#Maybe someone should take Bonk way from me I've had her for like a week and already she has additional trauma
morgan-n-cheese-91 · 2 years
Shall we give the new oc (Bonk) trauma??
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themadauthorshatter · 4 years
Don't scroll past this!
Why, you ask?
Sorry if I scared you there, I'm just über excited for this one, I sincerely am, you have no idea!!! 
If you haven’t read the previous parts, you can find them RIGHT HERE: 
Part 1: 
Part 2: 
Part 3: 
Part 4: 
Part 5:
Previously on Toppat!Charles: Our pilot friend learned the hard way it's not a good idea to say 'no' to the Right Hand Man, and has accepted his offer. Meanwhile, Henry has been having nightmares of his different end selves disagreeing with his decision and chastising him for letting Charles get taken by Right.
HEADCANON/THEORY FOLLOWING OF THE CHAPTER: Watch this theory by Two Left Thumbs, and you'll know instantly. A hint, though, Ellie is dealing with this in her own way; she and Henry ARE connected in more ways than one😉: https://youtu.be/LjOCfKOqkic
Got that? FANTASTIC!!
Henry walks down a hallway and toward a break room for breakfast; he, Ellie, and Charles do have an apartment, but the general wants them to stay until Charles is back home safely. 
It has been at least a few weeks since part 5, and that time, in addition to the nightmares, has taken its toll. Henry’s hair is messy, his clothes are wrinkled, and bags have formed under his eyes. 
As he reaches the doorway, someone is there to greet him. 
“Morning, Mr. Stickmin.” 
Bill Bullet sits at one of the tables, having just finished his own breakfast and is now fidgeting with his empty coffee cup. 
Henry takes a seat across from him and rests his head on his hand. 
“You doing alright? You look like Hell in a hand basket.” 
'Hard time sleeping,' Henry signs as he yawns.
"Well, don't go sleeping on me. We're moving today."
Henry looks up at him, now awake and alert.
"Some of my men saw movement from the orbital station on oir satellite. They might be paying Earth a visit."
Henry pulls a newspaper ad out of his pocket and uncrinkles it and shows it to Bullet, tapping on it.
It's an add for a museum exhibit in a neighboring city close to the one Henry robbed in StD, said exhibit being a sapphire, like a large sapphire, like the size of the diamond, ruby, and emerald. It's tempting for Henry to not steal the sapphire and slip back into old habits.
This is an excellent target for the clan.
'The Right Hand Man should be, too.'
Bullet smirks and nods. "I've got a team ready for you. We'll leave on your call."
Henry and his team and Ellie enter the museum with little to no problem; Henry brought Ellie for emotional support and so he could show her the sapphire. (A small gift to her for everything she's done as his friend)
They have some close calls like Ellie almost getting seen by a guard, one of the CCC men almost shoots another guard "just in case," and another guard almost falls on yet another guard.
After that, they get to the sapphire exhibit and take out the guards in a way that doesn't get them (the guards) killed. After that, they all sit down and play the waiting game.
The CCC men do a sweep of the area and ready themselves at different parts of the exhibit, hiding in spots and ready to strike. Ellie and Henry take a seat near the sapphire itself, admiring it before focusing back on the mission.
Henry lets his mind wander, thinking about how once they save Charles, Henry will take his place in the CCC. It's the kind of thought that gives them a sick feeling, but all he can think is 'As long as Charles is safe, it'll be worth it.'
He remembers Terrence's words about how life is for living and bites his tongue.
I've seen families live together just fine with no riches, no crime, and no Toppat Clan. We really meant that little to you?
He gets a tap on his shoulder and looks over to see Ellie holding out a cup of coffee to him, a thermos, maybe two, next to her.
"I thought you could use some, since we're gonna be here for a while."
Henry shakes his head and tries to push it away. 'No thanks. I don't really like coffee. Gives me a headache.'
Ellie gives him a withering look. "When was the last time you got a good night's sleep?"
When Henry doesn't answer, Ellie smirks and holds out the coffee once more. "Yeah, thought so."
Henry rolls his eyes and takes the cup, signing with his free hand, 'Fine. When did you become my mother?'
"When you became a child," Ellie barks as she lightly bonks Henry on the head. "And when you came back from visiting your father." She leans back and puts the back of her free hand against her eyes, looking as dramatic as possible. "What they say is true: A boy really needs the love of a mother."
Henry scoffs and shakes his head with a smile before writing on her palm again with his finger. 'I already have a mother.'
Ellie sits straight, now intrigued. "You don't talk about them a lot. Your parents, I mean."
Henry raises an eyebrow and points to her as he nods, gesturing either, 'You don't, either' or 'Neither do you.' Same message, different phrasing.
It's Ellie's turn to shake her head. "They're not people I want to talk about. I doubt my dad would let me visit him, even in a situation like this."
Henry pauses from drinking his coffee.
"Your dad said life is for living. I can't say he's wrong for saying that." She turns her head to Henry, looking him in the eye even those he's staring off into outer space/zoning out. "It's just hard to live life when..." She looks away again, lowers her voice, just so the CCC men don't hear her, and clenches her fists on her knees. "When you can't stop living."
Henry nods as he goes for another sip of coffee.
Then he stops.
'It's hard to live life when you can't stop living.'
Those words make Henry slowly lower his cup and turn to Ellie, looking at her both incredulously and with fear.
"What?" He asks under his breath.
Before Ellie can answer, something is thrown into the exhibit and EXPLODES, filling the room with smoke and no one really getting too injured.
The CCC men fall one by one from being grabbed from behind and put into a sleeper hold, and the toaats responsible run over, mostly undetected because of the smoke.
Henry is seemingly tackled down by Ellie as the two hear glass breaking above them.
The sapphire's case is open.
Henry sees a toppat get close and shoots him in the shoulder, not enough to kill him but enough to get him running away.
"Good shot!" Ellie yells between coughs because the alarms been set off.
Henry points to his gun, then to his hand as he shakes his head with a "Mh-mm." 'I was aiming for his hand.'
The two go toe to toe with a pair of toppats like in the very beginning of this series, but something's different. When Henry kicks his opponent away, the toppat scurries away from the two. And Ellie's just runs when she's just started fighting.
"What's going on?"
Henry shrugs and then looks over at the sapphire.
You know that face and stance he does in Toppat King when the rocket takes off without him? Weeeeellll...
Henry's face drops completely as he holds the sides of his face, gasping loudly.
Ellie is equally flabbergasted, and a little annoyed at how well this plan actually worked in the toppat's favor.
A little too well, I'd say.
"What do we-"
Henry runs after the toppat Ellie was fighting before she can finish asking him.
The three race through multiple exhibits, the toppat throwing down trash bins and benches in order to slow them down.
Henry, however, has the power of friendship and adrenaline and keeps up with him evry step of the way.
"Stop!" He yells. "Where is he!?"
The toppat fumbles, but still continues running. Ellie picks up her pave unitl she's in front of Henry.
"Where's Charles!?"
The chase takes the two of them outside, Henry falls behind, where the toppat makes a sharp turn to the wall.
Ellie sees this a second too late as she is hit in the nose with a cybernetic hand, knocking her down, but not knocking her out, even when a cybernetic foot is put on her freshly healed rib.
"'Ello. It's been a while, 'asn't it?"
Ellie glares up at Right and tries to move his foot.
"Last time I saw you, you had to get carried in a stretcher."
"And you took our friend," Ellie sneers.
Right rolls his eyes; these kids do not play around, which he admires, but it does get annoying when he's in a playing mood.
"Charles. Our friend. What did you do with him?"
Right smirks and looks over his shoulder. "Looks like this one missed you, after all. You'll fit in perfect with the two of them now." Right moves his foot and approaches whoever he's talking to, and Ellie takes this opportunity to try to get the jump on him.
The toppat sees this INSTANTLY.
🤨... I don't know anout you guys, but I feel like I'm forgetting something here.🤔🤔
Henry runs out just in time to see this toppat shoot Ellie in the hip.
If this was a movie, we would hear nothing, no music, no talking, just the sound of the gun firing and echoing as the bullet either gets lodged in Ellie's hip or goes THROUGH her hip, close to the joint of her leg. We would get a shot of Ellie's face, eyes wide, brows furrowed and widely arced, like those despair looking anime faces, and lips slightly parted as shock sets in. We would also get three more shots, one from her perspective as she sees the toppat lower his gun,one behind Ellie as she falls back, and the third being on the ground and slightly in front of her as Henry freezes where he is and watches her fall.
"You BASTARD!" Henry screams as he charges toward Right, who steps back and throws him into the toppat.
The sight of him not only snaps Henry out of his rage, it completely throughs him into a despaired shock.
He's lost a lot of weight in his captivity, and Henry can feel it through his suit and see it in his cheeks, jaw, neck, and eyes, which are blood shot, empty and glassy. His hair's grown longer to where it is past his shoulders and kept in a low ponytail, the rest held back by gel and his own top hat so it stays out of his face. He's gotten pale from his time in space and not being exposed to sunlight and vitamin D.
For a second, neither recognize each other, but Henry is the first to as his chest goes hollow.
"Charles!" He quickly embraces his friend, who is still quiet and nit exactly reacting, but the gears start turning in his head as he realizes who's talking to and hugging him.
Right watches ans his smirk widens as Henry let Charles go and turns to him, tears pouring down his cheeks and now angry as hell.
"What did you do to him!?"
Right looks back at Charles, prompting Henry to do the same.
A smile grows on Henry's face as he helps his friend up.
"Charles, I'm so sorry! I should've-"
Henry falls backward, but doesn't die. Instead, the ground melts away beneath him and he gasps as the bullet wound heals on his forehead. You know that feeling you get when you're falling asleep and feel like your mattress is floating on the ocean waves? Henry feels that until he's back looking up at Right.
This time, he looks at Charles to see Charles is literally about to shoot him, but he hits and throws it away before Charles flips him over and smashes his fist into Henry's face repeatedly until Henry throws him off and stands back up, Charles standing as well and glaring at him, absolutely livid.
"Why'd you do it?" Charles growls. "Why didn't you help me when I needed you!?"
The hollow feeling in Henry's chest worsens as Charles stares him down. Part is him is more than willing to break down into tears, but all the time watching the tapes Right showed him in Part 5 have made his body producing tears next to impossible.
Right only stands back and watches because, as you probably put together, THIS is plan. Not only to take a friend, Charles, away from Henry, but to have said friend destroy him.
"I'm sor-"
Before Henry can finish, Charles punches him again.
"TELL ME!" His voice is a little broken, but he keeps yelling out of frustration and sheer anger because, yes, while Henry sent the destroyers and the government to help Charles, he didn't stop Right in the jungle during the mission. "WHY DIDN'T YOU STOP THEM!? WHY DIDN'T YOU HELP ME!? YOU JUST STOOD THERE AND LET ME GET TAKEN AWAY!"
Henry doesn't have the fight in him to stop Charles from yelling at him or punching him. He doesn't even have it in him to look Charles in the eye.
And that bothers Charles immensely.
"Why won't you say anything?" Charles asks. "No matter what, you've always stayed quiet."
When Henry still remains silent, Charles swings a punch into his face hard enough to make Henry fall down.
Henry holds up his hands, revealing how much he's been crying and how hard Charles has been hitting him; Henry's nose is broken, one of his eyes his swollen shut, his lips are split, and a tooth is loose.
Physically unable to speak, Henry signs to Charles instead, 'I'm sorry.'
Charels quickly kneels down and snatches Henry's hand.
"I want to hear you say it."
Henry tries forcing those words out, but his throat tightens up and leaves him unable to speak. He tries again and his crying becomes worse as he shakes his head.
"SAY IT!" Charles screams.
Henry breaks down as he shakes his head again, signing and gesturing as much as he can.
Charles rises to his feet, his eyes going glassy and his face expressionless. "I figured as much." He kicks Henry in the mouth and turns to Right. "We're done here. Send a message back to the station. We got the sapphire."
Right nods as his smirk becomes a smile. "Yes, sir."
Henry stands up on shaky legs and stiltedly walks towards his friend.
Charles shuts his eyes and heaves a breath through his nose, his top hat in his hands.
"Charles, w-wait-"
Charles wheels around as he watches Henry stumble toward him.
"I... I-"
"Don't bother."
Charles holds the hand gun Henry made him drop and aims it at Henry.
"I've heard enough."
When Charles shoots, Henry does not feel the bullet when it is lodged into his waist.
Henry is standing long enough to see Right, Charles, and any remaining toppats be beamed up to the orbital station with the sapphire.
The glare from Charles stays in Henry's mind as he falls, eyes locked on the night sky as Charles's words replay over and over in his mind.
Ellie groans as she crawls over to Henry and falls on her good side, where Charles didn't shoot her.
"We tried," she says as she breathes shakily and hold his shoulder, more his shirt, but I digress. "We tried."
The CCC guards do eventually wake up and get Ellie and Henry back to the government base. Both get immediate medical attention, which leads to Henry getting surgery to get the bullet out and seeing Ellie suddenly begin to panic and shout repeatedly, "I can't feel my leg!"
Henry wakes up in his own room and finds that Galeforce is sitting in a chair, hunched forward, fists shaking, and his hat off.
Galeforce puts his hat back on and sits straight. His eyes are red rimmed and have bags underneath them now. "Morning, Henry. How're you feeling?"
Henry holds his hand out and sort of tilts it on a way to say, 'Fine.'
Galeforce forces a smile and sighs.
"Ellie's still in the infirmary. That shot form-" He gulps and coughs a little bit. "-From the toppat... did a number on her leg. She won't be on the field for a long time."
Henry sits up, even when his body aches, and picks up a pen and notepad on his bedside table.
'They got the sapphire.'
Galeforce nods. "I know."
Henry shakes as he writes on the notepad again before dropping both and resting his forehead on his knees while loosely hugging his knees. Galeforce hangs his head and lets Henry cry; he doesn't really have much to say anyway.
'Charles,' the notepad reads.
But that is a really good thing😁!
I hope you all enjoyed this one because I certainly did!!
I'm probably going to take a break from this for a little bit because of how much of an emotional roller coaster this is, and so I don't get burn out. I will come back to this because I love this series, I guess you can say I'm letting my cake cool down before adding the frosting or letting the pot sit so it make good caramel or fudge.
Thank you, thank you, thank you all so much for following this series. I appreciate each and every one of you so much!
I hope you all stay safe this season, thank you again for reading and following, and HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!!
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