#Mentha Mynte
lindyloosims · 10 months
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Since the sickness seemed to spread around the kids, they were given the opportunity to be immunized, so they took it!
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Flint is progressing really well, he's now achieved the reach milestone! What a little star!
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Well if the politics don't work out when you're an elder, maybe you could be the world's oldest athlete, eh Scarlet?
SCARLET: What could've been! *sigh*
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Dijon enjoys a lovely rose petal bath and thinks about his lovely fiancee! Or maybe he's thinking about science...or rockets...or space...who knows with this one!
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Mellow's dream is not as enjoyable or exciting as Scarlet's, it's actually rather scary and gloomy! Eesh! 😶
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Mentha comes out to freak out her grandson as he tries to improve his logic skill...
DIJON: Dammit Granny Green, we talked about this!
MENTHA: You're no fun anymore since you grew up, I'm dead, I need to get my jollies somehow! Go eat a bag of dicks!
DIJON: Rude Granny Green, very rude!
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acedoesgames · 3 years
NSB - Flea Market Finds
time to start labeling these posts
Mynte was invited to go to the Flea Market with her new friend/neighbor, Eliza Pancakes!
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They had a good chat over some bubble blowing, and then Mynte went to peruse some second-hand items. Instead, she found something so much better....
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Well hellooooooo there! This handsome boy is Luka Mentha (made by cfenners on the Gallery), and Mynte was just blown away by him.
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They seemed to hit it off pretty well! Mynte didn’t embarrass herself in front of him, so we count that as a win! She has plans to call him later to see if he wants to get coffee.
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lindyloosims · 2 years
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Sadly nobody seems to miss Rufous that much!
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Dijon should be writing a term paper right about now, or working on his presentation but watching the telly is more appealing to him!
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Arian has been sneakily trying for their very own nooboo for a while now...
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...it’s only today that she has gathered the courage to find out whether her constant woo hoo with Dijon has resulted in the baby she desperately desires!
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She’s put off the pregnancy test, not because she doesn’t know how Dijon feels about having children, but because she wants this so much that a negative would really upset her.
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Like this! 😢
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Poor Arian!
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She breaks the news to Dijon, knowing he’s neutral to having a baby, it probably won’t be as big a blow to him as it is for her.
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But she’s wrong, Dijon is sad that she’s sad. Being neutral doesn’t mean he’s relieved, it just means that if it happens then it happens. So yes, it is a blow to him too!
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lindyloosims · 2 years
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Someone needs to tell Rufous that he’s not actually at the beach right now as he guards his big sister, she’s baking his birthday cake!
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RUFOUS: Is it chocolate?
RUFOUS: Strawberry?
RUFOUS: Banana?
SCARLET: JUST...wait and see! And please put on some clothes!
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He has more success with his candles than his nephew! Mama Mentha has popped up from the beyond to celebrate her last born child’s transition into adulthood.
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Here he is, young adult Rufous!
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The first thing he does after his birthday is go over and visit his son Brendon.
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He and Ashly have agreed to cohabit, their relationship is still rather up in the air but Rufous is willing to give things a go for the sake of their son.
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It’s not something he particularly wants, he wants a woman who’ll be exclusive to him alone...
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...and it doesn’t look like something Ashly wants either! We’ll see how things go for these two. Now he’s left the Not So Berry family home, he’ll need to figure things out for himself!
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lindyloosims · 3 years
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Carmine seems satisfied with Mentha’s lie, for now. Deep down he knows that she’s pregnant and there’s no way that the baby is his. Can their marriage survive this?
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Evil Rosso is enjoying this atmosphere immensely!
ROSSO: There is misery all around, it’s dripping from the walls! I’m bursting to the brim, I have fed well today!
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It appears that Carmine cannot live with the deceit, he’s decided to do something about it...
CARMINE: Mentha, I know you lied!
MENTHA: About what?
Really Mentha? The jig is up, have some dignity!
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CARMINE: I think we need to take a break, it’s what I need to...to heal!
MENTHA: *cries* Carmine no!
CARMINE: I never thought you’d cheat on me Mentha, never in a million years! I guess I was naïve!
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Who knows how long this will last, or if they’ll ever reconcile. Silly Mentha, Carmine really does love her despite his feelings about exclusive relationships he committed to her and that means something...or it did!
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Better late than never, Mentha finally fesses up! Carmine is sad but not surprised to hear what he suspected all along.
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Now comes the dilemma, can he move on from this?
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He’s decided to give her another chance but he still wants a break!
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The sadness in this house just won’t let up! Chilli receives a phone call informing him that his friend has passed away. He’s a very distraught boy indeed! 
Rosso will be loving this! (He reminds me of Colin Robinson from What We Do In The Shadows feeding off the misery)
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lindyloosims · 3 years
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Oh Mentha, Mentha, Mentha! Why?
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Another change of heart?
MENTHA: No, this is wrong!
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CARLTON: Aw come on, what’s the problem here?
MENTHA: This is cheating!
CARLTON: I don’t mind!
(What is with Mentha’s nails on her gloves?) 😨😨😨
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MENTHA: Well I do! Sorry!
CARLTON: I can’t take this, hot and cold...it’s too much! My feelings are all smooshed right now! *sobs*
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CARLTON: Yes I do have feelings, just because I’m a clone...*cries incoherently*
MENTHA: What’s happening? This was supposed to be a fun experiment!
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CARLTON: Um, lady I am not an experiment! I am a human being and you’re just hurting and confusing me right now! It’s not fair, I didn’t ask for this!
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Wow, the red face on Mentha! That’s hilarious! Looks like your silly little scheme totally backfired on your ass! Don’t mess with cloning folks, let this be a warning to all meddling little scientist sims! Bahaha!
*coughs* But seriously, poor confused Carlton! He has all of Carmine’s traits and feelings! Shame on you Mentha Rouge!
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Upstairs, Chilli is in a very sad mood and Lychee is trying to cheer him up with stories of monsters lurking under beds. It’s not working...
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...it’s really not working at all! Teary eyes alert! 😥
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lindyloosims · 3 years
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At first Mentha is flattered by Carlton’s attention, he’s very flirty and doesn’t mind showing it. Sometimes she craves this kind of attention from Carmine, but he’s always too busy preaching or handing out flyers.
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But then she remembers she’s married and that this is not her husband, even though he is his clone...literally!
MENTHA: Nu-uh! Back off clone boy!
CARLTON: No smooches?
MENTHA: Not for you buddy, no!
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Lychee likes to tease her big brother Chilli, it’s so easy, not like Rosso who is evil and gives as good as he gets.
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LYCHEE: Chilli loves the vacuum! You want to kiss it! *mwah*
CHILLI: Whut? I do not! Why are you saying this Chee Chee?
LYCHEE: Chilli and the vacuum, sittin’ in a tree!
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Chilli realises that his little sister is just monkeying around with him, so he plays along. He’s a good brother!
CHILLI: Ah, yes me and the vacuum! It’s a love story to rival Shakespeare!
LYCHEE: *giggles* You’re such a dweeb Chills!
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Is this the new patch? Everyone is hanging out at casa Rouge without an invitation! Who are these ruddy people?
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Meanwhile down in the lab...
MENTHA: Mind you, you are pretty cute!
CARLTON: Yes, yes I am! Please love me?
MENTHA: We’ll see! *wink*
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lindyloosims · 2 years
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Scarlet is still in a mood, keeping something this big all to herself is starting to get to her, but who can she tell that won’t freak out? Mellow will only want to marry her, her parents will probably ground her for life and lock her in the basement...maybe...
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Oh for the love of...what is going on? Why is Mentha contacting Carlton after she promised Carmine she was done with him? Please don’t start this shit again! I can’t take it, you’re killing me here!
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Carmine is blissfully unaware of his wife’s latest shenanigans and is very proud of himself at the moment. He has made a fabulous birthday cake for his little Lychee!
CARMINE: It’s so good, I’m going to take a picture!
No that’s a step too far, don’t do that!
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I mean look at it, what a work of art!
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Amazing cake, eh Chee?
LYCHEE: Whatever, I wanted chocolate!
Can’t win ‘em all!
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Lychee makes a wish and blows out her candles!
LYCHEE: I wish for chocolate cake!
Well you wasted that one, you’ve got matcha cake, deal with it!
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Here we have teenage Lychee, she is gorgeous! Methinks someone is moving to Sulani when she’s old enough!
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Just some Lychee appreciation pictures, I’m very chuffed at how she turned out! All the kids are so beautiful, I’ve been lucky!
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lindyloosims · 2 years
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Now that they are parents, Chilli feels that it’s time they got married, so he proposes...
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...and thankfully Bee accepts! They quietly elope shortly afterwards, some day their opposing views to having children will have to be addressed, but today is not that day!
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For today, we get to see little Finn grow up! isn’t he just adorbs?
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Well, most of the time!
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Granny Mentha has come over to visit her newly married son and her newly aged up grandson! Happy little fam! Please ignore Hugo Villareal in the background, he wasn’t invited and yet he butts into the convo like a nosey little so and so!
FINN: Dat man is annoyings!
Yes he is! Go bite his ankles!
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Rosso and German move into a flat together in San Myshuno but it’s pricey and they’ve only just found jobs. They can barely afford a surrogate, which they have discussed at great length. Elsa Bjergsen, Gerry’s sister, has agreed to carry their child but on one condition...they move into the Bjergsen household in Windenburg. They agree to her terms, things are looking up for them!
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Back at Casa Rouge, Lychee knows there’s something up with big sis!
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Scarlet assures her there is nothing wrong and to look forward to her upcoming birthday!
SCARLET: Being a teenager rocks Chee, you’re gonna love it!
She lies!
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Still keeping her pregnancy to herself, Scarlet is suffering all alone, morning sickness is a drag and smells are beginning to tick her off!
SCARLET: This is not fair!
You did the deed little girl, face the consequences! She still isn’t sure what she’s going to do about this, to keep or not to keep...that is the question! If only Rosso and Gerry had known, they could have adopted the baba and taken him or her off of Scarlet’s hands! We’ll just have to wait and see what happens!
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lindyloosims · 2 years
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Who is this person? It’s a no, obvs! Sims!
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Yeah just stand there while the entire house falls apart, don’t use your maxed handiness skill to help or nothin’! Sims I tell ya!
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Rosso is met with a barrage of questions from little sis while Carmine looks on in amusement!
LYCHEE: So are you and German all kissy now?
ROSSO: That’s none of your business!
LYCHEE: Well it is, because we share a room so...move out!
Harsh, but true! Move out Rosso, you’re a big boy now!
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Will you please fix something? Now the tea maker is on the fritz!
MENTHA: I’m taking the rubbish out, that’s helpful, right?
Being a mad scientist doesn’t excuse you from fixing stuff, get your head out of your butt! My pleas have fallen on deaf ears...probably because she can’t hear me since her head may actually be up her butt!
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Rosso and German, busy little bees!
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Rosso now realises what his sister means, they have to move out, pronto!
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Over at Chilli and Bee’s house, we finally meet baby Finn Dior-Rouge! He’s about to age up, fun times!
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While mummy Bee is relieved that her pregnancy scare is just that...a scare! Remember little Miss Yellow doesn’t want kids, Finn was a mistake! I’m sure she loves him though, right?
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At least Chilli’s love for his son is obvious! Look at the proud daddy! HE was always good with babies!
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lindyloosims · 3 years
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People are still traipsing through the Rouge household like it’s a free for all! Quite annoying! But that hasn’t deterred Scarlet from completing her aspiration of Artistic Prodigy which has given her the Creatively Gifted trait! She seems chuffed!
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Still on a high from her latest achievement, she tries to cheer up a rather sad Mentha.
SCARLET: Guess what mum? I’m creatively gifted! *grin*
MENTHA: Well done sweetheart!
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SCARLET: So what’s up with your face?
MENTHA: I’m just tired, and sad that Uncle Carlton moved out, that’s all!
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SCARLET: Cheer up mum, you still have dad!
For now, she has him for now!
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Carmine arrives home with ocean eyes! Uh-oh!
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Well I see the cat’s out of the bag then!
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What is Carmine going to do about this little revelation? Mentha seems to be playing the innocent card, will this wash with her husband? Only time will tell!
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lindyloosims · 3 years
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Carmine sets aside his tense feelings of being monogamous to Mentha by taking her out for the food that she’s craving and giving her a nice massage to relieve her back pain from carrying this new baby of theirs!
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He then sees to their starving toddler. Chilli seems to like chicken nuggets!
CHILLI: Mmmmmm, yummmmeeeee!
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While at work, Mentha goes through the emotional spin cycle then goes into labour! 
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However she can’t leave until she’s completed all of her tasks, what dedication!
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Finally at home, Mentha gives birth to another baby boy who she names Rosso Rouge!
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Chilli is happy to be a big brother and watches over baby Rosso while playing BlicBlock Baby!
CHILLI: I proteck!
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And just as he’s about to sneak a peek of his newborn son, Carmine is rudely interrupted by the noisy neighbours next door!
CARMINE: Those darn kids!
He may look like he’s smiling, but he is screaming internally!
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lindyloosims · 3 years
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Founder & Spouse Bios here: Not So Berry Challenge
Our story begins in an apartment building (or block of flats if you’re Scottish like me) where our founder, Mentha Mynte, resides. Her next door neighbour, Carmine Rouge, on the surface appears sweet and innocent but do not be fooled...
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...this man...wants to have children but doesn’t want to be exclusive to the Baby Mama of said children! 
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On the other hand, he can’t work his fold down bed so...there’s that!
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Mentha seems like a happy soul, having recently joined the Scientist career and bought a load of books to find that Eureka moment, she’s cock-a-hoop!
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And the Eureka moment has arrived! Mentha is getting off to a great start! (also she can fold her bed down without a hitch)
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Carmine however has developed a bit of a feud with his bed! Will they ever be friends?
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lindyloosims · 3 years
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Madame Rouge is feeling guilty for her part of Carlton’s creation. To be fair it was all her part, all Carmine did was stand on a machine and think of bunny rabbits and candy floss...anyway! She feels bad for creating him and then treating him like a stranger (which he technically is) and shows him some hospitality...
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...well hooking up with your husband’s clone is not exactly the hospitality that I would describe as appropriate but what do I know? This is problematic!
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Mentha seems to instantly regret hopping into bed and partaking in some naughty stuff with Carlton as he lies blissfully unaware in a post woo hoo coma!
MENTHA: Uh-oh! What have I done?
Carlton, you’ve done Carlton! Too soon?
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As she leaves a happily slumbering clone in her marital bed, Mentha greets her husband after his hard day of work. He doesn’t look happy, I think he’s still smarting from fighting his clone not once but twice. Also he still looks pretty beat up. Poor Carmine, poor Carlton, bad Mentha!
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Lychee is living it up on the monkey bars, she’s almost maxed her motor skill!
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Yep, she’s having so much fun bless her! Totally oblivious to the drama that is about to unfold indoors!
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Oh no Mentha, do you never learn??? This sim, who is two days away from becoming an adult, seriously needs to learn about birth control! Maybe she’s not, maybe it’s just a false alarm?
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It’s not! Mentha’s pregnant! Baby number five is on the way, Carlton’s baby, not Carmine’s! This is not good! Mentha finds it inconvenient, well that’s one way to put it!
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While Carlton sits upstairs wondering why Mentha just disappeared, she’s busy trying to figure out what she’s going to do about this latest development. Poor Carlton, he didn’t ask to be a clone, also Carmine is going to kill him!
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lindyloosims · 3 years
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At first Mentha decides to ignore the fact that she’s expecting a baby that isn’t her husband’s and watches some television with Carmine and Rosso. She can’t stop looking at Carmine though, her guilt is eating away at her. If anyone in this marriage was going to stray, I would have put my money on non exclusive Carmine, not Mentha! What do I know though?
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He’s off to work again as Mentha can’t keep this secret to herself for a moment longer and tells Rosso that he’s going to be a big brother again. Not a good move, but hey, again what do I know? He doesn’t seem all that bothered, typical teen, he gets his phone out and that’s a sign that he’s dismissed his mother.
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ROSSO: Was there anything else?
Yep, not bothered!
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Next thing she decides to do is tell the actual father about this baby!
MENTHA: So there’s something I have to tell you...
CARLTON: It’s not that you love me, is it? *pout* You hate me don’t you?
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MENTHA: No, I don’t hate...the thing is...I’m pregnant!
MENTHA: But don’t worry, it’s not yours!
Liar, liar pants on fire!
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He seems like that’s okay with him, even though she’s lying! I think Carlton just doesn’t want another smack on the bum bum from Carmine!
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Mentha is such a big fat liar! Who knows if Carlton believes her or not, she manages to convince him to move out. She’s asked Nalani to take him in at their old house. I feel so sorry for him.
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Carlton says his goodbyes and heads off to another life. Maybe he can find that special someone and live a happy, fulfilling life! I do hope so! He’s had a pretty raw deal so far!
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Mentha awaits her husband’s return from work hoping that she can fool him the way she fooled his clone. She’s a good liar, but she’s not that good! This will not end well!
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lindyloosims · 2 years
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The Road So Far...
(Carry On Wayward Son plays in the background!)
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