#Mechanica Petram
lord-kallig · 6 years
The Justicar Orders
With a population with a greater propinquity to the radical beliefs of the common Chaos Cults, Kallig needed a reliable solution to up root the radical groups which will inevitably form within his borders, and ideally one which didn’t depend on Kallig’s constant oversight to function. The solution in the form of the Justicar Orders were formed after the onset of the Knightly Revolts by the ever loyal Desolator.
Designed as a form combined security roles, the Justicars could fill any role from overt security personnel for Governors and forming Kill Teams to hunt cult leaders to creating webs of informants and surveillance throughout entire worlds which would all be at the disposal of a few reliable leaders which Kallig could ensure loyalties for. With their wide variety of roles and tasks, the Justicar Orders can as easily recruit a gangster as a Praesidium veteran for their purposes and often work outside the legal system.
The more militaristic members of the Justicars often refer to the Orders as Battalions despite the more free form nature of the organisations. At the head of each order sits a single High Marshal which deal with major coordinations of the Orders and are only superseded by Kallig and his retinues. To allow for a manageable division of the Orders, Covens are formed for individual cities or fields of work such as governmental security and are commanded by Marshals but their authority can be overturned by the higher planetary governors. Further divisions are common but they aren’t as clearly defined.
Individual Orders
Deus Gemma - The Abbanic Children
As would be expected of an order given dominion over a hive world, the Abbanic Children are the largest Justicar Order with the most active, reserve and sleeper agents at their disposal. They also have the largest number of specialised Covens with some entirely setup to monitor and utilise criminal organisations. Compared to the presences on other worlds, the Abbanic Children are one of the more subtle often working behind the scenes like a early humanity secret service organisation.
Mechanica Petram - The Larvatum Nobles
With pre existing internal policing and the lack of connections with the dominant faiths of the worlds, the Primas Artificers rarely need an external force controlling them. With this freedom, the Artificers have developed stronger bonds with the wider Empire and the Justicar Order was mostly set into reserve and kept as a ceremonial force.
Opera Agri - The Wraith Brethren
Starting as the original template for the orders, The Wraith Brethren were founded by the Knight Desolator during the starting days of the Knightly Revolt. Befitting their bonds with the Knights of the Void, a small cult of reverence exists among the Marshals for the Knight and a common right of passage to becoming a High Marshal is to visit the Great Shrine to receive his blessing.
Despite their minor cult, the Brethren often act as an overtly physical presence instead of the more subtle nature of other Orders. This is primarily to work with the Clans planetside which are often more mobile than other population groups.
Vorago - The Akkvaden Wardens
Acting as the main policing force on the dead world, the Akkvadens forgo their more subtle methods and focus entirely on being a clear force around the convicts and other dangerous people.
Despite their limited domain, the Adriatic Knights and the Larvatum Nobles are two orders which are leagues smaller than the Wardens.
Malagast - The Adriatic Knights
Currently only the foundation of the implemented Order, the Adriatic Knights are intended more as a way to prevent internal hostilities between the Malagastians and Empire personnel. With the lingering bigotry in the population, this Order was started by request of Kritski to ensure some reliable security on his home world. Until reliable warp travel is created to Malagast and integrations of the world into the rest of the Empire is undertaken, the Order current works with the Wraith Brethren to gain an understanding of its purposes.
Alongside their High Marshal, it is noted in the command structure that Kritski Twinhorn is to be able to act with the same authority when they are finally transported to Malagast.
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lord-kallig · 7 years
Mechanica Petram
Segmentum: Segmentum Pacificus
Sector: Terminus Princeps
Subsector: Unknown
System: Traitor Stars (previously [REDACTED])
Population: Unknown
Affiliation: Chaos - The Unbound Empire
Class: Research Station/Industrial Moon
The inhabited moon acts as the entire system’s primary research and development centre for highly experimental technology. Within the confines of the large complexes, there are numerous experiments partaking at any moment and the moon’s inhabitants was the responsible party for developing cheap and efficient interplanetary transport to the extent of being usable for the populous at large. It is also used for the examination of xenos or otherwise non-imperial technology in an attempt to retrofit or recreate it for the system’s purposes.
The climate is non existed on the moon, making any inhabitants depend on either void suits or habitation domes. Unlike what would be expected from a machine-based organisation, a large number of recreational facilities are available within these complexes, with a leaning towards those of the Eagle and the Crow. Due to the mostly homogeneous nature of the world’s structures, with them nearly always being connected below the surface in grand complexes, there aren’t any really notable locations on the rock.
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