#Men using an egg donor and a surrogate to create a child that no legal mother
coochiequeens · 1 month
Two seperate men are having issues with getting passports for the babies they purchased? Nothing sounds suspicious about that.
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indianeggdonors · 1 year
The Benefits of Surrogacy: A Comprehensive Guide
Surrogacy is a method of assisted reproduction that involves a surrogate mother carrying a pregnancy on behalf of intended parents. Here are some of the benefits of surrogacy:
Biological Child: Surrogacy can allow intended parents to have a biological child, as the embryo can be created using the intended parents' or a donor's genetic material.
Control Over Pregnancy: With surrogacy, intended parents can have more control over the pregnancy and prenatal care, including choosing a surrogate who shares their values and preferences and ensuring that the pregnancy is healthy and safe.
Reduced Medical Risks: Surrogacy can reduce the medical risks associated with pregnancy for intended parents who may have medical conditions or have had complications in previous pregnancies.
Emotional Benefits: Surrogacy can offer emotional benefits, such as the joy and fulfillment of having a child, and the sense of empowerment and control over the family building process.
LGBT+ Family Building: Surrogacy can be a viable option for same-sex male couples or single men who wish to have a biological child.
Preservation of Fertility: For women who have undergone a hysterectomy or have a medical condition that prevents them from carrying a pregnancy, surrogacy can offer a way to preserve their fertility and have a biological child.
Gestational Surrogacy: In gestational surrogacy, the surrogate mother is not genetically related to the child she carries, which can offer added security and clarity in terms of legal and parental rights.
High Success Rates: Surrogacy has high success rates, particularly when using a gestational surrogate and undergoing IVF.
Surrogacy Laws: Many countries have well-regulated surrogacy laws that protect the rights of intended parents, surrogate mothers, and the child born through surrogacy.
Positive Impact: Surrogacy can have a positive impact on the lives of all involved, including intended parents, surrogate mothers, and the child born through surrogacy.
While surrogacy can offer many benefits, it's important to work with a reputable surrogacy agency or fertility clinic and carefully consider all of the potential risks and challenges before deciding if surrogacy is the right choice for you.
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An Insightful take on Surrogacy in Colombia- What you should know?
There are numerous reasons to why surrogacy in Colombia is way better than other surrogacy destinations around the world. In comparison to the USA, Canada and other developed countries, surrogacy is cheaper in this part of the globe.
Moreover, Colombia is a specifically designated surrogacy destination given to the surrogacy laws here that allows parenthood without considering someone’s sexual orientation. So, we can say that gay couples, single men, and single women can all use the services of surrogate mother in Colombia.  Due to its cheaper cost of living and significant advancements in infertility treatments and medications, Colombia is one of the most popular and growing locations for in-vitro fertilization (IVF) overseas.
Still, it’s always advisable to first familiarize yourself with Colombia's surrogacy laws, contract agreements, processes, surrogates arrangements, Donor arrangements, process, success rates, and program costs before making your final decision on Colombia, as with all other countries.
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What types of surrogacy is available in Colombia?
In Colombia, two types of surrogacy options are generally available:
Traditional Surrogacy
In this kind of surrogacy, the surrogate mother utilizes her eggs and artificial insemination to fertilize them with the intended father’s sperm. Consequently, there is a genetic connection between the surrogate mother in Colombia and the surrogate kid. This kind of surrogacy is not much popular in the country and the even surrogacy clinic in Colombia doesn't promote these arrangements to avoid any potential issues with the surrogate and child custody as well as the applicable legislation.
Gestational surrogacy
In this kind of surrogacy, the surrogate mother is implanted with a genetically unrelated embryo to bear. The intended mother's egg and the intended father’s sperm, or gametes from donors, are used to create an embryo, which is then implanted into a carrier (surrogate mother). Gestational carrier or gestational surrogate is alternate names for a surrogate mother in Colombia in this case. Today, many foreign couples and single parents utilize it most frequently.
Over viewing the legal implications of surrogacy in Colombia
There are no restrictions on surrogacy in Colombia, nor are there any special laws that govern it. "Children born in or out of wedlock, adopted, and reproduced naturally or with the aid of science, have equal rights and duties," according to Colombia's constitution. In 2009, Colombia provided more clarification on the subject, stating that there is no explicit ban against surrogacy. However, in terms of ART, surrogacy or surrogate motherhood is lawfully regarded as legal regardless of her location or place of origin.
Only gestational surrogacy is permitted in Colombia since commercial surrogacy forecloses the surrogate mother's use or sale of her eggs. The surrogate's remuneration may be used to cover some costs. Even after the baby is delivered, the surrogate mother in Colombia is not allowed to speak to the infant unless the prospective parents have given their consent during a meeting. The name of the surrogate mother can be lawfully removed from a child's birth certificate by a prospective parent by filing an appeal with a Colombian court.
Any child born in Colombia via surrogate is automatically a citizen of that country and qualifies for a passport. However, it enables prospective parents to bring their child back to their homeland or place of comfort and transfer citizenship there. Additionally in 2016, Colombia legalized surrogacy for same-sex couples according to Colombian courts' interpretations of the constitution.
What Intended parents need to do to stay eligible for surrogacy in Colombia?
The Colombian Constitution upholds the equal rights of all people and strongly prohibits any form of discrimination against anybody, even when it comes to surrogacy in Colombia. Therefore, Colombia welcomes all intending (heterosexual, same-sex, single) couples who are married or unmarried and under the age of 50 for gestational surrogacy.
That said, one still needs to associate with the best surrogacy clinic in Colombia to make the most out of their surrogacy journey in the country.
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birth-fic-lover · 5 years
Fi's woman
Fi looked at her round sexy wife, she wore a cream coloured blouse and a high waisted skirt that covered her entire belly. They both knew this baby was due to come at any point, soon the baby would be overdue. Though she was excited to become a mother, Fi would miss having this sexy spouse in her life. 
Because although Fi referred to the woman as her wife, they weren’t legally married. Fi had hired her from an agency, the child that Fi would soon be a single mother to was created using sperm made from Fi’s eggs. 
Fi was a successful doctor that specialised in maternity, but she had wanted it to be her turn to become a mother. Despite her money she had never found someone to settle down with, so she decided to look into surrogates and other options. She had found out years ago that she wouldn’t be able to carry her own child, she didn’t what to use a sperm donor and a surrogate. That’s when she found the company that she would ultimately decide on, they offered her a service where they would offer her a relationship with the woman who would carry her child. Because for the last 6 months of the pregnancy they would be in a fake marriage, this would provide them the opportunity to get to know the egg donor and make memories to tell the child one day. 
There was something that Fi liked knowing that there was no men involved in creating this child, and she liked that she could tell her daughter all about the kind lady who helped create her. Though she didn’t know her name or much about her past, Fi just called her wifey or similar things. Once her wife had gone past 12 weeks in her pregnancy, she moved in with Fi. She was so pretty with caramel coloured skin, dark eyes and hair and a dark purple lipstick. She already had a tiny baby bump at that point, ever since it just kept growing. 
It was up to Fi how much she wanted this woman to be her wife, they didn’t even have to sleep in the same room together. They shared a bed most night, Fi enjoyed playing with her wife’s belly and the occasional snuggle. She often wondered if this woman dresses so sexy on purpose, every outfit would highlight her belly. She was certainly a pro at being pregnant, Fi thought she made it look effortless. 
It amazed Fi to look at the growing bump protruding from this woman’s nightgown as she slept, she never expected to see a woman grow with her child. Modern medicine amazed her, though she would which she was experiencing this with an actual wife. The wife was a nice woman who was happy to do whatever Fi needed, also made sure Fi never was left out. Sharing each flutter as they turn into kicks,
Since Fi was a doctor everyone was happy for it to be a home birth with just Fi and her wife, Fi hoped to make it a stress free environment. Fi had got everything ready for the birth, as well as an emergency birthing kit in the car just in case.
One night when her wife had been 8 months along Fi came home from work to see her wife watching a birthing video with headphones on, but to her surprise the woman was treating it like a porn video. She was touching herself and stroking her nipples, Fi was shocked because she thought that she had been the only one who found childbirth erotic. But now she could see this other woman found it sexual, the wife turned and saw Fi. Quickly she looked away from Fi and went pale with shock then scarlet with embarrassment.
She started to apologise instantly, but Fi then told her that she felt the same about childbirth. They discovered they had both got into the pregnancy profession because of there fascination with the pregnant form and birth, but of course they never let it affect there jobs. 
All this time she had known this woman and never discovered this side of her, they both got ready for bed. But that night there was no snuggling, Fi leaned close and passionately kissed the woman, for the first time they both felt the sparks that had been forming had turned into a flame.
After they kissed Fi held her, both her hand on her 8 month belly, “please will you tell me your name?”
The woman thought for a second, technically it was up to her what she told the clients. She had never let herself get close enough to the clients, she would embrace the fake marriage in the moment she would feel close but this felt different. Knowing this woman who had made quite a fortune for herself also had a fascination for pregnant woman, it made her want to connect with her. So she took a chance, “my name is Noah. Before you ask my parent thought I would be a boy, they already had my name painted on everything so I am a woman called Noah.”
Fi smiled, there we so many jokes she could make about a woman who carries children for a living called Noah. But she didn’t want to ruin the moment, “well Noah I enjoy watching you as you carry my child.”
Noah smiled “just you wait till next month when I’m full ripened, I’ll be so big and round” she said in a seductive manor.
“Oh I very much look forward to it” Fi replied, “you have been a good wife looking after our child as they bake inside of you”. Noah felt a flutter of joy inside of her when Fi called the child there’s, she never had felt this feeling before with a client. “As I hold your fertile womb in my hand I can tell our child is strong and healthy” Fi continued.
With Fi’s words Noah was already getting wet, it was so delicious to hear Fi these words. As Fi traced circles on her stomach, she kissed Noah’s neck in between his sentences. “You are so round”, “like mother earth”, “so fertile”, “so perfectly pregnant”, “your breasts are so ready to feed our little one”, “I can tell they are already sensitive”, “but your womb is where our seed of a child will continue to grow”, “and thrive”, “until you get so big that one day your water will burst”, “and then you will birth our child”, “just you and me will witness the glorious event of your power as you bring life into the world”.
Noah’s moans that had started softly, grew louder and louder with each sentence and kiss. But on that finally one the heat within her couldn’t be contained and she exploded out of Fi’s soft grasp, and launched herself on her. She was soaking wet with all the desire, Fi moaned and slowly began to move lower down Noah’s body. Her lips making a trail down the magnificent pregnant belly and towards Noah’s clit, Noah chest rose and fell with desired as her breaths deepened. 
She lay back on the bed while Fi placed Noah’s legs on her shoulders, she continued to plant small kisses on her inner thighs. Leading to where Fi could already smell Noah’s desire, she couldn’t keep her hand off Noah’s bare stomach. “I love how big and round you are, do you always get this big at only 8 months.”
“Oh baby I can get a lot bigger, one time I carried a baby where the other parent was 7 ft”
“Oh I bet you are massive, I bet you could hardly walk” Fi moaned.
“Oh I was massive, but honey I am I pro. I was still looking sexy even when I was overdue with the big baby. Oh I hope this girl is overdue so I can be nice a big for you, I wish I was carrying multiples for you.”
“I bet you look so sexy where you carry triplets, have you ever carried triplets?”
“I have, oh you should see the pictures of me. I dream of carrying 4 babies, I wanna carry so many so I can birth them all for you.”
Fi was in heaven, this sexy wife of hers was so amazing. "So how would you want to give birth, to this one?” she asked, “go on tell my your wildest fantasy”.
”I’ve dreamed of giving birth in public, like in an lift“ Noah confessed.
“Can you imagine giving birth right there in public, imagine if when your contractions started we went too all different places for you to labour.” 
“Oh god avoiding people who would try and call an ambulance”.
“It would bring an edge of excitement and danger to the proceedings” Fi said, “wherever you laboured you would look so beautiful, so big and sexy bringing life into the world”. 
Then slowly Fi ran her tongue along Noah’s labia and to her clit, lapping up her juices. Noah gripped the sheets, overcome by the sensation. She moaned as Fi’s mouth nibbled on her clit and tongue gently lapped at her folds. She started thrusting slightly to Fi’s rhythm, until she came right in Fi’s mouth. 
Fi pulled back, her hands still on Noah’s belly. Her wife was panting from her orgasm, Fi still wanted to use her fingers to her pregnant wife. She slipped a couple of fingers inside her, Noah gasped in pleasure.
Noah told Fi “I feel so full with your fingers and our baby inside of me, your huge baby’s head already fills me. I will have to stretch so much just to crown”, with Noah’s words Fi was starting to get more then wet herself. 
“Tell me more” she begged and started to slowly thrust her fingers.
“Ohhh ohhh imagine me bulging, as the head comes out it just gets bigger and bigger. But then maybe you are not so surprised as for the last few day’s my swollen belly has got bigger and bigger. Imagine if the doctor got it wrong and right now I’m carrying twins, maybe if you fuck me hard enough I will have twins. My belly is really gonna have to stretch to contain them both”.
“Oh god I’m so close” Fi moaned thrusting her fingers even harder into the warm home of her child, she knew with Noah’s word she could easily orgasm right now. But instead held on, wanting to stretch the moment out longer. She saviour the delicious ache, for when Noah was no longer around and she needed to remember this moment.
“Oh ohhh imagine sitting behind me your hands on my globe, feeling the force as I expel our baby. Feeling the power needed to birth a child created by your seed”, Fi could no longer hold back the flood gates. Both ladies came at the same time, there moans of pleasure filled the room.
Fi took a moment and then slowly removed herself from Noah, them curled herself around her body supporting her. “That was magnificent”
“It was” Noah agreed, “I never knew that someone else could find the idea of birth so sexy”.
“Oh I do” Fi said “I wish you would go into labour right now so I wouldn’t have to wait”. 
“Oh you wouldn’t want that, then you wouldn’t get to enjoy me at full term. I thought you wanted to see how big I got with your child”.
“Oh I do” Fi said hungrily, this woman knew how to drive her mad with desire. She knew exactly what to say. 
But now a few months laterback where we began in the story, Fi looked at this sexy woman and knew she was going to miss her. She did look fantastic so large with child, she was on the cusp of being overdue. Looking so sexy in a blouse and high waisted skirt, even though she is so big she can still wear heels. Noah watched her absent mindedly rub where the baby was kicking, she couldn't help but smile.
Fi was already on maternity leave because Noah could be giving birth at any point, she couldn’t believe she was finally going to become a mother. With all the excited, it was agony to have to wait. Noah noticed her looking and her and smiles, she then runs her hands down her orb like belly. “I bet you’re surprised that I still can find a skirt that covers this huge baby bump?” 
Fi nods knowing Noah loves winding her tight. She reaches out for her to come closer, she takes Fi's hand and puts it on her belly. Fi couldn't help but caress it lovingly, slipping her fingers under Noah's blouse to feel her soft skin that covered her orb like belly.
“Feel how tight this skirt is over my belly, it’s meant for woman expecting twins. That how big and healthy your baby is, that is how big my baby belly is.” Fi loved how sensitive Nosh had become to touch,
They were standing by the kitchen table, Fi looked at it, she knew it could easily handle there weight. She started to guide her too it, but Noah stopped her. It was then Fi remembered that at this far along, even Noah can’t handle having sex on anything but a bed.
So lead her to there room and she smiles at her, they both got on the bed and started using her mouth on her neck as Fi unbutton that skirt of hers. Noah felt ger belly tighten a little but she ignored it as it hardened a little, wanting to focus on the moment.
Straight away Fi's lips worked their way down Noah's neck, st the same time Fi's fingers found Noah's most sensitive spot. She rubbed it gently in a building rhythm causing Noah to moan in reaction. Her gasps quickened and her moans became more high pitched as Fi's touch became faster. Noah couldn't keep still.
Fi reached for the strap on, she wasn’t a big fan of them till Noah swayed her. As she attach it Fi could see the excitement in Noah's eyes.
Fi felt herself growing wet as Noah wrapped her hands around the strap on, wanting to guide it into her right away. She was so ready for her, she rubbed it again’t the fabric of her panties. But then said "It's been way too long since we did this, I don’t know if I can take it in my fragile state."
“I used this on you last night” she reminded her, then giving her a long kiss. 
“Oh yeah” Noah said softly "In fact it may help with the pains I’ve been having”.
“You’re in labour?”
“Well I’ve certainly been having contractions” she admited and then her body tensed up, "do it" she moaned. “I want you to do it one last time whilst I’m full to the brim with your baby."
She then slipped her panties off leaning close so she the dildo was pressing against her opening. Noah even spread her lips with one hand before Fi gently pushed inside, as always Noah gasped as she felt herself fill and Fi started to thrust. At first she moved carefully and slowly, but excitment and passion soon took over. 
She slid in and out faster and faster, "ohhhhhhh yes" Noah moaned ignoring the pain she felt with the pleasure. “Oh oh oh" she moaned reacting each time they they thrusted together, Noah felt so full with both Fi's huge baby and the dildo inside of her. The pressure and pleasure built up, it felt so intense now that she was due anyday. Noah was so wet the strap on was lubricated with her cum, Fi slid deeper into her throbbing vagina. She moaned as Fi sped up even more and together they finally came.
Just as Fi was getting ready to slide out if Noah, Noah lets out a moan. "Ohhhhh gah gah oooooo" But it sounds different and they both knew that it was a contraction.
Noah looks at Fi knowing that this isn’t early labour anymore, “I think that they have been building for a while but I thought we had more time".
They had planned to head out and find a public spot for there birth, they wanted it to be as dramatic as possible. "Does this mean we don't have time to get you somewhere for the birth?"
“I think if we get ready now we could still do it” she says rubbing her belly uncomfortably. Fi slide out of her and took off the harness, while Noah sat herself up on the bed.
Fi got off the bed and went to get towels and blankets they would take with them for the baby. When she returned she saw Noah's face was scrunched up as she let out more moans, "ohhhh ohhhh gahhhhhhh". The sudden tightening of her womb had returned, but this time it feel odd. There was a release of gushing of fluids that burst out of her womanhood, she let out a moan mixed with suprise as the bed was now wet with amniotic fluid.
"Ohhhhhhh I'm sorry" Noah said feeling like she had let Fi down. But Fi just offered her hand and Noah took it.
"It's fine" she reassured her "We will have the baby right here".
Noah felt better knowing that "try not to have too much fun, but I think you should check down there."
"I'll try my best, not too have too much fun I mean" and gently inserts two fingers into her. Her own pussy aches as she examine her, "you're almost 7 cm, I think its safe to say this will be a home birth".
"I know this is all so quick already, but I already wanna get this child out". Noah had always had quick births with her other clients, she had a sense this was gonna be the same.
They got off the bed and started to move around hoping it would dilate her more and stimulate the contractions. "Ohhhhh, that's it. Gaaaaahhhhhhh" she moaned sqauting slightly with the sensation. Noah took a deep breath, as Fi behind her rubbed her back. They kept going like this both keeping an eye on the clock to know how far apart the contractions were.
Eventually Noah couldn't stand anymore, she knew there was a shift in the contractions. With the next one all the pressure made her want to bare down, "hoooooogggghhhhh" she moaned and Fi lowered her to the floor. She found herself on her hands and knees her hips swaying, Fi comes and sit with her on the floor and Noah says "I think this baby's ready," and starts widening her legs. "I need to push."
Fi's hand feels between her legs to determine whether she was fully dilated already. "Noah you're fully dilated, you were right about it being time."
As Fi guides her fingers out and Noah pushes into her bottom. She gasped at the pain that took over her body, the weight of the baby slowly moving into her birth canal.
“That's it" Fi encouraged her, she tried to support her as she pushed both emotionally and physically.
Fi couldn't help but be aroused by the sight as she knelt behind Noah who was still on her hands and knees. Just the noises she made, the rocking of her hips and the knowledge that she was bringing new life into the world drove her wild.
As Noah's body shook from the effort, she kept taking in deep breaths following her instincts. The baby moved down slowly, the fact it was so close to being overdue didnt help.
When Noah felt the head against her sore aching lips she howled from the pain, she felt so full and it was getting too much. As she drove the baby’s head against her lips Fi spread the folds a little to see more.
"I can see the head, you're almost there" Fi said so excited for the child to be born. Noah rubbed her round low hanging belly, it was still heavy but birthing on her hands and knees felt right. Noah pushed as hard as she could.
But both woman felt joy when Fi announced she could see Noah's womanhood bulging, "GAAAAHHHHHH" she moaned from the pressure of the head. It started at a teardrop, then with each push the gap got wider and wider. Noah reached between her legs to feel her progress, the head was lodged between her legs.
Knowing that this child was right there gave her the strength to give a mightly push, her lips giving way as she forced the child out of her. She kept going again and again, "gaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh HAAAAAAA" she moaned, and the head popped into Fi’s waiting hands with a small gush of fluid.
Another contraction went through her and she swayed her hips before giving another big push, she moaned as the shoulders moved forward. Her legs naturally widened to make room for the baby, with yhe next contraction she dug deep and push. "NAAAAAHHHHHH" she moaned loudly as the first shoulder popped free.
"One more push and this baby will born", she nodded and with a final push she gave everything and the child slipped into Fi's waiting hands. The little girls cry filled the room and both woman relaxed.
Fi knew that she would be renewing this arrangement at least one more time.
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kivenwough · 2 years
How Surrogacy works?
The use of a surrogate mother to get a baby is still controversial. The legal system is also complicated because it differs by state. Surrogacy is still a possibility for you and your spouse, whether it's due to reproductive issues or other factors. Learn how it works and whether it is good for you.
 A woman is artificially inseminated with the sperm of her father. They will then deliver and transfer the kid to you and your spouse to rise. The bio mother of the baby is a conventional surrogate. Because the father's sperm fertilized their egg, this is the case. Sperm from donors can also be utilized.
 Surrogates for pregnancy. In vitro fertilization (IVF) allows eggs from the mother (or an egg donor) to be collected, fertilized with gametes from the father (or a sperm donor), and the embryo to be implanted into the uterus of a gestational surrogate. The baby is then carried by the surrogate until it is born. Because it wasn't their egg that was used, they have no genetic links to the kid. The "birth mother" is a gestational surrogate. However, the biological mother is the woman whose egg was fertilized. Gestational surrogacy is less complicated legally in the United States. This is because the newborn has genetic links to both adoptive mothers. As a result, gestational surrogacy has grown in popularity over conventional surrogacy.
 If you've tried but failed to conceive using various assisted-reproduction treatments, such as IVF, you might wish to consider surrogacy. Surrogates have also opened up motherhood to persons who would otherwise be unable to adopt a child due to their age or marital status. If homosexual men want to utilize a conventional surrogate, one of them performs artificial insemination to fertilize the surrogate's egg. The surrogate then bears the baby and gives birth. A homosexual couple could also pick an egg donor, fertilize that egg, and then put the embryo in a gestational surrogate to bear until delivery.
 You can sometimes ask a friend or family to be your surrogate. It's a contentious issue. Surrogacy is expensive, and it creates complicated legal questions concerning parental rights, so a tried-and-true familial bond may be easier to handle. Certain familial links are permissible for surrogates, according to the American Society for Reproductive Medicine. Surrogacy is often discouraged if the kid would share the same genes as a child born of incest between close relatives. The majority of people use one to find a gestational surrogate. In the United States, there are around 100 agencies. They serve as intermediaries. Earthly Angles is helping you in finding a surrogate and making the necessary preparations at EarthlyAngelsConsulting.com. It also collects any payments that are exchanged between you and the surrogate, including such medical costs.
 After a surrogate birth, parental rights are not assured. The law is evolving as reproduction technological advancements and the meaning of "parent" evolves. Surrogacy is not regulated by the federal government, and state laws vary. In some areas, you may still need to go through adoption processes to obtain legal possession of the kid after a surrogate pregnancy. In certain areas, signing a "declaration of paternity" before the baby is born allows you to avoid having to "adopt" the child. Hire an attorney who specializes in fertility law in your state to safeguard your rights as future parents — and the welfare of the individual you hope to have. Earthly Angles Surrogacy can draught a surrogacy contract that sets out exactly what each party must do.
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dcdads · 6 years
(Frequently Asked Questions And Comments About Our Surrogacy Process)
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We love sharing our ongoing surrogacy story and will tell it to anyone who listens. We’ll keep this updated as we continue through our journey, in hopes of helping anyone who may be thinking of expanding their family or just curious about how babies can be made. First things first:
IVF Vocabulary Primer - essential words and acronyms:
IVF: In Vitro Fertilization
IP: Intended Parents (that’s us!)
GC: Gestational Carrier (aka surrogate)
CCS: Comprehensive Chromosomal Screening
CMV: Cytomegalovirus, which more than half of the population is infected with
Blastocyst: The blastocyst is a structure formed in the early development of mammals. It possesses an inner cell mass (ICM) which subsequently forms the embryo. (It’s a five day old embryo)
DSR: Donor-sibling registry
ORM: Oregon Reproductive Medicine, the fertility clinic we selected to assist with our IVF process
NWSC: Northwest Surrogacy Center, the Portland based organization that matched us with our wonderful GC and handles all legal and financial matters associated with the complex surrogacy process
But why didn’t you just adopt?
Discussions about growing our family began in earnest about two years ago. At first, adoption was the only option we considered. After learning of the potential risks, timelines, costs, and emotional toll surrounding the adoption process, we decided to explore surrogacy. While surrogacy has its own unique challenges, the prospect of having our own biological children tipped the scales for us.
Yes Virginia, two men can have a baby…with a lot of help:
But wait, how do they…? MIND-BLOWING SCIENCE AND AWESOME PEOPLE. We get to have 2 kids of our own thanks to cutting-edge technology and literally teams of dedicated professionals. There are many paths to creating a family - here's ours:
After we each put our 173 million sperm deposit on ice (yes, that number is accurate), we selected a vetted egg donor from a database maintained by ORM. Following the completion of a hormone medication cycle, 42 eggs were retrieved from our egg donor and then immediately fertilized (21 with Daniel’s, 21 with Darek’s). After a 5-day incubation in the lab, and CCS testing, our resulting 10 viable blastocysts were cryogenically frozen to await implantation. (In other words, we had 10 little healthy potential D&D’s in a freezer in Oregon!)
After a few more months, NWSC matched us with a surrogate, Kayla, who we immediately fell in love with (mostly because she laughed at Darek’s jokes). Following the completion of her own cycle of pre-implantation medications, the embryologist (yes, that is a very real job) implanted 2 embryos (1 Darek, 1 Daniel) in the hopes that at least one would stick. Thanks to our amazing doctors (and maybe the matching t-shirts Kayla got everyone for good luck on transfer day) they both stuck! Kayla had to stay on a variety of IVF-related medications throughout the 1st trimester.
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Wait, so you don’t know the genetic mother of your children? Won’t that be hard for them?
We know more about our anonymous egg donor than we know about any of our friends or family. Thanks to ORM’s exhaustive profiling and vetting, we were able to access a lengthy profile of her medical background, psychological health, her entire family’s genetic tree, lots of pictures, her reasons for becoming an egg donor, and about 485 other facts about her likes, dislikes, and background. One reason we selected our egg donor was her willingness to become part of the DSR, which means we can contact her anonymously any time we want. Through the DSR, our children will also have the opportunity to contact her, and find out information on any potential genetic half-siblings that might be out there in the future too. While we know our kids will have a million questions about their genetic lineage that we might not be able to answer, it gave us solace to know we can find those answers if and when we want to.
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So how come you went all the way to Oregon?!
A few reasons. We first chose ORM based on a recommendation from a friend and after realizing that their success rates were among the best in the world (94% chance of success!). ORM recommended NWSC, which we interviewed along with a few other surrogacy agencies. We chose them mostly because they only work with GC’s from states with surrogacy friendly laws. Surprisingly, surrogacy is not legal in all states (it’s illegal in DC!). Even in states were it is legal, some states require IP’s to adopt their own children, as the woman who gives birth to a child is automatically deemed the mother at birth, even if - as in our case - the woman who births the children has zero genetic relationship to the babies. Oregon is one of the states with the friendliest laws; we will be official and legal Dad 1 and Dad 2 the minute our little D&Ds arrive. 
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A stranger is carrying your babies?
She's no stranger, quite the contrary actually. NWSC specializes in providing IPs with a perfectly matched surrogate, and they did not disappoint. It took nine months of physical, social, mental, and financial screening to find a compatible surrogate willing to carry our twins. The numerous and strict requirements for surrogacy eligibility result in the rejection of 95% of candidates. Our long anticipated initial match meeting (via Skype) was a resounding success - a testament to the exhaustively thorough vetting process.
Aren't you scared that she'll abscond with them off into the night?
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Not in the slightest, and here's why:
We know her. While the exhaustively comprehensive surrogacy vetting process painted an initial picture of the amazing woman that would be carrying our babies, that was just the birth (sorry) of our strong relationship with her. In the eight months since our match we've visited her twice, joined video calls and exchanged countless pictures, texts, and emails.
Her family is complete. Our surrogate has a toddler of her own and is not interested in having additional children. During the "worst case scenarios" portion of the contracting phase, we had to document alternate guardianship plans in the event that something happened to us prior to birth. She half-joked her biggest concern was somehow being left with two orphaned infants that didn't belong to her!
We have compatible goals and desires. We want biological children, but (obviously) can't create them ourselves. Kayla wants to help grow a family for someone else and is saving to buy a house.
It's been a helluva journey, and it's only just begun. Our twins are due July 4th!
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loyallogic · 4 years
Insight into Various Aspects of Surrogacy
This article is written by Abhay, a student from Kirit P. Mehta School of Law, NMIMS. This is a comprehensive article which deals with various aspects associated with the process of Surrogacy.
Although surrogacy has often created ethical concerns, the rise in these procedures makes the problem even more urgent. The economy of surrogate pregnancy progresses faster than our perception of its consequences with hundreds of new clinics ready to open. A surrogate is a viable alternative and becoming an increasingly common choice for couples who can not have children.
A surrogate mother is a woman who has decided to become pregnant and deliver a child specifically for a couple she has a contract with. A surrogate mother maybe the baby’s genetic mother, in which case medical practitioners help to fertilize her eggs; or she can be a gestational carrier and have an embryo implanted in her uterus. 
As for Gay men, they may agree to use a conventional surrogacy in some countries; one of them may use his sperm to fertilize the surrogate mother’s egg through artificial insemination. Then, the mother bears the baby and gives birth. Also, a gay couple may select an egg donor, fertilize the donated egg, and then have the embryo inserted into a gestational carrier to bear until conception.
The surrogacy industry has boomed since 2002, when commercial surrogacy was legalized in India, becoming a key component of the lucrative medical tourism market in the region. Fertility clinics across India were trying to emulate the achievement of Akanksha as well as other centres, for example the small rural town of Anand in the western state of Gujarat, which was the first centre of surrogacy in the world.
Baby Manji Yamada was born to an Indian surrogate mother for a Japanese couple that split before a month of the child’s birth and left the child’s future in darkness. The biological father, Ikufumi Yamada tried to take the child back to Japan but there was no such provision in the legal system for such a case nor did the Japanese government authorize him to bring the child back home.
In the end, India’s Supreme Court had to respond and it authorized the child to move abroad with her grandmother. Baby Manji Yamada’s greatest influence has been that it has inspired India’s government to pass a law governing surrogacy.
In the landmark case Baby Manji Yamada v. Union of India, India’s Supreme Court officially legalized commercial surrogacy. In this case, the Court described “commercial surrogacy as a method of surrogacy in which a gestational carrier is compensated for carrying a child to maturity in the womb”. The related aspects of a surrogacy agreement includes the stakeholders or the parties who are thoroughly guided about the enactment of the statutory law. 
The practice of Surrogacy in India became more common and Indian surrogates became popular among intended families in developed countries, as Indian surrogacy agencies provided comparatively low fees and easier access. Using surrogacy arrangements, surrogate mothers are provided with clinical, nutritional, and general health support. The 2002 draft of the National Guidelines for the Accreditation, Supervision, and Regulation of ART Clinics in India was issued by the government in 2005. 
Before the actual prohibition of commercial surrogacy in 2015, India had been a prominent surrogacy place for others. In 2013, overseas gay couples and single parents were banned from surrogacy. In 2015, India’s government outlawed commercial surrogacy and allowed embryo entry for scientific and research purposes alone. In 2016, Lok Sabha introduced and approved a Surrogacy (Regulation) Bill intending to allow only heterosexual Indian couples married for at least five years with infertility issues to undertake altruistic or unpaid surrogacy and thus prohibited commercial surrogacy. The 2016 bill had lapsed due to the adjournment sine die of the legislative session. The bill was introduced again and ratified by the Lok Sabha in 2019. 
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The Process of Surrogacy
A pair, usually a husband and wife, signs a contract with a surrogate in this process. The pregnant mother is inseminated as mentioned in the terms of the contract, carries a child, and surrenders all rights to the semen donor and his wife in respect of that child. The surrogate lady also gets a fee in return for carrying a child.
In the case of Jan Balaz v. Anand Municipality and Ors, it may be important to note the that surrogacy arrangement was entered in the name of intending father and the second respondent, the surrogate mother whose name is listed as intending father’s wife which resulted in vexatious legal matters in the subject of the surrogate child’s birth certificate.
It means that a person who supplied the sperm for fertilization maintains the child’s sole custody, and his wife will adopt it. It is also mentioned in the court orders issued before delivery, as he is mentioned as the father of the infant. Forms of consent are usually signed after the child’s delivery, however, so that the surrogate mother may make up her mind. 
The pre-born documents given by the court, identify the pair as biological parents of the child in an embryo transfer case. Their details are recorded on the birth certificate and the surrogate mother has no claim for the child.
Large numbers of couples have benefited enormously from the surrogacy or may have considered using it. Given such increased use of the process, it is especially important to question whether or not the agreement is legal. Legality problems include potential breaches of criminal laws for the selling of children. 
Issues on whether adoption is appropriate and whether the child is valid are also inherent in the agreement with the surrogate mother. The law would govern the parties to such an agreement, including certain parties’ rights with the responsibilities.
Rights of the women 
But perhaps the boom hides the raising concerns as to the rights of women who choose to be surrogate mothers, most of them from poor families and often illiterates. Surrogate mothers come from disadvantaged families and do not know their rights very well. The promotion of surrogacy has also raised the concerns of the illegal market and the trafficking of babies which leads to transforming vulnerable women into child providers.
The women are specifically chosen to be used as carrier mothers or egg donors. In India, they are picked as per appearance, compliance, and financial dependence factors. Commercial surrogacy deteriorates the process of pregnancy to a business and turns an infant into a commodity. 
As with any other consumer products, people often lay down requirements for having a baby, as if they were purchasing goods. People who take on a surrogate mother’s role generally come from a lower-middle-class background particularly one in need of cash. 
Because of India’s lack of regulations and rules, surrogate mothers are abused, and commercial companies and intermediaries eat up almost all of the profits. There is no transparency in the entire surrogacy program. The sum of money a surrogate mother gets is very less. 
The situation is very bad for a surrogate mother. The women of rural heritage are coerced to be a surrogate so that their husbands can earn money out of this. Such individuals have no right to make choices about their bodies and their lives. There are cases where the negotiating side sets requirements for the pregnant woman, for example, under the excuse of having prenatal treatment, they must remain in a specified place for eight months. 
Such women are transferred to hostels under the excuse of getting antenatal treatment for the entire length of the pregnancy. The real agenda is to protect her and to prevent the social stigma of the culture being the outcast. These women spend the entire pregnancy period thinking about the house and their babies. 
They are only permitted to go outside for antenatal visits and are only permitted to interact on Sundays with their families. The worst thing is that they’re unable to be compensated in the event of adverse results of pregnancy, and no benefits or post-pregnancy medical and psychological care is given to them.
This is a tragedy for them as they have to live away from their home. For most surrogate contracts, after the baby is born, the woman carrying the baby gives up all parental rights to the child. The surrogate mother has the right under a surrogacy obligation to be paid of all her medical and other costs so long as they contribute to her pregnancy. 
Some additional medical costs are often protected because if they are not taken good care of in a reasonable time certain problems may impact the child. The surrogate mother has the right to receive medical counselling during the pregnancy duration and beyond from the early stages of considering surrogacy. The therapy will include her and the proposed parents.
                    Rights of the children
Problems also exist concerning children’s rights. A child’s rights are limited. Getting the child handed after delivery can adversely affect breastfeeding. Children who are born out of surrogacy don’t get the chance to meet their surrogate.
Guidelines by the Indian Council for Medical Research 
In the year 2002, the Indian Council for Medical Research released directives governing Assisted Reproductive Technology procedures which were approved by the government in 2005. The Law Commission of India presented the 228th report on Assisted Reproductive Technology procedures addressing the significance and need for surrogacy, as well as the actions that should be taken to regulate surrogacy arrangements.
The surrogacy agreement will have to be regulated by a contract between the parties, which will include all the provisions including the approval of the surrogate mother to carry the child, the permission of her husband and other members of the family for the same, artificial insemination, medical procedures, the refund of all appropriate expenses for carrying the baby to full term, willingness to entrust the born child to the commissioning parent(s), etc. But an agreement like that should not be for commercial purposes. 
A surrogacy policy would take care of the surrogate mother’s life insurance cover. One of the intended parents should also be a donor since the bonding of affection and love with the infant originates mainly from biological relationships. The risks of different kinds of child-abuse that were found in adoption cases would be lessened. Unless the expected parent is single, then he or she will be a donor to have a surrogate child. 
If the biological (natural) parents and adoptive parents are different, adoption is the only way to get a child that is resorted to otherwise. Law itself would consider a surrogate child as the rightful child of the commissioning parents without there being a need for adoption or perhaps even a declaration of guardian. 
The surrogate child’s birth certificate will only include the names of the commissioning parent(s). Donor’s right to privacy should be protected as well as the right of the surrogate mother should also be protected. Sex-selective surrogacy is to be banned. The Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act 1971 will regulate only cases of abortion. 
Selective sex surrogacy should be forbidden. The surrogacy arrangement should provide financial assistance for the child in case of contracting a couple’s death or divorce. The bill also introduced numerous other measures to govern the Indian Assisted Reproductive Technology Clinics. No assisted reproductive technology clinic shall offer to give pre-determined sex to a couple with a child.
Assisted Reproductive Technology Bill, 2013
The Assisted Reproductive Technology Bill, 2013 does not allow commercial surrogacy which involves exchanging money for something other than paying for the mother and child’s medical expenses. The bill would exclude these from surrogacy: couples who already have one child, foreigners or Indian Overseas Citizens (OCI), holders and spouses alike, single citizens, homosexuals, and widows. 
The bill extends such rights to the surrogate mothers because they are not aware of their rights and contractual responsibilities that are granted to them. The bill suggests that it should be made compulsory for the couple to accept a child from the surrogate mother regardless of the child’s abnormality or gender. 
The contractual arrangement makes it mandatory for couples to send a certificate stating that a child born via surrogacy is genetically related to them. The other clause stated in the bill is that anyone can be a surrogate mother which includes a single parent, widow, divorced, or married woman. 
The law seeks to govern the reproductive technology clinics and doctors involved and their association with potential surrogates. The law supports the commissioning couple’s rights over those of surrogate mothers. The bill makes it obvious that there will be no protections for women involved in commercial surrogacy over the child they have contracted to raise. Its regulations state that most women aged between 21 and 35 years could be surrogates. 
In comparison to three in an earlier version, it puts the maximum number of times a woman will contract her womb for surrogacy at five live births. But it does not discuss the number of assisted reproductive cycles that a woman may undergo, which is a significant concern for the health of women. 
There are all sorts of legal documents that cover the rights and interests of the commissioning couple to cover. In the absence of clear legislation, the surrogate mother has no rights or interests, and the clauses of the ART Bill are possibly not enough. The ART law tries to strike a distinction between the lawful and the immoral, but unethical practices remain intact.
Since surrogacy is quite a new procedure in many countries, surrogate mothers’ rights have evoked many discussions and debates. The bill recognizes surrogacy arrangements and their enforcement under the rule. The surrogacy arrangements are dealt with several other contracts under the Indian Contract Act 1872 as well as other laws related to these arrangements. Both the couple/single parent and the surrogate mother must conclude a surrogacy agreement addressing all matters which will be legally binding. 
Some of the aspects of the proposed bill are that an association should be established at state and national levels to monitor & control the I.V.F. clinics and A.R.T centres, and a forum must be set up to lodge a complaint against clinics and ART centres for grievances. The surrogate mother should have been 21-35 years of age and should not have delivered more than five times including her child. 
For the same pair, surrogate mothers wouldn’t be permitted to undertake embryo transfer more than 3 times. Unless the surrogate is a married lady it will require her husband’s permission so that she can serve as a surrogate to avoid legal or marital conflict. A surrogate must be tested for STD, communicable diseases, and blood transfusion shouldn’t have been received during the last 6 months since these can harm the outcome of pregnancy.
All costs including surrogate medical bill benefits or other fair pregnancy and childbirth-related expenses must be covered by expected parents. A surrogacy policy would provide the provision for surrogate mother’s life insurance. The surrogate mother could also obtain financial compensation from the couple or person, as it may be the case for choosing to serve as such surrogate. 
It is believed that banks will communicate directly with surrogate mothers to save vulnerable surrogate mothers from abuse, and minimum compensation payable to the surrogate mother should be set by statute. The surrogacy agreement would also provide financial assistance for the surrogate child if the commissioning couple dies before the child is born, or divorce between the intended parents and the resulting willingness of both to take delivery of the child to prevent injustice. 
The surrogate mother will have no parental rights over the infant, and the baby’s birth certificates must bear the names of intended parents as parents to prevent legal issues. Guidelines are concerned with the status of the infant born through ART state that the infant is considered to be the legitimate child of the married / unmarried couple / single parent with all the parentage, care and inheritance rights of the attendant. 
The ART clinics must not be permitted to promote their clients for surrogacy, and couples should try ART Bank’s facilities directly. Regardless of any abnormality in the child/children, planned parents would be legally obliged to take custody of the child/children. It must always be kept private, and both the donor’s right to privacy and the surrogate mother must be covered. 
If a foreigner or NRI is pursuing surrogacy, they should enter into an arrangement with their government’s written assurance of the child’s citizenship, and they should also appoint a local guardian who will be legally responsible for the care of the surrogate during and after pregnancy until the child is born to the foreign couple or arrives in their nation. Sex-selective surrogacy should be banned, and the Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act 1971 would regulate abortions.
                  The Surrogacy (Regulation) Bill, 2019 
The Bill forbids commercial surrogacy but permits altruistic surrogacy. Altruistic surrogacy does not mean any financial benefits to the surrogate mother except the medical costs and insurance coverage during pregnancy. Commercial surrogacy involves surrogacy or its associated methods for just a financial gain or incentive beyond the standard medical expenditures and insurance covers. 
Surrogacy is allowed only when the intended couples are suffering from confirmed fertility issues. It has to be altruistic and not for commercial purposes. It should not be for the development of children for trafficking, pornography, or other types of exploitation and for any disorder or disease as defined in legislation. The intending couple will have the ‘certificate of essentiality‘ and the ‘certificate of eligibility‘ provided by the relevant authority.
A Certificate of Essentiality shall be given upon fulfilment of the following terms which includes a certificate of confirmed infertility from a District Medical Board of either or both members of the intending couple, a declaration of parentage and custody of the surrogate child approved by a Magistrate’s court and the insurance policy for just a duration of 16 months regulating postpartum delivery issues of the surrogate.
The eligibility certificate for the intending couple shall be given after compliance with the following conditions that also include the couple being Indian citizens and married for at least five years. The age of the wife should be between the ages of 23 and 50 and that of husband should be between the ages of 26 and 55.
If they have no living child including biological, adopted, or surrogate and that does not include a child who is mentally or physically disabled or suffers from a life-threatening disability or deadly disease as well as other circumstances that may be defined in the guidelines.
To get an approval certificate from the relevant authority, the surrogate mother must be a close relative of the intending couple. The woman should have her own child and must be between the ages of 25 and 35. The surrogate is only allowed to go through the same process once in her life. She needs to have a medical and psychological suitability certificate for surrogacy. Furthermore, the surrogate mother can not have her own surrogacy gametes.
Within 90 days of the bill becoming an Act, central and state governments shall designate one or more competent authorities. The relevant authority’s duties include the authorisation, suspension, or cancellation of surrogacy clinics. The authority must implement requirements for clinics offering surrogacy. They will examine and take measures against violations of the Bill’s provisions and propose amendments to the rules and regulations.
Surrogacy centres must not perform processes relating to surrogacy until they are licensed by the competent authority. Clinics will apply for recognition within 60 days after the date of the designation of the appropriate authority.
The central and the state governments shall be composed of the National Surrogacy Board and the State Surrogacy Board respectively. The NSB’s duties involve informing the central government on policy issues related to surrogacy, setting out the code of conduct for surrogacy clinics, and overseeing the operation of SSBs.
A child born from a surrogacy method would be regarded as the expecting couple’s biological child. A surrogate child abortion involves the surrogate mother’s written permission and authorization from the relevant authority. This authorization must comply with the  Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act, 1971. Further, before the embryo is placed in her womb, the surrogate mother would have a choice to refrain from the surrogacy.
The offences under the Bill include commercial surrogacy, abuse of the pregnant mother, abandonment, trafficking or disownment of a pregnant child, and the selling or importation of human embryos or gametes for surrogacy. The punishment for these offences is up to 10 years in jail and up to 10 lakh rupees in fine. The Bill sets out a number of violations and punishments under the Bill’s rules for certain contraventions.
This is an accepted fact that everything human beings have ever invented, they have made more misuse of it instead of using it for the benefit of humanity. Surrogacy is no exception. The problem of surrogate motherhood and its implications has grown for more than a decade with the convergence of the advancement of unnatural reproduction methods and the creation of a real business in some countries, including the United States, India, Ukraine, etc. 
The infant is nothing but an object or say end result of a contract in a surrogacy. It is conceived, transported, and delivered by contract, usually in exchange for money. Meanwhile, the woman is being viewed as a means of achieving the desired goal, a reproductive tool. Both the woman and the baby are viewed as objects. To quote the preamble of the Universal Declaration of Human rights, this is contrary to the appreciation of the intrinsic equality of all members of the family. And there is no clear legislation able to regulate a surrogate mother’s legal rights.
Surrogacy does seem like an enticing option as a poor surrogate mother gets much-needed support, an infertile couple receives the long-wanted biologically related baby and the nation gains foreign currency, however, the true picture shows the harsh reality. Because of a lack of adequate regulation, both surrogate mothers and prospective parents are somehow manipulated, and intermediaries and commercial companies receive the income. 
There seems to be no clarity in the entire network and owing to inconsistent laws regulating surrogacy in India, there is a risk to get embroiled in legal issues. Though ICMR released directions for accrediting, supervising, and regulating ART clinics in India in 2005, these guidelines are frequently breached. 
It is simple to understand the dissatisfaction of cross-border childless couples, who not only had to deal with language barriers but also had to face a long legal battle to get their children. Even if all happen perfectly, they will remain in India for 2-3 months after the baby’s birth to complete the procedures. 
The cross-border surrogacy contributes to questions of a child’s citizenship, nationality, motherhood, parentage, and rights. There have been times when babies are refused the country’s nationality of intended parents and this leads them to a long court battle. There had been instances in which the baby offered to a couple after surrogacy is not biologically associated with them and, in effect, is shunned by the intended parent and the poor child has to spend his life in an orphanage. 
It does seem ironic that so many Indian children are orphans, still, people indulge in surrogacy activity. In India, adopting a child is a difficult and lengthy process for those childless couples who wish to give these children a family. The Guardianship and Wards Act, 1890 provides for guardianship and not adoption. 
The Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act, 1956 does not allow adopting a Hindu child by non-Hindus, and immigration conditions after adoption have more barriers. There is indeed a real need to amend and make the adoption process easier for everybody. That will reduce surrogacy levels. It should encourage altruistic surrogacy and not commercial surrogacy.
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Insight into Various Aspects of Surrogacy published first on https://namechangers.tumblr.com/
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rafaelvpab320-blog · 5 years
3 Ways Create Better Sperm Banks With The Help Of Your Dog
The desire to procreate is an extremely fundamental attribute of the humanity. Sadly though, many are denied the joy of parenthood as a result of several reasons, biological or otherwise. With the developments in reproductive sciences and technologies, the barriers to parenthood are not as formidable because they were in the past.
Seeking surrogacy is simply by no means a fairly easy decision both emotionally and financially, regardless of how compelling the reason why to look for it could be. Surrogacy is a method of assisted term surrogacy can be used whenever a woman features a pregnancy and gives birth to your baby for an additional woman or person. Couples who undergo fertility treatments can connect with their struggles - the steep financial costs when science must aid nature, many years spent considering the many choices from international adoption, fostering children with anticipation of adoption before finally deciding on surrogacy. Journey gets further complicated in the event the parents are two gay each step, new roadblocks - legal, emotional and societal - appears.
Apart from adoption and fostering surrogacy is really a way gay, lesbian, and same-sex couples can expand their families.
Best Recommended Tips for Gay Dad or Gay Surrogacy
1]Start trying to find the surrogate mother first. Discuss the surrogacy contract, various kinds of tests, her family background and support, her previous pregnancies, etc.
2]Egg Donation in Surrogacy: Basically egg donation is needed for same-sex male couples after they want to complete their family with to resort to a woman's couples of same-sex called gay couples have to go for egg donation. There are egg agencies as well as other egg donation programs in India. They possess a database of egg donor profiles who're screened for diseases like hereditary diseases or STDs. This type of surrogacy involving egg donation is recognized as donor egg IVF the inexpensive of egg donor surrogacy program in India, internationally trained doctors and innovative technology, many people from abroad visit India for surrogacy.
3]Surrogacy Program in India:There are many advantages of a surrogacy put in is the USA Australia or perhaps the UK an average surrogacy procedure would cost 200 thousand to 250 thousand US dollars so when in comparison to India where a full program would cost not more than 40 thousand US dollars inclusive of travel, hotel stay, attorney's fees, as well as the whole package. Secondly, India is an English speaking country where most in the medical staff, the paramedical staff, the support staff - all speak English.
The intended gay parents, especially from English speaking country, feels very comfortable here. There are wonderful medical facilities which are similar to the most effective in the doctors may be compared to the very best within the world for IVF surrogacy treatment in India.
The second reason for India's pull as being a surrogacy destination is its surrogacy is far much easier to become legally gay parents in India. Unlike countries for example the UK, song from the USA, Canada and Australia, which consider surrogates legal mothers, India recognizes the intended parents as the legal, couples don't need to fear that Indian surrogates will refuse to throw in the towel children they bear.
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So for those who have these positives on your side with the biggest advantage being the Indian government has a quite easy exit process with minimal paperwork for the babies to come back home.
Surrogacy is gathering popularity since this may be the only way for gay couples and singles to have their biological child and also because adoption, the process might be a long-drawn-out process.
Due to low surrogacy cost in India, internationally trained doctors and cutting edge technology with the surrogacy clinics, people prefer it as their surrogacy destination.
Surrogacy for gay men in India is a convenient option because the law for surrogacy is clearly defined. It is given inside kind of guidelines through the Indian Council of Medical Research which supports LGBT treatment or surrogacy in India.
With a lot more gay surrogacy agencies in India, it is now feasible for gay couples to acquire their child, that too at reasonable prices.
So if you are are incredibly much aware from the benefits that you can get from your affordable surrogates for gay in India what are you waiting for? Pull up your socks and commence hunting for your surrogacy clinic that provides you with this option. There are many good Affordable Surrogacy clinics In India offering you good money saving deals in surrogacy.
Same-Sex Parenting, Gay Surrogacy, Same-Sex Surrogacy clinic India: You can get in touch with One such Gay-Friendly surrogacy clinic in India, offering customized surrogacy and affordable surrogacy packages Rotunda-The Center for Human Reproduction. They offer Gestational Surrogacy in India to individuals of all nationalities. All couples including lesbian and gay couples as well as single men and single women can avail this facility to meet their dream of enjoying parenthood.
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michellelewis7162 · 4 years
Looking At Surrogacy to Begin or Expand Your Loved ones? Tips to Make Sure a Productive Surrogacy Partnership
Looking At Surrogacy to Begin or Expand Your Loved ones? Tips to Make Sure a Productive Surrogacy Partnership
 For married couples having problem with the inability to conceive where the girl is actually not able to lug a little one, surrogacy is a wonderful option to create a family members. Prior to beginning your surrogacy trip, it is actually necessary to possess a simple understanding of the process. It is actually necessary to understand the various kinds of surrogacy agreements, the methods entailed, as well as the legal ramifications of each style. https://www.mysurrogatemom.com/
 Furthermore, to make your Surrogacy In Canada journey as soft as possible, you need to possess an excellent understanding of the following:
 1) exactly how to thoroughly shield your civil rights,
 2) the prospective prices related to your surrogacy trip in USA, as well as
 3) the importance of possessing the support as well as guidance you need throughout your surrogacy adventure in United States.
 Surrogacy is actually an arrangement where a female provides a little one and carries for another individual (designated moms and dad) or married couple (intended moms and dads). The woman who will lug the child is called the surrogate mother.
 There are actually 2 forms of surrogacy: gestational and also conventional. Traditional surrogacy is actually where the Surrogate Mother Cost donates her personal egg and brings the kid for the desired moms and dads. The surrogate mommy can easily be inseminated with either the designated daddy's sperm or contributed sperm in a procedure named intrauterine insemination. Yet another alternative entails developing embryos making use of in vitro fertilizing (IVF) and after that moving several eggs into the surrogate mama's uterus. With conventional surrogacy, the surrogate mom is actually genetically associated with the child.
 Gestational surrogacy is wherean embryo is actually made by means of IVF and afterwards moved into the surrogate mama's uterus. This is actually the absolute most typical kind of surrogacy. With gestational surrogacy, the surrogate mama is actually not genetically pertaining to the youngster.
 Extra gestational surrogacy or Egg Donors arrangements include using an egg given coming from another lady (contributor egg) and/or the usage of semen given away coming from another man (donor sperm).
 The legal elements of surrogacy are several, sophisticated as well as condition specific. It is critical that each individual involved in your surrogacy plan has their personal attorney who is trained in procreative rule. On top of that, before an embryo is actually transmitted right into the surrogate mommy, it is important that the particulars of your surrogacy agreement are actually hardened in a composed contract.
 Having actually a written contract not simply defends your civil liberties yet also shields the surrogate mommy in Canada. It is essential that the deal is actually outlined as well as point out the legal rights, obligations and requirements of each gathering. Some factors to consider feature the objective of the surrogacy setup, where the youngster will definitely be birthed, dietary worries, selective reduction, desires after the childbirth of the little one, as well as courthouse operations for putting the planned parents' names on the childbirth certificate.
 If complications develop, your ideal defense will be your agreement, which must also give support for solving prospective concerns. Some intended parents as well as surrogates are actually lured to experience the surrogacy journey without a legal representative; having said that, accomplishing this is actually an error.
 Due to the fact that each surrogacy experience is different, it is actually challenging to provide a particular dollar quantity of what your trip will set you back. Based on expertise, your surrogacy adventure can easily set you back roughly $60,000 to $110,000, along with $110,000 being the worst-case scenario with optimum expenses being produced.
 Having sufficient help as well as assistance can create all the difference in between a incredibly difficult as well as heartbreaking surrogacy journey as well as an even more calm surrogacy experience.
 In the course of your surrogacy journey, you prefer to be capable to center on one trait, the appearance of your kid. Consequently, possessing somebody that can support you in finding the most effective surrogate, work with the different parts of your quest as well as function as a negotiator in between you and also your surrogate mama (if needed to have) will definitely aid take out a number of the stress and anxiety and stress. You will certainly likewise need an attorney who is actually competent in procreative law to deliver the lawful advice that you will certainly need. It will be actually favorable if you possessed somebody on your staff that possesses personal adventure along with surrogacy. This person will certainly have the ability to inform you what to expect as well as assist you handle certain scenarios that might develop in between you and also your surrogate mommy.
 Surrogacy has actually come to be thus well-liked due largely to the enhancing inability to conceive costs blended along with an increasing amount of LGBT (homosexual, gay, bisexual, transgender) population all over the world.
 Surrogacy prospers for those childless pairs that are actually certainly not in an opening to hold a maternity on their own, because of infertility or some other ovulation condition.
 The inability to conceive influences greater than 7 million men and also ladies in the United States, and regarding 12 percent of females of childbearing grow older are actually thought about infertile. The majority of unable to have children individuals conquer their problem with the inability to conceive with health center procedure, consisting of drug or even hormone therapies or surgery, yet for some no quantity of clinical procedure can easily assist.
 This is actually where surrogacy functions and also comes like a magic.
 Surrogacy could be described as an arrangement where a female voluntarily accepts to carry a pregnancy as well as give childbirth to a child for an additional pair or individual.
 All surrogacy arrangements include a lady, referred to as a surrogate, and also a specific or couple, normally knowned as the designated moms and dads.
 The phrase "surrogate" means an individual that functions alternatively or even substitute for an additional individual. A surrogate mommy thus is actually a woman that rents out her tummy to an additional pair in order that they can easily have their personal biological baby.
 The surrogate mom conceives typically through man-made insemination, using the sperm of either the designated papa or even a sperm benefactor, or operative implantation of an enriched egg with the intent of providing the kid she becomes pregnant along with to an individual else to bring up.
 There are 2 essential forms of surrogacy alternatives- Full surrogacy (likewise known as Host or even Gestational surrogacy) as well as Partial surrogacy (likewise understood Straight or even Traditional surrogacy).
 Gestational surrogacy - It is the best usual of type of surrogacy. Within this kind of plans are actually involved the designated moms and dads of the youngster and also the surrogate mom who agrees to carry the embryo( s) produced either coming from:
 1. the egg( s) and also semen of the planned moms and dads.
2. a given away egg fertilized along with semen coming from the planned daddy just before implantation, via a process employed vitro fertilizing or IVF.
3. an egg generated making use of benefactor eggs and benefactor semen selected due to the designated moms and dads.
 In this particular kind of surrogacy, the surrogate mother is actually not naturally or genetically associated whatsoever to the coming kid.
 Standard Surrogacy - With this sort of arrangement, a surrogate girl serves as both egg benefactor and surrogate. In this surrogacy setup, a typical surrogate concedes to give her egg( s) to be synthetically inseminated along with the sperm of either the designated papa or even a sperm benefactor.
 In conventional surrogacy process, the surrogate girl is fertilized through intratubal insemination or intrauterine insemination (IUI), and also is actually genetically connected to the child she brings because her personal eggs are utilized while doing so.
 These two simple forms of surrogacy are further grouped right into 2 kinds - office and also altruistic.
 For business styles of surrogacy, the surrogate mother is generally paid due to the desired parents to compensate her for her function as an unborn child carrier. In industrial surrogacy setups, the intended parents or even people pay for cost to the chosen surrogate in swap of accomplishing their desire for being parents. The cash is paid for to the surrogate if you want to cover her clinical expenses and also every other pregnancy associated expenses, consisting of travel arrangements, along with to recompense for her opportunity and also effort.
 Along with altruistic arrangement, the surrogate mama accepts hold a child to maturity in her tummy for another individual or even pair with no financial compensation. She acquires no monetary reward for her maternity. She is actually still paid by the planned moms and dads for all costs related to her pregnancy as well as birth.
 When going into a surrogacy plan a lot of pairs are actually amazed at the financial demands. The inquiries that many inquire on their own are actually: Why is it so expensive? Is this a technique for surrogacy agencies to put a rate on parent? Are actually surrogates as well as firms simply performing this commercial?
The surrogacy organization is actually certainly not making an effort to gouge you or even deceive you with their charges. Many of the costs that you pay for surrogacy organizations do not be honorable into the company or even surrogate's pockets.
 Some decide on to foster as well as some turn in the direction of surrogacy. Lots of people investigating surrogacy are shocked at the cost to go through the process.
 An effective surrogacy end result requires several teams of professionals and also skilled staffs and when one begins to take a closer check out these teams, why they are needed, and the function they play in ensuring Intended Parents that they have a beneficial and also productive surrogacy expertise, the prices included start to create sense. The surrogacy firm should have a plan in position that attends to risk monitoring in essentially all facets of the procedure from reviewing a surrogacy company prospect to health treatment costs. A group of specialists is vital to understanding, evaluating, and also replying to the several dangers presented due to the method as well as protecting Intended Parents to the level feasible. The following is actually a recap of the groups that must reside in place in a surrogacy agreement:
 Emotional Support Team - This team delivers initial examination of each designated moms and dads as well as surrogates to guarantee that each parties have managed the large number of problems encompassing surrogacy. As an example, a married couple that encountered years of the inability to conceive has actually sustained numerous excruciating as well as frustrating seconds. Problems that might require to become checked out just before beginning the surrogacy procedure. In situations where contributor semen or eggs are needed to have therefore suggesting that of the parents will certainly not genetically associated to the kid may imply that necessity to become totally explored. Exactly how will the planned mama feel when the Surrogate is actually expecting? What are the appropriate limits for the surrogacy partnership in between Intended Parents and Surrogates? Why possess you selected to work toward surrogate parenting? Possess you informed any individual of your programs to function along with a surrogate, and also if thus what were their responses? Do you need assist in explaining surrogacy to a family participant or close friend? What high qualities perform you desire your surrogate to have? What kind of get in touch with do you wish to have along with your surrogate throughout the pregnancy and also after childbirth?
 Health care Team - The productivity experts on your crew are the basis of the method. Without a superb group of productivity professionals there certainly may not be actually an effective ending. If needed, meant Parents may use the productivity experts that they have been functioning along with or their surrogacy organization may aid in recognizing a fertility center.
 Legal Team - Laws differ through condition as well as it is actually necessary that a legal staff is actually constructed to ensure that the rules of the surrogate's state, the Intended Parent's state and any sort of needed donor's states are actually reviewed to ensure the finest feasible end result. The Agreements in between the Intended Parents and Surrogates develops the structure of one of the most notable ventures both parties could possibly ever engage in.
 Management Team - Surrogacy is actually a sophisticated method that should be dealt with from starting to finish. Employment and matching, conferences, visits, financial processes, trip coordination, clinical method balance, and legal procedure sychronisation. Each of this is performed through company personnel that are expert as well as may provide invaluable help as well as experience throughout the process.
 Insurance Policy Team - Intended Parents need to have to know what health care liabilities they deal with in the surrogacy agreement. Carries out the surrogate have health plan? If thus, performs that insurance cover surrogacy plans? If not, what are the alternatives? This is one of the best essential danger administration evaluations Intended Parents invite the surrogacy process. Ought to issues come up, healthcare costs can sky spacecraft so Intended Parents should possess a comprehensive assessment of these threat elements and insurance coverage choices to secure all of them coming from danger.
 Control Team -A surrogacy firm should possess experienced, credentialed specialists looking after the procedure that are actually compassionate as well as delicate to the needs of surrogates as well as planned moms and dads and also who additionally deliver professional capabilities to the process to guarantee that the several issues and also processes that are actually component any kind of surrogacy setup are actually properly dealt with. When there are actually concerns in any of the different phases of the method, Intended Parents have to possess a trustworthy as well as qualified conciliator as well as manager to ravel and also improve the complications.
 Exactly how a lot are you willing to risk through opting for the a lot less expensive brief cuts or plans that don't provide best notch qualified assistance in all these locations? The monetary as well as psychological threats of a surrogacy plan are also excellent to leave it up to opportunity.
 Surrogate motherhood is modifying the nature of duplication for some modern American families. Couples and also ladies currently possess a variety of choices that enable them to obtain a much desired pregnancy when all hope seems to become lost, however surrogacy uses even the absolute most difficult of situations the option to experience a pregnancy. The only variation is that they are certainly not really holding the kid. In instruction to know the nature of being a parent in America today, one should consider surrogate parenting amongst the range of reproductive choices.
 There are pair of substitute formats of surrogacy: standard surrogacy and gestational surrogacy. Standard surrogacy is actually where the surrogate donates her egg cell and also is synthetically inseminated along with the sperm of the male that will certainly come to be the custodial father. In gestational surrogacy, the egg (often leading coming from the sperm as well as egg of the future tutelary moms and dads) is implanted in the surrogate.
 Commercial surrogacy began in the United States in the overdue 1970s. A lawyer called Noel Keane organized the very first third-party arranged surrogacies and opened a surrogacy agency. The phrase itself carries out certainly not seem to be to have actually appeared up until 1981.
 Surrogacy rapidly reared an amount of lawful as well as honest predicaments. Opponents declare that surrogacy is absolutely nothing additional than a type of little one farming, where females are lessened to breeders, made use of literally as well as mentally through rich married couples that take conveniences of the surrogate's monetary requirement.
 Certainly not up until the mid 1980s performed surrogacy become a national talking factor with the Baby M situation entering into the media limelight. In 1985, William Stern and his better half Elizabeth, chose that, as opposed to face the dangers of maternity, they would find a surrogate to make sure that Mr. Stern could possess a child genetically pertaining to him. He contracted with Mary-Beth Whitehead, a working-class mama of two. The deal stated that, upon the birth of the child, Whitehead, in swap for $10,000, was actually to end all adult rights to the kid, allowing Elizabeth Stern to foster. A child was birthed in 1986 but Whitehead made a decision that she could possibly certainly not go through along with the contract. A legal battle observed in which the courthouses concluded the surrogacy arrangement authentic, thereby approving guardianship to the Sterns. A beauty later on ruled the arrangement illegal and invalid, however it was actually made a decision that Baby M should remain in the custody of the Sterns, along with Whitehead being rewarded visiting civil rights. The instance led to energetic public debate concerning the legality of surrogacy, as well as the differing definitions of parenthood. To today, surrogacy remains unlawful in New Jersey, where the instance happened.
 Given that the 1970s, an estimated 35,000 youngsters have actually been actually born with surrogate plans. Surrogacy gives the unable to have children, the single, lesbian and homosexual pairs, and also much more, the option to become parents. Surrogate moms come from a variety of backgrounds. They may be actually married or even single mamas. Because of ask for, they are actually often Caucasian, although there is actually enhancing requirement for surrogates of various other ethnicities. Surrogacy has actually been criticized as capitalizing on bad, females of colour, and also without a doubt the common surrogate mama is from a lower-income history, and, in the case of gestational surrogacy, might be actually of a different race to the genetic moms and dads (the opinion being that a lady will definitely be less very likely to alter her mind or be actually rewarded safekeeping of a youngster that is a various race).
 There are actually still several problems about staying clear of profiteering of the surrogates, protecting against a bootleg market of baby service providers, and also defending the rate of interests of all parties involved, but some states are placing techniques right into location to secure surrogacy agreements. Despite the media conflict neighboring surrogacy, just an extremely little amount of surrogate deals have actually ever before been actually contested in the courtrooms. The a large number of surrogacy arrangements are actually satisfied to the complete satisfaction of all involved. Surrogacy has provided several married couples along with the chance to experience maternity and childbirth, albeit from an ultramodern perspective.
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coochiequeens · 10 days
A woman wanted to have a relationship with the child she gave birth to. And the men's response "was to insist that their son had no mother — only a surrogate — and that the child’s identity was as part of a motherless family." But the kid was created from her egg. She is the kids biological mother.
5 June, 2024 By Julie Bindel
This article is taken from the June 2024 issue of The Critic. To get the full magazine why not subscribe? Right now we’re offering five issues for just £10.
There is a contradiction at the heart of the international surrogacy industry. Its participants pretend that surrogates’ feelings for the children in their wombs do not exist, whilst simultaneously trying to prevent them acting on those feelings. Many commissioning parents broker the babies in jurisdictions that allow restrictions on surrogates’ rights.
In the UK, this contradiction was recently laid bare in a Family Court case (citation number: [2024] EWFC 20). A gay male couple were engaged in a long-running legal battle with their son’s surrogate. Rather than vanish after handing over the child, she wanted a role in the boy’s life. The men’s response was to insist that their son had no mother — only a surrogate — and that the child’s identity was as part of a motherless family. There was “no vacancy” for her to occupy in his life, they claimed, and it was prejudicial to gay families to suggest otherwise.
At the start of this story, G, the surrogate in question, was a 36-year-old single mother of a teenager and naive about what surrogacy entailed. The commissioning parents were friends of her sister but not people she knew. Aged 43 and 36 and married, they were members of an agency, Surrogacy UK, and very familiar with its protocols — which included a “getting to know you” period — and support. However rather than go through the agency, the men chose to fast-track the process with an independent arrangement with G.
Following a failed transfer of a donor egg, the trio decided to use G’s own egg. The men agreed that G would have contact with the child, but none of the parties properly considered the implications. The relationship between the three deteriorated during G’s pregnancy. G gave birth to a boy in September 2020.
After the birth, G would not initially consent to the parental order, under which she would lose parental responsibility as she feared being cut out of the child’s life. But during a lengthy online hearing in which she was alone and unrepresented — unlike the men — G was pressured by the judge to agree to the parental order along with a contact agreement called a child arrangements order.
After obtaining parental responsibility, the men quickly reneged on the agreement. When G turned up at their house for a pre-arranged visit they threatened to call the police. She recorded the meeting. The Family Court judge later declared of the recording “what was said has rightly been described as ‘horrendous’”. The men told G she was “harbouring a desire to have an inappropriate relationship” by wanting the boy to recognise her as his mother and accused her of having “rejected the role of surrogate”.
In January 2022, the men refused to allow G to visit her son and applied for the contact agreement to be changed. G then made her own application for the parental order to be overturned. She won her case in November the same year. This restored her parental responsibility for the child and removed it from the man who was not the child’s biological father.
The men redoubled their efforts to remove G as a parent, this time applying for an adoption order. During court proceedings, they claimed their son’s identity was that of a child of same-sex parents being raised within the LGBT community and that he belonged to a “motherless family”.
As a lesbian who came out in the 1970s, I’m only too aware of the history of demonisation of lesbian and gay couples. Parents who conceived children in heterosexual relationships were often denied custody and contact if they came out as gay after separation. Foster and adoption agencies were openly prejudiced. But times have changed, and same-sex parents are now a common sight at the school gates in some parts of the UK.
Claims that the children of same-sex parents are disadvantaged in some way have largely been defeated with an expanding body of evidence (e.g. Zhang Y, Huang H, Wang M, et al., BMJ Global Health, 2023) showing their outcomes are similar to those of heterosexual families. Gay rights are robustly supported in most public institutions and private organisations. For a gay couple to call on historic prejudice to justify excluding a mother from a child’s life is unforgivable.
In any case, the men’s argument was fatally — and obviously — undermined by its own logic. If the boy did not have a mother, there would be no need for the court case.
As the jointly-instructed clinical psychologist in the case recognised, the driver of the men’s case was the “elephant in the room” — G’s existence as the child’s legal and biological mother — and the men’s fear of her maternal bond with her son. The men had difficulties “accepting the reality” of the child’s conception, the psychologist found, and considering what sense the boy might make of the situation as he grew up.
“They have strongly held to the surrogacy agreement and the narrative of [G] being a ‘surrogate’ because in that narrative there are no, or hardly any feelings from the surrogate for the baby,” the psychologist wrote. He described the men as attempting an “erasure of the mother”, which he said was not in the child’s best interest as it did not reflect reality.
Refusing an adoption order that would likely have resulted in cutting G from her son’s life, the court ruled that G should have direct and unsupervised contact with him. The judge criticised the men for blaming G for everything that went wrong. The judgment also raised questions about how an adoption order would be explained to the boy, given it would have been made without his mother’s consent.
To some extent, history repeated itself in this case. There are multiple examples of legal battles involving lesbian couples who created a child with the help of a sperm donor who later inconveniently insisted on contact or on playing the role of father.
As the Court of Appeal ruled in one such case in 2012: “What the adults look forward to before undertaking the hazards of conception, birth and the first experience of parenting may prove to be illusion or fantasy. [The couple] may have had the desire to create a two-parent lesbian nuclear family completely intact and free from fracture resulting from contact with the third parent. But such desires may be essentially selfish and may later insufficiently weigh the welfare and developing rights of the child that they have created.”
What’s concerning in this case is the language used — the “erasure” of the mother
Contested surrogacy cases are little different from these wrangles and, indeed, from any other contact disputes. What’s concerning about G’s case, and what makes it different from the case of the lesbian parents above, is the language used. The psychologist explicitly referred to the men’s attempted “erasure” of the mother. They simply refused to acknowledge G’s existence in any of the forms in which she fulfilled a maternal capacity: legal, genetic and as the person who gave birth. They were supported in this illusion by the professionals who weighed in on their behalf.
In the space of a few years the term “motherless” has moved from an emotive description of absence to a positive identity argued for in court. This shift is entirely consistent with the narrative that surrogacy participants feed to the public.
When celebrity couples introduce their surrogate children on social media, the women who gave birth to them are rarely mentioned. The new babies are “welcomed” as if they have been sent by special delivery. That is in line with the attitude of the international surrogacy industry, which reduces the role of the birth mother to that of a “carrier” or rented womb.
For commissioning parents, it must be very easy to regard the woman who bore their child for nine months as a mere service provider, someone to be gratefully forgotten as soon as the final instalment is paid and the product handed over.
Meanwhile, parts of the NHS are determined to de-gender childbirth, routinely referring to “birthing parents” rather than mothers. As an example (there are multiple) the Royal United Hospital Bath’s “information for families” on labour induction refers to dads, but there is no mention of mothers — only birthing parents.
Feminists have long campaigned for gender-neutral language to reflect roles that are indeed, or can be, gender-neutral. But the uncoupling of sex from the necessarily female processes of pregnancy and childbirth is a step towards a dystopian future. In 2015 Victoria Smith wrote, “Gender-neutral language around reproduction creates the illusion of dismantling a hierarchy — when what you really end up doing is ignoring it.” I would go further. Gender-neutral language around reproduction — just like any language that obscures reality — reinforces and helps establish hierarchies of oppression.
To the men, G was simply a surrogate womb to a motherless child. But to G and to Z, she was his mother. As the psychologist said, “‘Motherlessness’ does not exist. The child was born from two people, biologically, and from three people, psychologically … The mother certainly played a part, biologically and psychologically, in the conception of the child.”
The case — unremarked and unnoticed by the media — will do nothing to change popular opinion of surrogacy. It is likely to encourage intending parents to explore dubious overseas jurisdictions, where surrogates have fewer rights. The surrogacy profiteers will continue to cheerlead wealthy couples in their exploitation of impoverished and naive women.
As for the word “motherless”: in time it may lose its negative connotations and become solidified as an identity. Will it become a badge that straight children can use to signal their connection to LGBTQ+ community? Or an oppression card that can be deployed by the children of wealthy men to explain bad behaviour towards women? Either way, Disney and Dickens are going to need a lot of rewriting.
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anupsingh11-blog · 5 years
How Does Surrogacy Work In India ? | ElaWoman
How Does Surrogacy Work in India?
Surrogacy in India is not any greater operational for homosexuals, unmarried parents and stay-in couples. Also, couples who already have kids, can't cross for surrogacy. For such couples, adoption is any other viable option, under a separate law. Indian Council of Medical Research has instructed to shy away all non-resident Indians and foreigners searching for surrogacy in India. (7) The cases wherein surrogacy will become the excellent alternative are:
Repeated IVF disasters
Removal or absence of womb due to hysterectomy
Repeated miscarriages
Infection within the womb
Other health conditions related to a woman like excessive heart sickness
Types of Surrogacy
Below is a detailed clarification of the sorts of Surrogacy in India.
Traditional Surrogacy
Altruistic Surrogacy
Gestational or IVF Surrogacy
Traditional Surrogacy: This is the oldest form of surrogacy and additionally referred to as as partial or genetic surrogacy. Now that modern era is advanced to create embryos outside the womb, so traditional surrogacy has end up very rare. Traditional surrogacy isn't criminal in India. Studies display that traditional surrogacy charges much less than gestational surrogacy. For their component, intended dad and mother should get to understand their nation legal guidelines on conventional surrogacy earlier than considering it as an option.
Altruistic Surrogacy: In altruistic surrogacy, the surrogate isn't financially compensated for gestating the child to complete being pregnant term. However, the intended figure or couple is sure to pay any expenses and fees associated with bringing an embryo to term. This type of surrogacy is maximum common among relatives or close pals. The regular motive given for why no monetary repayment is needed can be that during this type of surrogacy, the decision to be a surrogate stems out of surrogate’s altruistic reasons and not from non-public advantage or maybe avarice. (10) It is the form of surrogacy, wherein the mother gets no financial compensation for sporting the being pregnant and relinquishment of the kid. However, the fee involved in being pregnant and beginning consisting of shipping expenses, clinical fees and expenses for the meant dad and mother pay additional vitamins of the surrogate mother. In altruistic surrogacy, generally, the surrogate is a close friend or relative of intended mother and father. There is a pre-hooked up agreement or bond among the 2 events. In altruistic surrogacy, a surrogate gives her womb to an infertile couple out of altruistic reasons.
Gestational Surrogacy: Gestational surrogacy is the only prison shape of surrogacy in India. Here the surrogate mother is not biologically related to the baby. With the improvement of IVF, surrogate mother can deliver any other girl’s egg comfortably and is referred to as as surrogate or carrier. In gestational surrogacy, all the legal subjects are solved with the third birthday party called an agency. The practice of gestational surrogacy entails a girl referred to as a gestational carrier who receives at the phrases and situations to endure a genetically unrelated baby with the assist of assisted reproductive technology also referred to as ART including IVF for a couple that intends to be the biological and rearing parent, called the meant figure(s). Although gestational surrogacy will increase options for own family building, this treatment additionally raises worries in terms of ethical, felony, scientific, psychosocial, and felony complexities that need to be taken into account to decrease risks of unfavourable effects.
What are the reasons to opt for surrogacy?
There may be many motives why a pair might pick to take the route of having a toddler thru surrogacy. Given beneath are a number of the most commonplace cause:
a woman is not able to emerge as pregnant or carry a being pregnant due to the fact she has had a hysterectomy or is missing part of her uterus, ovaries or other elements of the genital tract.
A female has a health condition that makes pregnancy dangerous
a pair in a male identical-intercourse courting wish to have a infant the use of the sperm of one or the opposite partner
a single man needs to have a baby using his sperms
a woman who has frozen embryos in storage dies and her male associate wishes to apply the embryos to have a baby.
Surrogates have additionally made parenthood an option for people who might not be able to adopt a infant, perhaps due to their age or marital fame. If homosexual men determine to apply a traditional surrogate, one among them makes use of his sperms to fertilize the surrogate's egg via the manner of artificial insemination. The surrogate then includes the child and sooner or later gives beginning. A homosexual couple might also pick an egg donor, fertilize the donated egg after which have the embryo implanted in a gestational surrogate to hold until the beginning of the child.
Surrogacy Cost in Delhi
The Surrogacy Cost in Delhi variety from Rs. 10,80,000 to Rs. 17,60,000 depending at the surrogacy medical doctor's revel in and surrogacy sanatorium vicinity. The excellent surrogacy centres in Delhi are SCI Surrogacy Centre India and Advanced Fertility and Surrogacy Centre, Lajpat Nagar branch. To determine the Surrogacy Cost in Delhi, numerous elements want to be taken into consideration. These factors include the Reputation of a health practitioner, the Success rate of surrogacy, Legal process and formalities and clinics desired plus the Medical records of the patient. The entire group of ElaWoman has made selfless efforts to research across all the centers in Delhi to discover the surrogacy expenses.
SCI Surrogacy Centre India
SCI Surrogacy Centre India surrogacy application is demonstrated, commonly over! With one extra than 600 toddlers now home with their families, and any other a hundred on the manner, it’s clean SCI Healthcare is doing loads right! We can provide you with references from beyond and present clients, higher nevertheless, examine approximately our consumer satisfaction first-hand from the severa online blogs praising our provider.  Their forte includes Ovarian Induction, Embryo Biopsy for PGS/PGD, Obstetrics / Antenatal Care, Surrogacy, Pre and Post Delivery Care, Blastocyst Culture, High- Risk Pregnancy Care, Infertility Evaluation and Treatment, In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), Ovarian induction and Male Infertility and it is one of the Best Surrogacy Centres in Delhi.
SCI Surrogacy Centre India SCI IVF Hospital is modern-day and geared up with the modern day clinical device. We are happy with the stunning facilities we have created for the comfort of our surrogates, donors and customers. Our centre opponents the excellent non-public hospitals inside the international in phrases of hospital therapy and comfort.
Advance Fertility and Gynecology Centre
Advance Fertility and Gynecology Centre is India’s international elegance infertility treatment health facility located in Delhi NCR. Led by the world over acclaimed infertility expert Dr Kaberi Banerjee, the crew of fertility experts with expert qualifications and experienced information offer assure of achievement at a fragment of the rate you will pay for comparable treatments abroad and it is one of the Best Surrogacy Centres in Delhi.
The excellent infertility clinic, Advance Fertility, gives a ramification of answers consisting of IUI, IVF, ICSI and IVF being pregnant. Advance Fertility and Gynecology Centre test both partners and try holistic, non-invasive treatment for herbal idea earlier than we advise assisted pregnancy. When it movements to that degree we provide numerous solutions and pick one that is first-rate applicable to every case. People believe us and we repay their trust in complete by using giving them what their hearts preference the most: a toddler.
Phonex Hospitals Aveya IVF
Phonex Hospitals Aveya IVF is a renowned Birthing, Neonatal care and Fertility hospital positioned in Greater Kailash Part 1, Delhi. It is the first facility in India to do a hit water delivery. It presents 24X7 facility and the patients are welcomed by means of the kingdom of the art infrastructure and equipment. The unique centers supplied by the sanatorium are Infertility Assessment & Treatment, Surrogacy, Blastocysts Culture, Laparoscopy and Hysteroscopy, Laser Assisted Hatching, In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI), and Normal Vaginal Delivery (NVD). The patients can discover variety in treatment for diverse Infertility and Gynecology associated issues and it is one of the Best Surrogacy Centres in Delhi.
Phonex Hospitals Aveya IVF is dedicated in treating sufferers from all around the country the world over. The success of Phoenix health center is based totally on its significant goodwill and faith that it has earned over the years. The health center offers its sufferers personalized care. It additionally continues a healthy environment to make their buyers sense like home. All the doctors practicing at Phoenix Hospitals Aveya IVF are enormously certified and are well known pioneers of their respective fields.
Aveya IVF and Surrogacy Centre
Aveya IVF and Surrogacy Centre medical institution Delhi. One of the great IVF Centre Delhi on the subject of infertility troubles, there are a number of things which may be liable for these. Aveya IVF medical institution Delhi has hooked up a recognition for getting the right treatment as it has various solutions for various troubles.It offers advanced strategies which include IVF, surrogacy, egg donation and egg freezing, relying upon the situation and the requirement of the sufferers.The principal factor which impacts the fertility of a female is her age and people who plan to have toddlers at a later level in existence can opt for clinical treatment like egg donation and egg freezing.
IVF is the choice furnished for couples who cannot conceive because of some unknown motives even as surrogacy is appropriate for people with a weak uterus and similar conditions. Besides helping patients with such medical situations, Aveya IVF and Surrogacy Centre additionally brings feasible fertility answer for gay couples and single fathers, who cannot start their households in a natural way. Even the maximum difficult cases were solved by way of Aveya health center and it has registered high fulfillment prices until date, making it a name to reckon with within the subject of fertility treatment.Affordable fertility treatment for childless couples. Aveya health facility has made fertility treatment low-priced for one and the all, except bringing wish for a massive number of childless couples who have met unhappiness from one of a kind locations.
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shanujey82-blog · 6 years
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Surrogacy in Bhopal | Gay Surrogacy | ElaWoman
Gay Surrogacy
Surrogacy has grow to be an an increasing number of essential choice for homosexual guys or gay couples who choice that biological bond to their child.
Entertaining a gestational surrogacy agreement, one or extra embryos could be created through an IVF cycle expending donor eggs and the person or couple’s sperm.
For homosexual male couples, it is an exciting and difficult a part of Surrogacy in determining who might be the biological determine at Gay Surrogacy for Men.
What are my Options for Building a Family?
The choice becomes easier if you are making plans on adding multiple child to the combination as you could pick out one partner because the organic discern inside the first surrogate association and vice versa in the 2d surrogacy arrangement.
A famous choice is to fertilize donor eggs with sperm from both partners, as each embryo created is transferred to the Surrogate Mother. DNA checks can outline the organic father.
Some male couples nowadays use donor eggs afforded through a relative of 1 associate, and the sperm from his companion, giving each of you a biological connection to the kid.
We at Surrogacy in Bhopal, It’s imperative to work with an business enterprise or lawyer who's properly proficient inside the legal guidelines of surrogacy, well skilled and shows recognition for homosexual couples inside the LGBT network. State legal guidelines regarding surrogacy range from country to nation, and eleven states together with DC prohibit surrogacy in a single practice or every other.
Surrogacy in Bhopal
You will be provided with guide throughout the pregnancy and on-going for so long as you need it.  Our enormously qualified crew will help suggest with problems you face after you are at domestic with your infant need to you require it.  We will provide any written reports for your Surrogacy in Bhopal which you would possibly need at a later date for parental orders. Every Intended Parent is unique and precise, and we will deal with you with the honour which you deserve.
From the moment you start operating with Elawoman America, you may be assigned an person team expert.  He or she will be able to meet with you at your own home to take you thru the initial paperwork. At this time, you may have the opportunity to ask any questions that you can have idea of considering that your first assembly.  You can also be asked to write down a announcement that allows you to be supplied to potential egg donors and/or surrogates, to assist in the process of matching them with you.
You will also be requested for a few pix to expose to the surrogate and/or egg donors have to they request this prior to creating a selections.
The Elawoman expert will ask you some private questions about your dwelling preparations so that this data can be covered for your report and shared together with your surrogate or egg donor if need be.  All of this data will then be formulated into a professionally written synopsis, and may be used must you need a replica at a later date to your parental order or some other ability courtroom visits.
Your non-public Elawoman team specialist is continually there for you.  They will help get you thru the method and ensure that any troubles you face throughout your being pregnant could be worked out in a seamless manner. Your team specialist can also be assigned in your surrogate and could act as mediator and venture supervisor all through the system.
Aradhana Kidney Hospital and Ivf Centre
Aradhana Kidney Hospital and Ivf Centre in Sonagiri, Bhopal is a top participant in the category Hospitals within the Bhopal. This famous establishment acts as a one-prevent vacation spot servicing clients both local and from different components of Bhopal. Over the course of its adventure, this enterprise has installed a firm foothold in it’s enterprise. The notion that patron pleasure is as essential as their products and services, have helped this established order garner a big base of clients, which keeps to develop by way of the day. This business employs people which are devoted closer to their respective roles and put in plenty of effort to acquire the common imaginative and prescient and large dreams of the business enterprise. In the near future, this enterprise objectives to make bigger its line of products and services and cater to a larger patron base. In Bhopal, this establishment occupies a distinguished area in Sonagiri. It is an handy mission in commuting to this established order as there are various modes of delivery effectively available. It is at Raisen Road, Opposite Piplani Petrol Pump, which makes it easy for first-time traffic in locating this established order. It is known to offer top provider inside the following categories: Hospitals, General Physician Doctors, Gynaecologist & Obstetrician Doctors.
Life Line Hospital and Test Tube Baby Center
Life Line Hospital and Test Tube Baby Center is one of the outstanding clinic for maternity, infertility, gynecological & laparoscopic remedy in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India due to the fact that 1992. Is is devoted to mom and child care. It is an ISO 9001:2008 licensed medical institution and take a look at tube toddler centre. We emphasize on excessive best and satisfactory remedies below one roof.
At the Life Line Hospital And Test Tube Baby Centre you will always interact with familiar faces of your health experts. We consider that assembly and interacting equal medical doctor on every occasion facilitates you build up trust and confidence & additionally reduces your pressure stage which contributes substantially to remedy achievement. We are advocating person care, due to the fact it's far validated effective in infertility treatment. We make your appointments agenda in any such way that respects it slow and privacy.
Life Line Hospital And Test Tube Baby Centre has been hooked up to provide world magnificence infertility answers to in shape each person need in a totally transparent way with utmost loyalty & faithfulness. Emphasis is being laid to increase our centre as a place of worship, for this reason subject and dedication is our faith.
Dr. Meghana Athale
Dr. Meghana Athale in Shivaji Nagar has mounted the health center and has received a faithful shoppers over the last few years and is also regularly visited by means of numerous celebrities, aspiring models and other honourable clients and international patients as well. They additionally plan on increasing their enterprise in addition and supplying offerings to several greater patients attributable to its fulfillment over the last few years. The efficiency, determination, precision and compassion supplied at the health center ensure that the affected person's nicely-being, consolation and wishes are kept of pinnacle precedence. The health center is geared up with modern forms of gadget and boasts especially superior surgical devices that assist in present process meticulous surgical procedures or procedures. Locating the healthcare centre is straightforward as it is Bhopal.
Dr. Abha Jain
Dr. Abha Jain is an Gynecologist and Obstetrician at Lifeline Hospital in Bhopal. She is specialised in Infertility Evaluation/ treatment, Obstetrics Care, Gynecological Problems Care, Pregnancy Care and Baby Delivery (Normal and Cesarena). She has executed her MBBS and MD. She strongly recommends all ladies to get evaluated through a health practitioner educated in gynaecology in time as the diagnosis and outcome immensely rely on well timed prognosis and spark off surgical and every other primary form of remedy.
Services offered by Dr. Abha Jain
Dr. Abha Jain in Bhopal treats the diverse ailments of the sufferers through helping them undergo excellent remedies and methods. Among the severa services provided here, the health center offers treatments for Uterine Fibroids or Myomas, Ovarian Cysts, Endometriosis, Pelvic Organ Prolapse, Urinary Problems, Vaginal Discharge, Subfertility, Menopause, Gynaecological Cancers, Abnormal Pap Smears - Pre-Invasive Cervical/Vaginal Disease and Vulva Conditions. The doctor is also indexed beneath Gynaecologist & Obstetrician Doctors, Infertility Doctors. Furthermore, the patients also go to the health facility for Contraception Advice, HPV Tests, and Biopsy Tests and so on. The hours of operation of this health center are from 10:00-18:00 - thirteen:00-20:00, all days of the week. As modes of payments, the patients pays through Cash, Cheques.
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nebris · 6 years
The Babies at the Fringes of Fertility Tech
Beyond the reach of U.S. law, doctors are changing the way babies are made 
It’s 10:30 p.m. in Kyiv, Ukraine, and Dr. Valery Zukin is at the hospital with a patient who needs emergency surgery. The patient is 31 weeks pregnant and has intestinal obstruction — a rare complication that’s potentially fatal in pregnant women. Zukin says the situation is under control, but he’s exhausted, and the stakes are high.
Earlier that day, Zukin had been at a fertility conference in Barcelona, where his groundbreaking fertility treatments made him and his colleagues the stars of the show. Now he’s sitting in a pale-yellow room at the Leleka Maternity Hospital, where he is CEO. Zukin is conferring with a team of doctors about how to save the young woman’s life — and her baby’s.
Zukin is accustomed to this kind of emergency. He’s one of the first embryologists in Ukraine, and as a leader in assisted reproductive technology, he’s part of a small cadre of doctors specializing in a revolutionary fertility technology known as mitochondrial replacement techniques (MRT). It’s promise: to make healthy babies possible for couples who are infertile or carry debilitating genetic disorders.
Though tonight’s patient got pregnant the old-fashioned way, Zukin and his colleagues are breaking new ground in radical fertility tech what seems like every other month. No stranger to controversy, Dr. John Zhang, Zukin’s partner at the aptly named clinic Darwin Life-Nadiya, is the first-known scientist to help a woman give birth to a baby who has three genetic parents using one of these techniques. In the United States, where Zhang works, the technique is regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and is illegal — so Zhang went to Mexico.
Using MRT, Zhang created the embryo in New York and then flew back to Mexico with the fertilized egg and implanted it in a patient there. The announcement of the baby’s birth in 2016 rattled the world, but the blowback hasn’t deterred them. Zukin and Zhang are already working on the next crop of so-called three-parent babies — they’re just doing it beyond the short arm of U.S. law, in places like Ukraine and Mexico.
Forty years after the birth of Louise Brown, the first “test-tube baby,” we are living in a golden age of fertility tech.
To date, at least five babies who have the DNA of three people have been born using MRT (and at least one is a girl, which means that her genome changes will be heritable). Experts don’t know if there other MRT babies are out there, but with ongoing regulated clinical trials of the techniques in the UK, there may soon be more.
Forty years after the birth of Louise Brown, the first “test-tube baby,” we are living in a golden age of fertility tech. Even its detractors agree that MRT is an astonishing development in medical science — human genetic engineering in action. And it’s just one among a rash of new fertility techniques that stand to fundamentally change how humans procreate: live-donor uterus transplants, preimplantation genetic testing and selection, egg freezing, hyperprecise in vitro fertilization (IVF), CRISPR genome editing, in vitro gametogenesis (which uses reverse-engineered stem cells to make eggs and sperm from men), and the list goes on.
The U.S. government has made it clear it has no interest in approving MRT anytime soon, stalling the industry stateside, but the international fertility industry is booming. Medical tourism is a global market valued at $68 billion, and experts say a growing portion of that business comes from people traveling overseas to get frontier fertility treatments that are illegal at their home base. There’s no data on how many women from the United States travel abroad for fertility treatments, but experts think medical tourism already explains why some countries, such as Denmark, Spain, and Israel, have double the rate of babies born from reproductive tech than the United States.
“Sometimes it’s the people with an unusual vision who change the world,” Zukin says.
MRT is controversial, no doubt. It’s unregulated in most parts of the world, and many contend that it’s unethical. But the babies are coming anyway.
Embryo research has been progressing swiftly since IVF became a household concept 20 years ago. Technology like preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) has allowed doctors to make sure the embryos that are implanted after IVF are of high quality, which has been shown in limited studies to improve the outcome of a pregnancy.
“If you look at the success of fertility therapies in 2018 compared to 10 years ago and compared to 10 years prior to that, the success has been exponential,” says David Ryley, a pioneering fertility specialist in Boston, Massachusetts. According to some research, this technique has raised the IVF live birth rate to nearly 70 percent, compared to IVF without PGD.
Ryley’s clinic, Boston IVF, has been a leading fertility center for more than 30 years. The clinic claims to have been the first in New England to help a lesbian couple get pregnant; in 1998, it was the first clinic to help a gay male couple have a baby via surrogate. The clinic also achieved a number of other firsts, including the first donor egg pregnancy in New England and the first birth in Massachusetts to result from a frozen egg back in 2006.
“When I was in residency back in the ’80s, you’d be lucky if you had a live birth rate of 10 percent,” Ryley says. As for the more out-there techniques underway, he adds, “I don’t mean to sound like a typical American, but in my opinion, more well-controlled, well-regulated research needs to be done. But is it exciting, especially for these people who suffer from these terrible disorders? Absolutely it’s exciting.”
Still, barriers exist. Another form of mitochondrial replacement, known as cytoplasmic transfer (CT), was banned by the FDA in 2001 because of a worry that it may lead to chromosomal abnormalities, which could result in birth defects.
For infertile couples or women who have endured multiple miscarriages, MRT represents another chance at having a child to whom they’re genetically related.
There are other reasons frontier fertility research doesn’t happen much stateside. The first is known as the Dickey-Wicker Amendment, an appropriations rider that bans federal funding for research that involves destroying embryos (which happens in nearly all embryo-related research). The amendment is included in the annual federal budget and has been renewed every year since 1996. Bioconservatives, pro-lifers, and many prominent American bioethicists continue to stand by the Dickey-Wicker Amendment.
In 2016, another congressional rider was added to the budget that prohibits the FDA from even accepting research applications for embryo research that would include editing the human germline, a move Stanford bioethicist Hank Greely called “dumb” at the time. It is similarly illegal to create a genetically modified embryo, which the FDA considers MRT embryos to be. Meanwhile, public opinion on the topic is shifting, with the majority of U.S. adults saying they think gene editing that treats serious congenital diseases is appropriate.
The UK has seen its own political brouhaha around MRT, but the results have been different. In 2015, Parliament gave the green light to begin the process of setting up a regulatory framework for clinics to provide MRT for couples with mitochondrial disease, a model that has been adopted in Australia and Singapore. As a result, legal, regulated three-person British babies are expected to be born anytime now.
MRT and techniques like it are the result of progress in other areas of fertility research — namely, what goes wrong, and when, in the development of a fetus. Mitochondrial diseases, which can vary in severity, are among the most lethal genetic diseases, because they are rare and there are no cures. They are also passed along the matrilineal line, through mitochondrial DNA. In the United States, fewer than 4,000 babies are born every year with mitochondrial diseases; the other fetuses simply don’t make it that far.
For infertile couples or women who have endured multiple miscarriages, MRT represents another chance at having a child to whom they’re genetically related.
“A deputy [in the government] asked me if anyone has confirmed MRT is safe for the baby. I said, ‘Nobody has confirmed it.’”
There are at least three ways to split an ovum, or human egg, to separate the mitochondria from the nucleus. Zhang used maternal spindle transfer for the baby born in Mexico, while Zukin specializes in something called pronuclear transfer. Both techniques are legal in the UK for experimental treatments.
Zukin’s particular arrangement in Ukraine is cloudier. There are no explicit laws permitting the procedures, so he’s operating under a kind of gentlemen’s agreement with the Ukrainian government rather than an official regulatory pass. “We received special permission for clinical trials,” Zukin says. “A deputy [in the government] asked me if anyone has confirmed MRT is safe for the baby. I said, ‘Nobody has confirmed it.’”
Zukin says the data from his clinical experiments will provide the basis for the parliamentary decision on whether it will officially sanction or prohibit MRT. “If we have any confirmation that [MRT] is risky for babies’ health, it will be prohibited. If it is safe for the babies, and the babies are healthy, we will allow it,” he says.
Zukin says he has assisted in the birth of four healthy babies, is working with three pregnant women, and is about to start working with four more. His patients declined to be interviewed for this article. Zukin’s clinic is private. He charges up to the U.S. equivalent of $15,000 per cycle.
Zukin’s work has fertility specialists and ethicists around the world anxious — but excited.
Sarah Chan, a prominent bioethicist at University of Edinburgh who has published several papers on MRT, says that although Zukin’s experiments raise a lot of red flags, “If we never did anything, we’d never do anything.”
In the international fertility industry, the private market rules, with clinics like Zukin’s operating in regulatory gray areas. While the UK, Singapore, and Australia have announced plans to begin regulating the procedures soon, the dearth of options still means that nearly everyone who wants to try MRT is left with one choice: to shell out for plane tickets to foreign countries and pay whatever those doctors charge for a chance at a baby.
This, of course, raises the thorny question of who gets to access these technologies in the first place.
Zukin claims patients from Brazil, Israel, Sweden, China, and the United States — but he refuses to treat gay people out of his personal beliefs. (A spokesperson for the Darwin Life-Nadiya Clinic said that Zukin’s refusal to treat gay people does not reflect the company’s policies. A rep for Zhang says he believes that everyone who wants to should be able to have a baby.)
The Nuffield Council for Bioethics, the UK’s unofficial national bioethics body, wrote a report on MRT in 2014 that suggested that lesbian and other same-sex couples with female reproductive organs could use MRT to create genetically related offspring in the future.
“I do think that going forward, who this technology is provided to, and who decides this, is a concern,” says Edinburgh bioethicist Chan. “In the UK, all cases would be regulated through the national regulators. It wouldn’t be up to the whims of a particular clinician to say, ‘Well, I’m going to treat you, but I’m not going to treat you.’ If we are concerned about equitable access without discrimination to developing health care technologies, then we do have a concern about who gets their hands on them and who is enabled to do them,” Chan says.
Experts like Chan, Ryley, and many others in the field, myself included, believe that in order for these technologies to be equitably distributed, any couple, regardless of their sexual orientation, health status, or income, must be able to access them safely.
“I am sure that sooner or later, the FDA will approve of this treatment, after we have confirmation of the healthy status of the babies,” Zukin says.
In the meantime, two facts remain: Regulators aren’t doing a good job of keeping up with the science, and people who want babies will do nearly anything to get them.
Update: An earlier version of this piece incorrectly identified where the first MRT embryo was created. It was created in New York, and implanted in Mexico. This piece has also been updated to reflect Zhang’s position on treating gay patients.
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djgblogger-blog · 7 years
India outlawed commercial surrogacy – clinics are finding loopholes
Would you pay someone US$150,000 to have your baby?
The high cost of surrogacy in the U.S. has pushed many potential parents to seek cheaper options elsewhere. Countries like India and Thailand have attracted surrogacy clients from countries like the U.S., Britain, Australia and Israel. The global surrogacy trade, however, has been fraught with scandals.
In India, where I’ve studied surrogacy since 2008, the government is rethinking regulations. Gay couples were banned from using commercial surrogacy in 2012. In March 2017, the Indian government extended the commercial ban to everyone. Now, only so-called “altruistic surrogacy” is allowed – when a consenting female family member bears a child for a childless heterosexual Indian couple without pay.
But what impact are bans on commercial surrogacy having for women who work in the reproductive industry?
Downsides of commercial surrogacy
Some bioethicists and feminists have welcomed bans on commercial surrogacy. They argue that it’s unethical to build businesses on women’s reproductive capacities.
Surrogacy businesses in India almost exclusively focused on the needs of the client.
Destinations such as India became popular precisely because they offered surrogacy at bargain basement prices by paying surrogate mothers less. They offered preterm childbirth through cesarean surgeries in order to accommodate clients’ availability to take time off from work. They created barriers between surrogate mothers and clients to minimize the emotional costs for clients. This allowed clients to leave India with their babies – no strings attached.
Many bioethicists believe that selling pregnancy as a service is untenable because it puts a price on human body parts and life. Commercial surrogacy, they note, results in the devaluation of women and children and the eventual degradation of society. Thus, removing cash payment for surrogacy and instead endorsing it as an altruistic, gift-like exchange between transactors is seen as more ethical.
These arguments carry weight. Countries like Canada and Australia allow only altruistic surrogacy.
Downsides of bans
Like other countries that provide commercial surrogacy, there were no legal requirements in India to provide statistics on how many clinics provided surrogacy services, the number of clients or women employed. What we do know is that the ban has slowed a brisk global trade in Indian working-class women’s reproductive capacities that is estimated to have garnered anywhere from $400 million to $1 billion per year. The baby trade, however, does not stop with bans on commercial surrogacy. Instead, infertility clinics jump through legal loopholes by moving surrogate mothers across borders. These movements expose surrogate mothers to great risks.
For example, when India first banned surrogacy for gay couples in 2012, various infertility businesses in Delhi continued to sign on gay clients from all over the world. Clients shipped their frozen sperm to Delhi, which was used to fertilize eggs from Indian donors. The resulting embryos, legally belonging to the gay men, were implanted into Indian surrogate mothers. To avoid the ban, infertility clinics then moved surrogate mothers across international borders into Nepal. There, they gave birth and clients arrived to pick up their children.
This emerging trade route between Delhi and Kathmandu halted when an earthquake hit Nepal on April 25, 2015, killing 8,000 people and injuring more than 21,000. While various governments airlifted babies belonging to their citizens, the fate of the Indian mothers and how they got back home remains unclear.
I learned more about this type of workaround in conversations with a Mumbai-based infertility specialist in September 2015. The specialist, who will remain anonymous to protect confidentiality, revealed that he was recruiting surrogate mothers from Kenya to come to Mumbai. Through in vitro fertilization, he implanted the Kenyan women with embryos belonging to gay men. The women were then flown back to Nairobi after completing 24 weeks of pregnancy in India. They birthed babies in designated hospitals in Nairobi, from where gay father clients picked up the babies. The Mumbai doctor maintained that he had not broken the law, because technically, he had not interacted with gay clients within Indian territory, and all he had provided was in vitro fertilization for Kenyan “health-care” seekers.
News reports have documented a similar effect in Cambodia, where the government has begun to crack down on surrogacy earlier this year. Now, surrogate mothers from Phnom Penh are being sent to Bangkok, Thailand to deliver babies. Thai law bans commercial surrogacy transactions, but enforcement agencies are unable to distinguish surrogate mothers in hospitals from other pregnant women. Cambodian surrogate mothers are also being sent to Laos, where there are no laws, to deliver babies in clinics staffed by Thai doctors who once worked in Thailand when commercial surrogacy was still legal there.
Under these circumstances, women are far more vulnerable than before. They are wholly dependent on agencies that have brought them into countries where they are strangers and unfamiliar with the language, culture and social norms. Surrogacy agencies provide them with housing and food in these foreign countries. And they control the money. As a result, the women are powerless to terminate their contracts, or go back home if they choose to do so. They are isolated from friends and family and have no legal recourse to address financial abuses or medical malpractice.
Human rights of surrogate mothers
Country-specific bans do nothing to alleviate the vulnerability of working-class women across poor countries. Instead, these bans create situations where women may be exposed to far deeper mistreatment and exploitation. Governments might want to reconsider bans on commercial surrogacy.
One option is to negotiate multilateral agreements between countries to govern global surrogacy. Such international law would need to balance the rights of persons pursuing parenthood, children’s rights and surrogate mothers’ rights. But because of differences in countries’ norms on gay rights and surrogacy, international agreements are difficult to forge.
A more pragmatic solution for countries like India and Thailand would be to legalize commercial surrogacy but regulate it heavily. Rather than bans, governments should consider laws that uphold surrogate mothers’ sense of dignity and bodily integrity. Surrogate mothers should be treated as full human beings who have the right to choose how they get pregnant, the right to opt out of medical interventions, the right to refuse cesarean surgeries and the right to maintain contact with the babies they birthed. Commercial surrogacy is tenable only if surrogate mothers’ emotional, physical and intellectual well-being is respected.
Editor’s note: This article and video were produced in collaboration with News Deeply’s Women & Girls.
Sharmila Rudrappa does not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organisation that would benefit from this article, and has disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment.
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shaniquajane · 7 years
Family Planning Methods
PROS 1. Only form of pregnancy prevention that is 100% effective. 2. Biggest probability of not gaining STDs. 3. Some teenagers may be concerned that their partner is only with them for sex, abstinence may make them feel secure in the fact that that is not the case. 4. Costs nothing and no side effects
CONS 1. Abstinence means different things to different people, and some forms of "abstinence" can still spread sexually transmitted diseases. For example, oral sex or anal sex.  2. Studies have shown that teenagers who break their promise of abstinence are less likely to use protection- which means that it may cause the complete opposite effect. 3. Some argue that abstinence teaches young women the wrong message. It pushes the idea of women should stay virgins but for men, it doesn’t matter as much. It has shown to have a direct connection to an increase in slut shaming. 
PROS 1. May cause very light or no menstrual cycles- which many girls may consider a large pro. 2. Very effective form of birth control. 3. Can be removed when the woman is ready to become pregnant. 
CONS 1. Does not protect against STDs. 2. Hormonal implants requires minor surgery- which some people may be put off by, also requires minor surgery to remove the implant. 3. Can cause side effects such as irregular menstrual periods, depression, nervousness, hair loss, and weight gain. 4. Some people experience mild-severe infections in the area that the capsule is implanted.  5. It is not completely universal because it cannot be used by women with certain medical conditions and by women who use certain medications.
PROS 1. Extremely effective against pregnancy- will provide protection from pregnancy forever. 
CONS 1. No protection against STIs 2. Very expensive- prices can range from $1000-$2500. 3. Requires minor surgery. 4. It is permanent- so should only be done by women who are 100% sure they do not want to have a child. Undoing sterilisation is possible but not always effective and requires major surgery- also very expensive. 
PROS  1. If used correctly, highly effective against pregnancy.  2. Usually causes a very light menstrual cycle 3. Decreases cramps and acne during your period to a large extent. 4. Makes you less likely to get ovarian and uterine cancer, pelvic inflammatory disease, ovarian cysts, and anemia. 5. It depends on your health insurance, but your birth control may be free.
CONS 1. Doesn’t protect against STIs. 2. You need a doctor’s prescription. 3. May be hard to keep up- you need to make sure to remember to take them daily at the same time. 4. Can occasionally cause side effects such as nausea, increased appetite, headaches, and, very rarely, blood clots 5. Another form of birth control that isn’t completely universal, as it cannot be used by women with certain medical situations or women taking certain medication.
PROS 1. Lowers risk of both STIs and STDs by a large amount. 2. Very easy to attain. They are not expensive, can be bought at most drug store, and you do not need a prescription.  3. Allows men to have an active part in preventing pregnancy. 4. Lowers risk of pregnancy 
CONS 1. It can only be used once, so can turn out to be expensive for one who is sexually active. 2. It can break 3. Not 100% effective
PROS 1. Lowers risk of STIs, STDs, and pregnancy. 2. It doesn’t interrupt sexual activity as much as male condoms because it can be inserted way before sexual activity. 
CONS 1. May move, be noisy, or uncomfortable. 2. Not 100% effective- and they are new, meaning that we don’t know yet just how effective they actually are. 3. Can only use once and pretty expensive- around $2.50 each.
PROS 1. Natural, so no side effects 2. Doesn’t cost anything 3. Like male condoms, it allows men to be an active role in preventing pregnancy. 
CONS 1. Doesn’t protect against STIs or STDs 2. Proved to be largely ineffective 3. May decrease sexual pleasure of woman since need to always be thinking about what is happening during sexual intercourse 4. Requires a lot of trust- as the control is all in the man.
PROS 1. You can help make a child’s life a lot better and give him the opportunity to have a proper family and be in a loving and nurturing environment. 2. In many cases, adoption will provide benefits for the birth mother.  3. You can still get a child that you can love as your own, without the challenging, mentally, and physically draining process of pregnancy. 
CONS 1. Adopting a child is typically a long, drawn-out process. It can be very difficult legally and will take a lot of your time. It can take anywhere between months to even years. Sometimes, doing that can turn out to be a big disappointment if your paperwork is not sufficient or if the biological parents decide to back out. 2. Adopting a child also costs a lot of money. 
PROS 1. For those who are in an LGBTQIA+ relationship, for those with medical conditions that prevent them from going through pregnancy safely, or for those who struggle with infertility, surrogacy is often a great answer to complete a family. 2. Surrogacy allows for genetic connections, which adoption often does not allow you. This also ensures that you are involved. 3. Surrogacy involves fewer surprises than adoption because a legally binding contract outlining everyone’s expectations will be negotiated and signed before the embryo transfer.  4. Surrogacy does not only create a meaningful relationship between the parents and their surrogate child, but also often the parents and the surrogate parent. Many intended parents become close with their surrogate and her family during the process, developing meaningful bonds that can last a lifetime.
CONS 1. Surrogacy can be extremely complicated. It often involves complex medical procedures, and surrogacy laws. There is a lot to consider about whether or not you are performing this surrogacy legally and safely.  2. Because of the number of people and services required to complete a successful surrogacy, surrogacy can be expensive. 3. You need to fully trust the surrogate parent, as you will have little control with what is going on because of the fact that you are not the one carrying the baby.
PROS 1. A significant increase in pregnancy rates.  2. Donor eggs or sperm may be used so that the child is biologically rated to at least one parent. 3. Embryos created via IVF can be frozen and stored for use during subsequent cycles 4. Genetic testing is available and can prevent genetic diseases from being passed on.
CONS 1. IVF is not covered by all medical insurance policies, so you may have to contribute a significant amount of money. 2. Even though they are often successful, it is not 100% certain that they will work. 3. The process of testing and administering fertility medication can be uncomfortable 4. You have to take a lot of time outside of your existing schedules as it takes a lot of trips to the doctor’s office. 5. Fertility medication is known to have side effects that cause discomfort.
PROS 1. You and your partner will have a full biological connection to the baby. 2. Some consider pregnancy to be a great learning experience, because of the great amount of physical and mental endurance it takes to get through one. 3. There are the more “social” benefits to pregnancy, including not having people judge you if you don’t feel like lifting, walking, carrying, or traveling. Furthermore, people will be more likely to help you out in a situation of need. 4. Your menstrual cycle will stop. 5. You get bigger breasts, which some women may consider a pro. 6. You do not have to TTC!
CONS 1. A traditional pregnancy is not universal and probably won’t be suitable for LGBTQIA+ couples, someone who is infertile, or someone with a medical condition that disallows them from going through a pregnancy. 2. Pregnancies take a lot of physical and mental endurance.��First trimester issues: nausea, sore boobs, puke, food aversions. They also take up a lot of time. 3. They can be very expensive. 4. You can look and feel extremely bloated. 5. You are not allowed to drink. 6. The actual birth process is very painful.
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Gestational Surrogacy - Definition
Gestational surrogacy is a term that defines a situation in which a woman carries and delivers a baby for someone else. The woman who carries the baby is known as the gestational carrier or surrogate mother. The parents-to-be are known as the "intended parents" and are typically involved in the pregnancy, are present at the birth, and become the child's legal parents after the baby’s birth. The baby isn’t genetically related to the gestational carrier because the egg usually comes from the intended mother and the sperm comes from the intended father. This is the typical gestational surrogacy situation, although sometimes the sperm, eggs, or embryos come from a donor.
Gestational surrogacy utilizes IVF, or in-vitro fertilization, in which eggs and sperm are combined in a laboratory setting and the resulting embryo is implanted in the gestational carrier. 
Is gestational surrogacy legal?
Most states don't have specific laws covering gestational surrogacy, so it's important to work with a licensed attorney in your state who has expertise in third party reproduction. An attorney can advise you on your options and draft a legally binding contract. 
Currently, a handful of states allow gestational surrogacy contracts, but they aren't always enforceable depending on what's legal. Some states require couples to be married, and some don't allow gestational surrogates to be compensated. Also, there may be requirements about sexual orientation.
Illinois has one of the best environments for surrogacy. Why? Because there is a statute highly favorable to gestational surrogacy which governs the process from contracts to birth certificates. The Illinois statue applies to single parents and heterosexual couples where at least one person has furnished their own genomes.
When is gestational surrogacy the right choice?
Gestational surrogacy may be a good choice for a woman if she is unable to carry a pregnancy safely or at all because of uterus problems. Men choose gestational surrogacy because they are single or in a gay relationship.
How do you get started with gestational surrogacy?
Whether you set up the arrangement through an Chicago Surrogacy agency such as www.ParentingPartners.net or negotiate it privately, using a gestational surrogate is a legally complex and emotionally intense process. If you decide to go this route, be prepared to commit a lot of time, money, and patience to succeed.
Though you won't carry the baby, it's likely you'll be very involved in the pregnancy. You'll also probably pay the gestational surrogate's expenses, including medical appointments, health insurance bills, travel costs, legal bills, and agency fees (if you're using one). Here's what happens when you choose gestational surrogacy:
1.      You speak with a fertility counselor to help you consider the pros and cons, sort through your emotions, and explore the potential impact of a relationship with a gestational surrogate.
2.      Next, you decide whether to ask a relative or friend to be the gestational surrogate, or use an agency that can match you with someone.
3.      You and your partner, if applicable, and the gestational surrogate undergo medical and psychological screenings.
4.      Hire an attorney experienced in gestational surrogacy for yourself and your gestational surrogate. Create a legal agreement that protects everyone and describes important details such as compensation, parental rights, legal custody, where the baby will be delivered, future contact between the parties, insurance coverage, and control over medical decisions made during the pregnancy.
5.      You and your partner, or you and the donor use IVF to produce an embryo that's genetically yours and the embryo is transferred to the gestational surrogate.
How long does gestational surrogacy take?
Finding a healthy, willing gestational surrogate can take months or even years, whether you screen candidates through an agency, decide to ask a friend or relative, or search for someone online.
Once you've finalized the agreement and have begun treatment, it can take at least three or four IVF cycles to achieve a successful pregnancy. Each IVF cycle takes four to six weeks.
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