gigsoupmusic · 4 years
Mighty Brother Launches into Summer with New Music Video "Summer Road"
New Orleans band, Mighty Brother, has released their music video “Summer Road” - the second installment of their upcoming double album (The Rabbit. The Owl.), releasing on June 29th. https://youtu.be/b7OqPOSTK0k "Summer Road" presents itself as the perfect addition to any road trip playlist - upbeat, summer-feeling, and laid back all at once. The music video showcases the band on tour, as it takes viewers on the road alongside them with an inside look at their tour across the United States last year. In the midst of the current pandemic, this glimpse into a musician's life brings a sense of nostalgia and longing for things to return to normal.... or at least the music industry. As the band drives across the country the video captures the ‘simple fortunes’ of the open road, juxtaposing the camaraderie and friendships forged with the demands of touring. The music itself captures the band's genre-bending sound of contemporary Folk Americana mixed with upbeat funk elements and instrumentation.  Overall, “Summer Road” beautifully encapsulates those innumerable hours of reflection one might find gazing out the window on any long drive, the mind caught somewhere between going and finding, and leaving and lost.
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Based in New Orleans, Mighty Brother has hit the musical stratosphere with a genre-bending repertoire of upbeat originals comprised of an americana-indie-rock essence and 90’s alternative flavor. The 5-piece band carves a unique space in today’s modern soundscapes with a distinct mashup of styles that has been described as a “blend of Avett-Americana and Radiohead-esque art rock” (Offbeat Magazine). Straddling the lines between folk and funk, rock and alternative, Mighty Brother’s soaring harmonies and striking melodies knit an eclectic sound, guiding the listener through unconventional grooves and adventurous lyricism. Mighty Brother started as a songwriting duo in 2015, comprised of Nick Huster and Ari Carter. Eventually growing to a five-piece indie rock outfit to include band members Jonah Devine Tarver (Saxophone), Quinn Sternberg (Bass), and Nicholas Solnick (Drums), Mighty Brother was quick to carve out two musical successes with Jettison. Reprise. (2015) and The Vibe EP (2017). The band, who describes their sound as groovy and flavorful, has been influenced and inspired by the likes of Grizzly Bear, Radiohead, Bon Iver, The Decemberists, Avett Brothers, Alt-J and several other musical acts. This menagerie of influences led to Mighty Brother’s indie-rock sound that also pays tribute to folk, singer-songwriter, funk, and alternative soundscapes. Having toured the globe on tours spanning from the United States to New Zealand, Mighty Brother performs as if they were actively conversing with the crowd, drawing listeners in for an engaging experience. This energy is translated into their music, proven through the new tracks of their most mature album yet - The Rabbit. The Owl.. Read the full article
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“so many ways to be going but only one way to be here”
said my friend Jake in a song he wrote called “Noise” where he poured his heart out, not having any idea of the potential effect of the song’s lyrical content and emotional output on everyone that listens. He is right. What does this mean to me? This means being exactly where you are, physically oriented within your current reality and the space it contains, amidst the millions of rapid-fire connections your brain is begging you to indulge in about your past and future. There are many ways in which the past could have occurred or where the unknown unfolds beautifully or terrible for us. In the end, it is not the fate that matters but the faith that brings you there. At least, that’s what I believe. And I’d like to think that Jake believed that too when he wrote this, noting that you will only get to that moment you are headed toward if you can know exactly where you came from, or else you will be lost when you arrive. The challenge of impermanence and struggle with how to embrace it and find a safe space to express freely and feel happiness is becoming evermore present as time reveals the predicament that Earth and humanity are placed in. Will we start using our words more kindly and start acting with love from our hearts, not judgement from our fears of the unknown? Humanity cannot be self-sacrificed to it’s own blindness and innocence. This is not a way for the gorgeous human creature to become extinct amongst a frozen and fiery Earth. Balance lies deepest within our physical bodies, right there underneath your chest and above your belly button. All of the resources to heal the Earth and humankind from separation of race, culture, religion, society, class and beyond to eradicate greed, illness, ignorance, miscommunication and fear. It is time to responsibly claim Earth as our home and embrace the challenge naturally laid upon us by Earth, itself. Will we rise to the occasion? Only by opening your eyes and deciding to do something different today that helps the world in any way at all. Becoming less selfish, more loving and learning the safety in being a kind person. The easiest way to be a more thoughtful friend and creator is to be in the moment. You won’t miss a thing if you are aware of every. little. detail. 
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mightybrother · 8 years
One Month Away!
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gigsoupmusic · 4 years
Mighty Brother's "Naked Winter" is A Timely Release for Current Anxious Times
New Orleans band, Mighty Brother, recently released a music video for their single “Naked Winter” as a tease to their upcoming double album (The Rabbit. The Owl.), due in Summer 2020. "Naked Winter" immediately evokes a feeling of angst and foreboding, establishing the haunting, indie vibes that define the second side of their upcoming double album. The song is a slow-burner, but once the groove drops in, Mighty Brother takes us on a climatic journey, the apex of which features a wailing sax solo and the grittiest bass wah you’ve ever heard. “Naked Winter” captures familiar feelings of isolation, uncertainty about the future, and the feeling of being held hostage by uncontrollable forces such as the media (and, more relatively, the coronavirus), all while artfully exploring the band’s unique genre-bending style. We sat down with Mighty Brother to talk about their band's humble beginnings, new music video, and what's next for the dynamic group.
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How did Mighty Brother get started as a band? Mighty Brother began as a duo songwriting project of Nick Huster and Ari Carter in Bloomington, IN, and quickly grew into a five-piece indie rock outfit based out of New Orleans.  We started making music together in 2015. Ari likes to point to a moment after we had first jammed and shared some of our songs that he woke up hiking in Denali National Park, Alaska with one of Nick’s songs stuck in his head as the “aha’ moment for starting the band. After he returned from that hiking trip, we got to work on our first album.   Where does the name 'Mighty Brother' come from? What does it stand for? The name came from “Dearly Beloved,” one of our early co-writes. “Mighty Brother” appears in the lyrics, and we felt it both a strong name and one that hinted at something greater than the sum of its parts. "Naked Winter" is a release from your upcoming double album..... what made you decide to release a double album? Short answer, we’re interested in music that creates an immersive listening experience.  But we could go on… As writers, we both like long-form stories and world-building (think LOTR, Dune, Game of Thrones, etc.), so when we set out to write an album, we hinge on a concept and let that inform what we create. In a listening culture dominated by singles, we just kind of wanted to push back on that.  If you’d like the full story of this particular concept... The Rabbit and the Owl first appeared as characters on the cover of our debut album Jettison. Reprise. We saw them as unlikely friends, predator and prey, the king of the night and jester of the day, and decided to place them on a simple, equal plane. Folks would ask, "So, who is the Rabbit and who is the Owl, and what do they represent?" Over time, the personification of these two contrasting characters grew, as did their stories. Certain tunes became characteristically more "Owl"-esque, while others were clearly the playful and energetic "Rabbit" shining through. Naturally, we ran with it (or took it too far), until a double album became the only clear and viable solution. Thus our upcoming Double Album: The Rabbit. The Owl. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aEB9ouscstw&feature=emb_title What's your favorite lyrical line in "Naked Winter"? “Yet tarried she along the yawning frozen fringes fair with Venus in her hair…” That line calls back to the moment of the song's conception, as the sun was setting over a frozen lake, and the light sort of just hung there. You could see Venus beaming through the naked branches of the trees along the icy fringes. There was a profound stillness that lives between the lines of that stanza. What I love most about the lyrics and the song format, is how they allude a sense of motion without moving. There is action in the lyrics, the sun is setting, the world is getting colder and darker, but there’s something beautiful about that. The main action is observing this, and we get the sense that no direct action follows, concluding with the words “silence where it sings” where we just want to shout into the void! Musically, the song cycles back on itself and repeats this refrain over and over again, building each time, driving forward each time, but with no real release: motion without moving.  How did the idea for the music video come about? The music video, from concept to shooting, came together in the course of one whirlwind week last December. Ari and I had the idea of making a music video with an analog TV grid and digital mapping but had no idea where to start. When we contacted Bruno Doria and Worklight Pictures to chat about the concept, he revealed that they were, in fact, working on an analog TV installation already and that this would be the perfect push to pull it together. Following that chat, we crafted the video concept and narrative with our director Bruno Doria.  We filmed the video about a week after first contact. Ari and I got together for a whole day and wrote out the narrative and scenes we wanted to capture. The driving themes we wanted to explore were isolation and media feedback cycles / fake news. We wanted to craft this sort of "blind leading the blind" metaphor and how that can escalate and fall apart. In this case it's mute leading the blind leading the tortured and finally (after an epic sax solo) finding some sort of liberation. It's tough times and we need to be really mindful of our bias and our voice and how we treat each other. That's at least what this video means to me, and I'm really proud of how it came out. 
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What do you hope the single conveys to fans? That we’re back! It’s been a little over two years since we released new music, so we’re hoping this new single is a good reintroduction to the band. We’ve been playing a lot of shows and working really hard on the double album, and we are ready to bring it to life! We hope that this single gives fans a taste of what the second side of the double album, The Owl., is all about. We can’t wait to turn that on its head when we release a single from The Rabbit. side of the record!  What can fans expect next? We will be putting out a couple more singles before the album release this Summer. This is a very difficult time to be an artist, and we feel lucky to have new music to share while we’re all waiting to see what the next few months hold. We’ve had to alter our release schedule a lot with canceled shows and tours, but we plan to continue bringing our music to folks via live streams, and we are pushing to release more music sooner than later.  How have you been affected by the global pandemic? Do you have a message for folks during the crisis? We mostly miss performing, and we really feel for our fellow musicians, artists, and hospitality workers during this time. Many folks in New Orleans are without work entirely, and spring is usually the most productive time for us. ⁣ We’re hanging in there, fortunate to have music to share, and it’s heartening to see our community pulling together, streaming concerts from their bedrooms, sharing playlists of local music, building digital communities across the web…  We’ve been encouraging folks who want to help to please stalk the artists you love, continually stream and share their music and videos, buy their merch. Buy paintings from visual artists you love, donate to organizations providing meals for artists and hospitality and gig economy workers.  Almost anything you enjoy in your leisure, whether that’s going to a gallery, listening to music, going out to eat or drink — these industries are the most threatened. Buy locally, however you safely can, if you want those businesses to remain after everything shakes out. And most of all be safe, stay inside for now as much as you can, stay healthy, and we hope to see y’all out there as soon as we can! Read the full article
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gigsoupmusic · 4 years
Mighty Brother Soars Beyond Genre Limits With New Double Album
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Mighty Brother - the New Orleans alt-folk-funk-rock band making waves - has outdone themselves with the latest addition to their catalog.... a double album release titled The Rabbit. The Owl.. A prime showcase of the band’s unique musical flair, the double album serves as an introspective look into Mighty Brother’s exploration of sound, concepts, and ideas. Throughout the album listeners hear wailing sax solos, haunting vocals, funky bass lines, and folk-inspired soundscapes all merged into one. This conglomeration of influences and sounds creates a work of art that exhibits the very best of this up-and-coming band who doesn't let boundaries of genre define their creations. Exploring the emergent theme of duality in the band’s writing, many of the songs pose different perspectives to the same questions. Traversing concepts of introversion/extroversion, light/dark, day/night, spontaneity/meticulous calculation, action/reflection, and the colloquial/poetic, Mighty Brother ultimately challenges the listener to simultaneously both reflect on and look introspectively into one’s own conscience to understand the duality of intent and impact. “The way we act in the world changes us, creates the mental environment for our next thoughts, those thoughts lead to actions and so on. Our intent means something, but it is not so important as our impact on others and on the world," says Nick Huster (member of band). #MightyBrother Read the full article
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gigsoupmusic · 4 years
Mighty Brother Soars Beyond Genre Limits With New Double Album
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Mighty Brother - the New Orleans alt-folk-funk-rock band making waves - has outdone themselves with the latest addition to their catalog.... a double album release titled The Rabbit. The Owl.. A prime showcase of the band’s unique musical flair, the double album serves as an introspective look into Mighty Brother’s exploration of sound, concepts, and ideas. Throughout the album listeners hear wailing sax solos, haunting vocals, funky bass lines, and folk-inspired soundscapes all merged into one. This conglomeration of influences and sounds creates a work of art that exhibits the very best of this up-and-coming band who doesn't let boundaries of genre define their creations. Exploring the emergent theme of duality in the band’s writing, many of the songs pose different perspectives to the same questions. Traversing concepts of introversion/extroversion, light/dark, day/night, spontaneity/meticulous calculation, action/reflection, and the colloquial/poetic, Mighty Brother ultimately challenges the listener to simultaneously both reflect on and look introspectively into one’s own conscience to understand the duality of intent and impact. “The way we act in the world changes us, creates the mental environment for our next thoughts, those thoughts lead to actions and so on. Our intent means something, but it is not so important as our impact on others and on the world," says Nick Huster (member of band). #MightyBrother Read the full article
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