#Maybe it's not what the creator intended. But your takeaway is still real. Still valid.
endothermic-rain · 5 months
Auugh I get you so much :( whenever I get into media that has a community so focused on themes and symbolism (for good reason!! It's so fun!!) I always feel so stressed out because. Oh no, what if I've interpreted something wrong through my silly fanfiction/fanart/etc?? The fear...
Finding a fandom that's focused on themes and symbolism at all is a rare treat askgj. It is very fun! It is something to be cherished and enjoyed.
I think a good balance is necessary. Silliness is a way of life. It's good to have. I think we are allowed to have fun with it. Think of it as putting thumbprints on something you love. We can take a piece of media and put a little of ourselves in it. I think that's a beautiful thing.
Honestly misrepresentations and misinterpretations are only really bad when the person's a jerk about it. When someone acts like they're somehow better than others because of their takeaway from a piece of media. It's gross, and, frankly, really, really lame.
I don't believe that is what we are doing, so half of the problem doesn't apply to us. And interpretations are, well, interpretations! We see things through our own personal lenses. You can stick as close to the source material as possible and someone's going to disagree with you. And that's okay! They are allowed. And so are we.
At least, we are thinking about these things. We're considering the source material. We're respecting the original. Doesn't make us better than anyone else, but it shows our hearts are in the right place.
And it's one thing to have an interpretation, and it's another thing to just. Be Wrong about some events in media. Like it's one thing to interpret..let's say, a character's actions as selfish, and another thing to claim that they did something they Clearly Did Not Do. And even then, it's still allowed! You want to take some of the stuff from media and go off and make your own thing? Sure, you can do that. Have fun.
So, I think..I think we are allowed. To have interpretations. To have takes. Even if they aren't the best. Even if they're wrong.
If we can tolerate someone else's bad takes, then..I think they can tolerate ours. Because our enjoyment matters.
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Anyway thanks for the message I'm going to cherish it forever.
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