#Michelle Zoya Ivanov
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Name Meanings: Multiple Perspective Characters
Inspired by this.
Jonas, Ronan and Zinnia from my Experiment Story; Jamie-Leigh from my Demons Story; Kiri and Charlotte 'Lotty' from my Mediums Story; Princess Michelle 'Chelle' Zoya Ivanov and Guard Ross Edwin from my Pirates Story; Campbell 'Cammie' Morgan and Joseph 'Seph' Florence from my Haunted Maze Story.
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Pirates Story Introduction
Being a guard was supposed to be simple. Ross had heard whispers of it being easy by some of the older guards, for the pure reason that their kingdom was respected. There was always the lingering threat of something worse happening, but training had prepared them all for that, as well as the royal family themselves. So, when the princess goes missing, Ross finds himself panicking. Chelle is more than just a princess, a job assignment to him, she’s his best friend from childhood. And, with no whispers of threats on the horizon, Ross can’t help wonder what really happened. 
Chelle knew she shouldn’t complain, but she hated being a princess. It was boring, and people expected her to simply smile and act demurely for those that simply made her skin crawl. So, when the opportunity arises to get out of there, Chelle doesn’t think twice. But, all the preparatory lessons in the world couldn’t fully prepare her for the world beyond the protection of the castle, and soon Chelle finds herself on an adventure she couldn’t ever have planned for. An adventure that is far more dangerous than she expected.
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Guard Ross Edwin Tag
Guard Ross Edwin Introduction
Princess Michelle Zoya Ivanov Tag
Princess Michelle Zoya Ivanov Introduction
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Pirates Story Introduction
Being a guard was supposed to be simple. Ross had heard whispers of it being easy by some of the older guards, for the pure reason that their kingdom was respected. There was always the lingering threat of something worse happening, but training had prepared them all for that, as well as the royal family themselves. So, when the princess goes missing, Ross finds himself panicking. Chelle is more than just a princess, a job assignment to him, she’s his best friend from childhood. And, with no whispers of threats on the horizon, Ross can’t help wonder what really happened. 
Chelle knew she shouldn’t complain, but she hated being a princess. It was boring, and people expected her to simply smile and act demurely for those that simply made her skin crawl. So, when the opportunity arises to get out of there, Chelle doesn’t think twice. But, all the preparatory lessons in the world couldn’t fully prepare her for the world beyond the protection of the castle, and soon Chelle finds herself on an adventure she couldn’t ever have planned for. An adventure that is far more dangerous than she expected.
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Guard Ross Edwin Tag
Guard Ross Edwin Introduction
Princess Michelle Zoya Ivanov Tag
Princess Michelle Zoya Ivanov Introduction
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"While I appreciate that you did that for me, I don't appreciate the fact that you nearly died because of it." 
Using this prompt list.
Chelle woke with a groan. Her head felt heavy, the world swimming even before she dared open her eyes. But the brief glimpse of the world she’d got assured her she was back in the safety of the ship. A stream of sunlight had cut through a crack in the curtains. An assurance that she was in Smokes’s cabin; that it was no longer the middle of the night as she thought it should have been.
‘You’re awake.’ Smokes’s voice was barely more than a hoarse whisper, but even with that she could hear the relief behind his words.
‘How long have I been out for?’ she asked, the words scratchy in her own throat. She tentatively peeled an eyelid open, and found the world didn’t give her an immediately stark headache.
Cautiously, she opened the other.
Smokes was silent as he moved from his vast desk chair and towards her. Where some people seemed to rock with the boat as they moved, he always seemed to be at one with it. If anything, he wobbled more on dry land than when walking his ship. But there was an uneasy look behind his eyes. Dark circles clung to his tanned skin like bruises.
He shook his head ever so slightly and perched on the edge of the bed. His bed, she realised. ‘While I appreciate that you did that for me,’ he told her, voice still low, slightly strained as if he were leashing his emotions lest they tumble out of him in a crashing wave that might drown them both, ‘I don’t appreciate the fact that you nearly died because of it.’
‘How long?’
A tick of annoyance seemed to jump in his jaw, but Smokes had shuttered the look from his eyes before she could try reading into it further.
‘Two days,’ he told her, not quite meeting her eyes. ‘It would have been worse, if not for...’ She watched his throat bob as he swallowed. ‘You could have just given me the antidote rather than downing it and then my drink.’
‘It might not have worked on you.’
‘It might not have worked on you!’ His eyes blazed as he stood, looming over her for once. It was the first time she’d ever really appreciated how terrifying he could have been to his enemies. Even in the early days of knowing him, there had been something that didn’t scream violence to her. Sure there was danger there, but he hid it behind charm and promises in silky voices that wrapped threats like gifts.
‘There was no chance of it failing for me,’ she told him evenly. If there was one thing her father had been good at, it was protecting his children from any real outward injury. He couldn’t protect their hearts, but protecting them from possible murder attempts was something he did without blinking.
Smokes loosed a shaky breath before dropping back onto the bed beside her. ‘Never try to save me like that again.’
‘No promises,’ she told him.
There was a flicker of mild irritation behind his eyes, but she could have sworn there was something like affection underpinning it as well.
‘Well then, it looks like I owe you a debt.’
‘Already paid,’ she told him, offering a small smile. Smokes might not have realised it, but he’d saved her by letting her onto the ship that first day. Even if he hated her then, even if he’d threatened to ransom her off, he’d saved her from a drawn out death she wasn’t sure she could handle.
He offered her the briefest of smiles before placing a very quick kiss against the top of her head.
‘Rest,’ he ordered. ‘Otherwise I’m a pair of hands down on deck for even longer, and who knows what trouble that could cause.’
‘Aye, Captain,’ she chirped as he stood, hoping she would be back on deck sooner rather than later.
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Pirates Story Perspective Character Introduction: Princess Michelle Zoya Ivanov
Name: Michelle Zoya Ivanov
Nickname(s): Chelle / Princess / Xærte
Birthday: 16th of February
Age: 25 years old
Height: 173cm / 5’8’’
Dominant Hand: Right
Occupation: Princess / Pirate Ship Crew Member
Species: Human
Faceclaim is Candice King
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Pirates Story Perspective Character Introduction: Michelle
Name: Michelle Zoya Ivanov
Nickname(s): Chelle / Princess / Xærte
Birthday: 16th of February
Age: 25 years old
Height: 173cm / 5’8’’
Dominant Hand: Right
Occupation: Princess / Pirate Ship Crew Member
Species: Human
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Story Introduction
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Chelle watched Ross without really looking at him, out the corner of her eye as she lent on the railing of the ship. Out of an entire kingdom, he’d been the one to find her. He’d been the one to figure out that she was on a ship, not missing as everyone really thought. He’d been the one to realise she’d gone willingly, that disappearing was all she wanted to do.
And still, she could see he didn’t like it on the ship. Didn’t like the rowdiness of the others. He didn’t like the way Musket kept glancing over at her, his knife ready, she knew, in a protective way that probably came across as threatening to Ross.
‘It’s not always like this,’ she said, startling Ross in an instant. He turned to face her, adjusted his gaze so he was looking at her and not above her head.
‘It isn’t?’ he asked, and she could hear the almost sigh of relief behind his voice.
Chelle straightened, patted him on the shoulder as she moved to help Musket with readying the ropes. ‘Yeah, sometimes it’s more violent.’
She didn’t look back to see the reaction on Ross’s face, she didn’t need to. She could practically picture his slack jaw, his widened eyes. Part of her was grateful that he was there, that it was him instead of anyone else that had found her. But another part of her really wished he could be back in the protection of the palace, of his little guard job that he’d been readied for his whole life. There he was safe. There he didn’t have to worry about a dagger in the back. At least, not really - metaphorically, here he was safer.
But for now, he was here and that was all that mattered.
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I can’t find the black star but ⭐️?
Chelle (Pirates Story) once got told off for climbing a tree when she was growing up. All she wanted to do was see over the horizon with her best friend; but being a princess it was something that was kind of frowned upon.
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Chelle as a rogue. She will use whatever means necessary to get what she wants; just don’t look too deeply into her past.
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Ross stared at the woman in front of him, without really seeing her. He knew it was Chelle, knew she was the woman he’d raced across the continent - and then some of the sea - to save. But she didn’t look as though she needed saving. In fact, she’d explained everything to him calmly. She’d even waved off the pirates with the decorum that she’d grown into. And still, there was something so different about her that he worried he was too late. That they’d ensnared her with some magic or another that was impossible to break.
‘Ross,’ she said softly, and instantly he turned away from her. The soft curve of her lips, the golden hair pulled back into a practical ponytail. It wasn’t what he’d expected to see when he started this journey. And yet, it suited her. She seemed far more at ease with this life than she ever had confined in the palace. It was something he could never take away from her, no matter what his orders were.
‘What if I don’t see it?’ he asked, more to the wind blowing off the sea towards them. ‘What if I don’t get all of this?’
‘You don’t have to,’ she said, and he knew it was the truth. Deep down he knew that this wasn’t his thing to understand. He just had to accept this was the path Chelle had taken. That was what friends were for, right?
‘I didn’t see you,’ he said, moving to turn away from the deck full of pirates. ‘I’ll keep looking and telling everyone -’
‘Ross, it’s not as simple as that,’ Chelle admitted, and he could hear the regret behind her voice, felt himself flinching.
Of course it wasn’t. Pirates were pirates, after all, and he’d just handed himself right to them all for the sake of seeing his best friend.
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