askmidnightspell · 6 days
Crescendo ask) What outfit did you choose ? I wanna see !! >w<
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Uh...it's nothing special, really.
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Have you ever wished to live more like other ponies, instead of the Royal life you were raised in?
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But I wouldn't change my life or family, of course not- but it would be nice to feel more like everypony else-
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idreamofopaline · 5 days
Ok, lets see how you look after everything is done !
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The dress is a little plain, but not bad, I suppose~
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ask-healthy-light · 2 months
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Simple doodle of Princess Crescent Crescendo ^^
@ask-crescent-crescendo @mewskylar
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To Topaz are you close with your sister Lunar Lapis ?
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I tried to send post cards and the like in the past, but I never did receive any response. I only know she's okay because I have friends where she's living now.
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ask-princess-lilly · 1 year
Cheesela ask) Hey Lilly whats your favorite thing to do on the weekend and do you want to hangout at the park with me ?
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I suppose it's not a bad thing, really. I'm not very sociable anyways...
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askcheesela · 2 years
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New Profile Pic
By @vaderssolace
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splungecoyote · 5 months
(For tmi whenever Tuesday is in your time-zone- qwq) I saw the tags of that other post- so which mlp ocs are the most fun to write ? owo
Mostly the ones with the “loudest” personalities. I can usually tell how they’d respond right away because a lot of them don’t think before they talk- the exception being Moon Flower- she overthinks everything and is ever so nervous about hurting someone’s feelings. XD
Other examples, in no particular order:
“The Emperor” of San Franciscolt. I haven’t had the opportunity to write him much, but I love that he has delusions of grandeur yet doesn’t want to belittle others. He loves to be helpful, and isn’t shy about it! He is a bit of a dummy though.
Tator the Goose is kinda the opposite, although a lot more simple minded. His main thoughts are “this is mine!” “Food!” “I’m gonna do this because I want to!” “Fear me and do what I want!” The only pony he doesn’t want to fear him is Moon Flower- but he doesn’t ever think that she will. She’s his mom- why would she?
Caricature has almost a permanent smile on their face. They don’t really get discouraged, they just move on to the next plan in their head if the first attempt doesn’t work. They love to tease, but they often do so in a calculating way.
Crystal Knight and Chocolat Fillidelli are fun to write because they think they’re right, and can’t be dissuaded otherwise. They are both Narcissistic and do keep up posh personas- which can be fun to bring down. Crystal is smarter of the two, though.
Ludustella acts on whim a lot- a trait they gets from their Draconquus mom. As a being of love, they just love seeing it being formed and make a lot of plans to get it rolling. They tend to have affection for every being they talk to. (You haven’t seen much of them yet but boy do I have a lot of plans for them.)
I do admit, I try to give my characters quirks to make them interesting. So there’s no characters I hate writing. But the more nuanced characters sometimes require more thought. ;)
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icarroteater · 4 months
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@lumiere-angel-90 @aerialaim @asktwilighteclipse @ask-cinnavanillamelody @moonlighs-world @slanderousmist @ask-summer-epos @flashtheponyofwind @evil-laughter @foodielovethealicorn @mewskylar @brisk-kurai @teashle @ask-donkey-in-trouble @ignus108 @temper-temper @sugar0612 @cheeserificcheesecake @ask-narratordoe
mod: drop dead*
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temper-temper · 3 months
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Art Fight so far!
Attacks: @animatroniclovingsylveon @ask-summer-epos @just-a-little-artblog @askranksandfamily @sugar0612 Revenges: @scribblad @mewskylar
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ask-rubyflare · 2 months
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ya 4 more followers ill be makeing more who join
who follow
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askmidnightspell · 16 days
Crescent Crescendo ask) Would you like to get married ?
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Crescent, what's your favorite fruit?
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I love Apple's and Bananas, also peaches too- and others- Oh it's too hard to choose one !
(Cameo from @askbananapie !)
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idreamofopaline · 13 days
Are you going to the party ?
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...Wavier, whatever. I'll find a spell if not, though.
((Couple small cameos from Miku Cross of @ask-mycrazyroommates here since I've had this ask from her for months and wanted to finally use it!))
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ask-healthy-light · 12 days
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A doodle of your character- as a thanks for the doodles you did for me ! owo
Awww, Light looks absolutely adorable in your style! Thanks ever so much for your wonderful doodle, it looks incredible! ^^
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Infinite Galaxy do you enjoy working as a Guard in the Crystal Empire now ?
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Helmet's uncomfortable, though.
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