#May Keaps
rotcareal · 7 months
Home || Forest Border Agency (neocities.org) haom page of the "foresst borader agancy" finaly downaloaded! may daarkstonae meamory lantaern keaps taling me i goat a 'diferant verasion than tha oraignal' ahtever that means. mabye theras somaething hidden here...
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islamimedia · 1 year
How to Earn $500 per month with email marketing
How to Earn $500 per month with email marketing
Nowadays, who doesn't want to use their free time to do something good? If you want, you can also use your free time to earn from email marketing online. Currently, millions of boys and girls who are doing email marketing are earning $500/$700 every month. 
Today I discuss in this Article how to earn at least $500 per month by email marketing. Here is a brief summary of everything about email marketing.
What is email marketing?
Email marketing is the distribution of any product, service, video, or content through email. The recipient will know all about your offer when he opens the email and if he agrees with your operation then he will be willing to accept your product or service and thus you get a customer.
How does it work?
Email marketing basically works, you send emails through software to thousands of people every day. From there some number of people will order your offer or your product and you can do business with that customer that is email marketing. Before starting email marketing, you must know the software well and collect an email list.
Why do we do email marketing?
Why do we do email marketing? To answer this question, the first answer that will come is to earn money. Yes, you heard right to earn money. You can make a professional life by email marketing. If you want, you can earn by selling your own products or products, also there are various jobs that can be promoted through email marketing and you can earn millions of rupees every month.
I have discussed several methods of earning by email marketing below in this article. If they want, they can earn through email marketing by adopting any of these methods.
Software or service needed for email marketing?
If you want to do email marketing, then you must do this with some software and services because it is not possible to send so many emails at once from the emails that you normally use. So to do professional email marketing you need to know about some software and work with them.
I have listed some popular software/services for email marketing below:
Constant Contact
HubSpot (Free plan)
How to Build/Collect Email List:
You can collect email lists in several ways if you want.
Email Purchase
One such easy way is list buying, you can get a list of any location, country, or any amount in various marketplaces at low cost. You can start your business by purchasing an email list from them as per your requirements.
Self-Email Collection
Or if you want you can collect emails From online through various campaigns. A few things you may need for this are good email collection tools or scripts. You may also need a VPN if necessary.
Some of the popular online tools for email collection are given below:
Gravity Forms.
Email collection through blogs/websites
If you have a blog or a good quality website then you can do an e-mail collection with various offers from there with an email subscription box on that website.
How to earn from email marketing
I am discussing below some popular means of earning by email marketing. If you want, you can do email marketing by working with any one or more of them.
Earn through the Affiliate Program
By joining the affiliate program of various companies through email and sharing their promotional links, you can earn online by selling those products. You will receive a commission from each sale of the product you promote. The more emails you send and the simpler your offer is or meets people's needs, the more sales you'll make, and the more sales you'll make, the more income you'll make.
Earn by selling e-commerce products
You can make an e-commerce website and sell the product by promoting the link of your product to your partner through email.
Earn by selling your own videos or ebooks
You can even sell any of your courses, or video ebooks by email if you want. The more you sell, the cut of all the sales will be yours because the products that are here are digital products, you don't have to pay commission to anyone and you don't have to ship the products. The person who buys your product will download it.
Earn by making offers on services
If you have a business service then you can promote your business or service through email very easily. By doing this, more people will know about your service.
How to Work Micro job
how to get $20 dollars in 5 minutes?
how to make 10 dollars a day?
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graywyvern · 1 year
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( via / via )
l e m o n 🍋 .
"Looking at the moon all col and wite and oansome, Lorna said to me, 'You know Riddley theres some thing in us it dont have no name.' I said, 'What thing is that?' She said, 'Its some kynd of thing it aint us but yet its in us. Its looking out thru our eye hoals. May be you dont take no noatis of it only some times. Say you get woak up suddn in the middl of the nite. 1 minim youre a sleap and the nex youre on your feet with a spear in your han. Wel it wernt you put that spear in your han it wer that other thing whats looking out thru your eye hoals. It aint you nor it dont even know your name. Its in us lorn and loan and sheltering how it can.' I said 'If its in every 1 of us theres moren 1 of it theres got to be a manying theres got to be a millying and mor.' Lorna said, 'Wel there is a millying and mor.' I said, 'Wel if theres such a manying of it whys it lorn then whys it loan?' She said, 'Becaws the manying and the millying its all 1 thing it dont have nothing to gether with. You look at lykens on a stoan its all them tiny manyings of it and may be each part of it myt think its sepert only we can see its all 1 thing. Thats how it is with what we are its all 1 girt big thing and divvyt up amongst the many. Its all 1 girt thing bigger nor the worl and lorn and loan and oansome. Tremmering it is and feart. It puts us on like we put on our cloes. Some times we dont fit. Some times it cant fynd the arm hoals and its tears us a part. I dont think I took all that much noatis of it when I ben yung. Now Im old I noatis it mor. It dont realy like to put me on no mor. Every morning I can feel how its tiret of me and readying to throw me a way. Iwl tell you some thing Riddley and keap this in memberment. What ever it is we dont come naturel to it.' I said, 'Lorna I dont know what you mean.' She said, 'We aint a naturel part of it. We dint begin when it begun we dint begin where it begun. It ben here befor us nor I dont know what we are to it. May be weare jus only sickness and a feaver to it or boyls on the arse of it I dont know. Now lissen what Im going to tel you Riddley. It thinks us but it dont think like us. It dont think the way we think. Plus like I said befor its afeart.' I said, 'Whats it afeart of?' She said, 'Its afeart of being beartht.' 'How can that be? You said it ben here befor us. If it ben here all this time it musve ben beartht some time.' She said, 'No it aint ben beartht it never does get beartht its all ways in the woom of things its all ways on the road.' I said, 'All this what you jus ben telling be that a tel for me?' She larft then she said, 'Riddley there aint nothing what aint a tel for you...' " --Russell Hoban, Riddley Walker (1980)
"Also, some helpful survival tips for sentients who find themselves stranded on the northernmost plains."
"We skirr upon the crutch of haste" --de Esque
Perception-altering gif.
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leotechevo · 1 year
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ahli-marie · 2 years
I had a friend express her disappointment in her marriage…. She said her husband ignores her…. I thought, hmmm, it takes two to tango…. How can he be ignoring her if she was paying so much attention to him?  Lol
I didn’t bother to ask because I knew the answer…they both have their heads buried in their phones all the time….what does it matter who began the decent of this behavior….you can't build intimacy this way LOL
I don't think it's so much that people run out of things to say…..they simply run out on saying them…..
True intimacy is in the iyes in my experience… a spirit Iye connection ….but How can you build intimacy without communicating internally either????  I wanted to ask how much time she spent gazing into her husbands Iyes?????
Many exist to just have idol chit chat with their partner in life….ok for some I suppose........I guess a lot of peoples relationships END up thErE…I had another beautiful woman tell me she was more Lonely in her marriage than she is now that she divorced him....I'm certainly not advocating divorce ROFL........but it's very telling don't you think?
Why do people settle for these empty meaningless relationships????????????  It's usually always for financial reasons.....
I was recently in the home of a couple who is so distant with each other, the whole house stunk....all I could feal was illness in their home....?  I wondered how they could stand it............?  They believe they have no financial choice............
Moving on for whatever the reason is not easy but I must agree with that woman about the loneliness
It seems such a trivial thing to lose conversation...and I'm sure it goes mostly unnoticed with all the external stimulus available.....tv, phones and games that you play by yourself...???? People cry about the sanctity of marriage being destroyed by other folks?????  Sheesh....people destroy their own sanctity.......
In my life when these things are not countered with deaper communication and intimacy within myself my outer relationships suffered in my suffering…..
The INternal Relationship with yourself is not a cliche…. It’s the most important one….A lot dries up quickly when you rely so heavily on your partner for Sustenance.....before you realize you've lost your own, it can be too late......
It's a conscious Act to keap intimacy Alive in yourself first and then with a partner.........so that it may be shared in all it's Beauti......and NO…intimacy is not just about sex!!! Lol!!!
When the Sound of your Spirit can no longer take you deaper than the surface of your own life, you can't really expect anything deaper from anyone else........
Some like the surface life.....but 'surface life' sounds a lot like 'Circus life'.....and living ONLY in the sur-face that's what you get....a circus of energy!!!  So most just escape from it the only way they know how.....DISTRACTION........
-Ahli Marie
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abacadigitalaim · 2 years
Why Marketing Automation Tool Is Fast Becoming the Hottest Trend of 2023?
The era of marketing automation has inevitably been ushered in with the proliferation of the internet and digitalization. Everything has transformed, from how we go about our daily lives to conducting business. Marketers are under enormous pressure to engage greater audiences while battling the accelerating digital revolution as more and more people pick e-commerce for a convenient life.
Marketing Automation Tools have become the best arrow in the quiver of the marketers and businesses. They work by automating the manual repetitive tasks, thus removing guesswork and streamlining the process. It is safe to say that Marketing Automation Tool Is Fast Becoming the Hottest Trend of 2023.
Trending Marketing Automation in 2023
Today, there are several Indian companies with Marketing Automation Tool in Delhi or throughout the country,, including Digital AIM, Factoreal, Leadsquared, Hansa Cequity, and WebEngage. Even Marketing and Sales Automation Tool in Chandigarh is now a direct competition to International companies like Hubspot, Marketo, Keap, and Drip. Although all of the competitors fall under the heading of "Marketing Automation," each solution addresses a different pain point for the consumer, which explains why there is room in the market for all of the players to expand.
Given that the marketing teams' sole objective is to maximize ROI, they are relying on cutting-edge technologies as their bargain-chip to function more productively and communicate with customers better.
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According to statistics by Oracle, 34% of marketers believe that marketing automation will enhance client engagement and experience.
Why are Marketing Automation Tools Trending?
Drives sales and creates more leads
More leads, more sales, and more revenue are the core tasks for marketers. Marketing Automation tools free the marketing professionals of repetitive tasks so that they can focus on lead conversions. This will eventually help a company become a brand.
Automation speeds up emailing and online marketing campaigns and improves the conversion of leads into paying clients for marketers.
Enhances consumer engagement
Engaging customers at every level of the purchasing process is vital to the success of any marketing effort. Through social media and email marketing, marketing automation helps to increase brand awareness and inform customers about new products, projects, etc. Marketers may interact with their customers and provide prompt answers to their questions by automating communication.
From raising awareness to obtaining feedback after a purchase, automation can significantly influence customers' purchasing decisions.
Enhanced consumer insights
Marketing Automation tools give marketers useful customer insights in addition to increasing marketing productivity and profitability. Real-time tracking and analytics from automation technologies are crucial for the success of marketing efforts.
To the contrary, every marketer is aware that personalization is the secret to winning over a customer. In order to do this, they use marketing automation tools to offer clients data backed targeted and personalized content.
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Lowers TCO and boosts ROI
Any marketing campaign's overall performance is determined by the ROI and conversion rate. Marketers may save time, effort, and money by automating key marketing tasks. As a result, they can concentrate on creating lasting relationships and innovating to improve the customer experience. Lead generation can also be boosted and the return on investment increased by better marketing performance, higher revenue, and better data management.
Get sales, marketing and CRM on the same page
Talk about unifying the company operations. Integrated Sales and Marketing Automation tools with included CRM goes an extra mile to streamline the internal process of the organization. They offer flexibility to the team to work individually while enabling seamless handovers among different departments.
Future of Marketing Automation
Marketing Automation in India is still in its initial stages and shows a lot of potential for a glorious future.
Predictive personalisation with AI-assisted platforms will be the pot of gold at the end of the Marketing Automation rainbow in 2023. Check out Abaca Digital AIM for a simplified plug-and-play Marketing and Sales Automation Tool in Chandigarh. It has the most advanced automation features out there with powerful CRM leveraging Artificial Intelligence.
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blogs-station · 2 years
Need for Marketing Automation Tools in Digital Marketing
Digital marketing is a vague description of numerous scattered tasks that contribute altogether to pushing the business forward in terms of publicity, business development, and more.
Businesses aren’t limited to product development or profitability these days but building a significant public reputation and goodwill within the market. That includes having a sound presence over all social media channels, popping up first on search engine results, and more.
Each of these tasks may sound small but are crucial to the business and are carried out daily. Without consistency, on SERP company can experience a downgrade, on social media customers can lose interest, and within a market, businesses can lose trust.
These are just a few examples of what can happen if these activities are paused for even one day. However, it sounds absurd for a person to do the same thing over and over again, doesn’t matter even if it is in the job description.
Therefore, marketing automation tools help marketers to take out these actions in one simple step rather than going through the same series of inputs every day. Simple tasks that are important for a marketer can be accustomed to automation tools.
Tools like HubSpot, Marketo, Keap, EngageBay, Omnisend, Ortto are the top-ranked marketing automation tools that are used widely to accommodate marketing needs. Live chatbots have also become part of this and are included in these.
Marketing automation isn’t just about completing tasks but staying in touch with the customers, collecting valuable market information, and acknowledging the ways it can be improved. Furthermore, it can be used to optimize different marketing tactics such as SEO, social media postings and so.
These tools are much appreciated among digital marketers. Some of these are paid and require proper training but each tool offer certifications too so marketers can hone their skills and get the desired outcome.
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funtime-arts · 4 years
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Warning: long explanation ahead, I am so sorry.
The Runners is a story about a group of people in the medical industry.
This group is made up, it takes place in a world where disease is very commen and every disease is probably three times more dangerous, offen the doctors and nurses are too busy to get things for the patients, or even themselves. So who do they call??? The Runners! A group of people with basic medical knowledge, speed and strength of an Olympic gold medalist or a black opps soldier, stamina as long as a cheata, and resilience of someone who just doesn't know the meaning of giving up.
They are all specially trained to take long falls, harsh tumbles, and sometimes even bashing into metal doors.
Their job is to take anyones request and get them what they want in record breaking time, sometimes even having to do professional parcour.
There are different levels of Runners.
-"What the hell is a break?"
-parkour masters
-can probably crush your head with their legs.
-high respect for night Runners.
Night time:
-fairly muscular
-trained in self diffense.
-litteraly nocternal.
-"whats the sun?"
-layed back
-high respect for daytime Runners.
Of course, thoughs are the two main catagories, there are sub catagories, with sub catagories.
Kid Ward: gentle, quiet, good with kids, takes no crap from parents, can and will kill for the kids they help, "I swear to god Karen, for the last time, VACCINES DO NOT CAUSE AUTISUM!!!!"
Teen ward: high patience, are probably all young adults (easiest for the teens to talk to), takes no flak, are all trained in some form of basic therapy because of how dramatic teens can be, "I'm not going to give you your phone back untill you behave, and if you even try to throw a tantrum you can say goodbye to this phone for a week."
Adult ward: Don't piss them off, they know damn well how hard it is to be an adult, mostly former soldiers, can and will backhand you, "shut up, and take your godamn meds before I force feed you them"
Elderly ward: The ward technically doesn't exist, very few Runners are assigned there, if they are they mostly just listen to the fun stories the elderly have to give.
Patient levels:
Low risk (little to no chance of death): the Runners mostly just grab small things, toys, jackets, shoes, books, things like that, offen they don't even need to run.
Medium risk (risk of death, just not commen): the Runners offen grab meds, maybe snacks and drinks, and do the same things the low risk Runners do, though its recommended they atleast jog or run.
High risk (high chance of death, though with enough meds and rest they can pull through): The Runners here do everything the lower two do except they grab full meals, will full on book it across the hospital for meds and come back in record time, will do parkour sometimes, but mostly just dodge passerbys.
Terminal (they will die without surgery): the Runners here are more extreme, considering the hospital is always busy, sometimes you just can't get through the hospital with a hospital bed, so what do the runners do to get a patient to surgery? They carry the patient while running top spead, sometimes even holding blood bags and IVs on their mouths. They are RIPPED. They are also very gentle, sometimes they have to help a patient eat or recover.
Now, considering the Runners are on their feet all day, they need a bag of suppleis to keap them on their feet, and/or help entertain patients.
The bag may consist of:
-energy drinks
-energy bars
-candy (for kids)
- small medical kits
-a book on basic medicen or two.
-their medical records.
-gloves and masks.
-microwave foods.
-depending on religion, religious items.
-Runners rules and regulations.
The hospital this takes place in is the first hospital made to acomidate to the Runners.
-runner landing zones (they are offen jumping from high places, they need a clear landing spot)
-random bars and platforms.
-Runner only routs.
-sometimes, very rarely, roller skates.
Every thing that is "Runner only" is colored with an obnoxiously bright green.
All the Runners live in a big house together, they have a pool, gym, obstical course, and all of comes out of their paychecks.
After shifts the Runners eat A LOT of calories (burgers, hotdogs, bacon, pretty much all fatty foods) because they burn calories faster than Salem could burn witches.
They all have an unspoken code, "patients before Runners" they will litteraly die for their patients. They will also die for eachother, but a lot of them refuse to admit it.
They have every monday off (mostly ment for the runners to get rest, exorcise, and physical and emotional check-ups.)
Thats all i have for now, i plan to make mini comics, but i dont comit to one thing for long, so who knows, maybe this will be the only post I mak of The Runners.
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socialmomma · 5 years
I think Diamond was 14 in this video. I bet she is tired of me sticking a camera in her face. Even though she gets nervous about all of the attention, she is passionate about her causes! 🦋 I am so excited to announce my partnership with Diamond Doran & Unique Butterflies, Inc. A 501(c)3 non profit organization. 🦋 This project, Melanin Owned Business Launchpad will help 100 Black Female Business Owners with services valued at over $50,000 to help them achieve 6 figures in revenue and beyond during the 2020 calendar year. 🦋 This project is an immersion program which means I’ve leveraged my contacts and support to not only train but provide “done with you services”. 🦋 Each participant will get one year of @keap Pro - sales and automation software 🦋 Training with expert trainers learning how to sell, pitch, market, customer service, automation, fulfillment, bookkeeping, finance, legal, etc... There is so much more. 🦋 I met Diamond Doran of Unique Butterflies, Inc when I was volunteering for @1village for their Girls Can Do Anything Initiative. Thoroughly impressed that Diamond started Unique Butterflies, Inc at the age of 12 because she didn’t like how people treated her brother, Deonte’, due to his special needs (he has cerebral palsy), I volunteered to help as much as I can. 🦋 If you are a black female with a business and you generate less than $100,000 per year in revenue, it’s time for you to get expert help. Please share with someone that may need this 💋 #melanin #service #blackwomanownedbusiness #blackgirlmagic #ministry #nonprofit https://www.instagram.com/p/B6TbmkdpUcB/?igshid=1gpnfnsgj4mv4
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jenmedsbookreviews · 7 years
#Blogtour: Foul Trade by BK Duncan
Today it’s my great pleasure to be taking part in the blog tour for Foul Trade, the new May Keaps novel from author BK Duncan and I’d like to wish the author a very happy publication day. My thanks go to Sarah Hardy for including me in the tour. I’ll be sharing my thoughts on the book in just a moment after we’ve taken a look at what it is all about.
The Official Book Blurb
It is March 1920. May…
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studyblxg · 5 years
Does Infusionsoft offer HIPAA Compliant Email Service?
Table of Contents:
Infusionsoft by Keap
What is a Business Associate?
Business Associate Agreement provisions
InfusionSoft by Keap and the Business Associate Agreement
HIPAA Compliant Email and Infusionsoft by Keap
Does Infusionsoft by Keap offer HIPAA Compliant Email Service?
A customer recently asked us about whether they were able to use Infusionsoft by Keap as a HIPAA compliant email service. We know the HIPAA industry is vast so we can empathize with just how many people need to use cloud services in this sector.
Today, we will determine if Infusionsoft by Keap offers HIPAA compliant email service or not.
Infusionsoft by Keap
Infusionsoft by Keap offers a subscription-based, all-in-one sales and marketing SaaS product for small businesses with fewer than 25 employees.
The private company is based in Chandler, Arizona
What is a Business Associate?
A Business Associate is a person or company that performs certain functions or activities that involve the use or disclosure of protected health information for a Covered Entity.
In a nutshell, the role of a Business Associate is to help Covered Entities comply with the HIPAA Privacy Rule.
In the case of Infusionsoft by Keap, it would certainly qualify as a Business Associate if it provides services to Covered Entities.
Read full article: What does it mean to be a Business Associate?
Business Associate Agreement provisions
If a Business Associate provides services to a Covered Entity, then a Business Associate Agreement must be in place.
A Business Associate Agreement is a written contract between a Covered Entity and a Business Associate and is required by law for HIPAA compliance.
At a minimum, a Business Associate Agreement contains 10 provisions.
Read full article: Business Associate Agreement Provisions
Infusionsoft and the Business Associate Agreement
We checked the Infusionsoft by Keap site for mention of their ability to sign a Business Associate Agreement.
We found the answer we were looking for on a page called Keap HIPAA Compliance.
“Keap is pleased to announce that our flagship CRM and marketing automation platform may now be used by HIPAA covered entities and business associates to lawfully store, transmit, and otherwise process protected health information (also known as “PHI”).
To satisfy our growing community of healthcare users, Keap offers customers the opportunity to execute our standard Business Associate Agreement (or “BAA”) that satisfies the applicable subcontracting requirements under HIPAA and the HITECH Act.”
HIPAA Compliant Email and Infusionsoft by Keap
Covered Entities are required to take reasonable steps to protect PHI sent from email all the way to the recipient’s inbox. As such, HIPAA compliant email must be transmitted in-motion over the internet with encryption.
It should be noted however, the scope of the Keap Business Associate Agreement protects and encrypts data only at-rest in their platform. In other words, any email sent from their platform is not covered by the Keap BAA.
Read full article: HIPAA Compliant Email
Does Infusionsoft by Keap offer HIPAA Compliant Service?
The Business Associate Agreement (BAA) is a key component to HIPAA compliance between a Covered Entity and a Business Associate.
We were able to learn that a BAA is offered by Keap.
If you are going to send email from their platform that contains PHI however, the Keap BAA does not include coverage for that. You must either find a HIPAA compliant email API provider that integrates with Infusionsoft by Keap or not include PHI in the emails.
Learn more: Sending HIPAA Compliant Email with Infusionsoft
Not sure what to do next? Try Paubox for FREE and make your email HIPAA compliant today.
Start Your Free Trial
The post Does Infusionsoft offer HIPAA Compliant Email Service? appeared first on Paubox.
Source: https://www.paubox.com/blog/infusionsoft-keap-hipaa-compliant-email
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sharptoothsnail · 2 years
[WANTED] Graphic Designer
Hello Tumblr,
I haven't posted this anywhere yet, mostly because my thoughts about it are disorganized. So you guys are going to be the first to hear it.
I have been working as a freelancer in multiple disciplines for nearly a decade, the last six of which have been exclusively, and I've hit a wall. I can't take on any more work because I just don't have the capacity. I need to hire some help. I don't REALLY know how to hire help.
I have never had to write a job description that wasn't based at least in part in one that already existed.
Here goes nothing
Who Am I?
I am formally trained as a graphic designer and I work with clients on brand development and graphic assets for screen and print. I have about a decade of video production experience for small-market TV and online video. I have been building websites since 1994 (yes I am very old, but to be fair, I was 13 in 1994), and continue to create Wordpress Websites and Shopify Shops. I'm a Keap Certified Partner, and offer consultations in marketing strategy and automation.
I Am Looking For:
You are a Graphic Designer who is comfortable with Adobe Creative Cloud (at minimum, Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign) and is excited to work with an Art Director on a variety of projects and build your portfolio with paid work. Right now I have clients in need of:
Book Layouts
Social Media Graphics
Video Editing
Preparing artwork for imprinting on products
You'll receive content, specs and stylesheets from me and then you'll execute a project. I may have notes for revisions before the work is accepted.
Irregular work. Right now I'm overwhelmed with work but as I am a freelancer I can't guarantee that the hours will be regular. However, if I can find the help I need, I can spend more time in communication with my existing clients (who are lovely if a bit eccentric*) and onboarding new ones. If you're looking for spot work that you can fit around your schedule, that's ideal. *You will mostly be communicating with me.
$20-ish/hr My goal is to turn this ongoing freelance scramble into a proper agency. I want to pay fairly, but honestly I have no idea what fair entry-level contractor pay is. I'm ballparking here so you know upfront if this is worth your time, and it is negotiable, but I have a ceiling because I've only got so much to work with. As I said, I'm aiming to grow this, and if you're great and we like each other I want you to grow with me, and quickly.
You should probably live in the US. I know how to do the tax paperwork for contracting labor with people with Social Security numbers. I do not know how to do it for anyone else.
Please send Portfolios and Letters of Interest to [email protected], subject line [TUMBLR PORTFOLIO]
If I'm way off base about any of this, please send emails to the same address, subject line [HOW DARE YOU]
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jenmedsbookreviews · 7 years
#Blogtour: The Last Post by BK Duncan @bkduncanwriter @Bloodhoundbook
Today I’m delighted to be joining the blog blitz for The Last Post by BK Duncan. My thanks to Sarah Hardy from Bloodhound books for including me on the tour. I’ll let you know my thoughts in just a moment, once we’ve taken a look at what the book is about.
The Official Book Blurb
It is April 1918. May Keaps is a twenty year old ambulance driver stationed at The Front. As if transporting hideously…
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graywyvern · 3 years
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( “the sorcerer’s apprentice hyperrealism” via nightcafe / via )
The three MFA takedowns. (Not that i need convincing.)
"Kindness is in our power...even when fondness is not." ~ Samuel Johnson (via @addyiceangel)
Sleep Paralysis.
"Looking at the moon all col and wite and oansome, Lorna said to me, 'You know Riddley theres some thing in us it dont have no name.' I said, 'What thing is that?' She said, 'Its some kynd of thing it aint us but yet its in us. Its looking out thru our eye hoals. May be you dont take no noatis of it only some times. Say you get woak up suddn in the middl of the nite. 1 minim youre a sleap and the nex youre on your feet with a spear in your han. Wel it wernt you put that spear in your han it wer that other thing whats looking out thru your eye hoals. It aint you nor it dont even know your name. Its in us lorn and loan and sheltering how it can.' I said 'If its in every 1 of us theres moren 1 of it theres got to be a manying theres got to be a millying and mor.' Lorna said, 'Wel there is a millying and mor.' I said, 'Wel if theres such a manying of it whys it lorn then whys it loan?' She said, 'Becaws the manying and the millying its all 1 thing it dont have nothing to gether with. You look at lykens on a stoan its all them tiny manyings of it and may be each part of it myt think its sepert only we can see its all 1 thing. Thats how it is with what we are its all 1 girt big thing and divvyt up amongst the many. Its all 1 girt thing bigger nor the worl and lorn and loan and oansome. Tremmering it is and feart. It puts us on like we put on our cloes. Some times we dont fit. Some times it cant fynd the arm hoals and its tears us a part. I dont think I took all that much noatis of it when I ben yung. Now Im old I noatis it mor. It dont realy like to put me on no mor. Every morning I can feel how its tiret of me and readying to throw me a way. Iwl tell you some thing Riddley and keap this in memberment. What ever it is we dont come naturel to it.' I said, 'Lorna I dont know what you mean.' She said, 'We aint a naturel part of it. We dint begin when it begun we dint begin where it begun. It ben here befor us nor I dont know what we are to it. May be weare jus only sickness and a feaver to it or boyls on the arse of it I dont know. Now lissen what Im going to tel you Riddley. It thinks us but it dont think like us. It dont think the way we think. Plus like I said befor its afeart.' I said, 'Whats it afeart of?' She said, 'Its afeart of being beartht.' 'How can that be? You said it ben here befor us. If it ben here all this time it musve ben beartht some time.' She said, 'No it aint ben beartht it never does get beartht its all ways in the woom of things its all ways on the road.' I said, 'All this what you jus ben telling be that a tel for me?' She larft then she said, 'Riddley there aint nothing what aint a tel for you...' --Russell Hoban, Riddley Walker (1980)
Rebranding climate change.
"Most modern calendars mar the sweet simplicity of our lives by reminding us that each day that passes is the anniversary of some perfectly uninteresting event." --@Wit_of_Wilde
"If all music is mathematical, not all mathematics is musical..."
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