Have you ever wished to live more like other ponies, instead of the Royal life you were raised in?
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But I wouldn't change my life or family, of course not- but it would be nice to feel more like everypony else-
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temper-temper · 2 months
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Some more art fight revenges! Would have done more but was focused on birthday stuff. Guru needed his Minecraft birthday party
Anyways… Revenge on: @radiation-station @vaderssolace @doeblossom
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ask-narratordoe · 3 months
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I have no idea if you'll be going with this one or not but it was the most popular so I doodled XD (I actually voted for Green Doe myself if you're curious)
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this looks AMAZING! THANK YOU SO SO MUCH! and of course, as a little revenge (in preparation for art fight), i had to do a pony version of blue morpho. shes been on my mind since last year since we stan miraculous ladybug around these parts (i know its a wing-like cape and not actual wings but i wanted them to be seen!!)
also, i'm still undecided. the poll was actually less helpful LOL but thank you all so much for the turnout! -Mod Doe <3
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Dear princess twilight Sparkle,
Long time no see, been quite a while how have you been?, i was wondering would you like to travel through time again like the old days? hope to hear back from you,
yours truly
the Doctor
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idreamofopaline · 7 months
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I doubt it, but I couldn't exactly argue with the Ruler of Equestria, could I? As much as I'd have liked to in that moment....still.
Perhaps I will find what I've been missing, here; though I doubt it will be what she thought.
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askcheesela · 2 years
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New Profile Pic
By @vaderssolace
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ask-princess-lilly · 1 year
*Steals Skyla's shades*
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askdaisydandfriemly · 2 years
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Super adorable fan art @vaderssolace DMed me and I love it so!!! 🥰💗💖🥰
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whomthebelletoils · 5 months
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I'm on break from teaching at the School of Friendship, so I'd love to catch up with you all!
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(From Midnight! :D) Since you, er, mentioned spellbooks before...are there any particular types of magic or spells you're studying currently?
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But I do try other spells of course too- but those are my main ones at the moment, some other ponies I've talked to inspired me a bit as well as my parents of course !
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temper-temper · 3 months
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A late thing (that's probably full of errors) because I didn't get around to drawing yesterday ;-;
Aaaaaaa!!! This is so cute! Thank you THANK YOU!! I wasn’t able to check tumblr yesterday but I love this sooooo much! Your art always makes me so happy and to see FairChild in that style again just ;w;
I really appreciate your friendship and for reaching out to me on Sunday. You always got a place here Vader’s Solace!
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ask-healthy-light · 2 years
[ Yo! I just thought I'd mention it, no idea if it's important or not so feel free to ignore me but in reference to your recent post, Twila Eventide was the evil-ish human version of Twila (AKA this though she hadn't yet been named on the blog when that drawing was posted, but it's the only example I could find since both mod blogs were hidden :/), the pony version was just Twila without a last name because her birth parents abandoned her and her birth certificate only had a first name on it. Just thought I'd mention that since I think my sister left the site so she wouldn't do so herself, sorry if this comes off as weird or random lol. ]
Hiya! Thanks ever so much for your message!
As I was uncertain about Twila’s name, I sent a message to her Mod to ask about a name I remembered reading a while ago.
Eventually, after we confirmed the name I had in mind was slightly different from her name, we did land on Eventide!
But I only now realise that her Equestria Girls counterpart was her ‘evil’ counterpart. I really like the name, and I think it fits her very well, though if you [two] would rather I change it, I will! [genuine]
Thank you again for your message and your apology, but I promise you have nothing to apologise for!
Added below is the chat I had with Mod!
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ripleys-rad-replies · 4 months
Ever worn a funky little hat? I feel like you could wear a funky little hat. I'm totally gonna give you a funky little hat anyway, even if you already have or had one at some point.
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"I'd keep it if I could!"
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With a wistful, nostalgic sigh, the Princess read over the latest letter she'd received from her student, Luster Dawn; she'd written of new friends she'd made, new spells she'd learned and a few small, but ever meaningful adventures she'd been on along the way. The letter ended with a thankfulness to the teacher who'd guided, and still in her own way was guiding, her along, as well as a promise to write again soon.
Princess Twilight Sparkle rolled the scroll back up before setting it aside and lifting in it's place another she'd received just half an hour ago, before Luster's own. She finally unravelled the scroll, and began to read...
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daedalverselore · 1 month
I asked about Cadence's daughter, may as well ask about her parents now too! XD Gimme some Crescendo and Queen Amore lore! Maybe about how they first fell in luuuuv or something? Would be rather fitting :'3
Yay- I love a good love story~! I hope I can write one well! XD
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Princess Mi Amore Viola Aria is the youngest of four daughters of the Queen Mi Amore Arcobaleno Concerto of the Crystal Kingdom. But despite this, the crown is not promised to the eldest daughter. No, it is in fact picked by Princess Luna and Princess Celestia. The Queen was to be the one who best embodied the Alicorn of love, Cherish's, ideals. So among the royal lineage, any of them could be crowned Queen.
As a result, Princess "Aria" was not a stranger to suitors seeking to be her royal consort. She rejected many to the point she was rumored to get her cutie mark for being icy to ponies. In fact, even her guards had to be seriously vetted so they would not hit on the Princess.
The Princess truly wanted love- not to inherit the throne, but because she felt lonely. She wasn't close to any of her family, and while she had a friendly personality, Aria felt deeply sad that all seemed to only want her for power.
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Which brings us around to Crescendo Celestine- a spirited pegasus guard with a talent for using a rapier. Much like a fencing duel, he is very straight forward with his words and actions- not to mention elegantly dramatic!
Crescendo was fiercely loyal to the royal family and challenged those who insulted them to duels. But when dueling his opponent, somehow the banter that the pegasus engaged in during the fight turned the whole thing into a lighthearted, fun affair. Because of that, it rarely caused sore feelings after so he rarely got in trouble.
That charisma put Crescendo high in the ranks of the royal guard- until he was eventually offered the position of Princess Aria's personal guard. They had hoped that his loyalty to the royal family would translate into never wanting to overstep his role as guard.
(Cut for length. Also, suicide attempt warning and some red flag behavior that doesn't belong outside of fiction!)
Crescendo had never met the princess, and had only seen her from afar. He had never loved before, but upon meeting her, the stallion his friends were pretty sure was Ace awoke deeply enamored by Princess Aria. He saw the sadness in her eyes- as he too felt lonely in the midst of a sea of friends.
He had been warned not to harbor secret feelings for the Princess, so decided not to be secretive about it. When Crescendo's vows to be her royal guard started, the whole court was shocked to hear lines from marriage vows mixed in with the guarding ones.
The guard captain wanted to take Crescendo away then and there, but Aria found herself stopping him. Despite the murmurs from the court, the Princess took him aside to the privacy of the nearest balcony. This was the most blatant confession she'd gotten, and was slightly amused by the foolishness.
Aria bemusedly asked if he had mixed up his lines. He only smiled at her, kissed her hoof, and said he wanted to court her with marriage in mind. She told him he couldn't expect her to give him any power. Any of her sisters was just as likely- even more so, to be queen. So he could stop with the act.
Crescendo told her he would be happy to run away with her right now, without a penny to their name if that meant he could be by her side. This was all a little overwhelming for Aria, who while was intimidated of his intensity, felt pleasure from it.
Despite wanting to linger, Aria knew that her mother wanted her to marry someone richer than a guard. It was better not to entertain fantasy further less he get hurt. The Princess told him that he'd better leave, and that she'd find a new guard. He told her that now that he met her, he wanted to be near her always. He'd sooner perish than be without her.
So in her desperation to avoid her less than rational emotions, she muttered softly, "then perish."
The stallion saluted to her seriously, wrapped his wings around the front of his torso, closed his eyes and let himself drop off the balcony, back facing the ground below. The Princess wouldn't believe at first that he wouldn't save himself. But when she came to the balcony and saw him about to hit the hard ground, she caught him last minute with her magic.
As she brought him back up, she was surprised to find him very riled up. Crescendo demanded to know how she expected him to prove himself now, and demanded to duel her for toying with her emotions.
She found herself saying, "Don't threaten me with a good time." She wasn't sure why she said that, but found herself really enjoying the smile he gave back to her. It was clearly a bad idea to give this stallion an inch. But despite it all, she found she wanted to see what he would do next. For all of their relationship she didn't regret it.
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Author's note: So, for their story I had a basic idea of Princess falls for her Guard, but it didn't really flow as a story until I found my character inspiration for Crescendo: Gomez Addams from the Addams Family. Now, it's implied that Gomez met his wife Morticia the day she died- kinda a hard story to translate to ponies, if I want them to not be undead, that is! XD
For me, Gomez and Morticia have that rare instant connection that would be very red flag territory if not mutually felt (and not even then sometimes). Aria here is different from Morticia in only that her royal upbringing means politically, she has to be careful about what she says.
I like to think that Crescendo brings unconditional love to her life, so they grow to be passionate like Gomez and Morticia. But Crescendo is very cray cray in this story and would have probably been imprisoned for a long time if Aria didn't actually like him.
(end note)
Wait, how did Princess Amore have Cadence if she lived 1000 years from the MLP present?
Other related asks I'd love to get:
Where did the Crystal Heart come from?
Why doesn't Aria get along with her family?
How come the royal sisters get to pick the Crystal Kingdom's Queen?
How does The Doctor fit into the Daedalverse?
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