#Megalo Box PR
hosomamo · 6 years
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hsylog · 3 years
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Wednesday, August 1, 2018
post #205
jesus it’s already august wtf
main points:
- figure out why icon isn’t showing up
- team meeting
- lunch at salad place
- clean up tests and try to submit command PR (but no success)
- start PR for filling logic
- start PR for minor UI changes
- work on building for client side handler
- melee with shang, eric, ivan and mansfield
- dinner + megalobox
- melee tech grind
- chill at home + the office
today i:
- woke up at 8:20am. snoozed until 9am ish again. washed my hair a bit and shaved. 
ubered with damien to work. our driver was kind of sus. he missed a turn on the drive to our destination (but somehow we continued on our normal route). then on the highway he was trying to go across two lanes to exit while looking at his phone for navigation. yikes. grabbed breakfast with damien
- spent the morning working with xueyan to figure out why the icon wasn’t showing up from yesterday. we both came to the conclusion (around the same time) that it was due to the input variable. i was about to message my mentor when i realized that some other examples were using a custom return value instead of a generic container. i suspected that this would fix it, and low and behold, it did :P we also thought that her command handler and my server side was working when we plugged them together. it sort of did... but we were pretty excited initially, seeing some sort of results. we’re almost there
- started to clean up some unit tests and also set up some ground work for the unit test for the iOS PR, since i think i fixed most of the build issues from yesterday. but i still couldn’t build... sigh. i cleaned and rebuilt multiple times with no luck. i was confused why it wasn’t working... then after digging around later in the afternoon, realized someone made a PR to update the naming of something. so i had to pull again and then clean and rebuild. that actually worked (sometime in the afternoon)
- went to a team meeting 11:30-12pm
- grabbed lunch with roberto, kelly, lilia, dan and ellen. we went to the salad place, which i’ve never been before. roberto grabbed me a chicken caesar salad cause i was trying to start the command PR tests to run while i was gone eating. the line was really long so when i came just in time when they got their food. the salad was actually pretty great. it’s like a sweet green. yum :) 
tried to go get boba but the line was just too long LOL. i grabbed a yogurt and brought it back to my desk
- spent the afternoon resolving the build issues for the iOS PR. worked on cleaning up the tests for the command PR. i still had one failing test on the android side. i dug around and couldn’t find the issue because the actual test seemed to be okay. then realized there was a text file attached to the failure and in it, it was something similar to what i had seen this morning working with xueyan. she added a null checker in the command handler side so i can’t push until that change is made 
while i was blocked on that test, started a new PR for filling logic, since i haven’t actually been getting data from the user when they open up my page. now, their preferences are properly set when they open up the page. updated the corresponding tests
also made some small UI changes to the margins and icon colors. updated the corresponding tests. 
overall, pretty productive afternoon i’d say
- went down to play melee from 5:30-6pm ish. me shang and eric were on one setup and mansfield and ivan were on another. i played falcon and i felt pretty good about how i was playing. i still lost, but i think my movement is actually starting to get a lot better. like the barrier to entry has been a foundation of tech skill and now i’m starting to focus more on the actual match instead of small tech stuff. of course it’s still sloppy but i think today was the first time i felt like i could do what i wanted and execute it relatively consistently
went back to my desk and tried to force push the command PR but realized that i couldn’t cause of the android failing test (despite my putting a note that xueyan’s PR had the fix for it). i spoke with my mentor later on in the evening around 8pm and he gave some options, but it’s not necessarily blocking us right now so it’s not too big of a concern. i can just wait for xueyan’s PR to be pushed
cleaned up some new tests for the UI changes, since they hadn’t previously showed up
went to grab dinner around 7pm in 1000 with eric and john. our main building cafe was closed again due to construction. it was some good mexican food :D 
- brought it back and watched megalo box S1E11. it looks like the episode before the finale. the dramatic build up of yuri taking off his armor. i think this show’s kind of gone off the wire story-wise, but still entertaining to watch
- cleaned up some unit tests for the filling logic since i had to repull changes that xueyan pushed for an origin parameter, which affected my changes. cleaned that up and then submitted
- played melee with john for a bit. while we were playing jacob called me on facetime. i miss new york :’( it was sakib’s birthday and they had a surprise party. i also saw doug and diana with their funky costumes (sakib also got one). it was nice seeing them. jacob showed me the flower power speakeasy that they threw together in the dorm
- did some melee tech grind from 8:30-9pm. i practiced shield dropping a lot, with wave landing forwards and backwards from the ledge. my fingers felt a bit sore so i didn’t wanna go to ham. karl also messaged me around 9pm asking if i wanted to go home. he stayed to play board games with peeps
- ubered home with karl and got back around 9:30pm
- chilled at home watching the office and eating a bag of bbq chips i took from the office. and then made another pb&j sandwich. i watched S8E4. poor andy and his garden party :’( 
watched some melee gameplay and also just trying to learn shield dropping tutorial videos and the gentleman for falcon
- took a shower and now it’s 12:36am. time to sleep 
good night
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hosomamo · 6 years
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hosomamo · 6 years
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hosomamo · 6 years
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hosomamo · 6 years
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hosomamo · 6 years
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hosomamo · 6 years
Q: How did you feel when you found out you’d landed the role of Junk Dog in Megalo Box?
A: I was happy. I’d been planning on going on hiatus at the end of April last year, and the audition for Megalo Box was the last one I took prior to my break.
I found out that I’d been chosen for the role midway through my hiatus, right when my health and the condition of my throat were both on the verge of full recovery. Rehabilitation progressed at a gradual pace, but I was sure I’d be able to make it in time for recording so I was pleased to have passed the audition in the end.
This is a personal thing but anyway – when I went to New York during my break, I happened to watch Creed (2015 movie) on the plane. I kinda thought that I’d be like Rocky if I were to return in this way, and I wondered if that was what a comeback would feel like (laughs). I was very grateful that the stars aligned for me to get this role. continue 
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hosomamo · 6 years
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hosomamo · 6 years
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hosomamo · 6 years
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hosomamo · 6 years
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hosomamo · 6 years
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hosomamo · 6 years
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hosomamo · 7 years
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