magicmagica · 1 year
This just in! Severe vitamin d deficiencies can cause a mayrid of mental health and physical health issues!
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alchemisoul · 3 years
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viscountessevie · 7 years
Mayrid of Problems
[No that title is not a typo, it will make sense when you read the fic]
A/N: Gahhh it frustrates me that I didn’t like/reblog/bookmark the post that inspired this fic but if the blogger who came up with that headcanon sees this, please tell me so that I can give you all the credit you deserve for this genius prompt. I present to you:
May and Marid’s One Night Stand
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May groaned as another boyfriend walked out on her. What was it with people and unable to deal with the fact she did not want to have kids? Her nephews nieces were more than enough.
It wasn’t just the kids issue; her previous beaus always found one reason or another to leave. She can’t blame all of them for her short term relationship; she has broken up with several of them because they wanted the fame that came with dating the Queen’s sister. It was fun the first few years, her boy craziness finally paying off. Everyone wanted her and she gladly welcomed her. But now well into her 30s, she wanted to settle down. To have that one companion she can count on whenever. She wants what her sister has with Maxon.
As she watched her now ex-boyfriend walk away, she knew that wasn’t happening anytime soon. She wished she could turn back time and enjoy her youth a little bit more. That’s what she needed; to feel young again. May was usually a magnetic and positive person but some days just got her down and she needed to drown her sorrows. She ended up at Angeles’ Hell, a new and upcoming bar for the 20 something trust fund babies of Angeles. This was the perfect place for her to down a few drinks and momentarily forget about her failure of a love life. Hey, maybe she could find a younger guy to keep her warm for a night.
That is exactly what she did.
His bright smile was enough for May to swoon. She could have ran her hands through his mass of curls for the rest of her days. His eyes were deep set and charming. He dazzled and swept her off her feet. He was the perfect stranger.
So of course she slept with him.
He was the solution to her problems. She needed to feel young and that young man fulfilled all her needs. For that one night, she felt free of her previous romantic endearvors. She didn’t have to worry about what would happen next. She just focused on the now. She could worry about tomorrow when it came.
Worry is exactly what she did.
Marid Illéa just turned 20, he was determined to finish his teenhood bucket list and start a new one for adulthood. He had finally checked off ‘Sleep with an older woman’. My, the redhead he picked up the night before was wild. He was feeling pretty good about himself. So good that he was going to ask her to stay for breakfast. You need to know that Marid does not do The Morning Afters. He’ll usually kick her out the moment she opens her eyes. He stared at his ceiling and sighed contently. He heard his redhead echo the content sigh. They simultaneously turned to each other and yelled. They jumped away from each other in digust. They should have known better.
His dazzling smile was a little too iconic. Her red hair was a little too Singer.
As they examined each other, they saw all the years they missed after the Illéas left the Palace. May saw how his round face had become a strong jaw line sharp enough to cut, and his stringy limbs had filled out, she had felt up his muscles the night before.
Marid was at a loss for words. He used to have a school boy crush on her. She had aged well. Her features were more set and prominent. Her usual giddy smile was pulled back into a grimace as she assessed the situation.
“You can’t tell anyone!” They both exclaimed at each other before sighing in relief that their twisted secret would be kept safe. Marid was still in awe of his old babysitter. The Schreaves and Illéas were busy people so when their children needed tending to; Magda and May would take over. This was of course before they had moved. Marid had taken a immerse liking to May.
May noticed his staring and raised her eyebrows.
“What are you staring at?” “I can’t quite believe it’s you. How have you been?” “Can I have a moment to change and breakfast before we start with the small talk?” He nodded and left her to be while he changed in the guest room. Once they were both dressed, they met up in the living room. May was examining the apartment. She turned to him when she heard footsteps.
“Where are your parents?” He rolled his eyes. “I moved out the moment I turned 18. We had differences in beliefs.” “They seem to have differences with everyone.” May joked. Marid could only respond with an exasperated sigh.
“So what was the beloved sister of the Queen doing at Angeles’ Hell? You and I both know that isn’t the place for the larger than life May Singer.” He could pretend all he want but he had kept tabs on the royal family, especially May. He was hoping for the day he could reenter her life because she had always made his life a little brighter. He was also keeping an eye out for a husband; it couldn’t be just anyone, it had to be someone worthy of May. So of course Marid had guessed why she was at the bar the night before. She was lonely.
Despite it all, he wanted to hear it from her. It wasn’t his place to throw assumptions at her. Being May, she was known for being energetic and happy all the time. She was determined to keep up that side of her even if it gets tiring after a while.
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” She teased him. It was better than admitting that the cheerful May Singer was lonely and a little sad. Marid saw right through her but decided to keep quiet. She would open up when she wanted.
“Fair enough. Strawberry tarts and chamomile tea just the way you like it.” He served her. As she took her place at the coffee table, he went back into the kitchen to get his own breakfast. “Chocolate covered waffles and mocha I assume?” She guessed. He nodded with a smirk. It’s like they never left each other’s lives. They spent the rest of breakfast catching up. While Marid was on task with keeping up with the Schreaves, May was only vaguely aware of what Marid had been up to all these years.
After breakfast, they had to get on with their lives. Marid was deflated that the spell would be broken as soon as May left. Quite the contrary, before leaving, she turned to him.
“We should do this again.” Running the words through her head, she corrected herself, “By this I mean breakfast and nothing else.” Marid grinned, clearly amused but nodded nonetheless. They bid their goodbyes and went their seperate ways.
They both became too busy to have breakfast again. When Eady announced her Selection, both of them got to working. May was obviously helping her niece prepare while looking for her own suitors in Eady’s pile. Marid, on the other hand, had more devious plans. For you see, beliefs that Marid and his parents differed in involved the Illéan Throne. August and Georgia were perfectly fine with the Schreaves ruling whereas Marid felt as though he had been robbed of his birth right. A little after the Illéas had left the Palace after their falling out with the Schreaves, Marid took his father’s stash of diaries by their ancestors as an act of defiance. He found Gregory’s journals and started reading. The more he studied Gregory’s journals, the more he wanted the Throne and knew he deserved it.
As right as Marid may be about the Throne being rightfully his, he wanted it for all the wrong reasons. He wanted it for the power. To have a kingdom at his fingertips. The Schreaves - especially King Maxon had inherited the Throne deservingly and was ruling the country for the right reasons. He wanted the best for Illéa.
For years, Marid had been waiting for the ample opportunity to slither into the good graces of the Schreaves and strike. Eadlyn’s Selection was the opportunity that he had been waiting for. He had waited years, a few more months until she has narrowed down her Elite was nothing. His plan was to reenter her life and sabotage the Elite all while making himself seem like the perfect suitor. Once Eady marries him, he’ll either stage a death or make her bend to his will.
The idea came to him when he slept with May. Initially, he wanted to use May to get to his goal but he respected her too much to do that to her. Eady on the other hand, he knew from the moment they were playmates that she would be a terrible Queen. So there would be no lost love.
While May was trying to piece the most fulfilling life for herself, Marid set his plan to get Eady in motion. In short, his plan did not work. It all went down the drain. She declared Illéa a constitutional monarchy and picked a husband who wasn’t even in the running for her Selection. He was hoping the backlash of the latter would help him gain favour of the citizens. But before he could devise another scheme to do that, May put a stop to it.
This was their first meeting after the one night stand. May was furious. How dare he manipulate her niece like that? She barged into his apartment and started giving him a earful.
“How could you?” Was the first thing she yelled at him. Then she goes on to rant about everything wrong with what he did to Eady; all the manipulation and blackmail. She went on about how disgusted she was about all of it. Marid was hardly paying attention, he had heard this all from his parents after The Schreaves had relayed the shit he had tried to pull. The only thing that struck a chord with him when May gave him a piece of her mind was when she delievered her final line.
“I’m so disappointed in you.” He stopped breathing for a moment. He turned to her slowly. No one has ever said that to him, his parents somewhat expected this. They were always mad at him, not disappointed. Disappointed suggested that they believed in him. No one ever believed in him, he had to believe in himself and built himself up to be the man of the media he was today. He knew there was a reason he liked May. Even when they were younger, she believed in him. He knew what he had to do. Marid never had any regrets in life but the only two he had now was not reaching out to May earlier and having disappointed her. He did something he never thought he’d do. He apologised.
“I’m sorry, May.” She softened a little, seeing how apologetic he was but that doesn’t excuse how he was with Eady. She stared him down firmly. “I’m not the one who you should be apologising to.”  He pursued his lips. He did not want to apologise to Eady. She would throw it in his face. May, almost reading his mind, insisted that it was the right thing to do. He groaned and whined but eventually gave in. May escorted him to the Palace to make sure he didn't make a run for it.
He didn't even want to replay that scene in his head. She laughed at him. That horrid girl - his Queen actually laughed at him when he apologised. With the killer side eye May was giving him, he had to take the emotional hit. He was not happy about it to say the least. He crossed his arms furiously as he stomped his feet all the way out like a child throwing a tantrum.
“I can't believe you made me do that!” He turned on her as soon as they left the Palace grounds. She rolled her eyes. “Eady could have had imprisoned for treason so don't pull this tantrum with me, Marid. I'm losing my patience with you.” May said sharply. He was taken back. He was starting to see the error of his ways. When you piss off May Singer, you know you're doing something wrong. He apologised meekly but she was having none of it. They parted ways, May asking him to only contact her after he has pulled himself together.
True to his word, he stayed away until he got himself together. Months later, he set up a meeting with May. He had a surprise for her and funnily enough she did too. He asked her to meet him at Leo’s soccer games. She was confused at the location but agreed nonetheless. When she walked up to the bleachers with a certain tall, dark and handsome gentleman, Marid’s heart dropped. His plan was a bust. May thought the same when she saw a caramel haired man by Marid’s side. They pushed all negative feelings away and smiled at each other. They introduce each other’s companions.
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“Baden Trains?” Marid frowned, wasn't he a part of Eadlyn’s Selection. “Your uncle?” The dashing young man by Marid’s side was far too young to anyone’s uncle. Then again so was she. They excused themselves from their friends and sorted this out.
“Are you trying to set me up with your uncle?” “Are you doing the same with Baden?” They both nodded at the same time and grinned. They wished each other luck and went to meet their respective dates.
Marid shook hands firmly with Baden and was immediately smitten. May shyly went up to Marid’s uncle, most likely August’s brother because they looked so similar. She offered him a tentative smile; she felt like she was 14 all over again. She did all the crushing rather than the other way around. He beamed at her and held out a hand.
“Hello I'm Jules Illéa.” May blushed. “May Singer...say do they name all of you after the months of the year?” He laughed a beautiful laugh and that's when she knew.
He was The One.
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sasori-rp · 2 years
!!Looking for RP partners!!
Hey there!
I'm currently on the lookout for RP partners in various fandoms. I have plots and ideas for each of them, but I also welcome your ideas gladly.
I'm a Literate - Advanced Literate roleplayer and mostly interested in 1/1 Rps, but I can ocassionally do group Rps as well.
- Assassins Creed Odyssey
- Ancient Greece
- Detroit Become Human
- Stargate Atlantis
- The Hobbit
- Castlevania
Assassins Creed Odyssey
- A continuation of after the end of the game, based on history. Including Alkibiades' invasion of Sicily and flight to Sparta.
-> Canon based RP
- An OC centered story where the OC, Delana, travels all across Greece to find out about her past and tries to make her way back home. Clashing with Kassandra, being charmed by Alkibiades and eventually falling for Stentor, all of which threatens to tamper with her plans of ever returning home.
-> Looking for someome to play Stentor and Kassandra
-> Canon based RP, but can include own OCs as well, as long as they're based on ACO
Ancient Greece
- A story of two young civillians escaping war, trying to make a living elsewhere
-> OC based RP
- A story of four young Athenian women fighting for equality. Alternative history.
-> OC based RP
- I'm open for any kind of Ancient Greece based RPs. It can be historical, mythological or improvised. Ideas welcome.
Detroit Become Human
- A story of Ralph getting a happy ending. The OC of the story, Amber, has to spend the night at an abandoned house due to losing a bet. Little does she know that it is already inhabited by the damaged WR600 Ralph. What starts as fear from both sides, over time turns into friendship and later romance. Together they try to make it work as a rather odd couple and aid Markus in his endeavour of freeing the androids.
-> Looking for someone to play Ralph and Markus
-> Canon + OC centered story
Stargate Atlantis
- This RP takes place after the events of the series. Atlantis is back in the Pegasus galaxy and is struggling to make ends meet. They're running low on ressources, having to fight. back the wraith over and over again. The IOA thus decides to send in a group of elite soldiers, in order to aid the Atlantis mission, much to the dismay of everyone on Atlantis. To add oil into the fire, the Atlantis expedition finds itself having to rely more and more on their frienemy Todd. They soon realise, that in order to defeat the wraith, they must make some notable sacrifices. A difficult task begins. One of the soldiers, the OC, Kate, will be tasked with trying to befriend Todd, hoping to not only win him as a reliable ally, but also to learn about wraith culture, to finally turn the tides in their ongoing fight with the enemy. What starts as a ploy, will later turn into friendship and even love, despite all odds being against the unusual couple.
-> Looking for someone to play Todd the Wraith
-> This is a slow burn romance with high focus on wraith culture, cultureclash between humans and wraith as well as sci-fi and background stories
-> Todd remains Wraith
-> Canon + OC centered RP
-> This RP is based on a FF by Lady Mayrid
The Hobbit
- OC based story where the OC, Namara travels to Middle-Earth by means of a portal. There she happens to stumble across three dwarved of Thorin's company on their way to Bagend. She can hardly believe to really find herself in Tolkiens world. She, being an avid fan of the franchise, soon finds herself having to make a difficult decision: Does she aid Thorin Oakenshield on his quest and save his life and those of his nephews, or, does she withhold her knowledge, in order to prevent unforeseen cathastrophies to emerge from the alterered reality forged by her influence?
-> Looking for a Kili
-> This is a OC based story, with adventure at it's core, and is planned to have a romantic sublot with Kili
- Continuation of the story after season 4. Alucard finally faces his demons and heals as a character. A slow burn Romance + Frienship. Alucard x Greta. Perhaps reuniting with his parents.
-> Looking for a Alucard
-> Canon based RP
- Continuation of the events after season 4. Hector travels the world in order to write his book and try to reconnect with humanity. He eventually ends up in Paris, where he meets an OC and her chaotic friends. For the first time he feels as if he actually found friends. Still confused and struggling with all this? Hector has to work through his inner demons and his trauma in order to be able to allow his heart to love again. And that is easier said than done.
-> Slowburn Romance + Family RP
-> OC and Canon RP
-> Looking for a Hector
- I write literate till advanced literate. Occasionally I do semi-lit, but only for action sequences, not as a RP style
- The core of all those RPs is character accuracy. If you wish to play a role, make sure you can portray them accurately. Similarly, I will do my absolute best to do so as well
- No OP OCs, make your characters flawed, please
- SMUT is okay, as long as it is within context of the story. In fact, it is even welcomed in that case
- You reply when you feel like it. I don't care how long you take, just give me a heads up if you want to leave for good. I will do the same.
- I speak German, English, French and Italian, but preferably roleplay in English.
- And most importantly, have fun!
HMU if you're interested ^-^
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tawne-ga3d · 4 years
Jawi eli mayrid🙄
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dikhawa · 7 years
Coffee Set
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