#Albert Clear RKZ
bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
Greetings Anon
1: Which OC has the best sleep schedule? The Worst sleep schedule?
The best sleep schedule would have Albert "Al" Clear, he sleeps safe and sound usually after a good and savory...meal. He has a strict schedule and gets usually healthy 7 to 8 hours of sleep.
Nikolai Akdow meanwhile has one of the worst sleep schedules, which, usually is because of himself. The scientist has no real set sleep schedule. Sometimes he wakes up at 4 a.m, and goes to bed at 2 p.m. . Nikolai is also known to work long hours often with minimal breaks.
Yours sincerely
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bowlerhatwearer · 1 year
Always there, always watching
TW: Blood, TW: Torture, TW: Abduction
Characters: Margteth Robinson, The Launderer aka Albert Clear, Victor Owens.
Originally written: 9th June 2022
It was a beautiful afternoon in the town of Mayberry, the sun was shining with not a single cloud shielding its rays, birds were chirping happily in the trees that had been planted on the sidewalk to make it feel more alive and people smiled as they usually did. The young girl with her school bag was walking home as cheerful as her surroundings, sure, school was not always easy, especially the lessons of Mrs.Brunswick but that could not dim her day, she was wondering if father was already at home, but given his job, probably not, so it would be her and mother again, with father returning when she was fast asleep. Maybe on Sunday then, they had breakfast and dinner as the whole family.
Continuing her way on the sidewalk, she noticed a white van having been parked partly on the pavement, occupying at least half of it vertically, but for her size there was no problem, she wouldn’t have to-
Her thoughts were interrupted, as she suddenly heard shouting, but not one that sounded angrily, but rather, desperate coming from the residential building next to her, all the other people who walked on the street, hastened their speed, men who looked down on the ground as they walked near the building, women who pulled their children to make them walk faster.
As if from one moment to another, the girl could no longer hear the sounds surrounding her, not the birds chirping, the cars driving on the street or the people walking and talking, only the voice of the woman.
“No! Please, I-I have children!”
The voice grew clearer and when the girl opened her eyes again, she saw a cat, similar to her, with two men in plain white coats who carried her by having hooked in her arms. One of the two men let out a grunt, before his mouth started to move.
“You should have thought about that, before staining yourself!”
The other let out a cough before speaking.
“Your husband has informed us that your children will be taken care of.”
Frantically the woman tried to free herself, however their grip was tight around her, that was, until she was able to bury her hands into the doorframe, using her claws to get a grip.
“I will NOT be sent to the Laundry!”
“Ma’am be reasonable, Mayberry’s Laundry for tainted Woman is the right place-“
Taking another pull, she did not let go of the wooden frame, annoying the man that was pulling.
“-for sinners like you!”
The girls fur bristled when she heard the name of the institution spoken out, father had told her about the place, woman and girls who misbehaved ended up there, only leaving after many years of “readjustment”, some even never returned from this place according to father. He always told her to behave and to do as other expected her to be, for her own safety he would say, so that she would never end up in this place.
And now she was witnessing how this woman, she never saw in the past, would be brought there, who at this point was screaming distraught as the two men continued to pull on her and her clothing, not caring that the fabric stretched or slightly began to tear because of their violence.
“You can’t do this to me, I am an exemplary ci-“
“No, you were Madame, you were, now will you just-“
The quick and sudden opening of the white vehicles door made all of them look into the direction of the car.
First one black shoe tapped carefully on the black pavement, before the second followed suit, with a slight hop the owner of the two stood on the pavement, giving silently, a quick glance to his surroundings.
When the girl was already disturbed when she saw the two man with their white coats, the appearance of this one, made her body heat vanish.
She knew who this man was.
With his orange fur, brighter than any chimney fire she had ever seen, the black suit with its red tie that never showed a sign of wear but most prominently his eyes, that were just like hers, but darker.
“The Launderer”
The one not only father talked about, but who all girls in the school she attended knew, who they were thought rimes so that they would always remember. That they wouldn’t forget to never ever get on his bad side. The one who would always know, no matter what, if they did something bad and if they overstepped this line, he would come and get them to the Laundry.
And here he stood, only a few steps away from her, walking towards the door, with an unemotional expression on his face as he approached towards the three in the doorframe.
“S-Sir, there really is no need for your involvement.”
The other one was rolling his eyes, probably thinking what a suck-up his colleague was.
“There really is, she won’t move an inch, no matter what. Should we sedate her?”
The young girl just watched, she couldn’t do anything else, it felt like as if her feet were frozen or rooted into the ground, all she could do was watch, as the Launderer shook his head to say no, instead he was pulling something out of the pocket of his jacket.
Pinchers, that given the dots and specs of rust, appeared to have been already in use for some time. Some of them looked more red and darker than the others.
He pressed the tool together, one, two times before handing it to the men who asked if they should sedate the woman, he looked down on the pinchers for a while, before giving a nod.
“Oh, of course Sir.”
“No! No please! No I-“
But the woman was ignored by all of them that were around her, as the man held her tight, and the other of the two began to take one of her fingers into the pincher, starting to pull, ignoring how the metal cut into her flesh as she screamed in pain.
“It never would have come to this if you would have just-“
With one pull the finger was removed from the wood.
“-submitted to your duties!”
Tears ran down her face and so was slowly blood from her hand, but he didn’t bother and continued, neither his colleague who looked away, or the Launderer, who observed what was happening.
Despite the pain and them continuing to loosen finger by finger from the wood they had clawed themselves into the woman refused to move, only, when three fingers where left that were not injured by the pincher, where they able to remove her.
One of them was mumbling something about finally being done, as they dragged her to the car.
“I will be good, I will be good!”
Screaming and kicking in all directions she tried her best in an attempt to free herself from her captors grip, but it was all to no avail.
“Please I, I will never sin again, I promise, please, I don’t want to lose my children!”
They didn’t respond, instead one of them opened with their free door the backdoor of the plain white van.
Tears were rolling down her face, looking into the faces of the two that held her, for a sign of compassion or understanding, but there was none to be found.
“I beg you, don’t-“
With one swing they threw her into the van, screaming could be heard, that soon died down as they closed the door and locked it with the key, that the girl assumed belonged to the vehicle.
Finished and satisfied with their work the two men, without even noticing the young girl they stepped into the white vehicle, waiting for their superior.
The Launderer meanwhile, stared for a while into the emptiness of the doorframe, before slowly his head moved, like the seconds hand of a clock, until the eyes of the girl, met his.
Has he always known that she was there?
Despite her whole body and mind telling her to run away, not to look back and to tell no one about what she saw, she couldn’t as the Launderer approached her.
Even when his hand placed itself on her head, scruffling trough her hair.
“If it isn’t little Miss Rivers-”
His voice was, unassuming, for someone with such an intimidating appearance, it was quiet, too quiet in the young girl’s opinion who stared at the orange cat, who bend his knee to look at her on eye level.
“Now, you shouldn’t have seen such a thing my dear, but I guess some things are just meant to be, but you are a good girl, not like, the one you just saw us take away, aren’t you Miss Rivers?”
She nodded, probably faster than she should have, she was a good girl, always doing what she was ordered to do, not questioning anything as she was thought.
“I know you are, you are such a good girl, always listening to father and mother, knowing what is right-
A slight grin appeared on his face, one, that looked, out of place as the thoughts told her, the ones that were not scared of the situation and were trembling in fear.
“-obeying the cities rules and status.”
He stood up now, she didn’t want to be around this man anymore, all she wanted to do was to run, to leave, to be home and hide in her bed until she could forget the encounter, but she couldn’t, her legs didn’t allow it. His eyes opened, the red iris looking down at her.
The eyes looked like blood as if they have consumed the souls of at least a hundred souls who begged for freedom they never would see.
„Now remember before you go.“
Placing one hand on her shoulder he pressed against it slightly.
“Do good and be aware-“
The stare the Launderer gave her felt like what she believed being struck by a thunderbolt must feel like. As if her whole body was cramping in pain, yet there was none.
“- for my eyes are everywhere-
His very same eyes were staring at her, deep down, as if directly into her own soul, looking if she really was without any sin, giving again an unnatural grin as the Launderer spoke one last word to her.
She woke up, without a yell or scream, just her red eyes snapping open and her upper body suddenly raising.
Margaret could feel how her heart was racing and she breathed in and out sharply, looking around she saw how her second husband was blinking with his eyes, his sleep must have been disturbed by her abrupt awakening deep in the night.
“Mar- Margaret is everything alright?”
She looked at the lynx who gave her a worried glance, a part of her wanted to tell him about what she had dreamed, what she had remembered, but she didn’t want to bother her husband with such, ghosts of the past, at least, not now…
“No dear, everything is fine, really.”
Despite her reassuring smile, her husband, Victor looked at her puzzled and again, concerned for a while, before he placed his head back on the pillow, in a matter of seconds he was fast asleep again.
Margaret however was not, her red eyes wide open, looking at the ceiling as words were echoing through her mind.
Always watching.
Always there.
The Launderer.
Is everywhere.
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
What does the other animals at the Fed's Sancturary think of Erwin?
Greetings Anon :-.)
I think they all would be a bit, weary around Erwin, being able to smell the graveyard odor as Fed does. However, each one of them is differently weary about Erwin and some even not at all.
Albert for example, does not seem to be afraid or intimidated by Erwin's, but this might also be because a lot of animals are also scared about Al.
Erwin is one of the few animals that Jerome wouldn't ran into, as the sheep does often (even running into fed from time to time) however he would stare at Erwin when the cat walks around the sheep's enclosure.
Same goes for Ivy, he would not try to pull his usual shenanigans with Erwin, however he has hissed at the cat who barely survived, when no one else is present or looking.
One of the animals who is more friendly and happy to see Erwin, would be Job or Tinker to name two examples, they don't mind the cat's presence or when he decides to lay next to them.
Yours sincerely
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
How do your OCs feel about perfume?
Greetings Anon ^^
Some of them like using perfumes while others prefer to stay away from them.
Albert for example I can imagine prefer to use something that has more the smell of aftershave, while Blaise I can see as someone who likes using the original cologne water.
Other OC's who I could imagine using perfume are,Obdulio, Tonic, Charly, Lily, Thomas, Leonid and Nikolai (on some occasions).
It's funny that you mention that Anon because I did think about a story were Blaise, who, does not know, a lot , about perfumes goes into a store to buy one for Sam, and ask the shop assistant for help.
Said person asks Blaise to tell them about Sam, which results in Blaise starting to ramble about the general, more than they had themselves thought they would talk about him.
The shop assistant, who has become a bit nervous, would then recommend to Blaise some floral perfumes, with the old cat buying some of them.
Yours sincerely
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
Why does Al commit cannibalism?
Greetings Anon
There are two reasons for that:
One, that Albert believe that it would be a waste, letting the body of his victims, go to waste, although not a lot is known about Albert Clear's past, what he has revealed about himself, is that he grew up in a home were he often, went to sleep and woke up hungry.
So, why should he allow the meat of a death person, to just simply rot away?
Instead he preserves and cooks it, which he later eats, experimenting with a variety of recipes, and although he practices cannibalism, he never feeds other people with the meat of his victims, only himself.
The other reason being, that Albert, as he would say himself, feels a special kind of "hunger", one that does not go away, even when he eats conventional food.
It is like a hole, he would say, always existing and craving for...this...very and special kind of meat of his victims...only then, his hunger is satisfied, at least...for a while, until he feels "the hunger" again.
Yours sincerely
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
Has Fil M and Al met each other?
Greetings Anon
They have, given that not only Albert, but Fil as well, are members of Mayberry's city council.
Both prefer to keep their lives private, working more on a worker/colleague basis together, rather than friends, but, they also show respect for each other.
Fil is aware that Albert has a dark secret and Al knows that the general manager does have one as well, however, how much they know about what the other prefers to keep hidden and away from the public eye, remains a mystery
Yours sincerely
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
Has Keratein heard about Al's laundry place?
Greetings Anon
She has and like many, if not every woman in Mayberry (and also on the outside) who hears about the place, it causes her to shudder.
When Keratin was put on the McCarthy trial, and her once again refusing to marry Rex Imperium, Albert Clear brought up the idea that Keratin could be send to his Laundry, with the part of the city council,, who was more vocal, agreeing to that.
However, before the sentence could be ruled, Nikolai disturbed the trial and later took the "blame", so, Keratin was, fortunately never send to the Laundry.
Yours sincerely
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
When was the first time Al killed someone?
Greetings Anon ^^
Officially, that wouild have been, a few months after the opening of "The Laundry" when one of the women who was forced into the institution, suddenly vanished,never to be seen again.
However in the past, before the cat who is now known as "Albert Clear" arrived in Mayberry and settled down....years before...well,lets just say that up in the North there was a house fire.
The mother and father died in the...."incident"...however the son was missing, although authorities ruled that its very likely that the young man was close to was close to the source, where the fire started, and that's why there was no trace of him left.
Yours sincerely
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
Would Timothey hear about the place where women do laundry during his time at mayberry?
Greetings Anon
When he was alive no, for Albert Clear only founded "the Laundry" simultaneously when Mayberry was isolated from the rest of the world, and by this poin Timothy Owens was already death.
However, as a ghost, he would be, absolutely shocked and yet, not surprised, for, he had heard about similar institutions, when he was alive, but also later as a ghost or in the Peace as well.
A place were women are send to, or forced to because they are seen as "tainted", "sinful" or "fallen", what a horrible idea that had been realized, it always saddens him to think about "the Laundry" and the other facilities that are like that.
He really hopes that "the Laundry" will one day be closed, so that buildings, that were used for such horrid practices will finally, only be found in history books and nowhere else.
Yours sincerely
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
Debbie wouldn't happened to be window would she? ;)
Greetings Anon ^^
I don't what you mean with "window", my apologize for that ^^,,, but if you mean if she is Alberts goddaughter, then yes I can confirm to you.
Albert Clean is Debbie's godfather.
Yours sincerely
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
Does the Goddaughter have a name?
Greetings Anon ^^
Of course she does, although I have to say she is not my character, but the Roadkillerz OC of someone else.
I have left in the last Ask about Albert, a hint, which should help you find out her name, if you can't find it then I will reveal the name to you.
Yours sincerely
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
What did the Goddaughter think of Al in the past and in the present?
Greetings Anon
Oh in the past she was very fond of her "Uncle Al" as she called Albert, which he allowed given that he was good friends with her parents (who also called him Al). Despite that he perhaps was a bit weird, she thought he was a genuine kind person and godfather.
They have had not seen each other in years until his goddaughter sees him again.
At one point in the present she discovers Alberts dark secret, that he had used his position as head, founder and owner of the Laundry to make women vanish, which he murdered, with no trace of them being found.
She is shocked, and feels, very conflicted about this because Albert, even in the present has this calm, collected and polite appearance as well as his charisma that makes him appear, not suspicious at all.
But she knows that he is a serial killer, and even if he is her godfather, she will not allow it that he will continue his horrible actions.
Yours sincerely
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
Does the Goddaughter have to kill Al?
Greetings Anon
In a prophetic way no, as in, it's not some sort of destiny, but, well, basically she is doing what would be inevitable.
Given that Albert is a serial killer, he would have been sentenced to death and he is aware of that and honestly, would have not objected to that sentence, he killed innocent people, it just made sense that his life would be taken in return, so Al would say.
And honestly, Albert thinks it's for the best if his goddaughter kills him.
For he believes that, those, who would soon discover the terrible truth he had kept for so long to himself and has done, would want to have his head, as revenge for the murders he had committed.
And so, him, getting killed by someone else, stabbed violently in the back of his neck with a sharp letter opener, would perhaps, give the friends and family of the death, at least some...satisfaction or closure, knowing that he had been murdered himself, so Albert would say.
His last words to his goddaughter are that he hopes, that she can enjoy her life and live a happy one.
Yours sincerely
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
Anyways, who is Al's old acquaintance?
Greetings Anon ^^
That would be his dear goddaughter who he had not seen personally, for a while.
He is of course happy to see her, but he also knows that if she is here, in front of him, that it means his time has come.
Yours sincerely
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
When did Albert started feeling regret for his actions?
Greetings Anon
Shortly before his death, and after that when he ended up in the afterlife.
Now Albert was never someone who, defended his actions, he was after all a serial killer (one of a few terrible things he did), who used his position to get to his victims and had the charisma that (most of) the population believed Al was a kind guy, and he was completely aware of that.
However, the full weight, of his own actions only come crumbling down on him, not too long, before he dies.
And he knows and has decided for himself, that he won't run away from the consequences of his own actions.
The Launderer, is aware, that he will die, no matter what.
So, he decides to take it with dignity, he won't be running away from his fate, or plead for mercy, instead he changes his last will (which was the first thing he did when he knew the end was a possibility) and wrote down a lengthy and detailed confession in a sealed letter.
On the day he estimated his end would come, he sat down on the dinner table, at his mansion, eating one last meal, drinking the most expensive bottle of wine he had, perhaps having smoked a cigar earlier (which Albert rarely to never did) while listening to music from the gramophone.
When he hears footsteps approaching him, he looks up and knows that his time has come, greeting the person on the other side of the room politely and like an old acquaintance.
Yours sincerely
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
Did Albert ever had a wife of his own?
Greetings Anon
He did not, and the orange cat justifies this, also in front of Mayberry, that he is a hardworking man who simply does not have the time for a family on his own...and in a way, Albert would say, the Laundry and all the "employees" there are his family.
The true reason is that, he never wanted to have a family he could disappoint or, who would perhaps one day discover his terrible secret, and they then had to live with his actions or legacy.
But, he does have a goddaughter who he is very fond of.
Yours sincerely
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