opticvyu · 2 years
Exciting news! Birsa Munda Hockey Stadium just hosted the Men's FIH Hockey World Cup. This stadium also claimed its name in the Guinness World Record.
We are proud to witness the construction journey of this project through our time-lapse monitoring solution. See the glimpse of Birsa Munda Hockey Stadium's construction progress.
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jackredfieldwasmyjacob · 10 months
i might not really connect with things traditionally associated with the social construct of being a man but i gotta say... i do love me my megaprojects videos
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leontiucmarius · 2 years
Un alt furnizor de gaze renunță. A notificat clienții cărora li se termină contractele că nu vor fi reînnoite
Un alt furnizor de gaze renunță. A notificat clienții cărora li se termină contractele că nu vor fi reînnoite
Megaconstruct a trimis clienților cu care are contracte de furnizare ce ajung la final că nu va reînnoi aceste contracte și îi îndeamnă pe clienți să încheie un nou contract concurențial, cu un alt furnizor. În cazul în care nu încheie un nou contract, clienții vor fi preluați de furnizorul de ultimă instanță. În această lună, furnizor de ultimă instanță de gaze naturale este OMV Petrom. Potrivit…
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chakytron · 4 years
BALLIA LINK EXPRESSWAY COMPLETE DETAIL | NEW DELHI TO BALLIA VIA LUCKNOW| UP PURVANCHAL MEGA PROJECT Category Main Description: BALLIA LINK EXPRESSWAY COMPLETE DETAIL | NEW DELHI TO BALLIA VIA LUCKNOW| UP PURVANCHAL MEGA PROJECT For the overall development … TopTrengingTV Hunting the most trend video of the moment, every hour every day 24/7. Youtube Video Data Published At: 2021-01-31T08:25:36Z…
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tangermed2 · 4 years
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#tanjamarina #corniche #sea #tangermed #tanger #maroc #morocco #morok #morish #megaconstruction #eagelhills #marinadelrey #marina #sunny #spring #mediterraneansea #travel #africa (at Tanger طنجة) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBEZHBsBwHG/?igshid=1oq1oh3gs7or1
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hemanandsherathings · 5 years
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I kick myself not grabbing Evelyn. Oh well...
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patchoulism · 6 years
My first impression of WH40K Mechanicus was based from screenshots on steam page, and I thought it was a game about AdMechs delving into a Necron tomb. I still don’t know if the game is about that, I want to be blind about it, but the idea of a rougelike game similar to Darkest Dungeon, but about delving into a huge construct, a mountain sized mechanism, feels so compelling to me. Basically, Blame! the videogame as I see it.
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underspacegame · 4 years
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More racial elements! The Ballden are extremely skilled at megaconstructions, so most of their star systems are filled with great aqueducts and archways, which have religious connotations for them. Also it lets them show off. They like to show off.
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HRS Real Estate - Quartier des Halles, Morges HRS nous a confié la mission de réaliser 7 vidéos pour une campagne marketing réseaux sociaux, ceci, afin d’instaurer et développer leur identité sur le web pour attirer des nouveaux collaborateurs au sein de leurs équipes. Voici une des 7 vidéos, le chantier du quartier des Halles à Morges. Construction de 3 bâtiments avec 269 logements, 4450 m² dédiés aux commerces, 5401 m² de bureaux, 14 salles de classe, 3 salles polyvalentes, une garderie d’enfants de 40 places et 3 parkings avec un total de 731 places, 91 stationnements motos et un parking à vélo de plus de 505 places. Réalisé par Modjo Production #construction #airport #aile #geneva #switzerland #planes #building #architecture #architect #business #opportunist #hrs #realestate #buildings #megaconstruction #swissmade #swiss #filmmaking #documentary #interview #projectmanager #constructor #builder #crane #drone #helicopter (à Quartier des Halles) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByzVh4qAwAA/?igshid=1hiemorfpnkw0
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josephhocker · 7 years
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Not just construction, MEGA CONSTUCTION #pleasedonotadjustthebrightnessofthismonitor #megaconstruction (at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
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alperasar87 · 7 years
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eviltext · 2 years
i hate you city in a building i hate you soulless optimized techy chrome future i hate you unsustainable greenwashed megaconstruction i hate you sanitized city "greenery" i hate you i hate you i hate you
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trainwiz · 7 years
Do you have an overview of the races in Underspace?
The four main races (what we call the Union races, those that belong to the spanning and often borderline imperial collection we call the Intercelestial Union Of Commonly Aligned Sentient Entities. Or, for the sake of sanity, the Union).
That’s the Ijuni, lobsterfolk who all have a telepathic link to one another, which in practice and application acts more like a bunch of people screaming at once, with no ways to send specific messages and thus ending up more like a public forum or tradeboard. This makes Ijuni skilled merchants and navalmen, which is good because most Ijuni are all about making dat $$$, the practice and guidelines for doing so forming a pseudo-religious philosophy called Hiano. They also all have scottish accents for no reason.
Then the Ballden, a race of hiveminds, which is to say that every Ballden is compromised of thousands upon thousands of individual normal-sized entities they call Cells. Once Ballden reach maturity they’re loaded onto massive sleeper ships and frozen in pods that let them nevertheless interact with normal races, and Ballden consider their ships to be themselves. They’re the best when it comes to terraforming planets and building megaconstructions, while their society is mostly a religious theocracy based around the worship of the sentient suns they claim created them. Which said sentient suns did, so hey, there’s that.
There’s the Vauldwin, who look humanoid but in practice are closer to jellyfish or carnival balloons in terms of genetics, whose courtship and reproductive rituals are stupidly complicated due to them having over 50 different sexes with each sex only having one rigid defined matching set. The sheer difficulty in keeping their civillization going leads most Vauldwin to prioritize family and lineage above all else, and most Vauldwin prefer to be bureaucrats , diplomats, and producers of cultural goods and entertainment. Their society is ruled over by specific families and houses, whose leadership and allegiance is fairly loosely defined.
The final and newest Union race are the Macrovari, a race of sapient, hyperintelligent single-celled organisms who at most are about a picometer across. Macrovari are skilled craftsmen and generally prodigies at anything they apply themselves too, which is severely hampered by the fact that Macrovari that are near each fly into a homicidal rage, and their society only achieved space travel due to one of them being blown far enough away from the core group to develop radio technology. Macrovari society is a loose collection of assholes all vying for recognition, and what little leadership exists is mostly meant to keep them from starting a civil war and guiding them towards common interests. Most Macrovari like and enjoy the company of other races though, and pilot massive many-armed pods to interact with the larger world (so to speak).
There’s a smattering of non-Union races, who haven’t joined for one reason or another, these are
The Veilers, terrifying nine-foot tall beings clad head to toe (presumably they have toes that is, nobody’s ever seen them outside of) powered armor that makes Chaos Marine armor look reasonable and tasteful by comparison. Terrifying to behold, the Veilers occupy a region of space called, what else, the Veil. This area of space is so underspatially active that no other race can settle or even survive very long in it, and the mystery of how the Veilers do so is not known. Despite looking and sounding like the scariest damn things, Veilers are quite open to working with the Union, and run a toll route through the Veil, the only known way to pass through it, which has made them a very rich race. Little is known past this about the Veilers, less because they’re mysterious and generally because they have no real culture, their location and rise to power meaning that they’ve prioritized survival among all else. Their recent fortune has made them start to understand that there are other needs they have than just trying to not die.
The Ast, originally encountered by the Union and mistaken for rogue AI, the Union subsequently firebombed their homeworld before realizing their mistake and are now trying to make amends, which pisses the Ast off. However, the Ast are always angry. Despite being a race of silicate entities that resemble graceful, even beautiful crystals, this image is soon shattered by their foul disposition and fouler language, and the Ast claim, in complete seriousness, that they only have two emotions: anger and RIGHTEOUS ANGER. Ast themselves simply form out of the ground fully aware and intelligent, which leads their society to be a strange thing, and the culture that surprisingly exists is one of deep community and emphasizing the importance of choice. While the Ast remain angry, they nevertheless have accepted an alliance with the Union, mostly contributing resources to help against hyperspatial storms, which the Ast are noted to hate with a passion peculiar even to them.
and the Us, who pronounce the name like “Oos”. A race of sapient fungi, whose life cycle including reproduction and just being self-aware requires them to infest and take control of corpses, which still decompose, leading them to constantly need a fresh supply of bodies simply to live. The Us are a peaceful, contemplative race, but the sheer creepiness of their existence leads them to be outcasts, though the Us have declined to join the Union of their own volition. Most Us are found running the Deadstations, part-funeral-home, part neutral territory where any faction is allowed to stay, which makes means that at least most factions in practice tolerate them. Us are nonviolent, but little is known about them, as most people choose not to inquire too much about the existence of the Us.
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not-terezi-pyrope · 7 years
I wonder if a solution to the Fermi paradox might be that newly arisen technological civilizations generally tend to develop advanced computing and biological interfaces either prior to embarking upon or in only the early stages of interstellar exploration and solar-system scale construction, which operate on longer timescales, and realize that it is both easier and more fulfilling to create and live in virtual worlds/realities than it is to continue to explore and live in the real one. Maybe the reason we see no signs of advanced alien life is that as soon as it becomes possible civilizations ultimately transform themselves first into a civilization of digitally uploaded biological minds and then just an ongoing lineage of digital ones increasingly divorced from their actual origins as a species, to an inevitable vanishing point where they just become a collection of purely digital agents operating within a computer network within their own solar system, with further, probably non-sentient automated agents handling the power collection and computer upkeep/construction, because that’s all that is needed any more.
Building huge space structures and travelling to other stars is hard and requires a lot of resources and even more time, but in a virtual world you can attain pretty close to anything you can imagine in the smallest fraction of all of that. Yes, you don’t have the satisfaction of knowing that things are real, but when you can’t tell virtual reality apart from physical reality, and when virtual reality is the more appealing of the two, would anyone really care all that much in the long run? We can’t really even know that the current reality is real, it could just as easily be its own simulation. I’m fairly sure that faced with a choice between a hard life in reality and some sort of sublime all-needs-and-wants-fulfilled paradise simulation that you could upload yourself to, most people would choose the latter once the concept was normalized, and while there would be hold-outs from people who would decline, they would be in the minority and would possibly even vanish with time, or else stay constrained to the home planet regardless and still not go on to create the stellar megaconstructs and interstellar vessels we all expect.
At the end of the day we’re all just a collection of nerve bundles and our wants, desires and dreams are attained through electrical inputs to those nerve bundles, even if they do represent things in the real world. At a certain point, it becomes easier to respond to those wants and needs by feeding signals into those nerve bundles artificially rather than going out into the real world and creating those stimuli naturally, which of course requires more effort. The brain, of course, doesn’t really care about where those signals come from either way, because it’s essentially a machine and the same input is just as good, minus the brain’s own personal opinions about the relative worth of real and simulated experiences, which like I said, I think people would care about less with time and normalization.
I mean even now a lot of people are perfectly content to sit behind a computer monitor and get the majority of their outside stimuli that way. Heck, I’m one of them, and I’m probably happier for it. I’m not saying that it would be a bad thing if everyone uploaded themselves to a virtual world, or intending this as some sort of commentary about how people are too reliant on technology, because honestly it’s kind of the opposite? It might from one perspective be kind of disappointing to give up on the real world, but hey, people would still be free to explore and live in the real world if they really wanted to, and if everybody could be completely fulfilled and happy in a virtual world then I’d probably drop my qualms and be for it, tbh. I’m not sure that anything matters all that more than happiness, in the long run. And if people aren’t happy without being in the real world and thus feeling fulfilled, then, eh, they can do that. But like I say it could be an overall trend towards replacing real inputs with virtual ones, for a species over time. It would kind of make sense and would also be at least one reason why we don’t see any real evidence of large extraterrestrial real-world civilizations out there. Because, all intelligent aliens must also have a brain and those brains must also have inputs and those inputs could also be made artificial and simulated in a way that gave them more happiness/fulfillment/pleasure response than the real world, which is less under their control than artificial inputs. So it seems a pretty universal possibility for any civilization which has sufficiently advanced simulation and biological uplink technology, which is pretty inevitable if they’re also looking to be able to travel to other stars in the first place, so, yeah. Could be a thing, and maybe some place we’re headed some day. Which still conflicts me to think about, but maybe from a person in the future’s perspective I’m just a superstitious old-timey luddite who still clings onto the outdated concept of a “real world” or “true reality” when to them the better, simulated worlds are just as real.
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fischerindia · 6 years
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The clever combination of double power. A plug which is capable to fit itself in any construction need. Have a look at its entire new assortment. Visit our website: Check the link in bio #mondaymotivation #fischerindia #duopower #cleverlycombined #uniqueproducts #moderntools #modernindia #moderntechnology #moderntehniques #engineeringmegaminds #megaconstruction #powerhouseoftechnology #fischerproducts #innovation #innovtive #creation #creativity #fixings #wallplugs #finestproductcategory #newconcept #dualtechnology #powertools #toolsofthetrade #fischerindia #aheadofthegame https://ift.tt/2u4ClUp
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wirrrp · 7 years
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I named this map Mandala, because I make megaconstructions when I’m bored and had to start anew when I lost my old maps.  You can poke around at the in-progress Rose Hall here if you want.
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