#Justicar Orders
jsyndra · 1 year
THE ORDER is an elite group of paladins that act as diplomats, and play the role of judge, jury, executioner within Runeterra. Their members exist of that of elite warriors, and mythical power, making them a major player in the world and not easily ignored. They work to keep justice, and peace within the land casting out darkness and war. The organization exists well above the sky in a citadel within the clouds, renowned for being incredibly secretive & heavily guarded as none have seen it except their members; some believe it doesn’t even exist.
The three names that hold the most power within this order, and are both feared & praised across the land would be: Vel'koz, Aatrox, and Syndra herself. Vel'koz being the most renown of the three, some worship him as a God due to his ability to bestow holy power upon the members of The Order. Aatrox & Syndra holding the prestigious titles of Justicar, the highest ranking one can get within The Order; this is partly due to how great their power is. However, the Arclights & lesser paladins of The Order are heavily disciplined, talented warriors / diplomats just as well. Vayne, Yorick, and Varus are all excellent examples of this.
The Order handles affairs often in each city-state that hold great weight in world affairs, and it is not uncommon for them to check in on places simply to remind city-states that they are under The Order’s watchful gaze. This is why you often see me RPing Syndra in different places outside of Ionia**, as a higher ranking diplomat within The Order it is no surprise she often is sent to deal with such visits. It certainly does not help that Aatrox is not the most… Sociable creature.
Some see them as guardian angels for the land, and many leaders see them as pests getting in the way of their endeavors. Regardless, The Order holds no bias towards any city-state or persons of power. They have only one objective: peace & justice for the land. They care not for anything else, and will not be swayed from their path of judge, jury, and executioners for the land.
**: Do not confuse my Syndra as an Ionian diplomat or ‘turned good for Ionia’. She has no connections to Ionia and does not work under Ionia, she works only for the private organization that is The Order. This is a very common misconception with Justicar Syndra, and though she is no longer unfriendly with Ionia, she IS NOT affiliated with it as far as her diplomatic duties go.
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radiantcircle-if · 3 months
The Radiant Circle
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The Radiant Circle is a work-in-progress contemporary fantasy interactive novel with elemental magic, a heavy hand of romance, and a salt-sprinkle of mystery. The story is rated 18+ and may contain triggering content for some.
↪ introduction (updated 7/22/24) ⟢ demo (upcoming fall/winter)
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You were born without any magic into a long lineage of sorcerers who serve the Night Circle—a division of the Radiant Circle, the central governing body that maintains order among sorcerers. Even now when you live outside of the magical community, you’re still required to report to the local leadership about the magic you still don’t have.
Of course, only after having accepted a life without magic, you awaken a latent magical power too great to be yours. Myths speak of such a sorcerer, a Resonant Soul capable of mastering all four elements, reincarnated throughout history to bring balance to the magic community. So little is truly known, but that can’t be you.
But what if it is?
Thankfully, as an investigative journalist, what you do best is hunt for the truth. To unravel the secrets of your soul, you’re forced back into the world of sorcery to navigate ancient rivalries and contend with those who may fear your newfound power and seek to bury it for good. 
Because while most didn't believe the myths to be true, others have been preparing for your return. Most of all? You four souls bonded to yours for eternity.
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Play as the main character ⟢
Choose your name, appearance, gender, and sexuality.
Develop your personality as a harmonizer or disruptor—will you bring unity or will you bring destruction?
Gain mastery over elemental magic as the Resonant Soul—how much mastery in each element is up to you.
Travel the world while earning or losing influence through your decisions—will your reputation precede you or will you remain unknown?
Five romance options ⟢
Two pansexual men, one lesbian, and two gender-selectable romance options... and a hidden sixth romance option... with the potential for more to unlock later.
Four soulmates who will be revealed over the course of the story—your bonds, whether platonic or romantic, are yours to develop.
And if you don’t like romance, you can improve your friendships instead.
Or if you’re a misanthrope, deteriorate all your relationships to your liking.
Good endings? Check. Bad endings? Also check.
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You ✦ 26-year-old journalist from Seattle, USA (ℹ) Rejected by the magical community because your magic never awakened, you once sought to understand why before later turning to a career of journalism to attempt to uncover truths that don’t have to do with magic. Your dissertation was titled “Unveiling the Hidden: A Comparative Study of Secret Societies and Their Influence on Modern Media." After landing your dream job as an investigative journalist, you're returning home to Seattle for your assignment.
⟡ tropes include main character (surprise! you're the main character), insider/outsider, the most wanted (because you are a…), person of mass destruction, (possible) living legend, (possible) lust object, (seemingly) cosmic plaything…
Arseau Nassiet ⟡ High Justicar 31-year-old water sorcerer (he/him) from Seattle, USA (ℹ) A talented water sorcerer, your older brother Arseau is well loved within the Night Circle's upper echelons, but he'd never brag about it. He has been away from home for over a decade, raising ranks within the circle alongside his best friend. He coordinates his visit home with yours during the holidays so he can see his favorite younger sibling (never mind that he has only one sibling—you).
⟡ tropes include protective older brother, brainless beauty (yeah, he's a himbo), the caregiver/caretaker, the confidant (if you want), the informant, nice guy (someone has to keep the peace between the Pico brothers), the reliable one...
César Pico (RO) ⟡ Archumbricar 31-year-old earth sorcerer (he/him) from Tijuana, MX (ℹ) One of the highest ranking earth sorcerers in the world, César is seen as the unofficial heir of the current Night Luminary—and he takes the role seriously. As your brother's best friend, he has been a permanent fixture in your life as far as you remember—another persistent reminder of the magic that has remained inaccessible to you and the community that left you behind. He's at least an attractive reminder, even if it's unfortunate that his rare smirk proves that he knows it.
⟡ tropes include the hero, the cold & brooding heir, older brother's best friend/forbidden love, age gap, opposites attract, danger deadpan, glory hound, tall dark & handsome (obviously) ⟡ solo-route (with a possible rivalry with his brother), borderline enemies to lovers, (possible first love), forced proximity, maybe the slowest burn
Rafa Pico (RO) ⟡ High Justicar 27-year-old fire sorcerer (he/him) from Tijuana, MX (ℹ) The younger brother of César....and also his left hand man even though he doesn't take his position within the Night Circle very seriously. He doesn't take anything very seriously except his freedom. Especially his freedom to flirt his way into anyone's good graces.
⟡ tropes include the explorer, the charming playboy, childhood/long time friend, (his) unrequited crush (on you), the (horny) bard, speed demon, hell seeker, elegant classical musician... ⟡ solo-route (with a possible rivalry with his brother), friends to lovers but he never really saw you as a friend, forced proximity, slow burn
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Gazi Gharib (RO) ⟡ Photojournalist 28-year-old (she/her or he/him) from New York City, USA (ℹ) Your roommate and best friend ever since you moved to NYC, they're always ready to help you investigate something new and dangerous.
⟡ tropes include the innocent, the best friend, the encouraging charmer, the serial romeo, the casanova, agent mulder (the believer), empathetic communicator, spirited competitor, the klutz ⟡ solo-route or poly-route with Deniz, besties to lovers (and you can start at the lover bit if you'd like cause this one is a...), faaaaaast burn
Deniz Yılmaz (RO) ⟡ Private Investigator 26-year-old (he/him or she/her) from Istanbul, TR (ℹ) Your next-door-neighbor and childhood best friend. You haven't kept in close contact, but they're the first person you think of seeing when you visit home.
⟡ tropes include the jester, agent scully (the skeptic), street-smart investigator, hardboiled detective, erudite stoner, literal-minded/snark knight combo, childhood friends, loyal supporter, gadgeteer genius ⟡ solo-route or poly-route with Gazi, childhood friends (or was it more?) to lovers, (possible second chance romance...), somewhere between slow and fast burn
Dr. Noel Sung (RO) ⟡ Journalist 41-year-old (she/her) from London, UK (ℹ) Your graduate school mentor who you credit for preparing you to land a job at The New York Times as prestigious as it is. She's now your direct supervisor, and she has quite the assignment for you.
⟡ tropes include the magician, high-powered career woman, absent-minded professor(/former forbidden love?), age gap, charismatic intellectual, intuitive leader, pragmatic idealist, deadpan snarker, determinator, shrinking violet, (your possible unrequited crush on her goes here)… ⟡ solo-route, workplace romance (technically; she's your boss now), slow burn
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An ancient, hidden society of sorcerers ⟢
The Radiant Circle is the central governing body that maintains harmony and order among sorcerers, as well as keep their community secret. It was originally formed and led by the Resonant Soul (called the High Guardian—this is you) and the most powerful elemental sorcerers of the time (called the Founding Guardians—these are the four souls bonded to you) as an alliance of sorcerers from across the New Kingdom of Egypt.
After its formation, the magical community grew, and eventually, the Radiant Circle was divided into four smaller regional circles called the Ephemeral Circles: the Night Circle (you know the most about this one), the Dawn Circle, the Day Circle, and the Dusk Circle. These four circles, also called luminariates, are the main governing bodies of the current world of sorcery. Every known family of sorcerers lives under the eye of the Radiant Circle and one of the four Ephemeral Circles.
Only the Resonant Soul can be the High Guardian of the Radiant Circle. Only the four souls bonded with Resonant Soul can be the Founding Guardians. During periods where the Resonant Soul or the Guardians aren’t alive, these positions are left vacant and the Ephemeral Circles meet as the Radiant Council annually instead. Unfortunately, it's been so long since there has been a Resonant Soul that there aren't many people left who remember who sits at the top of the hierarchy.
You live as a Threshold—an uninitiated sorcerer, typically a child who can't use magic yet—within the luminariate called the Night Circle. You sit at the bottom of the hierarchy, but every other sorcerer you know? César is an Archumbricar, the right hand of the Night Luminary and leader of the Night Circle. Arseau and Rafa are César's High Justicars, his right and left hands. Your dads even play a role, advising the Luminary from their position in the Night Weave.
A single soul that can control all four elements, reincarnated once again—you ⟢
Before you became the Resonant Soul, you were a child born without magic to two prominent sorcerers sometime before recorded human history begins. Back then, it was common to put the child of every sorcerer through a resonance ritual, even children of sorcerers born without magic who always died in the process. But where there's a will, there's a way, and someone really wanted you to live and created circumstances that bound your souls together—one into endless reincarnation and the other into endless immortality.
You meet the four original Guardians over the course of hundreds of years. Your bonds are unique and have chained the fate of their souls with yours so that they are reincarnated in an endless cycle by your side. Even so, you've lived more lives without them than with them, lived more lives without magic than with it. Almost as if you're fighting a losing battle against knowing your true soul.
Only the Resonant Soul can resonate with all four types of elemental magic, but your magic remains locked away until you regain your memories (how're you supposed to regain memories you don't remember you need to regain? then again, how safe would it be to give you all that power and no recollection of all the mistakes you've made?). The Guardians are known for their extraordinary abilities in one element; their magic isn't sealed away, only their memories (which still isn't convenient—how are you supposed to know who they are if they don't know who they are?).
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⟢ retweets & asks are welcome! there is no better writing motivation ♡
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janearts · 1 year
I love his unusual for altmer attitude
And just imagine thalmor having a heart attack seeing a MIX of filthy human nord and pure altmer, plus being a DRAGONBORN
Its ok if i drew Kel? x)))
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Hah! It's funny you mention the Thalmor because I triggered the Justicar Execution Order absurdly early in my playthrough. I hadn't done anything I knew would trigger them (wear an amulet of Talos, activate a Talos shrine, attack a member of the Thalmor, etc.), but they aggro'd during a wilderness random encounter anyway. Looking back, one of the Whiterun quests must have triggered the Execution Order, but I did think about how apropos it would be for the Thalmor to want to off Kel for Simply Existing.
(And yes you're absolutely welcome to draw Kel! Tag me in anything you end up posting so I can see it. uvu)
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sol-consort · 15 days
Omg do you think humans don’t vibe with the Asari as much as they do with literally every other species is because we know where we stand with everyone else?
We don't vibe with asari? I mean, I have personal beef with them bc of how they handled ME3, but besides that, the asari have been a little delightful, pretentious, but charming still. It's hard to stay mad at someone so pretty.
But you have a point, humans and turians mingle more often than humans and asari. Hell, humans and krogans seem to have much more fun. Even salarians enjoy our food and culture... but the asari are just there.
I think humanity's lack of "special" bond with asari is because...well, the asari can't exploit us in a way that matters.
LISTEN—listen okay. So, each species the asari are close with "lacks" certain things. Salarians with their imbalance 90/10 male to female ratio meaning a lot of them will never get married, Krogans inability to have kids because of the genophage, Vorcha with their limit 20y lifespan and underdeveloped society, Quarians living in poverty and requiring, expensive antibiotics, environmental suit and its maintenance costs to stay alive.
And the asari take advantage of that. Not always malicious, but they feel inclined to meddle within each species and attempt to fill the empty spaces in order to advance their own society.
Many salarians marry asari, said asari not minding since they'll outlive them.
Krogans who desperately want kids, the one thing the asari can give them.
The vorcha whom they actually enslaved and exploited for years, who couldn't defend themselves in court because the asari would just stall the case until the vorcha eventually dies, not to mention the fact they kept them illiterate and uneducated on purpose.
Swindling someone out of their money in Thessia is not a crime, there are zero laws to defend the customer, everyone is trying to scam everyone and quarians always get the short end of the stick and end up signing up for things they don't understand, drowning in debt until the asari sells them to a different company they must work for like a slave.
The asari are parasitic by nature. They find a weakness within a species and exploit it to advance their own. They're probably not aware of it, nor do it intentionally, but this is the reality of their existence.
A race that requires a different species to reproduce will always only prosper on the suffering of others. A Cuckoo is very beautiful, but it can't build its own nest, so it lays eggs in other birds' nest and tricks them into raising its own. A brood parasite. As the chick hatches, it will push the other eggs off of the nest, ensuring it's the only one that remains.
They can dress up their society as much as they like, swear by the goddess, adorn all the titles of justicar and else. Speak with eloquence and act with grace. They still are opportunistic parasites at their core.
Humans are self-fulfilling, everything the asari can offer us—both the good and the bad—we already have ourselves. Even our biotics research advancement reaches a stage in ME3 where the asari asks to have a look at it.
We like the asari, but we don't need them.
Not to mention the whole brainwashing thing to make themselves seem the most appealing to your brain, tricking you into viewing them as very similar to your species—yeah we glossed over that we too quickly.
It could also just be the Mass Effect storywriters keeping them a blank page on purpose, all the stuff about the asari intricate world, brutal capitalist society, inner conflict, civil wars as several groups demand isolation from the rest of the aliens, the fact they can easily birth bloodthirsty demon like biotics, or the whole racism issue based on who the father is, all of that is swiftly swept under the rug fot the "hot human-lite all-women alien species."
The turians are also a species that seemingly doesn't lack anything.
Sure, they can be a little uptight and too military centred, but they seem uh happy with their mandatory bootcamps for kids?
So them and the asari don't mingle much, they are on good terms but asari don't often go for turians, and it's true the other way around as well.
You see more human/turian couples than asari/turian ones in Mass Effect.
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Halone Ascended
Following the defeat of Emet-Selch and the purge of the corrupted Light, Halone was able to permanently split her dominions between Augustine and Mathye. This ensured that both could Prime as her individually--and in new, powered up forms.
Halone Ascended: Justicar
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As the Fury's truest incarnation of War, Augustine brings the full might of Halone's power to bear in battle and in matters of law and order.
Halone Ascended: Glacies
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With Mathye, Halone fully reclaims her guardianship of the element of Ice--as it was discovered that the creation of Shiva was an attempt at usurping control of that domain from her.
(a big thank you to @driftward for giving me inspiration/letting me steal her version of Halone!)
on our fates alight masterpost
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feith-rikya · 7 months
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All these characters are from an RPG campaign called; Gehenna's Gates, set in the world of Vampire The Masquerade. Except for Jan Pieterzoon featured in this post, which is a character in the VTM lore. He is present in our campaign, but he is very different from the JP you might know.
Jan Pieterzoon and Samuel Sharbi:
How to explain the relationship between a Ventrue obsessed with the occult and a crazy Sabbath Ravnos? a strange alliance for sure, but together they are an unstoppable, if unlikely, duo. Jan is obviously at the head of the operation, helping Samuel become archbishop of the Sabbath, while he was a Justicar in Venice. Guaranteeing a spy and an ally within the opposing sect, and ensuring that both can achieve their goals. Jan with the obsession of being the man who will stop the Gehenna, and Samuel with the desire to reunite and rebuild the Ravnos clan. Jan will push the London coterie to take control of the city, in order to have indirect control, but the group of misfits will prove to be much more difficult to predict and control than expected. The conciliator will identify an extremely dangerous element in the group, which brings the world closer to Gehenna. so he and Samuel will set out at a good pace to try to put a spoke in his wheels. But things don't go quite as planned for the Ventrue...
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moofahdrome · 1 year
here in my garage but it's vee and she had to install 7 new bookshelves for the 2000 new ttrpgs that she bought
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in order, left to right:
Monster Care Squad
Avatar Legends (+ Wan Shi Tong expansion)
HEART: The City Beneath
Masks: A New Generation
Monster of the Week (+ Tome of Mysteries expansion)
Brinkwood: The Blood of Tyrants
Blades in the Dark
FATE Core System
Comrades, a Revolutionary RPG
Skirmish: Wallet Friendly Wargaming
To Change
Thirsty Sword Lesbians (+ Advanced Lovers & Lesbians expansion)
Our Traveling Home
Flying Circus
What Waits Beneath
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liamarmitage · 10 months
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I have been designing a collection of altered Tarot cards for my fantasy world of Reuel, where many stories will take place. As I create the cards and unveil their lore I will share them here.
In the decades after the Godsfall the survivors began building new civilizations and with those came artifacts from the before times that people adapted for the new world. One of those was the Tarot deck, essentially the well known Rider Waite Tarot deck. In time it became known as a Fate or Moira deck and the original cards transformed as people looked at the world in new ways. Each entry in this series describes one or more cards. 
If the Justicar sought to protect the common man, the Templar represents a second order of knights that was established after the Godsfall. Templars seek to promote the stability of law and society, a common good that as flawed as it may be creates a better world for people on average. The templar does not met out personalized decisions as the justicar does but follows a rule and protects temples, city walls and the institutions that exist to protect people. Some say the templar is morally compromised but he represents a critical part of the public order.
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rollforfelicity · 2 years
It's Creator Day on Itch!
That means that 100% of what you pay on itch goes to the creators! Which means I'm going to talk about the TTRPGs you can buy on itch that I've played since the last creator day!
As soon as I read Orbital Blues by Soul Muppet Publishing for the first time, I was like “oh this game is made for me.” If you’ve ever wanted to play a game that emulates space westerns like Cowboy Bebop, this is an excellent one.
Cantrip by Hipólita uses the Belonging Outside Belonging system to tell stories about young witches finding themselves and their powers in a magical academy. Cantrip’s prompts give little peeks into a rich world just begging to be explored.
Not only is Paris Gondo by Kalum from The Rolistes Podcast incredibly easy to pick up and play, it’s also SO funny, starting with the very concept of playing as adventurers who are trying to survive their journey out of a dungeon with as much useful and meaningful stuff as they can carry. I also have to mention that the Miro board for online play is ingenious. I've linked the English version, but it's also available in French.
My friend @wildjayblue wrote a game that feels as though it was written for me specifically. Totally Normal Human Roommates is a game where you and your friends play as totally normal humans. Like the Nocturnal Human, who has a strong bite and hypnotic personality. Or the Hirsute Human, who is weak to moonlight and silver, just like lots of humans are!
Babes in the Wood by World Champ Game Co. is a game that perfectly captures the feeling of watching Over The Garden Wall for the first time, but also makes you feel SO CLEVER for having told such a good, original story by the end of it.
If you’re a sucker for cheesy holiday movies and you want to play a game that lets you compete against your friends to become the protagonist of one, look no further than Hometown Holiday by @kidnickgames. The mechanics are simple but very fun, and the playbooks perfectly emulate the genre.
Do you have a vampire OC and want to put them through a tough night? Do you want to MAKE a vampire OC in order to put them through a rough night? Bloodless by @enniogoes is the game for you! Bloodless uses the Caltrop Core system and I love that the prompts swing from funny to heartbreaking, and I had an absolute blast when I played.
I love Phoenix Wright, so when I heard about Justicar from @dinoberrypress, I HAD to play it. Justicar is one of those games where the setup portion of the game is as fun as watching the whole thing unravel in the in-character portion. The setting can be anything you want, and the collaborative and zero-prep nature of the game makes Justicar unpredictable and hilarious.
I also want to shoutout a few Mausritter adventuring locations I’ve used from Itch! First up is Temple of the Slumbering Orchid by @imsobadatnicknames2. Running this felt like leading my players through a Legend of Zelda dungeon in the best way.
Drained Temple of the Brackish Basin by brstf has such an unusual concept, and my players had a lot of fun exploring the unique creatures and chambers of this temple, including a very fun little hermit crab character.
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I am a huge @mortphilippa stan, so of COURSE I’m going to recommend Tomb of the Slumbering Queen, a creepy, bat-filled Mausritter location. Philippa is the queen of rollable tables (this one features effects from eating strange mushrooms), and her NPC art is charming. While you’re there, make sure to check out Philippa’s other stuff because it’s all good.
I'll wrap up by saying that an added bonus to playing any of these games is that there are REALLY REALLY GOOD one-shots of all of them on YouTube...because I've run them all on stream.
Wait, you're still here?? You're looking for even MORE games to get on itch??? Okay, well check out these two previous threads of game reccs! My 2022 Itch Creator Day thread
My 2021 Itch Creator Day thread
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nightmarist · 1 year
A new adventurer has joined us !
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Yilcer |
Very long under the cut
Yilcer, call her "Cer" (pronounced "Sir") has joined the group.
Here's a bit more about her.
She is an eldarin druid and last of her clan and druid grove. She is "stuck" in her summer form, and has taken the path of the Circle of Wildfire, internalizing her traumatic past.
She was adopted by an elven-looking man with solid green eyes and long, black hair, a powerful magic user and hermit she simply calls Archdruid Helvega. He raised her, somewhat, as his own, though he has been emotionally distant for the following hundred years.
He doesn't often answer her questions straight, and tends to avoid certain subjects, but Yilcer is ferociously attached to her Archdruid foster father, keeping a collection of notes he has left her in an obsidian scroll case.
As the blight of the land reached their grove, he sent her off to find a group of adventurers to the far east.
Asking him, he revealed to her he has been fighting this blight for centuries, long before she was even born, and had to sacrifice much in order to stave it off for this long.
He sent an escort for her, a jackal by the name of Amin. Amin escorted her with little dialogue, but enough understanding.
The main adventuring party, meanwhile, in the underground temple of the dragon god stare at a body - a corpse.
They recognize the corpse as one of the statues from the Godkiller temple, as well as a portrait from the Elk God temple. It looks as though he died only moments ago, but the blood round him is old and stained into the stone. They determined his body is under some kind of preservation spell.
They cast Speak With Dead from one of the scrolls they took from the shrine.
They asked, very carefully:
Who killed you
It wheezed, "husband"
They asked "who is your husband"
It said "Sigurd Helvega"
They asked three other questions I sadly cannot for the life of me remember, but unfortunately they were very...... stupid questions lmao.
And then. They decided...... To decapitate him. They took his head.
They took his head, preserved with magic, and went back to the treasure room. They took many treasures before taking the glowing red gem they need for the star puzzle in the Godkiller temple, and eveything began to crumble.
Barely escaping, they made their way to the country of Dauthas to the west, and the city of Paharipani, Tahir's home town.
In this town, they saw the massive, horizon-to-horizon Caravan Carnival, a "silk road" of sorts that follows the river that connects across the continent. People rfom all over gather to this place to trade and sell, people of every creed. There are no official rules, but it would be simply stupid for anyone to try their hand at theft.
Many mercenary groups also gather here, displaying their flags and colors.
One such are the Justicar Dogs, a group of only-jackals from all over, preferably Dauthas but they do not limit location, only species.
Tahir tells everyone these are the mercenaries that watch over his home town, and reveals he and his once-twin brother used to want to be part of them.
The group meets in a beautiful, luxurious hotel.
In it, they notice something is wrong with Tahir.
While they are not particularly accustomed to differentiating jackals, they notice a particular jackal he is staring at with a young woman looks exactly like him, save for heavy, golden armor like a Paladin.
The other jackal approaches, as does the girl.
Amin, in a garbled voice calls Tahir, "Brother."
Tahir replies, "You're not my brother."
Amin says nothing more, only handing Tahir a scroll - it is a pastel and charcoal drawing of Yilcer. Yilcer recognizes it as the handiworkof her master.
She asks Amin if these are the adventurers she's supposed to meet. Amin nods to her.
Amin gives Xehara a pair of scrolls as well, and a ring of keys.
He tells them their rooms are paid for, and leaves.
Yilcer introduces herself as they make their way into one of the rooms. They ask tahir who that Jackal was.
Amin and Tahir are twin brothers. They grew up together, wanting to be Justicar Dogs badly, but could never truly make their impression. Amin, in desparate attempt to gain recognition and protect his family, joined a strange cult. Tahir saw Amin less and less, days became weeks became months.
Amin invited Tahir to a graduation ceremony of sorts, but they had a fight. Tahir followed in secret, however, and saw his brother die - his wrists pierced and throat cut, and a new soul summoned to possess him.
Yilcer tells the group that her Archdruid sent her to help the adventurer's with the blight. They don't know who her Archdruid is, but accept her, for the time being.
They cast speak with dead on Razvra's head, as it has been two weeks since last time.
They find out very little, unfortunately. Next time, I'll push them to the right questions (such as..... "how did you die" which i am so surprised they didnt ask.... I have a whole document for it.... cries)
While they're arguing very, very carefully about their final question, Xehara asks the receptionist, a blond jackal with a white veil, holes for her ears to poke out and beautiful gold chains weighing it down, for a bathtub full of ice. She sends a pair of jackals into the room, of which they try very, very hard to ignore the talking head propped on the bed.
The door closes and everyone except Xehara snap into attack mode. Ivan chases down the pair of Jackals, another set of twins who work at the hotel together, and tells them they "didn't see anything" with a succesful intimidation check.
They nod very, very quickly, "Yes, Sir! This hotel is utmost discreet, no one ever sees anything here, sir!"
He lets them scurry off.
They decide to go shopping, leaving the head on the pillow, after Xehara refreshes in the bathtub.
They find a place called The Bone Shop. It is a pale white shop on the exterior and interior, almost alarmingly so when the rest of Paharipari is so colorful.
Inside, they note tons of bones hanging from hooks on the walls, lining the shelves, and a grey-green goblin sitting at the counter. He has a red mohawk and beady black eyes, a black leather vest, a pair of tiny bird skulls biting his ears as earrings, several bones of various sizes hanging off his neck. On one hand, he has the claw-tips of an animal on his index and middle fingers and thumb.
Ivan snarkily asks, "So uh. What do you sell here."
The goblin, in a scrunched face and a deep, gravely voice says, "Bones!" He taps the counter impatiently.
Tork finds a basilisk fang and asks how much it costs.
The shopkeep shakes his head and points at the sign.
"No, no. What's the shop called."
"Uh... Bone Shop?"
"YES. Now. I got boens. yeah, you see, I got bones. YOU got bones. I deal with bones. No money."
Tork nods, "OH. Yes. We have bones."
He and Tahir pull out bones they stole from the Godkiller's temple.
Zakir, the goblin, snifs the bones for a long time. He nods. "Mmhm. Old. Ancient bones." Sniffs them again. "Human. Human... An elf. Human. Four... No. Five hundred years old. Five hundred... Sixty years. Yeah." He scratches them with the claws on his fingers, "Old, unburied. Rained recently. Got it. Can't trade these bones for the pups, the pups like chewing. But theyre good. Good solid bones. Good for weapons, or clubs. Difficult to sell for jewelry, weird green color."
(crying I am so proud of my voice for zakir btw i wish yall could hear it)
Tork and Tahir trade their bones for basilisk fangs and Tahir for a few chewable ones, like the kind he got as a puppy.
After a quick perception check everyone realizes the entire shop is literally made of bones, from the shelves to the counter to the walls themselves.
Ivan asks sarcastically, "Oh, I'm sorry, what do you sel lhere again?"
Zakir looks at him like he's stupid.
"Who the fuck is this guy?" He asks Tork. "Look. Zakir has bones. You have bones. Pig bones, eladrin bones, dog bones, vampire bones." he gets to Xehara, who is a squid simic and technialy doesn't have bones (think of Kiff from Futurama). "No bones... BONES. Zakir. Deals with. Bones. Get the fuck outta here."
Tork and Tahir usher Ivan outside of the shop for being annoying. Tork apologizes.
Tork tells him, "We're friends, right? Tork is friend."
Zakir nods and says "Yeah. Okay. Zakir, Tork. Tork, Zakir. Friends now."
Tork inquires about the piece of horn they took from the Godkiller's temple. He tells Zakir it's the horn of a god.
"Tork wants to know if god-bone is any good. Maybe even sell - or trade for other bones."
Zakir thinks about it long and hard.
"Hm. If it's real, then it's high profile. Zakir doesn't like that. Zakir wants nice, simple bones, not something people wanna steal. If it's fake, then Zakir has no use for it."
Tork says that's fair.
I made a long list of really cool items I think theyd all like, but they cant have them all. They have a budget of 5000 gold, which while a lot, some of these items are pretty expensive. They've been pecking at what they want to buy ever since.
Tork finds an amulet of Speak with Animals. He tries it on but can't figure out how to cast it. Yilcer helps him, and he turns to Hank with big, sad brown eyes.
"Hank? Can you hear me?"
Hank, the Haoma (made up creature but its basically a pig-tapir), gleams brightly and hops, "Tork! Tork! Hank knows Tork!"
(Please know I am using a baby-voice for Hank)
Karl, the player who plays Tork, nearly starts crying on the spot, it was genuinely so sweet.
"Hank!!! Hank... What does Hank want? Does Hank want armor? Weapons?"
"Hank want... appuh (apple)."
Karl in almost tears, Tork actually in tears, says "OK!! if I don't find applesin this bazaar I'm burning everything to the ground"
The shopkeep, who is basically a cowboy tiefling plucking a guitar, is so off-put by all the weeping that he just gives Tork the amulet to get him tf away from him lmao.
Tork spends a lot of money feeding hank Apples while carrying him like a baby.
Eventually, the group converges and they start questioning Yilcer about her Archdruid and whether he can be trusted.
Important note, Candi (Yilcer's player) and I discussed that Yilcer and Helvega's relationship is something similar to Asuka and Kaji from Evangelion, if that helps. Except she's an adult, but that probably makes it Worse.
Anyway, she says "Archdruid Helvega raised me since I was little."
They blanch. "Helvega? As in... SIGURD Helvega?"
Yilcer realizes she never, not in a hundred years, knew his first name. It dawned on her. She doesn't know. But she refused to believe that the groups supposed enemy, Sigurd, was the same Helvega as her Archdruid.
They get back to the hotel and they argue for a good two hours. Ivan believes Sigurd is the Godkiller who created and caused the blight. Tork doesn't think so, but does think Sigurd is connected to the blight.
She didn't believe they were the same Helvega at all. Yilcer was about to put away the portrait of herself that the Archdruid made when all her letters spilled out of the container. Xehara and Tork recognized the handwriting and signature - it definitely matched Sigurd's letters that they had since session 1.
Yilcer is starting to light up in flames, which Ivan ad to roll a wisdom save to avoid being afraid due to his very Recent trauma with fire. She yells at them, telling hem that he would never have caused something like that, he's a GOOD MAN, he would NEVER hurt anyone, not even her, he lost so much trying to save the world from the blight!
In that time, Xehara finally opens and reads the two scrolls he was given by Amin.
They are a pair of portraits of seemingly the same man. One is heroic, freshly shaven, short, messy brown hair, and a crest of a castle with wings. he recognizes this as his assassination target, the one that led him to this adventure. This target is said to have been stealing noble money, and spending it egregiously wherever he goes.
The second portrait is apparently the same man, but with a thicker beard, wily hair, sunken cheeks and eyes. A crest of a snake with two heads on both ends of its body in a knot appear at the bottom.
Xehara recognizes the castle seal as the noble crest of Stillas, a city-state ruled by a king. The second crest eludes him, however. In his research on the subject, he found that the person that hired him was a middle man of a middle man, and the paper trail eventually went cold in his findings. he doesn't know who wants this man dead,or why. Least of all, why did Yilcer's companion have it?
One of the items they bought in town was labeled as coming from the country of Sigartha, which is where the Godkiller temple was found (and namely, with the statues of Sigurd, Razvra, the Moon Goddess, and one mysterious archer woman). It is an ancient coin, like the ones they've been collecting in association to Sigurd, with a horse's skull stamped to it.
Many mysteries are unearthing as they compare notes.....
They'll resume shopping tomorrow and decide if they want to pursue Xehara's mysterious contract, follow a lead on their main quest in the country of Sigartha (that they realized sounds a lot like "Sigurd" and is the country where the temple with Sigurd's statue was found), or to the country of Osanisk, where the next gemstone for the Godkiller star puzzle could be located.
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ferinehuntress · 9 months
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 At the beginning of Piltover's societal structure, nobles had two major positions within the house. They were first known as The Sage and The Hand.
 The Sage had always been the head of the house, often the one who dealt with diplomatic affairs and ensured things were in order. The Hand was often the fist of the operation, ensuring order was maintained through force if needed, and was the one who often protected the sage of the house. Many times, when people came to see The Sage, it was first done through the Hand.
 Back during the beginning years of Osha'Zaun, where the two sister states worked equally and fairly, The Hands often worked in tandem with The Deputies of the territories. They both functioned in similiar aspects, despite being from being from two different states.
 However, when things started to go badly, Piltover decided it was time to separate The Hand because it was too similar of a concept to that of Zaun and they wanted to erase any connection or familiarity to them. Instead, they split the hand into two different functions: The Sword and The Shield. The sword often functioned as the person who was the fighter of the house. Whenever problems arose, they were the first on the scene and often took the actions of the "sword" offensively handling what needed to the done. The Shield was the protector of the house, taking the form of a "shield" to defensively protect the household. The Sage became known as the Intelligencer. the Intelligencer was required to be born into the Household, where the sword and shield needed no blood relation to the house and could be adopted into the clan.
 It is, on rare occasions, that the Intelligencer will name a person to be both Sword and Shield, though Piltovan tradition strongly advises not to do such a thing as it puts these two positions together and makes someone more vulnerable in their eyes. When an Intelligencer names someone both the sword and shield, they become known as The Chevalier. This position is the same as The Hand, which is what they used to be known as back at the beginning of Osha'Zaun.
 Chevaliers have power that overrides pretty much everyone, which is why the position is rare and has not been used in the last 150 years. By the old laws, Chevaliers have immunity from the law and any governmental force. This is because Chevaliers have a law upon themselves, to take matters into their hands so that they can fight, protect, and defend the Intelligencer with their life, voice, and body. The laws can often impede the need to defend those of the house, and so it was made that Chevaliers often were above the law, a law of their own. They were justicars to their title and only answered to the Intelligencer. As the Intelligencer can name a Chevalier, they can easily strip them of that title as well. It was not uncommon for an Intelligencer to change Chevaliers often to remind people who had the true power.
 These practices, while far outdated, still exist in Piltover, and can be used by the nobles to name a Chevalier if they wish. However, most do not care to share their position of power and therefore tend to just hire enforcers or bodyguards. A Chevalier, in their capacity, would be above Enforcers and no enforcer or governmental body could arrest a Chevalier. Again, they are outside of the law, a law of their own, and therefore can act and do as they need. Many Chevaliers of the past sometimes let this power go to their heads, acting with arrogance and control and knowing they could get away with much. Not all Chevaliers acted as such, but it was not uncommon in the past to see them using their power for their greed (which is why during the present day Intelligencers did not like to share this power).
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undyingembers · 2 years
Oh wow I have to hear more about the Mass Effect AU!! 👀
Yes! Here it is. Most of it takes place after the Reaper Wars, after the galaxy has more or less re-established the Council and its various societies.
Len and his/her family are all asari. Despite not being a pureblood, Len somehow became an ardat-yaakshi, an asari who is unable to perform the melding without overwhelming their partner's nervous system and doing them harm. While Len's strain isn't lethal (s/he can safely meld with someone if they space it out about once every month or so, but if s/he does it too often with one person, they run the risk of living with permanent brain damage, a lobotomized existence), by asari law, s/he had to stay at the temple with the other ardat-yaakshi.
When the temple got attacked during the Reaper Wars, Len managed to escape and was presumed dead. Having come from a long line of matriarchs who became justicars and received top combat training, combined with his/her combat experience during the Reaper Wars and his/her ardat-yaakshi and powerful biotic powers, s/he was able to find success starting his/her own mercenary company called "the Justices" alongside Sabine (an old washed-up krogan wrestler), Lann (a vorscha sniper), and Woljif (a rare quarian biotic whose mother somehow got exposed to element zero on the engine she was working on).
(Side note, Len's other "parent" is a turian, as was his/her "grandfather" and (supposedly) "great-grandfather". It's a running joke that each member of the Scaeva family will only produce children with the hardest and most stone-faced turian general they can get their hands on. Len's great-grandmother Moraenia Scaeva was a justicar legend, and stories still speak of her epic battle against the ardat-yaakshi Dyrghaena, though if you are familiar with Len's canon backstory, you might guess that something more complicated happened with that that might have led to Moraenia's entire line susceptible to breeding ardat-yaakshi).
(Other side note: Len's birth name is Leonosa in this AU. Though s/he still feels attachment to that name s/he also goes by Lenarius, a turian masculine name. S/he develops a very complicated relationship with gender having seen how other races experience it. For practical reasons (namely, not wanting to be found by his/her justicar mother), Len almost always introduces him/herself as Lenarius.)
At some point after the Reaper War ends, Lenarius gets landed on Palaven, the turian homeworld. Len's mother had caught wind that Len might be alive and on Palaven. In order to avoid a diplomatic incident with the turians, Thessia used its connections to lock down the space port where Len was at until they could find him/her. Len reaches out to his/her old army contact Galfrey for help, but she cannot get him off world, but she suggests that her cousin Daeran might be of help, as he is sometimes said to smuggle substances, entertainments, and mercs for his own amusement.
Daeran is a very unusual turian. Everything turians care about--honor, duty, and military service--Daeran scoffs at. When Daeran was still in-utero, he and a bunch of other turian fetuses were exposed to element zero in an effort to put these kids in special turian biotic units. Sadly, Daeran didn't care for that at all. Even more unfortunately, Daeran was the only kid who ended up developing biotic potential. When it was time for him to enlist in the turian army, his mother had just died. The turian army gave him only twelve hours to grieve. Daeran decided it would be much easier instead to hack the recruitment office to make it seem that he was being placed on a different world and then spent his mandatory service time partying it up on Illium, Omega, and other unsavory places (Daeran is a Sentinel, a biotic and a hacker). The turian army is really pissed off at him. "Tens of thousands of credits and ten pounds of eezo down the drain," turian generals say of him. (There's also an incident where the head of a turian military academy insulted Daeran one to many times; Daeran responded by hacking into that academy's database and replacing classified documents with hanar and elcor porn.)
So anyway, Len reaches out to Daeran and asks if he can smuggle him/her and his/her merc company off of Palaven. Daeran agrees if Len would help him with a mission. Len does so, and Daeran arranges for a smuggler to take Len and his/her crew off world. Len is impressed with the way Daeran handled himself on that mission and offers Daeran a spot in his/her company. Despite Daeran's very close interest he develops for Len, he declines. However, just as the Justices are about to leave, Daeran catches up to them. The turian army just discovered (with or without help from Galfrey) Daeran's desertion from the draft and are super pissed off about it and Daeran needs to get off world until this can all be sorted out. Len is appalled, but s/he helps Daeran make a hasty escape.
(Side note about Daeran: Daeran didn't lift a single finger to fight in the Reaper Wars. He spent his whole time throwing parties and doing what he pleased. "After all, the world is ending, and I do not fancy myself meeting an ignoble death on some planet crushed under a colossus's foot.")
The Justices build a reputation of not only effectiveness, but of having a spotless record when it comes to the law and civilian casualties. They will not accept a contract that makes them do illegal activities, and they will not take a civilian life, and they will not do business with known criminals. Having morals as a merc is very risky, but there are clients out there who want to be above reproach and want to know that their own hands won't get dirty when they hire mercenaries. One such client is the new human Councilor Salvadore Arrigo. Salvadore is a human politician who also served in the Reaper Wars, and was able to occupy Udina's now vacant seat on the Council. He is a very frequent client for the Justices, and calls on them either for bodyguard work or to protect his interests across the galaxy.
Len very rarely deals with clients personally, preferring to use Daeran as a middleman, but Salvadore is such and important and impressive client that s/he makes an exception for him/her. People who don't know who the leader of the Justices is assume that s/he is a turian. Salvadore is quite surprised that the person he's had regular contact with turns out to be an asari. The two meet at a very fancy gentleman's bar and hit it off right away due to their elegance, intelligence, and refinement. Salvadore decides he wants to pursue something with Lenarius.
There are a few snags, however, the biggest one being that Len has already started something with Daeran. While that relationship hasn't been settled yet, Len is very loyal and will not just drop a partner. This turns into a very bitter, if short-lived rivalry between Sal and Daeran over Len's heart. Sal is very resentful towards Daeran, particularly as it seems that Daeran isn't taking Lenarius's heart seriously. Daeran, for his part, is super amused and never misses a chance to rile up this handsome Councilor in not so subtly flirty ways. Their rivalry comes to a head when the two of them have a private talk somewhere. That talk almost ends badly, with each of them furious at various things the other says. However, in that talk, Daeran opens up about his insecurities about not being able to love Len the way Len deserves and how in another lifetime, if Sal had met Len first, Sal would be the one with Len. Daeran and Sal both admit that if the two of them had met, perhaps they would be together instead. They both admit to having a mutual interest in each other as well as Len, and Daeran suggests that the three of them go out to a restaurant on the Presidium. Sal makes the reservations, and Lenarius agrees to go with Daeran to meet Sal on that date.
Another snag in their relationship is the fact that Len is an ardat-yaakshi. Daeran wasn't the only one to keep Len at arm's length. Len was also freaking out about starting a relationship with anyone, knowing that his/her partner would notice that s/he wasn't trying to mind meld with them. Also, as an ardat-yaakshi, Len is wanted by the asari governments, and they will most certainly want to either capture or kill him/her if they ever found out.
Of course, Sal and Daeran eventually find out. Not much about ardat-yaakshi is known outside of asari space. Daeran is sympathetic to what Len has gone through and agrees that they should keep Len away from the asari (though he also sneers at any ardat-yaakshi who chooses life in the temple over death or freedom). I'm not sure how Sal reacts at first, but at some point he is outraged that Len cannot stand openly by his side and wants to do something about it.
The idea that Len and Sal come up with is for Sal to nominate Len as a Spectre. As a Spectre, Len would be above asari law and only answer to the Council. Len is a powerful biotic and a formidable fighter who has done a lot of work for Sal and the Council already. Giving Len Spectre status is only an extension of that. The asari Councilor is very against it. Not only is Len an ardat-yaakshi, and therefore belong in the temple, the asari know that Len's mother is a justicar, and asari justicars operate outside the laws as well. The justicars would not accept the Council's decision, and it would cause a major diplomatic incident if they went after a Spectre. Despite the protests, Sal gets the support of the other Councilors to get Len tested for a Spectre position.
Len gets an assignment from the Council, supervised by one of their Spectres. It is a difficult and delicate mission, but one that Len would be expected to complete. Unfortunately, Len's mother Lodetta does not respect the Council's decision and decides to go after Len on this test. The complication makes the assignment brutal, and Lodetta nearly gets Len killed. The whole thing is a harrowing experience for Sal and Daeran, who for the longest time think Len might be dead. However, Len manages to escape the situation with the objective complete and gains his/her Spectre status.
The three of them celebrate by bringing Len to one of Thessia's major cities, where s/he can openly walk the streets. Lodetta and the other justicars will still want to either kill Len or lock him/her up, but they can no longer rely on the asari government for help. Len also wants to use his/her newfound freedom and power to gain freedom and rights for other ardat-yaakshi.
I would like to give thanks and credit to @dmagedgoods for letting me include their OC Salvadore and for the very intense roleplaying sessions with this AU. It was a lot of fun, and Sal is very wonderful, as always.
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3xm-draconic · 1 year
DOVAHJOJO: a bizarre adventure.
Saturnalia Sorrows.
Jotunn Jostjarna or "Jojo" is a young boy living on his family's farm in Cheydinhal, Cyrodiil. Tonight will be the last Saturnalia he will spend with his family.
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On the outskirts of Cheydinhal city sat a little farm, Jostjarna Ranch. The cozy little farmhouse sat beside a tiny pond with a field of grazing cows on the other end, inside the farmer, his wife and their young son were all waking up to the morning of Satinalia.
“Happy Saturnalia Mama, Papa!” the young boy chipped as he excitedly hugged his parents goodmorning, “good morning and happy saturnalia to you too, Jojo” the boy’s father said mirthfully. 
“Would you like to come with me to pick up some ingredients for tonight’s feast?”, “yes mama” Jojo hopped excitedly down the stairs and into his winter boots.
 Cheydinhal was beautiful this time of year, the whole city was decorated in cheerful red and blue hues, candles lit up the streets and the scent of baked goods filled the air. 
Snow was piled high all throughout the city and children took to making snow-soldiers, snow-aedra, sledding and throwing snowball fights. “Mama can I go play with the other children?”, “of course, just come back when we call you” his mother smiled and as she watched her son gleefully run off to play.
 “Hi guys, is it ok if I play with you?”, “ew no!” a girl shrieked, “why should we let an elf like you play with us?” a boy snickered, “yhea, go find another snooty Altmer to play with!” another boy laughed.
Jojo held back tears as the bullies ran away laughing at him.
“I-I’ll play with you” a scrawny boy with bright red hair said, he was hiding shadows and was dressed in fine clothes “what’s your name?”, “Jotunn Jostjarna but people call me Jotti or Jojo for short” he grinned. “What’s your name?”, “Cicerolli Zeppli but I like being called Cicero for short” the boy said.
The duo made a snow-soldier with a bucket for a helmet, pebbles for eyes and a carrot for a nose, “carrots are my favorite food” Cicero hummed “and sweetrolls”.
“You should try my Mama’s carrot cake sweetrolls they are fantastic!” Jotti beamed.
Jotti heard his mother calling for him.
“Oh I gotta go, but here take this, consider it a saturnalia gift” Jotti said as he wrapped his patchwork blue scarf around Cicero’s neack, “this…f-for me?” Cicero said in tears “thank you”.
Jotti and his mother returned home to feast, they dined on roasted venison, vegetable soup and holiday treats like birch cookies and sweet nogg. “Are you ready to open your presents?” his mother turned to him and laughed a little as she saw her son had a mustache of sweet nogg on his upper lip, “I am mama, WAIT you should open my presents to you first!” he excitedly hopped about.
“We can wait to open ours, you go ahead and open yours” Jotti’s father chuckled.
The gift from his mother was a ring that regenerated his magicka and the gift from his father was a strange dagger “whoa dad what is this made of?” Jotti eyed the blade amazed, “skyforged steel, I saw a vendor selling it, he had come from my homeland of skyrim”.
“Papa, do you think I’ll ever get to visit skyrim?” Jotti’s big blue eyes sparkled with joy, “perhaps one day” his father smiled and rustled his son’s deep brown hair.
A loud banging at their door took their attention away from the night's festivities. 
“Oh? I wonder who that could be?” Jotti’s mother pondered as she got up to open the door, “Jojo…head into the kitchen and be quiet” his father said as he reached for his sword which rested on the fireplace mantle.
Just as Jotti had reached the back door he heard an awful sound, his mother screamed and his father shouted for him to run, Jotti did as he was told and booked it out the door.
He looked behind him and saw strange elves like his mother dressed in black and gold robes or in golden armor.
“Go! Kill the hybrid abomination!” one of them, a cruel looking woman ordered, “yes head justicar Elenwen” her men replied as they chased after Jotti.
Jotti ran, he ran like the freezing wind.
He ran into the forest and dove into a frigid river to escape them, his half nord blood gave him some resistance to the cold.
Jotti kept running even after he thought he had lost them.
Eventually he grew weak, he could not run forever.
Jotti collapsed in the snow…
Jotti awoke later in a temple, the priestess, a kind argonian woman, told him he was found by the guard and that he was in the city of Bravil.
Jotti stayed at the temple until he had recovered, while recovering he learned that the empire was being invaded.
The people who had killed his family were the Aldmeri Dominion, the Thalmor.
Jotti left the temple and now lives on the streets…but fate smiles kindly on him.
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jsyndra · 1 year
"So, what are the Justicars exactly? You seem like the person to ask." The vastaya leaned on his hands, curious. "I've heard the name tossed around a couple times, but never really got much of an explanation."
"I'm one of the only three Justicars, so I suppose I would be the one to ask." Syndra agreed, a touch of amusement in her tone. Normally, she wouldn't indulge people with answers to such broad questions, but this one has helped her before.
"Justicars stand chief among The Order, I'm certain you may have met a few Arclights before as they are a touch more common. Your question is quite broad, but to simplify it, Justicars stand as embodiments of Justice and Order to keep peace in Runeterra and rid it of any darkness."
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crimson--corvid · 1 year
Ruairi was a special case of an Embrace, and that he was specifically selected for the Change by Prince Mithras, himself. He is an intermediary negotiator between the clans of the Camarilla and the Ventrue, often sent as a messenger or an envoy of whichever Prince he is working for a the time. He is also wanted for in a bloodhunt by Prince Richard Turner of Bristol, but other Ventrue do not wish to see a useful resource wasted for the crime of not killing a thin-blood under orders.
He is considered a bit of a whig, still indulging in relationships with Kine, but this is often overlooked as any breach of the masquerade, as it has turned out to be a good resource for finding blood dolls and ghouls. He is a known ally of Velvet Velour, a prominent Toreadore in Hollywood, California.
Opinions of Ruairi are divisive in the lower circles of the Brujah. Arguments over whether he is to be trusted or not are often hard in conversations about him in Elysium bars. Higher ranking Kindred of this clan, however, will know that Ruairi was a Brujah dampyr, and originally intended to be turned by the Brujah to create a supremely powerful Cainite, but was stolen by the Ventrue under order of the Ivory Tower, itself. The Brujah are the most likely to refer to Ruairi as 'the Blue Blood Whig'.
He will not be of the Camarilla forever. He is the Crimson Corvid, leaving a wash of blood from his feathers as he sways in the winds of change. Independence calls his name, yet he may never face its voice. Freedom is his desire. Only freedom.
There is no universal option from the Gangrel on Ruairi. Some view him to be a useful negotiator, able to get them concessions from the Ventrue they'd never seen before. Others view him as simply a Ventrue with less frills. All know he is of no direct threat to their clan, and he has been known to deeply respect their traditions. He has been an ally of notable Gangrel noddist, Beckett.
The Nosferatu know many of the secrets of Ruairi's origin, as well as his work as a Nosferatu justicar's archon to root out an antediluvian cult. It was reported that he nearly underwent a blood bonding ritual with the antediluvian, himself, but was rescued by the Nosferatu justicar. Together, they were able to avert a drastic step in the Game, and prevent an ancient and dangerous Cainite from awakening. Whether or not that cainite was antediluvian or not is still contested.
//this list is still a work in progress, the more I think about the clans, the more of them might pop up in here.
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the-iron-orchid · 2 years
Apprenticember, Day 29
What is a fact about your mc others would never guess?
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It's difficult for others - especially non-magicians - to understand exactly how dangerous Jinana can be, and the enormity of the risk and the effort that Efizio Borgia undertook in training hir. One lapse in his wards or a little bad luck, and his entire villa would have gone up in a deadly blast of chaotic magic, along with his apprentices.
Fortunately, his warding was impeccable, and any wild magic meltdowns were kept more or less contained. Equally fortunately, his villa was on the outskirts of Vesuvia, outside the city walls. (It has since changed hands, having been sold to fund his well-earned retirement in Prakra.)
The only reason he took such a risk when he did was that he suspected that the influence of Heron's aura of Order would have some tempering effect on the seething chaos of Jinana's magic as it grew within hir... and he was correct. (What he had not bargained on was how hir aura of Chaos, in turn, would temper the inflexibility for which Clockwork Souls and Justicars are notorious, making Heron the most creative Clockwork Soul in generations, possibly in recorded history.)
Asra also took a tremendous risk in bringing hir back, not knowing if hir power would be attenuated in any way or how much control s/he would have over it. (As it turns out, hir power was greatly attenuated, which was fortunate because s/he had very little control over it at first. However, luck had very little to do with it...)
At any rate, there are few indeed who would guess just how much power can be channeled through that scrawny little frame, and just how slim is the leash that keeps it under control.
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