itstheeyeofthetiger · 2 years
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trexalicious · 11 months
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A legend in her own mind...🤣
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saintmeghanmarkle · 10 months
She really was convinced she was a star by u/aunt_bluann
She really was convinced she was a star When H and M left royal duties behind, I think Meghan really believed that they would soar above the real royals. She had seen the huge and welcoming crowds, and really thought that the welcome was because she (and maybe even H) were just so amazing! She had proof now that she really was as special as she had always thought! It was true, people would have adored her all of her life if they had only known who she was! Yeah, well.The point has been made before. She was benefiting from the popularity of the royal family, not her own allure. Her personality type will never believe that, and we are now seeing that played out over and over. Her behavior proves to me that she thinks as long as she can get photos, video, etc. of her being her own unique and irresistible self, she will make headlines, make waves, make men desire her and women wish they could BE her. She obviously still thinks there's a chance. I don't know what it will take for her to finally understand: Meghan, it was never YOU who inspired the adulation. You have removed the one and only thing that made you interesting. Royalty. Sadly, in the whole process, we have all found out the type of person that she is. It was really something that should have been kept hidden, it's so unappealing. We'd never have found out if she hadn't insisted on foisting herself upon the world with her grabbiness, self-important speeches, her me, me, me, look at me attitude. Her pretensions of being an intellectual, a philanthropist, a person of substance. We might never have known what a phony she is if she'd just shut up and done her job. post link: https://ift.tt/Bj39Gcr author: aunt_bluann submitted: November 16, 2023 at 11:36PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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the-empress-7 · 1 month
Can someone point me to the section of Meghan's speech that addresses the afrocentricism? All I have heard so far is me me me me me me me me
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macanerabis · 2 years
Sooooo.... i saw this hahahahaha
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TRG Nailed It.
The sole purpose of this "non-traditional*" marriage is to launch MeMe into Megsy's delusional idea that she is predestined to RULE as a global influencer.
*not my description, but rather the way Sparry's friends defined his "marriage" of convenience to meghan markle
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trexalicious · 7 months
I will always love this moment! You can hear Catherine's eye roll at ILBW! 🤣
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trexalicious · 8 months
According to @harrysgreysuit this is where the Bob Marley movie premier took place. They were seated in row 7...here🤣
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trexalicious · 7 months
OMG! She even merched the apron from cooking with Mina's Kitchen...
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saintmeghanmarkle · 9 months
Meghan invited celebrity strangers to her wedding. Catherine included people she knew including the village post master, and stood by him during the post office scandal. This tells you everything
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It’s the small things.
Many in the UK would by now be familiar with the British Post Office scandal, in which sub-post masters were wrongly accused of theft due to errors in the Horizon computer system. The scandal has gained public attention after the ITVx series Mr Bates Vs The Post Office premiered on the 1st of January. (https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-56718036.amp)
One of those sub-post masters included shopkeeper Hasmukh Shingadia, who Catherine invited to her wedding along with his wife Chandrika.
Hasmukh recalls giving Doritos and Haribos to Kate and her sister Pippa when they were teenagers. Later he remembers Prince William himself popping by the store.
When Hasmukh was charged with theft, Catherine and her family stood by him and continued to buy at his store. Now his conviction is overturned along with many others. (https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.thesun.co.uk/news/25303536/kate-middleton-stands-by-postmaster-scandal/amp/)
I cannot imagine Meghan deigning to recognise a village shopkeeper. She didn’t even invite her family or any of her childhood friends, instead choosing to fill the seats with celebrities she barely knew and who hardly acknowledge her now.
How empty her and Harry’s life must be! They have to buy their way in to events. There is nothing real in their lives; no connection to people. All I see is a love of all things material and superficial.
What they can’t buy is a good reputation and the love of people around them. Some day, it will come back to haunt them.
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author: RoohsMama
submitted: January 11, 2024 at 11:50AM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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trexalicious · 8 months
According to the alleged photo time stamps it was a rather short 'meeting'...did he even have time to beg dear Pa for a couple million...🤔
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trexalicious · 10 months
Omid can blame anyone he wants to for the wrong copy being sent. It doesn't matter as he has sworn on his life, and the lives of his family, that he NEVER wrote a copy with the names in it (lie). Additionally, he is now blaming his agent for sending the wrong copy. Which means that he DID write a copy with those names in it and sent it to his agent--probably before legal went through it. His agent is going to fight back like the translator and publishing house as it's also his reputation and livelihood on the line. I think he purposely planned this with the Duchess of Deceit. I also think he used the title instead of a name because it was Camilla but they knew people would assume it was Catherine...
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saintmeghanmarkle · 10 months
"Katy Keene" and Meghan's love of Archie comics: UK journos claim no one called Catherine this is Meghan the source of this nickname? by u/snappopcrackle
"Katy Keene" and Meghan's love of Archie comics: UK journos claim no one called Catherine this, is Meghan the source of this nickname? I was just watching this Daily Mail panel discussion on endgame and what stood out to me is when all the panelists said that absolutely no one in the UK media ever called Catherine "Katy Keene".Katy Keene is a character in the Riverdale universe. Meghan has been quoted repeatedly talking about how she was "obsessed" with vintage archie comics and how she would drive around with her dad buying them in vintage shops when she was kid.Who besides Meghan would nickname Kate with this relatively unknown Archie comics character? I just think this is just more proof that Meghan's fingerprints are all over this book. post link: https://ift.tt/gaiU8kd author: snappopcrackle submitted: December 01, 2023 at 03:03AM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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Imaginary Harkles Christmas Disaster w/BRF
What an incredible story this would be. According to a national newspaper, an unnamed friend of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex says the couple would “readily accept” an invitation to spend Christmas with the Royal family at Sandringham.
It’s certainly a heartwarming suggestion. For the sake of all concerned, however, we’d better hope that no such invitation is forthcoming – because I fear that the King would soon regret it. As everyone knows, even the happiest of families can end up rowing at Christmas, never mind families that are already at one another’s throats.
And then there’s the risk that the Sussexes would give a tell-all television interview to Oprah Winfrey afterwards. Just imagine…
Oprah: “So you guys spent Christmas with Harry’s folks back in England. You must have been so thrilled when King Charles asked you over.”
Meghan: “We were. Christmas has always been such a special time for me. Santa is actually a really close friend of mine. As a little girl, I was just so humbled by his work as a philanthropist and humanitarian, bringing hope to all the children of the world. And that was a big inspiration for the kind of compassionate global activism I do today.”
Oprah: “That’s so wonderful. And so how did it go with Harry’s family?”
Harry: “It was a complete disaster.”
Oprah: “Oh no. What happened?”
Harry: “It started when I asked William if he’d like to pull a cracker with me. It was my cracker, so he should have let me win. I mean, that’s the rule of cracker-pulling, everyone knows that. But he pulled really hard, so he won. And then he put the paper crown on his head. Like he was trying to really rub it in that he’s going to be king, and I’m only the spare.”
Oprah: “How awful. I can’t believe anyone could be so insensitive.”
Harry: “But that wasn’t all. Inside the cracker was a tiny plastic comb. And just because he won, he insisted on keeping it. Even though he doesn’t need a comb. Whereas I still do. Just about.”
Oprah: “Harry, I’m so sorry that that happened to you. It must have been so traumatic. But Meghan, what about you? Were you able to patch things up with the other royals?”
Meghan: “No. Not after the really upsetting Christmas present they gave me. You won’t believe what it was.”
Oprah: “Go on.”
Meghan: “It was a Barbie princess doll.”
Oprah: “Oh my God. That is so insulting.”
Meghan: “I know. Because I’ve already got the Barbie princess doll. And I’d specifically asked for the Barbie Dreamhouse Playset. It’s just yet more proof that they never listen to me.”
Oprah: “Wow.”
Harry: “Obviously we were both really unhappy, and wanted to leave. But then my dad tried to calm things down by suggesting a nice festive game of charades. So we agreed to stay.”
Oprah: “That must have taken so much strength and courage.”
Harry: “But then William took the first go. He did the sign for a book. Then the sign for ‘title, one word’. And then he started miming someone screaming and wailing and crying their eyes out. I was absolutely furious. ‘Hey!’ I shouted. ‘You’re blatantly doing Spare! My book!’”
Oprah: “Unbelievable.”
Harry: “He looked really puzzled, and said, ‘No I’m not. It’s Misery, by Stephen King.’ But I wasn’t falling for that. So we walked straight out, and caught the first private jet home.”
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trexalicious · 9 months
Some people leave their mark on the world...
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Others leave a stain...
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saintmeghanmarkle · 10 months
Markle's psychopathic stalker obsession with Catherine is unprecedented in public life. Can you think of anything to compare? by u/ElectricalAd9212
Markle's psychopathic stalker obsession with Catherine is unprecedented in public life. Can you think of anything to compare? OK so its clear that the book by the Eunuch Scobie is nothing more than Markle's psychopathic hatred and obsession of Catherine in particular wrapped up in nonsense and 'woke' rhetoric occasionally (like saying that Sophie is bigoted because she didn't acknowledge Oprah Winfrey)But I have a deeper concern.I first stepped back and began to think Markle is a sociopath when the Ghoul and Vampire of Uvalde took a camera crew to get publicity from murdered children.However this really is something else.I cannot think of anyone in public life who has engaged in a multi-year stalker obsession of hatred against someone else like this ever.Its the level of psychopathic obsession that would warrant a restraining order in normal life.Dare I say Markle's hatred and obsession of Catherine appears to be almost violent, and murderous in intensity?It has been years and years and years and years since she moved to America.But her sole reason for existence even today is to spit hatred and bile at the Princess of Wales. She acts like she screeches at the sky about Catherine.I can just picture Markle sitting in the attic and cutting out magazine pictures of Catherine and scratching her eyes out. And Scobie helping her.This is not normal. It is unhinged and psychiatrically unhinged.There has never been anything like this before.People need to start calling her the psychopath.She needs to be called what she is.Can anyone else think of a comparable person in our lifetime like her? This psychopathic obsessiveness is inexhaustable. post link: https://ift.tt/rEd6AMV author: ElectricalAd9212 submitted: November 27, 2023 at 11:22PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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