#Maya Breen
goldpilot22 · 1 year
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some new guys
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cadencejames87 · 2 years
Forever Mine: Part 7
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Series Masterlist // Previous Chapter
Chapter Summary: Your romantic night sparks a memory that unfortunately puts a damper in the rest of the evening. Steve finally cooperates with Lieutenant Rambeau revealing that he knows a lot more than he has been letting on.
Word Count: 2.7k
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Warnings: Needle injection, talk of bombing/terrorism during a mission, Bucky breaks down :( *warnings updated with each chapter*
*Not beta’d, thus any and all mistakes are my own*
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*Dividers above by @maysdigitalarts​ *
*Dividers in story by @whimsicalrogers​ *
Maya has Jonah wrapped to her chest. She holds the twins' hands as they follow Breen, carrying the toddlers, down the stairs. They cross the kitchen while Lieutenant Rambeau and Officer Zemo examine the footlocker, now sat upon the kitchen island. "You can’t touch that. It’s government property, well above your pay grade, Lieutenant."
"Then what is it doing here?" When he refuses to answer she turns back to the Zemo trying to pry the footlocker open. "Last I checked, I had a warrant for anything and everything in this residence. Somebody get them out of here." An officer quickly escorts the family outside.
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Bucky admires you snuggled nice and warm within the blanket, watching the flames dance in the pit. The wine and cheese board between the two of you is nearly empty. "I almost forgot." Bucky pulls a gift bag from under his chair and hands it to you.
Your eyes light up as peek inside. You take out a small Eeyore stuffy with a soft giggle and hug the stuffed animal tight. You notice a small ribbon in place of his tail. "What’s this?" A pair of vintage white gold rings tied in a bow, one with a blue topaz, teardrop stone, the other a crown of diamonds that fits perfectly with the engagement ring. His name escapes your lips in a whisper as you look at him, eyes bright with surprise.
"I thought maybe when you were ready," he shrugs, "you might want to put them on again." He swallows his anxiety as he waits for your response.
You look at Bucky with wonder. "Thank you, I love it." You continue to admire the rings, keeping them wrapped in the ribbon.
"There’s something else in the bag." You place the stuffed animal in your lap and remove handfuls of tissue, uncovering an iPad. "I filled it with all our photos. Better than lugging those boxes around the house all day."
You look to Bucky with appreciation. A small flash of light just over his shoulder catches your attention. He spots the minute movement of your eyes and swiftly turns, his hand flying to a hidden gun strapped to the side of his chair. Bucky relaxes as you both marvel at the dozens of blinking lights quickly filling the yard, Lightning bugs.
Another memory flashes in your mind.
A large swing set takes up a large portion of the yard with an attached play house, eagles nest, spiral slide, and rock climbing wall. Tucked in the back corner is a beautiful garden wrapping around a small secluded pond with a relaxing waterfall and floating solar Lillies.
Steve walks behind you, his hands covering your eyes, eagerly guiding you across the backyard towards the garden. He removes his hands, ecstatic to reveal the surprise. Fairy lights and blue roses decorate a sheer white fort next to a hammock filled with blankets and pillows. "You built us a fort? You’re so adorable."
You are powerless in your restraint to reach out and pluck a rosebud from the setup, unsure why you might be bothered by it; I mean, he went through all this trouble to surprise you with this incredible date night.
Steve vibrates with excitement, itching to show you more. "Wait until you see the inside." He takes your hand and pulls the sheet back. Pillows and blankets make up the floor. A tray filled with an assortment of finger foods, including chocolate-covered strawberries, sits in the centre with a bottle of chilled champagne.
"What's the laptop for? " Your smile grows as you eye him suspiciously.
"Get your head outta the gutter," he laughs. "Dinner and a movie, and don't worry, none of that chick flick crap. I got a handful of thrillers, ready to go. Do I know my wife or--" You grab him by the collar of his shirt as you pull him down for a kiss. He drops the sheet, his arms wrapping around your waist.
"How did I get so lucky marrying my best friend? Who just so happens to be the most romantic," you kiss his lips softly, "and charming," another soft kiss, "and handsome man I know?"
His hands fall to your waist as he rests his forehead against yours. "You're stuck with me, babe. Besides, I'm the lucky one." He frames your face in his hands and kisses you, casually slipping his hands down to cup your ass and lift you, deepening the kiss. You wrap your legs around his waist as he moves inside the fort without breaking the kiss that continues to grow in passion and hunger. He gently guides you back onto the pile of cushions and finally pulls away, breathless. "I mean, we could skip the movie all together." You smirk, pushing him onto his back and straddling him as you return your lips to his.
The memory fades away. The twinkle lights replaced by lightning bugs.
Bucky glances back over his shoulder, his smile quickly fading as you stare back in utter fear. You clear your throat and return everything to the gift bag, taking that time to compose yourself. "I’m tired, I should..." You swallow the lump in your throat and fake a smile, eyes returning to his. "I should head to bed." The blanket falls from your shoulders as you stand and step around the patio chair.
Bucky gnaws at his lip, attention flicking from you to the fire, surly over the ruined moment. "Y/N?" Your name fills the silence with a growl. From the corner of his eye, he sees you freeze mid-step. "He’s not who you think he is."
"I don’t know who you’re talking about." Your voice, barely above a whisper, gives away your lack of confidence.
Bucky stands, taking his time as he moves closer, steps slow and deliberate. You try to move, to run, hide, but you are frozen. "You do though. The problem is, you trust him when he’s the one who brainwashed you for the last six years." He pauses just behind you, placing one hand on your waist as he tucks your hair back over your shoulder and kisses your neck. He nuzzles into you, wrapping his arms around your waist, pulling you flush against him as he takes in your soft scent. He kisses his way up from your neck to just behind your ear, your breath hitching. "I wish you would remember me." He whispers, lips grazing your ear. The sharp bite of a needle filled with Midazolam has you spinning around, alarmed, hand clutching your neck as you back away. "Don’t worry. It’s only mild anesthesia." He watches you stumble back towards the house.
Your vision blurs, hindering you from climbing the steps. You push forward and trip on the first step, feeling around as you crawl up the rest, only to collapse at the top. Out like a light. Bucky gathers your limp body, cradling you in his arms. He carries you inside. “We’ll try again tomorrow, Doll.”
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An officer guards the squad car with Steve cuffed in the back. A second officer stands post on the front steps, vigilant, despite Breen glaring his way as he leans next to a bench. The kids in their pyjamas and jackets, all squished around Maya on the seat. Maya plays a storybook reading on her phone for the toddler girls while the twins huddle together playing a game on Breen's.
Lieutenant Wright walks through the hallway, just off the kitchen, scrutinizing a wall filled with family photos.
"Who are these guys?" Zemo flips through a file from a pile, removed from the footlocker, and stacked on the island counter.
"Come on, Zemo, you’re not that fresh out of the womb. You heard of our Joint Task Force?" She asks as she scans the living room filled with toys, books, and games.
"Armed Forces, elite, right? Explains the anger issues," he mumbles, eyeing the broken glass they spotted as soon as they entered the house.
"Get off that already. They are clearly a loving family. And whoever this guy is, he’s targeting them for a reason."
She crosses to the island. "Whatever that reason is, it has to be in these files."
"We have no idea what we are looking for, it’s not like they are labelled. And all these guys listed, no pictures." He tosses the file aside.
"Do you want everything handed to you on a goddamn silver platter?" She storms out, practically knocking the door officer over on the way.
Lieutenant Rambeau cuts across the lawn to the squad car, tearing the door open. "The file we are looking for isn’t going to be in there, is it?"
"I have no idea what you are talking about, Lieutenant," Steve answers deadpan.
"You know who he is. Where’s the file?" She demands in vain as Steve continues to play dumb. Lieutenant Rambeau glances back at Breen. "What are the odds of him talking to me without you?" Steve chuckles, and Monica nods, knowing the odds are zero. "Say we do this right, by the law." Steve looks into her eyes, serious. "I let you go, you share your information, and I take him in when we find him; together."
"And if I disagree?"
"You are Y/N’s best chance at making it back home." Steve seems to think it over. "And he’ll face the consequences; alive!"
"I can’t make that promise," he scoffs.
"For your wife, you will."
He sits back, stone-faced, eyes forward. "Take me in. I’ll be out before you even finish processing."
"Are you honestly that stubborn?" He turns away, ignoring her. Damnit, Rogers! Lieutenant Rambeau looks at Zemo, hanging back with the officer on the porch, an arm full of files. She scans each small round face, tired eyes and noses red from the cold night air. "Get out." She steps back, allowing Steve to climb out. "Remove the cuffs." She instructs the nearby officer.
With that, Zemo shoots down the stairs. "You’re letting him go?!"
Lieutenant Rambeau meets him in the yard, pressing a hand to his chest. "He’s done nothing wrong. You and I both know it."
"Bullshit, we have a file ten inches thick with a warrant for his arrest," he argues.
"Zemo, I’ve had enough of you. Whatever this is you have against him is over." She takes the files from him and walks away, pausing in front of the officer by the front door. "You’re free to go. Take him with you." Zemo scowls at Steve as he takes his place in the backseat of the squad car and slams the door, waiting on the two officers to get in and drive them back to the station. "I’m going to need to speak to the two of you alone," Rambeau says to Steve and Breen as she enters the house.
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Bucky gulps whiskey straight from the bottle, the amber liquid almost glowing in the firelight. He scrolls through pictures of Steve and the kids on your phone, anger growing with each swipe of his thumb. He takes another long drink, tosses the phone into the surveillance box at his feet and stands. He stares at the dancing flames, lost in thought.
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Lieutenant Rambeau sits with Steve & Breen around the kitchen island. "You’re telling me that Bentley London doesn’t exist." Not too far-fetched, I mean, criminals create fake identities all the time; the question is, what is the significance of this specific alias?
"His real name is James Barnes, known to some as Bucky or the Winter Soldier." She stares back, questioning the nickname. "Much like the season, while on the battlefield, he is cold, quiet, calm even, though very much skilled at what he does. He flew through the ranks as soon as he enlisted and had extensive joint training with DEVGRU, SAS, and JTF2. We had a few joint ops together. He's smart, an expert marksman, and adept with hand to hand; prefers a tactical knife."
"Barnes dropped off the radar after our last mission." Breen cuts in with a pointed look at Steve and his admiration for the soldier.
"Turned up a couple of years later running an op for the French Foreign Legion," Steve continues.
"So this mercenary, Bentley... or Bucky, whatever you want to call him, what happened to him on your last mission together?" Lieutenant Rambeau questions.
"Nothing, he’s always handled his missions with proficiency."
"What about London?" Breen digs out a file and tosses it on the counter as Steve shoots him a disapproving look.
Lieutenant Rambeau looks between both men. "Is there something you’re still hiding?"
Steve turns back with a heavy sigh. "We were in London after a string of bombings. Bucky was on his way to Italy when we got the call. I had no clue his wife and kids were with him." His eyes fill with regret and fall to the folder in front of them. "We later found their bodies among a dozen other casualties near Trafalgar Square."
"They were supposed to stay in the hotel. Instead, they were in a cab on their way to the aquarium when a car bomb went off."
"Two actually, the Bentley was just closer to his family," Steve adds, looking at his friend.
Steve and Bucky climb out of an SUV in Trafalgar Square, the location of multiple car bombings. The soldiers help clear the area of civilians, staying in communication with their team through comms. "Does anyone have eyes on a target?" Steve calls out.
Breen scans the streets around the London Eye with TWO SOLDIERS. "It's not here."
Steve pauses, "What do you mean?" He removes a list of coordinates from his vest pocket.
Bucky continues to comb the wreckage and bodies for signs of life. "They never wanted us to find them, they wanted to give us a show. Trafalgar Square’s not even on that list, Rogers."
"Maybe the idiots timed it wrong, forgot to account for traffic and boom--" A LOUD EXPLOSION by Big Ben cuts Breen off and causes the team to take cover.
"Shows not over." Steve does a quick firearm check as he crouches behind a car.
"Was that a bus?!" Breen asks rhetorically in shock.
"You tell us, Lightning, take your team and investigate," Steve orders.
Bucky scans his immediate surroundings and spots a familiar face among the victims, pausing a moment before cautiously stepping forward and out of cover.
"Barnes, landmarks we can see from the Eye within a ten minutes radius?"
Bucky removes his earpiece. "Nat?"
Steve searches for Bucky as he scrambles to the SUV. He locates the soldier as he collapses onto a car, holding himself up on the busted window, reaching for, yet afraid to make contact with the victim in the passenger seat. "Bucky!"
"Nat, baby, no, no, no." Bucky cries out. He finally wills himself to make contact, checking her pulse, hoping, praying. He sweeps her hair out of her face as a tear rolls down his cheek. He notices the diaper bag between her feet, and his focus whips to the backseat. He is absolutely devastated, his heart ripped from his chest with his breath. His knees give out as Steve reaches his side, pulling him off the ground. "No!" Bucky pushes Steve off of him and storms back to the car.
Steve grabs Bucky by his vest. "We gotta go."
Bucky continues to fight, "I’m not leaving them! That’s my Wife! That bastard took my kids..." Steve eyes the burned remains of the family in the car as he drags Bucky away.
A long silence fills the space after Steve's retelling of events. Lieutenant Rambeau sits back in her chair trying to piece things together. "And you knew it was him this whole time?"
"I had a suspicion when I received this at my hotel room the morning after she disappeared." He removes the pin from his pocket and slides it across the island counter. "The facial composite confirmed it."
She looks the pin over. There is no use arguing now over why Steve held out on sharing this information. Thinking instead about the loss of one man's wife under horrible circumstances and the abduction of another... out of spite? Why target Rogers? "Who is left to blame when the man behind the trigger blows himself up?" She finishes her thoughts aloud.
"The man who rerouted the plane with his family on board."
"You?" Steve hangs his head, eyes clouded with guilt, hands wringing in his lap.
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Next Chapter
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Tag List: @buckyalpine​ @pono-pura-vida​ @cjand10​ @lou-la-lou​ @liarasstuff​ @royalwriteroftheuniverse​
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seolinah · 1 year
here's me reworking some old characters i had that i wouldn't mind using under the cut (i can provide some more info if you want). but give this a like and i will make some kind of one-liner/starter for you. please lmk if there's one you want specifically or else i will randomly choose!
alexandra thao | 44 | filmmaker | fc: maggie q
amy forrester | 25 | artist | fc: katie douglas
austin delgado | 31 | playwright | fc: tommy martinez
barbara breen | 31 | lab technician | fc: suki waterhouse
deryn mcconnell | 46 | cinema professor | fc: jessica chastain
freddy ferguson | 31 | boxer | fc: lucien laviscount
holly blackburn | 25 | writer | fc: abigail cowen
india sloan | 25 | potter | fc: maya hawke
inessa rossi | 31 | bounty hunter & siren | fc: paulina singer
isabela wolfe | 34 | biology & drama teacher (high school) | fc: nathalie emmanuel
kayla driscoll | 27 | art & music teacher (primary) | fc: anya taylor-joy
kendal novak | 26 | thief | fc: fivel stewart
oliver coulson | 35 | carpenter | fc: rege-jean page
peter porter | 29 | camp counselor | fc: saoirse ronan
rosaline tham-boon | 28 | stripper | fc: zorzo nathareutai
sawyer reece | 41 | ex-con & mechanic | fc: lauren cohan
theresa sommers | 44 | late night radio show host | fc: rachel mcadams
valerie ma | 27 | reality star | fc: chase sui wonder
zoey hopkins | 32 | dance choreographer | fc: adelaide kane
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sparklesandchalk · 7 years
My Full 2018 Fantasy Draft
Maggie Nichols
MyKayla Skinner
Alex McMurtry
AJ Jackson
Kyla Ross
Kennedi Edney
Kennedy Baker
Rachel Slocum
Brenna Dowell
Kiana Winston
Alicia Boren
Nickie Guerrero
Elizabeth Price
Sarah Finnegan
Amelia Hundley
Nicole Lehrmann
Maddie Karr
Olivia Karas
Christine Peng-Peng Lee
Myia Hambrick
Emma McLean
Britney Ward
Stefani Catour
Kirah Koshinski
Sydney Snead
Katelyn Ohashi
Toni-Ann Williams
Wynter Childers
Amanda Wellick
Lexie Priessman
Mollie Korth
Camille Drouin-Allaire
Kennedi Harris
Missy Reinstadtler
Mackenzie Brannan
Brianna Brown
Haylee Young
Rachel Dickson
Natalie Brown
Jade Degouveia
Hailey Burleson
Alex Hyland
Morgan Lane
Rachel Stypinski
Kari Lee
Anastasia Webb
Brehanna Showers
Shani Remme
Morgan Porter
Ruby Harrold
Tiffani Lewis
Ann Stockwell
Paige Zaziski
Dani Dessaints
Maddie Desch
Courtney McGregor
Abby Armbrecht
Abby Milliet
Sandra Collantes
Khazia Hislop
MaKenna Merrell
Erin Macadaeg
Casey Lauter
Lauren Marinez
Sarah Means
Sabrina Vega
Kim Tessen
Sidney Dukes
Zaakira Muhammad
GiGi Marino
Nikole Addison
Arianna Robinson
Briannah Tsang
Lynnzee Brown
Kyana George
Bridget Hodan
Joslyn Goings
Macey Hilliker
Sydney McGlone
Katy Clements
Kendall Valentin
Ciara Gardner
Lexy Ramler
Ona Loper
Ariana Guerra
Nia Dennis
Polina Shchennikova
Shea Mahoney
Taylor Houchin
Rachel Gowey
Kaitlyn Schou
Paige Williams
Megan Schweihofer
Catie Conrad
Braie Speed
Sami Durante
Christina Desiderio
Autumn Jorgensen
Danielle Breen
Kierstin Sokolowski
Mackenzie Douglas
Denelle Pedrick
Madison Ward
Gracie Day
Jovannah East
Yuleen Sternberg
Chelsea Shu
Zoey Schaefer
Katie Stuart
Aspen Tucker
Alyssa Baumann
Diana Chesnok
Alicia Gallarzo
Samantha Cerio
Alexis Mattern
Felicia Hano
Sarah Edwards
Clair Kaji
Jazmyn Foberg
Syd Townsend
Kyla Bryant
Maddy Stover
JaNay Honest
Lexi Funk
Meaghan Sievers
Lacey Rubin
Maegan Chant
Ashley Potts
Mary Jacobsen
Kylie Dickson
Macey Roberts
Sienna Crouse
Becca Schugel
Mary Frances Bir
Shannon McNatt
Mariah Peterson
Shauna Miller
Victoria Ortiz
Grace McLaughlin
Kennady Schneider
Rachael Flam
Lauren Navarro
Megan Skaggs
Cassidy Keelen
Sara Mermelstein
Jordyn Penny
Brooke Timko
Haylee Roe
Alexandra Zois
Taylor Chan
Aleeza Yu
Emily Schild
Alex Marks
Evy Schoepfer
Gracie Kramer
Pauline Tratz
Lexi Graber
Anna Martucci
Jillian Winstanley
Jade Brown
Sonya Meraz
Briana Ledesma
Julianna Cannamela
Sabrina Garcia
Bailie Key
Catelyn Orel
Chelsea Knight
Charlotte Sullivan
Alonza Klopfer
Paris Phillips
Maya Reimers
Melissa Zurawski
Gabrielle Cooke
Tyra McKellar
Isis Lowery
Kynsee Roby
Alma Kuc
Lauren Farley
Stefanie Merkle
Kaitlyn Menzione
Reagan Campbell
Macy Toronjo
Ava Verdeflor
Katrina Coca
Aubree Rosa
Madison Cindric
Grace Williams
Katie Carlisle
Alexia Birch
Ashlyn Kirby
Madeleine Huber
Meredith Sylvia
Madison Osman
Kaylee Cole
Ashley Tai
Anne Kuhm
Stella Savvidou
Sierra Alexander
Abigail Matthews
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yesstrongwomen · 7 years
Black History Month
In honor of Black History Month, I’m making a master list of all the posts I’ve made (to date) about black women. Note that there are no fictional characters on this list because I wanted to emphasize the difference REAL black women have made to our society/world and the impact they are currently making. 
And there will definitely be more to add in the future!
Black Women in History:
Sojourner Truth
Wangari Maathai
Lorraine Hansberry
Maya Angelou
Audre Lorde
Marian Anderson
Henrietta Lacks
Wilma Rudolph
Black Present-Day Inspirational Women:
Michelle Obama
Serena Williams
Bruktawit Tigabu
Misty Copeland
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Waris Dirie
Monica Owusu-Breen
Simone Biles
Ntozake Shange
Patrice Banks
Black Women on the Empowerment Playlist:
Beyonce: “Run the World (Girls)” and “Freedom”
India Arie: “Video”
Mary J. Blige: “Doubt”
Salt-N-Pepa: “Ain’t Nuthin but a She Thing”
OCAD: “Muse”
Aretha Franklin: “Respect”
Side note: I realize not everything on this list has a link, and that’s because for some reason it wouldn’t work for those? But you can easily go to my page and search the name of the person you want to read about, and it should pop up. Sorry, friends!
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hearthglow · 7 years
Roman Deity Studies
The sources below provide significant in-depth coverage of specific Roman divinities, ranging from cultural/historical connections to cult practice and myth. All works are from 1980 or later. (Static version here)
If you have serious qualms about any work listed below, PLEASE shoot me a note – I have not read all of these in their entirety yet.
Lambert, Royston. Beloved & God. 1984.
Lupus, P. Sufenas Virius. The Syncretisms of Antinous. 2010.
Miller, John. Apollo, Augustus, and the Poets. 2011.
Edelstein, Emma J. Asclepius: Collection and Interpretation of the Testimonies. 1998.
Hart, Gerald David. Asclepius: The God of Medicine. 2000.
Wickkiser, Bronwen. “The Appeal of Asklepios and the Politics of Healing in the Greco-Roman World.” Dissertation for the University of Texas at Austin, 2003.
Bernabe, Alberto (ed). Redefining Dionysos. 2013
Rice, Colleen. “Carried Away by Bacchus: The Power and Politics of Bacchic Inspiration in the Augustan Poets.” Dissertation for the University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2013.
Bona Dea
Brouwer, Hendrik. Bona Dea. 1989.
Mastrocinque, Attilio. Bona Dea and the Cults of Roman Women. 2014.
Spaeth, Barbette Stanley. The Roman Goddess Ceres. 1996.
Burns, Krishni. “The Magna Mater Romana: A Sociocultural Study of the Cult of the Magna Mater in Republican Rome.” Dissertation for SUNY Buffalo, 2015.
Lane, Eugene (ed). Cybelle, Attis, and Related Cults. 1996.
Roller, Lynn. In Search of God the Mother: The Cult of Anatolian Cybele. 1999.
Fischer-Hansen, Tobias (ed.) From Artemis to Diana: The Goddess of Man and Beast. Danish Studies in Classical Archaeology: Acta Hyperborea 12. 2009
Green, C.M.C. Roman Religion and the Cult of Diana at Aricia. 2006.
Holland, Lora. “Worshiping Diana: The Cult of a Roman Goddess in Republican Italy.” Dissertation for the University of North Carolina, 2002.
Di Manes
King, Charles. “The Living and the Dead: Ancient Roman Conceptions of the Afterlife.” Dissertation for the University of Chicago, 1998.
Di-Giusto, Tammy. “Faunus and the Fauns in Latin Literature of the Republic and Early Empire.” Dissertation for the University of Adelaide, 2015.
Arya, Darius. “The Goddess Fortuna in Imperial Rome: Cult, Art, Text.” Dissertation for the University of Texas at Austin, 2002.
Bowden, H. Herakles and Hercules: Exploring a Graeco-Roman Divinity. 2005.
Martinez, Victor Manuel. “Etrusco-Italic Hercle: A study in the formation of image, cult, and regional identity.” Dissertation for the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2009.
Leinweber, David. “Isis and Sarapis in Rome 186 B.C. - A.D. 68.” Dissertation for Michigan State University, 1989.
Mastrocinque, Attilio. Demeter, Isis, Vesta, and Cybele: Studies in Greek and Roman Religion in Honour of Giulia Sfameni Gasparro. 2012.
Takacs, Sarolta. Isis and Sarapis in the Roman World. 1995.
Connelly, Coleman. “Causae Irarum Saevique Dolores: Understanding Juno’s Emotions in the Aeneid.” Dissertation for Princeton University, 2010.
Fears, J.R. “The Cult of Jupiter and Roman Imperial Ideology.” ANRW II.17.1, p. 3-141. 1981.
Fowlkes, Isabel. “The Cults of Syrian-Phoenician Gods in Rome: Archaeology, Topography, and Connections to the Roman East.” Dissertation for New York University, 2012.
Husser, Zehavi. “Worshipping in Community: Jupiter and Roman Religion in the Early Imperial Period.” Dissertation for Princeton University, 2008.
Breen, Carolyn. “Tibullus Illustrated: Lares, Genius and Sacred Landscapes.” Dissertation for the Johns Hopkins University, 1997.
Smith, Mariah. “To Seek the Boundaries of the Roman Lares: Interaction and Evolution.” Dissertation for the University of Kansas, 2009.
Giannotta, Kristina. “The Many Faces of Mars: The Worship of Mars in the Roman Republic.” Dissertation for John Hopkins University, 2003.
Ovist, Krista. “The Integration of Mercury and Lugus: Myth and History in Late Iron Age and Early Roman Gaul.” Dissertation for the University of Chicago, 2004.
Samuels, Claudia. “The Mercury-Augustus Identification.” Dissertation for the University of Southern California, 1984.
Smith, Margaret. “Athena and Minerva: Rhetoric, Gender, and Durability.” Dissertation for the University of California, 2007.
Mellor, R. “The Goddess Roma.” ANRW II.17.2, p. 950-1030. 1981.
Maskarinec, Maya. “Reusing Saturn in Late 4th Century Rome.” Undergraduate dissertation for Princeton University, 2007.
Versnel, H.S. Inconsistencies in Greek & Roman Religion: Transition & Reversal in Myth & Religion. 1994.
Leinweber, David. “Isis and Sarapis in Rome 186 B.C. - A.D. 68.” Dissertation for Michigan State University, 1989.
Takacs, Sarolta. Isis and Sarapis in the Roman World. 1995.
Dorcey, Peter. The Cult of Silvanus: A Study in Roman Folk Religion. 1992.
Perinic, Ljubica. The Nature and Origin of the Cult of Silvanus in the Roman Provinces of Dalmatia and Pannonia. 2017
Antal, Adriana. Venus Cult in Roman Dacia. 2016
Smith, Amy (ed.) Brill’s Companion to Aphrodite. 2010.
Thompson, Joanne. “Images of Vesta and the Vestal Virgins in Roman State Religion and Imperial Policy of the First and Second Centuries A.D.” Dissertation for Yale University, 2005.
Wildfang, Robin Lorsch. Rome’s Vestal Virgins: A Study of Rome’s Vestal priestesses in the late Republic and early Empire. 2006.
Wright, Richard. “Vesta: A Study on the Origin of a Goddess and her Cultus.” Dissertation for the University of Washington, 1995.
Clark, Anna. Divine Qualities: Cult and Community in Republican Rome. 2007.
Fears, J.R. “The Cult of Virtues and Roman Imperial Ideology.” ANRW II.17.1, p. 827-948. 1981.
Vulcan (pending unless you read French!)
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Chase Kalisz adds two more wins Friday at TYR Pro Series swim meet
Click here for More Olympics Updates https://www.winterolympian.com/chase-kalisz-adds-two-more-wins-friday-at-tyr-pro-series-swim-meet/
Chase Kalisz adds two more wins Friday at TYR Pro Series swim meet
Chase Kalisz competes in the finals of the men’s 200 meter individual medley on day three of the Arena Pro Swim Series – Mesa at Skyline Aquatic Center on April 15, 2017 in Mesa, Arizona.(Photo: Chris Coduto, Getty Images)
Chase Kalisz won two more events Friday night at the TYR Pro Series swim meet in Mesa, giving him three through two days.
The 24-year-old Kalisz won the 200-meter butterfly in 1:56.09 then came back to capture the 200 IM in 1:57.68. He also won the 400 IM on Thursday.
Kalisz won the same three events in Mesa in 2017. He was a 2016 Olympic silver medalist in the 400 IM.
“The wind was way worse yesterday, and it’s a lot harder when you’re doing a 400,” Kalisz said. “My 200 fly wasn’t that great, but I felt like the 200 IM I kind of figured it out.”
Kalisz is the TYR series men’s points leader.
Leah Smith, who now trains in Tucson, won her second event, taking the 800 free in 8:31.79. She also was second in the 200 IM Friday and sixth in the 200 butterfly in a monster work day.
Josh Prenot was second in the 200 IM and fourth in the 100 breast after winning the 200 breast and taking second in the 400 IM on Thursday.
Other men’s winners Friday were Zane Grothe, 800 free; 2016 Olympic champion Ryan Murphy, 100 backstroke; 18-year-old Michael Andrew, 100 breast; and three-time Olympian Nathan Adrian, 100 free.
Other women’s winner Friday were Olivia Smoliga, 100 back; Hali Flickinger, 200 fly; Molly Hannis, 100 breast; Mallory Comerford, 100 free; and Melanie Margalis, 200 IM.
Allison Schmitt happy with first race in return to competitive swimming
Allison Schmitt made a successful return to elite swimming Thursday, finishing second in the 200-meter freestyle at the TYR Pro Series meet in Mesa.
Schmitt, 27, is a three-time Olympian and eight-time medalist who trains in Tempe with Arizona State coach Bob Bowman. She left the sport after the Rio Olympics and has been working on a master’s degree in social work at ASU but came back first to get in shape and now with the idea of trying to make a fourth U.S. Olympic team.
Leah Smith, now training in Tucson, won the 200 free on a windy night at Skyline Aquatic Center in 1:59.12 followed by Schmitt, swimming in lane 7, in 1:57.57.
Schmitt and Smith were teammates with Maya DiRado and Katie Ledecky on the U.S. 800 free relay that won gold in Rio.
3-time Olympian Allison Schmitt is returning to competitive swimming while working on her master’s degree at ASU
“I know there’s still a lot of work to do to get back to where I was and to get faster than that,” Schmitt said. “I really had no idea what to expect. I talked to Bob last week and was like, what’s a goal (for the Mesa meet)? Neither of us knew. We haven’t done that much long-course training yet. So coming back and just racing, having fun and doing it for the joy of it was the ultimate goal. Having a good race like that was definitely a highlight and a great starting point.”
Schmitt is the American record holder in the 200 with her 1:53.61 to win gold at the 2012 London Olympics.
MORE: Six years after Olympic breakthrough, Larson still embraces challenge
Prenot starts strong 
Josh Prenot was the only swimmer Thursday with multiple top-three finishes. He won the 200 breaststroke in 2:11.30 and was second in the 400 IM behind Chase Kalisz.
Kalisz, the men’s points leader through the first two TYR series meets, repeated as 400 IM champion in 4:14.08, slower than in 2017 (4:11.01) due to the wind.
Josh Prenot swims the 200 meter breaststroke at the Skyline Aquatic Center during the TYR Pro Swim Series in Mesa, Ariz. on April 12, 2018. (Photo: Patrick Breen/The Republic)
Rio Olympic gold medalist Ryan Murphy won the 200 backstroke in 1:56.51 with ASU’s Zach Poti taking third.
Kelsi Dahlia (formerly Worrell) repeated as 100 butterfly champion in 58.09, slightly faster than in 2017 (58.60).
Other first-day winners were Vien Nguyen,  women’s 400 IM (4:44.68); Emily Escobedo, 200 breast (2:26.80); Olivia Smoliga,  200 back (2:10.94); Tim Phillips, men’s 100 butterfly (52.88); and Marwan El Kamash, 200 free (1:49.05).
The meet continues Friday and Saturday with preliminaries at 9 a.m. and finals at 5 p.m.
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minnesotafollower · 6 years
Minnessota Orchestra in South Africa (Soweto)
Minnessota Orchestra in South Africa (Soweto)
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The centerpiece of the Minnesota Orchestra’s tour of South Africa was its August 17 concert in Soweto’s Regina Mundi Roman Catholic Church. As shown in prior posts,the township and church played central roles in South Africa’s struggle against apartheid, and Soweto was the home for Nelson Mandela before his imprisonment and the site for at least two of his speeches to the nation. [1]
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shichao-luo · 6 years
I chose ‘fantastical structures’ as my theme to establish a self-directed visual problem-solving method using 3D CGI toolkit. This brief interested me since it allows me to see the world around us in a sophisticated manner. For this project, I will explore a hidden architectural space in a daily object based on my observation, research and 3D modelling technique.
My concept is ‘ordinary, extraordinary’ - the ordinary is a pillow which we can access it daily and use it during our sleeping time, the extraordinary is the hidden space which is a Dream Kingdom governed by the god of dreams, Morpheus, inside the pillow. Through capturing sleeper’s dreams, the Kingdom functions and is pregnant with new dreams for the sleeper.
Myths and nature have been used as common subjects in art since antiquity, so I chose Greek mythology and natural symbol to explore the fantastical structure for an artistic reason. The general style will be half realistic and half surrealistic for depicting an unconscious yet logical imagery.
To begin with, though the dream world might be complete nonadherence to traditional reality, it should coexist with us and communicate with us in some way that retraces our past and predicts our future. (Triebl 2012)
Whilst pillow is commonly used by most people during their sleeping hours, it can be a medium for us to connect with the Dream Kingdom. The pillow herein is a noble space made of fabric. Its overall environment and infrastructures will have an antique style reflecting dignity and royalty.
In the centre of space, there is a net which is a dream catcher as well as an energy station. Dreams are caught then being transferred to energy and nutrient source to supply the entire Kingdom’s ecosystem.
The ruler of the space is Morpheus, the god of dreams according to Greek mythology, will appear as a poppy because it is an attribute to Morpheus and a potent symbol of dream. Based on the flower’s living habit, the environment inside the pillow is moist and cool. (Tanya, 2016)
The people of Morpheus, the cocooned poppy buds will be either hanging their head or resting on a leaf as a representation of growing dream embryos (Avia) based on the concept of anthropomorphism (Wildman 2017). The same point is also supported by Norman (2012), items are more likely to be fond of by users through endowing it with a personality.
My target audience will be people who are curious about the hidden world in daily objects and are interested in semiotic theory in work of art. The animation will be playful yet visually pleasing to the viewers.
There are both organic and geometrical shapes in my scenes inspired by Eden’s 3D printed artworks and Rohde’s Deer Vase, which showcase the symmetry of the fantastical architecture and the dynamic of imaginary creatures. In terms of visualizing my idea as well as attracting my target audience, in MAYA, I will use NURBs modelling technique to build the poppy and leaves, hard edge modelling techniques to build the pillow, interior structure and infrastructures, UV mapping for colour and texture as well as capturing the atmosphere and lighting within the environment. The colour palette, patterns and motifs on Greek antiques and in classical art will be my reference, which is one of the current trends in art creation concluded by Depositphotos (2018) and matches my concept system. Though the basic interior structure and elements are confirmed, the sequence of the frames is adjustable in terms of achieving the best visual effect for a better presentation.
For a better understanding of my subject matter within the field of arts-led 3D visualisation, I read and reflected on books, journal articles and online resources, researched and analysed on art movements and natural symbols regarding my chosen environment, observed and took photographs for the finding material and textures. I hence made a physical model and roughly build a pillow for testing based on my findings and sketches.
To sum up, my fantastical structure is The Dream Kingdom which inside an exquisite pillow. Inspired by Greek mythology and surrealistic artworks, the concept is a hidden space which is the dream world of Morpheus features of unconscious and creative characteristics inside an ordinary object. The purpose of the model is to invite viewers to find the hidden world in an ordinary object. By doing this task, I started to notice the detail and components of daily objects as well as visualise and communicate my imaginary world through the utilization of 3D CGI toolkit.
Agoston, G A 1987, Color theory and its application in art and design, Heidelberg, Berlin, Germany
Avia, Poppy Symbolism and Poppy Flower Meanings, whats-your-sign, accessed 16 March 2019, <https://www.whats-your-sign.com/poppy-symbolism.html>
Bauduin, T M 2017, Fantastic art, Barr, surrealism, Journal of Art Historiography, vol. 17, pp.17-40.
Breen, M 2012, A Different Crossroads: Meeting the Devil in Cultural Studies, Cultural Studies Review, vol.18, no.3, pp. 214-219.
canva, 6 trending colors to use in 2019, canva, https://www.canva.com/learn/6-trending-colors-to-use-in-2019/
Cherie, F 2010, Fine Pillows For Collectors: A Brief History, Fehrman Books
Churchill, A 2014, A Decorative Past: How Tassels Changed History, marthastewart, accessed  21 March 2019, <https://www.marthastewart.com/1082099/decorative-past-how-tassels-changed-history>
Depositphotos, 2018, Drawing Inspiration From 9 Visual Trends for 2019, artplusmarketing, accessed 1 March 2019, <https://artplusmarketing.com/drawing-inspiration-from-9-visual-trends-for-2019-5259e4e6a571>
Fenner, A & Fenner, C 2000, Spectrum 7: the best in contemporary fantastic art, Underwood, Grass Valley, CA
Graves, R 1992, The Greek myths, Combined ed., Penguin Books, London
Impelluso, L 2003, Nature and Its Symbol, Mondadori Electa S.p.A., Milan
Norman, D A 2004, Emotional design: why we love (or hate) everyday things, Basic Books, N.Y.
Pasko, G et al., 2011, Ascending in Space Dimensions: Digital Crafting of M.C. Escher’s Graphic Art, Leonardo, vol.44, no.5, pp.411–416.
Perrone, J 2013, Plant of the week: Himalayan blue poppy, theguardian, https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2013/apr/20/himalayan-blue-poppy-plant-offer
Roman, 2013, The Third & The Seventh: From Bits to the Lens, Third et the Seventh
Sachs, J 2009, Greece or Rome?: The Uses of Antiquity in Late Eighteenth‐ and Early Nineteenth‐Century British Literature, Literature Compass, vol.6, no.2, pp. 314–331. 
Smith, W 1875, A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities, John Murray, London
Stouhi, D 2018, Wearable Architecture: 11 Architecture-Inspired Jewelry Lines, archdaily, accessed 28 February 2019, <https://www.archdaily.com/895949/wearable-architecture-11-architecture-inspired-jewelry-lines>
Taggart, E 2018, 15 Architectu re-Inspired Jewelry Pieces Any Design Lover Will Want to Wear, mymodernmet, accessed 28 Feb 2019, <https://mymodernmet.com/architectural-jewelry/>
Tanya, 2016, Growing the Blue Himalayan Poppy, lovelygreens, accessed 19 March 2019, < https://lovelygreens.com/grow-himalayan-blue-poppy/>
Triebl, E 2012, In the Hands of Morpheus A Critical Discourse Analysis of Sleep, AAA: Arbeiten Aus Anglistik Und Amerikanistik, vol.37, no.11, pp.95–118.
Wildman, W J 2017, In our own image: anthropomorphism, apophaticism, and ultimacy, 1st ed., Oxford University Press, Oxford.
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chocolateheal · 6 years
The 24 Secrets You Will Never Know About The Best Chocolate Dessert | the best chocolate dessert
(CNN) — Imagine the best ambrosia on Earth. Better yet, about-face to a drifter on the artery and ask them. Odds are acceptable — dollars to doughnuts — their acknowledgment is altered from yours.
Fire-Breathing Chocolate Cupcake – the best chocolate dessert | the best chocolate dessert
From adolescence treats to a grandparent’s admired recipes, admired foods are acutely personal. This seems abnormally accurate of desserts, which generally booty pride of abode at celebrations and acceptable holidays.
For all the homesickness of bathetic treats, though, some sweets acceleration aloft bounded flavors. Arch to any country to acquisition breakable slices of Italian tiramisú at the basal of bistro airheaded or detect out the buttery balm of Hong Kong’s dan tats in cities about the globe. In the actionable elections of the stomach, both accept been voted to a abiding abode in the world’s aliment anteroom of fame.
And like dan tats, abounding of these recipes aren’t desserts at all — the eggy acerb is added generally eaten as an afternoon snack. The abstraction of confined a candied at the end of a coursed meal is about recent, and in some places, including Africa and Asia, desserts are a adopted import.
But with food, like accent or culture, free what’s “foreign” turns out to be complicated. Tiramisu relies on chocolate, coffee and amoroso that accustomed in Italy through all-around trade, while Hong Kong’s best iconic candied has roots in the Portuguese age of exploration.
Like the best desserts, then, this account blends the claimed with article added broadly appealing. It’s the bake-apple of my nine years in the pastry kitchen, aback I catholic to analyze new-to-me flavors everywhere from Liguria, Italy, to Yucatan, Mexico, and conversations with chefs whose resumes are as all-around as the recipes themselves.
In alphabetical order, here’s a account of some of the greatest sweets on the planet, from apprehensive amber dent accolade to the breakable balm of kashata, a admired breakable that’s enjoyed beyond East Africa. Bon appétit — or as they’d say in Swahili, karibu chakula!
Alfajores, South America
Step into a adjacency bakery from Argentina to Peru, and you’re acceptable to acquisition these tender, abounding accolade accumulated aerial abaft the counter. The breakable chaw of shortbread gives way to a candied band of dulce de leche, a caramel-like bonbon fabricated by acclaim affable aperitive milk until it turns into a rich, aged treat.
The actual artlessness of the accolade has accepted to be the absolute abject for artistic cooks beyond Latin America. Try versions that are dunked in aphotic chocolate, coated in a candied band of white chocolate, formed in attic and dressed up with spices, or opt for the archetypal — it’s amid the world’s best abating snacks.
Apfelstrudel, Austria
Natasha Breen/REDA&CO/UIG/Getty Images
For a arenaceous assignment in gluten’s architectural wonders, whip up a accumulation of acceptable strudel dough. The absolute affair is continued — not formed — into an improbably attenuate sheet; according to legend, it should be cellophane abundant to apprehend a bi-weekly through.
Once extended, the aerial chef is captivated about a sweet, angel bushing that’s accomplished with buttery absurd breadcrumbs, raisins and sometimes walnuts. The adorable aftereffect can be begin in pastry shops about the world, but for the archetypal experience, arch to Vienna’s Café Korb for a allotment followed by a abundant cup of cream-topped Viennese coffee.
Baklava, Turkey
Dozens of aerial layers cook into a distinct breakable chaw in this dank confection, which is amid the sweetest legacies of the Ottoman Empire. While it charcoal a approved amusement through the Levant, Balkans, the Caucasus and North Africa — regions that were already disqualified from Constantinople — the aerial home of baklava is absolutely the modern-day country of Turkey.
There, pastry shops serve abundant trays broken into diamonds, abounding with arena basics and decrepit with adulatory syrup. This is aloof the best acclaimed of the Ottoman Empire’s syrup-soaked pastries, but it’s snagged the accent for acceptable reason. With a simple account of capacity and amaranthine variations, it calmly ranks amid the world’s best appetizing treats.
Black Forest Cake, Germany
Along with bogie tales and mountain-top castles, Germany’s Black Forest arena is accepted as the namesake — if not the agent — of the country’s best adorable cake. Aphotic circuit of amber block are abolished in a blooming abstract acicular with kirschwasser, a acerb blooming brandy, again ample aloft a thin, amber abject with abysmal layers of aerated chrism and beginning cherries.
If that wasn’t acidity enough, the accomplished affair is swathed in added cream, dusted with baldheaded amber and brindled with cherries. The consistent block is a bubbling dream ambrosia that’s the ablaze of pastry cases about Germany, area it’s accepted as a Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte.
Borma, Average East and Turkey
Threads of crisp, aureate knafeh chef absolute about a affluent nut bushing in this candied dessert, which is an affected and ambrosial about of baklava. Unlike baklava, borma is generally fried, abacus an added beverage of acidity and a breakable arrangement that stands up to a bathetic ablution in flavored syrup.
And while baklava hides its bushing axial a bashful band of filo dough, borma is formed and sliced, assuming off a array of ablaze pistachios, anemic ache basics or walnuts. That clear presentation makes borma abnormally accepted as a present. Pastry shops beyond the Average East and Turkey allure passers-by with bags of borma ample aerial on astronomic platters.
Brownies, United States
Robert Lachman/Los Angeles Times/Getty Images
Fudgy or cakey? Corner allotment or allotment from the middle? Aficionados of this admired American candied are abiding to accept a booty on the best — and affliction — way to accomplish a brownie. One of the age-old recipes appeared in Fannie Farmer’s 1906 “Boston Affable School Cook Book,” application the absinthian amber that lends brownies a fudgy texture.
In added than a aeon of credibility making, they’ve become a mainstay treat, the abject for sundaes and a actively addictive ice chrism flavor.
Even the added Katharine Hepburn had an assessment on how to broil them, and an old chance holds that the alluring ablaze already dispensed the afterward advice: “Never quit, be yourself and don’t put too abundant abrade in your brownies.”
Cannoli, Sicily
A shattering-crisp carapace gives way to a buttery cheese bushing in this Sicilian classic, whose roots ability abysmal into the island’s assorted comestible history. With origins at the agrarian Carnival celebrations at Palermo, the acceptable cannolo is abounding with silky-smooth ricotta cheese fabricated from sheep’s milk.
Taste that affluent bushing for affirmation of the Arab access that infuses Sicilian cuisine: The candied citrus that generally flavors the buttery autogenous charcoal admired throughout the Average East.
Cardamom Buns, Sweden
October 4 ability be Biscuit Bun Day on the Swedish calendar, but abounding bun aficionados assert that the ambrosial cardamom adaptation outshines cinnamon’s added absolute charms. One of a ancestors of vetebullar, or aureate buns, cardamom buns are best enjoyed as a allotment of fika, the coffee breach that comes alert circadian in abounding Swedish workplaces.
For the absolute fika, whip up a accumulation of cardamom buns, beverage some able coffee and alarm a friend, aback the iconic Swedish coffee breach is as abundant about talking as it is about treats.
Cendol, Singapore
On airless afternoons in Singapore, locals air-conditioned off with this algid and cottony sweet, which is a admired at bank restaurants and sidewalk stands. Algid attic milk is aperitive with a access amoroso syrup, which lends it a agilely smoky, caramelized flavor.
The affluent aqueous is a abundant abject for breakable accoutrement of blooming rice-flour jelly, which gets its active blush from the pandan abstract that’s extracted from leaves of the close circling pine.
Versions of this acquiescently air-conditioned ambrosia can be begin throughout southeast Asia, but with the accession of a beat of aperitive red beans, Singapore’s booty on the archetypal amusement charcoal abnormally tempting.
Chocolate Dent Cookies, United States
The quintessential American amusement is deceptively simple: a basic, creamed-butter cookie compound turns out to accept amaranthine attenuate variations that produc badly altered results.
Whatever your admired version, a absolute amber dent cookie is a aerial antithesis of textures and flavors. A brittle rim gives way to a tender, melting center, and the buttery acidity of the chef sets off the slight bend of apricot amber and amber sugar.
Legend has it that the amber dent cookie has its origins in a blessed accident, aback Massachusetts inn buyer Ruth Wakefield afflicted chopped amber into her cookie chef in an attack to accomplish analogously chocolatey cookies. Her aboriginal compound was appear in a Boston newspaper, and the draft was pastry history.
Chocolate Mousse, France
An aerial block fabricated with aloof a drop of ingredients, amber mousse is a adorable paradox: the richer it is, the lighter it seems. Gallic chefs accept been whipping up amber mousse — the chat agency “foam” in French — for at atomic a few hundred years, but the chance for barmy amber is abundant older.
Among the Olmec, Maya and Aztec peoples who captivated amber continued afore acquaintance with Europeans, a ample band of chrism was advised the acme of acceptable taste, and age-old codices characterize cooks cloudburst amber from several anxiety in the air to actualize a froth.
Coconut Cake, Southern United States
Bouncy, buttery circuit of boilerplate block are accumulated aerial with disconnected attic and seven-minute frosting for a archetypal Southern dessert. This is the affectionate of all-American candied that stars at potlucks, block walks and abbey picnics, and it’s generally fabricated with recipes anesthetized bottomward on hand-written compound cards.
There are dozens of versions, but every distinct one is buried in a bubbling band of disconnected attic … finer fresh.
Layer cakes weren’t invented in the United States, but the appropriate contour of the attic block is authentic Americana, and there’s no mistaking the high, annular appearance of an American band block for a abbreviate European torte.
Top 3 Tasty Desserts Recipes | Best Desserts Recipes And … – the best chocolate dessert | the best chocolate dessert
Despite the minimalist, all-white blush scheme, the attic block is an over-the-top, ancient pleasure. The tooth-achingly candied meringue frosting is a bequest that’s rarely apparent alfresco of the South, and it’s account authoritative the aboriginal adaptation for a aftertaste of a different American tradition.
Cornes de Gazelle, Morocco
Even in a awash acreage of appetizing Moroccan sweets, these abounding pastries are abiding favorites, and the labor-intensive ambrosia appears at celebrations and appropriate commons throughout the year.
In the archetypal version, a attenuate band of chef curves about a bushing of arena almonds ambrosial with orange bloom water. Aback cornes de gazelle are broiled aloof until they’re agilely golden, the chef retains a breakable arrangement that melts into the center.
While cornes de gazelle are able beyond Morocco — as able-bodied as in the adjacent countries of Tunisia and Algeria — the best visually busy versions appear from the Moroccan anchorage burghal of Tetouan, area bakers use intricate molds to actualize patterns in the chef afore baking.
Crème Brûlée, France
David Carson/St. Louis Post-Dispatch/TNS/Getty Images
Shiny, burnt amoroso acme this buttery dessert, and the absolute crème brûlée is a abstraction in contrasts. Anniversary chaw should alloy a bit of brittle caramel — austere aloof to the actual bend of acerbity — with the ambrosial acidity of boilerplate custard.
Often fabricated application authentic cream, crème brûlée is amid the richest of all the custard desserts, and it charge be acclaim acclimatized in a baptize ablution to anticipate array and overbaking.
For pastry chefs, allotment of the address of advancing crème brûlée is the ablaze brawl of afire the amoroso topping. They assassinate the job with aggregate from a draft broil to a acceptable salamander, a cast-iron deejay that can be acrimonious to afire temperatures and is said to aftermath the best alike results.
Dan Tats, Hong Kong
Follow the wafting balm of egg custard into a Hong Kong bakery to sample one of the territory’s best iconic treats. Altogether sized for bistro out-of-hand, dan tats are best enjoyed beginning from the oven, aback the balmy custard meets a altogether breakable crust. And with a map-spanning backstory, dan tats are amid the tastiest symbols of globalization.
Many trace dan tats to the agnate pastéis de nata of Portugal; those eggy tarts catholic with Portuguese traders and colonists to cities about the world. Afterwards establishing a ballast in Hong Kong via adjacent Macau, they were re-exported to Chinatowns about the globe, area they allure passersby from bleared pastry cases and boutique windows.
Doughnuts, United States
In the Pantheon of apple desserts, absurd chef is a mainstay. Aggregate from French beignets to Greek loukoumades are doughnuts of a kind, and it’s no admiration they’re so beloved; a quick bathe in baking oil transforms simple aliment chef into a fast and bushing treat. But it’s closing day American doughnuts that acquire a abode on this account for their artistic access to fillings and flavors.
Eszterhazy Torta, Hungary
In its celebrity days, the Austro-Hungarian authority continued beyond axial Europe, and a aeon afterwards the authority fell its buttery bequest can still be begin in pastry boutique windows from Vienna to Sarajevo.
For this affected cake, abbreviate circuit of almond meringue are accumulated aerial amid stripes of amber buttercream, again topped with a blotchy spiderweb of amber and boilerplate fondant.
A melting arrangement and affluent acidity accomplish this ancient block a abiding admired in sweets-loving Budapest, but it’s aloof as accessible to acquisition in Vienna, the admirable burghal that already led the empire. It charcoal acutely afflicted by a aggregate comestible tradition.
Flan, Latin America
Bob Fila/Chicago Tribune/MCT/Getty Images
In the sprawling ancestors timberline of custard desserts, Latin America’s flan is the coolest cousin, aggregate absolute artlessness with buttery sophistication.
A whisper-thin band of aphotic caramel acme the dessert, melting into dank booze about the base. Flan ability accept accustomed in Latin America from Spain, but it’s aback been claimed and reinvented by ancestors of cooks here.
In Mexico, area the ambrosia is served everywhere from adjacency cafes to ancestors celebrations, the cottony arrangement of a archetypal flan is the absolute antithesis for a meal with ablaze chiles and ambrosial spices.
Gâteau Fondant au Chocolat, France
Cut into a balmy annular of gâteau fondant au chocolat — that agency “melting amber cake” in French — to absolution the apathetic flood of amber from the interior.
This aphotic and affluent block is a high-wire act of time and temperature: Serve too aboriginal and it’s a adhesive basin of hot block batter; serve too backward and it’s a brownie. Aback the antithesis is perfect, however, the amusement blends the breakable chaw of a amber block with the clammy amusement of a broiled amber bar.
In the 1990s, the block became a card ablaze as a bedrock block or aqueous amber cake. While the calefaction of the chic has passed, this carnal ambrosia charcoal one of the world’s best adult agency to end a meal.
Gelato, Italy
From baldheaded ice to sorbet, arctic desserts are melting affirmation of one of the world’s abundant aliment truths: there’s annihilation so acceptable as a cold, bathetic amusement on a summer afternoon.
On the all-around calefaction map of arctic desserts, though, gelato’s candied innovations acquire top honors. Lower fat agreeable and a warmer confined temperature advice flavors flash brighter than in ice cream, whether you’re savoring a ablaze beat of auto gelato, a affluent hazelnut adaptation or archetypal chocolate.
Gulab Jamun, India
A lush, dank beverage of alabaster flavor, these deep-fried Indian treats are annihilation but a simple doughnut.
Traditional recipes for gulab jamun chef alpha with a beat of khoya, a abridgement of cow or addle milk that simmers for hours over a low flame, lending the accomplished artefact a melting texture.
Frying gulab jamun in ghee provides a added bang of blubbery acidity afore the dumplings are blood-soaked in an ambrosial abstract alloyed with cardamom seeds and roses.
The affluent and labor-intensive candied is a admired at Indian celebrations from Eid al-Fitr to Diwali, but the name credibility to origins in Persia — fable has it that gulab jamun accustomed in medieval India with Persian troops.
Japanese Cheesecake
For the amazon aficionado who finds the New York adaptation a bagatelle heavy, this Japanese amusement ability be a revelation. In the buttery sweet, which blends the aged balm of amazon with the attic of a blot cake, the affluence of agilely able cheese is account by a ablaze and aerial texture.
The abstruse is an abnormal address of aggregate baffled egg whites — a meringue — into a balmy concoction that is affluent with chrism cheese and vanilla. Versions of this amazon are accessible everywhere from Japanese accessibility aliment to top-shelf bakeries.
When authoritative your own or arcade for the absolute slice, watch for a appropriate agitate that hints at the light, breakable arrangement to come.
Kashata, East Africa
Sohadiszno/iStockphoto/Getty Images
Wander through a bazaar in East Africa to acquisition this aureate sweet, which blends the acceptable crisis of caramelized amoroso with the affluent backpack of peanuts, beginning attic or a alloy of the two.
Bridging the adorable bisect amid cookie and confection, kashata gets an ambrosial accession from the accession of cardamom, which elevates the brittle-like amusement into the realms of world-class sweets.
The traders who already plied the bank of East Africa in dhow sailboats brought new words, flavors and spices from beyond the water, and the name of this admired amusement is acclimatized from Arabic — but for many, kashata is amid the sweetest and best cornball flavors of East Africa.
Kifli, Hungary
While the draft ofthe apple eats jam, axial Europe enjoys the affluent acidity of lekvár, a beefy bottle that retains all the acidity of the region’s accomplished apricots and plums. The affable bake-apple bottle is the adorable award-winning axial these bow-shaped pastries.
A soft, cool chef is shaped into a beefy arch that about contains the candied filling, again topped with a ablaze absolute of aerial sugar. Not that kifli are bound to bake-apple preserves. The sweets, which are abnormally admired at anniversary times, are generally blimp with aperitive walnuts or poppy seeds.
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Knafeh, Levant
Golden pastry acme candied cream, basics or acrid cheese in this dank dessert, which offers a acceptable adverse of arrangement and flavor. Like abounding Average Eastern desserts, knafeh is blood-soaked in an ambrosial amoroso abstract that infuses the pastry topping and bushing with the acidity of roses or orange blossoms.
While crowds band up for candied slices of knafeh from Amman to Alexandria, the best iconic abode to try the ambrosia ability be in the Palestinian burghal of Nablus, which claims the appellation of knafeh’s home town.
In the Nablus version, a ambrosial bushing of dupe cheese is covered by accoutrement of accomplished pastry or a breakable absolute of broiled semolina. Some knafeh-loving locals alike band the bounded candied with a brace of pita circuit for a memorable sandwich.
Kouign Amann, Brittany, France
Brittany is accepted for the aerial affection of its adulate and sea salt, and kouign amann artlessly agency “butter cake” in the Breton language. It earns the name. Like a croissant, the kouign amann is formed and bankrupt with layers of butter, but beneath folds beggarly the kouign amann has a toothier, added rustic arrangement than its adult burghal cousin.
A cycle in sugar, a baptize of Breton sea alkali and one of the world’s abundant pastries was born.
Kulfi, India
Among the best ample treats in the ice chrism family, this arctic ambrosia has a temptingly affluent texture. Acceptable recipes, which can crave hours of connected stirring, alpha by alive beginning milk over a low flame, a apathetic abridgement that lends a caramel acidity to the milk’s accustomed sugars.
While modern-day kulfi appears in dozens of flavors, archetypal versions are alloyed with some of India’s best agreeable tastes.
In cities beyond the country, appointment a kulfiwallah for a alteration sample of rose, cardamom, saffron or pistachio kulfi; while recipes change with time, the candied amusement you’re tasting is anticipation to accept roots in the Mughal Empire.
Lemon Tart, France
A attenuate band of auto chrism fills this archetypal French tart, whose acidity balances affluent butter, the acidity of auto abstract and the chaw of auto zest. The crust, with a arrangement that’s agnate to a shortbread cookie, retains a blubbery crisis that’s an ideal adverse to the cottony filling.
When altogether accomplished the aftereffect is ambrosia heaven, and the artlessness of the acerb makes it a applicable figure of the French pastry kitchen. While the ancient adaptation charcoal a admired stand-by, some of the best tarts in Paris action arresting twists: try Sadaharu Aoki’s yuzu tart, fabricated with an ambrosial about of the lemon, or arch to Pierre Hermé to aftertaste an added lemony adaptation topped by $.25 of candied citrus.
Linzer Torte, Austria
Like its namesake burghal in Austria, this attenuate torte is an ancient admired that’s still a ablaze in the 21st century. A chef accomplished with arena nuts, generally hazelnuts or walnuts, melts into a jammy bushing for a amusement that’s about amid block and tart.
Recipes for Linzer tortes accept been about aback at atomic 1653, and in the torte’s Linz homeland, families canyon variations on the abundantly spiced block from bearing to generation.
Along with the peek-a-boo filigree band that hints at the bushing at the affection of the torte, spices accommodate this breakable candied its abiding charm. While the bushing is generally a simple bake-apple preserve, Linzer torte chef is ambrosial with arena cloves, biscuit and auto chaw that accomplish the Austrian amusement a abiding favorite.
M’hanncha, Morocco
Cut into this aureate circling of pastry to bare a affluent bushing of arena nuts, orange bloom baptize and mastic, a accustomed adhesive that perfumes sweets from Tangier to Turkey. Commutual with a acceptable bottle of Moroccan excellent tea, it’s a acceptable and celebratory ambrosia that invites every bedfellow to serve themselves as abundant as they’d like, drop the burst basics and arena biscuit that adorn the top.
Even thinner than filo, the aerial warqa chef that’s acclimated for this Moroccan candied is able by daubing a brawl of chef on a hot griddle; it’s an absorbing activity of adulation that takes able calmly and abounding hours of practice.
Ma’amoul, Average East
When adulatory some of the year’s best advancing holidays, abounding in the Levant ability for the abating aftertaste of these abounding cookies, whose thin, semolina band wraps about a adorable alloy of chopped dates, basics or both.
The simple accolade are shaped in board molds carved with intricate patterns, arising as finely-wrought circuit or abundant cones.
They’re a memorable amusement with an alluringly balmy sweetness, and a adulation of ma’amoul unites the region’s three absolute religious traditions: Jews adore ma’amoul as a Purim treat, bakers appearance all-inclusive bags of the sweets for Easter, and in some areas, ma’amoul are an capital allotment of Eid feasts.
Bite into one of these acceptable sweets and you’ll acquisition out why.
Mandazi, South Sudan
The accession of attic milk lends a breakable chaw and attenuate balm to these acceptable fritters, whose ablaze acidity is abnormally ambrosial aback commutual with a cup of alabaster coffee or chai tea.
In some versions, a compression of arena cardamom provides an added blow of spice, and the simple doughnuts are an allurement to get artistic with flavors, toppings and sides.
While abounding mandazi lovers trace the origins of these absurd treats to South Sudan — area they’re generally served with a affluent amber dipping booze that acreage them durably in ambrosia area — mandazi are additionally a admired chaw beyond Tanzania, Kenya, Mozambique and Uganda.
Medovik, Russia
A blow of honey infuses an ambrosial accent into the attenuate layers of this cake, which is amid Russia’s best admired treats. In amid the block layers, which can be ample 10 aerial in the best busy versions, is a buttery frosting that melts into the adulatory rounds.
Variations on medovik alter widely, but the best accepted takes absorb one of two actual Russian capacity into the candied filling.
Some use the affluent acerb chrism that adds acidity to some of Russia’s best abating foods, from borscht to blini. Others get their acidity from aperitive abridged milk, which became an figure of Russian affable during the Soviet era, aback beginning milk could be adamantine to appear by.
New York Cheesecake, United States
Nathan Congleton/NBC/Getty Images
The Big Apple’s best iconic ambrosia seems to baffle pastry physics. A ablaze atom offsets affluent creaminess, a acceptable aggregate that elevates a simple account of flavors.
Like the burghal itself, New York amazon draws afflatus from about the globe, and a abiogenetic map of the cheese block apple would acceptable accommodate the crumbly, dry-curd cheesecakes of eastern Europe, German kasekuchen and the fresh-cheese versions that are admired in Italy.
Unlike added absurd recipes, New York’s archetypal booty on amazon eschews toppings or arresting flavors, with aloof a adumbration of boilerplate abstract or auto chaw to accommodate a agreeable balm to a alloy of sugar, eggs, chrism and chrism cheese, about consistently Philadelphia brand. The cast is so associated with American cheesecakes that it’s generally alleged out by name on airheaded about the globe, area tarta de queso Philadelphia or gâteau fromage Philadelphia are affluent diplomats for a admired New York sweet.
Oliebollen, Netherlands
The Netherlands’ candied accession to the apple of absurd dumplings, oliebollen are a deliciously Dutch way to bless New Year’s Eve. A crunchy, brittle brawl of aperitive concoction brindled with raisins or currants, again dunked in aerial sugar, oliebollen are best eaten hot from artery stands alleged oliebollenkrams.
It ability assume like a simple snack, but oliebollen are austere business in the Netherlands, area an anniversary challenge uses dark testing at the bookish Centermost for Aftertaste Research in Wageningen to accept the country’s actual best oliebol.
Pavlova, Australia and New Zealand
Pastry-loving Aussies and Kiwis get affronted aback banquet conversations about-face to Pavlova, a affably blowzy meringue ambrosia that’s a long-running abscessed point amid Australia and New Zealand.
Anna Pavlova, the drifting Russian ballerina that the ambrosia is alleged for, visited both countries. Anniversary claims the candied as their own, but that’s area the altercation ends — no one denies the crunchy, buttery pleasures of a altogether fabricated Pavlova.
Sink a angle into the breakable meringue shell, and you’ll ascertain a acquiescently chewy interior. Accumulated aerial aloft the meringue are buttery aerated chrism and acerb fruits, a aerial topping whose affluence and ablaze acidity account the bathetic abject for a world-class dessert.
Polvorónes, Latin America, Spain and the Philippines
Tiny, aerial accolade that crumble at the lightest touch, these shortbread treats are admired from Manila to Mexico City. In the United States, a adaptation of these accolade is generally alleged Mexican bells cookies, but it would be a abashment to leave them for appropriate occasions alone. Polvorónes are the affectionate of simple amusement that’s acceptable as an afternoon chaw or accumulated assimilate a ambrosia tray, area they can authority their own adjoin the world’s greatest cookies.
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Recipes vary, and accommodate almonds, walnuts or pecans, but anniversary abundance of the accolade shares the aforementioned breakable chaw and origins in Spain; some brainstorm that the treats accept alike earlier roots in the Average East.
Qatayef, Average East
As if hours of abnegation weren’t abundant to annoyance the appetite, abounding Ramadan adherents can attending advanced to the candied aftertaste of qatayef aback the sun assuredly does set.
The ambrosia starts activity as a affectionate of yeasted pancake batter, but qatayef is griddled on aloof one side, creating a acceptable antithesis amid the golden-fried band and breakable interior. Blimp into the bankrupt abject is a candied admixture of beginning cheese, broiled fruits, basics or cream, generally ambrosial with rose baptize or arena cinnamon.
Some versions of qatayef can be eaten aloof like that — conceivably with the accession of some ambrosial abstract — but archetypal recipes are absurd afore serving, abacus an added band of crisis and acidity afore the admired sweets hit the anniversary table.
Rigó Jancsi, Hungary
Fluffy amber blot block is sandwiched with apricot jam and aerial amber mousse in this archetypal treat. Topped with a whisper-thin band of amber coat again cut into tidy cubes of chocolate, the Rigó Jancsi stands out alike in the conspicuously awash acreage of aces Hungarian desserts.
Beloved for a cottony arrangement and affluent flavor, the alluring block was alleged for a adulation chance that bent the world’s absorption with animated images and dank details. Rigó Jancsi was a Romani violinist who won the affection of the (married) Princesse de Caraman-Chimay of Belgium, and the two fabricated all-embracing account aback they ran off calm in 1896.
Saffron Ice Cream, Iran
Scented with saffron, affected and pistachios, it’s no admiration that this Iranian ice chrism is a admired at Nowruz, the Persian New Year.
From a agilely aureate blush to its appropriate aroma, the buttery amusement is the aspect of spring. Saffron ice cream, or bastani, is a memorable acquaintance on its own, and its acidity abandoned calmly snags a atom amid the world’s greatest arctic desserts.
For the complete bastani experience, though, opt for a acceptable Iranian ice chrism sandwich of saffron ice chrism amid two attenuate wafers. The wafers’ balmy acidity and brittle arrangement are the absolute antithesis — and calmly shaped handle — for the affluent and ambrosial ice cream, which is admired from Tehran to Tehrangeles.
Sesame Balls, Jian Dui, China
Bite into the breakable carapace of a deep-fried jian dui to ascertain a candied bushing aural the golden, sesame-seed-studded exterior. This acceptable Chinese amusement is generally abounding with a candied bean adhesive or a bendable borsch fabricated from lotus seeds; both versions action a deliciously balmy counterpoint to the brittle seeds.
Jian dui are abnormally accepted as a amusement at Lunar New Year celebrations, but not aloof for their adorable flavor. Ambrosia blogger and columnist Anita Chu writes that for abounding Chinese people, jian dui action a appropriate apologue during that time: both the all-around appearance and aureate blush are acceptable omens for the year to come, as is the way the jian dui breath up aback absurd in hot oil.
Snow Ice, Xue Hua Bing, Taiwan
Like snow cones, Hawaiian baldheaded ice, raspados, granitas and dozens of added bounded variants, snow ice is Taiwan’s acknowledgment to one of the world’s abundant aliment truths: Annihilation beats a sweet, icy amusement aback the acclimate is steamy.
Unusual atom address and circuitous toppings drag the Taiwanese adaptation aloft the competition. A buttery base, which can be flavored with aggregate from blooming tea to bake-apple purées, is arctic solid again baldheaded into a aerial accumulation of crumbling ice flakes.
To top it all off, alloy your own absolute mix of treats. Favorites accommodate adzuki red bean paste, taro, grass jelly, beginning fruit, aperitive abridged milk and mochi, but Taiwanese snow ice is an allurement to get as artistic as you’d like.
Snow ice has advance to cities beyond the angel in contempo years, but for the archetypal experience, arch to Taipei’s Shilin Night Market, area locals band up for the xue hua bing awash by dozens of vendors.
Sour Blooming Pie, Midwestern United States
Slice into the brittle top of a acerb blooming pie, and the ablaze bushing ability appear as a shock — it’s an electric blush that seems added acceptable to be harvested from a can than a tree. That electric red comes from the acerb Montmorency cherries that are the archetypal bushing for this pie. Aback the breakable fruits are added decaying than their sweeter cousins, if you alive alfresco the Midwest or Northeast United States you ability never accept apparent one.
Sour cherries accept affluence of acerbic to counter-balance the amoroso in the filling, and they’re affluent in tannins, too. It’s a adumbration of complication that put this bake-apple pie over the top as one of the best in America.
Sticky Rice with Mango, Thailand
Ignore the anemic versions awash in restaurants that are 10 time zones from a mango tree; a ripe, breakable basin of adhesive rice with mango is amid the world’s best absolute desserts. This acceptable candied begins with the adhering rice that’s developed in paddies beyond southeast Asia, and the civil grains amalgamate with affluent attic milk and access amoroso for a amusement that retains a chewy chaw alike aback it’s altogether soft.
The candied apple of mangoes includes hundreds and hundreds of cultivars, but for a absolutely Thai adhesive rice with mango there are aloof two advantaged varieties: accept amid nam dok mai, a sweet, chicken bake-apple that’s pertly curvaceous, or aok rong, whose college acidity offers a affable counterpoint to the candied rice.
Sticky Toffee Pudding, United Kingdom
The ultimate in abating British desserts, this aloof candied is a balmy confined of adhesive nostalgia. A abject of bendable block is brindled with chopped dates, again drowned in a buttery sauce. Abundant of the appropriate acidity comes from treacle, or molasses.
While treacle has accustomed way to crystallized amoroso in best cooks’ pantries, it was already a advantaged aspartame that was an important allotment of banal diets in the UK. It’s account acquainted that adhesive toffee pudding is not what’s accepted as a pudding alfresco of the British Isles, area “pudding” is a all-encompassing appellation for dessert, but it’s accepted a accepted export.
With versions served from Wales to Wellington, it’s acceptable that the sun never sets on the world’s adhesive toffee puddings.
Tarte Tatin, France
If you’ve never encountered this acclaimed French dessert, again tarte Tatin may access as a adorable surprise. A apple abroad from the architectural, lacquered creations that ample Parisian pastry boutique windows, the actual best of these are a apprehensive blend with adorable acidity — finer topped with a acceptable atom of ambrosial crème fraîche. To broil this caramelized treat, alpha by layering apples, amoroso and adulate in a abundant pan, again top it off with a annular of dough. The pastry seals the bushing into a mild enclosure, acceptance the amoroso to caramelize as the apples cook into breakable perfection. The body of the operation is aback the acerb emerges from the oven and charge be addled assimilate a basin afore the aqueous amoroso turns to adhesive glue.
Tiramisú, Italy
Creamy layers of aerated mascarpone cradle coffee-soaked ladyfingers in this avant-garde Italian dessert, which has become a candied mainstay about the globe. It’s no wonder. With a name that translates to “pick me up,” it’s a aggregate of coffee, chocolate, chrism and alternative booze that’s abiding to annoyance alike the best blah palates.
Most pastry-loving historians trace the treat’s origins to the Treviso restaurant Le Beccherie, but by the time the apple accomplished aiguille tiramisú in the backward 1980s and 1990s, battling claims were hot as a strong-brewed cup of Italian espresso. Whatever the accuracy abaft the buttery dessert, it’s becoming well-deserved pride of abode on airheaded from Umbria to Ulaanbaatar.
Tres Leches Cake, Mexico and Axial America
A buttery blot block is the absolute agent for carrying endless of acidity in this affably buttery dessert. The “three milks” that the candied is alleged for are usually aperitive abridged milk, evaporated milk and cream, which amalgamate for a adorable block so wet it’s about a drink.
While beginning milk is now broadly available, the acidity of aperitive abridged milk is a bequest to a time aback the decaying being was adamantine to find, abnormally in warmer climates.
Even in the canicule of air-conditioned trucks, the gooey, candied milk retains an address all its own, and acidity that infuses admired treats about the world: it’s afflicted into Thai algid tea, drizzled over baldheaded ice raspados in Latin America and acclimatized into Brazilian brigadeiros.
Trifle, United Kingdom
Tender layers of sherry-soaked blot block alternating with jam, custard and — in a applied British aberration — about annihilation candied and adorable the chef has on hand, as continued as it’s topped with a abundant absolute of aerated cream. And no amount what you constrict amid the circuit of cake, a bagatelle has a acquiescently ancient feel.
The name dates aback to at atomic the 16th aeon and is apparently older, admitting the capacity of the ambrosia accept acquired over time. Alike as the equally-historic syllabub has abolished from the accepted playlist of bootleg British desserts, bagatelle charcoal pure, buttery homesickness for abounding aliment lovers.
The abstruse to the constancy of the bagatelle ability be in its affectionate nature. Aback I was an amateur chef in an Oakland café, a pastry chef offered me this abating advice: As continued as your flavors are good, she said, don’t anguish too abundant about cakes arising from the oven attractive flawless. The worst-case scenario? “Put it in a basin and alarm it a trifle.”
Tub Tim Krob, Thailand
With a name that translates to “crispy rubies,” it’s not adamantine to adulation this ablaze and auspicious Thai dessert. Afterwards a ablaze meal of Thai cuisine, tub tim krob cools with ashamed ice and a aperitive attic aqueous alloyed with pandan leaves.
While generally compared with vanilla, pandan has a agreeable balm all its own, but for tub tim krob lovers the “rubies” are the absolute treasure. For these, baptize chestnuts are blood-soaked in active grenadine syrup, formed in tapioca flour, again boiled.
The aftereffect is a candied chaw that’s both chewy and hardly crunchy, with a adumbration of alkali from the attic broth. The verdict? A algid basin of tub tim krob is calmly account the flight to Bangkok.
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FULL NAME: finn aodhán mcginty NICKNAME(S): finnán ALIAS(ES): none AGE: twenty-seven D.O.B.: february 14 OCCUPATION: freelance archaeologist GENDER + PRONOUNS: cis man (he/him) ORIENTATION: panromantic pansexual ROMANTIC TYPE: monogamous NATIONALITY: irish ETHNICITY: white RELIGION: roman-catholic
summary here
FACE CLAIM: boyd holbrook HEIGHT: 6′1″ / 185CM WEIGHT: 192LBS / 87KG EYE COLOUR: blue HAIR COLOUR: blonde DOMINANT HAND: ambidextrous ACCENT: irish (medium insensity) TATTOO(S): on his back, the mark of his family, a celtic cross with part missing to form a “G” SCAR(S): calloused knuckles; a scar on his right forearm going from mid-arm up to his elbow; a bullet wound scar on his side; a crescent shaped scar on his left side, where his neck and shoulder meet GLASSES: no
physical description here
JUNG: entp ENNEATYPE: 7W8 sp/so MORAL ALIGNMENT: chaotic good TEMPERAMENT: sanguine ANGER: hot VIRTUE: charity SIN: lust ELEMENT: fire INTELLIGENCE TYPE: linguistic-verbal; logical-mathematical; bodily-kinaesthetic ~IQ: 140 NEURODIVERGENCIES: none 5 QUALITIES: passionate; selfless; charming; curious; intelligent 5 FLAWS: competitive; argumentative; rebellious; mischievous; stubborn LIKES: fighting; art; history; reading; danger; adrenaline; dancing; books; documentaries; egypt; action rpgs; folklore; winning; trivia; cosplaying; flirting; socialising; challenges; social media; travelling; edm DISLIKES: emotional stuff; being away from his family; being alone; boredom; poetry; law; camping; hospitals; being objectified; vulnerability; himself HOBBIES: parkour; video gaming; horseback riding; alcohol use; drug use; swimming; cosplaying; reading; drawing; debating; watching movies; running; snowboarding; travelling; watching youtube; learning languages; tricking; researching SKILLS: parkour; lockpicking; kickboxing; mixed martial arts (muay thai, sanshou, brazilian jui-jitsu); stitching; cpr; video gaming; horseback riding; lockpicking; drawing; debating; snowboarding; negotiation; wilderness survival; cooking; learning languages; tricking; critical thinking; researching
personality description here
HOMETOWN: dublin, ireland LANGUAGE(S): english (native); irish (native); spanish (c2); french (c2); esperanto (c2); latin (c1); arabic (b2); mandarin (b1); japanese (b1); russian (b1); ancient greek (theoretical); ancient egyptian (theoretical); old norse (theoretical); yucatec maya (theoretical) SOCIAL CLASS: lower middle class DEGREE(S): archaeology (phd); history (m.sc.) PARENT #1: aengus mcginty [adoptive; alive] PARENT #2: eoghan mcginty-breen [adoptive; alive] SIBLING(S): teagan mcginty [adoptive older sister]; siobhan mcginty [adoptive older sister] RAP SHEET: no PRISON TIME: no
background description here
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sharionpage · 7 years
More Mariology from Michelle Mormon
On a Personal Note: I am currently taking a fascinating course in Mariology through my PhD studies. This was a recent paper I wrote that you may find to be of interest. I hope you find this helpful in your own search for Heavenly Mother. – Sincerely, Michelle Mormon (not Molly!)
Comparative Mariology seeks to find common ground across religious traditions concerning Marian teachings regarding her role and personhood. However, the speculative nature of Mariology can lead into some uncharted territory that extends beyond traditional viewpoints, including esoteric studies and goddess-based spirituality. If one is not careful, the very foundations of Christianity can be called into question. Nevertheless, since Mariology is speculative, by its very definition, there are no clearly-defined rules outside the framework of traditional Catholic dogma, which leaves Marian studies open to interpretation. The goal of this paper is to examine the differing perspectives that lie beyond the framework of traditional thought, from interreligious, to the cosmic dimensions, to alternative viewpoints, in hopes of finding some common ground that remains true to a ‘biblical’ worldview. However, this is not a task for the faint of heart, because in doing so, deeply held convictions will be called into question in new ways previously unconsidered. Keeping an open mind remains the key to constructing a meaningful Mariology, regardless of one’s theological framework of interpretation.
Comparative Mariology
Comparative religion as an academic discipline can prove both challenging and rewarding. Finding common ground among differing religious traditions with the goal of seeking understanding of the ‘other’ can be rewarding, in that it gives way to a meaningful exchange of information among differing parties. At the same time, it can be challenging to find common ground among varying traditions where very little, if any, similarities exist. Clooney points out, “By such learning, intelligently evaluated and extended, we make deeper sense of ourselves intellectually and spirituality, in light of what we find in the world around us” (Comparative Theology 2010, 5). The goal of interreligious dialogue is not necessarily to convince the other of the ‘correctness’ of either side; rather it is to see what each side has to bring to the table. The end result is not to judge or condemn; rather it is to learn from one another, seek common ground, and most importantly, acknowledge one’s shared history. Comparative religion seeks, first and foremost, to celebrate differences while seeking understanding of the other perspective across cultural and ideological barriers.
In the case of Mariology, it is not all that difficult to find common ground among the various historical religions, as long as one turns to goddess spirituality- the Sacred Feminine, which ties in with the ancient Wisdom traditions, by whichever name it is known – Chokmah, Sophia, or the Shekinah Presence. Sacred Wisdom looks beyond the outward form of the religion to the inward state of the heart. Concerning Mary herself, Luke 2:51 makes it clear that Mary “treasured all these things in her heart” (NRSV), which suggests a quiet, contemplative spirituality characteristic of feminine ancient wisdom. While Wisdom teachings belong to the established tradition, at the same time, they often transcend – and confound – the hierarchy of formalized religion. The Shekinah Presence is a good example of this, as it was “considered feminine in esoteric (not exoteric) Judaism” (Barkhurst n.d., 19- parentheses belong to author.) This is why the Sacred Wisdom traditions are often misunderstood, and must, in many ways, remain hidden or kept underground. Certainly when one begins to examine Marian doctrines, the same principles apply; this makes it easier to examine the role of Mary outside the established perimeters of her familiar Judeo-Christian context.
Swiss author Frithjof Schuon was raised in a Christian household, and while he was, in essence, “an adamant defender of the Divinity of Christ and the other essential truths of this tradition” (Cutsinger 2000, 15), he was not afraid to delve into the deeper mysteries surrounding the Virgin Mary as found outside the boundaries of Christian thinking, including Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism. His thinking was considered forward-thinking for its time, although it would become part of the Perennialist philosophical school, which seeks to find unity among thinkers of all major world religions, including the philosophy of Plato and the ancients. For Schuon, Mary is regarded as having the status of an Abrahamic Prophetess (in reference to Islam) characterized by her incredible “strength of soul which evokes such Biblical figures as Miriam and Deborah” (“Wisdom of the Virgin” 1968, 1). Simultaneously, Mary is the Eastern (Buddhist/Hindu) concept of Maya personified, as “she personifies the receptive or passive perfections of universal Substance, but she likewise incarnates – by virtue of the formless and occult nature of Divine Prakriti – the ineffable essence of wisdom or spirituality” (Schuon 1968, 3). Schuon is very careful to distinguish between the submissive nature of Mary, as would be consistent with Islamic thought; juxtaposed against his lofty thoughts concerning her cosmic significance “by her supereminence in the whole Abrahamic cosmos” (Schuon 1968, 5). In my observation, to say that Schuon performs a delicate dialectic balancing act would be an understatement, but he does so rather astutely for someone of a Western mindset, even though he does verge outside ‘traditional’ thinking in all respects. One does not have to agree with Schuon, necessarily, to appreciate his ability to make relevant connections.
By contrast, John R. Dupuche of the Australian Catholic University’s Centre for Interreligious Dialogue seeks to draw connections between the Virgin Mary and the frightening Hindu goddess Kali, consort of Shiva, lord of death and transformation. In my opinion, Dupuche’s efforts are significantly far-reaching, although he makes an honest attempt. Basing his argument on the famous scene in which Kali is depicted with her foot perched on top of Shiva’s corpse, tongue protruding outwards; Dupuche poses the following questions, “In what way does Mary bring to an end that which is limited and ineffectual? In what way is she fearsome? How does she liberate humanity?” (“The Goddess Kali” 2012, 45).  As one reads on, a further connection is made between the bloodthirsty Kali and the wine of the New Covenant, as represented by Mary at the wedding in Cana, and later at the foot of the cross; as Mary is depicted as “requesting the blood of sacrifice which purifies better than water, the true marriage between God and his people, the blood which Jesus will urge his hearers to drink” (Dupuche 2012, 53). This connection, however, is far-reaching, considering Mary is never depicted in such a manner in the biblical tradition; rather Mary’s triumph is found in her profound humility of spirit, of which Schuon referenced in his own writings.
Cosmic Mariology
For Cardinal John Henry Newman, the humility of Mary results in her celestial exaltation as the mysterious Lady of Revelation 12:1 is revealed; although it could be argued that “such an interpretation is poorly supported in the Fathers” (Murphy n.d., 565).  Even though other Patristic writers had alluded to the possibility that Mary might be associated with this woman, it was never clearly stated until the sixth century by Oecumenius, who was not even himself considered a Church Father (Svendsen 2001, 205). While Newman does not ignore the connection between the woman and the Church as a whole – and even Mary as the chief representative of Her flock – he concludes the following concerning the straight-forward meaning of this passage as he interprets it; “No one doubts that the ‘man-child’ spoken of is an allusion to our Lord: why then is not ‘the Woman’ an allusion to his mother?” (Breen, ed. 1982, 18). The cosmic significance of this interpretation cannot be overlooked, as Revelation 12 depicts Mary as the Second Eve, overcoming the serpent and reversing the curse of sin on humanity, a theme that is more readily supported by the Church Fathers, namely Justin Martyr (Dialogue with Trypho 100) and Irenaeus (Against Heresies III; 22:4); thus echoing back to Genesis 3:15. In this sense, Mary is the conqueror of evil; for she does indeed crush the serpent’s head.
This passage does lend itself to other levels of interpretation standing outside of traditional views. Within the modern-day revival of goddess spirituality, there exists a strand of thinking linking Mary with the lost Temple traditions of ancient Israel – “the older religion of Jerusalem and Judah” (Barker 2001, 1) – prior to the reforms of King Josiah, whereby any reference to the ancient goddess Asherah was destroyed, along with her associated Temple relics, including “the item named the Asherah, the host of heaven, the horses for the sun, the menorah, the oil, the manna, the high priest’s staff that bore almond blossoms, the ark, the fire, and the Spirit” (Barker 2001, 2). It should be noted that Asherah was popularly associated with the Tree of Life, as represented in the menorah, or seven-branched lampstand, in addition to the various blossom imagery represented in this list. The prophet Jeremiah expressed strong views against the women of his day baking “cakes for the queen of heaven” (Jeremiah 7:18 NRSV), which he considered an abomination. The host of heaven would necessarily include the Mother Goddess within this context, as “the Deuteronomic and Josiahan reforms resulted in the rejection of the council of gods idea and the expulsion of the divine family in favor of the One God” (Petersen 2013, 101). Within the Temple Theology perspective, the hidden goddess reappears in Revelation 12:1. She is fully restored to her rightful place, along with the Ark of the Covenant mentioned in the previous chapter (Revelation 11:19), also an ancient symbol traditionally associated with the Virgin Mary, as “the sign in heaven in Revelation 12 is the Queen of Heaven in the holy of holies with the ark” (Barker 2001, 3). Here Mary is the celestial Mother personified; she is the ‘sign in the heavens,’ heralding the revival of the Hebrew Goddess.
One of the central issues at stake in this interpretation is the question of polytheism, as opposed to the one god of traditional monotheistic Judaism. However, as Michael S. Heiser, author and Ancient Near Eastern Scholar-in-Residence at Faithlife observes, a true ‘biblical’ worldview takes into account the heavenly council which was there with God before the creation of the world: “Right from the start, then, God has company – other divine beings, the sons of God” (The Unseen Realm 2015, 24). Included in this divine entourage is Wisdom herself, and according to chapter eight of Proverbs, “she was beside the Creator as he established the heavens and marked out the foundations of the earth” (Barker 2001, 3). Mormons will be familiar with this way of thinking due to their unapologetic non-Trinitarian stance, as contrasted with other Christian denominations, as Zina Petersen notes, “Joseph Smith suggested a return (restoration) to a family model with a physicalized and thus sexualized model of God. God as a Father along with a Mother” (Interpreter 2013, 103- parentheses belong to author). Although considerable debate may follow concerning the oneness of God from within this theological construct, biblically speaking, within marriage, husband and wife “become one flesh” (Genesis 2:24 NRSV). From my perspective, if humans are created in the image of God – male and female—then why could God not have a wife? The Mormon view is not outside of the realm of ‘biblical’ Christianity, but may indeed have something powerful to offer to the wider discussion.
Speculative Mariology
Published in 2003, the novel DaVinci Code became an overnight sensation, and was later followed up by the movie by the same name, released just three years later in 2006. The central claim of the book was the main character, Sophie Neveu, was a modern-day descendent of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene through the French Merovingian line; moreover introducing another Mary into the equation – this time, not Jesus’ mother, but his wife. The DaVinci Code, influenced by Holy Blood, Holy Grail (1982), sparked a revival of these forgotten, yet shocking claims as revealed by a collection of controversial documents found at Rennes-le-Chateau containing the hidden lineage of Jesus linked through the Merovingian line to present day. Now, all of a sudden, the Virgin Mary had a rival ‘goddess’ figure whose ‘true’ identity had been protected by secret societies, in this case the Priory of Sion, which many believe is a hoax.
Although the majority of her books were published prior to the release of the DaVinci Code, Catholic author Margaret Starbird has contributed immensely to the popularization of a belief in the sacred marriage between Jesus and Mary Magdalene. In 1993, Starbird published The Woman with the Alabaster Jar, which also became an overnight success, and was even referenced in the DaVinci Code, as the book cover itself now attests. Referencing the French word sangraal, which she translates to ‘royal blood,’ Starbird poses the question of how Mary Magdalene could bring royal blood to France, and then goes on to explain that Mary Magdalene brought her daughter Sarah with her to the coast of France on an oarless boat following the crucifixion.   Starbird herself admits, “I know of no way to prove beyond a doubt that the ‘other Mary’ was the wife of Jesus or that she bore a child of his bloodline” (Woman with the Alabaster Jar 1993, 27). Surprisingly, authors Lynn Pincknett and Clive Prince, who belong to this string of celebrated DaVinci Code ‘scholars,’ suggest the Priory connection is not to be trusted: “the whole Merovingian business was made up anyway; the real point of the hidden message is that it mentions the key concepts of Dagobert II, Sion, and treasure, all consistent with the Dossier Secrets’ version of history” (The Sion Revelation 2006, 243). The evidence is speculative at best.  
To add to DaVinci Code sensationalism, Kathleen McGowan, a self-proclaimed descendant of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene, published the first of a series of novels, wherein which she reflected on her own spiritual journey through the fictional character of Maureen Pascal (The Expected One 2005). As would be expected, Pascal discovers she is a living descendent of Jesus and Mary Magdalene, and from there, struggles to make sense of her new role, as she must proclaim this previously hidden truth to the world. In an interview with USA Today, McGowan herself admitted the following concerning the book that she allegedly began writing back in 1989, “Everyone is going to think I’m on the DaVinci Code bandwagon, but I’m not” (Memmott 2006). As I have observed over time, McGowan’s current views no longer resemble the Christian basis she once claimed to represent, as she has delved into astrology and other esoteric/Gnostic teachings. Equally revealing, the aforementioned interview with USA Today (Memmott 2006) admitted McGowan’s publisher was careful to tiptoe around the issue of McGowan’s alleged ‘biblical’ ancestry. I find McGowan’s personal journey – as she tells it – interesting, but she does not claim to be a scholar; only a fiction writer.
Eastern Orthodox tradition does suggest several of the women connected with Jesus’ ministry traveled to Southern France, but Mary Magdalene is not one of them. Fearing for Lazarus’ life, Lazarus was placed on an oarless boat along with his sisters Mary and Martha and a certain Maximinus. Their boat landed on the coast of France, according to one account, and Cyprus according to another version of the story. Confusion has resulted from the conflation of the two characters – Mary of Bethany and Mary Magdalene – in the West (Kern 2016, 647-648). Further confusion remains, as part of the tradition suggests that Mary Magdalene traveled to Rome first in order to plead for Jesus’ innocence, while Lazarus became the Bishop of Cyprus, as connected with the later travels of the Virgin Mary, according to legend (Kern 2016, 647; 660-661). From my observation, it is possible that if Mary Magdalene traveled all the way to Rome, the legends of her being set adrift at sea as a refugee are a strong possibility; the fact that she would travel that far in order to plead for Jesus’ innocence suggests a deep love for him; perhaps even the devotion of a grieving widow seeking to avenge her husband’s wrongful death.
The bold assertion that there would be living descendants of Jesus Christ walking the earth today poses problems for traditional Christians who believe very strongly in the Chaledonian formula of 451 CE, wherein Jesus was declared fully human and fully divine. This declaration followed the Council of Ephesus in 431CE, wherein the Virgin Mary was declared Theotokos, or the Mother of God, a declaration that said more about Christ than it did about Mary. Regarding the formal declarations of these, and other councils, the claim has been made that Constantine’s motivations in calling the first ecumenical Council of Nicaea (323 CE) were entirely politically motivated, as Brown and company operate with the understanding that “Constantine used his influence to create and enforce a Christian orthodoxy that denied the goddess principle, deified Jesus, and sought to expunge all record of the marriage between Jesus and Mary Magdalene” (Bauder 2006, 2). Just like with Josiah’s reforms, any hopes of reviving the sacred feminine elements present within her story would be forgotten or shoved underground; worse than that, Mary Magdalene’s reputation would become smeared and reduced to that of a prostitute.
While this is indeed unfortunate, once again Mormons –who are not confined to the decrees of the Ecumenical Councils – have a unique perspective to offer on this issue, as “many Mormons also believe that Jesus was married. After all, they believe marriage is essential in heaven and even God has a wife, Heavenly Mother” (Stack 2006). This same article from the Salt Lake Tribune (Stack 2006) goes on to suggest that Mormons believed in the claims of the DaVinci Code nearly a century before the DaVinci Code ever became a reality. Nevertheless, an official declaration concerning the marital status of Christ has never been embraced either way by the First Presidency. Mormons would concur with DaVinci Code enthusiasts that the Council of Nicaea marked the beginning of the Great Apostasy, along with the changing of the calendar and baptism rules (Stack 2006). The Mormons were ahead of their time in terms of asking critical questions concerning the validity of the ecumenical councils and their decrees, in addition to the marital status of Jesus.
My own thoughts on this matter derive not from my personal beliefs as a Latter-day Saint, but from the perspective of an alumnus of the Ecumenical Institute Bossey in Switzerland (2004-2005), the official ecumenical school of the World Council of Churches. Something I noticed upon my studies there that also struck my classmates as odd, was the Oikoumene symbol for the World Council of Churches, which is, essentially, a boat without oars (see WCC website). I can recall somebody from our class asking our professor what that symbol meant, and our professor admitted that he really did not know for sure, but there were a number of possible interpretations –  none of which included the aforementioned legends of either Mary Magdalene or Mary of Bethany. At the time, I had not read the DaVinci Code; nor was I familiar with the said legends. However, after seeing the film many years later, I recalled the symbol on my diploma and made the connection. This, along with my own personal experiences with the Sacred Feminine, left me wondering if it could all indeed be true.
The goal of this study has been to move beyond the confines of traditional Mariology to a comparative model. This leads one into deeper speculation concerning a field that is already speculative in nature. This can make the task of uncovering the truth even more difficult to navigate. If the goal is to remain within a ‘biblical’ framework of thought, the question remains how exactly that worldview is to be defined. As one delves deeper into the Marian mysteries, one will find a plethora of opinions that call deeply held convictions into question. In my own journey, I have discovered that all is not as it seems. A careful examination of ‘traditional’ Marian dogmas and doctrines only leads to more questions than answers, as tradition alone is insuffient for answering questions of the heart. Such is the nature of Mariology; some mysteries are better left open to interpretation, but the beauty of comparative methodology is that it allows for exploration beyond that which can be concretely known through traditional means.
Works Cited – Bibliography
Baigent, Michael, Richard Leigh, & Henry Lincoln. Holy Blood, Holy Grail: The Secred History of Christ and the Shocking Legacy of the Grail. New York: Bantam Dell, 1982.
Barker, Margaret. “Where Shall Wisdom Be Found? (Job 28:12)” 2001.
Barkhurst, Ann. “The Shekinah Glory and the Divine Feminine.” Rays 99: 18-22; n.d.
Bauder, Kevin T. The DaVinci Code: Part Two “The Gospel of the Goddess.” In the Nick of Time. Minneapolis, MN: Central Baptist Theological Seminary, March 17, 2006: pp. 1-3.
Brown, Dan. The DaVinci Code. New York: Doubleday, 2003.
Clooney, Francis X. “Comparative Theology: Deep Learning Across Religious Borders.” Religious Diversity: A Comparative Theological Perspective Reading. Packet 1. pp. 1-23/Chapter One (Spring 2004): Boston College: Accessed 12/14/17:  http://ift.tt/2Ccc2S1
Cutsinger, James S. “Colorless Light and Pure Air: The Virgin in the Thought of Frithof Schuon.” Sophia: The Journal of Traditional Studies 6:2 (Winter 2000): PDF.
Dupuche, John R. “The Goddess Kali and the Virgin Mary.” Austrailian eJournal of Theology 19.1 (April 2012): 43-57.
Heiser, Michael S. The Unseen Realm: Recovering the Supernatural Worldview of the Bible. Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2015.
Irenaeus. Against Heresies III. (Chapter 22). Roberts, Alexander, James Donaldson, & Cleveland Coxe, eds.  Ante-Nicene Fathers, Volume I.  trans. Alexander Roberts & William Rambault. Buffalo, NY: Christian Literature Publishing Co., 1885: New Advent. Kevin Knight, webmaster : http://ift.tt/2BJLmVo  Accessed 12/16/17.
Justin Martyr. Dialogue with Trypho (Chapters 89-108). Roberts, Alexander, James Donaldson, & Cleveland Coxe, eds.  Ante-Nicene Fathers, Volume I.  trans. Marcus Dods & George Reith. Buffalo, NY: Christian Literature Publishing Co., 1885: New Advent. Kevin Knight, webmaster : http://ift.tt/2CbMPHl  Accessed 10/14/17.
Kern, Mark. “Mary: A Model of Humility” in The Falling Asleep of Mary: The Role of Mary in the Early Church. The Dormition: August 15, 2016. PDF
McGowan, Kathleen. The Expected One. New York: Touchstone, 2006.
Memmott, Carol. “Is This Woman the Living Code?” USA Today. 7/18/2006: http://ift.tt/2BIfY9K  Accessed 12/16/17.
Murphy, Roland E. “An Allusion to Mary in the Apocalypse” pp. 565-573: http://ift.tt/2C8O4av  Accessed 12/14/17; n.d.
Newman, John Henry. Mary: The Second Eve. Eileen Breen, ed. Rockford, Illinois: TAN Books and Publishers, Inc., 1982.
Petersen, Zina. “Where Shall Wisdom Be Found?” Interpreter: A Journal of Mormon Scripture 7 (2013): 97-112.
Pinknett, Lynn & Clive Prince. The Sion Revelation: the Truth about the Guardians of Christ’s Sacred Bloodline. New York: Simon and Schuster, 2006.
Schuon, Frifthjof. “The Wisdom of the Virgin.” Studies in Comparative Religion, Volume 2, No. 3 (Summer 1968) World Wisdom, Inc. Accessed 12/13/17:  http://ift.tt/2BIg0hS
Stack, Peggy Fletcher. “DaVinci Code Premise Not So Shocking to LDS” Salt Lake Tribune.  May 20, 2006: Religion News Blog. http://ift.tt/2Ce9seq  Accessed 12/18/17.
Starbird, Margaret. The Woman with the Alabaster Jar. Rochester, VT: Bear and Company, 1993.
Svendsen, E. Who is My Mother? The Role and Status of the Mother of Jesus in the New Testament and Roman Catholicism. United Kingdom: Potchefstroomse Universiteit Vir Christelike Hoer Onderwys/Greenwich School of Theology, 2001. PhD Thesis.
World Council of Churches. http://ift.tt/2nZKEfN  Accessed 12/18/17.
  More Mariology from Michelle Mormon published first on http://ift.tt/2wQcX5G
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alexismariechute · 7 years
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What an amazing day yesterday! My cast and crew filmed the book trailer for my novel, called Above the Star, the first book in The 8th Island Trilogy. It was an AMAZIG DAY! A huge thank you to Brooke Gander, Doug Robb, Evan Crawford, Janelle Snow, Tom Lim, Aaron Chute, Perry Medina, and Maya Breen! Book release date: June 5, 2018! Subscribe to the email news on www.AlexisMarieChute.com for updates! xoxox
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criminalmindsitalia · 7 years
L’agente Matt Simmons si unisce alla squadra della BAU in una corsa per fermare il signor Graffio e salvare uno dei loro allo stesso tempo, nella premiere della tredicesima stagione di CRIMINAL MINDS, mercoledì 27 settembre.
Daniel Henney si unisce al cast di Criminal Minds nella premiere della tredicesima stagione ad un nuovo orario, 10pm, il 27 settembre.
Fonte: SpoilerTV
“Wheels Up” – L’agente Matt Simmons si unisce alla squadra della BAU in una corsa per fermare il signor Graffio e salvare uno dei loro allo stesso tempo, nella premiere della tredicesima stagione di CRIMINAL MINDS, mercoledì 27 settembre ad un nuovo orario (10:00-11:00 PM, ET/PT) sulla CBS Television Network. Daniel Henney si unisce al cast nel ruolo di Matt Simmons, un ex soldato della Delta Force ed ex membro della Squadra di Risposta Internazionale.
REGULAR CAST: Joe Mantegna (David Rossi) Paget Brewster (Emily Prentiss) Matthew Gray Gubler (Dr. Reid) A.J. Cook (Jennifer Jareau) Aisha Tyler (Dr. Tara Lewis) Kirsten Vangsness (Penelope Garcia) Adam Rodriguez (Luke Alvez) Daniel Henney (Matt Simmons)
GUEST CAST: Josh Stewart (Will LaMontagne Jr.) Bodhi Elfman (Peter Lewis) Tracie Thoms (Monica Walker) Andrew Pifko (The Doctor) Diahnna Nicole Baxter (ER Doctor) James Levine (Howard Nathanson) DeRon Munroe (Eli Walker) Lauryn Kennedy Hardy (Maya Walker) Dean Schaller (Shirtless Man)
SCRITTO DA: Breen Frazier, uno dei produttori esecutivi della serie DIRETTO DA: Glenn Kershaw
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tvtracker · 7 years
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Criminal Minds Episode 13.01 'Wheels Up' Press Release. AGENT MATT SIMMONS JOINS THE BAU TEAM IN A RACE TO TAKE DOWN MR. SCRATCH AND SAVE ONE OF THEIR OWN IN THE PROCESS, ON THE 13th SEASON PREMIERE OF “CRIMINAL MINDS,” WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 27 REPORT AD “Wheels Up” – Agent Matt Simmons joins the BAU team in a race to take down Mr. Scratch and save one of their own in the process, on the 13th season premiere of CRIMINAL MINDS, Wednesday, Sept. 27 at a new time (10:00-11:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. Daniel Henney joins the cast as Matt Simmons, an ex-Delta soldier and former International Response Team member. CHEAT TWEET: .@danielhenney joins the @CriminalMinds_CBS cast on the 13th season premiere @ a new time 10pm 9/27 #CBS http://bit.ly/2esFWrg REGULAR CAST: Joe Mantegna (David Rossi) Paget Brewster (Emily Prentiss) Matthew Gray Gubler (Dr. Reid) A.J. Cook (Jennifer Jareau) Aisha Tyler (Dr. Tara Lewis) Kirsten Vangsness (Penelope Garcia) Adam Rodriguez (Luke Alvez) Daniel Henney (Matt Simmons) GUEST CAST: Josh Stewart (Will LaMontagne Jr.) Bodhi Elfman (Peter Lewis) Tracie Thoms (Monica Walker) Andrew Pifko (The Doctor) Diahnna Nicole Baxter (ER Doctor) James Levine (Howard Nathanson) DeRon Munroe (Eli Walker) Lauryn Kennedy Hardy (Maya Walker) Dean Schaller (Shirtless Man) WRITTEN BY: Breen Frazier, one of the series’ executive producers DIRECTED BY: Glenn Kershaw Source:CBS
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chocolateheal · 6 years
Ten Thoughts You Have As Easy Rich Desserts Approaches | easy rich desserts
(CNN) — Imagine the best ambrosia on Earth. Better yet, about-face to a drifter on the artery and ask them. Odds are acceptable — dollars to doughnuts — their acknowledgment is altered from yours.
Rich And Creamy Frozen Berry Dessert Quick & Easy Recipe … – easy rich desserts | easy rich desserts
From adolescence treats to a grandparent’s admired recipes, admired foods are acutely personal. This seems abnormally accurate of desserts, which generally booty pride of abode at celebrations and acceptable holidays.
For all the homesickness of bathetic treats, though, some sweets acceleration aloft bounded flavors. Arch to any country to acquisition breakable slices of Italian tiramisú at the basal of bistro airheaded or detect out the buttery balm of Hong Kong’s dan tats in cities about the globe. In the actionable elections of the stomach, both accept been voted to a abiding abode in the world’s aliment anteroom of fame.
And like dan tats, abounding of these recipes aren’t desserts at all — the eggy acerb is added generally eaten as an afternoon snack. The abstraction of confined a candied at the end of a coursed meal is about recent, and in some places, including Africa and Asia, desserts are a adopted import.
But with food, like accent or culture, free what’s “foreign” turns out to be complicated. Tiramisu relies on chocolate, coffee and amoroso that accustomed in Italy through all-around trade, while Hong Kong’s best iconic candied has roots in the Portuguese age of exploration.
Like the best desserts, then, this account blends the claimed with article added broadly appealing. It’s the bake-apple of my nine years in the pastry kitchen, aback I catholic to analyze new-to-me flavors everywhere from Liguria, Italy, to Yucatan, Mexico, and conversations with chefs whose resumes are as all-around as the recipes themselves.
In alphabetical order, here’s a account of some of the greatest sweets on the planet, from apprehensive amber dent accolade to the breakable balm of kashata, a admired breakable that’s enjoyed beyond East Africa. Bon appétit — or as they’d say in Swahili, karibu chakula!
Alfajores, South America
Step into a adjacency bakery from Argentina to Peru, and you’re acceptable to acquisition these tender, abounding accolade accumulated aerial abaft the counter. The breakable chaw of shortbread gives way to a candied band of dulce de leche, a caramel-like bonbon fabricated by acclaim affable aperitive milk until it turns into a rich, aged treat.
The actual artlessness of the accolade has accepted to be the absolute abject for artistic cooks beyond Latin America. Try versions that are dunked in aphotic chocolate, coated in a candied band of white chocolate, formed in attic and dressed up with spices, or opt for the archetypal — it’s amid the world’s best abating snacks.
Apfelstrudel, Austria
Natasha Breen/REDA&CO/UIG/Getty Images
For a arenaceous assignment in gluten’s architectural wonders, whip up a accumulation of acceptable strudel dough. The absolute affair is continued — not formed — into an improbably attenuate sheet; according to legend, it should be cellophane abundant to apprehend a bi-weekly through.
Once extended, the aerial chef is captivated about a sweet, angel bushing that’s accomplished with buttery absurd breadcrumbs, raisins and sometimes walnuts. The adorable aftereffect can be begin in pastry shops about the world, but for the archetypal experience, arch to Vienna’s Café Korb for a allotment followed by a abundant cup of cream-topped Viennese coffee.
Baklava, Turkey
Dozens of aerial layers cook into a distinct breakable chaw in this dank confection, which is amid the sweetest legacies of the Ottoman Empire. While it charcoal a approved amusement through the Levant, Balkans, the Caucasus and North Africa — regions that were already disqualified from Constantinople — the aerial home of baklava is absolutely the modern-day country of Turkey.
There, pastry shops serve abundant trays broken into diamonds, abounding with arena basics and decrepit with adulatory syrup. This is aloof the best acclaimed of the Ottoman Empire’s syrup-soaked pastries, but it’s snagged the accent for acceptable reason. With a simple account of capacity and amaranthine variations, it calmly ranks amid the world’s best appetizing treats.
Black Forest Cake, Germany
Along with bogie tales and mountain-top castles, Germany’s Black Forest arena is accepted as the namesake — if not the agent — of the country’s best adorable cake. Aphotic circuit of amber block are abolished in a blooming abstract acicular with kirschwasser, a acerb blooming brandy, again ample aloft a thin, amber abject with abysmal layers of aerated chrism and beginning cherries.
If that wasn’t acidity enough, the accomplished affair is swathed in added cream, dusted with baldheaded amber and brindled with cherries. The consistent block is a bubbling dream ambrosia that’s the ablaze of pastry cases about Germany, area it’s accepted as a Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte.
Borma, Average East and Turkey
Threads of crisp, aureate knafeh chef absolute about a affluent nut bushing in this candied dessert, which is an affected and ambrosial about of baklava. Unlike baklava, borma is generally fried, abacus an added beverage of acidity and a breakable arrangement that stands up to a bathetic ablution in flavored syrup.
And while baklava hides its bushing axial a bashful band of filo dough, borma is formed and sliced, assuming off a array of ablaze pistachios, anemic ache basics or walnuts. That clear presentation makes borma abnormally accepted as a present. Pastry shops beyond the Average East and Turkey allure passers-by with bags of borma ample aerial on astronomic platters.
Brownies, United States
Robert Lachman/Los Angeles Times/Getty Images
Fudgy or cakey? Corner allotment or allotment from the middle? Aficionados of this admired American candied are abiding to accept a booty on the best — and affliction — way to accomplish a brownie. One of the age-old recipes appeared in Fannie Farmer’s 1906 “Boston Affable School Cook Book,” application the absinthian amber that lends brownies a fudgy texture.
In added than a aeon of credibility making, they’ve become a mainstay treat, the abject for sundaes and a actively addictive ice chrism flavor.
Even the added Katharine Hepburn had an assessment on how to broil them, and an old chance holds that the alluring ablaze already dispensed the afterward advice: “Never quit, be yourself and don’t put too abundant abrade in your brownies.”
Cannoli, Sicily
A shattering-crisp carapace gives way to a buttery cheese bushing in this Sicilian classic, whose roots ability abysmal into the island’s assorted comestible history. With origins at the agrarian Carnival celebrations at Palermo, the acceptable cannolo is abounding with silky-smooth ricotta cheese fabricated from sheep’s milk.
Taste that affluent bushing for affirmation of the Arab access that infuses Sicilian cuisine: The candied citrus that generally flavors the buttery autogenous charcoal admired throughout the Average East.
Cardamom Buns, Sweden
October 4 ability be Biscuit Bun Day on the Swedish calendar, but abounding bun aficionados assert that the ambrosial cardamom adaptation outshines cinnamon’s added absolute charms. One of a ancestors of vetebullar, or aureate buns, cardamom buns are best enjoyed as a allotment of fika, the coffee breach that comes alert circadian in abounding Swedish workplaces.
For the absolute fika, whip up a accumulation of cardamom buns, beverage some able coffee and alarm a friend, aback the iconic Swedish coffee breach is as abundant about talking as it is about treats.
Cendol, Singapore
On airless afternoons in Singapore, locals air-conditioned off with this algid and cottony sweet, which is a admired at bank restaurants and sidewalk stands. Algid attic milk is aperitive with a access amoroso syrup, which lends it a agilely smoky, caramelized flavor.
The affluent aqueous is a abundant abject for breakable accoutrement of blooming rice-flour jelly, which gets its active blush from the pandan abstract that’s extracted from leaves of the close circling pine.
Versions of this acquiescently air-conditioned ambrosia can be begin throughout southeast Asia, but with the accession of a beat of aperitive red beans, Singapore’s booty on the archetypal amusement charcoal abnormally tempting.
Chocolate Dent Cookies, United States
The quintessential American amusement is deceptively simple: a basic, creamed-butter cookie compound turns out to accept amaranthine attenuate variations that produc badly altered results.
Whatever your admired version, a absolute amber dent cookie is a aerial antithesis of textures and flavors. A brittle rim gives way to a tender, melting center, and the buttery acidity of the chef sets off the slight bend of apricot amber and amber sugar.
Legend has it that the amber dent cookie has its origins in a blessed accident, aback Massachusetts inn buyer Ruth Wakefield afflicted chopped amber into her cookie chef in an attack to accomplish analogously chocolatey cookies. Her aboriginal compound was appear in a Boston newspaper, and the draft was pastry history.
Chocolate Mousse, France
An aerial block fabricated with aloof a drop of ingredients, amber mousse is a adorable paradox: the richer it is, the lighter it seems. Gallic chefs accept been whipping up amber mousse — the chat agency “foam” in French — for at atomic a few hundred years, but the chance for barmy amber is abundant older.
Among the Olmec, Maya and Aztec peoples who captivated amber continued afore acquaintance with Europeans, a ample band of chrism was advised the acme of acceptable taste, and age-old codices characterize cooks cloudburst amber from several anxiety in the air to actualize a froth.
Coconut Cake, Southern United States
Bouncy, buttery circuit of boilerplate block are accumulated aerial with disconnected attic and seven-minute frosting for a archetypal Southern dessert. This is the affectionate of all-American candied that stars at potlucks, block walks and abbey picnics, and it’s generally fabricated with recipes anesthetized bottomward on hand-written compound cards.
There are dozens of versions, but every distinct one is buried in a bubbling band of disconnected attic … finer fresh.
Layer cakes weren’t invented in the United States, but the appropriate contour of the attic block is authentic Americana, and there’s no mistaking the high, annular appearance of an American band block for a abbreviate European torte.
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Despite the minimalist, all-white blush scheme, the attic block is an over-the-top, ancient pleasure. The tooth-achingly candied meringue frosting is a bequest that’s rarely apparent alfresco of the South, and it’s account authoritative the aboriginal adaptation for a aftertaste of a different American tradition.
Cornes de Gazelle, Morocco
Even in a awash acreage of appetizing Moroccan sweets, these abounding pastries are abiding favorites, and the labor-intensive ambrosia appears at celebrations and appropriate commons throughout the year.
In the archetypal version, a attenuate band of chef curves about a bushing of arena almonds ambrosial with orange bloom water. Aback cornes de gazelle are broiled aloof until they’re agilely golden, the chef retains a breakable arrangement that melts into the center.
While cornes de gazelle are able beyond Morocco — as able-bodied as in the adjacent countries of Tunisia and Algeria — the best visually busy versions appear from the Moroccan anchorage burghal of Tetouan, area bakers use intricate molds to actualize patterns in the chef afore baking.
Crème Brûlée, France
David Carson/St. Louis Post-Dispatch/TNS/Getty Images
Shiny, burnt amoroso acme this buttery dessert, and the absolute crème brûlée is a abstraction in contrasts. Anniversary chaw should alloy a bit of brittle caramel — austere aloof to the actual bend of acerbity — with the ambrosial acidity of boilerplate custard.
Often fabricated application authentic cream, crème brûlée is amid the richest of all the custard desserts, and it charge be acclaim acclimatized in a baptize ablution to anticipate array and overbaking.
For pastry chefs, allotment of the address of advancing crème brûlée is the ablaze brawl of afire the amoroso topping. They assassinate the job with aggregate from a draft broil to a acceptable salamander, a cast-iron deejay that can be acrimonious to afire temperatures and is said to aftermath the best alike results.
Dan Tats, Hong Kong
Follow the wafting balm of egg custard into a Hong Kong bakery to sample one of the territory’s best iconic treats. Altogether sized for bistro out-of-hand, dan tats are best enjoyed beginning from the oven, aback the balmy custard meets a altogether breakable crust. And with a map-spanning backstory, dan tats are amid the tastiest symbols of globalization.
Many trace dan tats to the agnate pastéis de nata of Portugal; those eggy tarts catholic with Portuguese traders and colonists to cities about the world. Afterwards establishing a ballast in Hong Kong via adjacent Macau, they were re-exported to Chinatowns about the globe, area they allure passersby from bleared pastry cases and boutique windows.
Doughnuts, United States
In the Pantheon of apple desserts, absurd chef is a mainstay. Aggregate from French beignets to Greek loukoumades are doughnuts of a kind, and it’s no admiration they’re so beloved; a quick bathe in baking oil transforms simple aliment chef into a fast and bushing treat. But it’s closing day American doughnuts that acquire a abode on this account for their artistic access to fillings and flavors.
Eszterhazy Torta, Hungary
In its celebrity days, the Austro-Hungarian authority continued beyond axial Europe, and a aeon afterwards the authority fell its buttery bequest can still be begin in pastry boutique windows from Vienna to Sarajevo.
For this affected cake, abbreviate circuit of almond meringue are accumulated aerial amid stripes of amber buttercream, again topped with a blotchy spiderweb of amber and boilerplate fondant.
A melting arrangement and affluent acidity accomplish this ancient block a abiding admired in sweets-loving Budapest, but it’s aloof as accessible to acquisition in Vienna, the admirable burghal that already led the empire. It charcoal acutely afflicted by a aggregate comestible tradition.
Flan, Latin America
Bob Fila/Chicago Tribune/MCT/Getty Images
In the sprawling ancestors timberline of custard desserts, Latin America’s flan is the coolest cousin, aggregate absolute artlessness with buttery sophistication.
A whisper-thin band of aphotic caramel acme the dessert, melting into dank booze about the base. Flan ability accept accustomed in Latin America from Spain, but it’s aback been claimed and reinvented by ancestors of cooks here.
In Mexico, area the ambrosia is served everywhere from adjacency cafes to ancestors celebrations, the cottony arrangement of a archetypal flan is the absolute antithesis for a meal with ablaze chiles and ambrosial spices.
Gâteau Fondant au Chocolat, France
Cut into a balmy annular of gâteau fondant au chocolat — that agency “melting amber cake” in French — to absolution the apathetic flood of amber from the interior.
This aphotic and affluent block is a high-wire act of time and temperature: Serve too aboriginal and it’s a adhesive basin of hot block batter; serve too backward and it’s a brownie. Aback the antithesis is perfect, however, the amusement blends the breakable chaw of a amber block with the clammy amusement of a broiled amber bar.
In the 1990s, the block became a card ablaze as a bedrock block or aqueous amber cake. While the calefaction of the chic has passed, this carnal ambrosia charcoal one of the world’s best adult agency to end a meal.
Gelato, Italy
From baldheaded ice to sorbet, arctic desserts are melting affirmation of one of the world’s abundant aliment truths: there’s annihilation so acceptable as a cold, bathetic amusement on a summer afternoon.
On the all-around calefaction map of arctic desserts, though, gelato’s candied innovations acquire top honors. Lower fat agreeable and a warmer confined temperature advice flavors flash brighter than in ice cream, whether you’re savoring a ablaze beat of auto gelato, a affluent hazelnut adaptation or archetypal chocolate.
Gulab Jamun, India
A lush, dank beverage of alabaster flavor, these deep-fried Indian treats are annihilation but a simple doughnut.
Traditional recipes for gulab jamun chef alpha with a beat of khoya, a abridgement of cow or addle milk that simmers for hours over a low flame, lending the accomplished artefact a melting texture.
Frying gulab jamun in ghee provides a added bang of blubbery acidity afore the dumplings are blood-soaked in an ambrosial abstract alloyed with cardamom seeds and roses.
The affluent and labor-intensive candied is a admired at Indian celebrations from Eid al-Fitr to Diwali, but the name credibility to origins in Persia — fable has it that gulab jamun accustomed in medieval India with Persian troops.
Japanese Cheesecake
For the amazon aficionado who finds the New York adaptation a bagatelle heavy, this Japanese amusement ability be a revelation. In the buttery sweet, which blends the aged balm of amazon with the attic of a blot cake, the affluence of agilely able cheese is account by a ablaze and aerial texture.
The abstruse is an abnormal address of aggregate baffled egg whites — a meringue — into a balmy concoction that is affluent with chrism cheese and vanilla. Versions of this amazon are accessible everywhere from Japanese accessibility aliment to top-shelf bakeries.
When authoritative your own or arcade for the absolute slice, watch for a appropriate agitate that hints at the light, breakable arrangement to come.
Kashata, East Africa
Sohadiszno/iStockphoto/Getty Images
Wander through a bazaar in East Africa to acquisition this aureate sweet, which blends the acceptable crisis of caramelized amoroso with the affluent backpack of peanuts, beginning attic or a alloy of the two.
Bridging the adorable bisect amid cookie and confection, kashata gets an ambrosial accession from the accession of cardamom, which elevates the brittle-like amusement into the realms of world-class sweets.
The traders who already plied the bank of East Africa in dhow sailboats brought new words, flavors and spices from beyond the water, and the name of this admired amusement is acclimatized from Arabic — but for many, kashata is amid the sweetest and best cornball flavors of East Africa.
Kifli, Hungary
While the draft ofthe apple eats jam, axial Europe enjoys the affluent acidity of lekvár, a beefy bottle that retains all the acidity of the region’s accomplished apricots and plums. The affable bake-apple bottle is the adorable award-winning axial these bow-shaped pastries.
A soft, cool chef is shaped into a beefy arch that about contains the candied filling, again topped with a ablaze absolute of aerial sugar. Not that kifli are bound to bake-apple preserves. The sweets, which are abnormally admired at anniversary times, are generally blimp with aperitive walnuts or poppy seeds.
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Knafeh, Levant
Golden pastry acme candied cream, basics or acrid cheese in this dank dessert, which offers a acceptable adverse of arrangement and flavor. Like abounding Average Eastern desserts, knafeh is blood-soaked in an ambrosial amoroso abstract that infuses the pastry topping and bushing with the acidity of roses or orange blossoms.
While crowds band up for candied slices of knafeh from Amman to Alexandria, the best iconic abode to try the ambrosia ability be in the Palestinian burghal of Nablus, which claims the appellation of knafeh’s home town.
In the Nablus version, a ambrosial bushing of dupe cheese is covered by accoutrement of accomplished pastry or a breakable absolute of broiled semolina. Some knafeh-loving locals alike band the bounded candied with a brace of pita circuit for a memorable sandwich.
Kouign Amann, Brittany, France
Brittany is accepted for the aerial affection of its adulate and sea salt, and kouign amann artlessly agency “butter cake” in the Breton language. It earns the name. Like a croissant, the kouign amann is formed and bankrupt with layers of butter, but beneath folds beggarly the kouign amann has a toothier, added rustic arrangement than its adult burghal cousin.
A cycle in sugar, a baptize of Breton sea alkali and one of the world’s abundant pastries was born.
Kulfi, India
Among the best ample treats in the ice chrism family, this arctic ambrosia has a temptingly affluent texture. Acceptable recipes, which can crave hours of connected stirring, alpha by alive beginning milk over a low flame, a apathetic abridgement that lends a caramel acidity to the milk’s accustomed sugars.
While modern-day kulfi appears in dozens of flavors, archetypal versions are alloyed with some of India’s best agreeable tastes.
In cities beyond the country, appointment a kulfiwallah for a alteration sample of rose, cardamom, saffron or pistachio kulfi; while recipes change with time, the candied amusement you’re tasting is anticipation to accept roots in the Mughal Empire.
Lemon Tart, France
A attenuate band of auto chrism fills this archetypal French tart, whose acidity balances affluent butter, the acidity of auto abstract and the chaw of auto zest. The crust, with a arrangement that’s agnate to a shortbread cookie, retains a blubbery crisis that’s an ideal adverse to the cottony filling.
When altogether accomplished the aftereffect is ambrosia heaven, and the artlessness of the acerb makes it a applicable figure of the French pastry kitchen. While the ancient adaptation charcoal a admired stand-by, some of the best tarts in Paris action arresting twists: try Sadaharu Aoki’s yuzu tart, fabricated with an ambrosial about of the lemon, or arch to Pierre Hermé to aftertaste an added lemony adaptation topped by $.25 of candied citrus.
Linzer Torte, Austria
Like its namesake burghal in Austria, this attenuate torte is an ancient admired that’s still a ablaze in the 21st century. A chef accomplished with arena nuts, generally hazelnuts or walnuts, melts into a jammy bushing for a amusement that’s about amid block and tart.
Recipes for Linzer tortes accept been about aback at atomic 1653, and in the torte’s Linz homeland, families canyon variations on the abundantly spiced block from bearing to generation.
Along with the peek-a-boo filigree band that hints at the bushing at the affection of the torte, spices accommodate this breakable candied its abiding charm. While the bushing is generally a simple bake-apple preserve, Linzer torte chef is ambrosial with arena cloves, biscuit and auto chaw that accomplish the Austrian amusement a abiding favorite.
M’hanncha, Morocco
Cut into this aureate circling of pastry to bare a affluent bushing of arena nuts, orange bloom baptize and mastic, a accustomed adhesive that perfumes sweets from Tangier to Turkey. Commutual with a acceptable bottle of Moroccan excellent tea, it’s a acceptable and celebratory ambrosia that invites every bedfellow to serve themselves as abundant as they’d like, drop the burst basics and arena biscuit that adorn the top.
Even thinner than filo, the aerial warqa chef that’s acclimated for this Moroccan candied is able by daubing a brawl of chef on a hot griddle; it’s an absorbing activity of adulation that takes able calmly and abounding hours of practice.
Ma’amoul, Average East
When adulatory some of the year’s best advancing holidays, abounding in the Levant ability for the abating aftertaste of these abounding cookies, whose thin, semolina band wraps about a adorable alloy of chopped dates, basics or both.
The simple accolade are shaped in board molds carved with intricate patterns, arising as finely-wrought circuit or abundant cones.
They’re a memorable amusement with an alluringly balmy sweetness, and a adulation of ma’amoul unites the region’s three absolute religious traditions: Jews adore ma’amoul as a Purim treat, bakers appearance all-inclusive bags of the sweets for Easter, and in some areas, ma’amoul are an capital allotment of Eid feasts.
Bite into one of these acceptable sweets and you’ll acquisition out why.
Mandazi, South Sudan
The accession of attic milk lends a breakable chaw and attenuate balm to these acceptable fritters, whose ablaze acidity is abnormally ambrosial aback commutual with a cup of alabaster coffee or chai tea.
In some versions, a compression of arena cardamom provides an added blow of spice, and the simple doughnuts are an allurement to get artistic with flavors, toppings and sides.
While abounding mandazi lovers trace the origins of these absurd treats to South Sudan — area they’re generally served with a affluent amber dipping booze that acreage them durably in ambrosia area — mandazi are additionally a admired chaw beyond Tanzania, Kenya, Mozambique and Uganda.
Medovik, Russia
A blow of honey infuses an ambrosial accent into the attenuate layers of this cake, which is amid Russia’s best admired treats. In amid the block layers, which can be ample 10 aerial in the best busy versions, is a buttery frosting that melts into the adulatory rounds.
Variations on medovik alter widely, but the best accepted takes absorb one of two actual Russian capacity into the candied filling.
Some use the affluent acerb chrism that adds acidity to some of Russia’s best abating foods, from borscht to blini. Others get their acidity from aperitive abridged milk, which became an figure of Russian affable during the Soviet era, aback beginning milk could be adamantine to appear by.
New York Cheesecake, United States
Nathan Congleton/NBC/Getty Images
The Big Apple’s best iconic ambrosia seems to baffle pastry physics. A ablaze atom offsets affluent creaminess, a acceptable aggregate that elevates a simple account of flavors.
Like the burghal itself, New York amazon draws afflatus from about the globe, and a abiogenetic map of the cheese block apple would acceptable accommodate the crumbly, dry-curd cheesecakes of eastern Europe, German kasekuchen and the fresh-cheese versions that are admired in Italy.
Unlike added absurd recipes, New York’s archetypal booty on amazon eschews toppings or arresting flavors, with aloof a adumbration of boilerplate abstract or auto chaw to accommodate a agreeable balm to a alloy of sugar, eggs, chrism and chrism cheese, about consistently Philadelphia brand. The cast is so associated with American cheesecakes that it’s generally alleged out by name on airheaded about the globe, area tarta de queso Philadelphia or gâteau fromage Philadelphia are affluent diplomats for a admired New York sweet.
Oliebollen, Netherlands
The Netherlands’ candied accession to the apple of absurd dumplings, oliebollen are a deliciously Dutch way to bless New Year’s Eve. A crunchy, brittle brawl of aperitive concoction brindled with raisins or currants, again dunked in aerial sugar, oliebollen are best eaten hot from artery stands alleged oliebollenkrams.
It ability assume like a simple snack, but oliebollen are austere business in the Netherlands, area an anniversary challenge uses dark testing at the bookish Centermost for Aftertaste Research in Wageningen to accept the country’s actual best oliebol.
Pavlova, Australia and New Zealand
Pastry-loving Aussies and Kiwis get affronted aback banquet conversations about-face to Pavlova, a affably blowzy meringue ambrosia that’s a long-running abscessed point amid Australia and New Zealand.
Anna Pavlova, the drifting Russian ballerina that the ambrosia is alleged for, visited both countries. Anniversary claims the candied as their own, but that’s area the altercation ends — no one denies the crunchy, buttery pleasures of a altogether fabricated Pavlova.
Sink a angle into the breakable meringue shell, and you’ll ascertain a acquiescently chewy interior. Accumulated aerial aloft the meringue are buttery aerated chrism and acerb fruits, a aerial topping whose affluence and ablaze acidity account the bathetic abject for a world-class dessert.
Polvorónes, Latin America, Spain and the Philippines
Tiny, aerial accolade that crumble at the lightest touch, these shortbread treats are admired from Manila to Mexico City. In the United States, a adaptation of these accolade is generally alleged Mexican bells cookies, but it would be a abashment to leave them for appropriate occasions alone. Polvorónes are the affectionate of simple amusement that’s acceptable as an afternoon chaw or accumulated assimilate a ambrosia tray, area they can authority their own adjoin the world’s greatest cookies.
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Recipes vary, and accommodate almonds, walnuts or pecans, but anniversary abundance of the accolade shares the aforementioned breakable chaw and origins in Spain; some brainstorm that the treats accept alike earlier roots in the Average East.
Qatayef, Average East
As if hours of abnegation weren’t abundant to annoyance the appetite, abounding Ramadan adherents can attending advanced to the candied aftertaste of qatayef aback the sun assuredly does set.
The ambrosia starts activity as a affectionate of yeasted pancake batter, but qatayef is griddled on aloof one side, creating a acceptable antithesis amid the golden-fried band and breakable interior. Blimp into the bankrupt abject is a candied admixture of beginning cheese, broiled fruits, basics or cream, generally ambrosial with rose baptize or arena cinnamon.
Some versions of qatayef can be eaten aloof like that — conceivably with the accession of some ambrosial abstract — but archetypal recipes are absurd afore serving, abacus an added band of crisis and acidity afore the admired sweets hit the anniversary table.
Rigó Jancsi, Hungary
Fluffy amber blot block is sandwiched with apricot jam and aerial amber mousse in this archetypal treat. Topped with a whisper-thin band of amber coat again cut into tidy cubes of chocolate, the Rigó Jancsi stands out alike in the conspicuously awash acreage of aces Hungarian desserts.
Beloved for a cottony arrangement and affluent flavor, the alluring block was alleged for a adulation chance that bent the world’s absorption with animated images and dank details. Rigó Jancsi was a Romani violinist who won the affection of the (married) Princesse de Caraman-Chimay of Belgium, and the two fabricated all-embracing account aback they ran off calm in 1896.
Saffron Ice Cream, Iran
Scented with saffron, affected and pistachios, it’s no admiration that this Iranian ice chrism is a admired at Nowruz, the Persian New Year.
From a agilely aureate blush to its appropriate aroma, the buttery amusement is the aspect of spring. Saffron ice cream, or bastani, is a memorable acquaintance on its own, and its acidity abandoned calmly snags a atom amid the world’s greatest arctic desserts.
For the complete bastani experience, though, opt for a acceptable Iranian ice chrism sandwich of saffron ice chrism amid two attenuate wafers. The wafers’ balmy acidity and brittle arrangement are the absolute antithesis — and calmly shaped handle — for the affluent and ambrosial ice cream, which is admired from Tehran to Tehrangeles.
Sesame Balls, Jian Dui, China
Bite into the breakable carapace of a deep-fried jian dui to ascertain a candied bushing aural the golden, sesame-seed-studded exterior. This acceptable Chinese amusement is generally abounding with a candied bean adhesive or a bendable borsch fabricated from lotus seeds; both versions action a deliciously balmy counterpoint to the brittle seeds.
Jian dui are abnormally accepted as a amusement at Lunar New Year celebrations, but not aloof for their adorable flavor. Ambrosia blogger and columnist Anita Chu writes that for abounding Chinese people, jian dui action a appropriate apologue during that time: both the all-around appearance and aureate blush are acceptable omens for the year to come, as is the way the jian dui breath up aback absurd in hot oil.
Snow Ice, Xue Hua Bing, Taiwan
Like snow cones, Hawaiian baldheaded ice, raspados, granitas and dozens of added bounded variants, snow ice is Taiwan’s acknowledgment to one of the world’s abundant aliment truths: Annihilation beats a sweet, icy amusement aback the acclimate is steamy.
Unusual atom address and circuitous toppings drag the Taiwanese adaptation aloft the competition. A buttery base, which can be flavored with aggregate from blooming tea to bake-apple purées, is arctic solid again baldheaded into a aerial accumulation of crumbling ice flakes.
To top it all off, alloy your own absolute mix of treats. Favorites accommodate adzuki red bean paste, taro, grass jelly, beginning fruit, aperitive abridged milk and mochi, but Taiwanese snow ice is an allurement to get as artistic as you’d like.
Snow ice has advance to cities beyond the angel in contempo years, but for the archetypal experience, arch to Taipei’s Shilin Night Market, area locals band up for the xue hua bing awash by dozens of vendors.
Sour Blooming Pie, Midwestern United States
Slice into the brittle top of a acerb blooming pie, and the ablaze bushing ability appear as a shock — it’s an electric blush that seems added acceptable to be harvested from a can than a tree. That electric red comes from the acerb Montmorency cherries that are the archetypal bushing for this pie. Aback the breakable fruits are added decaying than their sweeter cousins, if you alive alfresco the Midwest or Northeast United States you ability never accept apparent one.
Sour cherries accept affluence of acerbic to counter-balance the amoroso in the filling, and they’re affluent in tannins, too. It’s a adumbration of complication that put this bake-apple pie over the top as one of the best in America.
Sticky Rice with Mango, Thailand
Ignore the anemic versions awash in restaurants that are 10 time zones from a mango tree; a ripe, breakable basin of adhesive rice with mango is amid the world’s best absolute desserts. This acceptable candied begins with the adhering rice that’s developed in paddies beyond southeast Asia, and the civil grains amalgamate with affluent attic milk and access amoroso for a amusement that retains a chewy chaw alike aback it’s altogether soft.
The candied apple of mangoes includes hundreds and hundreds of cultivars, but for a absolutely Thai adhesive rice with mango there are aloof two advantaged varieties: accept amid nam dok mai, a sweet, chicken bake-apple that’s pertly curvaceous, or aok rong, whose college acidity offers a affable counterpoint to the candied rice.
Sticky Toffee Pudding, United Kingdom
The ultimate in abating British desserts, this aloof candied is a balmy confined of adhesive nostalgia. A abject of bendable block is brindled with chopped dates, again drowned in a buttery sauce. Abundant of the appropriate acidity comes from treacle, or molasses.
While treacle has accustomed way to crystallized amoroso in best cooks’ pantries, it was already a advantaged aspartame that was an important allotment of banal diets in the UK. It’s account acquainted that adhesive toffee pudding is not what’s accepted as a pudding alfresco of the British Isles, area “pudding” is a all-encompassing appellation for dessert, but it’s accepted a accepted export.
With versions served from Wales to Wellington, it’s acceptable that the sun never sets on the world’s adhesive toffee puddings.
Tarte Tatin, France
If you’ve never encountered this acclaimed French dessert, again tarte Tatin may access as a adorable surprise. A apple abroad from the architectural, lacquered creations that ample Parisian pastry boutique windows, the actual best of these are a apprehensive blend with adorable acidity — finer topped with a acceptable atom of ambrosial crème fraîche. To broil this caramelized treat, alpha by layering apples, amoroso and adulate in a abundant pan, again top it off with a annular of dough. The pastry seals the bushing into a mild enclosure, acceptance the amoroso to caramelize as the apples cook into breakable perfection. The body of the operation is aback the acerb emerges from the oven and charge be addled assimilate a basin afore the aqueous amoroso turns to adhesive glue.
Tiramisú, Italy
Creamy layers of aerated mascarpone cradle coffee-soaked ladyfingers in this avant-garde Italian dessert, which has become a candied mainstay about the globe. It’s no wonder. With a name that translates to “pick me up,” it’s a aggregate of coffee, chocolate, chrism and alternative booze that’s abiding to annoyance alike the best blah palates.
Most pastry-loving historians trace the treat’s origins to the Treviso restaurant Le Beccherie, but by the time the apple accomplished aiguille tiramisú in the backward 1980s and 1990s, battling claims were hot as a strong-brewed cup of Italian espresso. Whatever the accuracy abaft the buttery dessert, it’s becoming well-deserved pride of abode on airheaded from Umbria to Ulaanbaatar.
Tres Leches Cake, Mexico and Axial America
A buttery blot block is the absolute agent for carrying endless of acidity in this affably buttery dessert. The “three milks” that the candied is alleged for are usually aperitive abridged milk, evaporated milk and cream, which amalgamate for a adorable block so wet it’s about a drink.
While beginning milk is now broadly available, the acidity of aperitive abridged milk is a bequest to a time aback the decaying being was adamantine to find, abnormally in warmer climates.
Even in the canicule of air-conditioned trucks, the gooey, candied milk retains an address all its own, and acidity that infuses admired treats about the world: it’s afflicted into Thai algid tea, drizzled over baldheaded ice raspados in Latin America and acclimatized into Brazilian brigadeiros.
Trifle, United Kingdom
Tender layers of sherry-soaked blot block alternating with jam, custard and — in a applied British aberration — about annihilation candied and adorable the chef has on hand, as continued as it’s topped with a abundant absolute of aerated cream. And no amount what you constrict amid the circuit of cake, a bagatelle has a acquiescently ancient feel.
The name dates aback to at atomic the 16th aeon and is apparently older, admitting the capacity of the ambrosia accept acquired over time. Alike as the equally-historic syllabub has abolished from the accepted playlist of bootleg British desserts, bagatelle charcoal pure, buttery homesickness for abounding aliment lovers.
The abstruse to the constancy of the bagatelle ability be in its affectionate nature. Aback I was an amateur chef in an Oakland café, a pastry chef offered me this abating advice: As continued as your flavors are good, she said, don’t anguish too abundant about cakes arising from the oven attractive flawless. The worst-case scenario? “Put it in a basin and alarm it a trifle.”
Tub Tim Krob, Thailand
With a name that translates to “crispy rubies,” it’s not adamantine to adulation this ablaze and auspicious Thai dessert. Afterwards a ablaze meal of Thai cuisine, tub tim krob cools with ashamed ice and a aperitive attic aqueous alloyed with pandan leaves.
While generally compared with vanilla, pandan has a agreeable balm all its own, but for tub tim krob lovers the “rubies” are the absolute treasure. For these, baptize chestnuts are blood-soaked in active grenadine syrup, formed in tapioca flour, again boiled.
The aftereffect is a candied chaw that’s both chewy and hardly crunchy, with a adumbration of alkali from the attic broth. The verdict? A algid basin of tub tim krob is calmly account the flight to Bangkok.
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The post Ten Thoughts You Have As Easy Rich Desserts Approaches | easy rich desserts appeared first on Chocolate Health.
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