#Maxton Hall
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Ruby Bell x James Beaufort - Maxton Hall (2024)
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aaronwarner · 1 day
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Damian Hardung and Harriet Herbig-Matten on the set of Maxton Hall Season 2.
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ur-lil-flo · 2 days
I don't see people talking about it enough, so here it is: James is scared of Ruby in the beginning. His world is a simple food chain: he can buy anything and anyone, and if he can't buy it, he threatens people until they do what he wants. But Ruby does not take his money, and his family's name doesn't make her fall down begging for forgiveness.
He can't control her. She's not a part of his game, and that's why she's terrifying to him. She is a threat to his family, and, for instance, his sister, whom he can't seem to protect in this situation. That's why he would go to great lengths to shut Ruby down - because he's scared.
I think it's crucial for the story because he's had people being rude to him for a reason and with no reason. He's had people he fought with, but she's the first person (probably after his father) whom he can't control. People like this have the power and don't see him as a human being, they're only there to hurt and punish him. That's why her apologizing to him makes him fold this fast. His father is terrifying and cruel, and he has never in his life apologized to James for hurting him and constantly ruining his life. Ruby was hurt and said what she thought, but she didn't mean it. While James expected her to play some kind of game (planning something with Alistair, not taking money, etc.), she was just herself, with all her honest reactions and emotions.
In his fake world, she was real. She took responsibility for her actions, she saw herself hurting James, and wasn't fine with that like others were in the past. I think that's what made him fall for her. She was honest and open, wasn't scared of him, respected herself, and made him respect her.
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xiaolanhua · 2 days
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I started the book Maxton Hall is based on and James just said “I've been yours since the day you threw the money in my face, Ruby Bell.”
Oh my god??? I’m literally screaming rn. Amazon why wasn’t this part in the movie😤
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dailyflicks · 24 hours
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MAXTON HALL (2024-) S01E03 “Exposed”
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wanderingsoul6261 · 17 hours
Match has been Made
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credit for gif goes to k-wame
james beaufort x reader
synopsis: Lydia plays matchmaker for James and her friend
Note: I have Jury Duty next week, so I want to try and get everything done before then, but if not, I will try to have most finished so that I can post them periodically through next week so that I can still provide y'all with content. I also want to start writing for other fandoms, such as Call of Duty, NCIS, Criminal Minds, Uncharted, etc) so if you are interested in more works, keep an eye out for those.
Not a big fan of this one honestly. Might delete it later and do a better version of it. Just didn't have any other ideas for it, so if anyone has a better way for this to have gone, let me know, and I will definitely consider redoing it after some of the others are completed.
Lydia wasn't as stupid as James and Y/N. Maybe stupid wasn't the right word, as oblivious seemed fitting, not that the two were stupid. Although, they were definitely oblivious. Lydia had wanted to strangle them both, considering how blind they were. James, staring all the time at Y/N, not thinking anyone would notice. Lydia definitely noticed. And then Y/N, not even noticing James looking at her and how long he would do so. Lydia also noticed that too. 
Many who also noticed had just thought that maybe Y/N wasn’t interested in him, but Lydia had taken to disagreeing. Y/N was a good friend of Lydia, and therefore, she was also a good friend of James. Y/N and James had initially butted heads quite often at the start of the friendship between the two girls, but over time, it had gradually stopped, and had actually turned into a playful teasing. 
Now, Lydia could tell James was smitten with Y/N just as much as she was smitten with him, and this had sparked Lydia’s plan into getting the two by themselves and admitting their feelings. 
Initially, it also meant getting their driver, Percy involved. He would have a large part to play in the plan, helping her get one or both of them to the Manor, hopefully when their parents were away on their upcoming business trip, and then leaving with Lydia. Percy and Lydia would then find something to pass a few hours by. Whether she went over to a friend’s house, or she treated Percy to a friendly night out for all his work done for the family. 
Percy was inclined to help, considering he too had noticed what was, or the lack of what was happening between James and Y/N. It didn’t matter how he spent the time afterwards. Him leaving the manor would then mean that neither James or Y/N had a way to leave. 
It was a sound plan, and Lydia knew that the probability of it working was high. 
“Hey! Y/N!” Y/N turned around at the sound of her name being called. Behind her, Lydia hurried over to her. She stopped, waiting for her friend to catch up so that they could walk side by side. “What are you doing tonight?” Lydia asked. Y/N shrugged. 
“Nothing really. Mom and dad are home but I don’t have anything planned with them. I was probably just going to watch some movies and call it an early night.” 
“Would you want to come over for a bit? Do some swimming. Maybe stay the night? Our parents are out of town for a few nights for a business trip.” Lydia had explained. 
“Who all is going to be there?” She had asked. 
“Just me and James, plus you. Figured the three of us could hang out without the suffocation of a party.” Lydia had explained. 
Y/N thought about it. Admittedly, getting out of the house for a little bit had seemed like a better idea. Lydia could tell she was contemplating it. The way Y/N tilted her head and bit the inside of her cheek, some of the very few mannerisms she possessed that gave away when she was truly thinking about something told her so. Mannerisms that James had appeared to have fallen in love with. 
After several moments, and pausing in the hallway of Maxton, Y/N had given Lydia her answer. 
“Alright. I’ll come over.” 
“Cool! I’ll have Percy pick you up at about 5!” Y/N agreed, telling her that that worked for her, and left her friend behind so that she could move on to her next class, which she also shared with James. 
Lydia watched as Y/N met up with James outside of their next class, a smirk on her face, and then left quickly, before either of them noticed that she was watching. 
“Hey.” James smiled at Y/N as they walked into the classroom. “So did Lydia talk to you yet?” He asked, as they set their stuff down on the shared desk and took their respective seats. “Something about just us three. Swimming. Maybe some movies. Something like that.” 
“Yea, actually. Just before I came here. I told her that I should be free to come over. She said she would send Percy later to come get me.” 
“What about your driver?” 
“Sick. I gave them a few days off.” Y/N flipped through her notes, trying to find where she left off. James watched as she did so, his eyes on her fingers as they flipped through the pages, before he turned his attention to her face. She was concentrated, focused on trying to find where she left off in her note taking. 
“What time did she tell you?” 
“Percy will be at my place at five.” He nodded slightly as she finally looked up at him. “She said I could also potentially stay the night. Mentioned something about how your parents are out of town for a business trip?” 
“Yea. Meetings with potential business partners for their next clothing line.” He explained. “They will be gone most of the week.” She nodded in understanding. James flashed her a smile, one that she had returned as their professor walked in, introducing their topic for the day.
Percy was a few minutes early, rolling the car in the driveway of her family manor at about quarter to five. Stepping out of the car, he greeted her politely, flashing her a small smile as she advanced over to the car. 
“Good evening, Percy.” She flashed a smile back at him, thanking him as he opened the back door for her. He had taken her overnight bag, putting it in the trunk of the car. 
“Good evening, Miss Y/L/N. I hope you are well.” 
“I am. Thank you. I hope Lydia and James are treating you well.” She teased. He flashed her a smile of amusement as another voice rang out, just as she climbed into the vehicle. 
“We are treating him just fine.” Y/N was met face to face by James, who flashed her an amused smile as she took her seat next to him. The door closed and the two flashed each other a smile. 
“Miss me?” she asked. Percy climbed into the driver side seat, putting the car into drive and taking the three of them back to the Beaufort manor. James smiled brightly at her.
Percy watched them from the rearview mirror, taking in the interactions to the two of them. Lydia had been right, about the way the two of them look at each other. The way James looked at her when she was talking, like he wanted to take in everything she was saying and have it memorized. The way Y/N watched as he drew in his sketchbook or the way he watched her as she watched the numerous trees and other flora as they drove. Lydia was right when she told Percy all those days ago about how oblivious they were. The emotions in their faces surely show how they feel about the other, but both are too oblivious to say or do anything.  He smirked, turning his eyes back on the road. 
Arriving at the manor, Percy had stayed with the car, while James and Y/N had gotten out. James took her bag inside, handing it to another person to take to Lydia's room, where she would likely be sleeping. 
Lydia was already outside at the pool when the two finally joined her. She looked up and back at them, a smile on her face. Standing up from where she was dipping her toes into the pool, she walked over to them. She bypassed James, who only playfully rolled his eyes as she hugged Y/N. 
“Glad you can make it. You guys enjoy the water and snacks. I’m going to go and get changed. Be back in a jiffy.” And with that, Lydia was gone. James, who was already wearing some swim trunks with a t-shirt when they picked up Y/N, had taken off his shirt, leaving Y/N the only one who had yet to show her swimsuit. 
Her eyes were on James body for several seconds and had stayed focused on him for several more seconds after he had jumped into the pool.
Y/N had been smart, having put her swimsuit on underneath her clothes before Percy and James arrived at her home. She had slipped off her shirt, exposing her skin and the bikini top that she wore. James had caught sight, his eyes on her before he dipped underneath the water before she could catch him staring. When he had come back up, she had already pulled her shorts off, fully revealing herself in her two-piece bikini. 
While James slowly swam around the perimeter of the pool, Y/N relaxed on a floaty, drifting around the pool. The two relaxed like that for a little bit until one of them realized that one of them was still missing. 
“James.” He had looked over at Y/N, who now sat on the end of the pool, a water bottle in her hand. 
“Did Lydia come out at all?” She asked. “I would have figured that she would be out here by now.” James stopped swimming, moving to stand in the shallow end of the pool. He looked past her, towards the open doors that led into the house. 
“No I haven’t.” He finally answered. His eyes drifted back towards Y/N, where some droplets of water rolled down her stomach. Her hair was wet, meaning that she had slipped into the water at some point and he didn’t notice. She tilted her head in thought, turning her body around as well to look inside the house. 
James watched as she stood up and walked over to the chairs. She didn’t find any sign that Lydia might have even been there in the first place, and no phone was found. 
“Her phone isn’t here. Maybe she has it. I can give her a call.” Y/N walked back over to her own phone, picked it up, and easily dialed Lydia’s number. James watched as she pressed her phone to her ear, but after several seconds, put her phone back down. “No answer.” 
“She’s probably okay. Probably just got caught up doing something else. Maybe she’s taking a nap so she can conserve energy for movies later.” James reassured her, and Y/N agreed. James wasn’t sure where his sister went, and it definitely wasn’t a part of their plans. 
Unless it was a part of her plans. 
Y/N shrugged and had gone back to sit on the side of the pool, her feet dangling in the water. James went back to floating around the pool. His eyes moved over to Y/N several times. They were alone and she was right there. He could say what he wanted and make his move. If he was rejected, no one would know. 
Her eyes were on the book she was reading, invested in the pages and the words that told the story within them. He hovered in the water for several moments before he finally decided to slowly make his way across the pool. 
His eyes had remained on her, watching her movements as he neared her. The way her fingers flipped to the next page. How her expression changed based on the scene she was reading. He was happy to listen to her when she went on and on about a book that was either currently reading or had just finished, having loved the way that she got so much joy and excitement from something so simple. 
When he finally reached her, his hand reached out for the book, gently setting it aside without getting it wet. Y/N was confused, a noise getting caught in the back of her throat as James put his palm on the edge of the pool, hoisting himself partially out of the water and slightly closer to her. He made eye contact with her, before he looked down at her lips. She caught the movement, relaxing as she waited. She knew what he wanted at that moment, and when he didn’t make the move first, she did. 
Her arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him even more closer, and pressed her lips against his. He quickly melted into it, one arm wrapping around her waist. James tugged her into the pool once more, before pinning her against the side of it. Her arms remained around his neck, while his arms looped behind her, settling the edge of the pool. 
It was a slow and gentle kiss, allowing the two to enjoy and savor it. Her hands tangled themselves into his hair, and one of his hands moved to her back, his fingers splayed across her skin. James was running out of breath, as was Y/N, but the two hesitated to separate, as both of them seemed to have wanted their first kiss together to go on longer than what was physically possible. 
And when they finally pulled away from each other, they rested their foreheads against each others, breathing heavily, a small smile on their lips. 
“Do you think Lydia left?” Y/N asked. 
“I think this was part of her plan.” James agreed. “Get us alone together. Means Percy was probably also in on it.”  Y/N laughed a little. 
“You sister, playing matchmaker, and Percy helping. Who knew.”
“My guess is that they knew something we didn’t.” He had smiled, kissing her again, this time with a bit more energy. James had stared at her lips, before moving away and planting kisses along her jaw, pressed one final one to her forehead, and then moved back down to her lips. He was kissing her like a man starved of it all.  
“How about we watch those movies?” He finally asked, after finding the heart to stop kissing Y/N and finally allowing her to breathe. She gave him a smile and nodded. 
That was how Lydia had found the two of them. They were laying on the couch in the shared living area that Lydia and James shared, the tv going on in the background. James was on his back, his head against the arm of the couch, and Y/N was asleep on his chest. Her arms wrapped around James, and a blanket was wrapped around her. 
Lydia had smirked, snapped a photo to show Percy that the plan had worked, and wandered off to get ready for bed, leaving the two by themselves.
taglist: @honethatty12 @lifeonawhim @ashamedtobewhitemanswhore27 @maryvibess @wheredidmyeyesgo @imasimptoowth @avada-kedavra-bitch-187
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onlyhereforangst · 3 days
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right, i knew it was something with an R.
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James: I am going to war with Ruby; I will destroy her.
Ruby: Hey, sorry I said some mean stuff to you.
James: -immediately caves like he has the structural integrity of a slice of Swiss cheese.-
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samirant · 2 days
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Jaime Lannister. Colin Bridgerton. James Beaufort.
My favorite male archetype is beautiful dumbass who falls in love so hard he causes physical damage to himself and I see nothing wrong with that.
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moondustswift · 1 day
Them and only them !!!!
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aftgmostly · 1 day
Never was there ever a sweetheart sister sweeter than Ember Bell. Want a Victorian Era dress with a deadline of two days? Sure thing. (Accidentally) Burned the dress they stayed up for HOURS to make? No problem. Sister has a super rich boyfriend now? No one's cooler than mom, dad and I. Upset over breakup and fight with dad? Come here you, here's a hug. Want to buy a stair-lift for Dad? Hell yeah, here's her contribution too. From the BURNT dress that she FIXED.
No sister sisters like the Ultimate Sister Ember Bell.
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Love you, sweetie.
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dylanconrique · 3 days
i made it exactly 11 minutes into episode 3 before i had to bail cause i could not emotionally cope with the victorian dress up scene and the fact that they played syml's "where's my love" as ruby descended the staircase to james. i'm afraid no other media of 2024 will be able to top that.
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ur-lil-flo · 2 days
Wait I got another one! Whenever James tries to talk to his dad about his dreams and desires (lacrosse team, being with Ruby, not having to lead a Young Beaufort campaign), he's never heard. His dad always finds a way to bring him down, assault and make lose all hope and trust in himself. For Mortimer James is just a puppet in his game, a pawn, a tool which he uses to achieve his goals, not a person, not a human with feelings and emotions.
Cordelia is more careful and understanding, but her actions and words have the exact same result: James is scared of becoming who he wants and being with someone he loves. Her story and the fact that she isn't willing to accept him the way he is make him feel even worse.
James wants to fight and do the opposite of what his dad is saying, but with Cordelia he just accepts everything, because she doesn't try to change or break him, she just makes him believe that it's right to give up, and she's there to support him in it, softly and gently, making him surrender and let go, because she's too scared he'll do something else.
Mortimer is power and terror, while Cordelia is softness and hidden pain, which is even worse. She never pursued her dreams, but chose the life that was "right" and "promising". She doesn't see any other way out (or maybe she does, but is too scared to take action) even though she knows damn well that this is not the life she wanted, and we even get a glimpse of her missing her old life and the life that never happened (the scene where she tells James about letting love go, and later we see her wiping her tears).
Cordelia's love may seem conditional ("if you follow my advice, I will love you"), but in reality she just doesn't know how to communicate her worries correctly, because the trust between her and James is too weak. He feels nothing but pressure, so he becomes resistant, while she keeps trying to push it even further until it explodes.
Here's where we get (finally) to the point: Ruby does the exact opposite of what James's parents are doing! She supports every single dream he has (she even goes to Lexington begging to let James return to his team - compared to Mortimer laughing in his face and saying lacrosse is for girls), she never makes fun of him, respects him for him, and accepts his flaws and weaknesses without playing on them. The only one decision he makes not out of fear, or under the pressure, or because he's desperate, is leaving Oxford interviews. Ruby inspired him to do it, made him believe in himself and his power. She even did it for Lydia, who probably never heard any supporting words from family members, just like James.
That's why he wants to be with Ruby - she makes him believe that everything is possible.
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thegirlivealwaysbeen · 19 hours
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maxton hall - episode six
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starflame · 1 day
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