#Miguel gutiérrez
infacundia · 1 year
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bocadosdefilosofia · 20 days
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«La vida es lucha, y la solidaridad para la vida es lucha y se hace en la lucha. No me cansaré de repetir que lo que más nos une a los hombres unos con otros son nuestras discordias. Y lo que más le une a cada uno consigo mismo, lo que hace la unidad íntima de nuestra vida, son nuestras discordias íntimas, las contradicciones interiores de nuestras discordias. Sólo se pone uno en paz consigo mismo, como Don Quijote, para morir.»
Miguel de Unamuno: La agonía del cristianismo. Espasa-Calpe, S. A., págs. 19-20. Madrid, 1984.
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gregor-samsung · 2 years
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El olivo [The Olive Tree] (Icíar Bollaín - 2016)
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neovallense · 2 years
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Modelo 77 (id., 2022)
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arnoldocuellar · 3 months
DÍAS DE GUARDAR Domingo 18 de febrero de 2024
Miguel Márquez: el cinismo como bandera Tardío despido de Mario Bravo en Seguridad de León Universidad de Guanajuato, retroceso medieval Arte digital: Emilio Jiménez Continue reading DÍAS DE GUARDAR Domingo 18 de febrero de 2024
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cinevisto32 · 9 months
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La tía Tula (1964)
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En cumplimiento a sentencias de la SCJN
Realiza Congreso fase informativa de reformas con representantes afromexicanos Esta fase forma parte del proceso de cumplimiento de las sentencias de la SCJN, derivado de las acciones de inconstitucionalidad, 210/2020 y la 241 y sus acumuladas En cumplimiento de las sentencias de la Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación (SCJN) en relación con acciones de inconstitucionalidad, el Congreso del…
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Exposición “Superhéroes”, Colectiva
Exposición “Superhéroes” Colectiva 11.04.2021 Ministerio de Cultura de Cuba Angel Boligán uno de los artistas presentes en esta muestra definió a la caricatura como el niño inquieto de la casa de las artes plásticas. Pues ese niño ha echado mano a sus lápices, colores y hasta el arte digital para agradecer a unos superhéroes no tan comunes pero si especiales en estos tiempos de Covid: el…
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jujuygrafico · 1 year
Nuevo tomógrafo en el hospital Materno Infantil
#Jujuy #Salud | Nuevo #tomógrafo en el #hospitalMaternoInfantil
Se puso en funcionamiento un nuevo tomógrafo computado de alta complejidad en el hospital Materno Infantil “Dr. Héctor Quintana”, mejorando significativamente la de calidad en la atención de niños en el sistema público.El gobernador de Jujuy, Gerardo Morales, junto al ministro de Salud de Jujuy, Antonio Buljubasich y su par de Hacienda y Finanzas, Carlos Sadir inauguró el nuevo tomógrafo en el…
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semnebune · 2 years
Filme experimentale la Institutul Cervantes
Filme experimentale la Institutul Cervantes
Din această toamnă, Institutul Cervantes reia seria de proiecții lunare de filme difuzate cu acces liber pe platforma Vimeo, iar primul proiect din această serie îl reprezintă suita de filme online „Abycine Lanza” – un laborator de talente spaniole în devenire, difuzată grație colaborării inedite cu Abycine, unul dintre cele mai îndrăznețe festivaluri de film din peisajul spaniol contemporan.…
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dominiopublco · 2 years
Pongamos el desorden | Los libros, armas para combatir al crimen
Pongamos el desorden | Los libros, armas para combatir al crimen
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nansheonearth · 2 months
Bertha Gisela Gaytán Gutiérrez, the candidate from the Morena party for the mayorship of Celaya, was murdered during a campaign event in the community of San Miguel de Octopan.
The events occurred a day after the electoral campaigns for mayors in the state of Guanajuato had started.
Several videos of the moment the attack was registered have been circulated on social media, which took place in the afternoon of April 1st, while the candidate was on a tour.
Shortly before suffering the attack that cost her life, Gisela Gaytán spoke to the media about the issue of security in the campaign. In a video posted on her social networks, the Morena candidate started her campaign with the following message:
“Today, the people of Celaya feel like survivors. Along with you, I want us to be the change of our present, looking towards the future, that together we find the courage to face fear, reinvent things, and transform our city.”
So far, no arrests have been reported in connection with the attack on the mayoral candidate of Celaya. Some reports indicate that two people were injured in this attack.
More at link
A Spanish language article
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nevver · 1 year
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War through windows, Miguel Gutiérrez
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labuenosairesfrancaise · 10 months
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Jockey Club
The building was inaugurated in 1897. The social life of the Jockey Club, during its early years, took place in various rented residences, all located in the central area of the city of Buenos Aires. However, with a constantly growing membership, it was soon decided that the club needed its own building, in line with the increasing prestige it had achieved during its initial stage.
A crucial step was taken in 1888 when a plot of land was acquired on Florida Street, between Lavalle and Tucumán, an excellent location in Buenos Aires at the end of the 19th century. After holding a design competition, the authorities of the Jockey Club decided to immediately begin the construction based on the plans of the Austrian architect Manuel Turner. During the nine-year construction process, the original program was completely modified, and the final design was signed off by the Argentine engineer Emilio Agrelo.
The building's magnificent facade on Florida Street, its impressive reception area, and dramatic staircase; its sumptuous halls, vast armory room, and welcoming dining area; all these elegant features contributed to making the Jockey Club Palace the favorite center of high society in the city from the moment of its inauguration on September 30, 1897. Carlos Pellegrini played a significant role in its furnishings and decoration. He personally took care of the final arrangements of the house, down to the smallest details, with the collaboration of Miguel Cané, who, from Paris, where he served as the Argentine minister, sent luxurious curtains, thick carpets, coat of arms, exquisite crystal chandeliers, and even lanterns for the front of the building.
Over time, the building underwent various modifications. Firstly, several neighboring plots were acquired, allowing for the expansion of the facilities and the construction of an annex building for administrative offices. Successive renovations in 1909 and 1921 adapted the halls to changes in fashion and taste. Moreover, with specialized advice, a valuable art collection was formed, which included paintings signed by Louis-Michel Van Loo, Goya, Bouguereau, Corot, Monet, Sorolla, Anglada Camarasa, Fantin-Latour, Carrière, and Favretto. Alongside artworks by foreign artists, there were numerous works by Argentine masters such as Sívori, Gramajo Gutiérrez, Bermúdez, Quinquela Martín, López Naguil, Fader, Cordiviola, and Aquiles Badi, creating a true art gallery that some Jockey Club members proudly referred to as "our little museum."
Thanks to the luxury of its halls, its magnificent and continuously enriched library, and the prestige of its art collection, the Jockey Club Palace became the privileged setting for aristocratic receptions. It was also the customary place to honor distinguished visitors arriving in Buenos Aires.
You will need the usual CC from Felixandre, SYB, The King Falcon, TGS, among others.
The building is in a 30x30 lot, and works as a coffe shop.
Please let me know if you like it and if you want somenthing built for you!
DOWNLOAD: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=75230453
(early acces 8/20/2023)
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just us together - oneshot
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Pairing: Javi Gutiérrez x F!Reader
Rating: M
Summary: When your boyfriend Javi is overworked, you take him away from all the stress of work, where the two of you can just be together.
Word count: 1,548
Notes: Just a little drabble. This wouldn’t leave me alone after I first put the idea in @ezrasbirdie​​​ inbox of whisking away Javi to swim with me. Also, I think we all deserve something nice. Written in the drafts so any wonkiness is mine.
Warnings: Age gap (older man/younger woman, not specified, but I’d put the age gap at anywhere between 7-10 years), established relationship, lots of kissing, fluff galore, mentions of sex, alcohol mention, authorities mention.
masterlist (main) || masterlist (javi gutierrez)
Without bothering to knock, you gently push open the door to your boyfriend Javi Gutiérrez's home office. In front of him sits a pile of paperwork that he’s poring over. You frown at the sight.
“Javi, baby,” you chide. He looks up, some of his dark brown curls that he’d just shoved a hand through falling into his eyes. “You’re always so busy.”
Striding across to him, you stand above him, the only time that you’re taller than him, and stroke his face. “You look beautiful today, mi amor. But, you always look beautiful.”
You lean down to kiss him before sitting down on his lap. “And you look tired, my love. When was the last time you had a break?”
Javi glances at his watch. “This morning.”
You tsk as you push some of his errant curls out of his eyes; he closes his eyes at your touch. He still doesn’t know how he got so lucky in finding you. You’d started as his assistant, but he’d quickly fallen for you. Your kindness and your sweetness a ray of sunshine in his life.
It didn’t surprise Javi at how quickly he fell for you; what surprised him was when you told him you felt the same. He’d been expecting a kind, gentle let-down from you, especially given that you’re younger than him by almost ten years. But when he had told you at dinner that one night six months ago that he saw you as much more than just an assistant to fill the clerical void that Gabriela had made when she left for America to go to school last fall, you’d just beamed. 
“Mr. Gutiérrez?” you’d breathed when he kept talking — rambling more like.
“Yes?” He had looked so nervous, you’d reached up and stroked his cheek gently. 
Heart pounding, you’d said, “Shut up and kiss me.”
Javi did as he told, filling you both with warmth as his mouth finally, finally brushed against yours. 
A lot more than his mouth brushed against you that night as he finally showed just how much he cared for you. 
And now, six months later, the two of you are happier than you’ve ever been. Except for now. “Your cousin is working you too hard, Javi. Does he not understand what figurehead means?” you ask. “Do you not know what figurehead means?” 
Javi shakes his head. “I know, amor. But Lucas is confident that he can make a new alliance with the Rodriguez family. He’s making a strong connection with Miguel.” He hates the lie he has to tell you, but the detectives had been quite clear not to tell anyone what he is actually doing.
You play with his hair. “And what, my love, does that have to do with you?” 
He just shrugs. “I’ve always been good at the paperwork side of it.”
You frown. “Since when does paperwork have anything to do with forming an alliance with another crime family?”
Javi gives another shrug. “Lucas likes to be well-prepared.” 
“Well Lucas can do it himself. Since he’s the actual head of the family. It’s a beautiful day, Javi.”
“Not half so beautiful as you, mi amor.” Javi presses a kiss to your jaw absently, keening a little when your nails scratch his scalp soothingly. His beard tingles against your skin. 
“Charmer,” you murmur before getting up off Javi’s lap. “Come on. It’s such a nice day. Lucas can do this himself if he wants it done so badly.” 
Javi hesitates for a minute, not wanting to fall behind on this, even if it’s mostly finished. But you look at him with such determination and such pleading in your expression. If there’s one person he hates disappointing more than anyone, it’s you. And you have a point. “All right,” he agrees. “Where are you kidnapping me away to?” 
“We’re going to the beach.” 
- - - -
It’s  autumn, meaning that tourist season has come to an end. Not that many tourists come to this part of Mallorca, since it’s privately owned by Javi. 
“Do we need anything?” Javi asks as you take him by the hand and lead him away from the idiotic paperwork. “Food or anything?”
You shake your head. “I have everything and it’s already in your boat.” 
Javi marvels at you. How did he get so lucky? He wonders if you saw what he has hidden away in the picnic basket that you prepared. Javi knows how he feels, knows how you feel. He wants to spend his life with you. 
Hand in hand you take him to his motorboat. Picnic basket and towels already seated on the rear seat of the boat. If you know what’s hidden in there, you give no indication. 
You’re already wearing your bathing suit beneath your sundress. Javi quickly gets into his, choosing his speedo instead of his trunks. When he comes back out from the poolhouse, his orange shirt, the one that you love so much on him, hardly has any buttons done up. “Let’s go,” he says. 
One of the many things you love about living on Javi’s compound is the privacy. Since it’s out of the way, no one knows about it. It’s just you and him for miles andd miles.
The sun warms your skin, though not as much as Javi’s touch does. You came  to Mallorca to get a job and to work on your Spanish. Falling in love had never been part of the plan. But looking at your beloved boyfriend now, you don’t think you want to stick to that original plan of yours. 
Helping Javi tie off the boat when you arrive at your destination, you take the picnic basket in one hand, placing the towels on top, and Javi’s hand in the other. 
Spreading out the towels, you set the picnic basket down. There’s plenty of time to eat, the afternoon is still young. And you have ulterior motives for bringing him out here besides just a day of fun in the sun. You have an idea, and you want to tell him away from the eavesdropping Lucas. The man who makes you so nervous and uncomfortable and makes Javi’s life a living hell. But first. “Let’s go swimming.”
Stripping off your sundress you feel Javi’s eyes on you. He loves you. And you love him. It still thrills you when he kisses you or gives you lingering looks. You break into a run and bound into the water, squealing as Javi grabs you from behind. You lean into his kiss. 
Idyllic. That’s how you’d describe today. You wouldn’t change a thing. 
“You know what I think, amor?” Javi asks as you swim. 
“What’s that?” 
“I think that you are a siren, here only to call me away. And you know what else?” he asks. “It is working.” 
You swim towards him, kissing his cheeks, his nose, and finally his lips. “Yes, Javi. That was my plan all along.” 
Once you’ve had your fill of swimming (for the time being. Both you and Javi never truly have enough of swimming), you sun yourselves on the towels you have spread out. “This is nice, mi amor. Thank you for doing this, pulling me away from the paperwork.” 
Now or never, you suppose. Taking a fortifying sip of wine that Javi had poured for you, you say, “Run away with me.” 
Javi blinks. “What?” 
“I just... I want to be with you. And Lucas is dangerous. You’ve said that yourself. We have moneyy. We can go anywhere we want. I just want to be with you. It doesn’t matter where. It just... maybe shouldn’t be here if Lucas is here.”
You watch him as he processes what you’ve just said. He takes your hands in his. “I have to tell you something, mi armor.”
So he tells you about what his paperwork really is. How he’s turning Lucas in to the authorities, dismantling the family from within. “Because, sol... you are my family. No one else matters to me but you. I want this to be our home. Our home. And...” He bites his lip nervously. 
Pulling free one of your hands, you bring it up to cup his cheek. “And?” you repeat. 
“It’s too soon and we have not discussed it...” 
Javi’s beginning to ramble, as he does when he’s nervous. “Javi. Baby. What is it?” you ask. 
“I want you to be my wife,” he says. 
It’s your turn to blink. “Javi...are you asking what I think you are? Because you already know what my answer is, what it’s always been.” 
“I want to spend the rest of my life with you. We don’t have to go anywhere, or we can go wherever you want. I just want you.” 
You nod, kissing him. “I’ll marry you. I’ll help you. I’ll do anything you need me to.” 
Javi’s grin outshines the sun as he kisses your face. “Right now, amor, all I need is you. And to show you just how much I love you.” 
You were thankful before for the privacy of Javi’s beach, but now, you’re extra thankful for it. 
You don’t return to the compound until after dark, fortified with your plans, with your love, with Javi, anxious and excited for what is to come.
The End
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arnoldocuellar · 1 year
DÍAS DE GUARDAR Domingo 29 de enero de 2023
Guanajuato 2024, la sucesión expropiada MMM busca ejercer veto contra Libia ¿Podrán los reacomodos cicatrizar un choque sucesorio? Arte: @PincheEinnar (more…) “”
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