unofskylanderspages · 8 months
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See above: Magna Buckler's promotional SWAP art
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homeskllet · 9 months
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the next 3 dual-wielders are here!
individual images and more info on each of these guys under the cut.
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"A blast from the past!"
Youthful and spunky, Fossil Fuel always wanted to be more than just an ordinary dinosaur. Now that she’s a Dual-Wielder, she’s finally living that dream, and her incredible speed and wicked kicks prove that she has what it takes to be a hero.
Millions of years ago, in the distant past, dinosaurs roamed the Skylands. Well, they didn’t roam the entirety of Skylands – their main city was the Cretaceous Castle, and the majority of dinosaurs lived in or near that area. Unfortunately for the residents of Cretaceous Castle, a meteorite struck the castle and wiped them all out.
In the not-as-distant past, another meteorite struck the exact same spot, which was now overgrown ruins with not a living creature in sight. However, this meteorite was bursting with Undead elemental energy, and all the dinosaurs pulled themselves up out of the ground and went straight back to whatever they were doing before, only fossilised now.
A museum was built around the crater and quickly became a popular tourist destination. Fossil Fuel had been hired as a janitor – a job she wasn’t particularly excited for, but it was a first step, she supposed – and was about to start her first day of work. Before she could even pick up a mop, a massive explosion from the impact crater shook the whole museum. Running as fast as she could, Fossil Fuel was the first to reach the crater, where a massive geyser of pure magic had burst from the earth.
Something within her took over, and without another moment of hesitation, Fossil Fuel reached out and touched the roaring geyser. She felt the powers of the Earth and Undead elements flow through her, and immediately knew she had to find the Giga-Geyser. There would always be someone else to clean the museum floors, but nobody else could be the Earth & Undead Dual-Wielder.
"Ink or sink!"
While better known for their street art than their combat skills, the once-anonymous Spray Pain is still a force on the battlefield, using their own ink collected in spray cans as a deadly weapon.
For years, Spray Pain was a name that was as famous as it was mysterious. Nobody knew who they were, but everyone knew their art as it appeared out of nowhere on walls from Woodburrow to Rumbletown, with no trace of who did it aside from the distinctive stencilled style and strange black paint that seemed to be made from Mermasquid ink.
One night, Spray Pain was painting a stencil on the walls of Cyclops City, when a massive magical geyser erupted from the royal menagerie, destroying the animal enclosures and setting the creatures within loose upon the city. Citizens were panicking, guards were fruitlessly trying to fend off the horde of animals, and Spray Pain had to make a choice. They could disappear in the carnage, staying safe and secret but leaving Cyclops City to fend for itself, or they could sacrifice their anonymity and try to save the city.
Running was tempting, but they knew what they had to do. Spray Pain leapt into action, subduing the animals with cans upon cans of paint, turning the streets of Cyclops City into a strange abstract canvas. Their identity was no longer a secret, but at least the city was saved. It was then that the spirit of the geyser emerged, and offered Spray Pain control over the Water and Tech elements if they became a Dual-Wielder. Realising they needed a change of career now, Spray Pain accepted.
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"Watch out!"
Straight out of a millennia-old tomb, Hoodwink makes ancient magic look easy in combat. The modern world has a lot of things that are new to him, like ‘robots’ and ‘the Skylanders’ and ‘updog,’ but he’s getting used to it.
Hoodwink was a well-respected oracle in an ancient Cyclops society… until he died of an unknown illness, which made it a bit hard for him to perform his oracle duties. He was given an elaborate burial in a fancy tomb, and spent the next several thousand years in there having a presumably great time being dead.
His eternal rest ended up not being very eternal at all when a geyser erupted beneath him and he opened his eye for the first time in millennia, seeing a bright blue sky instead of the ceiling of his tomb. As Hoodwink looked around, he noticed a very panicked geyser spirit apologising profusely to him. The spirit explained to Hoodwink that he now had the ability to control both the Magic and Undead elements, and told him to go seek out a group calling themselves the Dual-Wielders.
More confused than anything, Hoodwink set out on this quest, which fortunately wasn’t too difficult - he pretty quickly ran into some of the Dual-Wielders, who were on their way to the very geyser that had disturbed his slumber.
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hungry-skeleton · 1 year
Mermasquids(Wash Buckler's species) have a skeletal system made of cartridge like a stingray's, but it's only a skull and ribcage
I bet he tastes good
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theyaremanycolours · 1 year
Ok I wanted to share a little more about the Psychonauts/Skylanders crossover like which Skylanders Raz has, first off he has an entire team of water elemental skylanders
Zap- An electric water dragon that while he has a vit of an ego he's generally a nice guy well dragon.
Slam-Bam- A yeti warrior that while is cold at first is a good guy ready to pummel bad guys
Wash Buckler- A Mermasquid pirate that will sail the seven seas not plundering UT saving souls from the Briney depths
Chill- A former guard of an Ice Queen she won't let anyone harm her friends, no matter the cost to her.
Thumpback- A literal giant of a skylander known to pull in islands with his anchor and chain, but he's a whale of a good time
Wash Buckler especially sounds like they'd be a relief for Raz, protecting the kid from the Hand, though Raz having a team of water heroes might make him feel left out initially.
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hianha-jiifli · 8 years
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SKYLANDERS SWAP FORCE DARK EDITION WASH BUCKLER SKYLANDER. MERMASQUID *DEALS* http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?ff3=2&toolid=10044&campid=5337410323&customid=&lgeo=1&vectorid=229466&item=122398469672
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taberio-muwbato · 8 years
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SKYLANDERS SWAP FORCE DARK EDITION WASH BUCKLER SKYLANDER. MERMASQUID *DEALS* http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?ff3=2&toolid=10044&campid=5337410323&customid=&lgeo=1&vectorid=229466&item=122398469672
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qoempu-miawpo · 8 years
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SKYLANDERS SWAP FORCE DARK EDITION WASH BUCKLER SKYLANDER. MERMASQUID *DEALS* http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?ff3=2&toolid=10044&campid=5337410323&customid=&lgeo=1&vectorid=229466&item=122398469672
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kiejse-jiewko · 8 years
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SKYLANDERS SWAP FORCE DARK EDITION WASH BUCKLER SKYLANDER. MERMASQUID *DEALS* http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?ff3=2&toolid=10044&campid=5337410323&customid=&lgeo=1&vectorid=229466&item=122398469672
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unofskylanderspages · 9 months
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Holiday Wash Buckler was a Christmas counterpart of Wash Buckler in Skylanders: Lost Islands. On December 2013 you would need to play Skylanders: Battlegrounds in order to get him.
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unofskylanderspages · 3 months
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“Here to spread the cheer is Holiday Wash Buckler!”
- Holiday Wash Buckler's description
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unofskylanderspages · 4 months
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Did you know? Holiday Wash Buckler is one of the only four Lost Islands exclusive Skylanders of 2013 without a specific house of their own.
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Seen above: Holiday Wash Buckler's idle and poke animation
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Did you know? Holiday Wash Buckler is one of the only three Lost Islands Exclusive Skylanders who were not Grand Prizes of the Wishing Well. However, he could be earned from the Wishing Well for a limited time when past Alter Egos returned.
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unofskylanderspages · 2 years
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Seen above: Magna Buckler promotional art
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