#Milkshakes 🐮 In character
drpeppertummy · 6 months
The Filmmakers + 🐮?
me when im making ask games: weeee yipeeee
me when i have to actually think about the answers: 😰❓
[putting under a cut bc theres so dam many of em]
🐮 How well does your character handle dairy? Can they take a lot of it without getting a bellyache?
ranking them by how well i think they handle dairy:
dave is Solid. he could eat a block of cheese & be fine. he can eat an entire pizza & be groovy. he can drink a big milkshake & be cool
laurie & sunny are about on the same level. solid but more likely to feel weighed down for a while if they eat too much
carrie is a Little more sensitive to it but not enough to keep her away. she probably wouldnt go for anything Overly dairy-heavy but shes not going out of her way to avoid it either
gray & jan have a pretty good chance of developing a mild to moderate tummyache after a reasonable portion but that Also isnt always enough to keep them away
wendy well she may just straight up be lack toast and tolerant
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haru-sohma · 2 years
@yoshiokx​ liked for a starter 
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                Blank eyes dully watched the chiseled model of a man. He was sprawled out on his beach towel black and red shorts being his only form of covering, well that and the jewelry he was adorning. He had been wandering the area when he’d found himself at the beach and decided to take a break from trying to get back home. “ ‘cuse me.” He called out. “You wouldn’t happen to know this area would you?”
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alister312 · 2 years
16, 17, 22 🐮❤️
16. Match 5 characters with an animal
haha I finally received stickers i ordered from bunypark's rb of Stan, Kyle, Kenny, and Butters as animals the other day so this feels appropriate! That being said, because of that I won't do those four... gonna do Craig's gang instead 👀
As much as I think Craig would want his fursona to be a guinea pig, I'm sorry but he's definitely got the energy of a city pigeon. He does not give a shit about what other people are trying to get him to do, he's just going to do his own thing. Tweek is for sure a deer or maybe a horse. Skittish as all hell, but can absolutely go buckwild and cause some damage, especially if spooked (very wonderful to be with if you earn his trust though). Tolkien gives me cat vibes in a way? Not the traditional idea of cats but more in the sense that I think he's a good comforting presence when people need him but he's also good at establishing his own boundaries and not giving too much. I think cats are like that too. Clyde is a cow. Mostly because I often hear people refer to cows as "moo dogs" and Clyde does have dog energy but... more. Bigger. Therefore: cow (also a nod to him having jock energy-- go south park cows!). Last but certainly not least is Jimmy! I think he's like a dolphin: fun, clever, beloved by many, and canonically fucks.
17. Match 5 characters with a type of drink
I'm not sure if this should be alcoholic or non alcoholic drinks... anyway time to talk about a bunch of my favorites <3
Christophe is red wine, but I'm going to deviate slightly from the cliche by specifying that he is red wine from a Mickey Mart. It's hard to explain why I think it's so good because it's so attached to personal memories. Same with Christophe. Damien next and we're going alcoholic again because he's literally any flavor of MD 20/20. Looks cheap as hell (seeing as he's from an earlier season), very cool if you're edgy and in high school, will most certainly fuck you up. Going nonalcoholic, I think Kenny is like a milkshake! People are always mixing him up in everything, making so many different versions of him and they're all amazing, even if they get very insane sometimes. Also if you make content with him in it, it will likely bring me to your yard. To spotlight another one of my favorite blondes, Bebe is lemonade! She can be both sour and sweet, enhanced when made pink (gay), and I am refreshed every time I see her. Lastly, to get another girl up in here, Red! Red is a caramel frappe from Starbucks because she might seem basic to the outside observer, but those with taste know she’s one of the best. Also if someone is drinking a frappe out in the cold (aka Colorado mountain town weather) they’re definitely gay and Red is gay.
22. Who is the cutest kid in south park?
OOF what a hard question!! I love all those lil guys n gals 🥺 And my personal attachment to certain ones definitely influences me a lot... it’s impossible to choose just one!! So I won’t lol
I think some of the ones I’d consider the cutest in both likely looks and personality are maybe Nichole, Kevin Stoley, and Kyle! I like nerds and dorks... board game/TTRPG Nichole and sci-fi Kevin and gamer Kyle my beloveds <3
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haru-sohma · 3 years
Cont with @jikanyahana​
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       “I didnt ask if you were used to it I ask WHO did it.” He spits out the word ‘who’, just the thought of someone touching HIS rabbit leaving a disgustingly revolting taste in his mouth. “Dont say its fucking fine when you’ve been hurt- It isnt.”
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haru-sohma · 3 years
@shiningxfates liked for a starter 
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  “Ow, what happened.” His head was throbbing like a slew of tiny dancers were throwing a full blown parade through his head. Haru slowly moved up wards, and oh, blood pooled down from his forehead dripping into his lap. “Did I go black again?”
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haru-sohma · 3 years
@manxeaterx liked for a starter 
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        The night wind was cold, yet refreshing. It’s breeze shaking the trees, freeing a few leaves to drift through the air. One of those leaves landed on Haru’s head and he absentmindedly plucks it off. “Crap.” he mutters under his breath, lost again and now it’s night. Heaving a noise behind him, the ox turns catching sigh of, someone? Maybe? “Is someone out there?”
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haru-sohma · 3 years
@txhrx​ liked for a starter !
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   “Hey.” the ox turns as she slides open the door, his legs sprawled out in front of him as he relaxed in Shigure’s livingroom. He wasn't sure who had forgotten to lock the door but it sure made coming over unannounced easier. 
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haru-sohma · 3 years
@tanteichi liked for a starter ! 
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             Blank eyes dully watched the chiseled model of a man. He was sprawled out on his beach towel black and red shorts being his only form of covering, well that and the jewelry he was adorning. He had been wandering the area when he’d found himself at the beach and decided to take a break from trying to get back home. “ ‘cuse me.” He called out. “You wouldn’t happen to know this area would you?” 
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haru-sohma · 3 years
@lunaetis​ liked for a starter 
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             Damn. He rubbed his check, his earlier contact with the ground still stinging. His free hand was stuffed in his pockets, playing with the slick sides of his beat up phone. He could always call Momiji for help but maybe...Haru looked around, dull large eyes trying to see if anything was recognizable. Trees, some bushes, dirt, more trees, a person, a hill, was that a lamppost- A person? Eyes shot back. “Where am i?”
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haru-sohma · 2 years
@renran​ liked for a starter 
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           oh crap crap crap. "hey you ok?" Haru shook the unconscious stranger. Oh thank god they had been a guy or else- well he didn't want to think about that right now, he didn't have time to think about that.
        "Hey." He gave another shook, before realizing that they were burning hot. shit. Well there was only one thing he could think to do in this situation. Hatori. Luckily the guy wasn't all that heavy, at least not for Haru. He gathered the Stanger's legs with one hand and caught then around the shoulders with his other. 
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haru-sohma · 2 years
@electricea​ liked for a starter 
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          “Yo.” Spiky two toned hair blew in the wind as he stood still. Casually he slipped his hands into his pockets leaning back just a bit. “What’s all the shouting for? Something interesting happen?” His face was blank, his eyes placid but oh was he interested.
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haru-sohma · 2 years
@tanteichi​ liked for a starter 
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           “Momiji.” the ox turns as she slides open the door, his legs sprawled out in front of him as he relaxed in Shigure’s livingroom. He wasn't sure who had forgotten to lock the door but it sure made coming over unannounced easier. 
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haru-sohma · 2 years
@mechahero​  liked for a starter 
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            Damn. He rubbed his check, his earlier contact with the ground still stinging. His free hand was stuffed in his pockets, playing with the slick sides of his beat up phone. He could always call Momiji for help but maybe...Haru looked around, dull large eyes trying to see if anything was recognizable. Trees, some bushes, dirt, more trees, a person, a hill, was that a lamppost- A person? Eyes shot back. “Where am i?”
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haru-sohma · 2 years
@magicalshe​ liked for a starter 
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           The night wind was cold, yet refreshing. It’s breeze shaking the trees, freeing a few leaves to drift through the air. One of those leaves landed on Haru’s head and he absentmindedly plucks it off. “Crap.” he mutters under his breath, lost again and now it’s night. Heaving a noise behind him, the ox turns catching sigh of, someone? Maybe? “Is someone out there?”
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haru-sohma · 3 years
Have you ever loved someone so much that you felt like you couldn’t breathe?
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       "Isn't that what love is?"
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haru-sohma · 3 years
» you were mine from the moment i saw you. « from bitter
𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞/𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐖𝐡𝐮𝐦𝐩𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬
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           He hums out a cocky tune, ducking his head in a way so that there noses were almost touching. "That's real cute. Who says im yours?-"           he teases, coaxing the other into a playful argument. What had set him off, who knows really. But HE was here now, Dark haru and he wanted some company.        "In fact-" he continues finger raising to press against the blonde's lips. "Who says you aren't mine."
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