#Michel Bracke
ronnydeschepper · 10 months
Oswald Versyp (1939-2014)
Het is al vijf jaar geleden dat (beroeps)acteur/regisseur/auteur (vooral voor Cabaretgroep Moereloere) Oswald Versyp is overleden (foto Thuis/VRT). Continue reading Untitled
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urochishe · 1 year
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Car Seat Headrest - Bodies / Victorian christmas card / Radiohead - Present Tense / Paul Klee - Dance of Horror / Michelle Gurevich - Dance While You Can / Leonard Cohen - Dance Me to the End of Love / John Brack - Girl gymnast striking arabesque pose on floor (1977)
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trustrecords · 2 years
Chopper movie
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#Chopper movie tv
The bloke's been me best mate since 1975. (Eric Bana) "You don't much like me, do you Keithy?".(Eric Bana) "Jimmy, if you keep stabbing me, you're going to kill me.".(Eric Bana) "- And you look at me like I'm a f***ing idiot.".(Detective Cooney) "Sort out your boy, will you?".I'm sittin' here confessing to a f***ing murder, I've known you since I was a f***ing pup, right? And you've got the f***ing audacity to drag this c*** here -" (Eric Bana) "I've never, I don't think I've ever been as bloody insulted as I am right now.That was good, wasn't it? It was good for a bit of a giggle, anyway." (Eric Bana) "He couldn't knock the fluff off a cappuccino.".(Eric Bana) "You've probably read all the newspaper stories about me, and you've heard the word on the street about me, and you've probably got a picture in your head of what Chopper Read's like and we're sitting here at this bar all very nice and cosy and I'm a bit of a let down to you.".I mean, am I the only bloody standover man in the country who provides a medical plan for some of these characters?" What's more, it's bloody insulting, it's bloody insulting. Now tell me this, right? Why would I shoot a bloke BANG and then put him in the bloody car and whiz him off to the hospital at a hundred miles an hour? It defeats the purpose of having shot him in the first place. (Eric Bana) "No, I didn't take him to the bloody hospital.(Detective Downie) "So you took him to the hospital?".(Eric Bana) "Well, it couldn't have been me, could it? Else I wouldn't be standing here.".
#Chopper movie tv
(Keith Read) "I just saw on the TV that a man was shot at Bojangles.(Vince Colosimo) "The leg is okay, all right?".(Eric Bana) "I mean, what the bloody hell were you doing getting lippy at me with a bloody shotgun? I had a bloody loaded shotgun.".I reconsidered and dropped it down to your kneecap. (Eric Bana) "Because I don't know if you remember, Neville, but I had that bloody shotgun pointed at your head.(Vince Colosimo) "Nah, forget about it.".(Eric Bana) "Look, you're not still angry at me about the leg, are you?".Now I can't even get arrested in this bloody town." (Eric Bana) "I used to be Chopper Read.The cast includes: Eric Bana as Chopper, Vince Colosimo as Neville Bartos, Renée Brack as Interviewer, David Field as Keithy George, Simon Lyndon as Jimmy Loughnan, Robert Rabiah as Nick, and Skye Wansey as Mandy.Ĭhopper (film) Quotes Eric Bana as Chopper Chopper (film) is distributed by First Look Pictures. Each episode of Chopper (film) is 94 minutes long. It features Michele Bennett as producer, Mick Harvey in charge of musical score, and Geoffrey Hall, and Kevin Hayward as head of cinematography.Ĭhopper (film) is recorded in English and originally aired in Australia. Chopper (film) is a TV show that debuted in 1970.
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felipeandletizia · 4 years
Felipe & Letizia’s decade: Trips Abroad
F&L Decade 50/??
King Felipe and Queen Letizia paid an official visit to Belgium on November 12, 2014.
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They traveled accompanied by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, José Manuel García-Margallo, and were received upon arrival at the Royal Palace of Laeken by Their Majesties the King and Queen of the Belgians.
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After the interpretation of the Spanish and Belgian national anthems, Don Felipe, together with His Majesty the King of the Belgians, reviewed the troops.
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After the magazine to the Company of Honors, Don Felipe and Doña Letizia held a meeting in the Goya Room of the Royal Palace with Their Majesties the Kings of the Belgians.
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At the end, Don Felipe and Doña Letizia moved to the Palacio d'Egmont, headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Belgium, where they held a meeting with the Prime Minister, Charles Michel.
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Then Don Felipe and Doña Letizia addressed Parliament. There they met with the president of the House of Representatives, Siegfried Bracke, and the president of the Senate, Christine Defraigne, who accompanied them during their visit to the chambers of both Houses.
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A lunch offered by Their Majesties the Kings of the Belgians in honor of Their Majesties the Kings put the finishing touch to the Official Journey to the Kingdom of Belgium.
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hermeschildren · 5 years
Bad Ideas
Connor sat on his bed looking at the paper in front of him. After a particular bed argument between him and Alina about something he had already forgotten, a prank civil war was issued. 
Connor already had Travis, Alice, Julia, Demeter, and Aphrodite cabins on his side Alina had The rest of Cabin 11 and Ares, Hades and Apollo cabins on her side. Both were trying to persuade Posiden and Athena cabins. Both seemed annoyed with the whole thing but Connor was sure he could get Percy to agree to an alliance if he pulled off this next prank perfectly. 
It was a simple prank nothing too serious. It was definitely not his style of prank but it was Alina’s. At breakfast, Percy's special blue pancakes would be filled with glitter. Percy would, of course, think it was Alina who did it and join his side.
It was petty but could very easily turn this thing around. Besides Alina had already had Nico make a marching band of skeletons to follow him around, covered his entire bed with glitter glue and many more annoying pranks.
All he had managed to do was get her trapped in a hole for a day and convince her current girlfriend Lucy to Ignore her tell she admitted defeat. He had tried other things but she always managed to avoid them.
The sounds of distant yells told him that Percy had found the glitter in his food. Smiling he got out of bed as he retched the door it flew open. Having expected Percy he was shocked to see Lucy. She was a small girl like Alina only around five feet in height with long blond hair and pale skin she was extremely kind and it had been hard to convince her to ignore his sister. What really consigned him was the tears streaming down her face. 
“What’s wrong?” he asked the girl as he led her to one of the many chairs in the cabin. 
“Alina she, she, she dumped me,” she whispered as if she couldn’t believe it herself. Connor felt like his whole body shut down. His sister dumped the love of her life, was it because he had Lucy ignore her?
Shaking his head he turned to the girl “ Did she say why she dumped you.”
“She said that if I was going to ignore her because of a prank war she didn’t what to be with me.” It was his fault. Standing he quickly left to find Alina. She was at the Hades cabin talking with Nico, most likely planning her next prank. walking up to the porch he called to his sister. 
“Alina! what were you thinking!” retch the cabin he didn’t give her the chance to talk. “why would you every brack up with Lucy! she loves you more than anything. I get not liking the fact she was ignoring you I would be mad if Michel ignored me. You know what the prank wars off now go make up with lucy.” He expected her to look shooked by what he said but she looked smug. 
“We didn’t brack up. I told her to tell you that so you would call off the prank war.” shock, pride and a whole bunch of other emotions swelled inside him.
“You played me.” standing up Alina looked her older brother in the eyes.
“Never use my Girlfriend against me. Now if you’ll excuse me I promised her I’d help her with her new invention. Bye Nico.” walking in the direction of the Hephaestus cabin Connor could only stare at her. 
“she played me.”                           
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sst-43 · 5 years
Saturday night
After work, he buzzed n his chick Michelle and she came by with all their freaky friends then we finished up with shots of Brack Vervet and stuff. Hung out back n more shots, then decided more wizard, so I ubered home, grabbed some n then when my Uber said 19 minutes til pick up, I texted him n he said they were going to one of their friends that lives right by me’s house.
Cool- ride over n found ‘em- literally was 800 feet away on Caliente st. Hung for a bit, bump, and then just water...I was pretty pickled by then. Some folks left so I split home and since it was all nice out (only like midnight then), I went on the porch n got baked fully nekkid! Lights out, it’s hard to see anyone on there, so it’s cool- just from the door to the table is the sketchy part. Got horned up and started jerking off out there, like for about an hour or so. Went in and jerked off sucking on that soft dildo but it’s too big to really deep throat, then I had it on my chest and jerked off while giving it a handy and occasionally reaching forward to suck on it and lick the tip n stuff. It was hot, like I was worshipping this “cock” talisman 😂. Getting hard writing about it! Came the other day thinking about how hot Louie’s big cock and cum loads was the other week. Damn, that was rad. That hunk of meat he has is amazing!
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ana-mum-and-boss · 3 years
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➡️Swipe pour faire défiler 💫 Qᴜ'ᴇsᴛ ᴄᴇ ǫᴜᴇ ʟᴇ MICROBIOTE ? ✰Il regroupe près de 100.000 milliards de micro-organismes, notamment des bactéries, qui sont au cœur de la digestion. "Elles protègent la paroi intestinale des agresseurs et des toxines apportés par l’alimentation, explique le Dr Michel Brack. ✰Certaines d’entre elles ont pour mission de réparer en permanence les dégâts causés par les toxiques et les polluants que nous absorbons. ✰En effet notre microbiote est l’ensemble des bactéries qui constituent notre flore intestinale et qui a commencé à se développer dès notre naissance. On sait aussi que certaines bactéries synthétisent des éléments essentiels comme les vitamines K, B9 et B12 ✰Nous pourrions comparer ça à un jardin se trouvant au cœur de notre intestin avec une biodiversité exceptionnelle qui «grouillent» de vie ou plutôt de bactéries intestinales. ★Sachez que près de 70 % de nos défenses immunitaires se trouvent au niveau de notre intestin et que ce se sont ces fameuses bonnes bactéries qui assurent le maintien de notre système immunitaire. ★Globalement, notre microbiote s’appauvrit déjà en quantité et en qualité avec l’âge. Mais beaucoup d’autres facteurs l’attaquent également à tout moment de la vie : les maladies, l’inflammation, en particulier quand elle est de bas grade, c’està- dire quasi silencieuse, les toxiques de l’environnement, les antibiotiques, mais aussi le stress et les mauvaises habitudes alimentaires. ★Pour lutter contre tout cela, il est extrêmement important de donner aux bactéries bienfaitrices de notre intestin tout ce qu’il leur faut à manger ! On sait aujourd’hui qu’elles adorent les fibres solubles ou insolubles dans l’eau et les antioxydants. En revanche, elles détestent les acides gras saturés. Les bonnes pistes pour se refaire une bonne flore… ♡︎𝑺𝒂 𝒃𝒐𝒏𝒏𝒆 𝒔𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒆́ 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒅𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒏𝒆 𝒓𝒆́𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒆𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒓𝒆 𝒔𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒆́ 𝒈𝒍𝒐𝒃𝒂𝒍𝒆 ♡︎ Tu veux en savoir ➕, laisse moi un petit commentaire ❤️ https://www.instagram.com/p/CVH6x3-IswD/?utm_medium=tumblr
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viralafeed · 3 years
Erykah Badu Issues An Apology To The Obamas For Being A 'Terrible Guest' Following Recent Event 
Erykah Badu Issues An Apology To The Obamas For Being A ‘Terrible Guest’ Following Recent Event 
On Thursday, Erykah Badu took to social media to issue an apology to Barack and Michelle Obama after she was recently a guest at Brack’s 60th birthday celebration. Erykah was in attendance as one of the performers for the special event and shared a moment from the party, where Barack could be seen embracing singer H.E.R., who was also a performer at the private event. Erykah would later delete…
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agathabijoux-blog · 5 years
et Sotheby plan pour se concentrer sur les catégories avec collecteur élevée price points tels que bijoux, montres, imprime, vin, photographie et design du xxe siècle. collection principale est la ligne entière de l'automne/hiver 2014 Ligne et montre un tableau de réinterprétation des conceptions anglais. agatha rivoli l'intérieur de la couverture avant. Mis à part les noms donnés cidessous, vous pouvez aussi donner un nom de votre choix ou selon le choix de votre famille. L'étude visait à capturer ce que lecteurs apprécierez à propos de Vanity Fair, ce qui rend le contenu de la revue et de l'empreinte spéciale pour acquérir une meilleure compréhension de ses 'né curieux'audience. Le lancement de la collection agatha, créer encore designers de france thakoon de pointe, la femme du président populaire des étatsunis michelle obama préférée thakoon panichgul nouveau designer agatha devenir directeur de la création en cette année, dans une nouvelle boutique agatha les éléments créatifs. Facebook HarrodsTailoring post du shopping experienceHarrods de a déjà montré AGATHA BAGUE un dévouement à fournir aux consommateurs. ’ Nah, d’abord tu dois dire. Comme vous le savez peutêtre, cela garantit spécifiques la façon dont les agatha promo discount des styles complètement différents jusqu’à ce que nous ayons rencontre promo agatha et comme il n’y a pas de bracelet beaucoup mieux comme leur importante en cuir à base de niveau de celles de qualité. En outre, les spécialistes des études de marché à partir de la richesse-X, la richesse moteur, l'unité, Centre de recherche Shullman Marketing, Ipsos MediaCT et le Luxury Institute se révèlent précieuses données, idées et analyses sur les acheteurs de luxe et shopping. Par exemple, maison de vente aux enchères et art vendeur Christie est de capitaliser sur l'intérêt d'amende horlogerie avec le lancement de sa boutique de surveillance collier boule argent agatha en ligne. Le Président:Reginald Brack, vice-président principal et chef de la vente au détail, international montres, 12 h 30 - 1 h 15 Pause déjeuner parrainés1:15 p. La maison de couture française promu sa dernière campagne vidéo avec un deux-page pour l'étalé complet 'Secret Garden III - Versailles' effort. Label britannique Mulberry lance son automne/hiver 2014 Campagne avec un microsite et qui mettent en lumière la vidéo marque du pays d'accueil. Certains morceaux léguer idiosyncrasique est peu variée représentations mesure où d’autres sont optime imiter les images normale nouvelle collection agatha. Autre mener la cause concernant la raison pour laquelle étiquette de prix des agatha ce qu’ils font est nécessaire de tenir à l’aide de la finition qui va dans leur développement. Aussi dans le men Department, achats de gaufrage sera Valextra des produits en cuir en provenance d'août 1-3. Sangle sur le pendentif peut être ouvert à supprimer, avec neuf sortes de liberté de AGATHA CLIPS D'OREILLES choix à porter avec le monde entier édition limitée de seulement huit. Enfin, des cadres supérieurs Des organismes, fournisseurs de services et de marketing Retail Services consultatifs tels que RO-NY, STC Associates, Boston partenaires détaillants, iProspect et McCann vérité va débattre la question centrale du marketing est de s'adapter à l'évolution des attitudes des consommateurs comme gain en ligne et mobiles plus le mindshare. Cadeau pour tous – agatha bijoux bracelet. Il est possible que formelle sont faites pour un modèle de taille zéro et se pavaner bas de la rampe. www.bijouxagathasoldes.com/
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ronnydeschepper · 1 year
Leo Hendrik Baekeland (1863-1944)
Het is vandaag 75 jaar geleden dat in Beacon, New York, Leo Hendrik Baekeland is gestorven (foto: unknown author – http://www.deutsches-kunststoff-museum.de/rund-um-kunststoff/erfinder/leo-hendrik-baekeland/). Continue reading Untitled
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«Dépolluez votre graisse interne» de Michel Brack et Arnaud Cocaul
«Dépolluez votre graisse interne» de Michel Brack et Arnaud Cocaul
Les chercheurs viennent de découvrir un nouvel organe : le tissu adipeux péri-viscéral, véritable « aspirateur à polluants et à toxiques ».
Et attention  : cette graisse interne n’est pas réservée aux seules personnes en surpoids, elle peut aussi concerner les minces.
Cette graisse a un rôle particulier : absorber et stocker les polluants et les toxiques (ce qui évite qu’ils partent dans les…
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Spring 2019: University of Texas at Austin
E362L - Mia Carter
Reading list:
Michel Faber: Under the Skin
Andrea Levy: Small Island
Allan Hollinghurst: The Stranger’s Child
Naomi Alderman: The Power
Ali Smith: Autumn
Michael Ondaatje: Warlight
Kamila Shamsie: Home Fire: A Novel
Ancillary materials:
Mariadele Boccardi: “Introduction: The Novel of History 1969-2005″
Jerome de Groot: “Literary Fiction and History”
Raymond Williams: “Alone in the City”
I, Daniel Blake (2016 film)
Happy-Go-Lucky (2008 film)
Michael Grantham: “The Transhuman and the Monster”
Astrid Bracke: “Introduction: Climate Crisis and Cultural Imagination” & “collapse”
Tim Shipman: All Out War: The Full Story of How Brexit Sank Britain’s Political Class
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michelle-rendell · 4 years
Grueby Faience Deer Frieze, Rail, Corner, Floor, Medallion and Shelf Tiles in a "brick-a-brack" fireplace circa 1905 (fireplace updated 2000) via https://t.co/ijOWJg9OGV
Grueby Faience Deer Frieze, Rail, Corner, Floor, Medallion and Shelf Tiles in a "brick-a-brack" fireplace circa 1905 (fireplace updated 2000) via https://t.co/ijOWJg9OGV
— Michelle Rendell (@michelle_rendel) April 26, 2020
from Twitter https://twitter.com/michelle_rendel April 26, 2020 at 04:37PM via IFTTT
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umukunzimwiza · 5 years
Michelle Obama yavuze impamvu ubukwe bwe bwamushenguye umutima
Michelle Obama yavuze impamvu ubukwe bwe bwamushenguye umutima
Ku munsi w’ejo ku wa kana umufasha wa President wa 44 wa Leta Zunze Ubumwe za Amerika Michelle Obama yavuze ukuntu ubukwe bwe bwamukomerekeje umutima mu 1992 ubwo yasezeranaga na Brack Obama.
Michelle yabivuze nyuma yo kuva muri Obama Foundation summit yaberaga Chicago ndetse amaze no kuganiriza itsinda ry’abakobwa baganiraga, yavuze ko yashimishijwe ndetse akanababazwa icyarimwe n’ubukwe bwe…
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touchrwanda · 5 years
Michelle Obama yavuze impamvu ubukwe bwe bwamushenguye umutima
Michelle Obama yavuze impamvu ubukwe bwe bwamushenguye umutima
Ku munsi w’ejo ku wa kana umufasha wa President wa 44 wa Leta Zunze Ubumwe za Amerika Michelle Obama yavuze ukuntu ubukwe bwe bwamukomerekeje umutima mu 1992 ubwo yasezeranaga na Brack Obama.
Michelle yabivuze nyuma yo kuva muri Obama Foundation summit yaberaga Chicago ndetse amaze no kuganiriza itsinda ry’abakobwa baganiraga, yavuze ko yashimishijwe ndetse akanababazwa icyarimwe n’ubukwe bwe…
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insopp · 6 years
La sindrome del politico non comunicante.
La sindrome del politico non comunicante.
Assisto affascinato ai fuochi di inizio anno della campagna elettorale politica in Sardegna. Non entro nel merito delle questioni squisitamente politiche: destra, sinistra, centro, movimenti, indipendentisti, nazione sarda, autonomisti fanno la loro campagna elettorale sulla loro idea di modello Sardegna.
Tutto legittimo, tutto molto democratico, tutto molto prevedibile, onestamente.
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