#Micky and Davy both wearing black pants + white shirt
nowordsformylove · 11 months
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obsessed with how grumpy and ruffled Mike looks here and then Micky and Davy are smiley and holding his arm
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60schickgroovy · 4 years
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I had been out of the country on family business for about 4 ½ months and I had missed Peter every moment I was away.  It had never been so hard to simply not be near someone.  I arrived at LAX and drove straight to where the boys were doing a concert for their new movie, Head.  I made my way inside, sat in a vacant seat in the back and cheered with the crowd.  I could see four tiny people on the stage.  I spotted yet another vacant seat a bit closer to the stage, I looked around and snuck over.  I bobbed and weaved until I had, actually, an okay view of them.  Micky was beating away at his drums, Davy was mechanically shaking the maracas while he made eyes at the girls, Mike was poker faced as he sang and then I turned to Peter…
My heart fluttered, all the pain of missing him washed over me and I probably looked just like the crazy fangirls.  Seeing him up there content, happy, in his element, and so, so handsome. It was like a magnet, I just wanted to throw my arms around him and kiss him, show him how much I’d missed him. His long hair was so sexy, he had a new cut and it was every bit as hot as the last, he was wearing the white sweater I got him in Ireland and it looked even better on him than I had imagined. The energy, the magic and the music were all so contagious, he looked so into it and he was always the happy one on stage, I knew him so well and he was always happiest when he was playing music.
They finished the song and there was a deafening round of applause, the boys waved and hopped around before running off-stage.  I snuck out before them so as not to be trampled.  I found my way around and the bouncer let me backstage. I walked down hallways, following his directions and finally found myself in front of Peter’s dressing room. I knocked softly and heard movement behind the door. It opened a bit before flying open the rest of the way. “y/n?”  His mouth fell open in a shocked smile.  I tried to say something witty, but he looked so handsome standing there, I smelled his familiar cologne and I craved the feeling of his arms around me and his lips glued to mine, I was home.  “God, why are you so hot?”  I ran forward leaping into his arms.  He was ready, he caught me and held me close as he threw the door shut. He pushed me back against it, pinning me there with his leg between mine.  It was one of the sweetest kisses of my life, we couldn’t get close enough to each other; my fingers combed through his silky hair when they weren’t digging into his back or holding his face or running over his chest.  As he kissed down my neck he whispered in the deep voice that drove me crazy.  “I missed you, every second…”  He came back up to look at me, he was leaning against the door and he moved his hand to gently brush my bangs from my face.  “Oh, Peter, I couldn’t stand being away from you.”  I said as I looked into his hazel eyes.  My neck was too tempting and he moved back down as I continued. “I missed you so much it hurt.” I kissed his hair and breathed in the familiar smell of his shampoo.  “Four months felt like for…”  He added extra punctuation to my sentences by kissing through my words.  I gave up after that and pulled him closer, he lifted me up wrapping my legs around him. I let his tongue explore my mouth freely as my mind spun, I could hardly believe I was here, back in his arms.  He brought me over to a table in the dressing room and his hands slid under my shirt as we walked.  My skirt stopped him from standing between my legs when he sat me on the table, so I unzipped it and cast it aside.  I moan as he filled my every sense and emotion.  I only let go of him to let him lift my shirt off.  I pull his sweater over his head leaving only his beads to cover his chest.  I ran my fingers over his shoulders, chest and abs, relishing every second, then my hands found his belt, I tugged at it, forcing him to fall forward a bit, weight on his hands on the table.  My bra had been disposed of and his lips and tongue were wandering freely over my chest. I slid his belt out of its loops, smiling as I thought of how cute it was that he always wore it sideways.  He moved from where he was between my legs so he could slide my underwear off.  He then wasted no time in pulling his own pants off and, taking me in his arms, made me gasp as he pushed me further backwards.  Soon we were both naked, on the table in his dressing room and blissfully lost to the world.  I looked up and gently touched his face as his long hair hung down around mine and I thought how safe and loved I felt, how lucky I was.  He kissed me as he pushed into me and I moaned into his mouth, his head fell on my shoulder and I dug my fingers into his back.  “Ugh, faster, Peter.  Please.”  I whined. He complied and I closed my eyes, the feeling of him inside me was beyond words.  Suddenly, he pushed deeper than he ever had before and my eyes rolled back as he growled my name into my ear.  I wanted to say something but I simply couldn’t, I couldn’t think, I couldn’t speak, the familiar had become new and exhilarating.  I gasped and panted, moans falling from my slackened mouth. We climaxed and I yelled his name far louder than I meant to.  He collapsed next to me and we laid there for a bit panting and trying to find words. Then suddenly we made eye contact and we burst out in a fit of laughter.  We laughed at ourselves, at each other, at how we couldn’t keep our hands off each other, at the mess we’d made, at the fact that we were lying naked on a table in a dressing room...  When I finally caught my breath I whispered, “I love you.” I turned to lean over him, pushing some hair from his face.  “I love you so much, y/n.”  He said stroking my arm.  He leaned up to kiss me tenderly, slowly and softly.  
Suddenly there was a knock at the door and we both jumped a mile in the air. “Hey, Pete.  It’s us.”  I heard Mike’s southern drawl.  “Just a second guys, I’m naked!”  He yelled as he jumped off the table, scooping me up and bringing me over to his dressing partition.  “Cool it, man, it’s just us.  Who cares?” Said Micky.  “Yea, man, it’s nothing we haven’t seen before, jeez.” Davy said, sounding confused.  The boys had shared dressing rooms hundreds of times, what was different now?  I tried to stifle my laughter as Peter cleaned up the table.  “Got something to hide in there, Tork?”  Micky joked.  He scrambled to grab my clothes while pulling up his pants. He handed them to me with a fleeting kiss before unlocking the door.  The guys looked suspiciously at the topless Peter, whose shirt and sweater had been carelessly and uncharacteristically thrown on the floor. “What’s up with you, man?”  Asked Mike as he sat down on the couch. “Whatever do you mean, Michael?” Asked Peter in his usual joking fashion. “He means what are you hiding, Peter?” “I’m not hiding anything, Micky.” Peter flushed as Davy leaned against the table, then he turned cherry red and covered his face with his hand as something caught Davy’s eye.  He walked over to the other side of the room and picked up a black, lacey bra. “Peter…”  “What is that?!”  Exclaimed Micky with excitement and feigned astonishment.  “That, boys, is what is called a brassiere.  An article of female lingerie.”  Mike said taking the undergarment from his mate.  “The incriminate part is, of course, that Peter is not a female, so…”  Micky stated as they all turned to Peter, who continued to feign innocence. “What?  How on earth did that get in here?”  He said taking the garment, tossing it casually over the partition and missing his companions knowing looks.  “We should have a word with the venue about cleaning up their rooms better.” He said unconvincingly as he paced across the room.  Mike made his way casually over to the partition and suddenly pulled an unsuspecting y/n out from behind it still holding her shirt in her hand.  “Ah!  Ha! Gentlemen, I rest my case.”  He exclaimed triumphantly.  “Hi, fellas!”  I smiled sheepishly.  “y/n!” “Hey, Babe!  Long time, no see!”  I pulled my shirt on as they came to hug me.  
*I do not own the Monkees or anything under their brand.  I just wrote this story.*
For my friend @amalthea9​ 
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