#Mayberry Township
bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
In the answer to the ask about Nikolais thoughts about having a partner and kids, Nikolai mentioned something about his mother being right. What did she tell the poor man?
Greetings Rey ^^
She told Nikolai that no one would ever love him, and that the world would abandon him if he would go against her wishes and orders, that he would be all alone, and not a single person would ever have any sympathy for him.
When Nikolai, was chased trough Mayberry and later having a verbal fight with his sister, that led to Kathrina throwing her older brother out of her flat, the words of the Akdow siblings mother, echoed in Nikolai's mind again.
And for a while he wondered, if perhaps she was right, with his own sister hating him now (or so Nikolai believed)...Nikolai really thought he was all alone now, and no one cared for him.
It was one of the reasons why Nikolai broke into the Roadkillerz base, thinking if really no one cared for him, then, what would it matter, and so he did it.
Fortunately Nikolai starts to make friends, at first more begrudgingly than by his own choice he has conversations with people, however it is a start.
Even if there were some ups and downs, between that, it really helped Nikolai.
And then of course, he met Grementine Mewton, and Nikolai really liked her.
He was, surprised how she was willing to help him a complete stranger, a "fellow lab coat" she called him, because Nikolai was wearing his at the time when the cat picked him up,
They had a short conversation, until they reached enough civilization were Nikolai could get help and a way back to the Roadkillerz base.
Nikolai was, very thankful for Grem's help, and that stuck with him, and he never forgot the kindness of the cat that moved something in him.
And Nikolai, he was glad, very glad when he met Grementine Mewton again and again, for slowly, he started to notice, how the feelings towards Grem, were, unique :-.)
Yours sincerely
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zombiedeers · 2 years
Can you please Tell us about this new OC of yours that has mayberry lore?
I sure can! This is Cosmo Sergei.
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He works in the radioactive power plant in Mayberry. Him along with his coworkers are deemed 'too irradiated' by the government there to be given any sort of state assigned spouse, and that is due to how (just like everything else) they have the safety procedures of the 50s, and working with radiation on the daily and keeping leaks from happening. It's bound to have them exposed to a more than safe amount of radiation.
Many of the plant workers also have shared housing amongst themselves. Just because they aren't allowed to get married doesn't mean they have to live alone.
Cosmo himself is.. rather miserable, but kind. And really, despite living in Mayberry and being irradiated, he enjoys his job. Knowing he's keeping the other citizens safe by preventing leaks or any other radiation-based issues, and helping provide them all with power, it makes him feel better. Even if he once dreaded the idea of a government assigned spouse, sometimes he vaguely wishes he could have that, that he could have somebody to love. But he's content with his few housemates to keep him company.
Roadkillerz belongs to @ghostys-originals
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pan-fried-autism · 2 years
🔺 Mayberry tried to force grem to marry
"Well, there were a few people insinuating that maybe I should give it a try, and there were definitely some guys interested in me, but I just kept saying I wasn't interested. I think that made them hate me more, that I was a mysterious starry eyed naive ambitious young adult who wasn't keen on getting married before 20."
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ghostys-originals · 2 years
give us some of dat lore.
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I made a government agent guy who makes sure things in PROJECT MAYBERRY go smoothly :3
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mikexx2 · 5 years
Hi :) Forgive me if I've asked you this before, but I was wondering how you play your game? Do you play in rotations and if you do, how do you rotate your households and how long do you play as one household?
Hey :) I don’t believe you have, and I generally enjoy gameplay style questions, so… here goes.
My rotational style varies based on the hood. Initially, when I started playing TS2 in 2006, I was a messy rotational player. There was no rhyme or reason to the ageing process. Like, grandparents would be younger than their grandkids. Real messy. Ahh, noob.
Because my uberhood is such a large multi-hood hood, I’ve played in careful rotations of three days per household. And I always played the subhoods in the same order, but the households within could vary, depending on my mood and also the stories that were emerging. RBH was the main hood, and PV, ST, BWV and DT were subhoods - the families from DV and BDC were moved into these hoods (and VV the only hood ignored), though now I feel like I should’ve swapped out BDC for a different subhood because the township feels quite complete.
For Mayberry Valley, a smaller hood, I’ve played each household for a whole season (5 days) each. Ageing is perfectly in sync. I’ll be taking this approach to any other small-medium hoods in the future too. If, for some reason, I ever start a fresh large multi-hood hood (I cannot see this happening, but who knows) it’ll be the same rotational style, but smaller time spans.
And for my new legacy, it’s just nice and relaxing to only have one household to worry about (so far?), but this is also not the type of play style I’ve ever gravitated to, so it’s something of a casual adjustment.
Thanks for the ask @ringa-starr! :)
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alightinthelantern · 2 years
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I was looking up Cohasset, Massachusetts (a small coastal town in the greater Boston area) while trying to place a childhood memory of mine, and I found this comment on a listings website from 2013 that really sums up the local New England culture that I grew up in extremely well, especially urban eastern Massachusetts (northern New England is a bit more Salt-of-the-Earth-like, due to the more rural, sparsely-populated nature of Maine, Vermont, and New Hampshire). The 3rd–5th sentences sum up the social atmosphere of my childhood almost perfectly.
[Transcript: ID: “Small Town Heaven”, comment left by Cathie on Cohasset township, Massachusetts, USA:
My husband and I moved here with our 2 teen daughters 5 years ago. You couldnt find a more quaint, truly lovely coastal town, craggy coastline, beaches and all. The homes are so tasteful, with such pride and grace, they are lovingly maintained, beautifully landscaped in harmony with the what nature has offered, as is for all the surrounding coastal towns of the south shore. The culture is reserved as is the culture of New England, they are truly patriotic and independant but hold a kind of conservative expectation of how to live while presenting a socially and political liberal face. They are polite and respectful, very decent people but abit restricted to a narrow set of values with an unspoken expectation projected. It is a bitter sweet like so many beautiful places to live. There is just nothing going on in this lovely small town if you have teenagers so as long as you keep active and take advantage of Boston,which is exceptionally young people friendly, one can die of bordom or worse, as is the case with the vulnerable teenage years anywhere. The winter, which is beautiful, can be an aggravator of that. Personally, i am here because i love the seasons and actually enjoy winter. But for teenagers, it can be a challenge. The most challenging of all conditions is the smallness of the public school population, at least if you didnt grow up here, in which case, the small group of families you grew up with can be like a warm blanket. If you move into small town, especially in high school, it can be difficult to find your people in such a small group of 100 kids, maybe 40 or 50 of each gender. If you arent accepted into the few small groups (which is all that kind of population affords), it can be a tough go of it. That would be the case in any small town of course. The private schools here are fabulous, so if you are funded, you have options and good ones. overall, aside from the schooling challenges, its a wonderful place to live in so many ways. its kind of like a modern day Mayberry...
End transcript:]
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latveriansnailmail · 4 years
My partner and I had an appointment to get fingerprinted for reasons and it was a couple townships up the way. Let me start by saying that my town is large but no city but I still manage to be breakneck busy at all times. The town we were going to is just like five miles of road parallel to the highway, dips in, dips out. The fingerprinting was to be done at an automotive garage and I started creating this scenario with my partner about what it would be like. I figured a Mayberry languid pace of life where this guy would be the one mechanic in town, and the justice of the peace, and a fireman, and treasurer of the local militia, just wearing whatever hat the community needed him to at any given time. Ha ha, funny joke. But then we get there. The garage owner (only person there) was a sweet old man with a no-worries energy whose office was adorned with several pieces of Andy Griffith memorabilia and his credentials as an active fireman, possibly THE active fireman. I wasn’t paying good attention at first but it sounded like there was a fire reported on the scanner but the old chap hardly gave it a thought, like, one thing at a time, that fire will still be there once I can mosey down the road. It was wild.
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
Can you tell us a little more about the Launderer? I’m intrigued.
Greetings Rey
The Launderer, is one of my, probably most horrible and evil characters I have unleashed upon my readers, which I will explain now, I would like to say in advance, that this may perhaps be, unpleasant to read.
He is a member of Mayberrs's city council and director of "Mayberry's laundry for tainted women".
This, horrid institution is taking women by force, from their homes, friends and family, if they are seen as too "tainted" or in other words "sinful", usually those are women who are believed to be "out of line" and not fitting the cities "standards".
Here, the women of the city, who are taken to this place, are forced to wash laundry day in and out, overseen by "The Launderer" and his subordinates.
A woman is only released from the institution if "the Launderer" allows it, however, this is, very rarely the case.
There have also been, rumors about woman vanishing in the building, never heard and seen again.
I, would like to say, that ""Mayberry's laundry for tainted women" is based, on institutions that have, really existed, with the last one only closing in 1996, with these institutions being known as "Magdalene asylums"
Yours sincerely
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
I just, have a lot of thoughts when it comes to Cosmo (@zombiedeers) and Keratin and they make me emotional :´-)
Both of them don't have it easy in the city that is surrounded by walls and basically wants to tell them what to do and what is "right", however both being, unhappy in that situation.
And then, they meet each other, and things start to change.
Cosmo being there to comfort Keratin when there is again trouble with the hotel and the paperwork.
Keratin taking care of Cosmo when he isn't feeling well after a hard day at the nuclear power plant.
Cosmo listening to Keratin when she talks about her family, her brother, the accident and her late husband.
Keratin being there for Cosmo when he tells her about his parents.
Cosmo hugging Keratin when she cries because of a nightmare she had, were she was dreaming something happened to him.
Keratin holding Cosmo's hand and telling him everything will be alright when he is feeling weak from the radiation.
Cosmo giving Keratin an affectionate kiss on her cheek, making her purr.
Keratin doing the same on Cosmo's forehead, causing the dog's tail to wag.
Keratin and Cosmo being there for each other, when the signs get more clear that the walls won't last any longer.
Cosmo and Keratin, holding hands as they dare to walk out of the city, and to see what lies beyond.
Keratin and Cosmo, marrying, and deciding to combine their last names to "Sergei-Grand"
Cosmo and Keratin, sharing tears when their children are born, for they can grow up, without any walls surrounding them and a government that tells them what to do.
Both, of them sitting next to each other, having spend many years side by side, and looking back, about a life that was not always kind to them, but has changed to the better when they found each other, and now being a happy family.
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
I assume Jerome and Job know each other? since their both nicknamed "Father"
Greetings Anon
Oh believe me, they two knew each other, they knew each other well and they didn't like each other.
Both are Roman-Catholic priests who are assigned to the city of Mayberry, or in Job's case, he was once.
Father Jerome Alabastar who is the older of the two and grew up in Mayberry his whole life, believes that Job is too open and liberal as a fellow priest, not preaching the words of God properly.
Father Job Fahim, who grew up outside of Mayberry and was appointed as a priest into the city, he believes that Jerome's views are too outdated and that Alabaster refuses to go with time and progress.
Fortunately for Father Alabaster, Job Fahim went missing years ago, and Jerome had no qualm to spread the rumor that his fellow priest and colleague ran away with a women.
(Tagging @northerngrail because I thought this might interest you)
Yours sincerely
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bowlerhatwearer · 1 year
Tell us everything we didn't know about Janus gates. like their real name and how they became a performer
Greetings Anon
Janus Gates real name was Seth Ordnung, the first and only child of Adam and Eva Ordnung. (Eva was Adam's second wife, his first was Lilly or Lilith, as Lilly's real name is)
After Adam saw that Seth was born with Diprosopus, he was horrified, and instead of a name, called Seth only "the Abomination", he wanted to get rid of the child, however due to a kind and caring nurse and a doctor, who, accepted they could never return to Mayberry again, they took Seth, and left the city, raising Seth as their own child in Trailer Park Town.
There, Seth, or Janus as they started to call themself and grew up in Trailer Park Town, found their passion for singing, and also found the fashion of the 20s/30s/and 40s interesting, adapting it as they became a performer, with Janus at first starting to sing at the local bar, before they began to tour trough the country.
I did imagine that at one point, Janus and Lilly meet, with Lilly saying that they look familiar, and making the connection that Janus is Adam and Eva's child.
Yours sincerely
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
What kind of Wax figures Castor has made?
Greetings Anon ^^
He has made several wax figures from important historical personalities, but also famous people from Mayberry who are all displayed in his museum.
The scale insect even made one of Sam Cottontail, however he is not allowed to show it, due of the city deeming the figure as "unauthentic" because it has the actual, lifelike size of the general, and is not as tall as the city likes to imagine/believes Sam is.
Castor Montan sees his wax figure of the general as one of his best works and he quietly resents it that he isn't allowed to display it.
Yours sincerely
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
Has Tonic heard of mayberry before they passed?
Greetings Anon
They have, Tonic has heard about about Mayberry, not only because of their work as a journalist, but also, due of Blaise having told them about their brother Lawrence.
What they felt was, pity and sorry, because here there was a whole city, isolated from the rest of the world, it felt for them, as if a whole bunch of people, got walled in.
The wolf often questioned, how the life was inside of the city, but never dared to take a step inside of the city, with Tonic being too worried she might never get out again.
Of course, they felt hope that one day the isolation of the city would come to an end, and that the people of Mayberry would be free.
Something Tonic still hopes for, even beyond death.
Yours sincerely
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
What happened to Constance?
Greetings Anon ^^
Ehehehe, I guess, that requires a bit of an explanation.
So, Constance Jacquemart or as she is usually known "The Phantom of Mayberry" is a bumblebee who lives below the city of Mayberry, even further down than the sewer system, however sometimes she can be found there as well.
The thing is, Constance Jacquemart is not her real name, but rather, the most, recent name she had taken, and even that was a "few" years...ago.
For you see, the bumblebee has not really, her, biological body anymore, or at least, most of it is now metal.
A lot has over time, been replaced by different kinds of clockwork, at this point, she is more, automaton than, really flesh and blood, but she still has the appearance of a bumblebee.
Constance is older than Mayberry, way older, and has arrived in these lands were the city was built, long before there was even a thought or concept about the town.
And there she lived, alone, in solitude and peace, isolated from everyone else, working on her clockwork machines, as she always wanted, without any disturbance.
However, this changed, on multiple accounts...and well, one of the more prominent ones was when the first people arrived to establish the city that would be known as Mayberry.
What did Constance do? Instead of moving away, she relocated her home, her workshop her machines everything underground, and thought there she would have peace.
But the city grew larger, and they dug deeper for the pipes, cables, tunnels etc. etc. and so, Constance dug deeper.
Until finally, everything grew silent, and she no longer could hear any construction work, and there, built her home, deep into the underground has she built it, were from this moment on, she continues working on her clockwork creations, big and small, simple and complex etc and to live her life.
Of course, despite that, there have been moments were she had left her home, with her usually moving through the sever system, were she, her silhouette or shadow has been spotted by maintenance workers but she easily slipped away before they could see more of her.
This was, what led to the rumors and legends of "The Phantom of Mayberry" and the bumblebee is aware about them, but does not mind if another bit of mystery is added to her.
No one knows were Constance really is from, with her shrouding her past in secrets and not revealing it on purpose, saying, what matters now, is that she lives here.
Yours sincerely
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
What is the church of the Righteous cross?
Greetings Anon
The Church of the Righteous Cross is a church that mainly operates and is spread in the United States, one of the places being the city of Mayberry where is is among the confession with the most followers next to Roman Catholicism.
One well known member of the church is Reverend Mitchell Canon who holds the believe that the church he is part of, is the only true way.
However it is important to note that the Church of the Righteous Cross, does not share this believe in general, and, the Church outside of the city isn't aware of what Mitchell is preaching about.
While the church may have held at one point, these believes, in the present they have been phased out and reformed, but of course, Mitchell still holds onto the "old doctrine".
Yours sincerely
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
who is this "HIM"?
Greetings Anon
That would be Fil M. Helmer
If I am not mistaken, I have already mentioned that a number of actresses have vanished in the film as well as later in the tv studio.
This is Fil's doing, however, for now, no one had suspected him.
Fil got his hands on a device, looking similar to an old film camera with which movies were made in the past.
And with that, he, literally is and has captured several actresses in portraits, that all hang now in his office, with no one knowing the real actresses are trapped in them, and the people believing Fil has those photographs/paintings as mementos of the vanished actresses.
Fil, does this for different reasons.
One of them because he does not want the actresses to "leave him", wanting them by his side, but also "conserving" their beauty, not having to see them getting older.
Which brings us to the next reason, by "photographing" the actresses, a bit of their life force, goes to Fil, which keeps him young and, in his view "beautiful" ensuring that there is not a single wrinkle on his face.
For now, no one has discovered Fil's dark secret....for now...
Yours sincerely
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