#Mazda Miata MX-5
jkreimer · 1 year
Mazda Miata MX-5
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regal-fish · 1 year
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Mazda Miata MX-5
0 notes
untouchvbles · 2 months
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Mazda RX7 (FD)
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coloursteelsexappeal · 7 months
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1990 Mazda MX-5
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okosen · 5 months
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Gorgona NM+, 2023. A prototype restomod based in a first generation Miata/MX-5 that is powered by a contemporary 2.0 Skyactive-G 4-cylinder engine from the latest generation of MX-5. Gorgona Cars says that the NM+ represents “the prelude to a small series production.”
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jdmcarotaku · 1 year
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Miata Mod Master Mᴉsɥlᴉsʇ
[I had to spell Wishlist upside down to keep the alliteration going]
So, here's my first original post in quite a while. Apparently, the last one was a whole hundred followers ago - immense thanks to all 400 of you!!! And also, Tumblr informed me I got 1000 likes and kindly generated a picture for me to thank y'all for them with!
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Given that's 2.5 likes per follower, I assume they mean 1000 likes just on my original posts, which would track considering most of my posts are additions, and liking all of those either counts towards that tally as just one like to my original post, or if you liked it through a reblog potentially nothing at all, because maybe likes to reblogs aren't counted even if they're reblogs of my own posts. But don't think I'm a numbers-chaser, this is just me wondering. Really, the only reason I even look at the activity chart of my blog is because I started trying to make that line as straight as possible for giggles (and then some of my posts blew up and ruined it, ecksdee). The thought of someone having enjoyed what I wrote has me smitten every time I see it, and I can barely even comprehend the idea that it happened a literal thousand times. I still can barely wrap my head around four hundred people all having decided they actively want to hear more from me. (Usually it's the opposite, har har.) I love all of you for it. The freaks, the puritans, the children (wait I just said that OOH GOTTEM), the adults, the uncomfortably weird, the hyper-organized users that use different blogs for each one of their passions, the hyper-random users that reblog my posts right after diaper fetish art. (And if you thought that was some whiplash, imagine the guy who followed a diaper fetish art blog getting shown me.)
But this is just me buying time, isn't it. Alright alright, let's talk about the wishlist, beginning with its premise.
This is not advice. This is not a list that makes sense at all, really - most of these items are way far down the list of things I'd do with the money they cost and/or the effort they'd take. This is a dream, where those aren't a factor. Just like some people's dream car is a ten million dollar hypercar that was built directly into the bodies of five Middle Eastern oil moguls, my dream car is a Miata with exactly these bits. (And a Seven, but I really need to stop confusing y'all with them being tied for the favorite car top spot.)
This list is based on a note I started in middle school for the fun of it (which is hopefully understood as the driving motive behind this all) and gradually updated through high school and sort of left behind after that, having kind of run out of bits to add to it. It's split into six sections:
Interior (i.e. cabin, trunk and engine bay)
Drivetrain (i.e. anything that plays a role in making the wheels spin)
Chassis and suspension (i.e. chassis and everything that connects the wheels to it)
Electronics (i.e. electronics/microcontroller-related features)
This will be a chance for me to check the prices of all the things I listed and, at the end of it, tally up their total cost and feel feelings about its enormity. But of course, we'll need to start with a thing that was not in the note, as it was a given to me: the base car. So that will be the subject of my next addition to this post.
Because I can't make this a single post. Absolutely no chance. Even just any workaround to the image limit being about a fifth of the length of this list would be a nightmare for me to execute and for y'all to navigate. And frankly, the length of the task would make me, if not outright give up, at the very least skimp on the kind of explanations and discussions that I must assume are why you're all here. So I will need to make additions to this post (in the form of a reblog, of course) each going over one section at most. But truth be, even doing one reblog per section presents those problems, so some sections would need splitting in a number of parts. Or I could go to the other extreme and made one post per item (or when appropriate group of items), which would allow me to expand upon every which one as little or as much as appropriate while still keeping a tidy presentation. But to do this I would need to hide all the information bar the name under a Read More, because if I put as little as one picture before it by the time I'm at the end of the list every time this post appears in your dash you'll have to scroll past some hundred pictures to get to the bottom of it; also, of course, this would mean this post showing up in your dash upwards of a hundred times - though of course you could just ignore it a bunch of times and when you feel like it go through all the parts you've not read yet at once.
Right now I'm leaning towards the one post per item approach, which would allow me to work towards the completion of this abomination in small daily steps rather than in age-long parts which would also help addressing your other submissions. But it's very hard for me to figure out what y'all would prefer, as it's kind of hard for me to figure out who would actually want to read through the entirety of this. So, y'all are welcome to leave your feedback in the replies or through this non-binding format poll.
Links in blue are posts of mine about the topic in question - if you liked this post, you might like those!
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carsonfilm · 1 year
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Suzuki Cappuccino and Mazda Roadster @ Boso Hanto
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My car, that I love, Macchi the Miata.
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corpse-daughter · 3 months
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1993 Mazda MX-5
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diabolus1exmachina · 1 year
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Renaissance Tropica (1 of 20). 
The Renaissance Tropica debuted in 1995 as an electric roadster designed to comply with the California zero-emission standards for the Millenium. However, these were repealed and after selling approximately 20 units, the company failed to obtain further funding and was sold off. Allegedly, Don Johnson became one of the investors and featured the Tropica on his show "Nash Bridges," but no footage could be obtained to confirm the connection. The Tropica you see here was the first one ever sold to the public and is currently owned by a former member of the board of Renaissance Cars, the Florida-based automaker that produced the Tropica. Originally, the Tropica had an estimated range of 60 to 80 miles and a top speed of 60 mph. It also has an aluminum space frame that is covered in an ABS plastic body in an attempt to keep weight low. The dimensions of the Tropica are similar to an NA Mazda MX-5 Miata with a curb weight of 1,960 lbs. This Tropica is powered by two DC electric motors at the rear wheels mated to 12 6V batteries.
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untouchvbles · 3 months
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Mazda RX7 (FD)
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coloursteelsexappeal · 8 months
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1989 Mazda MX-5
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okosen · 2 months
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Mazda MX-5 Energia EV, 1991. An experimental electric version of the first generation MX-5/Miata.
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