#Merlin: hahahaha they're so two of them
keykidpilipili · 1 year
Datamined bronze and silver playable beast class icons <3
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thedeathdeelers · 3 years
i am fully in love with drinny ngl and i just hope i don't run out of good fics before i find something to replace it. because god forbid i try to write it.
by the way, i read your drabbles and just. they were so good?? oh my god they were SO GOOD. there aren't many words but they are very GOOD words.
slytherin squad!theo actually grew on me a lot- it's just really weird to think of him as the same theo nott i've got in my mind. not to mention that for various reasons, i've seen nott sr as being a very old man for quite a while now.
HATE it when anyone in the golden trio (or everyone) gets bashed, but if it's minor enough and i really want to read the main focus of the fic, i get through it. honestly though, they don't deserve it? sure they're flawed, like people are, but they're pretty good people all things considered? not to mention they were literal kids for most of the book and i just think they'd round off a bit when they a. get a chance to grow up and b. are not fighting for their lives as literal children. slytherin squad wasn't exactly bashing them and i appreciate that but there is a certain aspect of Not Our Favourite People even though hermione is ginny's best friend and a good one at that.
i am very much a ronmione person but if i closed my eyes enough in slytherin squad i could just Not See the fredmione.
anyway, i finished slytherin squad and though i've forgotten most of the things i wanted to mention, i absolutely loved the ending. theo coming over to the right side even though he was terrified, and the entirety of the squad helping both draco and theo fight their respective fathers, i loved that.
also, heroes of azkaban!! orders of merlin!! blaise and theo getting specific awards for what they did!! (LOVED the hilarity of the highest honour the wizarding world can offer is just another line on the resume for the weasleys. man that family is weird)
i will probably now try Curse of the Firstborn, but if that doesn't work out, do you have any more long fic recs? or just any recs. i seem to have got quite far through your list. oops?
OK SO i just recced two more long fics in my other post if you want to check those out!!
re curse of the firstborn: i think there was only one scene/chapter that were like that but i can’t be 100% sure! i haven’t read the full thing in so long but ya. i reread a chunks of the ending last week and teared up so lmao maybe don’t read it 😂
i’m so glad you’re enjoying yourself tho!!! there are so many good fics in this small corner of the HP fandom, and like you said it’s such a good paring aaaahhhhhhh i love them sm. they’ll always have a lil space in my heart (being that they were the first ship i ever got invested in)
also thank you so much 🥺 those were my first ever attempt at writing fanfiction so that means a lot thank you 🥺 i have a WIP that’s been chilling in my docs for nearly a year now 😂 from a prompt i got maybe 7 years ago hahahaha aha hahaha oops
but ya i got put off when the trio or the weasley family are just extra? mean and childish and hateful? because it’s not who they are. i get them being a bit surprised and against it at first but they wouldn’t just be mean and aggressive the whole way through - so that definitely stops me from enjoying a good fic
lmaooo the weasley fam really were like “lol another award? been there done that next” and that’s pretty iconic of them tru
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