royalphantompain · 2 years
Any symbolim in the ocs? Like their past or other factors?
Any songs associated and why
Oh shit, another ask. Thank you so much Anon!
Just keep in mind while I do have a good grasp on them and what they're about I am still working on them so some stuff may change, but still! For this question I think it's easiest to talk about the song I associate and go from there. Also I had more time to think about Orpheus and Charming than I have with the other two and I haven't found a song I think screams them. But I do have some stuff to say about them.
Adding this after typing everything I wanted to, I am so sorry, Anon. I felt like I could have answered your questions in a shorter response but I just kind of threw up all my thoughts and typed them all out.
For Orpheane the song I associate her with the most is Spiral of Ants (https://youtu.be/LmDWU0pVBHE) by Lemon Demon because because she got into her current situation she felt like just another cog in the system, (She is a self-proclaimed free thinker) not feeling like she was thinking for herself, then something happened that changed her life (Spoilers) then she felt like she was given a chance to take control of her life again. I was originally going to type out all the lyrics that especially speak to her, but I basically just wrote out the beginning of the song, but here are the main lyrics that describes Orpheus
You have no choice but to dance
Don't let the bastards step on your hands
Now, now, don't run out of breath
Don't feel surrounded by death
Take the wheel, this could be your chance
You're free now forever to dance
You have to keep it flowing
You are one ant
But yeah, she was originally supposed to be a marionette cat, before I decided to make her into a Tanuki worm on a string, but you see where this is going right? Oh and also Ordinaryish People by AJR (https://youtu.be/hDm26Rs-YNQ)
For Vedas I was thinking maybe she related to My Trains by Lemon Demon (https://youtu.be/-n_cn9oKJzo) and while despite her nervous demeanor she can be a chaotic little shit but she is too afraid but this is too wild for her. Probably the thing she could relate most to is the line "I wish these trains can take me away" but ehh.
Maybe after thinking about it I think for now the song she could relate to most is Wake Up, Get Up, Get Out There (https://youtu.be/-09Sox6voGU) with the lines she relates to the most are
"Can we make a difference?"
"Raise your voice against liars"
"Why does no one want change"
"If you hold on life won't change"
For Charming uhh I think I have too many songs that I associate with her. Like Eighth Wonder by Lemon Demon (https://youtu.be/Jl117xZUHX8) especially 'I am a freak" and "You'll never get to see what in the name of God could I be'' she may think she looks beautiful and loves how sparklingly she is she may secretly relate to Creep by Radiohead (https://youtu.be/l5t9IXtTr6g) (I mean she is still barely alive, but also part ghost, and plush. Even before she may have always been raised to think she's a doesn't belong anywhere) but also she would just really love this song I've Had Enough of You (https://youtu.be/fGO1RjnprUc) because it's a song about being fed up with some with a bunch of talk about theaters. She would unironically say "Please excuse my thespian vernacular"
But in the end I think (at least for now) the song that perfectly describes her is All of my Friend by Tally Halls (https://youtu.be/nqC70w6iD84) They even said "It's hard to be Charming" and it is! But yeah a song how the singer's troubles and the lines she relates to the most is:
"All of my friends let me know
That it's all in my head
There's no room to be blue
Everything will be fine
I'll be making it through."
"It's hard to be charming
And smart
And disarming
It's hard to keep up with the rest
It's hard to fulfill everyone's expectations
It's hard to pretend your the best"
"How do you feel?
You've been concealing your worries from the world."
But for backstory purposes I will say nothing but Lifetime Achievement from Lemon Demon (https://youtu.be/ecjnB6Ght8Y)
For Maskky just a song I can kind of see her vibing to Mask of my Own Face by Lemon Demon (https://youtu.be/8ws-49HHK60) because she sees her mask as her face, and it's a song about someone causing trouble with that mask of their own face. I mean I feel like Whatcha Playin' (https://youtu.be/gq2D1yn6J2M) and THE WORLD REVOLVING (https://youtu.be/Z01Tsgwe2dQ) Match her chaotic personality but since there's no words to tell you anything else about her, uh, let me focus on the other stuff you asked.
Maskky absolutely loves her mask and sees it as her real face. With it on she feels like she can do absolutely everything. Without it, it's an entirely different story. She's ashamed of her real face and she starts to get timid and desperate to get it back, and while yes she does have a strange curse that'll turn her into a shadow creature without it, if she wasn't cursed she would feel the same way.
For all of these characters they can relate to Beneath the Mask (https://youtu.be/iqy3E5sAa6Y) but maybe Maskky the most since, you know, she can be talking about her physical mask as well. I don't want to go into too much detail about why I relate all these guys to the songs for spoilers. But also all of them are neurodivergent (Orpheane and Maskky are definitely have ADHD and Vedas and Charming are definitely autistic, but if I'll let other decide if they have both or any other neurodivergent conditions)
But yeah, Orpheus, Vedas, and Maskky are finally letting go of feeling like they need to mask, but unfortunately, for Charming, she is far from that. Also, I forgot to mention Maskky stims by stomping. Sorry, I know you didn't ask for that, Anon, but I wanted to mention it. Also, I'm sorry I kept using Lemon Demon songs.
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cryptid-creepture · 2 years
What would be your OC's reaction to a butterfly landing on their noses.
Another Anon has blessed me tonight by giving me another ask about my OCs! Thank you!
Probably for asks like these, I will just focus on my main four, but feel free to ask me about certain characters for asks like that!
Orpheus would be absolutely delighted, probably squealing with joy, but in the process, accidentally scaring it away, then she would beg for it to come back and get very sad.
Vedas would probably freak out at first, and when it flies away, she would be a bit relieved to see it was just a butterfly, but she would think how cool it was neat how a butterfly decided to land on her nose.
Charming would honesyly act negatively about it, instantly swatting at it with her paws and rubbing where it landed. She doesn't hate buuterflies, but she just gets annoyed by random stuff touching her.
Maskky would just stand completely still or move extremely slowly, making it some kind of game of how long she can go without making the butterfly fly off.
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royalphantompain · 1 year
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royalphantompain · 1 year
I am debating whether to change Vedas' name to Six as a reference to Six Flag again because that amusement park was a huge part of my childhood, and also because I rode my first rollercoaster ever at the park.
But also, I think I will change Dawn and Dusk around and make the one here that says Dawn into her main color pallette.
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royalphantompain · 2 years
Just realised that I can't name my OCs, who live in a world filled with all types of animals, after other animal species.
I do want to focus on AHIT, but also, I want to finally design one or two characters that I wanted to make for a while.
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royalphantompain · 1 year
So uhh out of these two, which one gives more Jerma vibes
Here are the girlos
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royalphantompain · 2 years
Vedas: "Hey Maskky? What does KYS mean?"
Maskky: "Keep yourself safe :>"
Vedas: "Ah, okay! Thank you!"
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cryptid-creepture · 2 years
It always makes me so happy whenever I see another ask for my girls! Thank you!
Favorite places will be a bit hard to answer because of the kind of world they live in (and I am still world building stuff, so i'm very sorry) but I can answer their favorite aesthetics!
For Orpheus, her favorite aesthetic is autumn! The candles, pumpkins, drinks, and everything else like that give her a very nice and cozy feel, but she especially loves the scenes of forests with their colorful leaves. Another aesthetic is nature, and she's really fond of walking paths (I'm sorry, I don't know if these have a name or not). Just the thought of what the destination excits her! Her least favorite aesthetic is city core because society is yucky.
Vedas' favorite aesthetic is plain and simple. Carnival aesthetics. Though if she saw a picture of some sort of ride she never saw before, she will spend hours and hours trying to look up what it is. She just needs to know absolutely everything there is about this ride. She also loves sunsets and anything pink, red, or blue, but she goes crazy over any aesthetic with a heart in it. Her least favorite aesthetic are liminal spaces, how dare they try to make these fun looking places creepy.
Charming will always have a soft spot for theater aesthetic, and they are a favorite of her's, but she absolutely loves rain/rainy aesthetic so much. While she does like the ones in the ones that take place in the day as well, she adores the rainy night ones. Also actually another aesthetic she likes is liminal spaces. The creepy vibe is just something she appreciates, but also the places that have that take place in areas for kids. She wishes she could have experienced something like that in her childhood. Speaking of childhood, she despises the royal aesthetic.
Maskky does enjoy space aesthetic, but she prefers the night skies aesthetics and also fantasy aesthetic. She also is a fan of masquerade aesthetic, which she didn't expect because at first she thought they made mask boring but no, those mask are spectacular. Her least favorite aesthetic is anything that involves the day sky. Eww.
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cryptid-creepture · 2 years
Puts the ocs on the table
Maybe their music taste and favourite shapes?
Eww, don't put those on the table, you don't know where they have been.
Okay but seriously thank you for asking me this Anon
They all listen to Lemon Demon while smoking weed
Okay, I'm just (half) joking, I'll answer seriously now.
Orpheus probably would love Lemon Demon though, just really weird songs especially when they tell stories, like more specifically Cabinet Man for example. I think she would also love ARJ and Tallyhall. Still she doesn't have a favorite musician, I'm just using him as an example. She also listens to video game OST (She has listened to the Undertale OST more than anyone else in the world) and sometimes she may listen to goth music when she isn't feeling the greatest. She really doesn't have a favorite shape. Maybe a sphere because it's like the opposite of a worm?
Vedas just like to listen to goofy ass carnival music, and also Christmas songs that use bells in any way. Okay, for real though, while carnival music does put her in a good mood and she enjoys the sounds of bells, she would probably also listen to songs like the in from Persona 5. A very cool beat with themes about freedom or changing the world, like Life will Change for the better, or just songs made to uplift people and motivate them. (ALSO do NOT interact with the Persona fandom. Worst mistake of my life.) Her favorite shape is a heart because she just thinks they're cute and she has so much love to give.
What else does Charming listen to besides classical music and any songs from musicals? She may have an extremely limited selection of music she could listen to because any other music besides classical is some evil dribble meant to brainwash you but that will not stop her from listening to Little Shop of Horrors: Mean Green Mother from Outer Space, she is a badass. But seriously why she specifically loves songs from musicals the most even though it can have been anything is because she loves how songs are conveyed in it, and seeing it progress through some kind of plot or narrative. Her favorite shape is a star, just like what she plans on being in the future.
Maskky does tend to listen to a lot of shitpost songs like Two Trucks Having Sex, Chug Jug With You, and even Never Gonna Give You Up. She would definitely have a playlists full of these songs and name it "Songs to drive Vedas insane <3" but she also likes to listen to instrumental music that is supposed to be calming and ambient music if that counts. Her favorite shape would also be a star and a moon, because she loves astrology.
Now if you excuse me I will knock these bastards off of this goddamn table and kick them.
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royalphantompain · 2 years
Seeing this ask really did make my day thank you so much, anon- I started to type a super long response for this, but I accidentally closed it, so I am just going to talk about a little bit
These are the characters I'm talking about
Orpheane/Orpheus/Orphettuccine Alfredo used to absolutely love worms on strings before the string on her appeared. She has a whole collection and enjoyed giving each worm their own personalities and playing with them. They made her feel like she wasn't alone, but unfortunately, after being cursed to turn into one when the string on her is pulled, she started to hate them. Funny enough, after they stopped bringing her joy, she started to cry all the time. She probably relates way too much to Spiral of Ants by Lemon Demon
Charming is a gay theater kid who is also a nerd who deserves to be shoved in a locker. Her favorite item ever is her bowtie, and if she's ever without it, she will start to panic. She likes to stim by adjusting her tie with her paws, but sometimes, as a nervous tick, she either sticks out her tongue or shoves a paw into her mouth, and bites. Despite not needing to drink or feel a need for any other biological functions, she still feels thrist. She probably kins a lot of characters who happen to be my favorite from their series.
Vedas is usually very shy and nervous, but sometimes, when she feels comfortable, she is all for playful banter. A way she stims is shaking her head and gearing the bells on her hats ring. Like Orpheane, she had a collection of carousel music boxs and was also cursed to turn into a little figure like the ones you'd find on one, but she still loves and enjoys them. She always loves all amusement park rides, like merry-go-rounds, rollercoasters, waterslides, etc. and will talk for hours about them to anyone who will listen.
Maskky always refuses to talk about herself, but the one thing she will tell people (But refuses to elaborate on) is that "You know how in some media there's a group of someone there's usually the one who was obviously like a mascot? I was basically that!" Despite not giving anymore context on that, she seems to be very proud of this. Also, Maskky is epic and a transgirl.
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royalphantompain · 2 years
🙈-🙉-🙊 these for any OC's? ^^
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For these, I want to answer them with Maskky
See-no-evil: Basically, any other side that is of her being a silly menace to society, but unlike Charming, she's actually good at hiding her other feelings. She may actually be moarnful, but she doesn't want to talk about it. She is a silly little guy to cover up just how lonely she is <:
Speak-No-Evil: While Maskky doesn't like to talk a lot about real serious issues when someone is on the verge of some breakdown, she has absolutely no idea what to do, but if someone else bothers them she will not hesitate to tell them to leave them alone and to stand up for people.
Hear-No-Evil: This may be a bit weird, but anything else, the lines of "Maskky, I love you. Take care. Goodbye."
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royalphantompain · 2 years
Charming will only not go outside in the rain if it were day outside or if something is really wrong with her. Other than that, she will spend hours outside in the rain just enjoy the view and feeling the rain on her fur.
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cryptid-creepture · 2 years
What are your oc's favorite foods? (If that's a too broad question, then you can just say their favorite snacks)
I know you only asked for food, but just for fun I just wanted to include drinks if that's okay-
Thank you so much for asking Anon!
Orpheus' absolutely loves anything with seafood, especially shrimp. Her favorite meal is shrimp tempura or nigiri (With sushi being still high up there) but if it has seafood GIVE HER IT!!! and her favorite drinks are milkshakes (But is that really a drink? Especially since she loves it loaded with candy and other deserts she also loves bubble milkshakes)
Vedas' favorite is just anything typically found in carnivals, like funnel cake, cotton candy, popcorn, weird deep fried foods, etc. They may be greasy and expensive but they bring her so much joy and comfort. Her favorite drink would be strawberry lemonade.
Charming can be a pretty picky eater at times, but her favorite foods are well, organs or necks of animals, like gizzards, hearts, and stomachs. So yeah she really likes meat, especially when it has different textures, but she wouldn't turn her nose up to some desserts or weird fancy dishes. Her favorite drink would probably be sparkling juices so she can pretend to be a sophisticated adult while not drinking alcohol. (She never had seafood before due to… Reasons, but maybe if she tried some it would also be her favorite-)
Maskky's favorite kinds of food is anything like a pancake or a crepe, or anything like that with maybe some candy, fruit, or ice cream on type with a side of eggs, sausages, and or bacon. She likes to think of it less as breakfast and more like dessert. Her favorite drink would either be some sort of flowery tea or energy drinks.
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royalphantompain · 1 year
Sort of wanna add Maskky's pride pins to her official outfit or something...
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royalphantompain · 1 year
Huh, I just realized something.
My OC Maskky wasn’t always mine, she was actually own by a lot of other people in the past, and in one of her old reference sheet her name was Ghost and used it pronouns.
Just something I found interesting.
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royalphantompain · 1 year
While Maskky isn't the smartest coyote ever, and she's is the least smart of the main group, she may exaggerate it because a certain dingo finds it funny, silly, and even adorable.
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