jdubqca · 7 hours
sentimental value
SENTIMENTAL VALUE #poem #poetry #nostalgia
in a shoebox on the upper shelf of a walk-in closet anything could be inside baseball cards currency & coin matchbox cars origami animals a porcelain doll lost to the imagination they are like forgotten soldiers whose only desire was world peace to reach the unreachable requires hooks & ladders and an unquestionable desire to rewind the clock releasing the contents in wild abandon september…
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jdubqca · 1 day
METAMORPHOSIS #poem #poetry #change #aging
it was a journey through the pouring rain speeding not as fast on the interstate the stress of the body the brain pulsating like the wipers going back & forth how many times have I made this trip to my mother’s house a place I knew by heart one in which she wouldn’t allow a stranger to clean though near the end it was inevitable she would unhappily acquiesce the sun refused to show itself that…
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jdubqca · 2 days
higher than he should be
HIGHER THAN HE SHOULD BE #poem #poetry #ridiculous
it’s going to be colder than it should be the weatherman said leaving me puzzled by the phrasing it’s like saying Bob is higher than he should be an observation most likely obvious though probably ridiculous september two thousand twenty-four copyright j matthew waters all rights reserved
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jdubqca · 3 days
the morning thaw
THE MORNING THAW #poem #poetry #micropoetry
sitting pretty amongst the daisies unassuming & accustomed to the natural order of things the little lady in red & black patiently awaits the rising sun september two thousand twenty-four copyright j matthew waters all rights reserved
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jdubqca · 4 days
spreading the ashes
there isn’t a test at the end just a quickie sayonara maybe a sign of the cross by lady madonna herself the clouds over the cemetery dissipate in an instant and for a very brief moment we thought we all died a few short blocks away someone’s digging a hole planting a forever tree in somebody else’s honor september two thousand twenty-four copyright j matthew waters all rights reserved
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jdubqca · 5 days
fire pit
FIRE PIT #poem #poetry #empathy
the smell of ash & burnt wood a slight breeze from the south nearly midnight something is wrong with the world the terror within takes a back seat to someone else’s reality where most struggles go unnoticed burning a slow burn september two thousand twenty-four copyright j matthew waters all rights reserved
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jdubqca · 6 days
blues knocking at the door
BLUES KNOCKING AT THE DOOR #poem #poetry #solitude
the walls are paper thin here I swear you can hear anything the walls are paper thin indeed I can hear anything spoken and better yet what’s not said when the house is empty baby and I’m the only who’s here when the house is empty my love I can hear you loud & clear even those thoughts deep within they come to me loud & clear the past remains present inside the walls of eternity the past but a…
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jdubqca · 7 days
the sky’s the limit
THE SKY'S THE LIMIT #poem #poetry #memory #story
where to start when there is no end in sight —the beginning much too obvious but nearly impossible due to lack of recollection maybe starting from the middle is the way to go —from there you can go in any direction recalling punches & sweat & adrenaline the first kiss and the first rejection slip and those sweet sweet morsels of pain —whether physical or mental in the end they all meld…
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jdubqca · 8 days
his greatest fear
HIS GREATEST FEAR #poem #poetry #anxiety #love
there is much to fear the master said to the student sitting cross legged on the mat arms at his side palms opened over his lap the student sat facing the master his eyes blinking once as if to say he understood but the fact remained his greatest fear was to be loved september two thousand twenty-four copyright j matthew waters all rights reserved
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jdubqca · 9 days
believing in miracles
BELIEVING IN MIRACLES #poem #poetry #forgiveness
miracles are happening right before our very eyes yet somehow they go unnoticed by the masses while inconsequential people like me sit as solitary bystanders maybe on a park bench or on the back deck in the shade wondering how could it possibly be everyone else is missing it instead focused on things that are unimportant like hate or regret or past mistakes seemingly festering like a…
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jdubqca · 10 days
the ending to my story
THE ENDING TO MY STORY #poem #poetry #metafiction #repetition
it seems the story repeats itself of love & hate & death one chapter (on the surface) unrelated to the next yet somehow over time coalesce into nothingness I sat down & wrote a story of loss & repentance how the son didn’t belong to the father and the mother in reality became childless over time as if her birthing events hadn’t truly happened —thereby invalidating the ending to my…
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jdubqca · 11 days
coming to a town near you
COMING TO A TOWN NEAR YOU #poem #poetry #conspiracy
the cats and the dogs were actively taking over town after town just like conspiracy theorists had predicted it was too incredulous for even the fake news to cover but boots on the ground quickly found no law or no order in the towns that had fallen meanwhile back on the trail politicians took aim at the issue some saying there’s nary a problem others adding fuel to the fire with their fiery…
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jdubqca · 12 days
let her cry
LET HER CRY #poem #poetry #healing
if she wants to cry you should let her cry and if she wants to be angry let her be angry to the point she breaks down in tears in other words let her be herself and don’t tell her how she should act how she should look how she should carry herself in the aisles of grocery stores or churches or hospitals if she wants to cry let her cry and when she’s done maybe she’ll feel better and all will…
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jdubqca · 13 days
SPACEWALKING #poem #poetry #curiosity #moon
I was seven years old when man first walked on the moon for some reason I recall I really wasn’t amazed after all I had learned years earlier and saw for myself there was already a man on the moon —and from what I understood a reality since the dawn of civilization and now in the news today amateur astronauts are walking in space something totally imaginable except for the fact there isn’t…
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jdubqca · 14 days
VISCERAL #poem #poetry #inspiration
this is where I belong inside an empty room inventing a song on the fly for nobody to hear after the invention after all the rewinding & fast-forwarding after all the edits have been made there is still no closure the end product nothing like the original which somehow remains intact to this day september two thousand twenty-four copyright j matthew waters all rights reserved
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jdubqca · 15 days
inside this house
INSIDE THIS HOUSE #poem #poetry #trauma
this house is scarred from a past that cannot be buried counting the number of wounds is an impossible endeavor at any given moment one of them will interrupt your train of thought perhaps even put you in a trance trying to downplay their existence if fruitless like the chokeberry bush planted so many years ago —as if cursed from the beginning in this place the clock always stops at…
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jdubqca · 16 days
the right to bear arms
THE RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS #poem #poetry #violence #fear
political violence seeps into our children’s dreams concealed as spiders & snakes —when they awaken talk of wounding & maiming enter their mainstream conscious even killing if that’s what it has to come down to september two thousand twenty-four copyright j matthew waters all rights reserved
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