semioticb · 21 days
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they’re me if you even care
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i forgot to include Lester and Willow but that’s ok
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werewolfcave · 7 months
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Three more character designs for Unfinished: Rewritten! Meric, Fawn, and Ithaca! Meric and Ithaca are @umbreix 's characters!
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hannahwashington · 6 months
which of your ocs is most likely to disappear off the grid and why
Beric, since that's something he actually does in canon. Everyone hates him so much and his continued appearances on Total Drama tanked the ratings, so he fucked off to the middle of nowhere with his equally-awful boyfriend, never to bother anyone else again.
....out of the other characters that haven't done it though, I'll have to say Piper! She isn't online much in the first place, and she'd probably adjust to living off-grid quite well. one issue: if we're talking a total disappearance, she'll miss her friends :( and also have to give up on her chosen career path but mostly no friends :(
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goldemas1244 · 2 years
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Zhask's Crystallized Predator skin is based off an Asiatic/Coconut Rhinoceros Beetle. They, like all rhinoceros beetles, are herbivorous. They like fruits. So here's Zhask going fruit shopping.
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gryffindorkxdraws · 2 years
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M E R I C // Fire and Flood
Merida Dunbroch & Prince Eric
It started out small, with Eric being the only one who could match Merida’s archery. And then it continued in other outdoor activities such as horseback riding, then in debates, then in- point is, the two always find themselves toe to toe with each other. Almost as if they were dancing a dance no one could figure out save for them.
Rivals whenever they get together, Merida and Eric are known for causing quite a scene in royal events. May it be good or bad, everyone can always bet to expect something when both families are invited.
just an AU idea based on the MeRic ship in @welcometowaltacademy
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krafty1 · 2 months
The Daily Panel 8/8/24
Image Credit: IDW Publishing American Barbarian, IDW, Meric, Tom Scioli, Two-Tank Omen
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flashinggreentunes · 11 months
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bribinart · 7 months
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happy valentine's day!!!! mary goore be upon ye
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mostwantedpotato404 · 2 years
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I just finished The Stolen Throne and I’m a mess
Loghain is such a great character and Rowan deserves better, Maric deserves slap. I wan’t them to be happy but also knew what’s coming from the game. So many emotions... considering replaying Origins with different choices, help
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randomnameless · 3 months
Tbh I'm glad about the lack of jugdral remakes given IS' current direction, and, if Feh is any indication, care about their older games.
Granted, I would have prefered if we had more FE news as a FE fan, but I'm at this point where I think, and not only because the "titties with a censorbar will sell like hot cakes !" unit was released yesterday, no news is better than any news.
Maybe the next banner will make me reconsider, but rn I'm pretty bored with Feh, save for Fodlan/Jugdral/whatever nonsense.
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feelinkeeli · 1 year
I see people keep calling spyscrapper and kesett ships as jetpack boyfriends. Then there's merical and I got to admit I really love the naming schemes the JFO & Jedi Surivor fans have going on.
We are all clearly having a blast naming things in the pun-vein that I adore. All you shippers out there are awesome.
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eminsunnytoons123 · 6 months
The muppets Show: Life in the boarding home
Characters redesigns!!
Part 3!
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And heres the whatnots that i found on the muppets Show "at the dance" scenes!
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And a whatnot Lady that nearly looks like selena's auntie that i saw on jim Henson hour "oceans"!
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Ksenia Islamova by Firat Meric for Elle Turkey July 2017
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goldemas1244 · 2 years
Nymphalis Antiopa
A precursor to Happy Birthday. A fanfic featuring Zhask and his little pet spawn, Meric. You can reread Happy Birthday after this to get more of that feel, y'get me? Trust me, it hits SO MUCH DIFFERENT after you know what happened prior.
Notice: This fic features angst and character death, mostly prevalent at the end. Part of the fic may or may not be a reflection of the author's fear of losing loved ones.
I rarely write, so here I'd like my writing mentor @sentinelpri to react to this if you'd like to. Don't force yourself to, it's fine! Take your time!
And thank YOU so much for the support these past few, love you guys so much.
The air was cold, far too cold to sustain any living creature on the frozen earth. But the King of the Kastiyans, Zhask, was not of the planet and so he tolerated it with a flickering vision.
Still, it wasn't as if he hadn't been on edge the past few days. The freezing winds had devastatingly scrambled his DNA (or the alien equivalent of it) and now the only colours he could see were white, blue, and black. Red was out of the question entirely. Kind of like the various insect species he could find in the Land of Dawn, some more similar to his own self than others.
His mind wasn't leaning against the comparison of it though. Rather he was lost in deep thought, staring off into the horizon. To be fair, he himself didn't know what he was thinking about either. Was it the spawn eggs hatching slower because of the Northern Vale's climate? Was it the Swarm he had accumulated in such a short time through extensive research and breeding hacks? Was he thinking about the young huntress dispatched by the Mithlorians?
Ah yes, the young equilibrium. So strong and unconquerable! Such a formidable foe, capable of hauling arse and kicking his too. Just his type, if the universe would let it be. Zhask wished it would. He thought that kind of one-sided love existed only in fiction. Well bug boy, pack your locusts because you're living it.
The humming of the twinkling breeze fell deaf to his ears as he reminisced of their first encounter. The day the prey fell for the hunter. The day Kastiya fell....
Zhask's breath hitched, but it wasn't of the cold.
He remembered the planet he once lived on. Where he grew up, albeit traumatically. Where he had nobody to befriend or to bully. Where he spent his days alone save for dinnertimes and specific sessions.
But it was home after all, and his sentimentality got the better of him.
He remembered how the musicians on the street rubbed their instruments together, enhancing the atmosphere of the farmer's market. He remembered how the little spawns, used to mercilessly annihilate various other weaker planets, became ever so docile and tame in the presence of the Kastiyan children. He remembered the clear crystalline sky and how often he'd stare into its abyss, hoping that one day his life could change for the better.
It probably did, it probably didn't. Who's to say? Stranded on a deserted island with a living colony on a powerful planet to call home... being hunted down by his lightyear-to-lightyear crush... seeking a Kastiya II....
Freedom was what he'd wished for, and he was free now, so why did it still feel wrong?
Choo-choo! went Zhask's train of thought and farther on it went as he sifted through all the good memories he could find of his life back in Kastiya. They were few and far between, punctuated by tasteless shame and wrongdoings, but they existed nonetheless. It was hard to find one he hadn't repeated a thousand times, but he still tried to revisit something at least.
A few moments later, he came upon a memory he hadn't indulged in in a long time.
He was just a little grub, plump and stuffed full with salad dressings, rotten wood, and nuts. A king's boy, a prince soon to be larger than his own two parents. A squishy little smile spread wide upon his face.
His birthday.
A few moments prior Zhask had just emerged from his cozy little egg (which was getting too big for him at the time) and greeted the world with a sniff of the air and the smells of the food it brought with it. Imagine that! climbing out of your humble abode and the first things you sensed were nutritious meals fit for a king! No wonder he grew up to be a foodie!
His first taste was that of decaying wood crackers and boy did he love it; so much so that even now he finds the time to traverse the Land of Dawn to gnaw on some trees. He had so much to eat, he remembered, that he almost didn't notice the procession he was being brought into.
And there Zhask caught a glimpse of his kingdom.
Cheers eurupted from the diverse crowd, excited to see their future monarch. Lights of all colours and shapes decorated the pathway. He was being paraded through the streets in a little earthy carry-on pouch he would soon outgrow. It was overwhelming, but as long as he had his leaves to chew on, he was certain everything would be alright.
He had his future told to him and choirs sung to his birth. He was given a tour of the entire planet with no space left uncovered. He was given various gifts from various individuals with various talents. He was even visited by a strange one-eyed figure, a magician he could no longer recall the name of, who became one of his only friends the world had to offer. They were no longer in touch now, but he hoped they could meet again soon.
Then came the moment he met his army. The Spawn. They bowed down to him and swore in their own chittering language to forever remain loyal to him and whatever cause he stood for.
And then it was time for bed. Thus the memory ended.
His first birthday. The most precious memory he'd kept for so long.
Zhask couldn't recall many other birthdays with similar proceedings or events. All others were mostly standard ones, nothing special (despite all of them being special in their own special way to him). There WAS one where he was given his staf- no that was the seventh anniversary of his coronation day.
A slight tap on his foot brought the wandering king back to reality. Looking down, he met a young spawn. It seemed freshly hatched and curious of the world.
Much like him when he was younger.
He knelt down and picked it up with barely any resistance save for a shocked bounce from it. It was small, smaller than the average size, but that was nothing to discriminate of. So was he, once.
The sentiment Zhask felt for this particular spawn grew into a blooming wheatfield and he affectionately decided to name it and officially designate it as his personal pet. Now if only he could find a name....
Now, he was one for creative names chock-full of symbolism. Which word should he pick for this little one. He thought it should be close to that of Domorey, the Nightmaric Spawn enslaved to his bidding.
Nightmaric... yes, Meric would do.
He spoke it, and the singular eye of the critter beamed bright red. Or at least presumably, given his apparent colour-blindness. No matter. The deal was sealed and now little Meric was precious to him.
Now where was he? Birthdays? No, back to the beginning. Yve? No, way farther back.
Ah yes.
What day was it?
Turning on his claws, Zhask trekked back to his cozy little haven. A small cove full of stolen trinkets and other miscellanous finds, with a few larger spawns guarding the area. Setting down Meric into a little wooden chair he built himself from driftwood, he began to sift through the yellowed pages of a record book by his nestside.
Fourteenth of January... twenty-fourth of March... first of April... ahh yes, toda-
Today was his birthday.
And he had completely forgotten about it.
Time seemed to pass by a lot slower in his current area so he still had some spare hours to spend. But what should he do?
He asked Meric, awaiting an answer, but the little spawn could only chirp and chitter out its reply. Food, sleep, kill, and other similar answers.
But he still wasn't satisfied, so he paced around his room.
Fortunately, his gaze came to turn upon a desk of documents worn with age. His old writings. He remembered the tales he used to string like fine-woven silk. His father never liked it, though his mother inspired him in any way she can. He'd always been a mama's boy as far as he could tell. The memory brought a bittersweet smile to his face.
Who knows if anybody was even still alive after the explosion?
Those cursed Mithlorians, meddling around with business they should've left for casual. Now instead of sportlike destruction, they had brought a plague upon the universe. Even the young Yve, he admitted reluctantly.
A sense of homesickness washed over him, and it seemed Meric could feel it too. It chirped a little click which caught Zhask's attention. Yes, going back to search Kastiya for anything was probably a good way to spend this special day. It was probably going to hurt him, but anything was better than staying one more second in this snowstorm.
So once more he picked up his precious Meric and, with a memo to his guards, set off to a place where he could safely teleport to Kastiya.
Tunneling below the Earth for about half a mile away from his base, he emerged from the ground and walked on five more, just to appease his inner anxieties. As soon as he saw that it was probably enough distance that he might not be traced back to his humble abode, he stopped in his tracks and set down Meric on the cold white powder underfoot.
For his tenth birthday, he had learned how to make portals, and the risks of them as well given how messed up the time-space continuum could get. He had made a few in his lifetime, and they had never failed him once. He wasn't frightened of the risks either, given how his mental capabilities were stronger than most other Kastiyans.
But he had to make this one last. He had an agenda in mind, and he was not holding back on it. He realised that he forgot to bring Domorey with him, but no matter. The space-time rift energy she had absorbed was majoratively transferred to him. He chuckled at the thought of the reason why Yve never caught up to him on time: every single time he passed through the portals, Domorey would suck just enough of its energy to alter its coordinate-perception and send Yve to a different area than him. And that energy he absorbed for backup purposes.
Catching himself up in his dilly-dallying again, Zhask refocused on the task at hand. A finger to his head, he focused his energy on the space infront of him.
Soon, a portal came to life before them, but not to Kastiya. This wasn't what he was looking for.
Reaching into the portal, he extended his claws and slowly curled them until at long last he managed to snag it on something. The fabric of space-time. He pulled on it and the portal burst. It would've killed most individuals, but he'd suffered worse. Also fortunately, poor little Meric was just out of blast-range so it remained unharmed, albeit a little shaken.
The risk was calculated, but the Planes Dominator was good at math. Lo and behold, there lay the foundations of what remained of Kastiya.
His heart sank. He remembered the day. He remembered the screams and shrieks of the young and the old, the strong and the poor, as the flames baked their bodies to a crisp. He could still hear the plagues to his nights, the decay of the only home he ever had. He could stil-
It seemed as if poor little Meric had had enough of this internal monologuing and went to pop its face into space. Its recklessness jolted the mourning king who slapped his face into his palm. Newborns. Absolute nightmares. Thank God he wasn't like that at all when he was younger, or else he would've been more than a centipede-handful for his poor servants and mother.
No worries though, it was space, and the little spawn ended up floating around and bouncing off asteroids in a little spinny square dance. It made Zhask chuckle. He was about to step into it as well when he thought of something he could do.
He placed a hint of rift energy in the folds of the portal.
This would attract Yve.
He had something to tell her.
Stepping through the portal at last, he came to be reunited with poor Meric who was beginning to have a headache from all the asteroid bonking. With one last look at the forlorn portal, Zhask began exploring the ruins of Kastiya.
Of course, there was nothing left save the rubble and rot. It piqued the curiosity of the little spawn but all it did was rouse feelings of guilt and solitude in the monarch's gut. He flitted through the wreckages, determined to find something... or someone... but nothing, and nobody remained.
It was then that he came to an old royal greenhouse his mother once frequented, or what remained of it. She had always loved her flowers and had taught him botany in those very walls. There were many fond memories within the confines of those solid glass panes and many more outside.
Now all that was left was a fraction of what it once was.
Zhask stepped on a piece of glass and recentered his gravity. It broke beneath his feet and he landed inside the chlorophyll-stained room.
It was silent, far too silent. There used to be at the very least a little flutter of wings or perhaps a chittering spawn, but there was nothing here now. Oh well, exploring would be a fine option.
Surely nothing worse could be found... right?
Through glass and thorn Zhask trudged though the greenhouse, searching for relics of a forgotten day and age. He found nothing but rubble. It disappointed him.
He was about to leave when a pile of wood and glass caught his eye. Placing Meric on his shoulder, he dug through the wreckage, curiosity begging him to reach in further....
But as they all say, curiosity killed the cat, and today, it struck the king.
Zhask shifted the rubble to a full extent, but he wished he didn't. For underneath it all was a familiar face, with familiar fur and familiar scales.
"... Sh... Shaloshta...."
("... Mo... Mother....")
There was no mistaking the broken royal tiara and the long, cold, and dead moth eyes.
"Shaloshta... Shaloshta! SHALOSHTA!"
("Mother... Mother! MOTHER!")
He grasped the corpse by her shoulders, and laid her in his lap.
"Shaloshta! Cere di, ralsa mi Zhask!" he cried out in agony. "Cere di Shaloshta, cere di, pavra mi hask! Dis tu khauf bhait! Arka, Shaloshta, arka!"
("Mother! It's me, your son Zhask!")
("It's me Mother, it's me, your little grub! I have come home! Wake up, Mother, wake up!")
But as was Yve in her pursuits, he was too late. She had died far too long ago.
Holding back the tears studded in his eyes, Zhask pulled poor Meric from his shoulders and leaped out of the ill-fated greenhouse. He smashed through rock and tile, through foundations and memories. He didn't care whatever happened to him or his surroundings, he just wanted to get away.
At last, a good distance away, his energy faltered. His spark faded. Fortunately, a chunk of space rock, once bearing a tree fruiting with juice but now a withered stump deviod of all life, came into perspective.
Broken, Zhask sat down on a patch of grassland on the rock and pulled Meric closer to his heart.
He could take it no longer. His heart was to burst.
And as he stroked the little spawn in his hands, he thanked himself for keeping the portal open.
Because there would be no better birthday gift for him... than to finally die as he will live forever onwards.
Forever alone.
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gryffindorkxdraws · 11 months
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M E R I C // Fire and Flood
Merida Dunbroch & Prince Eric
Eric POV
All I ever wanted was the open sea and sky Freedom from the life I always knew
Merida POV
I will ride, I will fly Chase the wind and touch the sky
just an AU idea based on the meric ship in @welcometowaltacademy
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