#Miguel O'Hara is one fine ass mfer
I saw Heaven in your Eyes
Chapter 2
It’s been almost a year since I joined the spider-verse. That’s what I’ve been calling it since because whatever it was that Miguel called it, was a mouthful. I adjusted pretty quickly and even made some friends: Peter B. Parker and his adorable daughter Mayday and a girl named Cymbeline Mars. I met both of them while we were paired on a mission together. Cymbeline and I got exceptionally close. Hell I think I would consider her my best friend, after Marisol of course. It’s funny, everyone here is super sweet and funny…then there’s Miguel O’Hara. I don’t know what it is about him, but he has a stick up his ass. You hardly ever see him around, and if you do he’s in the cafeteria getting an empanada. Other than that, he’s holed up in his office being all dark, brooding and mysterious. But that’s what made him hot to me, oddly enough. God, I went out on a mission with him  and a few others, and seeing him in action made me want him even more. Often, I find myself wondering what it would be like to be in a relationship with him, usually followed by sexual fantasies of him. “She’s daydreaming again isn’t she?” I heard Cymbeline say and I’m back to reality, sitting with her in the cafeteria. I shake my head, as if it would remove the sinful thoughts I just had of Miguel, “What, shut up.”  Cymbaline laughs, “Thinkin of Mi-”
“Shhh” I cut her off, “No one needs to know that.” A few weeks ago I made the fatal mistake of making an inside thought, an outside one. “Honestly, I don’t know what you see in him. You know next to nothing about him.” Cymbaline said, resting her chin on her hand. “ So what? It’s not like I wanna marry him.” I respond defensively, “Right sorry sorry I forgot you were little miss ‘I don’t want to date him, I just wanna fuck him” I roll my eyes.“So? Is it a crime to find someone attractive?” I gasped dramatically, “Have we adopted the Jedi code of  no intense emotions?” Cymbaline smacks my arm playfully, “Ugh I can’t with you and your nerdy references.” We both laugh and catch each other up on what we’ve done the past few days. “Alright girly, I gotta go. Duty calls.” She says before she goes through a portal to wherever she was needed.  A figure suddenly catches my eye. I can’t believe it…Miguel is out of his office. My eyes follow his every move and I could’ve sworn we made eye contact at some point. Then he’s gone, he’s never out of his office for very long. I thought about what Cymbeline said, about just wanting to fuck him. I chuckle to myself, “Oh, girly if only you know what I was really thinking.”
Miguel’s Pov
I made my way back into my office. For some reason, ever since I recruited Arabella, she’s been plaguing my mind. Those damn blue eyes when she looks up at me, her infectious smile. The way the fiery ends of her black curls would cascade down her back. I don’t see her much, but those few times I do, it's hard for my eyes not to wander with the way her suit hugs her curves. She evokes a feeling that I haven’t felt…since the incident. “MIGUEL!” I shake my head. “Yes Lyla, what is it?” She motions over to my watch. Not surprisingly, it’s beeping. Lately there have been more and more anomalies ever since the mess with Kingpin’s collider. Usually I’m not one to be on the scene, but ever since then, I’ve been having to. “Alright,” I sigh heavily, “Get Peter B and Arabella.”
Seeing Arabella walk in holding Mayday, reminded me of Gabriella. I felt the sad smile creep on my face and quickly wiped it away. “There’s an anomaly on earth-5986. Both of you are coming with me.” I said kind of coldly. Peter chuckled nervously, “Yeah Miguel, there’s one small little problem. I promised Mary-Jane that I wouldn’t take Mayday out on missions with me.” Peter said, wincing at the last part. “I could watch Mayday for you,” Arabella quipped and looked at me, “If that’s okay with you Miguel?” I caught her gaze, I sighed frustratedly. “Fine, you can stay behind, Peter you’re coming with me.” I look over at Arabella cooing at Mayday, and a strange warm feeling washes over me.  
Arabella’s pov
“You hear that Mayday? You get to hang out with Titi Arabella.” I cooed. May giggles and it just melts my heart. Peter hands me his baby bag before placing a kiss on her head and she waves with her little hand. “I’ll be in my dimension when you get back,” I told Peter before he left through the portal.
I emerge through my portal into my living room with May on my hip. I go into my room to change out of my suit and into something more comfortable and place May on my bed before doing so. It had been a while since I had some time for myself and I wanted to go out but realizing I had May with me made things a little complicated. I didn’t have a stroller so I’d have to carry her everywhere…that was out of the question. I’ll just take her to the park nearby. I picked her up from where she was sitting on my bed and spun her around, “You wanna go to the park my little losca?” she babbles, “I’ll take that as a yes then.”
We head downstairs and I turn into the bodega just to get a couple of snacks for the park. “Hey, there she is!” I smile at the bodega owner, “Hey Rafael.” May babbles at him, “I didn’t know you had a kid!” He said, utterly baffled. “Oh, she’s not my kid. I’m just babysitting for my friend. So Raf, meet Mayday.” I chuckled out, “Mayday? That’s an odd name for a kid don’t you think?” I laugh, “Her name’s May, Mayday is just a nickname.”
“Oh, okay.” I went around and grabbed the snacks and paid. It was nice playing with May at the park.. Honestly, with the way she was behaving, made me want to have kids of my own. I let my thoughts wander a little bit…to Miguel. I know Cymbeline was making fun of me for just wanting to have sex with him, but if I’m being honest, I really do want to be in a relationship with him.
Third person pov
Peter and Miguel walk into Arabella’s living room through the portal and find her and Mayday cuddled up asleep on the couch. “Awww just look at how adorable they look sleeping so peacefully.” Peter said sweetly. Miguel rolls his eyes, “Tch whatever just grab your little shit so we can leave,” He said, irritated. In reality, Miguel enjoyed the sight before him, and hated himself for it. Ever since the incident, he never allowed himself to be blinded by the possibility of something that could never happen. For being Spiderman was a sacrifice, allowing himself to blindly fall in love could potentially put the fate of the multiverse at risk. Peter left through the portal first, Miguel paused and looked behind him. Seeing Arabella sleeping peacefully, made him long for something more. A small part of him screamed, to get closer to her. To get to know her. Much like the other times, he repressed those feelings, and left it to be dealt with another time. That small piece of him wondered, could he be happy one day as Spiderman? Peter B was able to, so why couldn’t he?
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I saw Heaven in your Eyes
Chapter 1
“NO!! Stay with me Miguel…please. I need you”
“Sooooo…whatcha planning on doin’ with all that money once you make it outta here.” I jokingly asked. Today’s villain was a bank robber. Startled, he looked over at me. “What the-” I quickly cut him off with some webbing to the mouth. He reaches for his mouth in a futile attempt to remove the webs from his mouth and I took the chance that he was distracted and quickly stuck him to the wall. I looked over at the bank teller, who was hiding behind the massive desk. I gave her a quick thumbs up, and she mouthed “Thank you.” I started hearing the sirens wailing in the distance and I took that as my cue to leave.
Yknow, swinging through Manhattan is always fun, especially if I’m not chasing after some bad guy of course. It also helps that this is where my apartment is. I quickly swung through the window I had left open and my feet landed on the floor with a soft thud. I took my mask off and massaged my scalp. I looked at my face in the mirror and noticed faint red lines forming on my face from the seams, at that point I reconsidered having my whole face covered. As an aspiring designer…well ex aspiring designer since being Spider-Girl took up a lot of my time, I really tried to make my suit as comfortable as humanly possible. But why I made the mask so damn tight was beyond me.  I changed into something more comfortable, grabbed my sketchbook, and sat on my bed to redesign my mask. When suddenly my thoughts were interrupted by my phone ringing.
“Pero nena, te estado llama y llama y no contestas! Where the hell were you” My cousin, Marisol, practically yelled through the phone. “Ay nena I’m sorry I was busy stopping a bank from being robbed.” I replied laying down. Marisol is the only person I’ve told about my secret. “Okay, okay fine, fair enough excuse.” She chuckled out.
“So what’s up?”
“Oh nothing much, just calling to let you know if you don’t leave any time soon you’re gonna be late for the party.” I immediately shot up from my bed, “Shit I forgot that today was your sister's grad party!” I said whilst rummaging through my closet trying to find something nice to wear.
“Bueno Nena, ¡te apuras!” Marisol said from where I left my phone on my bed. “Yep yep yep, hurrying up. I'm just boutta leave!” I say struggling to shove my foot into my shoe and hang up the phone. I grab my suit and stuff it at the bottom of my bag and head out to the train station.
I arrived at Marisol’s house just in the nick of time. I knocked and Marisol’s sister, Luna, opened the door. “Hey there’s the grad girl! Congrats on getting valedictorian!” I proudly say while giving her a hug. “Haha, thanks Arabella. Oh mami is in the kitchen by the way.” I made my way to the kitchen while saying hi to all of my other aunts and uncles that were nearby.
“Bendición titi, ¿cómo estás?” I say while giving her a big hug. “Ay bendicion, Arabella. I'm good mija. Y tú, ¿cómo vas en el trabajo?” she asks. “Ah, work is y'know work.” She smiles softly, “Ay that’s good.” Marisol pops her head into the kitchen, “Oye ma, I know you like talking to Arabella and all, but I’m stealing her.” My aunt rolls her eyes. “Ta bien, I’ll call you girls when the foods ready.”
Marisol flops onto her bed, belly first, and I just sit at her desk. “God, I’m really reconsidering having my whole face covered.” Marisol chuckles, “How come?”
“Dude, every time I take off my mask I have seam scars!” I said while chuckling. Marisol tilts her head, “Well what’d ya have in mind?” I shrug, “I dunno. I still want something that keeps my identity a secret.” She hums in response then snaps her fingers, “Oh what if you made a mask that’s kinda like the phantoms!” I raise a brow, “The phantom?” Marisol nods excitedly, “Yeah you know The Phantom of The Opera?” She asks while motioning to the poster of the aforementioned musical. “Yo actually, that's not a bad idea.” I said followed by my aunt calling us down for dinner.
We were sitting together laughing and enjoying the food. My aunt started playing her favorite bachata and grabbed her husband and started dancing with him. Soon enough everyone else followed suite to the dance floor. I was having a grand old time until I peered out the window and saw a strange orange flash of light followed by a tingle down my back. There was a disturbance in the force. I go over to my aunt, “By titi, I gotta go. I have work early in the morning.” she gives me a kiss on the cheek, “Okay, que dios me la bendiga. Get home safe okay.” I slipped away and into the guest bathroom to put on my suit, and I swung out the window.
“Central park? What an odd place to attack.” I thought to myself as I gracefully landed on the soft grass. “You there Spider-man, we meet again!” yelled a strange Italian voice. I looked over to where it came from and I pointed to myself. “Who me? Yknow that’s kinda sexist to assume I’m a guy. Also, we’ve never met.” He swoops at me and I skillfully dodge and I take a good look at him. Wait, was he made of…paper? He tries swooping in again followed by an awful screeching noise. Dodging again, this time using my webs to get up onto the tallest rock, “Yknow, I’m missing a sick ass party cause I’m over here dealing with you.” The paper guy swings at me and I lose my footing and fall flat on my ass. “Shit that hurt.” I looked around while getting up off the floor. There weren’t any buildings close enough in range but there were a ton of trees. I swung into a tree and perched myself onto a branch. I wanted to try to get a feel for his movements when he suddenly…glitched and cried out in pain. I figured I wouldn’t get any other chance, so I took it. I stuck some webbing to him and used the momentum from the tree and spun him in my web like a real spider would to it’s prey. It was really simple, and I decided to take my leave before the cops arrived.
Two people came out of the portal, “Miguel, the anomaly has been taken care of,” the one on the right said, “What?” the voice, Miguel, replied astonished, “The spiderperson is nowhere to be seen either.” An exasperated sigh came from Miguel, “Alright take it to the Go Home Machine and report back”
It had been a few days since I had that encounter with that weird paper guy. Nonetheless, I was sitting on my bed finalizing my new mask design. I decided to go with Marisol’s idea and made it very Phantom of The Opera-esc. It was actually coming along pretty good, when suddenly I was interrupted by a knock at my door. “Coming!” I shout out. When I opened the door, I was greeted by a beautiful black woman. “Hey, I’m looking for an Arabella Monroe.” I furrowed my brows, “Who’s asking?” she smiled politely. “I’m Jessica Drew, may  I come in?” I nodded and moved to the side allowing her to enter. I motioned her to my couch, letting her sit. “So…Jessica Drew was it? Who’s looking for me?” She chuckles, “My boss, he heard about what you did with the anomaly the other day in Central Park. He was impressed, and wants you to join our team of other spider-people such as yourself.” I choked back a laugh, “I’m sorry a team of other spider-people? Is this some sort of fan club?” She looked over to my bag, which was sitting by the door. She stretched out her hand and out came, very much to my surprise, webs. With my bag in hand, a smirk comes across her face, “Believe me now?” I was at a loss for words. Could there really be more people out there like me? Jessica looks at me expecting a response, and I just silently nod, frozen in shock. She tosses me my bag, “Put your suit on, I want you to follow me.” I go to my room and quickly change. I come out and see her waiting in front of this portal. She jerks her head towards it and goes through, and I quickly follow behind.
To call this place amazing would be an understatement. There were so many people and they were all like me. Jessica turned to me and slipped something onto my wrist, “Here keep this on. It’ll prevent you from glitching.” I must’ve had a very confused look on my face, “I’m not sure if you saw it when you fought that anomaly, but you’ll glitch out if you’re in the wrong universe. Trust me it’s not pleasant.” I didn’t hear much after that. Only thing I really picked up on was that we were going to Miguel’s office. There was too much to take in for me to really listen to what she was saying. We stop at a set of doors and she nudges me forward, “Ready kiddo?” We walk in together, and the amazement just keeps on coming. This place was huge. There were all types of computers and such advanced tech that I’ve never seen before. “Miguel! I brought her!” Jessica yells out. My eyes immediately went to the giant platform floating above with…were those hologram computers?! “Thank you Jessica, you’re dismissed.” A masculine voice came from that very platform. Jessica turns to leave and places a hand on my shoulder, “Don’t be too intimidated by Miguel.” she said as she left. That did not come off comforting at all if that was her intent. The man turned and became a little more visible, and my god he was massive. When he finally came into view, lord have mercy was he beautiful. I never really believed in love at first sight, but I did believe in I wanna fuck you at first sight. Gods his skin was a beautiful olive shade, his hair was swept back and was a lovely shade of coffee brown. “I’m Miguel O’Hara. This is the Arachno Humanoid Poly Multiverse.” I barely caught what he said, I was so focused on those full lips of his. He had the body of a Greek god, and a small waist. It was the kind of waist that my friends and I called ‘slutty’. “Good work with the anomaly.” I damn near missed what he said. “Thanks, all in a day's work of being Spider-Girl,” I said sheepishly. “Jesus, fuck Arabella stop thinking about what it would be like to dig your nails into this mans back and focus on what he has to say.” I mentally scolded myself, which was actually futile because I kept thinking about such unholy thoughts about a man I literally met five minutes ago. I was able to pick up what he was putting down. Basically, they were a group of spider-people that were in charge of keeping the multiverse intact, and he asked if I wanted in. Said I’d make a good addition to the team with how efficient I was last time. At this point my mouth was dry from being lost in thought, but managed to get a reply out, “I’d love to join, but uhm just one teensy problem. What of where I’m from? Do I just permanently live here now or do I get to go back?”
“You’d get to go back, but just letting you know this isn’t for the faint of heart. You’ll practically be on call all the time.” I gave it a bit of thought. Being Spider-Girl back home was fun and all but, it was getting repetitive. All I was ever able to stop were the occasional mutated psycho, which was maybe once or twice, and thefts. Being a part of this poly-arachno whatever Mr.gorgeous said would give me that excitement I’ve been wanting. I look at him and we lock eyes. His scarlet eyes just cut into me, “I’m in.” I responded with the biggest smile on my face. He tossed me a watch thingy, “Welcome to the team Arabella.”
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I saw Heaven in your Eyes
Chapter 3 
I woke up and I realized that I was still on the couch. As I got up, pain suddenly hit me and I was sore all over. Playing with May all day yesterday really zapped my energy. I went to my room to get dressed for, as I like to call it, work. I noticed my watch beeping and saw I had a message from Miguel that read “Meet me in my office in ten minutes”...it was sent over an hour ago.
Miguel’s pov
I heard Arabella come in. “You’re late,” I growled out. She crosses her arms under her chest, “I was sleeping.” She said with a bite in her voice. I made my way to where she was standing. “The concept of rest is probably foreign to you, seeing as you hardly, if ever, take a break.” She said sassily while looking up at me. I honestly forget how small she is until I’m towering over her. “You must get a real kick outta pushing my buttons, huh?” I asked huskily. This wasn’t her first time testing my patience, and I knew it definitely wouldn’t be the last. Arabella smirks, “Maybe I do.” I roll my eyes after that statement. It took a lot of resolve for me not to focus on the curve of those lips. It was enough to drive me crazy. “We’re going on a scouting mission. There were signs of an anomaly, but they suddenly disappeared.” I lied. Well more like I told her a half-truth. There really was an anomaly, but I had already taken care of it. The little voice in the back of my head had gotten louder. I wanted to be around her, no I needed to be around her. “Alrighty, well lay it on me.” She says, and I give her the false details for the fake mission.
We stood atop of a building, admiring the scenery. Well at least Arabella was, I was admiring her. The city was beautiful, yes, but it pales in comparison to the way the sun hit her caramel skin just right. She looked like she was glowing. “This place reminds me of Coruscant,” She chuckled and I raised an eyebrow. She looked over at me then quickly back to the city, “It’s a Star Wars thing. Nerd stuff yknow?” she said and laughed lightly. Hearing it was beautiful. It wasn’t the first time hearing her laugh, but hearing it now, whilst alone…it pulled at my heart’s strings. “Nerd stuff, huh? I’ve never heard of Star Wars.” She laughs again, that damn laugh, “It’s really popular where I’m from.” She looked over at me, smiling, and she held my gaze until it hurt. God damn it all. Her smile. Her laugh. The way she was looking at me. I wanted to yell I love you Arabella. You make me feel things. You make me happy. Every time I look at you I swear I get a glimpse of heaven in your eyes. I felt a smile tug at the corner of my lips. Coño Miguel, bésala! The little voice screamed at me. She licks her lips and lust glazes her eyes. A small curl falls in front of her face, I tuck it behind her ear and gently cup her cheek. I wrap an arm around her waist and I pull her closer to me. Arabella releases a shaky breath as I lazily drag my thumb down her lips. She closes her eyes and I swallow hard. I leaned forward. We were inches apart, sharing breaths.
“Miguel, there’s an anomaly on Earth-65” Lyla interrupts. We were so close, yet so far. I curse under my breath and Arabella giggles. “Sorry I uhm, I gotta go.” I said as I gently caressed her cheek. She smiles and tenderly puts her hand over mine, “It’s okay, it's part of the job.”
Arabella’s pov
After Miguel left, I stood there utterly dumbfounded by the events that unfolded. My thoughts were left racing with so many questions left unanswered. Was the anomaly just an excuse to be alone with me? If that’s true then was this a date? Was Miguel about to kiss me? Does he feel the same way, or is he just messing with me? There’s no way. I lean back over the railing and look back at the Coruscant reminiscent city. “I have to be dreaming.” I mutter out to myself.
It was almost midnight when I got home. I still couldn’t believe what just happened. I felt the heat rise to my cheeks. One question plagued me…was he going to kiss me? There couldn’t be any other explanation, right? Why else would he have been that close to my face?! I bury my face in my hands. “God how dare you play with my feelings,” I groaned. I layed there in bed hugging my pillow. There really wasn’t anything I wanted more than to get closer to him. Break down those stone cold walls he has up. I want to get to know the man behind the cold facade. I thought of what would’ve been a tender kiss before I drifted off to sleep.
“Hey Arabella!” I heard Jessica shout. I turn to her and greet her. Next to her is a blonde girl, looks no older than 15. “Arabella, meet Gwen Stacy.” Jessica introduces the girl to me, and she shyly smiles. “It’s nice to meet you Gwen. I gotta get going.” I look over to Jessica and excuse myself. I wanted to talk to Miguel…about yesterday. His office doors loomed over me. Dread set in. Should I approach him about this? I had to. If we left it unsaid between the two of us, it could affect our teamwork. I take a deep breath and walk in. “Hey, uhm, Miguel?” I shout, and my voice echoed off of the walls, “You here?” I shout out once more. Okay well maybe he’s not here, lets just turn around and g- “Oh, Arabella, I didn’t expect you to be the first thing I see when I enter my office.” I heard Miguel’s voice say from behind me. I flinched, startled, “Oh Miguel, there you are I was looking for you,” God I sounded like a nervous wreck. “I gathered that much, since you’re yknow here,” He said as he smirked and made a general motion to his office. “I wanted to talk to you about something”
“Go on,” I swallowed hard, “Uhm, do you wanna swing by my dimension and watch Star Wars? You mentioned you hadn’t seen it yesterday. It’s fine i-”
“I’d love to. I’ll come by around 6?” He cuts my rambling off. I smile nervously, “Yeah 6 is good. Cool, cool, cool. Well it’s a date then. I mean not a date, I…let me go.” I rambled again, and I saw Miguel smile faintly before I left. Are you kidding me Arabella?! You had one job! ONE! Ask him if he was gonna kiss you yesterday. NO, you go and ask him if he wants to come over to your place to watch STAR WARS of all things. I mentally kick myself for being so dense.
Soon enough…6 rolls around and Miguel is ever so punctual. It was awkward at first, but slowly it became comforting. He’d constantly ask questions about the movie and I’d happily answer them. “I’ve seen a dimension that kinda looks like that,” Miguel points out, referring to the field where Padme and Anakin were sitting. I looked at him in disbelief, “Really? Ugh, it must've been beautiful.” I say, and a faint smile crosses his lips. “It was, I ought to show you one day.” He said, sweetly. I felt warmth bloom onto my cheeks and I reverted my focus back to the movie. Not long after, I fell asleep. I felt Miguel pull a blanket over me and ruffle my hair before leaving through a portal.
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