#Metal Scrap Yard Singapore
wizardphds · 3 months
Selling Scrap Car in Smart Way Can Earn You Good Price
There is a particular point of time in life when a car owner needs to consider the idea regarding getting rid of the car that occupy a large area on the back yard or driveway of his house. Nothing can be worse than the decision of retaining a non functional vehicle despite being fully aware of the fact that this car can never start operating again for moving even an inch. Therefore, nothing than the yard of a scrap dealer can be the best address of the vehicle as taking the vehicle there can prove profitable for the motorist scrap car singapore who had otherwise gave up any hope of making a profitable use of the vehicle.
If the idea of taking a huge, dysfunctional heap of scrap iron, metal pieces and other elements bothers the car owner much, he should plan for a scrap car removal in Edmonton to keep his yard clean. Removing a huge heap of junk elements from a particular place or taking it to a completely different address from that house is never quite a matter of joke. The process involves a system of work that requires you to arrange for an elaborate process consisting large vehicles, tools and service providers who can mobilize the towing process on fast track. Once the old and broken stock of junk is removed, the car owner can have a large area at his disposal to keep a new vehicle. Therefore, the removal process is quite important for him.
Nothing could be a better plan on the paper for a broken car than the idea of making profitable use of the same. There are multiple parts of an old and broken car that can be re-used after minor repair works and painting. Sometimes, the non-functional parts of a vehicle can prove extremely profitable in terms of helping the car owner earn good dividend from the selling of a damaged or broken vehicle. If cash for cars in Edmonton is the deal, the car owner should never compromise on the right price of the same. The best way of confirming the good price of broken or damaged car is calling a number of scrap yards to confirm the right price of it.
There are different other ways to maximize the profit earned from selling a broken or non-functional vehicle. If there are certain parts inside the car that are functional and also run perfectly, the car owner can sell the functional parts of the vehicle to a separate entity for the right price. This process has a guaranteed better return compared to the process of selling the entire vehicle to a particular scrap yard.
A little bit of extra effort can always help you earning better dividend in terms of the value for scrap car. The broken junk of the vehicle is sellable to a particular authority, but the elements that are not a part of the car cannot help the owner earning any amount of money. So, a thorough clean-up of the broken vehicle can prove to be an essentially good idea instrumental in earning a large sum for the car owner.
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moltensteelsg · 2 years
Save your copper wire and bring it to the Recycling facility!! One of Molten Steel's areas of specialization is recycling scrap cables. Scrap copper cables buyers in Singapore advise our customers to sell by length for expensive scrap copper cables or cables. This strategy demonstrates Scrap copper buyers in Singapore's commitment to honest and transparent dealings with our clients. Even before you come down, you'll know precisely how much you'll be paid!
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shaniyaschowalter · 3 years
How To Prepare Industrial Scrap Metal For The Recycling Yard
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Do you have a lot of scrap metal laying around, and you want to get rid of it? Scrap metal recycling is the best method to save the earth and make a good amount of cash. Are you looking for metal waste collectors in Singapore?
You have arrived at the right place. Here you will get an idea about how to get your scrap ready for recycling.
Safety First
Whenever you are dealing with scrap, you are bound to go through some hazard. The scrap machines or the waste are sometimes heavy or contain harmful chemicals and oils. Make sure you handle it with care and a safety plan.
You shall wear proper clothing, a proper set of gloves. Taking precautions will save you from any injuries. Whenever you are dealing with heavy machinery, you can always seek guidance or help from professionals. You may not hurt yourself in the process.
Separate Your Scrap
It is essential to distinguish your metals as ferrous and non-ferrous. It will make the process easier and will also save time. As you know, not all metals can be recycled. Though, metals possess the property of not losing their originality even after repeated recycling.
Some metals are not fit for recycling. So, you can separate the metals that are harmful to the environment and humans. You can use a good magnet for the process of separation.
Be Sure About The Metal That is Going To Be Recycled
Before taking or sending the metal to the scrapyard, you shall make sure that the scrap is lubricant or oil-free. After years of usage or construction, some metals that are not in use, are often mixed with harmful chemicals.
It is better to clean up your scrap before you send it for further recycling. Make sure that you use corrosion-resistant protectants. Also, make sure that cleaning of metals can reduce some weight of the metals. It is always better to weigh the metals after cleaning to get the right price for it.
Schedule a Pickup and Check the Market Value
It is not easy to carry heavy metals on your own. You can seek help from professionals. Some scrap buyers also provide free pick up facilities and have specialised dust bins and truck services.
For better pricing, you can check the current market value of your scrap. Also, you can measure the market value of your metal. The value of the scrap metal generally depends on the o going demand for the particular metal.
If you are searching for a metal scrap dealer, Lh metal is here at your service. It is the best metal scrap company in Singapore. It provides 24- hours services.
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lhmetal411 · 2 years
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Scrap Metal Price Singapore | LH Metal
Many accidents occur in scrapyard facility moving vehicle is the cause of many. Because huge vehicles are prevalent at scrap yards, notably while scrapping cars, their safe operation must be considered. Reducing maneuvers and installing reversing aids in on-site vehicles are both brilliant ideas. Also, try educating your employees about scrap metal price Singapore. So that they are sure of what they have to offer to consumers.  If you are among someone who wishes to sell the pile of scrap, you can bring it to LH metal. We never disappoint our customers and provide them with fair scrap prices. According to LH metal, the best among Recycling Companies in Singapore, ask you to follow a few more pieces of advice before stepping into the business world of Metal Recycling Singapore. Call us at (65) 9106 7577
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josephleine · 3 years
A complete guide to scrapping metal Singapore
Those who are new to scrap metal recycling have a hard time distinguishing between the various scrap metals. It's beneficial to be able to distinguish between different types of scrap metal so you can correctly sort it and sell it to a scrap yard for the maximum money. While you may bring all of your scrap metal to the scrap yard in one heap, certain types of metals are sometimes worth more money when weighed separately. Here's a guide to help you identify different scrap metals so you can start scrap recycling right away. This article will help you to understand the scrap metal Singapore.
Using Magnets to Identify Scrap Metals:
When you need to identify and sort scrap metals, one of the simplest places to start is to check how it reacts to a standard magnet. When a metal is attracted to a magnet, it is said to be ferrous, meaning it contains iron. If the magnet has no effect on the metal, it is non-ferrous and does not contain iron. This test is excellent for distinguishing ferrous scrap metal from non-magnetic metals like aluminum and brass.
Colors that stand out:
Many metals have distinctive hues that can aid in determining the metal's identification just by looking at it. Copper or red brass is the most common metals found in copper-colored scrap metal. Because copper is difficult to cast, if the metal has been casted or molded, it is most likely red brass. At a scrap yard, you may earn a lot of money for your copper scrap metal. Brass is commonly the hue of gold-colored metals. The color of gold is comparable to that of brass; however it is deeper and less yellow. Because gold is also scarcer, your gold-colored scrap metal is most likely brass.
When two metals appear to be quite similar, their weight might assist you determine which metals they are. Aluminum, for example, is a lightweight metal that bends readily. Lead and iron, on the other hand, are fairly heavy for their size. Before going to a scrap yard, feel the weight of a piece of scrap metal or weigh it with a scale to establish what sort of scrap metal you have.
A popular way of identification is to test the hardness of a metal. Some metals are extremely soft, while others are quite tough. Pure copper, for example, is soft and easily flakes when filed with a mill file. Steel, on the other hand, is tough and less prone to flaking. A hammer and cold chisel is another tool for determining a metal's hardness. The features of the metal flakes will assist you in determining the sort of scrap metal you have. Cast iron, for example, may have brittle flakes that readily break apart. Steel, aluminum, or malleable iron is examples of continuous flakes that are difficult to break apart.
Metal Testing by Professionals:
Despite the preceding advice and tests, there may be times when you are unable to determine what sort of scrap metal you have. A professional metal test, such as a spark test or a chemical test, can be used to separate and identify your scrap metal. However, because these tests can be risky and need specialist equipment, they should only be performed by a professional.
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moltensteels-blog · 5 years
How to Start Recycling Your Discarded Metals?
Are you thinking of selling the junk metals in your house at the local scrap yard? Start by doing a little research on the company you want to recycle your scraps at. There are tons of options in Singapore, and some with very good reputation. Once you have picked the company, getting started is easy. Pile up your scrap copper cables and other materials and prepare them for scrapping. The wires need stripping, electronics need dismantling, and so on and so forth. Once your load is ready, now head over to the website of the chosen company.
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Collection Service
Request for a collection service. The collection service varies from company to company. While some offer door to door pickup, others offer the regular collection service. There are some though that offer dedicated removal service. In the first case, a collection man appears and picks up your load personally. In the second case, the company sets up a common collection bin in the neighborhood where every resident can trash their scraps. In the third kind, users are requested to call in and fill out a form before the scrap is collected from their door. Cash is offered at the time of pickup.
Scrap Price
Every company has its own scrap price chart based on which the buying price of the load is calculated. This chart has specific rates offered by the company for individual materials. Copper, steel, brass, bronze, aluminum, the chart has prices for all kinds and grades of materials. You can either calculate the worth of your scraps on your own with values from the chart or call them and request a quote. The prices offered vary from one provider to the next. Your aim should be to find a company of demolition services in Singapore that have a decent reputation in the market.
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timberzoneuk · 4 years
We have our own scrap yard in Singapore. We are dealing with scrap metals and non-ferrous Scrap such as aluminium scrap, copper scrap and scrap batteries.  LH Metal Recycling Pte Ltd specializes in the collection and recycling of mainly all types of scrap metal.  For more info +65 9106 7577 call us now or visit https://lhmetal.com/.
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Life in The Dying Urban Village
by Frank Wang
Editor’s note: This photo essay was originally published in the July 2017 Cities issue of Metropolis. Images and anecdotal stories missing from that version have been included here.
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Through these images I explore a people and a place. In time, the barren concrete and twisting alleys of Baishizhou will be gone, and with them, the physical memory of one of Shenzhen’s last urban villages. Less than forty years ago, Shenzhen was a small trading town of fewer than thirty thousand. In Baishizhou you can still catch glimpses of that epoch, nuances of a steadier, calmer tempo. As the city expanded, Baishizhou remained in many ways as it was. That is not to say nothing changed. A familiar spirit of survival, of uncertainty, and the strength of community maintains a steady stream of newcomers. What was initially a first stop on many migrants’ rural to urban journey, Baishizhou often transforms from a place to stay to a place to live. In turn, this drives a continuous evolution of physical landscape and social identity.
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Aerial view of Baishizhou
Surrounded by a combination of typical high-rise developments and patches of luxury townhouse-villa residences, some 150,000 residents find home in a dense, eclectic grid of aging apartment buildings. Hidden in its center is a set of collectivization-era row houses from the 1960’s (pictured in the title image), a reminder of the city’s humble origins. Streets are barely wide enough for two-way traffic, and automobile-motorcycle-oxen jams occur daily. Interning in nearby Overseas Chinese Town, I rented a room in an eight person co-living apartment here. As I wandered the labyrinth of streets and conversed with locals, I was immersed in a palpable social narrative, one that is inextricably connected with movement: the flowing of bodies, the passing of time, and the erosion of structure, both physical and invisible.
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Each morning Cheng brews seven pots of herbal tea. He always sells all seven by the evening, or so he says. I ask him which tea I should get. Without hesitation, he says, “Tongue.” I open my mouth and he peers deep into my throat. Evidently, his impact on the community’s health is significant, his cart receiving much more business than the health clinic just down the road. He has remedies for stomachaches, venereal illnesses, and even emotional fatigue. He lifts the largest kettle, tilting it forward until a dark brown liquid pours into a thin plastic cup. I place three wrinkled bills in his palm, noticing the deep grooves in his fingers. I ask him which ailment I have. He says “shang huo”, a diagnosis common in Chinese medicine, describing excess heat in the body.
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An alley opens into a ruin and courtyard.
To live in Baishizhou is to live in an endless construction project, perpetually reverting back to the demolition phase. The physical remnants of these cycles are the patches of concrete forest, full of bare columns crowned with rebar leaves. Children dart through the grid, mothers hang clothes, and the typically masculine construction space takes on an impromptu domesticity. Scavengers hunting for scrap metal in discarded appliances and pieces of old buildings create an erratic metronome with the clanging of their shovels.
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A storeowner watches on as an excavator blocks the entrance to his hardware shop, deterring customers and muffling a small television playing Tang dynasty dramas. I approach the woman to his right and ask for her thoughts on the infrastructural work. “I used to live there,” she explains, pointing at a nearby debris yard surrounded by a low wall and dotted with parked excavators. “They took down the building three years ago. We were promised a unit in the new apartment building. After the demolition, the developer ran into issues with the government and the construction stopped. They won’t tell us when it will be completed.”
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Two young men unload pallets of carbonated beverages onto a trolley before delivering it to kiosks and restaurants in the neighbourhood.
With cheap housing, light industry jobs, and abundant nightlife amenities, Baishizhou addresses many of the immediate needs of young people new to the city. As they resettled from all across China, diverse, authentic street food vendors have flourished, establishing Baishizhou as a gastronomic hotspot. Lamb skewers from Xinjiang, crayfish from Shanghai, pork belly buns from Xi’an – a moderately priced culinary smorgasbord around every corner means all demographics from sweatshop worker to white-collar techie has reason to visit. Small freight trucks carrying bok choy and watercress trickle into the neighbourhood from nearby provinces as early as six in the morning, supplying vegetable stalls and congee shops with fresh produce in time for the morning commute. Later in the afternoon, live seafood arrives from coastal villages. The sight, sounds, and smell of the market combine with the constant movement of human and animal bodies.
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The operation is simple: her husband shucks and she cooks. Lan’s stand specializes in oyster and scallop. They are tender and fresh, smothered with garlic, sunflower oil, and diced Thai chili pepper before being roasted on an open grill. Stacked Styrofoam boxes behind her are filled with ice chips and today’s catch, emptied as often as the cooktop clears. 
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A hair salon manager leads his stylists and manicurists in their morning stretch, a set of choreographed movements accompanied by a call-and-response chant, declaring their serviceability to the street and each other.
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Here in this square, life occurs simultaneously and continuously, sheltered from the unrelenting summer sun by the shade of a banyan tree: a tailor, billiards tables, and leafy greens vendor surrounded by a mahjong den, a dentist office, and a youth hostel.
The organization is chaotic yet efficient; there is just enough space for everyone. Leisure, professional, and domestic activities mix closely, occasionally to comic effect: I once saw a young boy chasing a rooster a few feet away from a dentist pulling out a patient’s tooth – he had moved outside because his lights broke. Stalls, benches, signage, and businesses multiply and spread, forming a viral fluid that seeks to fill every gap in the cracked concrete. Every empty façade is a billboard, every horizontal surface an opportunity.
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Shen laughs as he claims that his is the smallest bar in Shenzhen. “Foreign companies used to book all of the tables, as well as the tables of all the restaurants down the alley, for corporate events. One time there were more than five hundred people. They would bring their own speakers and dance on tables. This one time there must’ve been a thousand people. Some guys started smoking marijuana. The police arrived and shut the party down. There haven’t been any big parties since then.” Not bad, I thought, for the smallest bar in Shenzhen. I ask him which beer is his favourite. He replies, “Me? I’ve never enjoyed drinking. Is that surprising?” 
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A signage board reveals a thriving local micro-economy, mainly advertising infrastructural services. The white aluminum box on the left dispenses free condoms.
Composed of everything from structural contractors and sewage system repair, to rodent exterminators and ad-hoc Internet installation, a diligent network of laborers generates a large community workforce, many parts of which operate unregistered. Legality, or the apathy towards it, is a key determinant of Baishizhou’s popularity as a leisure district. My housemate Liu, an avid gambler and owner of a small women’s dress factory north of Baishizhou, tells me that millions of RMB change hands every hour in the hundreds of private mahjong dens. Unadvertised operations, hidden by the cobweb urban fabric and visible only to those who know they exist, are reminiscent of Hong Kong’s Kowloon Walled City, which would be less than an hour’s drive away if it still existed today.
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I learn that Mr. Xian moved ten years ago from Hunan to Shenzhen. His wife is a street sweeper who works two subway stops away. With great enthusiasm he recounts his travels: “I’ve been to Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia to perform the erhu! Here in Shenzhen, I head home after one hundred RMB, but in Hong Kong, I easily make up to ten times that. People with culture have to stick up for each other. I keep traditional Chinese music alive by performing it.” Quickly, the conversation turns political. He blames Deng Xiaoping’s policies – an uncommon perspective among Shenzheners – for what he sees as the degradation of Chinese morality. In between spirited songs, he habitually checks over his shoulders and scans his surroundings. Through many encounters with chengguan, or urban law enforcement, he has learned to move from area to area, changing his stage to reduce confrontation. He has with him a motorized bicycle, a small speaker that plays backing tracks, a sign thanking generous patrons, a collapsible chair, a box to place money, and a case for his erhu.
As someone new to the city, I expected to be treated as an outsider, to be engaged with a casual wariness if nothing else. The reality was that few people asked, or cared, where I was from. When everyone is a migrant differences can be abundant, yet conversations I had generally focused on similarities. As migration discourse becomes increasingly divisive in the West, I have come to appreciate this openness even more. In a city fixated on modernity and growth, few consolations will be given to the labourers that made the city’s modernization and expansion possible. Likewise, little remorse will be given to the dirty streets with their hotpot carts and plastic stools, despite their decades of accommodation.
Caught between the city’s administrative center and its future central business district, Shenzhen’s largest urban village has been speculated on for decades, the subject of countless designs, analyses, and researches. Shenzhen’s seemingly limitless increase in property value and the demolition of industrial buildings to the north of Baishizhou, where many migrants find work, are signs that the inevitable is finally in motion. After the rubble is swept, the locals will leave too. To be sure – if they can afford it – some will have the privilege to enjoy the wider avenues, the cleaner sidewalks, and high-rises that are coming. Top-down planning and mass redevelopment, however, are not what typically lead to a resilient communal identity and a sense of belonging. Perhaps Baishizhou, from market town to affordable density, has always been about coming and going, and this next transformation is but a step in its own migratory journey. Temporality, however, makes what will be lost no less valuable to me.
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moltensteelsg · 2 years
Molten Steel Goal is to lead the transformation of the scrap metal industry and employ the greatest personnel to provide the best client experience. Our ultimate vision is to provide our customers with Singapore's most reputable and prosperous scrap metal recycling services. You can rely on Metal scrap yard Singapore.
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shaniyaschowalter · 3 years
What is Recycled Metal Scrap Used For?
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Metal scrap recycling in Singapore has been popular these days. It has proved beneficial for the environment as well as for the business point of view. Several useful products can be made out of recycled scraps like gadgets, appliances, bridges and many more.
This industry is exceeding in limiting air and soil pollution. It requires less strain as compared to the original mining techniques.
What Are The Common Applications Used For Scrap Metal Recycling
Here you will be familiar with some common applications of scrap material in detail.
The Industrial World
The electronic and aviation industries tend to buy a lot of scrap material from metal scrap hubs. They prefer scrap as they get a huge amount of raw material at a very cheap price. Moreover, the metals do not lose their properties even after repeated recycling.
Most of the recycled material is consumed by shipping containers and the automobile industry. Most companies prefer cost-effective products to save their expenses. Using recycled products is not only cost-effective but also suits the environment.
Goods Consumed By Public
A lot of household materials are also made out of recycled materials like lamps. Tables, sinks and many more. Using these materials limits the excessive mining of new ores that requires more energy and causes more environmental problems.
A kitchen sink made of recycled materials is far better than a freshly mined metal. Some metals have the ability to mould and reshape many times without losing their original qualities. Due to this property, the metal can be converted into different shapes and products as many times as you need it.
Recycled material is not only beneficial for the industries but also helpful for the artwork. It can be used to construct a sculpture or a canvas made of old iron or recycled cans. Again it is an easy and nature-friendly way to use recycled materials.
One feature about using scrap in art is that you don’t need the scrap to be recycled or filtered through a recycling plant. You can use it in any creative way. Also, you can find scrap anywhere on the earth.
Environmental Benefits
Scrap recycling is useful in numerous ways. Firstly, it reduces the energy required to gather new ore. There is less destruction to the soil and air. It reduces the effect of greenhouse gases that leads to global warming.
The energy to recycle scrap is reduced up to many folds. Also, it creates more employment opportunities for people and is an easy way to generate income. The less raw material is mined that helps in preserving natural resources.
Are you Looking For a Scrap Metal Buyer in Singapore?
Whether you are looking for a scrap metal buyer or a dealer in Singapore, LH Metal is always at your service. It offers you the best value for your scrap and provides you with 24-hour pickup service. It accepts all kinds of scrap and has good experience in the metal industry.
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moltensteelsg · 2 years
Sending metals for recycling may enable you to get some side income. Undoubtedly, most of you know that selling your scrap metal to scrap yards and recycling centers like Molten Steel, the scrap metal Singapore Company might result in financial rewards. So don’t wait along and get rid of unwanted scrap right away. Reach out to Aluminium scrap metal buyers in Singapore today!!
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moltensteelsg · 2 years
It is impossible to overestimate a scrapper’s challenges while working with a scrapyard. Instead of entirely ignoring the difficulties scrapyard clients encounter, it is crucial to address them. Also, you can hire the trustworthy among many Recycling companies in Singapore, Molten Steel. You can bring your scrap to our facility and experience quality services from our professional staff. They will never keep you wired for the price. Everything is transparent so that you leave our facility with a huge satisfied smile. 
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moltensteelsg · 2 years
Everyone these days is holding scrap metal, some have them in huge amounts and some have them in less amounts. What if you’ll get a good amount of money in return for scrap? Isn’t that wonderful. Molten Steel is turning your dreams into reality. Bring all your scrap to us and we’ll take care of it all.
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moltensteelsg · 2 years
You may therefore trust Molten Steel if you're seeking somewhere to send your acquired Scrap Steel metal. You can accomplish this goal with the help of Molten Steel, who will buy your scrap. Please call us straight away!
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moltensteelsg · 2 years
Copper is one of the most valuable metals in the world. Copper scrap, copper wire, and copper sheets are all forms of Copper.
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moltensteelsg · 2 years
You can bring your Scrap Steel to Molten Steel, one of the trustworthy scrap metal recycling companies in Singapore. Our expert professionals will make scrap metal collection a smooth task. You will just have to hunt Any metal you think is no longer used or just lying in your house, taking your space.
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