#Michael Ancheta
Ali Winston at The Guardian:
As the University of California, Los Angeles is reeling from a late-night attack on a student protest encampment for Gaza last week, attention is turning to the disparate group of counter-protesters who had rallied against the encampment in the lead-up to the violence, including during chaotic dueling rallies two days before. Many witnesses to the 30 April melee observed that the small group of assailants – many of them masked – did not appear to be students. More than 30 people were injured, according to the Council on American-Islamic Relations (Cair). Authorities are still working to identify the perpetrators, and have not made any arrests.
But researchers studying hate and anti-government groups have confirmed the presence at the counter-demonstrations of several far-right activists who have been involved in anti-LGBTQ+ and anti-vaccine protests across southern California over the past three years. Narek Palyan, an Armenian-American from Los Angeles’ Van Nuys neighborhood, was photographed on UCLA’s campus on 26 April amid a group of counter-protesters, and again on the evening of 30 April, hours before the assault on the protest camp. Palyan took part in several “Leave Our Kids Alone” demonstrations at school board meetings in southern California over the past year, where he was at times photographed making Nazi salutes. His social media history is rife with antisemitic and anti-LGBTQ+ posts. The Leave Our Kids Alone protests have cropped up at school board demonstrations, book readings and Pride celebrations throughout southern California, focusing anger from conservative parents on the recognition of LGBTQ+ identity and students in both curriculums and classrooms.
The demonstrations, part of a broader rightwing effort to sow unrest and undermine an alleged “liberal agenda” at US schools, have at times been marked by violence and drawn far-right participants from around the region, including people associated with local Proud Boy and Three Percenter militia chapters and fundamentalist Christian churches.
Manuk Grigorian, one of the organizers of some of the southern California “Leave Our Kids Alone” protests, was also present at the counter-protests at UCLA on 30 April. Grigorian frequently appeared on Fox News to discuss the school board demonstrations last summer, where he leveled false claims that certain public education districts were “grooming” children to develop LGBTQ+ identities. Michael Ancheta, a former mixed martial arts fighter who in the past associated with southern California Proud Boys and assaulted a journalist at a 2021 anti-vaccine protest in West Hollywood, was spotted among the pro-Israel crowd at UCLA on on 28 April, when pro-Israeli and pro-Palestinian protesters staged dueling rallies near the encampment, and again on 30 April. Ancheta, who until recently ran an Instagram account under the handle “Antifahunter”, has been a frequent participant in the Leave Our Kids Alone demonstrations.
[...] The reason these counter-demonstrators are drawn to protests over the war in the Middle East, he said, was that they see them through the prism of a broader rightwing view that “traditional” societies and families are under threat. “Their animosity towards the campus demonstrations are part of this Christian far-right perspective that LGBTQ folks are threats to Christianity, and so are Palestinians or Muslims,” Cravens said.
Beyond UCLA, a number of far-right actors, including a violent white supremacist charged in connection with January 6, the founder of the Proud Boys, and a former member of the streetfighting Neo-Fascist Rise Above Movement have stood alongside pro-Israel demonstrators confronting Gaza solidarity encampments at universities across the country.
Lindsay Schubiner, the program director at the Western States Center, has been tracking this trend. To her, the activist presence is part of a broader rightwing effort to sow chaos and undermine democratic institutions. “These white nationalists, religious extremists and anti-democracy actors are political actors who are opportunistic and strategic – they have a goal of ratcheting up the temperature and escalating tensions between groups, and when there’s so much attention on a situation like the current crisis in Gaza, they show up,” Schubiner said. “We’ve seen attempts to co-opt and reframe the debate about the current war by characterizing pro-Palestinian students and faculty as un-American, which is incredibly troubling.” Gene Block, UCLA’s chancellor, has condemned the attack by “instigators” on 30 April, and Karen Bass, the Los Angeles mayor, has called the assault “abhorrent and inexcusable”. Bass likened the 30 April assault to the January 6 attack on the US Capitol.
The assault came after days of tension between camped-out students and counter-protesters at the Westwood campus. For days, counter-protesters turned up to the campus to confront the student demonstrators, with shouting matches occasionally erupting into scuffles. Aside from the rightwing school protesters, other extremist elements were documented on UCLA’s campus. On the weekend before the raid, photos emerged of a flag featuring the symbol the Jewish Defense League, a virulent Jewish supremacist organization founded by Meir Kahane that has committed “countless terrorist attacks in the US and abroad”, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center. The JDL was formally delisted as a terrorist organization by Joe Biden in 2022, over protests from Palestinian groups.
Why are far-right groups disrupting campus protests for Palestine? To cause trouble and stoke their war on “liberal colleges.”
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zaenight · 1 year
“So , is Wells single?” Kirby asked a smirking Cordelia.
"Very single , Im glad to have another girl around , gets a bit annoying , place full of guys." Cordelia said as Kirby chuckled.
"I really hope we don't have to kill you." She finished.
"That got dark fast." Kirby stated.
"Any family?" Cordelia asked.
"My Father Hershal , Twin sister Maggie , And My little sister Beth , she's around 18 now , Ray of sunshine that one , amazing singing voice , Maggie , last I remember she fell for one of the boys from Raul and Half-life's orignial group , Those two were pretty close with this redneck , then This guy shane happened , some of our family got killed , shane got killed , The farm burned , it was all bad , got seperated , ran into those two , been like this ever since , You? , You have any family , and You and Carver seem like an Interesting match?" Kirby said to her.
"An Older sister , Leah , got seperated around 9 months ago , With my Nephew matthew , and our dog viola , The horde wrecked our old base , Me and Carver met in a foster home , he proposed at Sixteen , got married , lost our baby a few months before the apocolypse , Stuff happend , now we're here." Cordelia said to her , as Kirby's eyes softened at the mention of the baby.
"But enough of that , a little birdy told me about You and Raul , shacking up." Cordelia laughed as Kirby went red , the two reacing the boys .
"What's got you so red in the face." Half-life Asked .
"Shut it ." Kirby said in a grumble.
"Any family?" Cordelia asked.
"A Sister , died a year before the apocolypse , she was real sick , glad she didn't see what the world became." Half -life said.
"Sorry for your loss , You Raul?" Cordelia asked.
"Nah , Just Half-life and Me , Had a fiancé , but we broke it off." Raul said.
"Look were here!" Cordelia said.
"Open the gate!" Carver yelled up to a masked Bossie.
"Creepy." Kirby said.
"You get used to it , if you pass the test , You might get a mask of your own." Wells winked.
"Well I would like that very much." Kirby said stroking his arm.
Raul looked towards the opening gate , clenching his jaw.
Half-life elbowed him raising a brow.
The reapers gathered around.
"Welcome to the Reapers , This is our main group , Ancheta , Austin , Bossie , who will walk in on you at the worst times , Jenson , Deaver , Boone , Ira Washington , Fisher , Nicholls , Michael Turner , Montanio , Mancea , and Marcus Powell , And the man that has fury on his face currently stomping over to us is Pope , our leader." Cordelia said , The men wary.
"Cordelia what is this." Pope demanded.
"It was just them , we made sure we weren't followed , and they would be amazing assets." Cordelia said , her tone strong and commanding.
"You! , you served?" Pope said , noticing Half-life's dog tags.
"12 years as a sniper." Half-life said with a nod and slight glare.
Pope nodded at Cordelia and Then to Wells and Carver who went with him.
"Should we be worried?" Raul questioned.
"Yes , very worried , watch your Backs." Cordelia said as Bossie walked over.
"Doc there's a rash on my-" He started untill she cut him off.
"No I will not look at the rash on your ass Bossie , now shoo ." She said waving him away , the man glared at the three outsiders , before Pouting at Cordelia walking away.
"They listen to you." Half-life stated.
"Pope may lead , but I reign." Cordelia stated.
The four were getting food ready for the fire , Cordelia let out a scream as She was pulled out of the small shack , Kirby trying to reach for her , but was too late.
Carver and Wells stood , Carver holding his wife gently , Letting her know it was just him.
"Jesus! , Brandon you gave me a heart attack." Cordelia said slapping his chest.
"The test is happening , Pope was gonna have you stay inside , But I wasn't gonna risk it , If you got hurt , I would kill sombody." He said as Cordelia kissed his hand , Wells pouring gasoline on the shack , lighting a match.
"I hope they pass , They would be great assets , Raul is great with his bow , Half-life is a professional sniper , And Kirby Knows alot about Plants and Natural Medicine." Cordelia whispered to Carver , who had his arms around her.
"I know baby." He whispered kissing her head.
Glass from a window shattered , Half-life crashing through , Reaching back in he pulled out a coughing Kirby , Who got back on her feet and helping Half-life pull out Raul.
The three staring at the reapers .
"Fortitudo Saludis!" The Reapers exclaimed.
(Strength of Salvation!")
"Im glad your alive." Cordelia said rushing over to Kirby , Handing the three water bottles.
"Glad we Survived." Kirby said resting her head on Raul's shoulder , Who tensed , rolling his eyes at Half-life's smirk.
"Welcome to the reapers." Cordelia said.
"segadores rebeldes , rogue reapers , or los segadores se rebelan , the reapers rebels , has a good tone to it." Raul said .
"Your right i does , now lets eat." Cordelia said grabbing Kirby's hand , the two laughing as they left behind the boys , Passing Carver , who smiled at his wife's happiness.
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mrlocar · 1 year
Quin Leonard Ramos Rodolfo Holaso Michael Jerome Pablo Clark Isaiah Ancheta John Patrick Logo
Deo Salvacion
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Casting Goals: Mary Poppins
“Chim, chimney, chim, chimney, chim, chim, cher-oo”
Megan Hilty as Mary Poppins
Alistair Brammer as Bert
Raúl Esparza as George Banks
Nikki Renée Daniels as Winifred Banks
Ann Harada as Mrs. Brill
Carol Kane as Birdwoman
Dickie Wood as Robertson Aye
Clara Verdier as Miss Lark/Ensemble (Winifred u/s)
Eric Anthony Lopez as Von Hussler/Ensemble (Robertson Aye u/s)
Erica Wong as Glamorous Doll/Ensemble
Eymard Cabling as Admiral Boom/Bank Chairman/Ensemble (George u/s)
Grasan Kingsberry as Ensemble
Hannah Clarke Levine as Ensemble (Winifred u/s)
Kathryn Allison as Mrs. Corry/Ensemble
Michael Graceffa as Ensemble (Robertson Aye u/s, Neleus u/s)
Monté J. Howell as Northbrook/Ensemble (Bert u/s)
Noah J. Ricketts as Ensemble
Patricia Phillips as Miss Andrew/Queen Victoria/Miss Smythe/Ensemble (Mrs. Brill u/s)
Pedro Garza as Ensemble (Valentine u/s)
Peter Houston as Park Keeper/Ensemble
Philip Ancheta as William/Ensemble
Pomme Koch as Policeman/Mr. Punch/Ensemble (George u/s)
Q. Lim as Katie Nanna/Annie/Ensemble (Mary u/s)
Rachel Anne Moore as Ensemble (Mary u/s, Miss Andrew u/s)
Sachin Bhatt as Ensemble
Sumayya Ali as Ensemble (Birdwoman u/s) 
Sushma Saha as Fannie/Ensemble (Birdwoman u/s)
Thayne Jasperson as Neleus/Ensemble
Usman Ali Ishaq as Valentine/Ensemble (Bert u/s)
Warren Yang as Ensemble
Aaron Alcarez as Swing
Adam Roberts as Swing
Ahmad Maksoud as Swing (Neleus u/s, Valentine u/s)
DeMarius R. Copes as Swing
Gabrielle Reid as Swing
Grace Morgan as Swing (Mrs. Brill u/s)
Shannen Alyce Quan as Swing
Honorable Mentions: Damon Daunno as Bert Michele McConnell as Miss Andrew/Queen Victoria/Miss Smythe/Ensemble (Mrs. Brill u/s, Birdwoman u/s) Will Swenson as George Banks
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smartseo4you · 3 years
Presa americană anunță că Trump Organization, firma fostului președinte al SUA, va fi pusă azi sub acuzare pentru fraudă fiscală. Donald Trump nu este personal cercetat, ci doar directorul financiar al companiei, care a refuzat să coopereze cu procurorii.
New Post has been published on https://reporterliber.ro/presa-americana-anunta-ca-trump-organization-firma-fostului-presedinte-al-sua-va-fi-pusa-azi-sub-acuzare-pentru-frauda-fiscala-donald-trump-nu-este-personal-cercetat-ci-doar-directorul-financiar-a/
Presa americană anunță că Trump Organization, firma fostului președinte al SUA, va fi pusă azi sub acuzare pentru fraudă fiscală. Donald Trump nu este personal cercetat, ci doar directorul financiar al companiei, care a refuzat să coopereze cu procurorii.
NY Times, Wall Street Journal și mai multe publicații americane susțin că procurorii din Manhattan vor anunța joi punerea sub acuzare (fază a procesului penal) a Organizației Trump și a directorului său financiar, după trei ani de investigare a unor potențiale infracțiuni fiscale, după ce o curte cu jurați din New York a fost în prealabil consultată (în secret) dacă există suficiente dovezi pentru acest pas.
Directorul financiar al Trump Organization, Allen Weisselberg, nu a cooperat cu procurorii, dar nu este exclus ca acest lucru să se întâmple după deschiderea procesului și să dea în vileag personaje mai mari, arată diferiți experți în drept penal.
Nu sunt încă destul de clare acuzațiile ce vor fi aduse companiei fostului președinte american, dar acestea vor deveni publice joi (seara, pe ora României), după ce Weisselberg și avocații care reprezintă Organizația Trump vor fi prezentați instanței.
Publicațiile americane arată că acuzațiile împotriva directorului financiar, Allen Weisselberg, implică primirea de beneficii de la companie, așa cum ar fi apartamente, mașini și cheltuieli de specializare profesională, pentru care nu au fost plătite taxele corespunzătoare. Weisselberg este sub investigații fiscale de mai multe luni.
Deși investigarea aspectelor fiscale ale Organizației Trump durează deja de mai mulți ani, ancheta a luat viteză în februarie, când Curtea Supremă a permis procurorilor să ceară și să obțină declarații fiscale ale lui Donald Trump din ultimii opt ani.
Procurorii din Manhattan au început să investigheze Organizația Trump, după ce Michael Cohen, fostul avocat al lui Donald Trump, a acuzat compania că a plătit-o pe actrița de filme pentru adulți Stormy Daniels, care susținea că a avut o aventură cu Donald Trump acum 15 ani. Cohen a pledat vinovat în 2018 pentru mai multe infracțiuni, între care încălcarea legii privind finanțarea campaniei electorale, evaziune fiscală și fraudă bancară. Ancheta s-a extins ulterior și procurorii au început să verifice dacă afacerea imobiliară a lui Trump a manipulat valorile proprietăților pentru a obține credite mai mari și impozite mai mici.
Donald Trump a respins acuzațiile, considerând că ancheta este motivată politic. Avocatul lui Trump, a declarat pentru Politico, la începutul acestei săptămâni, că clientul său nu va fi pus sub acuzare în acest prim rechizitoriu al procurorilor. Totuși, experții în drept, citați de Business Insider arată că, chiar dacă figuri-cheie precum Weisselberg nu au încheiat acorduri de cooperare cu procurorii, asta nu înseamnă neapărat că la un moment dat nu ar putea schimba linia, pentru a depune mărturie împotriva unor personaje mai importante.
Sure alternative: NY Times, The Wall Street Journal.
Sursa stire biziday.ro – Stiri verificate
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As the exhibit: “MARILAG” comes to an end. The students of 12STEMA3 would like to express our deepest gratitude to God, the Father, the primary giver of talents, skills, and wisdom. Second, to Ms. Rhona Merales Concepcion for giving us the opportunity to showcase our artworks virtually. Moreover, our section would like to extend our appreciation to our guests for accepting our invitation and recognizing our artworks. 
“The principles of true art is not to portray, but to evoke.” -Jerzsy Kosinski
Truly it is magical to make and establish an exhibit altogether. “MARILAG” will end but the majestic minds and talents of the artists are notable.
John Emmanuel Abarra
Czyla Alano
Rose Ann Ancheta
Kristine Mae Andal 
Josh Alec Andaya
Jean Kimberly Mae Bajado
Alliyah Helena Bautista
Jubylyn Mae Bergado
Blu Andrei Berganting
Joan Rocel Buenaventura
Ariezz Bunyi 
Jasmine Agatha Butacan 
Alysandra Nicole Cabanting
Maria Antonette Castillo 
Leonard Cereno 
Nathaniel Cruz 
Michael Amiel Dela Cruz
Andrew Delos Santos 
Franz Ivan Enriquez
Nicole Ann Esguerra 
Shaira Mae Fangonilo
Carlos James Faustino
Abegail Goyena
Mohammad Drieza Guro
Prince Hernandez 
Gayle Sabidong
All Rights Reserved 
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twelvesixabm · 4 years
by: Anjelo Jann Ancheta 
 “You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great." by Zig Ziglar of learning in bloom website. English for Academic and Professional Purposes (EAPP) is part of the Department of Education K to 12 Curriculum which is a wonderful and interesting course subject because it enhances your skills in writing but most specially, it will help or guide you to understand the things that are essential in this world. English subject has been a part of our life since day one since it has a lot of lectures to share and lessons to tell. I have learned numerous lessons from English for Academic and Professional Purposes which helps me grow as a soon-to-be professional. I think the most helpful lesson which I have learned from EAPP are "Note Taking Techniques" and "How to Shape Your Academic Writing". These lessons encourage me to practice and give my best in every writing comes to my path. First, with the lecture about "Note Taking Techniques" my life as a student or a soon-to-be professional became easier as I follow the chart or outline of my schedule that I have made. Having its discussion at the four corners of the room, I realized that whenever you have a lot of task or work to do, it is important for you to make a schedule because it will be your guide until you finally accomplish all of your task. The second one is "How to Shape Your Academic Writing", which helps me enhance my writing skills, specially for academic purposes. Also, it lifts me up to the extend that allows me to write freely because English Academic and Professional Purposes opens my mind in expressing my own thoughts in appropriate way. Making or writing academic text is not easy because whenever you hold your pen and start to write, it is essential for you keep in mind that you must consider a lot of things which will affect your work or paper such as your audience, purpose in writing, how will you organize it, your style in writing, and how will you execute or present it. Writing essays, letters and other academic papers is like dancing, you need to be guided with criteria and express what is on your mind for you to have the best performance. Those lessons and experiences that I have gathered through English for Academic and Professional Purposes course subject is what I will treasure as I continue my life as student or a soon-to-be professional because I know it will be my torch to the path I will choose. I will not forget the lessons which English for Academic and Professional Purposes course subject taught me for I am satisfied and forever grateful to all of it however, as Michael Angelo said "I'm still learning".
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comm10zerrudo · 5 years
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Filipino Identity (Sec 1 Group 5) 
by Group 5
Ancheta, Michael
Balo, Ela Marie
Diala, Luigi
Estanislao, Aireen
Fernandez, Ramona
Navarra, Justine
COMM 10 - Section 1
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mrlocar · 4 years
Michael Jerome Pablo - Red
John Patrick Logo - Blue
Mico Aguilar - Gray
Juan Miguel Escandor - Brown
Quin Leonard Ramos - Green
Deo Salvacion - Yellow
Jerome Villoga - Maroon
Kaiser Jadie - Sky Blue
Jeffrey Talla - Pink
Aaron Martin Armamento - Red Violet
Clark Aisaih Ancheta - Orange
Wendren Villarin - Blue Green
Romeo Gabriel Orbase - Violet
Brian Karlo Bonifacio - Black
Brian Kenji - Bonifacio - White
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Casting Goals: Kiss Me, Kate
“But I'm always true to to you, darlin', in my fashion. Yes, I'm always true to you, darlin', in my way!”
Norm Lewis as Fred Graham/Petruchio
Kristin Chenoweth as Lilli Vanessi/Katharine
Megan Hilty as Lois Lane/Bianca
Jacob Tischler as Bill Calhoun/Lucentio
Ryann Redmond as First Gangster
Ann Harada as Second Gangster
Bradley Dean as Harrison Howell
Chip Zien as Henry Trevor/Baptista
Dan'yelle Williamson as Hattie
Grasan Kingsberry as Paul
Ann Sanders as Ensemble (Lilli u/s)
Connie Bahng as Ensemble (Lois u/s)
Domonique Paton as Ensemble (Hattie u/s)
Kimberly-Ann Truong as Ensemble
Michael Graceffa as Ensemble (Second Gangster u/s)
Michael Maliakel as Ensemble (Fred u/s)
Mike Dorsey as Ensemble (Bill u/s, Paul u/s)
Paul A. Schaefer as Ensemble (Fred u/s, Henry u/s)
Philip Ancheta as Ensemble
Rachel Anne Moore as Ensemble (Lilli u/s)
Ryan Alvarado as Ensemble (First Gangster u/s, Harrison u/s)
Tiffany Mann as Ensemble (First Gangster u/s, Hattie u/s)
Ahmad Simmons as Swing (Bill u/s, Paul u/s)
Bligh Voth as Swing (Second Gangster u/s)
Bronson Norris Murphy as Swing (Harrison u/s, Henry u/s)
Sydney Parra as Swing (Lois u/s)
Honorable Mentions: Alex Hairston as Lois Lane/Bianca Audra McDonald as Lilli Vanessi/Katharine Bradley Dean as Fred Graham/Petruchio Grant Gustin as Bill Calhoun/Lucentio Joel Grey as Henry Trevor/Baptista Kendra Cancellieri Hecker as Ensemble (Lilli u/s, Hattie u/s) Michele McConnell as Lilli Vanessi/Katharine Usman Ali Ishaq as Ensemble (Bill u/s)
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thecomicon · 5 years
Get Shwifty With New Rick And Morty Figure Sets From Mondo
Get Shwifty With New Rick And Morty Figure Sets From Mondo
Deluxe set
Rick and Morty are back on our screens this November, so what better time for Mondo to release their newest collectable figures featuring everyone’s favourite alcoholic genius and his socially anxious nephew? With the Mondo exclusive coming with their own Pickle Rick, Rat Boss mini-figures and interchangeable heads, I can imagine these will go quicker than the regular versions.
Rick –…
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stiri-noi · 7 years
Amendamentul pe care fostul consilier american Michael Flynn îl va invoca - Cotidianul
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phgq · 4 years
NPA suspected of perpetrating 'mistaken identity' shooting
#PHnews: NPA suspected of perpetrating 'mistaken identity' shooting
DUMAGUETE CITY – Police investigators are eyeing the possible involvement of members of the New People’s Army (NPA) – the armed wing of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) – in the shooting-to-death of two men in Guihulngan City, Negros Oriental Tuesday afternoon.
Lt. Col. Bonifacio Tecson, Guihulngan City police chief, in an interview Wednesday afternoon said they already have leads that appear to point to the NPA as behind the killing of the two victims who may have been “mistaken” as either police or Philippine Army personnel.
The victims, identified by a report from the Negros Oriental Provincial Police Office (NOPPO) as Jimmer Fundador, of legal age and Romeo Dungo-an, 43, both swine traders, were on board their motorcycles around 2:50 p.m. when they were shot at in Sitio Mandi-e, Barangay Magsaysay.
The two were hit by bullets multiple times and were declared dead on arrival at the Guihulngan City District Hospital.
"Ug posibleng naalaan sila kay tungod sa ilang barog nga murag police o military (they were possibly victims of mistaken identity because of their physical appearance that looked like they were police or military personnel)," Tecson said.
The shooting of the two coincided with the third year anniversary of the NPA ambush-slay of then Guihulngan City police chief, Supt. Arnel Arpon, and his men, namely, non-commissioned police officers Necasio Pasculado Tabilon, Teovic Gador Agosto, Jesael Pequero Ancheta, Alvin Paul Alquizola Bulandres, and Alfredo Lastimoso Dunque.
Three other policemen, Jerome Delara, Jordan Balderas, and Jorie Maribao, were wounded in that attack, while Michael Jambalos, a civilian aide of Guihulngan Councilor Edison dela Rita, was also killed in that ambuscade.
The swine traders were also shot dead close to the area where the police personnel were ambushed and killed, Tecson said.
Recovered from the crime scene were several empty shells and cartridges of M-16, 9mm and .45-caliber firearms, he said.
Tecson said the Guihulngan City Police Station and some local officials headed by Mayor Guido Reyes held a simple ceremony including a holy mass in commemoration of the deaths of the police officers.
Meanwhile, he said his men are still probing another shooting-to-death incident in Guihulngan City on Wednesday morning.
An initial report from the NOPPO that did not yet identify the victim said that two unidentified motorcycle-riding suspects shot a 51-year-old-male in Sitio Bato, Barangay Malusay around 10:40 a.m. for a still unknown motive.
Three cartridge cases and one .45-caliber slug were recovered from the crime scene. (PNA)
* Philippine News Agency. "NPA suspected of perpetrating 'mistaken identity' shooting." Philippine News Agency. https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1109772 (accessed July 23, 2020 at 04:52AM UTC+14).
* Philippine News Agency. "NPA suspected of perpetrating 'mistaken identity' shooting." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1109772 (archived).
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demianblog · 6 years
Uruguay está venciendo 1-0 a Brasil en Rancagua
Uruguay está venciendo 1-0 a Brasil en Rancagua
Goles: 59′ E.Gómez (U) Amonestados: 20′ Jonas Toró (B), 50′ Marcos Bahía (B) Jueces: Diego Haro, Víctor Ráez, Michael Orué y Joel Alarcón (Perú) Estadio El Teniente, Rancagua (Chile)
URUGUAY: Renzo Rodríguez; Emiliano Ancheta, Bruno Méndez, Sebastián Cáceres y Maximiliano Araújo; Juan Manuel Boselli, Nicolás Acevedo, Juan Manuel…
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d-dancer123-blog · 6 years
10 Pinterest Accounts to Follow About dj in iasi
Indian Wedding DJ Live
Providing unforgettable wedding DJ and entertainment services at unbelievable rates. In toti acesti ani ne-am ridicat la cele mai inalte standarde organizand de la zile onomastice, petreceri corporatiste, nunti, botezuri, concerte si pana la petreceri aniversare ale marilor brand-uri din Romania, venind at intampinarea clientului cu servicii complete de SONORIZARE DJ, EFECTE SPECIALE, ARTISTI, FORMATII, SERVICII DE FOTOGRAFIE SI VIDEO, totul venind in sprijinul clientului.
Your wedding site may give you a listing of wedding DJs, but it doesn't mean you want to choose one https://deejayevents.ro/amazing-wedding-advice-for-the-event-you-always-dreamed-of/ on this list. At the coming hours, you'll receive a followup email using a code for $100 off some of our Wedding DJ and Entertainment Packages. Mixul de DJ alături de un MC este cea mai bună soluție deoarece MC-ul reprezintă puntea p comunicare între DJ și public.
Studiul este bazat pe interviuri cu proprietari p restaurante, sefi p sala, organizatori de evenimente, dj si membri ai unor formatii specializate in evenimente private. In acest context este incredibil ce putere uimitoare are muzica si bineinteles DJ-ul care va difuza toata muzica pe parcursul petrecerii. Noi suntem Echipa de 3 Dj Romani maintenance ne-am inceput cariera la varsta de approximativ 14 Ani at Romania la Cluburi si Discoteci.
Such DJs can provide sets that cater to a vast assortment of musical tastes, so often reading the viewer and adapting their set on the fly to ensure their music keeps your guests dancing all night long. 4 zile in care 10 tineri pasionati au trait experienta complete intr- locatie secreta de langa Bucuresti, unde fiecare cam a fost echipata cu cele mai tari echipamente de DJ. Mentorii editiei cu numarul III au fost Adrian Eftimie, BOg, Robert Graur, Dj Faibo X si Nastia maintenance pentru prima data in Romania, s-a alaturat experientei.
We would love to serve your own DJ and entertainment needs on your special day. Wedding Dj ofera servicii personalizate de entertainment in Bucuresti si pe intreg teritoriul tarii. Pentru intampinarea invitatilor la restaurant puteti alege un cvartet nunta galati sau puteti ruga un dj nunta galati sa difuzeze muzica ambientala. We're also pleased to be represents of the Alliance of Mobile & Party DJ's (AMPdj) and Wedding DJ Alliance (WDJA) and we abide by their code of conduct.
A wedding DJ will generally be setup and ready to perform in a hour of arriving at your wedding venue. The rain put down a everyones spirits, but the DJ made sure we enjoyed every second of the marriage. Our wedding DJ service provides all the sound and lighting equipment for your own wedding. We reserved using Partymix Wedding DJ's along with the reservation procedure was really smooth.
Atentie la subiectivismul persoanelor care recomanda Dj-ul, deoarece exista riscul ca oaspetii dumneavoastra sa nu fie "pe aceeasi lungime de unda" cu cei care il recomanda. No matter their design, the venue demands and your wedding wants, your DJ will tailor their functionality volume to give you the ideal. I state concern, instead of question, as always they've been to a recent occasion where the DJ has cleared a dancing floor on several occasions, over played improper paths and switched between music genres in an incoherent way, and do not need this happening on their big moment.
Let Bliss Wedding DJ, the Multi-Award Winning Wedding Pros, guide you through your day. Adevarul esta ca pina acum nu am mai intalnit un DJ atat de pro pentru evenimente. A avut placerea sa fie recomandat de clienti, care nu sperau ca un dj sa poata face aceeasi atmosfera la petrecere precum face formatie de shirt, iar la sfarsitul evenimentului sa fie profund multumiti p alegerea facuta si sa isi schimbe in totalitate parerea asupra diferentelor facute intr-un dj bun si formatie.
There are unique instances when a DJ's role is the most important-for instance, during supper and when the couple is dance. 'm colaborat cu DJ Michael pentru majoratul meu.Vreau sa va spun ca a fost foarte ok,muzica foarte buna,am avut parte si de karaoke.Invitatii au dansat toata noaptea si au fost foarte multumiti de muzica si de atmosfera recomand pe DJ Michael cu toata increderea.
Garantam pentru calitatea serviciilor si te asiguram ca Dj nunta este varianta ideala pentru orice tip de eveniment vei avea. A fost votat cel mai bun DJ al anului 2009, în ancheta revistei DJ Mag , pentru al treilea an consecutiv. An average running order might be for your DJ to start the day off following your speeches, together with songs running from 7.30pm - 8.30pm, playing the first dance prior to your band begins their first set.
Provided you're convinced in your musical Tastes and those of your visitors, a well thought out song list is an invaluable instrument for the customer along with the DJ to be certain that the audio isn't only the particular songs you want but allows the DJ to program the audio mixing and switching subtly between genres to make the audio flow all evening.
We're here to assist you in finding a great DJ for your special day. If you would like help picking out the ideal Wedding DJ for your event, simply give us a call or submit the fast enquiry form below and one of our talented entertainment coordinators will be happy to assist. DJ-ul (dj Romulus Axinte chiar) la locul lui, instalat cu toate echipamentele contractate, cu tot programul pregătit, MC-ul (Titul Ilovan) p excepție (și să vă zic câteva cuvinte și despre MC într-un comments separat).
Petrecerea poate incepe in acordurile unei formatii nunta galati sau poate chiar un solist nunta galati sa dea tonul petrecerii. Dacă ați ajuns aici, înseamnă că sunteți în căutare de un dj pentru evenimentul dumneavoastră. The band is acting with 2 singers, Jessica D & Special guests: Sergiu Ferat, Alecu&Razvan(Boys Band), ND, instrumentalists for flap, saxophone, electric guitar, accordion, persecution and Dj(BG).
It's very important that your Chicago wedding DJ possess a vast choice of music. As a Professional Wedding DJ this is the format that works best for me. Be the first to know and let us send you an email when Mario Dunca - The Perfect Wedding DJ articles promotions and news. You have got to understand that if booking a Dj for your celebration it is a critical part of the day which means you'll need a trusted Business and DJ. All of NADJ Members are also required to have all their equipment regular PAT Tested by current health and safety laws and have Public Liability Insurance (10 million pounds).
DJ-ul sa va spuna ca nu va veti da seama seama daca melodie este la 128Kbps sau la 320, ceea ce este partial adevarat. Aveam nevoie de DJ pentru nunta mea. During the entire year of 2015, we were proud to progress through the rounds of The Wedding Industry Awards, first receiving the regional award for Best Wedding DJ", culminating in winning the national accolade.
De asemenea, trebuie să menţionăm că Dj-ul nostru are pregătirea necesară pentru a anima şi nunţile mixte", adică acele nunţi unde mirii sunt p naţionalităţi diferite. Nimic mai simplu, alegeti serviciile ofertite de Dj valcea si nu sa regeti p calitatea si de pretul competitiv al acestora. Special announcements during your wedding: The DJ can also act as an accomplished Master of Ceremonies, that will declare and host the expert activities during the day and evening reception.
It's the responsibility of wedding DJs to make certain that your event moves smoothly and cheaply from one ideal moment to the next. It's essential for the couple or the wedding planner to notify the DJ about the sort of wedding reception. Any good wedding DJ will now be able to see clearly your musical preferences, and will now have the ability to program the tunes into an order where they can swap between genres and keep the dance floor full.
If you are looking for the ideal entertainment for your wedding , a professional wedding DJ out of a company with a reputation you can trust then contact the Devotion Wedding Team today for a friendly, professional discussion with no obligation. The best thing a DJ does during weddings would be to set the disposition of everyone by playing the right songs.
Un Dj care investeste in echipamente profesionale, arata regard pentru meseria lui, pentru client si ofera servicii de cea mai buna calitate. ATG supplied not just DJ & MC services, but ATG also provided other multimedia elements like the HUGE Projection Screens and LED TVs for the slide series that has been revealed for Pete & Melissa. De asemenea, pentru cazuri de forta majora (accidentare sau alte probleme grave) https://deejayevents.ro/andreas-dj-music/ un DJ profesionist din echipa este pregatit sa ma inlocuiasca at orice moment, astfel ca evenimentul tau este asigurat.
Your Amusement Coordinator can explain the requirements for person wedding DJs in your chosen venue. DJ-ul de nunta se adapteaza cu usurinta la noile trenduri dar este si in cunostinta de cauza atunci cand se vorbeste despre Nelu Ploiesteanu, Gheorghe Dinica, Gica Petrescu etc.. Musical genres are extremely subjective or too vague so by doing this it gives the DJ a Method of assessing your preferences from the own perspective.
Even though a couple wedding DJs may specialise in a certain genre of music like dance, home or RnB, many could be described as popular audio DJs, with a broad collection of hit music spanning 1950s through to the present moment. The ultimate purpose is to get your guests up dancing and having a good time and experienced Chicago DJs should have the ability to accomplish that without a problem.
Wedding DJs tend to be less expensive than live bands. Majoritatea DJ-ilor accepta comenzi chiar daca acestea se suprapun peste alte evenimente. Din ce in ce, la mai multe evenimente (nunta, botez, cununie, aniversare) cu app artstic asigurat fie de dj, fie p orchestra, se doreste si spectacol laser. Chiar daca va doriti orchestra sau lautari la nunta, va recomand sa apelati si la serviciile unui Dj profesionist pentru a acoperi toate cerintele.
Wedding DJs will typically work for up to four or five hours to get an evening wedding celebration, although you can often extend this for a minimal extra charge. Spiritul său creativ a continuat să înflorească în hit-uri precum Ecstasy, Let U Go, What About Us, Proceed On și When It Ends It Starts Again, pentru care a fost răsplătit cu discuri de aur și platină, dar și prezență constantă în prestigioasa revistă DJ Mag.
The apparel of this wedding DJ is important in any sort of event. Veti avea ocazia sa intalniti oameni cu experienta in domeniu, care sunt, in majoritate, foarte comunicativi, cu personalitate placuta si dispusi oricand sa va ofere sfaturi utile pentru a avea cea mai frumoasa nunta. By hiring a professional wedding DJ you'll be assured that you have the right music played and the professional audio and lighting equipment to ensure everything goes as planned.
We're here to assist you in finding a great Wedding DJ for your special day. This one might seem obvious, but the first thing you should discover is whether the Chicago wedding DJ is available for your date which you've reserved. Dj-ul trebuie sa creeze programul pornind de la tematica impusa de client, integrand in setul sau piese dorite de acesta, acolo unde isi au locul, fara a pierde din vedere preferintele intregului auditoriu.
DeejayEvents si conceptul de muzica pentru petreceri private a aparut pentru a face petrecerile deosebite si de neuitat. Dupa o experienta de aproximativ 20 de ani pe partea de clubbing, pub-uri si discoteci, DeeJay Radoo s-a hotarat sa isi folosesca experienta si daruirea pentru muzica la nunti, petreceri de botez, aniversari, majorate si celelalte petreceri care marcheaza cele mai frumoase momente ale vietii.
Addresa : Aleea Tudor Neculai, nr 66,
Tel : 0771388459
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comm10zerrudo · 5 years
M1 Summative Activity- When the Future is at Present
MICHAEL ANGELO ANCHETA, ELA MARIE BALO, JUSTINE NAVARRA, RAMONA JANE FERNANDEZ, AIREEN ESTANISLAO , LUIGI DIALA-Comm 10 Sec 1 Together with technological advancement, our population also grows. To adapt, it is expected by 2074 that megacities will become the solution. By that era, we become independent of computers due to its faster processing and paperless transactions. Alongside the demand for efficiency, Artificial intelligence will be the humanities aid in surviving. By 2076, media experience is more improved than ever, consumers will experience proto-realistic virtual experience. It will become a breakthrough in carrying out our very own imagination. As for the year 2077, fashionable human prosthetics will come into sight. Due to a lot of consumers, it will come along with a cheaper price. Some specific examples are those who were paralyzed or disabled will function as normal. Around 2078, space tourism will become possible. Humanity will not just inhabit earth but also other extraterrestrial places like mars. It is still in deep research. Conferences and studies are still going on in proving or making the aforementioned predictions possible. References   Lilic, I. (2018,  October 16). 10 Technology Predictions for the Year 2084. Retrieved  from Consensys:  https://media.consensys.net/10-technology-predictions-for-the-year-2084-1244259266bf Tardi, C. (2019,  September 5). Moore's Law. Retrieved from Investopedia:  https://www.investopedia.com/terms/m/mooreslaw.asp
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