#Michael schumacher
aphrostiel · 3 days
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The little star 🌟 and the sun ☀️
my most beloved duo of all time.
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Seb in the background looks like Toad -
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marcsquez · 1 day
this post may or may not would induct arguments but, if we are talking about pure talents and raw speed, i think Aryton Senna, Kimi Raikkonen and Mika Hakkinen is that guy in F1. But if we are talking talent plus most hunger and ambition, that would be Michael Schumacher and Sebastian Vettel. And Lewis Hamilton? He is all of them plus consistency and never giving up.
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Boy scout
Pairing: Mika Häkkinen x Michael Schumacher
@schumi-honey and I were in such a Makkinen mood 🥰. Michael gets hurt as he and Mika run for their lives 😭😭. Mika to the rescue.
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Michael watched him as he crouched down to look at a beetle. He sat down on his knees in the mud and put his finger in front of the little creature, hoping that it would climb his hand. Hiking really brought out the nerd in Mika. Michael thought it was adorable.
His Finnish rival had always had an interest in unconventional animals. Sure, he loved cats and dogs, but he also loved turtles, frogs, stick-insects and bugs. It was a good thing Keke kept an eye on him every once in awhile, because otherwise Mika's apartment would probably be a zoo.
"Look Michael, It's a stag-beetle!"
Mika walked up too him with the big bug in his hands and almost pressed it in Michael's face, making the German recoil.
"Yeah nice, Mika. I could see it pretty clearly when it was still on the ground."
The Finn grinned. He put the bug back on the ground, then smelled his fingers. "Yeah." He pulled a face. "The downside of holding one... it excretes a smell when it feels threathened. Now my hand smells like..." He thought for a moment. "... like particularly strong ivy."
"That's very... specific. Why do you know so well what ivy smells like?"
"Have you never smelled it?"
"What do you mean? Stick my head in plants to find out what they smell like?"
"I was a boy scout when I was a kid."
Michael gaped at him. Of course he was a boy scout during his youth. That man could sell cookies to anyone. "You still are, so it seems."
Michael loved the nerd-talk. With Mika he never really talked about the far future... about life after Formula One... about whether they wanted to have kids at some point... about what kind of insurances they should take out... It was always about the matter at hand. And if it meant they were talking about bugs and plants, then so be it.
Mika wiped his hands on his pants and smirked at Michael. The German was very dear to him. He had no idea how it turned out that way, because a few years ago, during their F3 days, he was very supicious of him. Could he call him a friend right now? Was it possible to be friends with a rival? Friends were people from school, from your childhood. People you played with at the playground... he hoped he could call Michael a true friend...
"You know... I bet you were a boy scout too."
Michael quirked an eyebrow at the Finn. "Nonsense! What makes you think that?"
Mika pointed at his clothes and smirked. "Your very professional gear. You're an outdoor type. Tell me, were you a boy scout in the past or are you affirming the German stereotype?"
Michael stuck his tongue out at his rival and poked his ribs. "Brat!"
Mika jumped away from him, rubbing over his ribs. "Hey! Don't do that. They're sensitive!"
"Oh, are they?" A mischievous grin crept up on Michael's face. He took a leap towards the Finn and grabbed him by the waist with one hand. His other hand poked his rival's ribs repeatedly, making Mika squirm and blush.
"Michael! Don't," he yelped.
Michael felt a swarm of butterflies invade his stomach. The sudden feeling made him blush so deeply that he was afraid his rival would notice. He immediately let go off Mika, unsure of what to "make" of this feeling. He created a distance between them, staring at the Finn as his heart bounced in his chest.
Mika swiped his golden locks from his eyes. His face was equally as red as Michael's. He stared at the mossy ground, trying to hide the blush on his cheeks. Michael's touch was burning on both sides of his ribcage. He tried to ignore his feelings, his eyes scanning the ground for little creatures that could distract him. Frogs, bugs, salamanders... everything would do...
Michael noticed how Mika had become silent. A sudden gust of wind blew his blonde hair in all kinds of directions. The Finn's hand shot out in instinct to smoothen the luscious locks back in position and to hold the fluff down with a disgruntled frown on his face. "Why is it so windy all of a sudden?"
Michael looked up at the sky where dark clouds had gathered above their heads. The pine trees surrounding them whistled in the wind. Branches creaked. Silent rain drops fell down on them.
Mika followed Michael's line of sight and wrapped his arms around his body. "That's not good. How far up are we?"
Michael took a glance at his GPS. He knew how quickly the weather could change in the mountains. He knew how quickly the temperatures could drop up here. "Not sure. I think we've been walking for three hours... that's really not good."
"Didn't you check the weather forecast?" Mika asked him, pulling his collar up.
Michael scowled at him. Why did his rival always expect everything was arranged and scheduled around him. Why was he so immature?
"Mika, why didn't you check the weather forecast yourself?! I'm the one wearing responsible gear. I'm the one operating the GPS... what did you do all day? Look for wurms?"
The Finn stared at him in confusion. He seemed a little gobsmacked by the sudden reprimand.
Seriously, had no one ever told him the truth about his naiveity? Were people afraid that the truth would make him cry? Of course they did. Mika had always been quick to tears. "I mean... What kind of boy scout are you?"
There it was... the pout... the quivering lips. Mika quickly grabbed his backpack and conjured up a coat. "I brought a coat. I have responsible gear too."
Michael shook his head. "Wow, is that the least you could think of?"
Mika stared at the ground. His shoulders slumped in embarassment as he crumpled his thin softshell coat in his fist. "I'm sorry, Michael. I... I..."
He was interupted by a loud thunderclap, and quite soon after, by a bolt of lightning that painfully slowly branched out in the dark sky. They both flinched and looked up with big terrified eyes.
"Mika, come here." Michael grabbed his rival by the arm. "Ssshh, It's okay. No need to apologize. I just think you have to be aware of these kind of things... for your own good. What would happen if you were here on your own?"
Mika shrugged. "The same. It's not like you checked the weather forecast either. So either way, I would end up lost in the mountains with a thunderstorm coming my way."
Now it was Michael's turn to be gobsmacked by the Finn's comment. Mika was... right. He had been irresponsible as well.
As nature's rumble echoed through the sky, they were both quite oblivious to the fact that they were holding each other as they counted the distance from the thunderstorm to their location.
"33... 34... 35... 36... shit it's getting closer."
Mika opened his backpack, rummaged through it and grabbed his carabiners. He then – not too gently – pushed Michael to get him to turn around and unzipped his backpack.
The Finn grabbed Michael's metal drinking bottle and proceeded to throw his carabiners and Michael's drinking bottle in the chasm near them.
"Hey! What are you doing?!" Michael exclaimed, grabbing the Finn by his sweater and shaking him.
Mika yanked his sleeve from Michael's grip. "Metal objects conduct lightning as they have low resistance."
"So what?"
"It hightens the chance you get electrocuted." Mika replied as he threw Michael a contemptous look. "Yup, that's the boy scout speaking. You might need him today."
Michael had never thought Mika was able to throw shade at him. Most of the time he was very kind and innocent. But witnessing the friendly boy snap at him was a whole new experience.
"Mika, can we please put this little dispute of ours to rest and get ourselves to safety?"
Mika shrugged. He looked into Michael's emerald eyes and smiled. "Sure. It's not a good moment now, eh?"
They made quick work of putting on their coats and backpacks, before they started the quick hike down.
Above their heads the thunderstorm was increasing in intensity. 29... 30... 31... 32... the lightning was nearing 'striking-distance'.
Their feet padded quickly down the mossy and slippery path as the pine trees were creaking and the spruces were bending like twigs in the heavy wind. Nature was coming for them.
"Mika, I'm scared!" Michael had hidden his fears for way too long. He was truly scared of getting lost, of getting hypothermia and dying in the mountains with his favourite rival.
"Michael, It's okay! I'm scared too! But the chance we get electroduced is very small."
Michael felt how Mika put an arm around his shoulders as they ran down the path, staring at the rocks beneath their feet with maximum concentration. The gesture warmed his heart. He was glad he was with Mika. He couldn't think of anyone else he'd rather want to run for his life with.
When the rain started to become heavier it was only a matter of minutes before one of them would slip and injure themselves.
Counting down in his head, Michael had to divide his concentration on both the nearing thunderstorm and his footwork. It went well for five minutes until Michael tripped and fell on the rocky surface below him.
An agonizing scream emitted from his throat as he fell on his knee, probably tearing off a ligament.
"Micheal!" Mika shouted as he ran towards the floored German. "Michael, are you okay?" The Finn felt his heart bang against his sternum. "Michael?"
He crouched down to flip Michael over and saw him cry. Eyes squeezed shut in pain and tears rolling down his cheeks. Mika's eyes traveled down to Michael's knee where he saw his torn jeans and the blood trinkling from a nasty wound.
"Shit, Michael. Don't cry. I'm going to help you." Mika stood up and looked around with his hands in his hair. "Vittu!"
As if on cue, it started to rain harder and the thunderclaps started to become louder.
"Mika!" Michael was sobbing loudly and shaking like a wet kitten. "It hurts so badly and I'm so scared! I can't walk!"
"Ssshh, I will find us shelter." He crouched down and placed his hands in Michael's armpits, hoisting him up.
"Mika, ouch! That hurts!"
"I know and I'm sorry. Lean on me."
Michael could barely hear the Finn over the sound of the raging storm. He was no help to Mika, who awkwardly tried to  mandhande him to rest against his side.
"I wonder if I can carry you. I've never carried a grown man."
The Finn's arms enveloped the German in a warm embrace as he tried to lift Michael up. His face turned red as he put all his strength into lifting the German. He only just managed to keep Michael against his chest and staggered on his feet under the weight of his rival. "Wow, you're heavy!"
"Are you calling me fat?"
"No, of course not. I'm calling you heavy, as in grown-man-heavy."
Mika held Michael against his chest as if he was the most precious thing in the world, softly tracing his thumb over Michael's arm. He very carefully took his steps down the path in order not to jostle the German too much. "You okay, Michael?"
Michael stared at the blonde boy as if he was an actual guardian angel helping him,  protecting him. The tenderness, the sweetness... it made him cry even more. He nodded despite his tears. "More so than a few seconds ago."
Mika smiled his lopsided smile and almost jumped in excitement when he noticed something that resembled the outline of a cave. Well, it looked more like a deeply eroded ridge. It was good news, since he felt Michael slowly slipping from his grip.
He hurried to the ridge as carefully and as safely as he could holding 140 pounds of German in his arms. "Michael, we will be safe and warm and I'm going to make us a campfire."
Arriving at the small cave, Mika felt Michael slipping down his arms more and more. To provide the German with a soft landing, he dropped to his own knees to take the hit for him. He gently pushed Michael against the stone wall and sat down next to him to catch his breath.
Michael made himself smaller and curled himself up into a tighter ball, pressing his back firmly against Mika.
"How is the pain Michael?" Mika carded a hand through Michael's light brown curls, noticing the German's watery emerald eyes.
"Mika, it hurts so badly! I think I've torn a ligament." Tears streamed down his cheeks uncontrolably. "What if nobody finds us?"
"Ssshh, Michael." Mika cradled his face in his hands and gently wiped the rain and tears off his face with the sleeve of his sweater. "Ron will do everything to get me back." He grinned. "He starts panicking right away when I don't answer his calls. You know... he thinks I'm immature too."
Michael lifted his hand and stroked Mika's cheek with the back of his hand. "Not immature, just a little naive. Which is a good value... it makes you enjoy life more... I think."
Mika grabbed Michael's hand from where it was resting against his cheek and folded it between his own warmer hands. "Gosh, you're cold. I do need to make a campfire."
He got up and walked away, back into the rain and storm.
"Mika, twigs and branches won't work! It's too wet!" Michael yelled after him. He just wanted Mika to get back so he could cuddle up against him. "Come back. It's to no avail."
But Mika didn't come back. He wandered towards the pine trees with determination in his eyes. Michael shook his head. "Seriously, Mika?"
After five minutes Mika came back. He stared at Michael knowingly as if he had something up his sleeve. "I heard you, you know. I'm not dumb." He opened his coat and a stack of dry bark fell from it. "It's dry and the resin inside is perfect for fire."
Michael was truly impressed, but he was in too much pain to show it. He watched as Mika retrived a matchbox from his backpack. Within a few seconds they had a fire.
"I know what you're thinking..." Mika grinned smugly "...all this, but you didn't check the weather forecast?" His grin quickly turned into a grimace when he noticed Michael's pained frown. His eyes were red and puffy, his breaths sounded hoarse and shallow.
Poor thing. He had never really seen Michael so out of it. The German was usually the one comforting him.
"Come here." He scooted closer to his rival and pulled him against his side. Together they listened to the thunderclaps and the raindrops cascading down the rocks. Mika placed his hand on Michael's sweat-matted brow. "Should I take a look at your knee?"
Michael huddled even closer, leaning into the touch and pressing his face in the crook of Mika's neck. He nodded. "Please. It hurts so much." His words were muffled against the Finn's skin.
"Okay." Mika stood up and carefully tore the damaged jeans further open to look at the bloodied knee. His fingers reached down to gently palpate the wound.
"Ouch, Mika! Be gentle!" Michael whined.
"I am! I am! ...I try!" Mika gently patted Michael's thigh in an attempt to sooth him. "I don't know what to do! It doesn't really need to get sutured." The Finn's face showed signs of his own little panic attack. When Mika was in panic he often started rambling - thinking out loud. "Maybe I need to bandage it? Or maybe I need to stabilize your leg?"
He took of his coat and made a little nest for Michael's knee, carefully guiding Michael's leg to rest on top of the soft material. He then took a handkerchief from his backpack and started dabbing the wound.
"No, Mika!" Michael whimpered.
"Ssshh, it's okay. It's okay... just cleaning it a little." He reached out his hand to wipe the tears off Michael's cheeks and threw him a rueful smile. "It's okay. I made a fire and I brought chocolate chip cookies with me. We will wait for Ron. He has developed a seventh sense for when I get into trouble."
Michael found it in himself to chuckle at that. The complete trust Mika had in his team boss. He watched as the Finn grabbed the bag of cookies and opened it. He sobbed in relief as tears managed to escape and stream their way down his face. He was getting hungry and the smell of chocolate was a very welcome suprise.
Mika sat down closer to him and guided Michael's head to rest on his shoulder. Together they watched the forces of nature rage on.
"Mika, I'm sorry for calling you immature. I had no idea you had so much stuff in that backpack!"
Mika chuckled, his smile lighting up his handsome face. "All good. I get that a lot. You need to focus on getting your leg better before the start of next season."
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chasingseb · 1 day
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rt3nenbaum · 1 day
happy birthday valencia 2012, you will always be famous baby ❤️‍🩹
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maxi---taxi · 2 days
nah, cause tell me why i just got thoroughly harassed by a deranged charles fan because I said my favorite Ferrari era was Michael Schumacher....
like, she told me that I was wrong, and stupid, and that I should kill myself because anybody who says that Charles isn't the best driver isn't a real f1 fan, and doesn't deserve to have an opinion...
I got full ass verbally assaulted because I liked MICHAEL FUCKING SCHUMACHER, 7 TIME WDC CHAMPION, LOVING HUSBAND AND FATHER over Charles Leclerc... I've seen more sane Lewis fans....
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flyingcakeee · 2 months
"Formula 1 is such a serious sport!"
Is it?
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God there's so many more I can put it's insane
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schumipng · 3 months
My favourite F1 Magazine covers Part 2:
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gracecantdopoetry · 2 months
“What sign are you?” More like “who won the F1 WDC the year you were born ?”
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n1ckelpistol · 1 month
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itsillyakuryakin · 9 months
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I saw this meme format and I had to do it.
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It's the same sunglasses?!!
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sennajpg · 18 days
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A marshall readjusts his Michael Schumacher and Ayrton Senna teddy bear mascots
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flatoutin-eaurouge · 8 months
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formulinos · 1 month
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michael schumacher, nico rosberg & a water bottle | 2012 stuttgart FOTA fan forum
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