#Michael McCartney
rolloroberson · 1 month
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Paul McCartney and John Lennon circa 1962 at Paul’s Liverpool home. Photographed by Michael McCartney.
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Where would we be without our mothers? Answer: We wouldn't. Thanks to all you mothers everywhere. Have a brilliant day 💐 -- Paul McCartney
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thestarsarecool · 2 years
“I remember telling my office to arrange some tickets for the family. You’ve got to do that in Liverpool. And my office were over-zealous as usual. So I asked for about 30 tickets. We have a huge family on Merseyside. In fact, some are breeding as we speak- there’s always a couple on the go.
I gave the tickets to my brother Michael to sort out. Otherwise it would be like ‘ere how come SHE’S going and NOT me?’ – that type of family argument thing. So I lumbered Michael with that job.
Anyway, on the actual night they let all the family in first. I didn’t know about it so when I got on stage the first few rows of people standing there were all MY relatives. It was bit off-putting at first. There was also a heckler who asked me to play ‘Satisfaction’ – I told him that wasn’t one of ours!
After the show I went for a drink with Julia Baird – John’s half sister. It was my first bevvie of the day, because I can’t drink before a gig – I’d forget the words if I did. Then one of my cousin’s kids says to me, ‘Hey, did you hear that heckler – that was ME.’”
— Paul McCartney, Interview by Peter Grant, April 24th, 2001
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klazje · 1 month
“john lennon and paul mccartney fucked nasty style” i say into the mic.
the crowd boos and i walk off the stage in shame, then a voice speaks and commands silence from the room.
“they’re right” he says. i look for the owner of the voice. in the fifth row stands: michael lindsey hogg
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buttahpie · 1 month
so you’re telling me…
there’s a film, directed by a person who was in the close inner circle of the beatles,
and this director knew the beatles individually,
and this film that he directed
two of the beatles kiss one another?
and not only that, but one of the two of them expressed how he enjoyed the film and wished that had happened?
and we’re just supposed to act like that’s no big deal?
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gratefulnez · 6 months
The Monkees and The Beatles being friends is something that can be so personal
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force-dyad · 5 months
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georgeharrisonsmiling · 3 months
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Only a Northern Song
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midnighttraindemo · 1 year
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copies of mojo i found at the library :)
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yangleeeh · 4 months
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A big friendship
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thestarsarecool · 2 years
“Of course my brother and John loved each other, same as my brother and I do. Brothers have their feuds—you love ’em and you hate ’em. Oh, it’s easy enough to put all the negative parts under a microscope. I could have written a book called Paulie Dearest, slagged him to death and made millions. But it wouldn’t have been the truth. With Paul and John, though, all the dirty linen was brought out in public.”
— Mike McCartney, Playgirl, June 1st, 1982
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purplewillowchicken · 2 months
Crowley in his John Lennon era
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Oh and here's Aziraphale
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Same person
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got-ticket-to-ride · 8 months
The girls walk over to John. "How do you write the songs?" says the girl whose name is Daphne. John doesn't answer.
Paul shouts across the room in a voice you use to an errant child, "Tell us about the songs, John, tell us about the songs."
"Sometimes we write them together," says John. "Sometimes not. Some of them take four hours; some twenty minutes. Others have been known to take as long as three weeks."
~Love Me Do, Michael Braun 1964
Just love how John doesn't react to anybody but Paul.
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atlyxmusic · 26 days
The Discarded Instrument, a full piano adaptation of Destiny's Music of the Spheres, is now available! Adapted straight from the original orchestral sheet music scores and recorded with the same piano VST that Marty O'Donnell used to draft the music.
Music of the Spheres was the musical foundation written for Destiny in 2011 and 2012 by Martin O'Donnell, Michael Salvatori, and none other than Sir Paul McCartney, who wrote some of the main motifs for it and wrote the song at the end! Bungie declined to use it for a while due to drama with Martin O'Donnell, but they recently brought it back for The Final Shape expansion, where it played several times, such as in the final celebration cutscene in the Tower.
I worked on this for over a year and I'd love for you to check it out. It's available on all streaming platforms, as well on Bandcamp to buy digitally and as a physical CD.
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johnlennonofficial · 5 months
controversial but i think “This Boy” might be the BEST song the Beatles performed live because
1. John’s bridge
2. they’re ALWAYS tight knit
3. John and Paul rubbing sweaty cheeks
4. John’s bridge
5. Paul’s “hee-hee!” and John giggling abt it
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javelinbk · 10 months
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George Martin and Michael Lindsay-Hogg discuss the John/Paul/George dynamic (with varying levels of accuracy) in The Beatles: Get Back (2021)
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