet the requirements for a mutual consent divorce, they are exempt from the one-year separation/waiting period. • If the grounds for divorce is adultery, and adultery can be proven, then the court may opt to grant an absolute divorce immediately. There is no need to prove that sexual intercourse occurred when using adultery as grounds for divorce in Maryland. Instead, the filing party must prove the following: o Adulterous Disposition: The offending spouse was affectionate toward another, i.e. public displays of affection were witnessed. o Adulterous Opportunity: Proof that the spouse was at a location where adultery could have taken place, i.e. witness statement that the spouse was seen entering another party’s residence at night and leaving in the morning. o Evidence may also be admissible: If the filing party has proof of adultery in the form of text messages, emails, voicemail messages, photos, etc. then it is often admitted by the court. o If the offending spouse has a child with another person during the course of the marriage, the child’s DNA is admissible evidence. In uncontested divorces, the final judgment may be granted within several weeks of filing, depending on Master Examiner and judicial caseloads as well as circumstances of the individual case. In contested divorces, the final judgment often takes months or even longer than a year to obtain, depending on unique circumstances, court schedules, and other unique factors. In all Maryland divorce cases, the divorce judgment is final when the judge provides his or her signature. This may or may not happen on the date of the trial.
Maryland law presumes that both natural parents are the natural custodians of their children. The law does not favor either the mother or father. This article is designed to give you general information on how courts decide custody and visitation rights in Maryland.
Either of the separated parents may petition a circuit court in Maryland for custody of a child. If the parties cannot agree about who should have custody, the court will grant custody either solely to one of the parents or shared between parents.
The law looks at the "best interests" of the child standard when deciding on child custody and visitation. The "best interests" of the child standard looks at certain factors to determine what is best for the child or children. All court ordered custody has two components, legal and physical.
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Child Custody §9–101.1.    (a)    In this section, “abuse” has the meaning stated in § 4-501 of this article.    (b)    In a custody or visitation proceeding, the court shall consider, when deciding custody or visitation issues, evidence of abuse by a party against:        (1)    the other parent of the party’s child;        (2)    the party’s spouse; or        (3)    any child residing within the party’s household, including a child other than the child who is the subject of the custody or visitation proceeding.    (c)    If the court finds that a party has committed abuse against the other parent of the party’s child, the party’s spouse, or any child residing within the party’s household, the court shall make arrangements for custody or visitation that best protect:        (1)    the child who is the subject of the proceeding; and        (2)    the victim of the abuse. In Maryland, like many other states, the one ultimate standard in determining custody is what is in “the best interest of the child.” There are factors that the court considers in determining the best interest of the child.
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sell-my-phone · 4 years
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chiseler · 5 years
“John Doe”, Alias God
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On September 13, 1936, a man who called himself God led a parade of three thousand “angels” over ninety blocks south from the Kingdom of Heaven at 20 West 115th Street in Harlem.
God sat in a vintage automobile while young ladies in jodhpurs, derby hats and vivid green sashes danced and chanted to the music of kazoo-players and upright piano.  God later made a speech in Madison Square Park.
God went by the name Father Divine, who ran the Peace Mission Movement from a five-story headquarters where today stands the Martin Luther King, Jr. Towers.  A sign outside declared: “The abundance of the fullness occupies the entire area of this office; therefore, there can be no loitering.”
Father Divine was a rousing preacher, owned vast real estate, forbade smoking, drinking and sex, and evaded several attempts at criminal conviction by white authorities.  He arose from an errant root-and-branch pulpiteer living in the Pigtown waterfront ghetto of Baltimore, to buying a mansion in Hyde Park across the Hudson River from President FDR.
Harlem in the roaring twenties was a scene of artistic revolution, where Fats Waller smashed thirds and Claude McKay heard “the halting footsteps of a lass,” but in the 1930s the neighborhood was a theater of political awakening, where Communists, union bosses, black intellectuals and cult preachers vied for a voice on the squawk tub.  Father Divine acknowledged support from the Communists, but with the caveat that “just what the Communists have been trying to get you to see and do and be, I have accomplished.”
God was born George Baker, Jr. in 1879, in Rockville, Maryland.  His family shared a small cabin of fourteen people, including the family of Luther Snowden, the only black landowner in the county.  White religion in the area was chiefly Catholic, Jim Crow laws were brutal, and the local black neighborhood was called Monkey Run. When Baker was 18, his mother Nancy, a former slave to a tobacco planter, died.  She was five feet tall and weighed 480 pounds.
Baker set out for the big city where he worked as a gardener in white middle-class blocks and taught Sunday school at storefront churches on Baltimore’s east side.  Soon he took off South to walk the land and preach.  His ideas about Man and Spirit were influenced by “New Thought,” a philosophy that God was a being inside the mind and flesh of all Man and Woman.  New Thought had originated in the work of Phineas P. Quimby, a blueblooded clockmaker and doctor of mesmerism in Portland, Maine in the early 1800s.  All could know God by self-mastery of the journey within.
Baker ventured to Los Angeles in 1906, where he participated in the Azusa Street Revival and first spoke in tongues.  In L.A. he discovered his divine identity and cast off the personhood of “George Baker.”  He began to call himself The Messenger and walked back South to craft a traveling ministry.
In Valdosta, Georgia, the Messenger held worship in his house and invited followers to a cooperative and holy living environment where they would leave their former homes, give up matrimony and pool all wages. “God will provide,” spake the Messenger.
The bulk of early congregations was made up of working black women, who found little self-liberation in the prejudiced demands of house-wife and child-bearer.  As a result the Messenger incurred the anger of husbands who had him arrested and charged with insanity.  He did not provide a given name so court records show the signature of “John Doe, alias God,” who secured release after white lawyers and townsfolk feared how it might look in the supremacist public eye to defend a group of black men.  God agreed to leave town for good and take the message elsewhere.
By the late 1910s he was in New York City, setting up on West 41st Street in the old black neighborhood of Hell’s Kitchen before establishing a co-op housing group and employment agency on Myrtle Avenue in Brooklyn.  Here he changed names a final time, assuming the full title Reverend Major Jealous Divine, after a passage in Exodus 34:14.  Devout followers shortened it to “Father Divine.”
He found opportunity to buy a house for the Peace Mission in Sayville, Long Island, from a German resident seeking to aggravate a rival neighbor by deliberately advertising cheap rates for a “colored” buyer.  As Father Divine had assumed a new identity, congregants too changed names to Beautiful Sweet, Faith Love, Holiness Love, Light Child, Beauty S. Love, Victory Luke and Onward Universe.
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The speeches of Father Divine brimmed with invented words like “tangeblated” and “physicalating” to express new awareness. “God rematerialates and repersonifitizes!”  When he was arrested in connection to an angel who stabbed a New Jersey process-server with an ice-pick, cops found Father Divine hiding behind the furnace in his Connecticut abode, trying to “invisibilize.”
Father Divine often invested happenstance with the moral strike of divine intervention.  A clash with Savannah ministers once resulted in sixty days spent on a chain gang, after which the prison inspectors suffered a very bad car accident.  When Father Divine and his flock were denied access to a beach in Long Island, a week later the ocean was wracked with an unknown black tar substance and the beach shut down for the season. When Judge Smith of Nassau County sentenced Father Divine to a year in prison for disturbing the peace and fostering white and black cohabitation at his jampacked free Sunday dinners, two weeks later Judge Smith died.  Said Father Divine, “he sentenced God to prison and God sentenced him to death.”  
Father Divine acquired substantial property in Harlem and moved his base to West 128th Street.  He owned restaurants, laundries, barbershops, gas stations, huckster trucks and two newspapers.  He ran a coal business which the District Attorney once abjectly investigated for a connection to bootlegged anthracite in Pennsylvania.  During WWII the Peace Mission bought a 1929 hotel south of Atlantic City as a haven for war refugees and paid $3,500 in the property back taxes with $10 bills in a brown paper bag.
Newspapers exploited as novelty the legal troubles of a charismatic black businessman and gospel-shark claiming to be God.  The New York Age, a Harlem daily, compared the Research Bureau of the Peace Mission to Russian secret police. Bellevue Hospital conducted a psychiatric evaluation of followers and determined that 16 out of 18 had “well-defined psychoses.” Because Father Divine saw sickness and death as a punishment to the weak-souled, followers who departed were often abandoned to the potter’s field.
At the 1936 Democratic National Convention, a Mission disciple called John the Revelator delivered the Divine Righteous Government Platform, which rejected the New Deal, labor unions, medical science and the insurance industry, but espoused laws against firearms, lynching and segregation.  On Election Day Father Divine affected 50,000 followers to boycott the polls in defiance of real estate development taxes.  “My duty,” he preached, “is to bring into the political field the very consciousness of God’s presence on earth as a living reality.”
In 1937 the IRS bugged him for $54,000 in tax liens while in 1938 he bought Hudson Valley property in the President’s neighborhood, where old New York has long stook family.  Father Divine was humble.  “I’m not God, but millions of people think I am…  lots say I am the devil.”
Railed by the New York press and chased by lynch-mobs, Father Divine tracked a record that was chaste, magnanimous, shrewd and shazam.  He might seem to have run a “vast collectivization experiment,” but built Heaven by the old-fashioned American gumption of land rights and evangelism.
The Ghost of Father Divine left his earthly body in 1965, and the last of the Harlem property was sold in 1984.  Mother Divine, his white widow, continued to operate the Mission from an historic estate in Gladwyne, PA., where at dinner engagements and meetings with lawyers an empty chair was left open for the seating of Father Divine.  Here the hexagonal marble crypt called “The Shrine to Life” holds the remains of George Baker, Jr. with gilt doors and crowned with a glass pyramid.
by Andy McCarthy
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Clipping USA
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Clipping USA is a Professional Clipping Path Service Provider located in Maryland, the USA which is operated by some highly experienced professionals. It provides the best quality for Photo Editing Service / Image Editing Services all over the world. It has become a world class Online Image Editing Service Provider for its extraordinary working skills and practical experiences. Our Customers have a good experience with “Clipping USA” and acknowledge it as one of the best Clipping Path Company in Maryland. Most of our existing customers are from the USA, Canada, Australia, UK, Germany, Sweden, Italy, Denmark, Netherlands, Japan to name a few. One can easily differ "Clipping USA" from any other competitors as a reliable Photoshop Clipping Path Service Provider especially for the best prices, turnaround, quality, and communication.
Key Features:
Low Cost Image Editing Service with Excellent Quality, Quick Turnaround time, Highly Experienced Graphic Designers, 24 Hours Shifting Duty Plan Round the Year, Frequent Quality Checking System, 100% Money Back Guarantee, High Speed Internet, Easy and flexible system for upload and download files, Safe FTP System, Reserved Team in order to Rush/Urgent Delivery.
Our Vision:
We had the vision to show our ability and skill to the global market as a competitor of other renowned Photo Editing Service Provider companies. We would love to introduce Clipping USA to the international community of Graphic Design and Online Photoshop service buyer.
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experience the quality & cost effective service.
Clipping USA has a team of 135 professional Image Editing artists. They are ready to fulfill your requirements by providing the best quality for any of your expected online outsource services as a renouned Clipping Path Service Company. Our team members have a vast knowledge of Photoshop, and Photo Editing Service as most of them have been graduated from reputed graphic institutions. They are devoted and dedicated to the welfare of this organization. Each team is assigned with a team leader to lead their group effectively who is supplied with all technical facilities and freedom for a fair work environment. We usually offer all kinds of Photoshop Image Editing Service at a remarkably lower cost.For all of our customers – the offering service names are given below since these are called as different names by Global Customers. So we also named them in details here.
Image editing services: Clipping path service– (outline path, color path, image silo, photoshop clipping mask, multipath/multiple clipping paths, Photo cut out, cut out an image, Background removal, remove background from image or deep etching service. Photoshop masking service– (Image masking/Photo masking, layer mask, photoshop hair masking, masking in photoshop alpha channel masking). Photo retouching services– (professional photo retouching wedding photo editing, model retouch, product retouch, jewelry retouch, image enhancement, photo restoration and retouching). Shadow creation service– (light manipulation, shadow manipulation, drop shadow, natural shadow, reflection shadow, original shadow). Image Manipulation Service– neck join/neck joint/ghost manipulation/ghost mannequin. Color correction service– Color changing,photoshop color correction Color adjustment,color correction in photoshop. Logo Design Service– creative logo design for e-commerce or multi-national company and raster to vector conversion services.
Best Clipping Path Service offer.
Clipping USA offers a cost-effective Clipping Path Service for our Global customers. Our basic price is US$0.25 per image only for clipping. We believe that our reasonable price and quality will make a path to a reliable business relationship.
Our production facility is for 24/7. Clipping USA keeps its service operational every day. No matter what our clients are guaranteed to have our services even on Christmas vacation. As an offshore outsourcing company, we ensure you for guaranteed Image Editing Services solution. To add here, we can handle 3500-5000 images daily for clipping path or background remove service.
Clipping Path Service Near Me
United States -USA
Alaska, Arizona
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
North Carolina
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
West Virginia
New South Wales
South Australia
Western Australia
Northern Ireland
A Special Discount On Clipping Path Service!!!
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Clipping USA explores the things which are essential for customers. No doubt a customer usually takes a short review on a service provider company. To assist in this regard has been represented it's abilities, global values in photo editing services. For a client to begin or keep on working with a company there should be a convincing reason that we takes with extreme confidence to announce the name Clipping USA where a customer must get a better service. It is the best Image Editing Company recognized by its thousands of Customers.The acknowledgment of customers gives a shade on the ultimate result of each completed project.
We always focus on Client benefit that is essential and in this case, a customer can also differentiate our company Clipping USA from other competitors in the competitive market. The relationship with customer works as a component of the business. We approach our clients with deference and make them feel exceptional or special. The key, obviously, is that the excellent dimension of our image editing services must be steady and everybody in our business plan. It provides some of the committed services in USA, Canada, Australia, Sweden, UK, Denmark, Italy, Japan, and some more countries with maintaining a high standard.
Clipping USA provides some of the committed services to it's customers of USA, Canada, Australia, Sweden, UK, Denmark, Italy, Japan, and some more countries with maintaining a high standard.The services are Clipping Paths, image masking, photo retouching, background removal, color correction, hair masking, high-end touch-up, product shadow creation, neck joint service, vector conversion or any other image editing service. Clipping USA allows the upload platform that is convenient to customer, as Like Hightail, Dropbox, FTP, WeTransfer, Google Drive or any others. Clipping USA also provides the dedicated server facility especially for the regular customers.
We always focus on Client benefit that is essential and in this case, a customer can also differentiate a company in the competitive market.
Rush Service
Overnight Delivery
Hand-drawn Clipping Path
Price Starts at $0.25
Volume Discount on bulk orders
More Benifits
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KEY Advantages
The clients will have some advantages of Photograph Altering from Clipping USA: Appropriately altered photos  speak to the brand and pass on an organizations' message in the most ideal way.
Brand Building
Better Deals
Manufacture Decency and Validity
Hearty Online life Procedure
Get a better Proficiency
Our Image Editing Services
Photoshop Clipping path | Image Silo
Background Remove | Photo Cut Out
Image Masking
Photo Retouching
Shadow Creation
Neck Join | Ghost Mannequin
Image Manipulation
Raster to Vector Conversion
Photo Retouching
PORTFOLIO of Image Editing Service
Clipping Path
Drop Shadow
Natural Shadow
Reflection shadow
Color correction
Neck Joint
Free Trial Get in Touch and Start a Project with UsIf the file size is more than 20 MB, kindly use our web upload system to send your test images. We will reply you within a few minutes.Select Category Background Remove Image Masking Photo Retouching Shadow CreationNeck JointImage Manipulation Vector Conversion Glamour Retouching UploadOur Photo Editing Services Home Vector Conversion Raster to Vector Conversion: Clipping USA provides flawless and accurate Raster to Vector Conversion. Raster images are the series of pixels or digital dots arranged in certain and Read More Home Photo Editing Service Photo Editing Service: To make any kinds of change on a photo is called photo editing. It depends actually on one’s needs. Basically a  Read More Home Clipping path Photoshop Clipping Path is a technique that is mostly used for removing background of original image. It is used for Media photographers, web design organization, fashion agencies, magazine design Read More Home Masking Photoshop Masking Service is the process to remove or replace the background of the complex images having numerous turns and curves with blurred or fuzzy edges. This technique is applied where only Read More Home Retouching In the photo editing sector retouching is the most important service. It plays a vital role to make a raw photograph into a new style and attractive looks. By this service you can Read More Home Shadow Shadow service is a system of graphic design which creates an object over the rest of an image by laying a direct shade behind the object. This is used to add a Read MoreClipping Path experience with quality & cost effective service.Clipping path is a way or system which is applied with Photoshop pen tool to cut out an image from its background using a closed vector path or shape. It implies this is the manner in which that is utilized to expel and alter the foundation of a picture. Reasonable Price Faster Turnaround Unique Quality 24/7 Service get a quote photoshop masking experience with quality & cost effective service.Photo retouching services is generally used to fix the faded, rough, badly cracked or damaged photos. This service applied to make a photo more wonderful as well. There are numerous methods, tips & tricks for enriching things from the inner side of a photo as blemish, skin tone and increasing the photo’s qualities. Reasonable Price Faster Turnaround Unique Quality 24/7 Service get a quote photo retouching experience with quality & cost effective service.Clipping USA is expertise on professional photo retouching service on photograph. Customers will get a picture upgrade benefits in mass for freelance photographer, weeding photography, photograph studios, visual creators and offices, advertisers agency, online business website proprietors, printing and distributing organizations, and some more. The cost is exceptionally focused and furthermore clients are getting something special from . So why not pass judgment on us for photo retouching service. Reasonable Price Faster Turnaround Unique Quality 24/7 Service get a quoteneck join experience with quality & cost effective service.Clipping USA offers neck joint service to remove mannequin from image, ghost manipulation, ghost mannequin, neck joint by Photoshop utilizing specialists in visual computerization. This service have been utilized by online retailers, eCommerce Photography, stock photography organizations and online eCommerce store owners,internet business shop proprietors, stock photography eCommerce shop owners and online product sellers, eBay, amazon and other affiliate marketers. Reasonable Price Faster Turnaround Unique Quality 24/7 Service get a quote Photo Retouching Services Real Estate Photography Retouching Our Real Estate Photography Retouching service include an enticing environment, legitimate lighting, and exact scale to your land photographs which will undoubtedly pull in property seekers. To increase more business sales it should be taken the advantage of quality service.Product Photo Retouching Product Photo Retouching brings a new looks for images and increase online business sales. Clipping USA enables the pictures to settle lighting issues, expel foundations, and improve the item's to meet the advance market by following clients requirements and obviously at lowest cost.Portrait retouching or Correcting Clipping USA gives a guarantee that the pictures look normal and practical after editing by Photoshop. We are all around prepared in giving proficient looking pictures, while keeping away from the utilization of digitally embellishing methods. Clients can expect a better appearance of edited images.Jewelry photo Retouching Clipping USA does have a devoted group of editors who work with gems picture for jewelry shop, online retailers, E-commerce freelance photographer. We modify adornments pictures by utilizing sparkle improvement, altering center stacking, foundation expulsion, scratch evacuation, and so forth.Amateur Photo Retouching Clipping USA has expertise on Amateur Photo Retouching work. Aside from this we additionally enable to utilize and also brings a better experience for Amateur Photographers. It's a special ability of Clipping USA that never makes a customer unhappy. So one can contact for a unique photo retouching service.Wedding Photograph retouching Our master group of photograph editors at Clipping USA guarantees that your wedding recollections are depicted in the most ideal way. We embrace all thoughtful s of wedding photograph modifying and post-preparing administrations, for example, practice photographs, wedding representations, and so on.Working procedures & disposal We give the special importance to the things are related to clients demands. Customers always expect a unique service that we offer and provide with the touch of service that best suits you and your project. Some customers will request solutions through the schematic style, and others will demand a full edited file with detailing. We pay attention to you and provide precisely what you exactly need.We continue steadily to prefer direct, personally get in touch with as the easiest method to work and offer support. We don’t like hiding behind a screen - we prefer to display who we are and how exactly we are in full.Image clients evaluation" Thanks So Much For All Of Your Great Work the past couple of days. Really good job on all of my images, very appreciated!!! "-- Rick" As always… Fantastic job and turnaround. You guys are the best in the business (and I’ve tried a lot of the companies out there). I wouldn’t go anywhere else after using you. Thanks! "-- Mike" I cannot thank you enough! You saved us from a very unhappy client! "-- Daphne" Thank you very much! You guys are truly awesome. "-- Uche" Oh my, your team did a fabulous job. I will be in touch "-- Erin" WOW!!!!!! You guys are amazing!! You are above and beyond expectations on the retouching. We are so happy with your service. I know quite a few photographers in the business and I am telling them all about you. "-- Pat" You are AWESOME! Excellent Work!! THANK YOU! "-- Michelle" I successfully downloaded all the files and am extremely happy! You guys did an amazing job! I am convinced! Your quality is amazing! Very, very well done!!! Thank you! "-- ScottIncreasing Sales and Driving Deals with Substance in Online business:Amazon is a worldwide innovation organization centering in web based business. It is the biggest web based business company as estimated by income and market capitalization.Internet business stores are turning into a fever now days, moving electronic items, clothing, furniture, nourishment, toys and gems and huge amounts of different items. Be that as it may, everybody passes up "utilizing upgraded item pictures"; which on occasion costs them truly. Redistributing item picture altering to specialists could enable them to set up enhanced pictures on Internet business. Online stores can't give that genuine shopping background and subsequently; they draw in the feeling of sight without bounds. The client can't grasp the item, smell its aroma or feel its surfaces thus they additionally take obtaining choices absolutely dependent on the all-around altered item pictures of the items they are.
+1 240 918 9262, +1 (301) 310 6411
Production Facility
+1 240 918 9262, +1 (301) 310 6411
Physical Address
+1 240 918 9262, +1 (301) 310 6411
Copyright © 2019 Clipping USA
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ivirginus · 1 year
How to Find a Company’s Registered Agent
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How to Find a Company’s Registered Agent
Tracking down a company’s registered agent may seem difficult, but when a company files for formation with the state, they have to list their registered agent on their paperwork. After their business is formed, their documents become public information. Whether you’re looking for the registered agent of an LLC or a corporation, the process of finding their information is the same. Sometimes a quick Google search can lead you to the company’s registered agent’s information. But sometimes, registered agent information is a little harder to find. Luckily, a little digging can get you what you need.
Why would I need to find a company’s registered agent?
Process servers are generally the ones who will be looking for a company’s registered agent. A process server is someone whose job is to serve legal documents to someone involved in a court case.They’re tasked with delivering what’s known as “service of process.” Service of process is notice of legal action, such as a legal complaint, summons, or subpoena. In order to serve a company, a process server will need to deliver service of process to the company’s registered agent, who serves as a company’s point of contact. However, contacting a company’s registered agent isn’t just limited to service processors. Individuals or businesses who are struggling to get in contact with a business might seek out its registered agent too.
How to find the registered agent of a company
Whether the business is domestic, with one location, or foreign with their headquarters in another state, they are required to have a registered agent in the state where they are operating, i.e. the state where you are serving papers if you’re a process server. This is the registered agent you’ll typically want to contact. Find the state agency for business filings In the state of operation, you’ll need to contact the state office where the company originally filed their formation documents. For most states, businesses are registered with a division of the Secretary of State or the Department of State. In a handful of states, however, business registrations are done via different state commissions or departments: - Alaska: Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development - Arizona: Arizona Corporation Commission - Hawaii: Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs - Maryland: Department of Assessments & Taxation - Massachusetts: Secretary of the Commonwealth - Michigan: Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs - New Jersey: Department of the Treasury - Utah: Department of Commerce - Virginia: State Corporation Commission - Wisconsin: Department of Financial Institutions Most filing offices give access to business registration information on their website. Conduct a business entity search A business name search or business entity search will often get you the information you need. If the state you’re looking into has an online business search, you’ll usually be able to find a company’s registered agent by doing the following: - Go to the Secretary of State’s (or other state agency’s) website. Look for a tab or link labeled something like “Businesses,” “Business Entity,” or “Corporations.” Sometimes the tab will read “Search Businesses” or “Business Search.” >> Checkout our complete list of Secretary of State Name Searches - - Read the full article
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notarydc-blog · 5 years
Notary Services DC Maryland Virginia
Day after day the notaries are filled with requirements and requests that wish to be processed as quickly as possible and in accordance with the needs of all clients who turn to these institutions, in order to provide legality to all the processes, they have generated through of the same requests. Due to the growing demand for applications, which has been presented more frequently in the notaries, there are many more servers and professionals who are dedicated to providing their services in this branch, only in this way can cover all the demand of the applicants. In Washington DC Maryland and Virginia, there is a traveling notary service called DMV Notary Mobile, able to offer any notary service, anywhere in the region, any day of the week and at any time you need it. What is a notary? A notary is a person who is responsible through their knowledge and law studies, to give a public nature to certain documents that are of private origin, and also gives them a legal certification through his signature. It also acts as a witness that attests to everything that is contained in the document is real and has legal validity until it can be proved otherwise. Most requested documents in the notaries in the United States. While it is true that notaries certify a large number of documents of all kinds, in the United States there is always a great demand for the following applications: - Deed of Trust: This is a very popular application where three parts of a whole are involved, the first place its goods at the disposal of the second so that it generates a benefit over time, and at the end, when the conditions dictated by the first figure are compiled, this transfers the administration to a third party. A trust serves to ensure that certain conditions of a contract that involve elements such as the acquisition of a good, or money, are met, thus protecting its value, while the terms of the deal are given. - Real state closings: This refers to the final part of a purchase or sale deal, where finally the seller gives the seller the property, for the value that has been agreed in advance. The date for this event is decided when the negotiations begin, meaning that both parties have a time limit to close the deal. To reach this step, it is important that a series of events have been developed beforehand, leading to this final step, where the seller will deliver the keys to the property, while the buyer will deliver the money for his purchase. - Affidavits: The affidavits are accounts of events by one of the witnesses of the event, where it is expressed orally or in writing that the information that is being granted is completely real and his truthfulness. This is done in the presence of a jury that gives legal character to this document, the witness indicates under oath that everything that is contained there is the truth. - Divorce papers: Divorce papers are among the most popular applications in Washington DC, Maryland and Virginia as there is a high number of divorces in this region. Divorce lawyers are professionally prepared to write divorce papers that involve the conditions proposed by your client, or also the agreements reached by this with your counterpart. These documents specify very clearly under what conditions the events that follow will take place. - Divorce modifications: To request a change in the conditions that have already been established in the official papers of a divorce, the professional should consider that before the criterion of the judge this is viable, because these requests should not be subject to the will of any of the ex-spouses but they must be based on situations that are quite serious and also unforeseen, which may need to be considered with much more attention. - Statement of consent: A declaration of consent is a document through which a person expresses his willingness to assign to another or other persons, rights to perform some activities that are also theirs, but for various reasons can not perform for themselves. There are several types of consent statements, but to give them real value before the law, it is necessary that they are notarized. - Power of attorney: This document is a certificate through which a person, who may be natural or judicial, designates another to be their legal representative before a certain number of matters, those specified in the document and for as long as the document indicate It is important that to apply for any type of power, whoever carries out this process should not be limited by law, that is, if he/she is declared incapable of making these requests, for various reasons, this will not proceed. - Rental Agreement: It is a document in which two parties are involved a landlord and a tenant, these parties set out certain conditions about the use of a property, or rather, the tenant, who is the one who is providing the service to the tenant, indicates in this document the conditions under which the person who is requesting to live in his property will live, this includes the value that the tenant must pay and the time in which he will stay there. These are the most popular, but the truth is that notaries are able to cover thousands and thousands of documents that all their clients can request. In the United States has always been taken into account the importance of notaries to facilitate all operations that want to perform all customers who for a large number of reasons require any service immediately. This has caused companies to always seek to innovate in the type of service they offer for all, this has resulted in DMV Notary Mobile, fulfilling the requirements of all customers throughout Washington DC, Maryland and Virginia. Being a pioneer in bringing all your services to the door of your house, at the time and day you need, as they are not subject to an office schedule. Need a Mobile Notary DC? Call us today at 202-826-8179
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fazremit-blog · 6 years
How to Transfer Money from USA to Nigeria?
To transfer money from USA to Nigeria, a customer requires 3 things:
A bank account in USA
A bank account in Nigeria
A money transfer service provider
Nigeria is the largest African economy has attracted hundreds of money transfer operators who are working side-by-side with the national banks of both countries to facilitate money transfer service. Although banks provide these services, because of the distrust in public institutions and the inability to provide a quality service, Nigerian diaspora generally opt for private companies to meet their requirements.
Basically, a customer requires easy access, fastest transactions in a safe server. To make that happen, it is essential for the service provider to keep upgrading their services and this is where government-funded and public institutions fall short in delivering their promises. On the other hand, there are online platforms that provide money transfer service from USA to Nigeria.
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What is the Process of Sending Money to Nigeria from USA Online?
Because of strict AML/CFL guidelines, all the financial institutions have to do a thorough KYC. Even though this affects the ease of accessibility that may affect the market but on a global level, it ensures security. Considering that, following are the steps that one is required to follow to send money to Nigeria online.
Register on the platform.
Add KYC documents
Add a beneficiary
Send money!
There have been multiple cases when because of incorrect details of the beneficiary, the money is sent to someone other than the intended individual, however, this can problem can be sorted out if even the beneficiary is verified by the service provider. FAZRemit does that!
Moreover, the entire security protocol is a onetime deal for the customer and the service provider. As soon as both the beneficiary’s as well as your documents are verified automatically, you can send money to his or her bank account in Nigeria.
Are there any Hidden Charges Involved in the Transaction?
While there are multiple operators who would lure you in by throwing exciting words at you, it is important that before you choose one to transfer money from USA to Nigeria, you must ensure that there are no additional charges involved. These might include exchange rate or even extra transaction costs. 
To avoid all of that, FAZRemit provides a transaction fee calculator to ensure that the user is getting the cheapest money transfer service with complete transparency.
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How to Choose the Best Way to Transfer Money from USA to Nigeria?
It could be quite challenging to make a choice as the market of USD to NGN conversion service providers is filled up to the brim. So, it depends on all upon your requirements. Even now, banks make up most of the international transactions, however, the absurd charges levied by banks and slow processing speed cannot be relied upon in emergency cases. At the same time, the security and accountability issue regarding IMTOs is not something that’s hidden. This is where FAZRemit breaks the chains between both of them to bring to the plate what the customers want!
Within the working hours i.e. Monday to Saturday, 9:00 AM to 5:30 PM EST, you can instantly send money to Nigeria from USA. Being an emerging service provider, powered by Smallworld’s Choice Money Transfer, FAZRemit currently provides its exclusive services in specific locations in the United States.
Which banks can I send the money to?
In the United States of America, FAZRemit operates in the following states. So, you can send money from:
District of Columbia
New Jersey
New York
North Carolina
Rhode Island
South Carolina
Also, following is the list of all the banks that FAZRemit operates with, in Nigeria:
Aso Savings and Loans
Citi Bank
Providus Bank Limited
Suntrust Bank
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So, if you want to transfer money from USA to Nigeria using any of the aforementioned gateways, FAZRemit is the best option. Being a registered online money transfer platform with a proven record of recurring customers, FAZRemit strives to provide its clientele with the service that they aspire for.
To experience the finest platform to wire money to Nigeria from USA, 
Register now on FAZRemit!
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