ofmoraliity · 5 days
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Only returns to stare at this post with pure anger. you're going to be waiting for eternity--
mention. @shiningxfates
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pxrifiedmxniac · 2 months
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And I now expose all of my current mutuals to the very first major ship of this blog - Ice Fibers~ ♥
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round--face · 9 months
❛ you’re lucky you got away with only a scratch. ❜ (From Bakugou)
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“W-Well what was I suppose to do?! Just allow the villain kill a civilian?”
She had no intention to intervene a fight, especially when the Pro’s came in for backup. The brunette understood well that as students, they need to play in the background - and not fling themselves in so recklessly. However, Ochako has witnessed plenty of events where Deku, Todoroki, and Bakugou were able to hold themselves, and defeat their mission sometimes without the large help from the Pro’s. They were so strong, and perhaps Ochako was inspired by this. Perhaps that was the difference between them and her, she wasn’t cautious enough and didn’t think through.
Pity filled her core, and if it wasn’t for a certain blonde, who knows if she would even be alive and breathing right now. Luckily for her sake, he interfered with his explosion, causing the villain to be thrown into the closest building. She was certainly lucky that she only ended up with a minor knife scratch. Brown hues followed a path to meet Ruby eyes, and on instinct she scanned his body for any injuries himself. Guilty eventually washed over her, especially if he was injured. She would take any knife wound if it meant that he was free from any infliction, especially considering he risked his life to aid her. Ochako’s tone changed to a much gentle one, reaching her hands out about to touch him.
“Are you okay Bakugou-kun? Please, let me check you for any injuries that you might not feel currently.”
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rockhardhero · 10 days
@shiningxfates || Miraculous Ladybug x My Hero Academia Crossover
Two figures in red dropped down on the rooftop behind the blond already occupying the space. "Sorry I'm late, kitty cat. I was catching our friend here up to speed," announced Ladybug.
Behind her, a taller, broader male unhooked his arms from around her shoulders. "Thanks for the lift," he said cheerily, happy to have his feet back on solid ground, even if that solid ground was several stories high. Unable to climb that sort of height by himself, he had relied on the well-known hero to give him a boost up thanks to her yo-yo.
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He strode past Ladybug to meet the second Miraculous holder -- a black cat -- and extended his hand out for a shake. "I'm happy to be on board! The name's Red Riot." He didn't exactly blend in with their style of costumes, flaunting his bare chest and the oversized gears on his shoulders, but the smile on his face and excitement in his eyes made him fit right in.
Thanks to the latest training exercise from U.A. High School, Kirishima Eijiro found himself far from home in a different country. With how different the hero society was here, it felt like a different world entirely, but that made him all the more eager to learn. He was teamed up with two of Paris's finest heroes, Ladybug and Chat Noir, and meant to learn from them, and today was his first day to patrol with them.
He was scheduled to be away from home for several weeks, which meant several weeks of being away from his best friend and crush, but the learning experience was worth it. He was determined to make the most of this opportunity, and couldn't wait to get started. Both of the heroes by his side already seemed to be incredible!
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evillustrations · 1 month
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"Er... have you always sounded like... this?" Wait. That wasn't specific enough. "I mean-- this entire time, has your voice been... um..." Well, the artist wouldn't get an answer without being explicit, now, wouldn't he? [!]
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tornscale · 2 months
A low and hearty laugh echoed out from his throat, each echo shaking the ground beneath.
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"And I see your wit is still as sharp as ever~" He smiled, flashing her a toothy grin. There weren't many souls who thought to challenge the elder wyrm at his own games, let alone match his retorts. But Weiss had a distinct privilege of doing just that.
"I trust that your latest adventures have proven most interesting? I should love to hear your stories about them, if you've time to regale them to me, that is."
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glitteringxchaos · 2 years
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@shiningxfates asked: “Shut up and stay!” (Bakugou to Shinso)
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There it was. That famous Katsuki Bakugou charm in full effect. He'd only been teasing about getting up and leaving, seeing as the blond was pouting up a storm after a long day dealing with stressful and tiring training that left the entire class exhausted and short tempered. Granted, he wasn't about to call him out on his pouting...oh no. He knew better than that. That would probably earn him an explosion to the face and a permanent revocation of spending any time around him...at least for the forseeable future.
"You know...a please would be nice. But since I know you had a rough day, I'll let it slide this time."
Besides, he hadn't actually intended on going anywhere to begin with. Bakugou's bed was surprisingly comfortable, and he did honestly enjoy spending time with the explosive blond. Besides, he was tired too, and his own room was too far away to want to walk all the way there right then. So instead of getting up as he'd teasingly threatened to do, he settled back down and made himself comfortable, cocking a brow as he waited for the other male to do the same.
"Since I'm staying, are you going to get comfortable? Or are you just going to sit there and glare at me? Because if that's the case I might change my mind. Just lay down and get comfortable already. I know you're exhausted, and I'm not gonna do anything to you."
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shattered-divinity · 2 days
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@shiningxfates asked: ❓ (You already know who :3)
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Wait just a minute here. He didn't actually have to be honest...right? Right? Honesty wasn't really his strong suit when it came to talking about himself and things he felt. He was much better at showing people what they wanted/needed to see, and telling them what they wanted/needed to hear. Not...the truth. Why? Why was Alastor like this???
Does my muse trust yours? ~~Does he trust Alastor? Yes and no...both to a point. Does he trust him enough to believe that if he got enough power he wouldn't try to take over Hell? Absolutely not. He's had his fair share of interactions with the Sinner, and he knows someone who's power hungry when he sees them. Alastor is definitely that, and he wouldn't put it past him to be daydreaming about taking over as he speaks. However, that's not to say he doesn't trust him at all. He trusts him around Charlie...albeit begrudgingly. He trusts him to help her run the hotel. He trusts him enough to be alone with him at any given point, and even allow himself to be 'vulnerable' around him, because he trusts him not to take things too far, or try and hurt him.
Does my muse dislike yours? ~~As much as he wishes he could say otherwise sometimes when a certain deer is causing him issues...no. He does not dislike him. Not even close. If anything he has...feelings...on the opposite side of the spectrum from 'dislike', but he doesn't want to talk about those. Or admit to them.
Would my muse kill someone for yours? ~~Without hesitation. Alastor is one of a small handful of Sinners he can actually stand, and he's important to Charlie and Lucifer himself but he's not talking about that so if it came down to Alastor or someone else? The other person would die. And if he accidentally went a little overboard and made them suffer extra before killing them? Well that's no one's business. He's the King of Hell and he can torture people if he wants to.
Would my muse kill your muse? ~~Again, as much as he might threaten to do so, or sometimes imagine doing when he's especially frustrated by him...no. He wouldn't be able to bring himself to do it. But only because he's important to Charlie, of course, and that would make her sad. Not for any personal affection that he most certainly does not have, thank you very much.
Would my muse save yours? ~~He doubts Alastor would appreciate being in a position where he needed Lucifer to save him, but if it came down to it, he would. Of course he would. So maybe Alastor is a little bit important to him too. Not just to Charlie and the hotel. But just maybe, and just a little bit. Lucifer has had enough of losing things that matter to him, even in the slightest, and he's not going to let it happen again.
Does my muse find your muse attractive? ~~He wants to say no. He so badly wants to say no. But he does. Annoyingly so. Irritatingly so. The kind of attractive that makes him want to light something on fire sometimes. The distracting kind that always catches him off guard at the worst possible moment - usually when Alastor watching him like a hawk and notices him get distracted. In Lucifer's opinion, that's the worst, because then he can't just pretend like nothing happened and it gives Alastor more ammo to use against him in their little spats. He hates it.
Is my muse disgusted by yours? ~~Oh this is an easy one. No, he's not. He's easily annoyed by him, and Alastor gets him riled up and ready for a fight pretty easily, but there's no disgust there. Unless it's directed at himself for allowing him to get under his skin like he does and letting himself get distracted and caught off guard far too often.
Would my muse go on a date with your muse? ~~Going on a date would depend on a lot of factors. If he for one second believed it wasn't sincere or there was a hidden motive behind it? No. It would have to be worded just right and presented at exactly the right time with the right atmosphere for him to believe it was a genuine request. However...if it was too sincere, or he was given enough time to think about it and psyche himself out about it, then it would also be a no - though that would more likely end with him frantically coming up with some excuse as to why he couldn't go at the very last second and then hiding away in his duck room for the next...however long it took for him to settle back down again. Making it a challenge to him though? He'd say yes in a heartbeat and show up just to prove Alastor wrong with whatever he challenged him with. He can't say no to a direct challenge like that, and he won't be overthinking it and freak himself out about it before cancelling last minute and hiding.
Would my muse kiss yours? ~~Lucifer would never initiate a kiss - he doesn't feel like he can read Alastor quite well enough to know if he'd be receptive to such a thing (unless he was drinking, because then all bets are off and his filter and self control are practically nil). Buuuut if Alastor were to kiss him...he'd kiss him back. If he didn't immediately just short circuit as his brain hard-restarted, that is. Little King is a little touch starved, and kisses might just break him. Lights on but nobody home.
Would my muse betray yours? ~~If there is one thing Lucifer is above all else, it's loyal. He is loyal to a fault. He's been hurt, and he's been betrayed, and he's been abandoned or cast aside too many times to ever do it to someone else. Not knowingly or willingly, at least. Even to someone he 'claims' not to like very much.
My muse's favorite thing about yours is that Alastor makes a wonderful pillow. That is all he's saying on the matter. Don't ask because he will not elaborate.
The thing my muse dislikes about yours is that he can't get a good read on him. He's usually so confident in knowing what Sinners want from only an interaction or two - sure he might not ever care, or follow up on that knowledge, but he's used to knowing. Alastor is still an enigma to him and it drives him up the wall.
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"That's...ahem...that's quite enough honesty for one day. Maybe a little too much. I uh...I gotta go. Do things. Important things. Somewhere else. Not here."
He has every intention of going and hiding away somewhere. Maybe his bed. Maybe with the ducks. Maybe a dark hole somewhere. Too much honesty for one day, he's feeling vulnerable and he doesn't like it.
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helluva-hazbins · 5 days
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Make him upset
Make him upset!
He's already angy boi anyway! 💀
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shiningxfates · 2 months
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// I realized I have a few new followers and it's been a while since I made one of these so here it goes!
Hi! Sorano here. I'm an angst queen that loves sending memes but also loves dabbling and plotting to no end. I love world building, creating AUs, and doing more than just slice of life. I also love ships, but actual relations! The one-sided, toxic, romantic, platonic, etc. I tend to gravitate towards characters in need of redemption in some way or another, whether they get that, well, depends on my mood. :3
Please don't let the pink cat girl and rainbows fool you, it's Madoka Magica effect here at shiningxfates. The mun is also a shy bean and hasn't done the tumblr thing for a hot moment, besides a few on and off again instances. So a little patience with me please. <3
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hcllprincess · 4 days
@shiningxfates liked for a small one liner! (Alastor)
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"Al, hey. I've been looking everywhere for you. How come you've been avoiding me?"
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siilkyhearts-a · 2 years
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🍒 - How many friends do you have on here?
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//A couple of them ^^; But this is where I’ve met my closest friends I’ve known up to now. Of course the ones I knew back then came and went and I do miss them ever since too. On my old Ladybug rp, I’ve met four really good friends: one I remember we shipped Marinette and Vanitas (KH) together, it was wild. But they just stopped logging on after a while so I do hope they’re doing okay now. Gems I also write with and they had their OC, although they don’t write here anymore we still do chat and he is a great, awesome dork of a friend and we talk a lot of Disney together. @oroanillado I’ve known for YEARS and they wrote as Nathanael from ML too, we coincidentally met in person, hang out and went to places together and they are such a silly, honest and loyal friend I know! @shiningxfates as well, they wrote (still writes) Chat Noir; we ship way too many ships, we’ve met in person and went to cons and other places as well and they are kind and was there for me. 
Fast forward to now, these people I interact with I believe we are very good close friends too and I enjoy writing and just chatting with! @electricea, @dxfiedfxte, @ahogedetective, @hifimuses @thuganomxcs you guys are the best and I love hearing from you! <3 If I missed anyone I apologize plus I haven’t been quite as active as I’d like but I still acknowledge the ones I also enjoy chatting with now and then too <3 So I really do cherish a lot of my friendships. Although it’s a shame that some have fallen flat or I don’t talk to them much, it’s still nice to know some people and write good stories with. 
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vsagis · 2 years
The figure in the corner of the room stays silent for the better part of the exchange, arms crossed and unmoving like a marble statue. It's only after the League's leader orders Kurogiri and Compress to put the kidnapped highschooler back to sleep is that they move.
"Let me talk to him," he asks as he reaches Shigaraki's side, and while the details of his features are obscured by the shadow cast by the hood of his sweatshirt, the voice could possibly hit a familiar note.
"Bakugou," the teenager begins after an unspoken permission is given to him, taking a few more steps towards the hero student, "Listen to him, really listen, and you'll see he has a point. There is no other way to bring change than to force it when the society is so rooted in its wrongdoings... is what I would normally say if there was someone else in your place. But I know that deep down you already know he's right." When he's this close, it's easier to see his face, and as if reading somebody's mind on this, Izuku removes his hood to reveal it along with a smile that lightens his features up with a kind of light that's odd to the old him, the one Bakugou once knew. "Because I've seen you act according to all the wrong lessons our world has taught you. Haven't I?"
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rockhardhero · 3 years
@shiningxfates || continued from x
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The nickname had the redhead whining lightly, but it wasn’t enough to deviate his attention away from his purpose. If Bakugou was going to act like a brat today, then he had to be taught a lesson. “You sound pretty impatient there, Katsuki.” He could dish it right back out. He grinned with the use of his first name, as his hand lifted to secure tightly around Bakugou’s jaw and forced the blond to look up at him. He leaned down in his space, hovering close, but not closing the distance between them yet. “That’s my job today.”
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evillustrations · 1 month
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"I can not seem to figure out what it is about that Baku... whatever his name is but I am noticing he is.... very hot." [!]
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us-smash-archive · 3 years
X @shiningxfates​
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  “Maybe I do Bakugo but I am not playing any games with you so you can shove that attitude of yours!” Izuku’s voice coming out in a low growl, having Bakugo by the collar of his shirt and up against the wall in the span of 5 seconds. Feeling One for all moving throughout his body ready to fight if needed. He had tried to be patient and understanding but one too many taunts and far too much bad blood between them made Izuku had enough. Even if he was going to be hurt today the greenette was going to say everything he had been holding in for the last decade dammit!
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