#Meeting of the ram temple trust
youryurigoddess · 6 months
On love and sacrifices
There’s so much more to this scapegoating business and big sacrifices referenced in the Good Omens narrative than the literal goats. And they’re only getting bigger, louder, final.
But let’s take it slow and start with the beginning, quite literally — i.e., with the Good Omens 2 title sequence. As we follow Aziraphale and Crowley on their journey, the universe warps and their usual left and right side positioning switches during the magic show (not accidentally an act of trust and sacrifice required both from the angel and the demon). They stay so throughout the next scene, which is their little dance in the air, and after they seemingly get settled on the A. Z. Fell and Co.’s roof and back to normal, the flipped sky in the background suggests that something’s not quite right yet. In the central part of the shot looms a large, humanlike shadow of the Elephant Trunk Nebula.
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The nebula is a part of a constellation called Cepheus, after an Ethiopian king from the Greek mythology who agreed to sacrifice his only daughter in order to appease the gods and end a local calamity started by her mother and his wife, Cassiopeia (talk about generational responsibility). With time and a delightfully ironic twist of fate, the name of said daughter, Andromeda, became more famous than that of her father. Although she was chained up to a rock and offered to the sea serpent Cetus, the girl was spotted by the warrior Perseus, casually flying over the sea — either on the back of the Pegasus or thanks to a pair of winged sandals — after his victory over Medusa. He fell in love on the spot, defeated the serpent (with the help of a magical sword or Medusa’s severed head, depending on the varying sources), and freed the princess. That’s not exactly where their story ends, but we won’t be getting into the rest here.
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Not surprisingly, Neil has mentioned two parallel child sacrifice stories from the biblical context back in August. The first is one of the big ones — The Binding of Isaac. God's command to sacrifice Isaac, his only son, was a test of Abraham's faith. The angel of the Lord intervenes and provides a ram to be sacrificed in the boy’s place.
The second one isn’t nearly as popular, but you might have heard a variant of it in fairy tales or as the Law of Surprise invoked in The Witcher saga. In exchange for Israel’s victory over its enemies in battle, Jephthah had rashly promised God to repay the debt with the first thing seen on his return back home. The victorious warrior didn’t suspect to see his only child moving innocently "to meet him with timbrels and with dances" though. In horror, Jephthah covered his eyes with his cloak, but to no avail: ultimately, he was forced to honor his vow to God, and the girl was sacrificed. As grisly as it might look like in the Old Master’s paintings, it’s important to remember that human sacrifices weren’t limited to physical offerings only — Jephthah’s daughter might have been offered to God in the sense of officially shunning her family and dedicating her life to service instead, probably sequestered in a temple somewhere.
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Interestingly, the main character of a big chunk of the Bible and the reason for the Second Coming happens to be THE most influential child sacrifice in the modern history. You know, a certain 33-year-old carpenter sent by his Heavenly Father to die on a cross for the sins of the mankind? Someone better call Aubrey Thyme ASAP.
Circling back to Aziraphale, he could be also seen as a representative of the concept of filial piety, since Eden willing to personally take a Fall not only for the humanity’s collective or individual transgressions, but the shortcomings of his Ineffable Parental Figure as well. Our favorite angel angel always fights for what is right and good, sure, but why would that be even a thing if God was truly omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent?
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If Aziraphale’s medal is anything to go by, it looks like we might get an answer from the way it’s introducing another mythological narrative into the game, that is the story of Daedalus and Icarus. The most absorbing thing about this is the stark contrast to the recurring child sacrifice references for S3 mentioned in this post — Daedalus isn’t a father who wanted to sacrifice his son, it was his attempt to save him from imprisonment that ultimately drove Icarus to his death. The boy ignored his father’s explicit instructions, committing the grave and culturally universal sin of disobedience to one's parents that simply couldn’t go unpunished, one way or another.
But Icarus’s transgression could be seen both as high-flying ambition and striving for personal accomplishment as well as humanitarian sacrifice for knowledge and humanity’s advancement in general.
Similarly to a certain angel who left everything for what superficially seems like a work promotion, but is the ultimate act of love — both for his demon and the children they have been protecting and nurturing together for six thousand years. From the very Beginning, his white wings have been shielding everything he holds dear in this world.
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inkyquince · 1 year
I'm too eepy so I'll go into detail later but fucking...
Content warning, oh god. Blood, lots of blood. Gortash being a nasty. Dark urge reader. Lots of talk about overpowering the dark urge sexually but it's very consensual, just power play. Rough kissing and sex and impact play and stabbing but that's seen as a sexy foreplay. It's also kinda absatatvg and bad lmao, I wrote this at 5am in bed after I woke up and I'm gonna go back to sleep in three seconds.
Fucking Gortash being a freak. Adoring the blood when Dark Urge bites into his neck, hard enough for their teeth to leave marks, scars that have been whittled into his skin over time. Loves the way they kiss him afterwards- if it could be called a kiss. Their mouth soaked in his blood, pressing their tongue into his mouth and he lets them drag the tip over his teeth. Do they doubt that he would bite down on it, or do they not care if he did tried to inflict the pain? Or worse, would they welcome it, and any semblance of restraint would peel away? With his pride holding him back, he'd let them do ungodly things to him, this creature born of murder under the killing moon.
He's thought of them, wearing the same fineries of the nobles that flock around him every day, and his stomach tightens. Dressed up, their hands stained with blood, a true beast among the quivering herd of people with riches sewn into their clothes. Gortash thinks of them in satin and lace and in blood.
But the only thing better than to kneel to this child of Bhaal, is to make them twitch.
Roughly cupping their face, even as they bare they teeth, just to press his lips to theirs, even has they hiss and spit. Gortash thinks of submitting to them as an act of love fondness but him overpowering them is his own act of worship.
They have their cultists to kiss their feet as they deserved the steps to their fathers temple, they have a butler to bequeath them gifts, but he'll be the only one that holds their attention. Their temple resting on his knee, even if he has to bruise their throat in his harsh grip to push them down.
Gortash needs to overpower them, but not in the usual way of needing a brat to become subservient to him, with a kick to their gut. No, he needs to wrestle them down, and show them he's the victor. He'll be dripping blood, a dagger stuck in his side, but he'll win, and they'd feel that their true place is under him, with his hard cock pressing against their side, as he mouths at their neck, uncaring about any who'd stumble upon them.
Ever since returning, his life has felt plastic, serene, sterilised. The Urge, his Urge, reminds him of the Hells, of sulphur staining his skin and blood on his tongue where he had nearly bitten through it as the jailer beats him and mocks him. He hates it. But on the Bhaalspawn, the humiliation of his flashbacks become an aphrodisiac, and he greedily drinks it all in.
So he fucks them against marble floors and prestigious paintings and expensive cloth, as they bite him and scratch him and spill both of their blood. They could ram a dagger through his side and he'd still grip their chin to force them to meet his lips.
The days he spends over powering them, gripping their wrists down as they sink their teeth into his fragile skin, will one day give way to when they stretch out against his sheets, drowsiness settling in, and they stay. Maybe because they don't care about their vulnerability at that moment, or maybe because there's a semblance of trust between them, where he wears a collar of their bites, and they roll over and show their belly for him.
Either way, what bliss.
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Friendly Sex - Chapter 2 - The Pact
Eddie Munson X AFAB! Reader
Chapter warnings: (MDI) 18+ only, mentions of drugs, mentions of sex, mentions of alcohol , adult themes, explicit language.
Edited 02/04/23
‘I had sex with Eddie Munson, I had sex with my classmate who is also my drug dealer Eddie Munson, I had sex in public with my classmate/drug dealer Eddie Munson, and we’re probably going to do it again… and now we're having milkshakes. Sex and milkshakes.’ 
  Your mind was reeling with repetitive thoughts, the bright fluorescent lighting of the diner only succeeding in throwing your headache into sharper relief; you groaned pressing your fingers to your temples.
"How you feeling champ?" Eddie asks, sitting opposite you in the red vinyl booth, mouth full of a greasy cheeseburger.
"I think I'm gonna puke." You moan, resting your head on your arms. 
He only chuckled, reaching across to ruffle your hair affectionately, you wanted to hit his hand out of the way but you could barely muster a glare.
"You're just coming down from a hefty dose of premium weed and shitty alcohol is all sweetheart, eat something and you'll be right as rain." He said soothingly, offering you his fries with a vigorous shake of the basket. 
“I told you I'm not hungry.” You insisted, stomach churning as you watched him chase a handful of fries with a gulp strawberry milkshake topped with mounds of whipped cream.
“If you don’t eat, then you don’t get a reward.” He said in a sing-song voice.
“What kind of a reward?” You ask, arching an eyebrow in curiosity. He gestures for you to lean closer, looking around conspiratorially, you roll your eyes at the dramatics meeting him in the middle. He was so close you could have counted his eyelashes if you had the time, lips almost brushing yours, you held your breath wondering if he was going to kiss you.
“Well…?” You whispered
“Eat something and you’ll find out, princess.” He winked, dropping back into his seat with a smirk, sliding the basket of fries towards you once more.
“Asshole.” You mumble reproachfully, taking a single fry and barely nibbling the end, nose wrinkling as the salt hit your already dry mouth.
"Dip it in your milkshake." Eddie suggested, pushing your banana shake towards you, amusement dancing in his eyes.. 
"Eddie, the goal is to stop me being sick, not speed things along." You say in disgust.
"Trust me" He insisted firmly.
  With little energy to argue, you dunked the remainder of your fry unceremoniously in the thick creamy liquid, eying the concoction warily. Sucking in a deep breath, you rammed the fry into your mouth, scrunching up your face.
 "Well…?" He asks, laughing at your screwed up expression.
You hated to admit it but it was surprisingly pleasant, the combination of salty and sweet felt refreshing to your alcohol numb taste buds, but best of all the coldness of the shake was mercifully helping to soothe your pounding skull.
"Not bad." You said flippantly, already reaching over to grab the basket of the fries. He scoffed, giving you a look that clearly said 'I told you so' before diving back into his monster burger with gusto. 
It was all oddly domesticated, you thought, any onlooker would be forgiven for thinking you were just another young couple out on a date. But that wasn’t what this was, you and Eddie hadn’t mentioned a thing about dating, and besides you didn’t want to date Eddie, what you wanted was a distraction from Steve you reminded yourself.
You took a few sips of your milkshake, shaking your head as Eddie shoved some onion rings into his already full mouth.
  "So, what did you mean by a pact?" You asked, twirling your straw idly, as Eddie attempted to chew and speak at the same time.
“A pact, you know, a set of rules, an agreement. The whole point of this deal is to get a little bit of fun back in our lives-," He pulled his strawberry milkshake towards him, gulping the last half in one go. "The crushes we have are messy, and the last thing we need is more mess, so the best thing to do is lay out a couple of ground rules."
  "I thought you didn't go in for rules Munson?" You goaded with a smile, lightly kicking his leg under the table. 
"Gotta have some rules sweetheart, otherwise how are you gonna break any." He teased, giving you a kick back. He pulled a bunch of napkins from the dispenser next to him, then started patting down the various pockets of his jacket and jeans, evidently coming up short for whatever it was he wanted. "Hey, you got lipstick or something?" 
You looked at him in confusion, but nevertheless extracted your Revlon lipstick from your skirt pocket. "I don't think-” You checked the name on the sticker, “Misty Plum is your shade, 'Fireball Red' would look great with your colouring though." You quipped.
"Ha, ha. Hand it over." He deadpanned, holding out his hand as you passed it over, your curiosity immediately turning to horror as he flipped the cap off and started scribbling ‘#Rule 1’ on a napkin, his tongue peeking out in apparent concentration.
"Eddie!" You shrieked, making a grab for the lipstick "That shit is expensive!"
"Sweetheart, I will buy you another, now shut up and listen." He held it out of your reach. "This napkin is our contract, doesn't need to be notarized, witnessed or any of that other crap, but these are rules we need to agree on and follow if this is gonna work." He gave you a look reminiscent of your Dad, a look that usually accompanied the words 'is that clear?'
You felt chided, flopping back down into the booth with your arms folded petulantly pouting in a silent protest for your abused cosmetics. 
"Good girl." He cooed condescendingly, so being an adult you stuck your tongue out.
 "Real mature princess." He laughed "So, I'm thinking first and foremost, we agree to have fun, and when it's no longer fun we stop" He asked with the lipstick poised above the napkin.
"I stopped having fun when you mutilated my lipstick." You grumbled.
"Would you get over it already?" He said impatiently.
"Jesus H Christ!" Eddie huffed loudly in exasperation, hauling himself out of the booth. For a wild moment you thought he was going to just up and leave you, instead he approached a care-worn looking waitress cleaning tables, who handed him something.
"There I have a pen, happy now?" He asked haughtily, dropping back into the booth with a thud. He capped your lipstick, rolling it back towards you none too gently, scrunching up the lipstick covered napkin and grabbing a new one.
"Yes." You replied quietly, pocketing it, not liking the sour atmosphere between you and feeling awkward for causing such a fuss over a $2 lipstick so you added a quick "Thank you."
"You're welcome." He said curtly, before rubbing a hand over his face and changing to a softer tone.
"Look sweetheart, if you've changed your mind and you don't want to do this, it's totally fine, no hard feelings." He reassured you adding in a lower voice as the waitress walked past. "But believe when I say that little rendezvous of ours will be in my spank bank for many months to come." His grin so rakishly cheeky that you couldn't help crack a smile in return.
  You mentally weighed up your options, Eddie was offering you an out, you could chalk the whole thing up to an intoxication induced lack of judgment, never to speak of ever again.
You could go back to losing entire days pining away in your bedroom for Steve; staring at the Polaroid of you both pretending to pose like Han Solo and Princess Leia in front of a Star Wars poster at work.
Wearing his sweater to bed, the one he let you borrow that one evening when you got cold watching Robin play in band, holding it hostage ever since hoping he never asks for it back.
Then there were the 4 hour-long lovelorn calls to Robin, in which you asked her things like 'do you really think Steve liked the perfume I was wearing or if he just said it to be nice'. 
Or, you could bite the Eddie shaped bullet and take the chance that you might be able to squeeze some fun into your otherwise pathetic life. 
You glanced up at Eddie, there was something about him which coaxed out a side of you you wanted to see more of. 
Even now after years of being friends with Steve you often find yourself incapable of holding a real conversation without tripping over basic words, blushing so fiercely he's actually asked you before if you had a fever.  
Around Eddie you were somehow sharper, funnier, probably because you had the added advantage of not being in love with him. It was like split personalities, and apparently the Eddie version of you was a nymphomaniac type of girl who had sex in public, whether that was a good or bad thing remained to be seen, but did it matter when you were having fun?
You had made up your mind.
  "I had a lot of fun tonight, more fun than I have had in a long, long time. And I'd like to continue, having fun." You admit. "If you still want to?" You added wondering if Eddie had maybe changed his mind and was just trying to let you down easy. 
"Wouldn’t be here if I didn't, sweetheart." He assured you, gathering the pen and napkin. “So let’s make this fun official.” Eddie said grinning broadly once again, writing carefully.
#Rule 1 - Have fun, the pact ends when either party is no longer having fun. 
    You picked up your milkshake, squeezing into the booth next to him.
"Anything else?" He asked, leaning back to give you a better look.
There was a definite grey area to the arrangement you were concocting, both of you were doing this as the people you actually wanted to be with were unavailable, this was purely a physical outlet. What if Steve and Nancy did break up, surely Eddie knew you’d want out straight away, same with him if Chrissy and Jason split?
What if you bumped into some Prince Charming on the street, would you feel the need to pass up the opportunity because of Eddie?
"Um, dates with other people? We're allowed to go on them?." You queried, trying to get a feel for how he felt on the subject.
"You mean in the very rare event, we manage to get dates?" His laugh quickly turned into a grunt of pain as you elbowed him in the ribs.
"Alright dates with other people are allowed and don’t affect the pact," he agreed, still rubbing at his side, wincing, "but with one amendment."
  #Rule 2 - Dates are allowed, both parties must tell each other. Don’t get jealous.
"Fair enough." You conceded reading sideways, you picked the bacon out of his forgotten burger whilst he pretended to swat you away like a fly.
“Which neatly brings us to rule number three.” Eddie said, giving you a pointed look as you reach across him to grab his milkshake glass. "Communication."
"You wanna get walkie-talkies or something?" You ask absentmindedly, trying to fish the cocktail cherry out from the bottom of the glass with two straws acting as chopsticks. He watched trying not to crack a smile, when you looked delighted to have finally seized the cherry only for it to plop back to the bottom, your face dropping with it.
"No G.I. Joe.” He said sarcastically, taking one of the straws and stabbing it through the cherry, passing it to you. “I mean we make sure we talk to each other, check in every now and then emotionally to see if we're still happy about the arrangement, going back to rule number one, and rule number two." 
"All this talk about emotions Eddie, I never knew you cared." You drawled, chewing on the cherry, fluttering your eyelashes and making kissy faces at him, squeaking in shock when he grabbed your face kissing you hard.
  You didn’t know what to do as his tongue licked into your mouth, well, your body knew what to do, effectively going limp in his hold; heat rushing to your belly, lips moving against his. Your mind on the other hand was filled with alarms, wasn’t this too familiar? You hadn’t discussed what was acceptable outside of fooling around, you figured you’d act like you were nothing more than casual friends because that’s what you were? This was about sex, fun casual sex, nothing more.
Just as you were going into full mental shutdown, he pulled away looking smug.
"And that’s what I'm talking about, you make kissy faces at me like that, I'm going to assume you want me to kiss you.” He was toying with you, knowing damn well he only did it to prove a point. “But if you only want me to kiss you when we're fucking then we need to be clear about it, understand?” You could only nod, effectively rendered speechless, as he wrote out the last rule underlining for good measure. 
  #Rule 3 - Communication.
Still not trusting your voice to come out a few octaves higher than normal, you busied yourself by grabbing the napkin as though there was more to read than three simple rules.
"Should we sign it or something?" You ask
Eddie laughed. "Wanting to get my autograph for when I'm a famous Rockstar?" He teased, but jotted his initials on the left bottom corner of the tissue paper. You ignored him, pen hovering slightly, ‘you can still back out’ the sensible part of your brain whispered, you shook your head slightly signing your initials in the bottom right corner.
It was done, the pact was made. 
Eddie folded the napkin up and put it carefully in the inner top pocket of his jacket, the same pocket that had the condom in earlier. You fell quiet, once again at a crossroads, what happened now would you just see each other at school? Turn up at the other’s house when you fancy a quickie.
“Anyone ever told you, you think too much?” Eddie said leaning back in the booth, arm stretched out behind you.
“Robin mostly, and my Dad” You admit.
“And they’re right, you look like you’re about to have an aneurysm.” He laughed. “You need something to calm you down.” 
“Oh yeah like what?” You rolled your eyes, fiddling with the pen lid, noticing in your peripheral he had moved closer to you.
“Like the reward I promised you.” He muttered, tracing a finger through the remnants of whipped cream that lingered around the rim of his milkshake glass, you watched entranced, breath quickening, as he brought the finger to his mouth, licking up to his ringed knuckle. "Seems only fair, you ate when i told you, so how about you and I go back to the van and I eat your pussy out before dropping you home hmm?"
You felt your jaw drop in an almost comical fashion, Eddie taking full advantage swiping his thumb across your plump lower lip.
"Is that a yes baby? Remember what we just said about communication." He teased, his other hand coming down to stroke the exposed part of your thigh, grinning at the shiver which passed through you.
"Yes please." You all but whimpered.
"Good girl." He praised, grabbing your hand and pulling you quicker than lightning from the booth, leaving only a few crumpled notes, the sounds of your giggling following you out of the diner.
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wellthebardsdead · 4 months
Lucy: *steps into the devils den slightly* Voss, out here.
Voss: you made it! Good, please you must accept the devils deal whatever he asks you must-
Lucy: shhh. Shhh… I’ll handle this. Meet me downstairs. *smiles warmly*
Lae’zel: you must trust her, Kithrak.
Voss: *nods* yes… I will. I will meet with you downstairs. *walks by them and freezes as Lucy takes his face in her hands and gently heals his wound*
Lucy: That looked painful… go on. *smiles and let’s him go*
Voss: *touches the healed wound in surprise before nodding his head in thanks and leaving*
Lucy: *looks to the group* wait out here.
Everyone: WHAT?!
Lucy: I’ll be fine. Don’t worry. *smiles and walks into the room, closing and locking the door behind her* Right. Cards on the table. I’ve entertained your little performance long enough because I find you amusing. But quite frankly I’m tired and not looking for a fight, and I’ve had you pinned for checkmate for sometime now.
Raphael: is that so? Care to elaborate?
Lucy: you want me to get you the crown of karsus in exchange for the Orphic hammer that I need to set Orpheus free. With that you intend to unite the hells under your rule as- *clears her throat and gestures with her fingers* ‘arch devil supreme’ and move on to conquer other realms.
Raphael: *not surprised she’s figured it out given how she’s been leaps and bounds ahead of him at this point* indeed. And I have a proposition for you in fact. With the crown in hand I can free you from whomever the devil is that’s taken over Zariels reign when I take their head along with all of the other arch devils whom oppose me. And you can rule at my side as my consort.
Lucy: *snorts* you sound like Astarions bad ending. *laughs and sighs as her head tilts to the side with the weight of her horns as a third set begin to grow again making a crown of six fit along her brow and temple like a ram* my answer is no. Now let me ask you, a question dear… If your father with all the powers of a Demi god and an arch devil had the foresight not to use the crown, what makes you think you’ll succeed with only a fraction of that power? You won’t even be able to get past my layer.
Raphael: your- layer?… no- *finally realising she’s not just a favoured warlock or mortal acting on behalf of another devil and feeling like an idiot for not adding it up sooner*
Lucy: *grins* And- one more question… *transforms into her arch duchess form in all her hellish glory, the heavenly glow already burning brighter than hellfire as Selûne and Lathander both recognise her good deeds* Why, shouldn’t I just go tell your daddy dearest. What you’re up to? I’m certain he’d Looooove, to know.
Raphael: y-you wouldn’t dare. Not after I helped your- spawn cure himself and those other pathetic whelps!
Lucy: help is a strong word when it was in fact a deal. And oh… I would- *snaps her fingers making a portal to mephistar appear* give me the hammer. Set hope free and swear you’ll never let harm come to her again… and I. Won’t tell your father what you’re up to.
Raphael: *pure uncontainable rage clear on his face* y-you- You can’t do this!!
Lucy: oh but I can. And I will. *walks towards the portal, her foot literally through it as she moves to step into the palace*
Raphael: NO! Okay! Fine! You win! I’ll do it! I’ll do anything just- *sighs looking visibly defeated*
Lucy: *looks back at him playfully* promise~?
Raphael: *summons the hammer and a blank contract* whatever your terms… I’ve no choice but to agree to them…
Lucy: *smiles* good. *walks to him and writes out the contract, reading over it to be certain of no loopholes before signing it and handing it to him*
Raphael: *sighs and begrudgingly signs it, only for a pair of cufflinks to appear on his sleeves bearing her symbol* what? *looks at the contract again, eyes widening in visible surprise*
Lucy: there was an opening in my court since I got rid of Mizora. And, under my banner. You’ll be safe-
Raphael: from my father…
Lucy: Mhm. And if anyone questions your actions up until now you say-
Raphael: I was doing it for you…
Lucy: bingo. Now. Go let hope go and apologise to her.
Raphael: …Can you just kill me instead-
Lucy: *takes the hammer and slaps his ass with her free hand* go!
Raphael: PLEASE DONT MAKE ME DO THIS! *watches her leave* … *re-reads the contract, still in a state of shock* I’m… her consort… *watches as a ring appears suddenly on his finger* … *hugs the contract to his chest and falls back on the bed* I’m married.
Gale: what did he ask of you?! What did you sign?!
Lucy: *putting the hammer in her bag of holding, the emperor still silenced after she snapped him away again* Technically, my marriage license.
*also meanwhile*
Mephistopheles: what is your report?
Haarlep: excellent news! It turns out the young master was attempting to retrieve the crown at the behest of the new arch duchess so she may ingratiate herself to you your grace. Oh and. They just recently got married.
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Elvis MOVIE CANON character 1 of 3
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Basic Information
Name: Aricka Marie Roberts
DOB: April 31st 1935
Nicknames: Sissy, Rickie, blondie, angel, angel-eyes, darlin’, honey, beautiful, my girl, lil girl, babydoll
Birth place: an apartment in the Lauderdale courts in Memphis, Tennessee.
Physical Appearance
Eye color: hazel-blue mix
Hair color: blonde but later on she dyes it to a darker brown
Hair length: middle of her back length until 1960, when she got a pixie cut
Height: 5’5”
Weight: 150 lbs
Build: curvy
Notable features: bit of a boyish frame, very freckle-faced, wears glasses until the late 1950s when she got contacts for the first time, rosy cheeked, bright eyed, always has a hint of mischief in her smile.
Jewelry/accessories: not much of a accessory wearer until her and Elvis start dating, then she wears an EP necklace everywhere and one of his rings.
Dominant hand: left hand
Is she healthy: as healthy as the average person
Any allergies: seasonal allergies, pollen, pumpkin, certain laundry detergent gives her hives
Preferred hairstyle: until she gets it cut she always wore it curled and secured in a high ponytail.
Preferred style: she keeps with the trends as much as she’s able; and once she’s dating Elvis, he stops at nothing to make sure she’s got all the pretty clothes she ever wants.
Speech style: conversational, she stutters a little when she’s excited, tends to repeat herself once in a while, tends to mumble when she’s nervous, talks loud and fast when she’s excited, gestures with her hands often, can be a tad dramatic, sometimes sing-songs words when she’s happy.
Quirks: if she snaps her fingers once, she does it at least two times for each hand, tends to look away/shy away from eye contact unless she trusts the person speaking to her, snorts if she’s laughing really hard, loves to snack during the day, if she cares about someone she provides their favorite snacks, shakes her leg/ankle when sitting for too long, constantly rolls her sleeves up or down depending on her body temperature, goes from walking slow to speed walking within a blink, shifts her weight constantly during conversations, absolutely cannot sit or stand still, craves physical touch like hand holding or leaning against someone.
Positive traits: she’s kind, considerate, loyal, empathetic, intelligent, thoughtful, resilient, optimistic, warm, friendly, honest, trustworthy, courageous, logical, wholesome, attentive, realistic, adventurous, curious, a bookworm, charming, polite, talented, forgiving, respectful, courteous, imaginative, easygoing, romantic
Negative traits: antisocial at times due to being an introvert, can be a bit childish at times, is somewhat disorganized, extremely impatient, insecure, stubborn, temperamental, vindictive only when it comes to her family and Elvis.
Hometown: Memphis Tennessee
Social class: middle/working class family
Education: high school, but later on goes to study musical education
First memory; performing “this little light of mine,” at her church when she was 9.
Worst memory; when Elvis collapsed in the hallway before Aricka put her foot down and demanded he receive proper medical attention instead of being forced to do the show that night.
Best memory: swimming in the creek behind her house with her two best friends- Ram ( @letsgofoletsgo) and Elvis when she was 14. She fell off the rope swing and Elvis caught her. That was also when she fell head over heels for him.
Most important childhood event; meeting a 13 year old Elvis when her family went to meet him and his parents when they moved to her town.
Role Models: Greta Garbo, Katharine Hepburn, Judy Garland, Shirley Temple, Wonder Woman
Where does she live: she’s lived at Graceland with Elvis since she was 24.
Where does character want to live: somewhere warm and sunny all the time.
Mom and dad: Jennifer and Brian Roberts
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Older twin brother: Sean Roberts
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Younger sister: Charlotte Roberts
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Best friend: Ramsey ( @letsgofoletsgo-!!)
Future love interest: Austin Butler!Elvis Presley
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Future fankid: Desiree Jane Presley
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Austin Roland Presley
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Tags: Aricka x Elvis, light my morning sky with love; Aricka’s Elvis canon
@astralshipper @rosieshipper @hyperionshipping @yeehawselfshipping @letsgofoletsgo @tsundere-selfship @callsign-revenge
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Desire nothing, give up all desires and be happy You cannot believe in God until you believe in yourself.
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prabhudarshanyatra · 3 months
Best Ayodhya Ram Mandir Tour Package with Prabhu Darshan Yatra
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Ayodhya, nestled on the banks of the sacred Sarayu River, holds immense significance in Hindu mythology and history. In this ancient city of Uttar Pradesh, Lord Ram was born here, making it a revered pilgrimage site for millions of devotees worldwide. Exploring Ayodhya and its temples, especially the grand Ram Mandir, is a journey of spiritual enrichment and cultural immersion. If you're planning a pilgrimage to Ayodhya, consider Prabhu Darshan Yatra as your ideal travel companion for an unforgettable experience.
Why Choose Prabhu Darshan Yatra?
Prabhu Darshan Yatra is the best Ayodhya Ram Mandir Tour Package provider, offering meticulously crafted itineraries that cater to spiritual seekers and cultural enthusiasts. Here’s why they are your go-to choice for exploring Ayodhya:
Expertise and Experience: With years of experience in organizing pilgrimage tours across India, Prabhu Darshan Yatra understands the nuances of religious travel. They ensure a seamless journey from start to finish, providing expert guidance and insights into Ayodhya’s historical and spiritual significance.
Comprehensive Tour Packages: Prabhu Darshan Yatra offers comprehensive tour packages that cover all aspects of your pilgrimage. Their packages typically include:
Guided Temple Tours: Explore the renowned Ram Mandir and other significant temples in Ayodhya, accompanied by knowledgeable guides who share insights into the religious and architectural importance of each site.
Accommodations: Comfortable and conveniently located accommodations that cater to your needs, ensuring a restful stay after days filled with spiritual exploration.
Transportation: Hassle-free travel arrangements, including air-conditioned vehicles or buses for local transfers and sightseeing, ensuring your comfort and safety throughout the journey.
Cultural Immersion: Opportunities to participate in religious ceremonies, cultural events, and local traditions that offer a deeper understanding of Ayodhya's vibrant heritage.
Personalized Service: Prabhu Darshan Yatra takes pride in offering personalized service, tailoring their packages to meet the specific preferences and requirements of each traveler. Whether you’re traveling solo, with family, or in a group, they ensure a memorable and fulfilling pilgrimage experience.
Safety and Convenience: Your safety and convenience are paramount. Prabhu Darshan Yatra adheres to high standards of safety protocols and provides 24/7 customer support, ensuring that your journey is smooth and worry-free.
Testimonials from Satisfied Pilgrims:
Rajesh Sharma, Delhi: "Prabhu Darshan Yatra made our Ayodhya pilgrimage truly memorable. From the impeccable organization to the spiritual insights shared by our guide, every aspect was well-planned and executed."
Anjali Devi, Mumbai: "I highly recommend Prabhu Darshan Yatra for anyone planning a spiritual journey to Ayodhya. Their attention to detail and genuine care for the pilgrims’ experience set them apart."
Booking Your Ayodhya Ram Mandir Tour:
Ready to embark on a journey of faith and discovery in Ayodhya? Contact Prabhu Darshan Yatra today to book your Ayodhya Ram Mandir Tour Package. Experience the serenity and spirituality of this ancient city with a trusted travel partner who ensures your pilgrimage is not just a trip, but a transformative experience.
Contact Information: 📞  +919717700196 🌐 www.prabhudarshanyatra.com
Join Prabhu Darshan Yatra and embark on a sacred journey to Ayodhya – where devotion meets history and spirituality transcends time. Your pilgrimage awaits!
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rajatravels · 6 months
Rameshwaram tours and travels
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🌟 Rameshwaram Tours and Travels - Your Gateway to Divine Explorations! 🌟
Embark on Spiritual and Scenic Journeys with Rameshwaram's Premier Travel Companion!
Are you ready to immerse yourself in the spiritual richness and natural wonders of Rameshwaram? Look no further! Rameshwaram Tours and Travels is your trusted travel partner, committed to curating exceptional travel experiences that unveil the rich spiritual heritage and scenic marvels of this sacred destination.
📌 About Us: Nestled in the heart of Rameshwaram, Rameshwaram Tours and Travels has been your preferred travel companion since [year]. Our team, comprising experienced guides and travel enthusiasts, is dedicated to ensuring your visit to Rameshwaram transcends from a mere journey to a cherished memory.
🏖️ Discover Rameshwaram's Hidden Treasures: Our carefully crafted itineraries promise an immersive adventure:
🔹 Spiritual Sojourn: Immerse yourself in the divine vibes of the renowned Ramanathaswamy Temple, purify your spirit at Agnitheertham, and seek blessings at the sacred Five-Faced Hanuman Temple.
🔹 Seaside Serenity: Relax and rejuvenate at the tranquil Dhanushkodi Beach and Ariyaman Beach, where golden sands meet the azure sea.
🔹 Historical Marvels: Uncover the mysteries of Adam's Bridge (Ram Setu) and enjoy breathtaking panoramic views from Gandhamadhana Parvatham.
🔹 Adventurous Escapades: For the thrill-seekers, we offer exciting water sports, invigorating trekking experiences, and captivating wildlife tours.
🚗 Why Choose Rameshwaram Tours and Travels? Opting for our services ensures a seamless and delightful journey:
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vasavihospital2023 · 8 months
Best Orthopedic Doctors in kothapet - vasavi Hospitals
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Welcome to Vasavi Hospital, where exceptional orthopedic care meets the expertise of the best orthopedic doctors in Kothapet. We understand that your musculoskeletal health is integral to your overall well-being, and our esteemed brand is dedicated to providing you with unparalleled medical excellence and compassionate treatment.
At Vasavi Hospital, we take immense pride in our team of renowned orthopedic specialists who have earned their reputation through years of experience and a commitment to staying at the forefront of medical advancements. Our orthopedic doctors are not only skilled surgeons but also compassionate caregivers who prioritize your comfort and well-being.
When you choose Vasavi Hospital, you're choosing a personalized approach to orthopedic care that places your unique needs front and center. Our best orthopedic doctors in Kothapet take the time to thoroughly evaluate your condition, listen to your concerns, and craft a customized treatment plan that addresses your specific requirements.
Our state-of-the-art facility is equipped with the latest diagnostic tools and technology, enabling us to provide accurate assessments and precise treatments. Whether you require joint replacements, spine surgery, sports injury treatment, or any other orthopedic intervention, Vasavi Hospital offers a comprehensive range of services with a focus on your health and quality of life.
At Vasavi Hospital, we understand that navigating orthopedic conditions can be challenging, both physically and emotionally. Our orthopedic doctors are not only skilled professionals but also compassionate guides, dedicated to providing clear explanations, answering your questions, and supporting you throughout your journey to recovery.
Choosing Vasavi Hospital means choosing a brand that stands for trust, reliability, and a commitment to your well-being. With the best orthopedic doctors in Kothapet as your partners in health, you can be confident that your orthopedic needs are in the hands of experts who truly care.
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Shri Venkateshwara University extended a warm welcome to Group Chairman Dr. Sudhir Giri upon his return from the Ram Temple Inauguration ceremony. 
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Shri Venkateshwara University/Institute organized a Sacred Tilak Ceremony to welcome back the Group Chairman, Dr. Sudhir Giri, who was a distinguished guest at the Ram Temple Inauguration ceremony.
The Group Chairman, Dr Sudhir Giri, returned home with the auspicious Prasad & holy Raj of Ramlala that was distributed among the Venkateshwara Group employees.
The Group Chairman Dr Sudhir Giri, Pro Chancellor Dr Rajeev Tyagi, Chief Advisor Dr VPS Arora, CEO Mr. Ajay Shrivastava & the VC Dr Rakesh Yadav inaugurated the Sacred Tilak Ceremony & Prasad distribution by offering flowers & sweets to the portrait of Lord Rama.
Dr. Rajeev Tyagi, the Pro Chancellor and official representative of Group Chairman Dr. Sudhir Giri, shared that Dr. Giri had the privilege of meeting Mr. Nitish Bhardwaj, known for his portrayal of Lord Krishna in Mahabharata, and Arun Govil, renowned for his portrayal of Lord Rama in Ramayana.
Dr Sudhir Giri was among the select few to be blessed by Jagat Guru Rambhadracharya, Acharya Balkrishan, Swami Ramdev, & the Treasurer of Ramlala Trust Maharaj Govind Giri Ji.
Apart from them, he also received blessings from renowned saints and priests who graced the Ram Temple site.
The Group Chairman Dr Sudhir Giri, announced it is one of the most ecstatic moments of my life to be invited for the Ram Temple inauguration ceremony.
The Venkateshwara Group and I express our sincere gratitude to the Ram Temple trust, Prime Minister Narendra Modi Ji, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath Ji, and my Paramguru Jagat guru Rambhadracharya Ji for their invaluable support.
Later the staff, students & employees of the University received sacred Prasad & raised Jai Shri Ram slogans in devotion to Lord Rama.
Later, the people applied the holy Raj of Ramlala on their forehead to make the Sacred Tilak Ceremony memorable.
Those present included the Registrar Dr Piyush Pandey, Consultant Mr RS Sharma, Dr. Rajesh Singh, Dr Divya Girdhar, Dr S N Sahu, Arun Goswami, Dr LS Rawat, & Dr Yogeshwar Sharma.
Dr Vivek Sachan, & Dr Ashwini Kumar Saxena were also present.
The Meerut Campus Director Dr Pratap Singh was present & also present was the Media Incharge Mr. Vishwas Rana among others.
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digitalanivipracticeb · 8 months
Ayodhya Ram Mandir Inauguration Schedule
Ayodhya Ram Mandir Inauguration Schedule. The 'Pran Pratishtha' ceremony at Ayodhya Ram Mandir begins today. Extending over seven days, with formal. Pre-Praan Pratishtha rituals from January 16 to 21.
The consecration of Shri Ram Lalla is set for January 22, spanning the ritual process from January 16 to 22. Over 8,000 visitors are anticipated on the consecration day, with a surge of devotees from January 23. Preparations are in full swing for the event. Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Is scheduled to attend the Ram Temple consecration ceremony on January 22.
On January 18, the idol may be positioned in its function in the 'Garbh Griha' of the temple. The detailed schedule includes ceremonies. Like Dashvidh bath, Vishnu worship, and offerings to cows along the Saryu River.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi
Prime Minister Narendra Modi is scheduled to preside over the consecration ceremony of the Ram Temple in Ayodhya on January 22. The ‘pran prathishtha’ ceremony for the Ram Temple in Ayodhya is approaching and is set for January 22. In anticipation of this significant Hindu ceremony, some states have declared the day a public holiday to commemorate this event.
The apex of the rituals is scheduled for January 22. Featuring a grand ceremony led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and attended by several VVIPs. The Trust has meticulously arranged to welcome and honor all attendees. Presenting them with special gifts, including ‘Ram Raj’.
The main rituals of the Pran Pratistha of Shri Ram Lalla on January 22. Will be conducted by a team of priests led by Lakshmikant Dixit. A notable highlight is the offering of revered Ram Raj soil from the temple as a memento for the guests. This sacred gift, symbolizing divine grace, can enhance the spiritual ambiance by being used in home gardens or flower pots. Even the ones not able to wait for the Pran Pratishtha. The software can also additionally get hold of this significant present in the future.
Goa - In light of the ‘pran pratishtha’ ceremony at the Ram Janmabhoomi Temple in Ayodhya. The Goa government has declared a holiday for government employees and schools. On January 22, as reported by Live Mint.
Chief Minister Pramod Sawant said in the course of a press convention after the cupboard meeting. "There could be a public excursion best for authorities servants in conjunction with schools.
The Chhattisgarh government has officially declared January 22 as a holiday. For all state government schools and colleges. To commemorate the consecration ceremony of the new idol at the Ram Temple in Ayodhya. Chief Minister Vishnu Deo Sai made this announcement via social media on X.
“The whole world knows Siyaram. I salute you as much as I can. There can be a vacation in all authorities and non-authorities faculties and schools of Chhattisgarh on 22 January. The day of the consecration of Prabhu Shri Ram Temple in Ayodhya,” he wrote.
Given the Ram Temple Inauguration. The Haryana government has also declared. The closure of schools on January 22. Additionally, the intake of liquor will now no longer be accredited everywhere inside the country on the day of the consecration ceremony.
Ramayan-fame Actors in Ayodhya
Ahead of the ‘pran pratishtha’ ceremony of the Ram Temple scheduled for January 22. Actors known for their roles in Ramayan. Include Arun Govil, Dipika Chikhlia, and Sunil Lahri. Who portrayed Lord Ram, Sita, and Laxman, respectively, in Ramanand Sagar's iconic TV series—have arrived in Ayodhya. The trio is set to film a music album titled “Humare Ram Aayenge,” with the song "Hamare Ram Aayenge" sung by Sonu Nigam. The shooting locations include Guitar Ghat, Hanumangarhi, and Lata Chowk. Ayodhya Ram Mandir Inauguration Schedule
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unlimitedindia · 10 months
Unveiling Spiritual Marvels: Varanasi, Ayodhya, and Prayagraj Tour with Unlimited India
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India, a land of diverse cultures and rich spiritual heritage, beckons travelers to explore its sacred destinations. Unlimited India, your trusted travel companion, invites you on a transformative journey through the holy cities of Varanasi, Ayodhya, and Prayagraj. In this blog, we unravel the spiritual marvels that await you on the Varanasi, Ayodhya, and Prayagraj Tour, curated to provide a profound and enriching experience.
The Spiritual Odyssey Begins: Destinations Covered in Unlimited India's Tour
1. Varanasi – The Spiritual Capital:
Your spiritual odyssey commences in Varanasi, the city that epitomizes the essence of spirituality in India. Nestled on the banks of the sacred Ganges River, Varanasi is a tapestry of ghats, temples, and vibrant rituals. Unlimited India ensures that your itinerary includes a boat ride along the Ganges at sunrise, witnessing the mesmerizing Ganga Aarti at the ghats, and exploring the narrow alleys that resonate with ancient stories.
2. Ayodhya – The Birthplace of Lord Rama:
Ayodhya, the legendary city revered as the birthplace of Lord Rama, is the next destination on your spiritual journey. Explore the historic Ram Janmabhoomi, witness the grandeur of the Hanuman Garhi temple, and immerse yourself in the serene ambiance of the Sarayu River. Unlimited India's Ayodhya experience is designed to embrace the spirituality and mythology that define this sacred city.
3. Prayagraj – The Confluence of Rivers:
The tour concludes in Prayagraj, where the sacred rivers Ganges, Yamuna, and the mythical Saraswati converge. This city, previously known as Allahabad, is renowned for the Kumbh Mela, the largest gathering of humanity on Earth. Unlimited India ensures that your visit to Prayagraj includes a trip to the Triveni Sangam, the sacred confluence point, and the historic Allahabad Fort.
Transformative Experiences with Unlimited India
1. Spiritual Discourses and Meditation:
Unlimited India's Varanasi, Ayodhya, and Prayagraj Tour offers the opportunity to engage in spiritual discourses and meditation sessions. Immerse yourself in the teachings of revered spiritual leaders, fostering a deeper connection with the spiritual essence of each destination.
2. Ghats and Temples Exploration:
Delve into the spiritual ambiance of Varanasi by exploring its numerous ghats and temples. Unlimited India's curated tour takes you to the iconic Kashi Vishwanath Temple, Sarnath – where Lord Buddha gave his first sermon, and other significant spiritual landmarks.
3. Heritage Walks and Cultural Immersion:
Unlimited India enriches your Ayodhya experience with heritage walks through its ancient streets. Explore the cultural tapestry of Ayodhya, visit sacred shrines, and witness the intricate architecture that narrates the city's history.
4. Triveni Sangam Rituals:
In Prayagraj, Unlimited India ensures you witness the sacred rituals at Triveni Sangam, where the three rivers meet. Participate in the rituals, feel the spiritual energy, and witness the divine convergence that makes Prayagraj a unique and sacred destination.
Why Choose Unlimited India for Your Spiritual Journey?
1. Holistic Tour Planning:
Unlimited India's Varanasi, Ayodhya, and Prayagraj Tour is crafted with a holistic approach, ensuring that every aspect of your spiritual journey is considered. From cultural exploration to sacred rituals, the tour is designed to provide a comprehensive and immersive experience.
2. Expert Guides and Spiritual Leaders:
Your journey is accompanied by expert guides and spiritual leaders who bring depth and insight to the spiritual significance of each destination. Gain a profound understanding of the cultural and spiritual context with the guidance of knowledgeable companions.
3. Comfortable Accommodations:
Unlimited India selects accommodations that offer comfort and convenience while reflecting the cultural charm of each city. After a day of spiritual exploration, retreat to well-appointed accommodations that provide a peaceful haven for reflection.
4. Seamless Travel Experience:
From airport transfers to local transportation, Unlimited India ensures a seamless travel experience. Relax and focus on your spiritual journey while the logistics are efficiently handled by our dedicated team.
Conclusion: Embark on a Sacred Pilgrimage with Unlimited India
Unlimited India invites you to embark on a sacred pilgrimage through Varanasi, Ayodhya, and Prayagraj – cities that resonate with spirituality and cultural richness. Our meticulously crafted tour is designed to provide a transformative experience, allowing you to connect with the divine, explore ancient traditions, and witness the spiritual tapestry that defines these sacred destinations. Book your Varanasi, Ayodhya, and Prayagraj Tour with Unlimited India and embark on a journey that transcends the ordinary, fostering spiritual growth and deep introspection.
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aztecxviii · 1 year
IIT Kharagpur, WB:
"Meenakshiiiiii.... " Anjali shouted, running down the hallway, pushing students and (unfortunately) professors out of her way. Who cares if she might get any notice for disciplinary actions? With speed matching that of hanuman when he crossed the ocean, Anjali caught up to her friend and pushed her aside, away from the praying eyes of the other students. After all, the image of the topper was not something to be played with, especially when their future live was completely dependent on their lives in collage.
"Meenakshi... " Anjali gasped breathlessly "Rudraksh.... He wants to meet you"
"Why? " Meenakshi growled "is he done chasing and teasing other girls that he now wants to care about the mother of his child" She finished with a low whisper as her hand unconsciously went to her abdomen. Her pregnancy was beginning to show.
"Meenakshi... Please, I know he is kind of a playboy but please give him a chance. I know he is serious cause I can see it. Trust me he was looking down when talking to me and his face was damn serious" Anjali insisted.
"Ok" Meenakshi signed. No matter how many times Rudraksh messed up she had always loved him, and he loved her as well, he was always there for her, yes he was a playboy in a sense but he was a responsible father, she could tell that, her gut told her that. "Where will he meet me? "
"At the Sita Ram temple near campus" Anjali said before running off.
"Rudraksh.... " Meenakshi whispered with a hint of surprise in her voice. The night was host to a thunderstorm, the traditional kal baisakhi. And Rudraksh, that stupid boy, was waiting outside the temple, without an umbrella, his clothes soaked and eyes red due to the wind and cold. "You idiot..... Why didn't you go inside" Meenakshi said as she brought the umbrella over his head. "Are you stupid or something"
"I am... For you. I could not have waited inside without worrying about you" Rudraksh answered as meenakshi wiped his head and face with her dupatta.
"Seriously? You spend day and night teasing and chasing other girls and want to prove your love for me by getting ill?" Meenakshi asked
"I know.... I know that I am not a perfect or good man........ but Meenakshi, trust me, no matter how many girls I be with you will always rule over my heart. Please.... "
Meenakshi signed. Rudraksh was showing his emotions through his eyes. Those eyes were not wet due to the rain of the skies but by the rain of his eyes. "What do you want? " She asked finally.
"Come inside, I will tell you" Rudraksh answered.
Inside the temple, Meenakshi saw a small arrangement, a few people (her and Rudraksh's close friends) and the priest.
"What is all this for Rudraksh" Meenakshi asked. In her mind was a thought, which if true meant that her prayers were heard by the heavens.
"I arranged what I could..... It's small but it's honest" Rudraksh said before turning to the priest "Panditji.... Please start"
"Not without the bride's consent" The man answered. As all eyes turned to Meenakshi, she unconsciously placed a hand over her abdomen and said "Rudraksh if we are going to tie the thread of eternal life with each other.... I give my consent" Meenakshi looked at Rudraksh in the eye, a strange bond, so much like Shiv and Shakti was between them.
"Then by the blessings of Lord Ram and mother Sita, I shall start the ceremony"
Meenakshi did not know what was going on, what the priest was chanting, what was going outside. She was thinking about Rudraksh and their unborn child. Perhaps Rudraksh was thinking the same.
"Please apply sindoor on her and the ceremony shall conclude" the priest told the garland clad couple.
Rudraksh looked at Meenakshi and smiled a little before reaching out to the forehead and applying the sindoor. Meenakshi was silent throughout her eyes closed as the sensations of Rudraksh's hand hover over her, bits of the red powder falling over her face.
"And now, in the eyes of god, you are a couple. Remember son, she is your other half, your Arthangini, your Shakti, your laxmi, always keep her happy. And dear daughter, he is your Shankar, your Ram. Be his Shakti, be his Sita" the priest said as he blessed the couple.
"Rudraksh... " Meenakshi could hardly whisper, her eyes showing tears which threatened to fall. "Meenakshi, please allow me to love you.... To be in our child's life" He took her hand and brought it to her abdomen "I shall be a responsible father and husband..... I shall never let you suffer, never shall I see another one as good as you.... Please" He was crying freely now, his hand around his new wife protectively.
"You do not have to bear it alone my love" Meenakshi said " I will always be with you..... I will never leave you. I promise "
As the outside world roared and thundered, the new couple embraced each other, their love protecting them from the Kurukshetra that they were to enter.
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internationalnewz · 1 year
36 dead as roof of temple stepwell collapses in Indore, CM Chouhan visits injured
Home Minister Narottam Mishra among others who went to meet the kin of the deceased at a community hall in the city's Patel Nagar area had to return hastily following sloganeering, said sources.
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BHOPAL: Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan visited Indore on Friday, a day after 36 lives were lost in a tragic temple stepwell accident.
The concrete slab-roof covering an ancient stepwell ('bavdi') caved in during the Ram Navami celebration at the Beleshwar Jhulelal Mahadev Temple in the city's Patel Nagar area, on Thursday at 11 am. Several people were trapped inside for hours.
Overcrowding in the temple premises is said to be the reason for the collapse.
After the retrieval of 21 more bodies early morning today, the total death toll from Thursday’s tragedy rose to 35.
With the recovery of another body, identified as that of 53-year-old old Sunil Solanki, the official death toll is now 36.
The search operation is likely to be over now with no possibility of finding more bodies in the stepwell.
The search operations gained momentum after the process of dewatering the well (bearing water up to 13-14 feet) and with the Army's help.
Chief Minister Chouhan met with the injured including twin sisters at a private hospital.
He then visited the tragedy site to take stock of the rescue operations carried out by the Indian Army in association with the National Disaster Response Fund and State Disaster Emergency Response Force teams.
The CM said: “Directions have been issued to conduct a state-wide survey and an inquiry of all such covered 'bavdis' and 'kuwans' (step-wells and wells) to ensure there is no repetition of Thursday-like tragedies.”
The deceased included 20 women aged between 24 and 84 years, 12 men aged between 26 years and 65 years and three children, including two boys aged two years and eight years and a 13-year-old girl.
According to unconfirmed sources, minister colleagues of the CM, including Home Minister Narottam Mishra and Water Resources Minister Tulsi Silawat, and Indore Mayor Pushyamitra Bhargava, who went to meet the kin of the deceased and the injured at a community hall in the residential colony where the mishap had happened, had to return hastily following slogan shouting.
A magisterial probe has already been instituted to probe the mishap.
Also, a criminal case u/s 304 IPC (culpable homicide not amounting to murder) has been registered at the Juni Indore police station, against the chairman and secretary of the private trust which managed the affairs at the Beleshwar Mahadev Jhoolelal Temple – where the tragedy happened on Thursday.
On Thursday, while the state government had announced Rs 5 lakh each to the kin of the deceased devotees and Rs 50,000 for each of the injured, an ex-gratia sum of Rs 2 lakh each was announced from the PM National Relief Fund for the kin of the deceased and Rs 50,000 to each of the injured.
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globalaffairs · 2 years
Shaligram rocks get grand welcome in Ayodhya
These Shaligram rocks — which are said to be 60 million-year-old — were brought to Ayodhya from Nepal on two different trucks.
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Two huge Shaligram rocks brought from the Kali Gandaki river of Nepal were dedicated for the making of the idol of Ramlala and Janki here after a religious ceremony on Thursday.
These two huge rocks were delivered from Nepal to Ramsevakpuram on Wednesday evening. On Thursday, these were formally presented by Ram Tapeshwar Das, Mahant of Janaki Temple of Janaki Temple, capital of ancient Mithila, Nepal, and Vimalendra Nidhi, former Deputy Prime Minister of Nepal, through a letter of dedication to Champat Rai, General Secretary of Ram Janmabhoomi Tirtha Kshetra Trust.
Before this, 51 Vedic Acharyas worshiped the rock according to religious customs. The stone dedication ceremony was also presented in the form of a short meeting and the speakers described this occasion as providing a new attitude and style to the ancient relations between Nepal and Ayodhya.
Former Deputy Prime Minister of Nepal Nidhi said that earlier he wanted to present a bow to Ramlala in line with the legacy of Shri Ram’s association with Janakpur but after two years of dialogue with the Ram Janmabhoomi Teerth Kshetra Trust, it was decided that the holy rock from Nepal’s Gandaki river should be offered for the making of idol of Ramlala.
Champat Rai expressed his gratitude to the Janakpur temple, the Government of Nepal and the people there for dedicating the stone. A large number of saints and Ayodhya residents gathered to welcome the Shilas.
These Shaligram rocks — which are said to be 60 million-year-old — were brought to Ayodhya from Nepal on two different trucks. While one rock reportedly weighs 26 tonnes, and the other weighs 14 tonnes. The two rocks were found in the Gandaki river at a place close to Saligrama or Muktinath, place of salvation, in Nepal’s Mustang district.
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news87 · 2 years
राम मंदिर निर्माण में 1800 करोड़ खर्च का अनुमान, ट्रस्ट की बैठक में लिये गए अहम फैसले
राम मंदिर निर्माण में 1800 करोड़ खर्च का अनुमान, ट्रस्ट की बैठक में लिये गए अहम फैसले
हाइलाइट्स भव्य राम मंदिर के निर्माण में 1800 करोड़ रुपए खर्च होने का अनुमान है. मंदिर का 30 प्रतिशत से ज्यादा का काम पूरा हो चुका है. गठित संस्था श्री राम जन्मभूमि तीर्थ क्षेत्र ट्रस्ट ने रविवार को यह जानकारी दी. अयोध्या. अयोध्या में भव्य राम मंदिर के निर्माण में 1800 करोड़ रुपए खर्च होने का अनुमान है. मंदिर निर्माण के लिए गठित संस्था श्री राम जन्मभूमि तीर्थ क्षेत्र ट्रस्ट ने रविवार को यह…
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