#Merlin ends Sad and a tragedy I can't fucking rewrite that whole narrative and plot line
professorsta · 2 years
Fandoms are weird nowadays! It's like people watch a movie or show and instead of trying to understand the message the creator is wanting to send, or the idea meant to be conveyed, fans just criticize, co-opt, and refuse to acknowledge the writers vision and intent. Explaining how they would have done it or how better it would have been if it was written their way. Supernatural for example was a show ripe with criticisms, but it honestly would have done the fandom a disservice if, from the get go, we didn't like and didn't care to see where Eric Kripke was taking the story. The show was filled with rich plots and characters with very interesting questions about morality, family, sin, good and bad, but none of that would have been appreciated if the fandom wasn't able to look past the dead end arcs and throw away character in the first couple of seasons (which allowed the grey areas lacking in depth, helping in bringing about the fandom btw) and instead tried to "salvage" or "save" the story by completely rewriting the world and characters. Building theories and finding evidence to fill in the missing puzzle piece in your mind is essentially what the point of a fandom was. It was seeing canon and going, there's more there that the creators aren't aware of, and I want to delve into it. Its taking all of it, the subtext, context, characters, and psychology (even if it's not to your liking), and using that to further understand the stories point of view. Like loose pieces of thread being tied back together to make sense of the whole picture. It not "this shows narrative shouldn't have concluded like that!" gives no examples in canon as to why and doesn't have an argument to back it up. "Here's how it should be!" completely disregards canon and the message the creator was trying to send and instead replaces it with a completely different one. Now people watch movies and film and get upset when the characters don't act a certain way, not caring to read into context and maybe try and understand from the narratives point of view as to Why they would act like that. They see how flawed and vapid some scenes and episodes are and don't take it for the chance it is, which is to further the narrative yourself. Most fandoms are bred from shows and movies with the biggest plot holes, with a-lot of characters, and a wide range of different characterizations for each of them so just embrace it and embrace the flaws in our creations, because perfection just leads to dead ends.
#this about the Wednesday fandom#like so many people in it I don't think even like#the show#I have my criticisms about it#I don't think it's better than Merlin I'll be honest#but I enjoy Wednesday's character and this isn't my show#so im trying to understand the path the writers and creators and directors want us to follow#and not let my own opinions on writing sway if it's just like#a matter of opinion#cus this isn't my show if I wrote and directed Wednesday it would look and be completely different#but it's not and having a different opinion on how the show should go isn't a critic!#it's a headcanon !#it's a theory !#stop making shows into what you want them to be and just accept them for what they are#supernatural is so shitty and amazing and vapid and shallow and lovely and heartfelt and has such shitty dialogue at times#as well as some of the best episodes and fanfics ever created#I love my shitty shows unabashedly and I'm not blind to their narratives#Merlin ends Sad and a tragedy I can't fucking rewrite that whole narrative and plot line#just because some think it was shitty or too depressing#without completely changing the whole shows vibes and morals and message#I may not agree with the message ! I don't agree with a lot of choices!!#but they were choices made in the canon and I can use other subtext#and other pieces of canon as evidence and support as to why#I think something else is true or better#but that's just it a theory#not canon which is Fine#Wednesday Addams
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