alchyjam · 2 months
May Lord Apollon always give light to you in your darkest moments.
May Lady Artemis assist you in forging your own path - the one least traveled.
May Lord Ares plant your feet on the ground and keep you steady.
May Lady Athena remind you of the power you wield to turn the tide in your favor.
May Lady Aphrodite smile back at you in your own reflection as a reminder of your worth.
May Lord Hephaestus encourage you to look back with pride at your own strength and resilience.
May Lord Hermes guide your steps when they're filled with uncertainty.
May Lady Persephone emphasize all of the beauty that exists in the world around you that has gone unnoticed.
May Lord Dionysus nurse your passion for life, celebrating even the smallest things with you.
May Lord Poseidon aid you in knowing when to assert yourself and when to go with the flow.
May Lady Hestia warm you on your coldest nights and shelter you from every storm.
May Lady Demeter keep your plate full and your cup overflowing.
May Lady Hera show you how to keep your head held high, even when the world heckles you.
May Lord Zeus raise your strengths and talents higher to prove to you how amazing you truly are.
May Lord Haides sit with you on days of worry and offer a grounding hand to hold.
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alchyjam · 2 months
I was having a bad mental episode so I decided to light my Aphrodite candle for the first time in a while and just talked to her and apologised for not worshiping for months and I feel a lot better. I mean not 100% but still better. Is this normal or has anyone had any experiences like this???
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alchyjam · 2 months
I’m kind of new to Hellenic paganism and have been mainly worshipping Aphrodite but I was wondering what methods I could do to communicate with her? I do have tarot but my intuition is awful and I can read it. I have also tried meditation before I started worshipping but I could never sit still and couldn’t stay focused.
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alchyjam · 2 months
I recently fell into a ditch mentally and have been very burnt out from college and work and haven’t worshiped or prayed for my gods in months. Is there any ideas of what I can do to make it up for them or anything that I need to hear???
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alchyjam · 3 months
If you’re finding it difficult to carve out a practice for yourself, you’re just having a normal response. We were never supposed to do this. Polytheism is not an orthodoxy that we can divert to based on dogma and texts. It’s an orthopraxy, the likes of which were always intended to be practiced by the community, the polis, with the guidance of elders and experts. Because of the march of time bringing forced Christianization, colonization, and capitalism enforcing rugged individualism, we’ve been left with little choice but to carve a tiny piece for ourselves.
We’re doing fantastic, considering we’re rebuilding from the scraps and ruins of long gone empires.
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alchyjam · 3 months
Hi, I was just wondering how you know you are an empath and what that actually means
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alchyjam · 3 months
aphrodite 🐚 offerings / devotional acts
◇ shells ◇ ocean imagery ◇ swan/dove/sparrow/goose imagery ◇ angel/cherub imagery ◇ heart imagery ◇ valentine's day gifts ◇ imagery/paintings of her ◇ roses/rose imagery ◇ rosehips/rose thorns ◇ rose quartz, amethyst, blue lace agate, ruby, moonstone ◇ skincare/hair care/body care ◇ perfume/cologne ◇ hair brush ◇ mirrors ◇ makeup ◇ water (moon/salt/sea water) ◇ honey ◇ wine ◇ hot chocolate/any chocolates ◇ apples ◇ strawberries/raspberries
devotional acts
◇ give compliments to strangers ◇ dedicate a glass of water to her ◇ collect all types of pretty things ◇ plan your outfits, wear things that make you feel like you ◇ wear jewelry that reminds you of her ◇ create a skincare and body care routine ◇ watch romantic movies or read romantic books ◇ listen to music that makes you feel good, dance to it if you are able ◇ give yourself love, forgive yourself for any mistakes ◇ wear perfume/cologne dedicated to her ◇ fall asleep to sounds of ocean waves or birdsong ◇ take a bath devoted to her ◇ spend time with your loved ones ◇ pour your heart out to someone, or pour your heart out in a journal ◇ donate to women's shelters ◇ create a Pinterest board ◇ eat foods that she likes (strawberries, chocolates, apples, & raspberries) ◇ write poetry about her ◇ talk to her ◇ create a playlist dedicated to her ◇ have a chapstick/lip gloss dedicated to her ◇ paint or draw something that reminds you of her
these are just a compilation of a lot of things i have read, as well as some things that work for me :)
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alchyjam · 3 months
Evening prayer to Aphrodite
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Dearest Aphrodite,
As the day fades away,
I call upon you to hear what I say.
Wrap me in your loving light,
Guide me through the peaceful night.
Bless my heart with passion's fire,
Fill my dreams with love's desire.
Protect and bless my loved ones dear,
Keep them safe, forever near.
In the evening's calm and serene,
May your beauty and love be seen.
Goddess of love, I humbly pray,
Thank you, Aphrodite, for your presence today.
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alchyjam · 3 months
Aphrodite Worship - Masterlist
Worship in the Present Day
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alchyjam · 3 months
easy ways to honor Aphrodite
tell someone how you feel! talk to a loved one and let them know they are important to you 🩷
take care of yourself! this can be as mundane as brushing your teeth or as complex as a full ritual bath 🛁
do something artistic. art, music, and poetry are the food of love! 🎻
stand up for yourself and know your self worth! set boundaries and protect your energy 🫧
share love in any form! text your partner, hug your mom, pet your dog, etc. 🫶🏻
experience pleasure; by eating a rich dessert, having an orgasm, going shopping, taking a nap… the possibilities are literally endless 🌹
also you can honor Aphrodite by literally just existing because you are beautiful and full of love :D
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alchyjam · 3 months
Broke Boy Guide to Altar Offerings
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Hey! Are you broke but still wanna offer something up to the gods? Don't worry! (So am i) So here's a guide of things that are either free, low cost or that you probably already own to slap onto those altars. Mind you: These are mainly modern offerings that I attribute to these different classification of gods. I'll likely update as time goes on with other classifications :)
General Offerings to Deities:
random flowers from outside
random sticks from outside
hand written letters/prayers
plushies of the animals they're connected to
raw/cooked meats as "sacrifices"
drawn symbols
Art/Creative Deities:
symbol painted bottle caps
old sketchbooks
comic books
Death Deities:
bones or meat from your meals
dirt from a dead plant
dying flowers
skull imagery
coins or other gifts for those passing
photo/belongings of your late loved ones
Familial/Household/Protector of Children Deities:
photobooth photos
jewelry gifted from family
baby teeth from your children
breast milk
old baby shoes
framed photo of family
homecooked meals
Fire Deities:
birthday candles
charcoal discs
burnt herbs
Healing Deities:
your current medications
vitamin gummies
spell jar in an empty pill bottle
Knowledge/Wisdom Deities:
old books & textbooks
mini chess pieces
written down philosophical quotes
good test scores/report cards/degrees
Love/Lust Deities:
origami 3D hearts
unused makeup
love letters to deities
love letters about S/O or crush
current perfume/cologne
current lotions
Nature Deities:
plants dedicated to them
herbal tea packets
spells using recycled materials (toilet paper rolls, etc.)
Sea Deities:
beach sand
sea water
tiny sea animal figurines
shared fish dinners
makeshift spell jar using a shell
Trickster Deities:
laffy taffy joke wrappers
cards against humanity packs
other comedy card games
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alchyjam · 3 months
Sappho - Queer History and what Lady Aphrodite had to do with it
As it’s currently pride month, I couldn’t think of anything better suited to talk about this month than Lady Aphrodite’s role as the Patron of Lesbians.
Sappho’s poetry was mostly lost, and only fragments remain, with the first of these fragments and the one which is considered to be the only completed one (as there are only two parts where it’s hard to understand it) is her Ode to Aphrodite, through which Aphrodite gets labelled the patron of lesbians.
This poem is written in Aeolic Greek and Sapphic stanzas, a meter where three long lines of the same length were followed by a fourth shorter line. It was written in first person and was one of the most important things which proved that Sappho was in fact queer, as the person mentioned to be the object of her desires was female . The poem was written in form of prayer to Lady Aphrodite, and was written how most Ancient Greek hymns are, in three parts.
The contents of the poem were the speaker asking for Lady Aphrodite’s help in her longing for an unnamed female who’s caught the speaker’s eye. The speaker (who it’s believed to simply be Sappho) asks for Aphrodite’s help in easing her pain from the unrequited love she’s experiencing. After being invoked, Aphrodite appears to Sappho and comforts her by saying that the woman who rejected her will someday pursue Sappho herself. The poem ends with the speaker asking the goddess to help her in all her future romantic struggles.
Overall, this poem showed Aphrodite as a kind and caring goddess and helped cement the idea that she is happy to help wherever she can, no matter if it’s homosexual relationships or heterosexual relationships you find yourself in, which would help a lot of people come to terms with their sexuality, and would help a lot of her queer worshippers nowadays.
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alchyjam · 4 months
“she’s probably texting other people”
nah bro i’m anointing candles and listening to orphic hymns
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alchyjam · 4 months
My prayers are still just "O [deity name + translated epithets], i'm gonna pray for you...ok, so, you're pretty, i love you, thank you for being there, i think you did that or at least it's cool that you maybe did that, thank you. Khaire [deity name]." And I feel good each time because I struggle with prayers.
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alchyjam · 4 months
Does anyone have any prayers to Aphrodite which isn’t asking for anything and it just to show appreciation and worship?
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alchyjam · 4 months
A prayer to Romanticize life
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Oh heavenly Aphrodite,
You who who oversees the beauty in small things,
Whether in a child's laugh, in a good friend or somewhere in a field of flowers; We can see thy face everywhere.
Oh heavenly Aphrodite,
You who created our bodies along the sweet roses and the tranquility of holy starlight, I praise thee!
May you grant me to see thy beauty not only around me but to see the one you have created within me.
Oh heavenly Aphrodite,
May you grant me to see thy peace and grace in the small things so that I can appreciate the beauty of the deathless Gods.
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alchyjam · 4 months
~🩵 Low Effort Witchcraft 🩵~
- when getting a drink stir it clockwise or counterclockwise depending on the intent you have for it
- practice self care, shower/bath, face mask, etc.
- when showering visualize negative energy being washed away
- meditate by listening to white noise, rainstorm, ocean waves, etc
- ground yourself by either meditating, visualizing, or just using a crystal
- pull a tarot card for the day
- devote a meal to a deity, spirit guide, or ancestor
- write information down, when writing things down you’re more likely to remember it
- use color correspondence in clothes
Remember that not everyday is going to be easy, we are people who have lives. Incorporating your craft into your daily life will help so much. And not going full out and doing spells everyday is okay 🩷 no one will think you’re lazy, we get burnt out and that’s is okay
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