#Millu Works
2millu2 · 5 months
Your Favs
You're lying on your back, your legs spread wide open, your pussy wet and aching for him. You can feel the softness of the bed beneath you, the cool air on your skin, and the warmth of his body pressed against yours. He leans down and kisses you softly on the lips.
He pulls back, his eyes locked on your pussy, and he slowly slides his cock inside you. You gasp as he enters you, feeling the stretch and burn of his thick cock filling you up. He thrusts into you, his cock sliding in and out of your pussy, each movement sending waves of pleasure through your body.
"You're so tight," he groans, his voice hoarse with lust. "I'm going to breed this tight pussy
You moan softly, feeling the pleasure wash over you as he thrusts into you. His cock fills you up, stretching your pussy, and you can feel your inner walls clenching around him. You're lost in the sensation, your mind focused on the pleasure coursing through your body.
his eyes locked on your pussy as he thrusts into you. "I'm going to fill you with my cum, make you pregnant with my baby."
You shiver at the thought, your body responding to his words. You can feel the heat building inside you, the pleasure growing with each thrust.
"I can’t wait to see you so full of my seed," he whispers, his voice low and seductive. "I'm going to make you scream my name."
He lifts your legs, bringing them close to your face, and you wrap your hands around them, holding them in place. You can feel the muscles in his thighs as he thrusts into you, the sound of his cock sliding in and out of your pussy filling the room.
"You're mine," he growls, his eyes locked on your pussy. "This pussy was made for me”
As he thrusts into you, his cock sliding in and out of your pussy, you can feel the tension building inside you. The pleasure is intense, each thrust sending waves of ecstasy through your body. You can feel his cock hitting your G-spot, the sensation driving you wild.
"Fuck, baby keep squeezing me like that" he growls, his eyes locked on your pussy. His words send a shiver down your spine, and you can feel your pussy clench around his cock.
He thrusts into you harder, his cock sliding in and out of your pussy with a wet, slick sound. You can feel the muscles in his thighs as he moves, the sound of his breath heavy in the room. You can feel his heartbeat pounding in his chest, his body tense with lust.
"You're going to cum for me," he whispers, his voice low and seductive. "You're going to scream my name as I fill you with my cum."
His hand goes down to your clit rubbing it till your squirming in pleasure. You can feel your body responding to his, your pussy clenching around his cock, your muscles tensing with anticipation.
He begins to moan and whimper indicating he’s close his hips start to stutter and he thrusts into you faster pushing your legs back farther.
He thrusts into you one last time, Moaning your name in your ear, his cock filling you with his cum. You can feel the warmth of his seed flooding your pussy, the sensation sending you over the edge. You scream his name, your body shaking with pleasure
He continues to slowly thrust into you pushing his cum back inside you
“This is only round one baby, gotta make sure your full of my cum”
Any of your fav’s
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spadeselfshipcorner · 3 months
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Pick me Up
I'm canonically able to pick up my boyfriend and nobody can do anything about it
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Part of the partially unfinished Millu sketches I've had in the works for too long, there's more to come
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Proship/Comship & Kink blogs DNI
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mcwscollective · 1 year
Kalluto, are you close with any of your siblings? Can you choose a favourite?
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With the exception of Alluka, Kalluto had once thought he was close with all of his siblings. Illumi had taught him things, and allowed him to do jobs with him; Milluki had no real qualms about him being in his room as long as he didn't touch anything; Killua had always seemed a bit like a loner, but when they did spend time together they rarely fought about things.
Once he'd met Killua's friends, however, he realized that hadn't been the case. At least he still had two out of three. (And he still had mother that he was close to as well.)
"I'm closest to Illu-nii," he replied softly. "He's my favorite. He's the one that's taught me the most, and the one I work the best with on jobs, and he helps me with my obi when I'm having trouble tying it and mother is busy." He wished he was that close with Milluki as well, but he also seemed like a loner at times -- typically in his room with his computer and figurines rather than wanting to socialize.
"I think I'm close to Millu-nii too. We don't spend too much time together, but he hasn't kicked me out of his room yet, and he lets me watch him play games sometimes."
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aerael-a · 1 year
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[ silly string ] — sender squirts silly string all over the receiver // killu -> millu    .     @mcwscollective
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          𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐔𝐊𝐈  𝐇𝐀𝐃  𝐁𝐄𝐄𝐍  𝐈𝐍  𝐓𝐇𝐄  𝐌𝐈𝐃𝐃𝐋𝐄  𝐎𝐅  𝐀  𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄    ;        fingers  pressing  so  many  keys  at  one  it  was  almost  hard  to  see  them  with  the  speed  he  moved  them    ━━━━    he  often  didn't  get  too  serious  about  these  shooter  games,  they  were  in  all  honesty  a  bit  boring  when  you  get  to  do  the  real  thing  for  a  living,  but  this  time  they  were  all  betting  money.  His  online  friends  ━━  could  he  even  call  them  that?  ━━  counting  on  him  to  win  this  for  them.  And  he  was  doing  well,  having  killed  so  many  he  lost  count,  the  time  was  ticking  though  and  Milluki  needed  two  more  kills  for  his  team  to  win.
            He  felt  a  presence  in  his  room,  but  that  didn't  bother  him.  Kalluto  and  Killua  walked  around  the  house  like  ghosts  most  of  the  time,  Kalluto  specially  so  Milluki  ignored  it.  The  universe  would  soon  punish  him  for  that,  because  in  less  then  a  second  he  was  being  hit  with  silly  string  ━━  and  the  shock  of  it  made  him  lose  his  shot.
            Typing  to  his  friends  that  he  needed  a  second,  and  letting  them  know  to  take  over  for  him,  the  programmer  turned  around,  rage  burning  in  onyx  coloured  eyes.  ❛        Killu....        ❜    he  growled,  a  hand  going  under  his  desk,  Milluki  didn't  have  any  silly  string,  but  he  had  something  better.  Under  his  desk,  Milluki  kept  a  water  gun,  for  what  purpose  you  say?  Well,  to  chase  people  off  his  room.  It  worked  wonders  on  the  newer  members  of  the  staff,  and  Kalluto.
            ❛        You'd  better  start  running!        ❜    
            And  that's  all  the  warning  Killua  got  before  Milluki  began  attacking  him.      
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hatari-translations · 3 years
Svarti Laxness - Hvaddagera? - transcript/translation
This song by Hatari collaborator Svarti Laxness has a neat video, some boasting, and general vibes of all work and no play make Svarti a dull boy. Transcript and translation below.
Icelandic transcript
Skuggar taka að lengjast, Svarti hvaddagera?
Sumir tala bara meðan aðrir gera
Sumir vilja vita, "Svarti hvarafrétta?"
Sundurliðun reiknings segir, "Allt það besta"
Skuggar taka að lengjast, Svarti hvaddagera?
Póst'etta upp á klúbbnum eins og á að vera
Sumir vilja vita, "Svarti hvarafrétta?"
Sundurliðun reiknings segir, "Allt það besta"
Gert þetta í fimmtán ár, alltaf verið Svarti
Gert þetta af hjarta og sál, ekki fyrir skartið
Bakka, bakka, [?]vandamál, bara, bara blanda smá
Tuttugu, tuttugu skítaár, nornaveiðar, írafár
Tími til að slaka á, liggja bara [?] smá
Fiskarnir þeir bíta á, enda er það vitað mál
Tittlingur í símaskrá, kettir þurfa að fara frá
Ekki stíga á skóna og það verður ekkert vandamál
Get ekki hlustað, ég missi þetta kúl
Tek þetta á mig, hendi ruslinu út
Eitt lítið barn tekur pela af stút
Fokk þetta shit og fokk þetta krú
Fokk þessi frami, fokk þetta fame
Fokk þetta drama, elska þennan leik
Hættu að stara, gefðu mér breik
Get ekki farið með öllum heim
Skuggar taka að lengjast, Svarti hvaddagera?
Sumir tala bara meðan aðrir gera
Sumir vilja vita, "Svarti hvarafrétta?"
Sundurliðun reiknings segir, "Allt það besta"
Skuggar taka að lengjast, Svarti hvaddagera?
Póst'etta upp á klúbbnum eins og á að vera
Sumir vilja vita, "Svarti hvarafrétta?"
Sundurliðun reiknings segir, "Allt það besta"
Vek þig upp úr yfirliði, forstjóri og fyrirliði
Svarti, frekar yfirdrifið flowið sem þú lifir fyrir
Ekki reyna að flýta fyrir, þetta hér er okkar tími
Svarti Lax, Svarti Lax, fókus eins og Módafínil
Vek þig upp úr yfirliði, forstjóri og fyrirliði
Svarti, frekar yfirdrifið flowið sem þú lifir fyrir
Ekki reyna að flýta fyrir, þetta hér er okkar tími
Svarti Lax, Svarti Lax, fókus eins og Módafínil
Skuggar taka að lengjast, Svarti hvaddagera?
Sumir tala--
[demonic whispering, a lot of "Svarti hvaddagera?"]
Skuggar taka að lengjast, Svarti hvaddagera?
Póst'etta upp á klúbbnum eins og á að vera
Sumir vilja vita, "Svarti hvarafrétta?"
Sundurliðun reiknings segir, "Allt það besta"
Þú vilt ekki styggja mig, kominn til að sigra, bitch
Vantar þetta vítamín, viltu mig? Það virkar fínt
Sestu niður, sittu kyrr, kærastan þín diggar mig
Í augum hennar er ég líka yfirburðan-----i
Tek þetta yfir, er með þetta lag
Og [?] rás
Yfir[?] er fljúgandi hátt
Hættur að smóka svo mamma er sátt
Ég veit þetta allt og þú veist þetta fátt
Ég fer áfram, ekki í öfuga átt
Borða þetta kjöt og ég borða það hrátt
Er hérna niðri, er með æðri mátt
Ekkert að heita, vertu ekki sár
Tuttugu og eitt er með fokking ár
Ég er svo með þetta, kanntu ekki að gera þetta?
Slakaðu á, ég skal gefa þér smá
Allt þetta lið að kaupa sér frið
Svarti í málið, þoli ekki bið
Vertu ekki með þetta, gefðu mér peninga
Gefðu mér millu og ég hendi í gigg
Skuggar taka að lengjast, Svarti hvaddagera?
Sumir tala bara meðan aðrir gera
Sumir vilja vita, "Svarti hvarafrétta?"
Sundurliðun reiknings segir, "Allt það besta"
Skuggar taka að lengjast, Svarti hvaddagera?
Póst'etta upp á klúbbnum eins og á að vera
Sumir vilja vita, "Svarti hvarafrétta?"
Sundurliðun reiknings segir, "Allt það besta"
Skuggar taka að lengjast, Svarti hvaddagera?
Póst'etta upp á klúbbnum eins og á að vera
Sumir vilja vita, "Svarti hvarafrétta?"
Sundurliðun reiknings segir, "Allt það besta"
English translation
Shadows start to lengthen, Svarti, whatcha doin'?
Some just talk while others do
Some want to know, "Svarti, what's new?"
The line items on the invoice say, "All the best"
Shadows start to lengthen, Svarti, whatcha doin'?
Posting it at the club like it's meant to be
Some want to know, "Svarti, what's new?"
The line items on the invoice say, "All the best"
Been doing this for fifteen years, always been Svarti
Been pouring my heart and soul into it, not for the bling
Back up, back up, [?] problems, just mix it up a bit
Twenty, twenty shitty years, witch hunts, uproar
Time to relax, just lie [?] a bit
The fish are biting, after all that's a given
A bird in the phone book, cats better get away
Don't step on my shoes and we won't have a problem
Can't listen, I'll lose this cool
Take this on, I'll throw out the garbage
One tiny baby drinking from a baby bottle
Fuck this shit and fuck this crew
Fuck this glory, fuck this fame
Fuck this drama, love this game
Stop staring, give me a break
Can't go home with everybody
Shadows start to lengthen, Svarti, whatcha doin'?
Some just talk while others do
Some want to know, "Svarti, what's new?"
The line items on the invoice say, "All the best"
Shadows start to lengthen, Svarti, whatcha doin'?
Posting it at the club like it's meant to be
Some want to know, "Svarti, what's new?"
The line items on the invoice say, "All the best"
Wake you from unconsciousness, CEO and captain
Svarti, the flow you live for is a bit too much
Don't try to hurry it up, this is our time
Svarti Lax, Svarti Lax, focus like Modafinil
Wake you from unconsciousness, CEO and captain
Svarti, the flow you live for is a bit too much
Don't try to hurry it up, this is our time
Svarti Lax, Svarti Lax, focus like Modafinil
Shadows start to lengthen, Svarti, whatcha doin'?
Some just talk--
[demonic whispering, a lot of "Svarti hvaddagera?"]
Shadows start to lengthen, Svarti, whatcha doin'?
Posting it at the club like it's meant to be
Some want to know, "Svarti, what's new?"
The line items on the invoice say, "All the best"
You don't want to make me mad, I'm here to win, bitch
Need this vitamin, you want me? That works too
Sit down, sit still, your girlfriend digs me
In her eyes, after all, I'm an exceptional n-----
Taking it over, got this song
And [?] channel(?)
Over[?] is sky-high
Stopped smoking so my mom's placated
I know it all and you know it few
I move forward, not the opposite way
Eating this meat and eating it raw
I'm down here, got the higher power
No hating, don't be sore
Got twenty-one fucking years
I've got this, don't you know how to do this?
Cool down, I'll give you some
All these people buying some peace
Svarti on the case, can't stand the wait
Don't be like that, give me some money
Give me a million and I'll throw up a gig
Shadows start to lengthen, Svarti, whatcha doin'?
Some just talk while others do
Some want to know, "Svarti, what's new?"
The line items on the invoice say, "All the best"
Shadows start to lengthen, Svarti, whatcha doin'?
Posting it at the club like it's meant to be
Some want to know, "Svarti, what's new?"
The line items on the invoice say, "All the best"
Shadows start to lengthen, Svarti, whatcha doin'?
Posting it at the club like it's meant to be
Some want to know, "Svarti, what's new?"
The line items on the invoice say, "All the best"
Translation notes
Svarti Laxness's name means "The Black Laxness", the Laxness being presumably a reference to Nobel Prize-winning author Halldór Laxness. Just "Svarti" used as a name, as in the song, effectively means "The Black One".
"Hvaddagera?" is a phonetic shortening of "Hvað ertu að gera?" ("What are you doing?"), hence my translation of it as "Whatcha doin'?" (It's not a 'standard' such shortening or something you'd ever see in edited writing, just Svarti mashing the words together the way they sound when said quickly.) Similarly, "Hvarafrétta?" is an analogous phonetic shortening of "Hvað er að frétta?" or "What's new?" Usually I don't do those sorts of shortenings when I transcribe and just type out the full words even if they're said in fewer syllables, but since the title of the song and the typewriter page in the video both prominently use the shortening, I kept it and did the same with the parallel "Hvarafrétta?" even though technically that one's not written anywhere.
"Tittlingur" means a small bird, but is also slang for a penis. This might be some kind of pun or double entendre, but I have no idea how the cats and the phone book are supposed to come into it if so, so I'm just going to translate that line literally and invite you to work out what kind of naughty meaning he might be getting at behind that.
The "CEO and captain" line is "forstjóri og fyrirliði". Forstjóri is a company president, fyrirliði is the word you'd use for a team captain in a sport.
Not exactly an Iceland-specific thing, but in case it's not well known in your country, Modafinil is an alertness drug, hence the "focus like Modafinil".
"Ég veit þetta allt og þú veist þetta fátt" is grammatically weird in the same way as "I know it all and you know it few"; I'm not just translating it weirdly. Of course, Svarti is doing it for a rhyme, which is lost anyway in the translation.
"Er hérna niðri, er með æðri mátt", assuming I'm even hearing that correctly, is using the same "higher power" that's generally used to refer to a god or the like. Technically he could mean he is with the higher power, rather than having it; grammatically that ought to be "með æðri mætti", but people make that error reasonably often so I can't say for sure that's not what he meant.
In general, as with Helvíti, Svarti is doing a lot of cool internal rhyming and assonance that doesn't translate at all, which unfortunately really diminishes the lyrics.
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ciaomichaella · 5 years
Up before 5am to watch the @teamhasselborg vs Team Feltscher game on livestream. About to get the @lofbergs coffee going and I get a nice #Friday treat on Insta. Hooray for more #sponsorlove for @teamniklasedin Love this little @millu_se video 👏👏👏 I’ll never get tired of seeing @niklasedin and my Swedes in action. Looks like my #Icevengers are working on adverts for their #sponsor *fangirl squee* Looking forward to the photos/videos of the final product. Nice to know Rasmus didn’t sleep through his alarms today 😉 October can’t come soon enough. @sealteamcbs and @amcthewalkingdead come back to tv & #TeamEdin will be back in Switzerland for another event. Interestingly enough, the time difference when my faves play in Europe is easier on this sleep-deprived fangirl than when they play in Canada. . . . 🥌💙💛🇸🇪🥌💙💛🇸🇪🥌💙💛🇸🇪 #NiklasEdin #Bionik #KingNiklas #NinjaThor #PoolShark #KatnikEveredin #GOAT #ChristofferSundgren #RasmusWranå #TeamEdin #SwedishVikings #Sweden #EdinForTheWin #athlete #olympian #curling #sports #worldchampion #goatsofinstagram #TheVikingWay #Millu #breakfast #TGIF #IBELIEVEEDINWILLWIN 🥌💙💛🇸🇪🥌💙💛🇸🇪🥌💙💛🇸🇪 . . #Repost @millu_se ・・・ Millu on ice 🥌🥌🥌 (at Karlstads Curlingklubb) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2WdHt_nXw0/?igshid=1nd9n1xtjs0o8
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occultadama · 3 years
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Atomic panic, the big bug films!
This biophobic material is most evident post WW2  and is believed to be driven by atomic anxiety, concerns about an unknown enemy, surveillance states, nuclear disaster and threats, unrestrained progress of science and technology and these being in the power of mysterious militaries.
The same creative interruptions can be found in UFO film narratives post WW2. there is a parallel in fear in regard to science and a collective distrust in how it is used. A mixture of our individual powerlessness, reduction of individualism in societies changing structures, political corruption and lack of scientific understanding. The same patterns of insect cinema can be found in conjunction with key historical events that echo the same anxieties. Insects provide a perfect vessel for projection as we equate thier small scale and lack of biological Familiarity with fear. We also have, perhaps a envy of there success? Insects are often collaborative and work together (bees, ants, dung beetles, cockroaches) can display intense psychically feats in relation to scale (Ants strength) and are also important to the continuation of the planet. We are expendible and the cause of our current crisis.
These are not a millue you have in the 16th -18th century. People have different anxieties during the medieval age or renaissance; they describe things as being angels, demons or acts of God. We interrupt the things we see through our cultural lens. Although we still witness this insect projecting in the way of locust swarms as punishment and symbols of wrong doing. The Insect paranoia in modern media has however become much more defined and concentrated in conjuction with enviromental exhaustion, industrialisation, changing of capitalised buisness structure and key historical crisis.
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Anarchism and it’s current condition
Something I’ve been thinking about recently is the approaches and analysis’ that different anarchist tendencies have towards organisation. Whether it’s the formal organisational, mass politics fetishisers or the ones that are almost permanently enraged and seemingly don’t give a shit a lot of the time about the majority of people. And the majority that exist inbetween these poles. Both are representative of the same phenomena,they end up treating other people as objects to either manipulate or ignore. I feel these results are based on the increasing alienation on going within capitalist societies and the massive increase in how much of our lives have became a spectacle that we consume, with both of these things feeding into each other constantly, not being able to be understood without the other. I think this has led to strong ideologicalisation of anarchist politics, instead of using our reason, intuition and experiences to discuss things with each other, we see in each other as a representation of Bad Politics that we don’t like and proceed to argue with others as if they’re just vessals and not individuals.
I know I have done a lot of these things within the last couple of years, whilst contradictingly being critical of them, leading to some intense internal dialogue and conflict. I feel embarressed at lot of that now. In this I have recognised very similar things happening with other anarchists, millues, subcultures and organisations, and even having a glimpse at pre-WW2 we can see that a lot of anarchists put a lot of effort into avoiding specifically these points, something they saw quite inherent in socialist and marxist politics. Not to make a Good/Evil distinction between pre and post-WW2 anarchists, things are no where near that homogenous, this is a crude tool I’m using to show a strong tendency that I believe exists.
There’s also the increasing reliance on academia for our theoretical understanding of the world instead of each other and our collective experiences and rational facaulties while at the same time an increase in a moralistic denunciation of things we are critical of. Leaving others to do our thinking for us because that is literally there job, with academics producing knowledge basically.
Something we should be doing as anarchists is trying to navigate these contradictions, making sure they do not conquer us, and so forcefully creating these alienated desires we seem to have so we can go beyond them, and recognise that is a difficult task that we should be working on together.
Even this criticism of our current state of affairs is fundamentally limited by the fact it’s not somthing addressed to the proletariat as a whole, but seemingly a political identity/subculture, and the fact that various anarchisms in different cities, countries and continents exist in varyingly different conditions, so my criticism is rendered into possibly the most abstract and general way. These are things I need to think on
That’s my two cents on the matter at least, I look forward to any discussion on this
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surveysonfleek · 7 years
1. When you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk? more cereal than milk so the cereal doesn’t get too soggy too quickly.
2. Do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a winter day? the first hit of cold is always nice. after awhile it gets annoying.
3. What random objects do you use to bookmark your books? nothing too interesting, random pieces of paper etc. or i’ll just fold the corner.
4. How do you take your coffee/tea? coffee: two sugars with milk. tea: one sugar and milk.
5. Are you self-conscious of your smile? i’m happy with my teeth, they could be a bit whiter though.
6. Do you keep plants? my mum loves plants, our backyard is huge and there’s gardens everywhere. there’s also some plants inside in the front lounge and then our dining room. none in my room, not enough sunlight lol.
7. Do you name your plants? no.
8. What artistic medium do you use to express your feelings? none. do tumblr surveys count?
9. Do you like singing/humming to yourself? only if i’m really into the songs.
10. Do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach? side or stomach.
11. What’s your inner joke you have with your friends? there’s too many but one of the more recent ones is millus. there’s a guy at work named milos and it’s correctly pronounced ‘milosh’ but everyone says ‘mi-loss’ which is also fine. one of our workmates called him ‘millus’ the other day ever so innocently and we thought it was hilarious. so his name is millus now. lol.
12. What’s your favourite planet? earth.
13. What’s something that made you smile today? getting a new candle!
14. If you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like? definitely loft style. huge space with high ceilings. our room would be open on like a second level and then everything on the first level would be studio-like, not many walls apart from the bathroom.
15. Go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is! no.
16. What’s your favourite pasta dish? ugh i hate pasta. if i had to choose, probably gnocchi.
17. What colour do you really want to dye your hair? nothing in particular. wouldn’t mind some highlights. but my hair is super dead, it needs a break.
18. Tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up. tomorrowland and coachella alwayssss come up in conversation. 
19. Do you keep a journal? What do you write/draw in it? nope.
20. What’s your favourite eye colour? hazel is always pretty.
21. Talk about your favourite bag, the one that’s been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces. hmmm i change handbags every year and they all go through hell and back with me lol. but i’d have to choose my hand carry luggage. that shit is super old, one of the zips are broken, the handle struggles to pull up but i still take it with me everywhere. one time i checked it in and it went missing. i thought it was the end of it but thankfully it was found and delivered to my front door lol.
22. Are you a morning person? nope. but if i have to wake up early i can do so easily.
23. What’s your favourite thing to do on lazy days where you have no obligations? i clean my room a bit, rearrange stuff, cook something new and watch netflix.
24. Is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets? probably my boyfriend.
25. What’s the weirdest place you’ve ever broken into? i don’t think i’ve ever broken in anywhere.
26. What are the shoes you’ve had for forever and wear with every single outfit? i have a lot of favourites that i’ll wear until they eventually break lol. 
27. What’s your favourite bubblegum flavour? watermelon.
28. Sunrise or sunset? sunset. but sunrises are just as beautiful.
29. What’s something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing? when my boyfriend geeks out about certain things like game of thrones lol. loser.
30. Think of it: have you ever been truly scared? yes, of course.
31. What is your opinion of socks? Do you like wearing weird socks? Do you sleep with socks? Do you confine yourself to white sock hell? Really, just talk about socks. i only wear socks when i’m wearing boots or sneakers or if it’s winter and my feet are cold. i own more black socks than white coz of work.
32. Tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with your friends. that’s what i call a dope games night hahaha.
33. What’s your favourite pastry? i honestly love all pastry.
34. Tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. What is it called? What does it look like? Do you still keep it? this cabbage patch doll. she was black with dreads and had a flower tee. my grandparents got it for me, not once did i think she was different coz she was black, i just loved her! i have no idea where it is now sadly.
35. Do you like stationery and pretty pens and so on? Do you use them often? i love stationery, i just don’t use them enough to buy heaps.
36. Which band’s sound would fit your mood right now? no idea. none right now.
37. Do you like keeping your room messy or clean? organized chaos tbh.
38. Tell us about your pet peeves! i could make an entire list. but my main one are people who cough without covering their mouths.
39. What colour do you wear the most? black.
40. Think of a piece of jewellery you own: what’s its story? Does it have any meaning to you? my diamond bracelet my boyfriend got me for my 21st birthday. i love it but it’s super flimsy, it’s broken twice now so i don’t wear it anymore.
41. What’s the last book you remember really, really loving? harry potter. all of them.
42. Do you have a favourite coffee shop? Describe it! starbucks.
43. Who was the last person you gazed at the stars with? i feel like i’ve never done this before lol.
44. When was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything? ugh idk never.
45. Do you trust your instincts a lot? yes.
46. Tell us the worst pun you can think of. i’d tell you but it’s not very punny.
47. What food do you think should be banned from the universe? none.
48. What was your biggest fear as a kid? Is it the same today? dogs. haha no, i love dogs now.
49. Do you like buying CDs and records? What was the last one you bought? i don’t buy them anymore. i don’t even remember the last cd i got.
50. What’s an odd thing you collect? nothing weird.
51. Think of a person. What song do you associate with them? marc, get buck. so random.
52. What are your favourite memes of the year so far? haha idk. i like memes but not as much as everyone else on my facebook feed.
53. Have you ever watched The Rocky Horror Picture Show? Heathers? Beetlejuice? Pulp Fiction? What do you think of them? none.
54. Who’s the last person you saw with a true look of sadness on their face? omg this girl at work last night. no customer service whatsoever. i hope i don’t look like that.
55. What’s the most dramatic thing you’ve ever done to prove a point? idk lol.
56. What are some things you find endearing in people? just their dorkiness.
57. Go listen to Bohemian Rhapsody. How did it make you feel? Did you dramatically reenact the lyrics? i didn’t listen to it. but i do enjoy that song.
58. Who’s the wine mom and who’s the vodka aunt in your group of friends? Why? this is incredibly fitting. sara is the wine mom 100%, and irene is the vodka aunt, she’s even russian ffs hahaha.
59. What’s your favourite myth? unicorns lol.
60. Do you like poetry? What are some of your favourites? no. the only time i ever read poetry was in school.
61. What’s the stupidest gift you’ve ever given? The stupidest one you’ve ever received? idk lol. there’s been plenty both ways.
62. Do you drink juice in the morning? Which kind? nope.
63. Are you fussy about your books and music? Do you keep them meticulously organised or kinda leave them be? not fussy at all. i used to be when i was younger. my itunes library would have all correct details and i managed to cut the genres down to under 10. now i don’t care. my books are everywhere too.
64. What colour is the sky where you are right now? black.
65. Is there anyone you haven’t seen in a long time who you’d love to hang out with? yes.
66. What would your ideal flower crown look like? white, pink and purple.
67. How do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel? i love staying inside during those days.
68. What’s winter like where you live? it’s nice during the day and freezing at night.
69. What are your favourite board games? cranium. its an everything boardgame lol.
70. Have you ever used a ouija board? no.
71. What’s your favourite kind of tea? honeydew milk tea with pearls.
72. Are you a person that needs to note everything down or else you’ll forget it? no.
73. What are some of your worst habits? i get annoyed easily. i also have no patience.
74. Describe a good friend of yours without using their name of gendered pronouns. i am theirs and they are mine.
75. Tell us about your pets! he’s my first and probably last pet dog, sky. he’s sooooo cute and super old but he still has the spirit of a puppy. physically you can see signs of old age in him but i hope he’s okay.
76. Is there anything you should be doing right now but aren’t? nope.
77. Pink or yellow lemonade? neither. they’re too sour.
78. Are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub? neither?
79. What’s one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you? organized a present for me overseas. lol.
80. What colour are your bedroom walls? Did you choose that colour? If so, why? turquoise and light grey.
81. Describe one of your friends’ eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of. striking.
82. Are/were you good in school? yeah i was good i guess.
83. What’s some of your favourite album art? all of rihanna’s shit.
84.  Are you planning on getting tattoos? Which ones? nope.
85. Do you read comics? What are your favourites? nope.
86. Do you like concept albums? Which ones? is lemonade one?
87. What are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives? sound of music.
88. Are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy? modern shit. cubism, futurism, surrealism, pop art.
89. Are you close to your parents? fairly close, yes.
90. Talk about one of your favourite cities. san francisco is a dream. it’s the first city my boyfriend and i ever went to overseas. i love it so much, i want to go back.
91. Where do you plan on travelling this year? this year nowhere, only coz i’ve traveled twice this year already.
92. Are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch? it depends on the pasta and the cheese.
93. What’s the hairstyle you wear the most? ponytail.
94. Who was the last person you know to have a birthday? my boyfriend’s dad.
95. What are your plans for this weekend? no ideaaaa.
96. Do you install your computer updates really quickly, or do you procrastinate on them a lot? procrastinate, duh.
97. Myer Briggs type, Zodiac sign, and Hogwarts house? i forgot, sagittarius, ravenclaw.
98. When’s the last time you went hiking? Did you enjoy it? probably diamond head lmao. i hated it but the view up top was amazing.
99. List some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them. noo.
100. If you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go five years into the past, the other five years into the future, which one would you press? Why? errr neither. i guess i’d lean towards going back though. i don’t wna miss all the things the next five years could bring me.
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aabany-group · 8 years
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Judy H. Kim Makes History as First Korean American Elected to NY State Court
On November 8, 2016, Judy H. Kim became the first Korean American to be elected to a judicial position in the State of New York.  AABANY is extremely proud of Judy, who has served on its Board and as Co-Chair of its Student Outreach Committee, and graciously agreed to be interviewed.  We were thrilled to have the chance to learn more about her career and path to the bench.
Judy began her legal career at Kennedy Lillis Schmidt & English, a boutique maritime/admiralty law firm, after receiving her J.D. from Tulane Law School and her B.A. from the University of Pennsylvania.  “At that time, I was the only female and minority at the firm and it was very rare that I met other lawyers like me,” said Judy.
She next worked at Snitow Kanfer Holtzer & Millus LLP, where she specialized in commercial litigation, employment discrimination litigation, and matrimonial litigation matters.
Judy then left private practice to join the Bureau & Estates Litigation Section of the Legal Division at the New York Liquidation Bureau (the “Bureau”) as an associate counsel.  The Bureau is part of the New York State Department of Financial Services.  It oversees the liquidations of bankrupt insurance companies, handles thousands of claims eligible for payment from three insurance security funds, and distributes hundreds of millions of dollars in estate dividends and in claim payments to injured plaintiffs. At the Bureau, Judy handled all phases of litigation involving the Superintendent of Financial Services as receiver of bankrupt insurance companies and on behalf of defendant insureds in Supreme Court, Civil Court, and in hearings before a court-appointed referee.
A few years after she started working for the Bureau, Judy found that she really enjoyed working in the public sector and making a difference for a broader community of New Yorkers.
“I decided to run for the bench because I had a desire to be someone who was going to make a difference in society by ensuring that everyone is treated fairly and has the opportunity to receive a just resolution to their problems. I learned the importance of helping those who can’t help themselves at a young age and I have always personally felt that community service is something that is important,” said Judy in a recent interview.
“I believe that serving as a judge is the highest form of public service that one can do as an attorney.”  Also, “by bringing awareness to the community and to young lawyers that being a judge is important for Asians and a great public service, we increase the number of qualified candidates and the diversity of the judiciary.”
She found the campaign process to be daunting at first, and credits the support and guidance she received from her parents, sister, and mentors with helping her through it.  “Everyone I met along the way has helped shape who I am today.  There is no one particular person [or experience].  Really, the process and my evolving into the person I am now [took] a village of family, friends, supporters, mentors, and colleagues.”
Judy is also thankful for the AABANY network and the support she received from several judges who had helped her navigate the process.  “I feel very lucky that it was through an AABANY friend’s introductions that I met amazing judge mentors.  It is pretty incredible that a few introductions made such a huge impact on my career.  It really serves as a perfect example of how AABANY provides support and a networking base for young lawyers organically.”
To young lawyers who are considering pursing a career in the judiciary, Judy offered a few words of advice:
First, know yourself.  Although Judy was prepared for the hard work involved in running a campaign, she was “surprised at how going through the process caused me to have to really ‘find myself’ and helped me to understand who I am.  A common question that voters asked was, ‘Why do you want to be a judge?’ and you can’t really answer that question without self-reflection.”
Second, “as an attorney, I think it is extremely important to give back to the community—whether it is volunteering at a pro bono clinic or soup kitchen or in civic or community organizations.  Often you will find that you don’t only help those who need it but they help you to be a more well-rounded, satisfied, and compassionate person.”
Third, Judy recommends getting involved in bar associations.  “I think the Asian American legal community in New York is very collegial and welcoming,” Judy observed.  “I found that there is a willingness among Asian American lawyers to help each other succeed and that friendships are easily made because of our similar upbringings and experiences.”
Indeed, Judy holds or has held various positions with a number of non-profit organizations.  Currently, she serves as a Board member of Stonewall Community Development Corporation; a Board member of Judges and Lawyers Breast Cancer Alert; a Board member of the Korean American League for Civic Action; a member of the Diversity Committee at The Spence School; and a member of the Young Survival Coalition.
In addition, Judy has served as Northeast Regional Governor and Board member of the National Asian Pacific American Bar Association (NAPABA) and Recording Secretary and Board member of Korean American Lawyers Association of Greater New York (KALAGNY).
Judy also has a long and impressive history with AABANY.  She joined AABANY in 1999 and has been an active member ever since. She has held various leadership roles within AABANY, including: Membership Secretary (2012-2014); Co-Chair of the Student Outreach Committee (2006-2007); and Treasurer (2002-2006). When asked about her experience at AABANY, Judy said, “During these periods of time I saw tremendous growth in the AABANY membership and saw the organization’s reputation as a strong bar association develop not only among Asian Americans and other minority bar associations but with the mainstream bar associations as well.  AABANY, through its leadership over the years, has achieved a ‘seat at the proverbial table’ with respect to selection of judges and I think that is a huge accomplishment.”
Judy has found her experience in the Asian American legal community in New York to be very rewarding, particularly her experience mentoring young attorneys.  “One of the best roles I had in AABANY was Co-Chair of the Student Outreach Committee.  In that role, we brought back AABANY’s signature career and resume workshops and other networking events that re-engaged law students not just with AABANY members but among students at different law schools.  To this day, many years later, I am often approached by lawyers who remember me from the programs that were organized. I’m so happy to hear that they are doing well and found that AABANY was helpful to them on a personal and professional level.”
Finally, Judy counsels aspiring jurists to “stay the course even when they may feel like quitting.  Develop yourself to be the best lawyer/litigator you can be and then commit to the process because there is a light at the end of the tunnel.  Don’t underestimate yourself or what you are capable of achieving with hard work, commitment, passion, and determination. Believe in yourself and follow your dreams. Find your own path and trail-blaze it if you need to. Also, develop your EQ as well as your IQ.”
AABANY is very proud to see one of its prominent members elected to the bench, and congratulates Judy Kim on her historic election. As AABANY President Susan L. Shin put it, Judy’s election “brings us one step closer to a bench that reflects the diversity of New York City.”
This article was written by AABANY Intern Yuqing Tian and originally ran in the Winter 2016 issue of The AABANY Advocate. Yuqing Tian is a recent graduate of University at Buffalo Law School, where she currently interns with the NYC Program on Finance and Law.  
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2millu2 · 4 months
Forbidden Sweet - Monkey. D Luffy
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ఌ Ft. Luffy x crewmate/ bestfriend fem reader
WC: 2.5k
Warnings: Smut, PwP, aphrodisiac ,oral (male receiving), Penetration, Luffy begin Luffy ,Needy Luffy ,Riding, fem reader,
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Luffy's messy black hair was tousled by the warm sea breeze as the Thousand Sunny sailed across the rolling waves of the Grand Line. He stood at the bow of the ship, rubber body leaning forward with an adventurous grin stretched across his face as always. Even after all this time, the thrill of exploring new islands and seeking the ultimate freedom as the Pirate King still filled him with unbridled excitement.
From the galley, the aroma of Sanji's latest culinary masterpiece wafted through the air, causing Luffy's stomach to growl hungrily. As the captain made his way over, he saw Nami emerging onto the deck. The navigator's slender figure was accentuated by her tight shirt and short skirt as her long, tangerine hair cascaded over her shoulders. Luffy felt his heartbeat quicken slightly as their eyes met.
"Nami!" Luffy called with a wave, that infectious smile creeping across his lips. "What's for dinner? I'm starving!"
The young woman rolled her eyes but couldn't help smiling back at her simple but endearing captain. "Patience, Luffy. Sanji's still putting the finishing touches on the meal."
:::Time Skip:::
Luffy wandered into the galley kitchen, stomach rumbling loudly as usual. Sanji had kicked him out earlier while preparing the main meal, so the raven-haired captain was searching for a snack to tide him over. His dark eyes scanned the shelves as he let himself into the pantry area.
At the very back, tucked away, Luffy spotted a bar of fancy-looking dark chocolate. Chocolate was one of his favorite treats, so he snatched it up eagerly. As he turned the bar over in his hands, he noticed the wrapper said "Aphrodisiac" printed on it. Luffy furrowed his brow in confusion at the unfamiliar word but shrugged it off. Chocolate was chocolate in his book!
He tore into the rich bar, quickly devouring it with his usual voracious appetite. Not satisfied, he kept rummaging and quickly fin off any other snacks he could find stashed away - cakes, pies, baskets of fruit, and his favorite meat. Patting his now bulging belly contentedly, Luffy gave a loud burp and was about to head back outside.
That's when he felt it - a strange, tingling warmth spreading through his body. His heart started pounding harder as he broke out into a sweat. Looking down, Luffy's eyes widened as he noticed the prominent tent rising in the front of his red shorts. He had gotten random erections before but they usually went away quickly. This time felt...different, more intense.
Luffy squeezed his eyes shut, feeling his face flush bright red as confusing waves of arousal washed over him. He couldn't control the instinctive urge to reach down and palm himself through his shorts, soft groans escaping his lips. What was happening to him?
He felt off and was going to look for Chopper. When suddenly, the reality of his situation dawned on Luffy - he was the only one left on board the Sunny! The rest of the crew had gone to explore the nearby island's forests in search of some legendary treasure. His best friend, you, were the only other person still on the ship. If there was anyone who could help, it was you.
Luffy quickly pulled open the door to the kitchen, stumbling out as he tried to keep one hand discreetly pressed against the throbbing bulge between his legs. With his free hand, he fanned at the beads of sweat dappling his forehead as he staggered toward your quarters, tongue lolling slightly.
You had just woken up from a nap and were startled by the loud knocking at your door. As you pulled it open, you were greeted by the sight of your dear captain - panting heavily with flushed cheeks, a glazed look in his eyes as he stared at you desperately.
"(Y/N)...need...help..." Luffy gasped out between ragged breaths. He his hand squeezed his bulge as another shudder ran through his body.
You felt your own face heating up in a blush. "L-Luffy? What's wrong?!"
The dark-haired boy swallowed hard before finally groaning, "I ate...this weird...chocolate. Now I feel...really weird..." He trailed off as another wave of arousal hit, causing him to involuntarily grind his hips forward.
Realization slowly dawned on you as you noticed him not-so-discreetly palming the huge tent stretching his red shorts. The snacks he ate must have been laced with aphrodisiacs! You opened your mouth to tell him you needed to go find Chopper right away.
But before you could speak, Luffy cut you off with a desperate whine, "I...I can't wait anymore!" In one quick motion, he shoved his shorts down over his straining erection, finally allowing his long, throbbing cock to spring free. Your eyes widened at the sight of his impressive size, the flushed head already dribbling streams of sticky pre-cum.
"Please..." Luffy's chest heaved as he gazed at you pleadingly, one hand wrapped around his thick shaft to slowly stroke himself. "You gotta help me..."
You felt your throat go dry as you stared back at his sinfully erotic cock before you. Finally finding your voice, you managed to choke out, "W-What...do you need me to do?"
You swallowed hard, unable to tear your eyes away from the lewd sight of Luffy feverishly stroking his m cock right there in the hallway of the Sunny. A thin sheen of sweat glistened over his toned, tanned torso as he panted hotly through parted lips. Even in this compromising state, his penetrating gaze still radiated that same sense of earnestness and trust.
"Please...Touch me," Luffy half-whispered, half-whined. The ache in his throbbing shaft had reached an unbearable peak, his body trembling with unfulfilled need. "It won't stop...throbbing. I don't know what to do."
Watching a string of pre-cum trail down the side of his flushed erection, you felt an unmistakable pulse of arousal between your own legs. How could you possibly resist your captain's pleas when he looked at you with those desperate, needy eyes? You were the only one who could provide him relief.
Decision made, you stepped forward and gently took Luffy's hand to guide him back into your quarters. The rubber boy followed obediently. As soon as the door clicked shut behind you, Luffy eagerly crowded into your personal space - the heated musk of his arousal enveloping you in heady waves.
"L-Luffy..." you breathed, suddenly very aware of his powerful, chiseled physique looming over your smaller frame. Your throat felt tight with desire as his gaze roamed hungrily over the curves of your body. Tentatively, you reached out to wrap your fingers around the thick base of his thick length. An impatient moan tumbled from Luffy's lips at the new contact.
"yes...please..." he whimpered unabashedly, surrendering himself to your touch. "Make it feel better..."
Giving his thick cock a few, slow experimental strokes, you marveled at the sleek heat and impressive girth pulsing against your palm. Precum continued to steadily bead out of the flushed, swollen tip - creating a deliciously lewd sound with each stroke of your hand.
Fueled by Luffy's shameless moans of approval, you gradually increased your pace - twisting your wrist with more conviction on every upstroke. His fingers sank into your hair, not guiding but just grasping as tremors of ecstasy wracked his frame.
"Ah! (Y/N)...!" Luffy cried out, completely lost in rapture as his hips stuttered forward to meet your strokes. His breath came in ragged pants - almost pained in their intensity. "Don't...stop...!"
With your free hand cupping his heavy sac, you could feel his heavy balls tightening in anticipation of release even as they continued to churn out ropes of fresh arousal. Luffy's broken whimpers had dissolved into a mantra of curses and moans that could undoubtedly be heard echoing down the ship's hallways.
Luffy's breath came in shallow, ragged pants - lips parted wantonly as his hips snapped forward in frantic thrusts to meet your steadily pumping fist. His thick cock felt achingly hard in your palm, veins throbbing as his arousal reached a feverish peak.
"I can't...!" The string of curses dissolved into a guttural groan as Luffy's spine arched rigidly. His nails dug into your shoulders as hot ropes of sticky release began spurting from his swollen tip - rope after rope of thick, seed splattering across your hand, wrist and even streaking up towards your face and heaving chest.
A litany of filthy grunts and whimpers spilled from Luffy's slack jaw as he surrendered to the throes of climax, hips jerking erratically until the last few weak spurts dribbled down your fingers. Panting harshly, the raven-haired captain slowly dragged his glazed eyes back up to meet your own heated gaze, a dazed look of bliss painted across his features.
Amazingly, even after such a powerful orgasm, his erection barely flagged - still achingly stiff and flushed with arousal. Luffy groaned in a mixture of relief and renewed desperation as you continued to sensually stroke him, your slick palm effortlessly gliding up and down his impressive length.
“(Y/N)..." he whimpered brokenly. "It's still not enough...I need more..."
You felt a dizzying rush of heat between your own thighs at his shameless confession. Reluctantly releasing your grip on Luffy's thick shaft, you gazed up at him through hooded lids. "Get on the bed," you uttered in a breathy tone that was half-command, half-request.
Without hesitation, the rubber captain eagerly complied - climbing onto your mattress and splaying himself out with blatant, lust-fueled abandon. He shamelessly spread his legs, putting his glistening cock on full display while fixing you with a hungry look.
You felt your cheeks flush hotly, suddenly self-conscious as you slowly shed your own clothes, revealing your naked form to Luffy's raking gaze. His throat bobbed visibly as his piercing eyes drank in every soft curve and dusky swell of your body. Once fully bared, you tentatively crawled up to straddle Luffy - hovering your slick entrance just an inch above his swollen tip.
Glancing down at his thick cock, throbbing and flushed with need, you felt a fresh wave of arousal pool between your thighs. With a steadying breath, you reached between your bodies to grasp his heated length, guiding the swollen head to nudge against your wet folds.
Luffy's breath hitched sharply at the initial contact, his raw expression one of naked longing and impatience. He held himself tantalizingly still, fully putting his trust in your movements as you gradually sank down - inch by delicious inch - until your combined gasps melted into twin moans of satisfaction.
"Ahh...L-Luffy..." you shuddered as you felt him stretching and filling your slick walls to the hilt. It was all you could do to still your shaking thighs as your body slowly adjusted to his incredible size.
"(Y/N)..." The captain's voice was a strangled groan as you gradually lifted your hips, nearly pulling his thick cock free before sinking back down in one smooth thrust. A violent shudder ripped through his frame as he instinctively bucked his hips to meet your sensual rhythm. "More...!"
Biting your lip, you gradually increased your steady pace - turning your hips in tight circles as you rode his throbbing length with fervor. Your breasts bounced heavily as Luffy's hands flew up to grasp your sides, his fingers digging into your hips as he encouraged your movements.
Each time you impaled yourself on his cock it sent sparks cascading across your nerves, dragging Luffy's girth against your silken walls with deliciously lewd noises. You felt almost delirious with pleasure, a sheen of sweat blossoming over your flushed skin. Still, it somehow wasn't enough to sate the aching need coiling low in your core.
Luffy seemed to sense your desperation for more as a familiar, feral glint flashed across his lust-darkened gaze. With a low, possessive growl rumbling in his throat, he suddenly surged upright - wrapping his stretchy arms around your lower back. Effortlessly reversing your position, Luffy pinned you beneath his frame, situating himself between your spread thighs as he loomed over you with that wild, ravenous look.
"My turn," he grunted before capturing your lips in a searing, needful kiss. His hips drew back, his thick cock leaving a deliciously empty ache in its wake...only to slam back into your cunt a second later with bruising force! You cried out into Luffy's mouth - partly from pain, but mostly from the dizzying wave of euphoria that crashed over your senses.
Luffy's hips snapped forward relentlessly - burying himself to the hilt with each frenzied thrust as he chased his feverish need for release. The lewd sound of skin slapping against skin filled the cabin, punctuated by your intermingled cries of ecstasy.
With his hand fisted in your hair and face buried in the crook of your neck, Luffy took you with wild, almost feral desperation. His harsh grunts and the rigid tension in his body spoke of the single-minded intensity fueling his motions.
You could do little but cling to his sweaty back, nails raking heated lines down his tanned skin as Luffy's swollen arousal stretched and filled you to the brink. Each punishing slam of his hips stoked the flickering flames of your own impending orgasm higher.
"L-Luffy!" you cried out, back arching as you teetered just on the edge. "I'm...I can't...!"
As if sensing your desperation, a low, groan rumbled in Luffy's broad chest. Your hand abruptly snaked down between your writhing bodies to urgently stroke the bundle of nerves nestled between your folds. That final spike of stimulation was all it took to plunge you over the dizzying precipice.
Your release crashed over you in shattering waves as you arched against Luffy inner walls fluttering and pulsing around his thick cock in rhythmic spasms. White-hot pleasure danced across every nerve, temporarily blinding you to everything except the lingering ghost of Luffy's name on your lips.
Even as the world slowly bled back into focus, you felt Luffy's own harsh pantings ghosting against the skin of your neck as his tempo reached a feverish pace. His hips snapped forward in tight, erratic jolts - burying to the hilt with each punishing grind.
With a hoarse, animalistic groan muffled against your throat, Luffy stiffened above you - his cock twitching and pulsing as he finally found his own shattering release. You moaned softly at the feeling of his thick seed spilling in heavy spurts, painting your fluttering walls white with each spurts.
For several minutes, the only sounds were your harsh, rasping breaths slowly calming as you clung to each other in the hazy aftermath. Luffy eventually stirred enough to prop himself up on one elbow, gazing down at your thoroughly spent form through a sweaty fringe of raven hair with unmistakable gratitude and adoration.
"Thank you, (Y/N)," he whispered with uncharacteristic tenderness, leaning in to brush his lips gently against your own, "I needed that..."
You mustered a weary, but deeply contented smile in return as you reached up to toy with the mess of tangled hair. "Anytime, Luffy...anytime."
You both fall asleep laying on your bed until you both heard the sound of Sanji yelling
“LUFFY YOU ATE ALL THE FOOD” Sanji yelled through the Sunny as he must had found the empty pantry Luffy let out a loud laugh and you giggle beside him knowing him all to well.
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2millu2 · 4 months
Tantalizing Smell - Giyu Tomioka
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ఌ Ft. Giyu x Hashira fem reader
WC: 3k
warnings: Smut, PwP, Sex Pollen, Marking, Penetration, nipple play, slighy caught, someone watching, fem reader, pet name (use of babe from reader)
A/N: maybe making a part 2
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The forest was eerily still save for the occasional chirp of a bird or rustle of leaves in the light breeze. Y/n couldn't shake the feeling that they were being watched as she and Giyu made their way cautiously through the dense trees.
Giyu walked slightly ahead, the hilt of his sword gripped tightly in his hand. Though his expression was as impassive as ever, Y/n could sense the razor-sharp focus simmering just beneath the surface. When it came to demons, the usually reserved water hashira was all business.
Y/n tried her best to match Giyu's intense vigilance, her own smaller blade at the ready. She depended on her bubbly chatter to calm her nerves during missions like this. "Did you hear the new baby deer was just born in the forest outside my village?" she piped up cheerfully. "The kids have been so excited to see it. They're calling it Blossom because of the white spots on its back!"
She stole a glance at her silent companion, unable to read his stony countenance as usual. But she knew he was listening, he always did despite his brooding demeanor.
Before she could continue her one-sided conversation, a harsh cawing shattered the stillness. A flock of crows burst from the trees just ahead, their frantic wingbeats sending leaves swirling. "Demon," Giyu stated succinctly, lengthening his stride into a run.
Y/n's heart kicked up as she rushed to keep pace. "What kind?" she asked in halting breaths. Giyu's eyes narrowed grimly. "Don’t know let’s get there quick before it hurts people."
As they broke through the forest into a shadowy clearing, an overwhelmingly sweet and cloying aroma assaulted their senses. Y/n's eyes widened at the thick purple fog surrounding them. "What is this?" she exclaimed, waving a hand in front of her face. "Have you ever encountered something like this before?"
She looked to Giyu for an explanation, frowning when he didn't respond. To her shock, his dark blue eyes had an oddly glazed look.
"Giyu?" She reached out, passing her hand before his unfocused stare. He blinked slowly, seeming to shake himself out of his daze.
"Are you alright?" Y/n asked with concern.
"I'm fine," he ground out tightly, both hands gripping the hilt of his sword now. "Just a headache."
Y/n studied him closely. "Maybe you should sit this one out. I can handle it if it's just a minor demon."
"No." Giyu's tone was adamant, almost...desperate? "I won't leave you to fight alone. You could get hurt."
Before she could protest further, a thick purple tentacle shot out from the fog, lashing at Y/n's legs. She swiftly severed it with her blade mid-air, landing in a crouch as it fell limp at her feet. Giyu moved to her side, blade drawn and at the ready as more tentacles came whipping through the forest...
The tentacles came slashing through the hazy purple fog in rapid motions. Y/n and Giyu moved with speed and grace, their blades flashing as they deflected and severed the writhing tentacles one by one.
Though they fought back-to-back, Y/n couldn't help but notice Giyu's movements seemed a bit sluggish, his usual fluid swordsmanship slightly off. His brow was furrowed in either intense concentration or discomfort - it was hard to tell.
A brief lull allowed Y/n to glance back at her partner in concern. "Giyu, are you sure you're alright?"
He gave a curt nod, but his heavy breathing and sweating told a different story. Before Y/n could probe further, a form began emerging from the thick purple fog before them.
The demoness seemed to be fashioned from the purple fog itself, her torso human in appearance but her lower body a gnarled mass of tentacles. Her lips were curved in a sinister smile as her chilling gaze swept over the two hashira.
Without warning, the demoness flung out her arms and a sparkling cloud of white powder exploded outwards. Y/n instinctively covered her mouth and nose, but Giyu wasn't fast enough. The shimmering particles clung to his skin and uniform as he coughed and sputtered.
"Giyu!" Y/n rushed to his side as he doubled over, wrapping a protective arm around his heaving shoulders. She glared daggers at the cackling demoness. "What did you do to him?"
"Oh, just a little stimulant to help him...relax," the demon purred in a lilting tone. "Don't worry, it's quite harmless. At least in small doses."
Seemingly bored with their interaction, the creature melted back into the fog with a flick of her tentacles. The purple demoness leave moments later, leaving Y/n alone with a worryingly dazed Giyu.
She patted his broad back firmly as his coughing slowly subsided. "Easy, easy. Just breathe."
Clutching a fistful of her uniform, he lifted his hooded gaze to meet hers. Y/n's breath caught at the look his dark blue eyes filled with full blow lust- it was unlike anything she'd ever seen from the typically stoic swordsman.
Heat, pure desire seared through her at the blatant hunger blazing of his stare. Giyu reached up with a shaky hand to cup her cheek, his thumb caressing her flushed skin.
"Y/n..." he groaned out her name that sparked tingling heat low in her belly. "I want you. Need you..."
She opened her mouth to respond, to question, but his lips crushed over hers in a searing, desperate kiss. Y/n's eyes fluttered closed as his tongue plundered the depths of her mouth hungrily.
A soft whimper escaped her as he smoothly reversed their positions, pushing her back against the forest floor. Giyu settled his weight over her smaller frame, pinning her effectively beneath him.
Y/n realized that she should be protesting this, fighting him off. Clearly the demon's powder had addled his senses, driven him into a maddened lust. This wasn't her Giyu acting of his own will.
But it wasn’t like she hasn’t imagined, fantasized about being under him like this more times than she could count on sleepless nights. Her own desire had been simmering under the surface for so long, slowly stoked by years of lingering looks and heated proximity during their travels together.
Now with Giyu's hard, straining bulge inbetween her legs, pressing against her through the thin fabric of her panties...Y/n couldn't find it in herself to push him away. Not when she craved this, craved him, so desperately.
Tangling her fingers into his dark locks, she arched needily into the delicious friction as he ground his hips against her core. Y/n gasped at the exquisite pressure, throwing her head back to allow his lips to trail open-mouthed kisses down the column of her neck.
"Giyu...ah!" His name fell from her lips in a breathless moan as he sucked hard at her shoulder.
he swiftly parted her uniform unbuttoning it and pushed it down over her shoulders, exposing her perky breasts to his lustful stare. Y/n flushed under the heat of his gaze, nipples harding in the cool forest air.
"Fuck...you're gorgeous," Giyu groaned, roving his eyes over her exposed flesh with lustful hunger. He leaned down to capture one nipple between his lips while his other wandered lower.
"Enough teasing," Y/n moaned, yanking Giyu down into a bruising kiss that left them both panting heavily.
Shoving his uniform off those broad shoulders, she raked her nails over his hard chest in desperation. She needed to feel his skin against hers, to sate the burning ache that had been simmering for far too long.
Giyu growled against her lips, bucking his hips to grind his bulging length against her clothed cunt. Even through the thin layers of fabric separating them, Y/n could feel the impressive size of him, making her mouth water.
Growling curses, they made short work of shredding the last flimsy barriers until he was finally naked above her. Y/n's eyes went wide at the sight of his flushed cock leaking precum and standing proud.
She licked her lips unconsciously, squirming as she drank in the sight of him in all his naked glory. Without exhaustion, she reached out and boldly fisted his impressive length, giving him a few slow firm strokes.
Giyu grunted, jaw ticking as he clearly fought for control. "Fuck, Y/n...gonna make me cum too fast with that pretty hand yours."
Blushing at the Lewd words coming out of his mouth she flashing him a wicked grin, she purposefully swiped her thumb through the bead of moisture at his tip, moaning softly at the musky scent and taste of his arousal. "Want to make you lose it, babe. Want you to come so fucking hard."
His pupils blew wide at her filthy words, breath coming harsher. "Not if I get my fill of you first."
Hooking her legs over his hips, Giyu didn't waste any more time before guiding the swollen tip of his cock through her soaked folds. Y/n cried out shamelessly as he stretched and filled her in one thick thrust that seated him to the hilt.
For a long moment, they simply stilled and savored the sublime feeling of being so intimately joined. Then Giyu started moving with slow rolls of his hips, dragging his thick cock in tantalizing strokes through her fluttering cunt.
Y/n moaned wildly, nails scratching down the muscles of his back as he swiftly found a faster rhythm. Every piston of his hips drove the breath from her lungs in harsh pants, the slick sounds of their of there hips hitting each other fills the quite forest.
Faster and harder Giyu moved, harnessing that supernatural strength until Y/n felt like a rag doll under the relentless onslaught. The thick bed of moss and grass did little to cushion her body as it was driven into the unforgiving forest floor with each frenzied thrust.
"Harder!" she panted harshly, urging him on with ragged cries and rolling her hips. "Give it to me, fuck me harder!"
Giyu snarled, sweat-damp hair falling in messy disarray as he somehow managed to pick up the brutal pace even more. Y/n wailed in pleasure with each powerful lunge, body feeling pure ecstasy as he pounded into her warm wet cunt.
She could feel it rapidly building, that familiar tightness low in her abdomen as Giyu's cock stretched and filled her so exquisitely. Her hoarse cries and his harsh grunts mingled with the obscene wet sounds of their lovemaking.
It was too much and not enough all at once. Y/n's head thrashed against the loamy ground, toes curling. She just needed that one...final...push...
Bracing his weight on one arm, Giyu suddenly reached between their writhing bodies to thumb tight circles over her swollen clit. Electric sparks lanced through Y/n at that exquisite friction combined with the thick slide of his cock nudging so perfectly against that spongy cluster of nerves with each thrust.
Only a few deft brushes of his skilled fingers and Y/n detonated like a flash bomb. Her scream of rapture echoed through the shadowed forest as her entire body arched into his body.
She was vaguely aware of her nails scratching down Giyu's heaving back, leaving bright pink crescents amidst. Wave after shattering wave of convulsive bliss crashed over her as she milked his pistoning cock in rhythmic spasms.
"That's it, take it all," Giyu growled against the sweat-slick column of her throat, hips driving wildly as her velvet walls rippled around him. "You feel so fucking good, so tight when you cum..."
The strained, filthy praise in his gravelly tone only prolonged Y/n's release, sending her spiraling higher. As if from a distance, she heard her own mindless litany of curses and mewling cries spilling shamelessly from her parted lips.
Just when she thought she couldn't possibly take any more, Giyu's powerful body went rigid above her. With one final, harsh groan muffled against her skin, he emptied his hot cum deep inside her still-quivering cunt.
Y/n whimpered at the feeling of his cock twitching and pulsing, coating her inner walls with each hot spurt.. She clutched his shoulders, anchoring him to her as they rode out the final shockwaves together.
Long moments passed where the only sounds were their harsh mingled breaths and the gentle rustle of leaves overhead. Gradually, Giyu slumped heavily over Y/n, completely spent and sated as his weight pinned her to the damp earth below.
She trailed idle, trembling fingers over the twitching muscles of his powerful back, mapping each ridge and scar as she cradled him against her. When he finally lifted his head, spent but glowing with satisfaction, Y/n cupped his stubbled jaw and brushed her lips over his in a soft, reverent kiss.
After the kiss Giyu eyes finally got to his normal dark blue and he finally caught his breath “I’m s-sorry I don’t know what came over me” he says his body looming over yours and his eyes filled with regret
She smiled “hey it’s alright it wasn’t really your fault, plus I’m not mad that it happened” Giyu’s face turns bright red looks like he’s back to his normal self he then helped you put on your clothes
S-shit” said the unknown man hiding behind the tree his cock in his hand filled with his seed the unknown man tuck himself back in his pants “who knew she was a fucking slut, and doing with that bastard Tomioka” said the unknown man before quietly running off
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Who do you think the mysterious person is part. 2 🤔
A/N: Credits to the artist of the photo
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2millu2 · 2 months
The Visit- Sanemi Shinazugawa
ఌ Ft.Sanemi x Hashira reader
Synopsis: Your previous encounter with Giyuu was caught by the eyes of Sanemi the way you where with Giyuu he wanted that he needed that.
Warnings: Smut, PwP?, Oral (male receiving), penetration, dirty talking, fem reader, cumming inside, unprotected sex, slight nipple play, groping, doggy style, missionary, swallowing cum, cream pie, slight spanking, rough sex
An: The waited part 2 and I was thinking of making part 3 with giyuu and Sanemi, Threesome??? Wc: 2.5k words
Part one: Tantalizing Smell - Giyuu
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:::: Flashback:::::::
You trailed idle, trembling fingers over the twitching muscles of his powerful back, mapping each ridge and scar as you cradled him against you. The touch was electric, igniting sparks that danced across his skin. When he finally lifted his head, spent but glowing with satisfaction, You cupped his stubbled jaw and brushed your lips over his in a soft, reverent kiss.
Their mouths melded together in a languid, sensual exchange, all urgency faded into a tender intimacy. As they parted, Giyu's eyes finally got back to their normal dark blue and he finally caught his breath. "I'm s-sorry, I don't know what came over me," he says, his body looming over yours, eyes filled with regret.
Y/n smiled reassuringly. "Hey, it's alright. It wasn't really your fault, and I'm not mad that it happened." Giyu's face turned bright red as he regained his usual composure. He then helped you put on your clothes, the air thick with an unspoken understanding.
Meanwhile, hidden behind a nearby tree, a man watched the scene unfold, his cock in hand, filled with his seed. "Shit," he muttered, tucking himself back into his pants. "Who knew she was a fucking slut, doing it with that bastard Tomioka." The unknown man's face twisted with jealousy and disgust before he quietly ran off.
:::: End of Flashback ::::::
Later, as you relaxed in a long-awaited bath, there came a loud knock at your door. Wrapping a towel around your body, you got up to answer, wondering who could be calling. "Um, hey, do you need something?" You asked nervously as she opened the door to find Sanemi standing there.
Sanemi, always so harsh and angry, fixed you with an intense gaze. "Yeah, I need to talk. Mind if I come in?" His tone was gruff, but there was an underlying tension that piqued your curiosity. You hesitated for a moment, clutching your towel tighter, before stepping aside to let him in.
"Uh, sure, come on in," you said, your heart racing. Sanemi walked past you. Once inside, he turned to face you, his expression unreadable. "Alright, let's cut the crap. I saw what happened with you and Tomioka earlier." His words were blunt, cutting straight to the chase.
You felt a flush of embarrassment creep up your neck. "Look, I don't know what you think you saw, but it's not what it looks like," you said, your voice wavering slightly. Sanemi scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest.
"Save it. I know exactly what I saw, and I gotta say, I'm not impressed." His eyes narrowed, and you could sense the underlying tension simmering beneath the surface. "So, what, you're just some kind of slut who spreads your legs for the first guy who comes along?"
Your breath hitched as Sanemi's rough fingers traced the delicate lines of your jaw. His touch was electric, igniting a spark deep within you that you couldn't quite extinguish. "I-I'm not a slut, Sanemi," you stammered, trying to maintain your composure in the face of his intense gaze.
Sanemi's lips curled into a grin, his eyes darkening with barely restrained desire. "Is that so?" He leaned in, his breath ghosting over your neck, and you shivered at the sensation. "Because from where I'm standing, you look like you're just begging to be claimed."
His hand slid down the curve of your neck, fingertips grazing the sensitive skin, and you had to fight the urge to lean into his touch. "S-Sanemi, w... what are you talking about," you stammered, your heart racing.
Sanemi chuckled, the deep rumble of his voice sending a delicious shiver down your spine. "Don't play coy with me, sweetheart. I saw the way you were with Tomioka. The way you touched him, the way you kissed him..." His hand drifted lower, tracing the edge of your towel. "I want that. I want you"
You felt a flush of heat spread across your cheeks, your body betraying you even as your mind raced. "Sanemi, this is... this is too much. I can't-" your words were cut off as he pressed a finger to your lips, silencing you.
"Shh, you can, Y/n." His voice was low and sultry, laced with a primal hunger that made your knees weak. "You know you want." His hand slipped beneath the towel, caressing the soft skin of your thigh, and you felt a wave of desire wash over you as you pressed your thighs together feeling your wetness starting to build up.
In that moment, you knew you was helpless to resist him. Sanemi's touch was rough and firm. And his lips crashed against yours in a bruising kiss, you surrendered yourself to Sanemi.
Your heart raced as Sanemi pushed his tongue inside your mouth his tongues fighting for dominance and Sanemi obviously winning, this was all happening too fast. But deep down, you knew you wanted this ever since you became a Hashira - you couldn’t keep her eyes off him.
You’ve had always been drawn to his raw power, his unwavering determination, the way he commanded a room with his mere presence. And now, with his strong, hands caressing your body, that buried attraction surged to the surface, overwhelming your senses.
Sanemi's hand gripped your ass under your towel pushing closer to his body, you feel his hard bulge press against your abdomen. You bite your lip as you begin to palm his hard bulge. "That's it, sweetheart," Sanemi growled against your lips, his voice dripping with raw desire.
"Give in. Let me show you how a real man takes care of you." His teeth grazed the sensitive skin of your neck as you grip his bulge as making him emitting a low groan as he bucked his hips into your palm.
"S-Sanemi..."you breathed, your voice thick with need. "I... I want you." The words tumbled from your lips before you could stop them, and in that moment, you knew there was no turning back.
His lips curved into a smirk as he pushed you down on your knees “first show me what that pretty little mouth can do” he says smirking tangling his hand in your air as he look down at you with his darken purple eyes that you always loved.
Your fingers trembled as you reached for the waistband of Sanemi's pants, your heart pounding with anticipation. She could feel the weight of his hungry gaze upon
You, making you even more needy as you feels the wetness on your core.
Slowly, you tugged the fabric down, making his massive cock spring out and almost hit you in the face. Your breath caught in your throat at the sight, and you couldn't resist the urge to wrap your delicate fingers around his cock, stroking him with a featherlight touch.
Sanemi let out a guttural groan, his hips bucking slightly. "Fuck, sweetheart, you've got such pretty little hands," he growled, his voice dripping with lust. "Why don't you put that mouth of yours to better use?"
You felt a flush of heat spread across your cheeks, but you didn't hesitate. Leaning forward, you parted your lips and took his massive cock into your mouth, your tongue swirling around the sensitive head of his cock. Sanemi hissed through clenched teeth, his fingers tightening in your hair as he fought the urge to thrust deeper.
"Goddamn, that's it," he rasped, his grip tightening. "Suck me like the good little slut you are." He groaned as you took him down as far as you could down your throat gagging a bit.
Y/n moaned around his cock, the vibrations eliciting another strangled groan from Sanemi. You bobbed your head, taking him deeper with each pass while your hand pump the rest your mouth couldn’t reach, your eyes locked with his, silently pleading for more.
Sanemi's control was slipping, he thrust deep into your throat your hands gripping his thighs as you try to balance yourself, tears start to sting at your eyes at his brutal pace, his cock hitting the back of your throat repeatedly.
“Aww your crying already, I forgot how your a delicate flower” he smirks but it quickly slips away as he feel his climax approaching g. "Fuck, Y/n, I'm gonna-" His words were cut off by a guttural growl as he spilled himself down your throat, his grip on your hair almost painfully tight.
You swallowed every last drop, your tongue lapping at him greedily. When you finally pulled away, a thin trail of saliva connecting her lips to his still hard cock cock, Sanemi's eyes were dark with unbridled desire.
"You're full of surprises, aren't you, sweetheart?" he purred, his hand cupping your cheek. "But I'm just getting started with you."
In one swift motion, he swept you into his arms, placing you onto the bed. You let out a surprised yelp, your heart racing with anticipation as Sanemi moved on top of you, a desire and hunger filling his eyes.
"Now, let's see what other tricks you've got up your sleeve," he growled, his fingers tracing the curves of your body. "Because I plan on making you scream my name all night long."
Sanemi's positioned himself between your thighs, the tip of his massive cock teasing your slick folds he moved his hips thrusting his cock against your clit repeatedly making you whine and whimper and clench around nothing “Sanemi, please” you whined desperate to have him inside you.
"Look at you, all spread out and ready for me," he growled, his voice dripping with lust. Slowly, he began to push inside, a low groan rumbling in his chest as wet cunt enveloped him. "Fuck, you feel so goddamn good."
Your back arched, a strangled moan escaping your lips as you felt him stretch and fill your aching cock as he slowly pushes inside you you could feel every vine and throb of his cock . You clutched at his shoulders, nails digging into his skin as you fought to adjust to his sheer size of his thick cock.
Sanemi paused, his brow furrowed in concentration as he fought to maintain his control. "Easy, sweetheart," he rasped, his thumb brushing over your nipple trying to distract himself from just shoving himself all the way in. "Just relax and let me make you feel good."
Inch by agonizing inch, he sank deeper, his movements agonizingly slow and deliberate. Your eyes fluttered shut, a whimper of pleasure passing your lips as your body accommodated him.
"That's it, just like that," Sanemi murmured, his hand cupping your breast, kneading the soft flesh. "You're doing so good, taking me so well." He looked down on saw his cock bulging from your stomach he groans at the sight as he fought control to remain at a steady pace.
But as your inner walls fluttered and clenched around him, his control began to slip. A guttural growl rumbled in his chest, and suddenly, his hips were snapping forward the base of his cock right against your cock, he would deep inside your cunt making you moan loudly as you felt him reach deep inside you your hand squeezed the sheet under you.
"Fuck, Y/n," he groaned, his pace quickening, pulling out than thrusting his cock right back deep inside your walls stretching you out even more your eyes closed shut as you take in the pleasure. "you feel so goddamn amazing. I can't hold back anymore."
His thrusts grew erratic, each one more powerful than the last as he chased the precipice of ecstasy. You cried out, your nails raking down his back as you met his every movement moving hire hips with every thrust of his hip, your body burning with pleasure.
"Sanemi, please, don't stop!" You gasped, her voice dripping with need. "I need you, all of you!"
Sanemi's grip on your hips tightened, his fingers surely leaving bruises as he pounded into you relentlessly. "You've got me, sweetheart," he growled, his forehead pressed against yours. "Every goddamn inch of me is yours."
The coil of tension within you threatened to snap, your body trembling with the force of your impending release. Sanemi's lips crashed against yours, swallowing your cries as you shattered, your inner walls clenching around him in a vice-like grip.
Sanemi's rhythm faltered, his hips stuttering as he followed you over the edge, spilling himself deep within you with a guttural roar. You clung to each other, bodies intertwined, as the aftershocks of your shared ecstasy rippled through both of you.
Sanemi's primal hunger was far from sated. he pulled out of your trembling body and, in one swift motion, flipped you over onto your hands and knees.
"Did you really think I was done with you, sweetheart?" he rasped, his hands gripping your hips as he positioned himself behind you making you arching your back. "Not a chance in hell." He says memorized by your plump ass he grips it as he align himself with your wet aching cunt.
Without warning, he surged forward, his cock slamming inside you once more. You cried out, your fingers clutching the sheets as he began to pound into you with a relentless, punishing rhythm.
"Fuck, you feel so goddamn good," Sanemi groaned, his hips snapping forward with bruising force. "Taking my cock like you were made for it." He slaps your ass as he watches it bounce as he fucks you
Your body rocked with the force of his thrusts, your breath coming in ragged gasps as you fought to keep up. The sound of skin slapping loud in the small room, as you begin to fuck back onto his cock.
"That's it, sweetheart, take it," he growled, his fingers digging into the soft flesh of your hips. "Take every inch of me like the greedy little slut you are."
Your vision blurred with tears of pleasure, your mind reeling from the sheer intensity of the sensations coursing through you. You pushed back against him even harder, meeting his every thrust with a desperate need.
"Sanemi, please, I'm so close," you gasped, her voice dripping with unbridled lust. Your hands move down to your clit rubbing it faster as you feel your release approaching.
Sanemi's pace grew erratic, his control slipping as the coil of tension within him threatened to snap. With a guttural groan, he buried himself to the hilt, his seed spilling deep inside you.
But he wasn't done yet. Pulling out, he quickly pressed his fingers against your swollen, sensitive cunt, pushing his own cum back inside your quivering cunt.
You let out a strangled whimper , your body trembling with the force of your release. Sanemi watched, transfixed, as you shattered beneath his touch, your inner walls clenching around his digits.
"That's it, sweetheart," he growled, his voice low and rough. "Take it all, every last drop. You belong to me now, do you understand?"
You could only nod, your mind still in a haze, as Sanemi slowly withdrew his fingers, a trail of their combined essence glistening on his fingers. He brought them to his lips, sucking them clean with a satisfied hum.
"Mmm, delicious," he purred, his gaze burning with possessive hunger. "I think this is the start of a beautiful partnership, don't you agree?"
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2millu2 · 2 months
Over Protective || Gojo Satoru
ఌ Ft. over protective husband Gojo x pregnant wife reader
warnings: None :)
AN: I’m finally starting to write back on here and I’m trying to finish a lot of works and start one new ones so this is just something to put out ;)
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It was a sunny afternoon, and you and your ever-so-slightly-paranoid husband Gojo were out on a shopping trip, hunting for the cutest baby clothes for your little bun in the oven. Now, Gojo's always been the overprotective type, but with you five months pregnant, his mama bear instincts were in full swing.
As you browsed the racks, Gojo was practically glaring a hole through every person who dared to walk by, as if they all had some secret cursed weapon hidden up their sleeves. "Babe, I really don't think anyone here is plotting to take us out," you chuckled, playfully rolling your eyes. "You're being a little extra, don't you think?"
But Gojo wasn't having it. "Nuh-uh, I gotta keep my two favorite girls safe!" he insisted, puffing out his chest. “Gojo, I really don't think anyone here is out to get us," you sighed, trying to steer him towards the adorable baby onesies. But Gojo was having none of it.
To ease his overprotectiveness you bought your few things and started to leave with Gojo still staring people down.
As you make it to the door , the dude practically sprinted to the door, flinging it open with the intensity of an Olympic athlete. "After you, my love!" he declared, ushering you through with the utmost care.
You just shook your head, muttering, "You're impossible, you know that?" But deep down, you had to admit, it was kind of endearing how much he cared.
As you strolled home, you accidentally dropped your house keys, and before you could even blink, a kind-looking stranger had scooped them up and was heading your way, a friendly smile on his face. But Gojo, ever the watchdog, snatched those keys out of the poor guy's hand, glaring at him like he'd just threatened the entire free world. "Hands off!" he growled, and the confused man quickly scurried away.
"Gojo! That was so rude!" you scolded, slapping his shoulder. "He was just trying to help!"
But Gojo was unapologetic. "Can't be too careful, babe. Gotta protect my girls, no matter what!" he declared, wrapping a protective arm around you.
You just rolled your eyes again, but deep down, you couldn't help but feel a little touched by his overprotective antics. After all, it was all out of love, even if he took it to the extreme sometimes. This was going to be one wild ride, but you wouldn't have it
any other way.
Gojo's overprotective antics at the store weren't enough, the dude just had to take it to the next level on the way home.
"Babe, I can walk just fine, you don't have to carry me," you protested, but Gojo was having none of it.
"Nuh-uh, no way! I'm not taking any chances with my precious cargo," he declared, scooping you up into his arms with ease.
"Gojo, I'm not even that far along yet, I'm not some fragile little flower!" you argued, but your husband was as stubborn as a mule.
"!You're carrying our little girl, and I bet your feet are hurting," he insisted, cradling you against his chest like you weighed no more than a feather.
You couldn't help but marvel at his strength, even as you rolled your eyes at his overprotective antics. "You're being ridiculous, you know that?" you sighed, then smiled at how goofy he’s being.
As Gojo strode down the street, heads turned and people stared, no doubt wondering what on earth was going on. But he didn't seem to care, his sole focus was on making sure you and the baby were safe and sound.
"Gojo, put me down, people are staring!" you hissed, but he just grinned that infuriatingly charming grin of his.
"Let 'em stare! I'm the luckiest guy in the world, and I'm gonna make sure my girls are taken care of," he declared, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead.
You couldn't help but smile, despite your exasperation. This man was going to be the death of you, but you wouldn't have it any other way. After all, his overprotective antics were just another way he showed how much he loved you. And who were you to complain about being carried like a princess?
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2millu2 · 3 months
So Needy - Gojo Satoru
ఌ Ft. Husband Gojo x Wife.fem reader
❥WC: 2.5k
❥warnings: Smut, PwP, needy whiny Gojo, Penetration, pet names(baby, little puppy, etc), kitchen sex, Mutual Masturbation, fem reader, Phone sex, sexting, cock-drunk reader, slight hair pulling, horny Gojo, cumming inside, rough sex
❥AN: I’ve been gone for a while because of work but I’m back now and I’m ready to finish all my stories - continuing The police man Au but this is something to put out there hope you like ;)
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As you were packing your suitcase, Gojo clung to you like a touch-starved puppy. "Baby, do you really have to go?" he whined, nuzzling his face into your neck.
You roll your eyes at his neediness. "You know I do. This is a huge opportunity for my career."
"But what about me and my cock you know how hard it gets every time you’re gone?" He pouted his lips while he grabbed your waist and and pressed his hard bulge
against your ass, making you shiver.
“Please baby I’m already hard, why do you even need to go I could easily get someone else to put in a museum better than there’s” Gojo whined pathetically as lifts your black pencil skirt up and he begins to grind his hard cock over your clothes pussy.
God it felt so good you didn’t want to leave as you pressed your hips harder against his but you snapped out of it he did this plenty of times before he’ll get you all riled up then you’ll miss whatever your planning to do.
"Satoru, behave yourself," you scolded half-heartedly, pushing him away and pulling your pencil skirt back down “your so shameless” you say rolling your eyes “only for you baby you know how I get when you leave” he said following you around little puppy as you grab your suitcase
His blue eyes shamelessly stared at your ass he wanted so badly to rip that skirt off, your ass looked so good in that skirt he wants to so badly fuck you over the counter making where you can’t walk for days.
I’ll make sure, you get to stuff me full of your cum when I get back, bye baby” you smiled giving him a kiss and leaving letting the door close behind
All Gojo can do is stand there his cock straining painfully against his pants as your word replayed in his mind “Shit I’m not going to last a whole month, I’m already hard now” Gojo muttered his face forming a pout again while he moves his messy white hair away from his face.
The first few days apart were bearable with the occasional sext keeping the spark alive. Gojo would send snaps of his thick cock straining against his boxers with captions like "Wish you were here to take care of this" or "My hand's just not cutting it anymore, babe." You'd retaliate with teasing shots - a glimpse of your bare thigh, the swell of your breasts peeking out from a loose shirt.
But as days turns into weeks you can see how needy he’s getting sending more lewd text and pictures.
*Bzzzz* Your phone vibrated, Gojo's name flashing across the screen. Smiling to yourself, you opened the message - a blurry dick pic accompanied by the words "baby, I can’t take this anymore I’m seriously getting harder everyday without you."
You excused yourself to the bathroom and you went in one of the stalls and you lifted up your black blouse and snapped a quick pic of your cleavage, you sent it back with the caption "Stay thirsty, babe ;)"
Almost instantly, Gojo's number appeared on your phone again - a video call this time. You bit your lip, bracing yourself, and accepted the call.
The camera was focused directly on Gojo's lap, where his thick cock was already standing at full attention, glistening with precum. "Fuck, I need you so bad," he whined, his hand fisting his cock eagerly you can see beads of precum slowly trailing down his cock making it glisten and the sound of him fisting his cock gets more louder with the mix of his precum. "I can't take much more of this teasing."
You watched hungrily as he stroked himself, his movements growing more frantic. "You'll just have to be patient, baby," you purred, your free hand drifting between your legs as you slowly begin to rub your clothed clit. "I'll be home to take care of you soon enough."
Gojo knew what you were doing he can see your face contouring into pleasure and the way your breathing gets faster the thought of you rubbing yourself to him just turns him on even more.
Gojo let out a guttural moan as slows his pace down on his cock bringing himself to the edge, only to cruelly deny his own release at the last second. "I need you so bad. I'm going crazy without your pussy..."
I miss you, too I’m so wet and I’m fingers aren’t enough” you say quietly moaning as you lowered your phone and spread your legs revealing you rubbing your clit inside your panties.
The sight of you playing with your pussy sent Gojo on the edge, so worked up and painfully hard for you. "Babe, please," he begged shamelessly, "I'm dying here without you. Just talking to you's got my dick throbbing like crazy."
On the video, he was shamelessly fucking his hand, his sloppy fist working furiously over his swollen cockhead, you can tell he has the phone prompt up on the bed.
"I can't take it anymore," Gojo whined, his voice thick with pure lust. "I need your tight little pussy wrapped around my cock so bad.." He was panting hard, fucking relentlessly into his fist and leaking precum over the bed and his hand.
You bit your lip, and begin to rub your clit faster. "Mmm, you sound so needy, baby. Getting all worked up over my pussy like a desperate little puppy."
Gojo let out a high-pitched whine at your words, just the filthy idea of your perfect cunt sending him over the edge. "Oh god, oh fuck - !" He jerked his hips us wildly into his fist as thick ropes of hot cum erupted from his swollen tip, splattering all over the bed and some flew to the phone.
"Fuuuuuuck, baby...." Gojo slumped back panting, flexing his hips to pump out the last few drops. His still hard cock was coated in his own thick load, a hot, sticky mess. "Keep talking like that I need a round two...."
You were flushed you can feel your wetness soaking through the thin fabric of your panties, he’s making you needy just from watching him jerk off. "Mmm, don't worry, baby - when I get home, you're going to get this pussy. Over and over again until you're a shaking, and I’m full of your cum..."
Your filthy words were sending Gojo over the edge, the poor guy completely wrapped around your finger even from miles away. "Babe, fuck...you're killing me over here," he whined pathetically, his breath hitching as he continued to stroke his throbbing cock on camera for you. "This ain't enough, I need the real thing so fucking bad."
By the time you got home a week later, Gojo was practically calling you every second, stalking you like a hungry wolf impatiently waiting until you get home. The instant that front door slammed behind you, you were shoved against it, Gojo's body pressed against you can already feel how hard his cock is as it throbs against your thigh.
"Finally, I waited 3 months for this!" he growled, his hands already on your blouse ripping making some of the buttons scatter on the ground.
He couldn’t wait anymore it’s been 3 torturous months for him all he could think about is stuffy your sweet little pussy with his cock.
“Fuck” Gojo muttered taking in your lace black bra. His mouth crashed against yours in a sloppy, eager kiss, his tongue drawing inside your mouth with desperation as your tongue fought with dominance.
You were putty in his hands, whimpering as kisses all across your exposed skin before slipping his hand under your bra and roughly groping your breast while two of his fingers begin to pinch your nipples.
“You tease, bet it made turned you on sending little pictures of your tits, forcing me to get off to your barley nude pictures” he hand moves behind your back and unclasped your bra revealing your full breast to him.
You always send his little pictures of your breast always showing bits of it same with your cunt, every time it drived him mad but being the horny mess he was still got off you them Just the smallest picture of your nipple sent him over the edge.
He could just feel his cock getting harder just seeing your breast closer now, it feels like his cock is a about rip out from his pants
but it was almost like you read his mind as
you begin to palm his bulge feeling how large it grew. he threw his head back and muttered out curses “F…Fuck baby don’t stop” he whimpered as he desperately begins to grind his bulge in your hand.
Your so desperate for me, it was almost laughable” you smirked as you watch him fall apart from you simply just rubbing his bulge you can’t wait to see how he gets when ge actually gets to feel your pussy again. “You couldn’t even wait until I make it to the room, your really that desperate?” you asked squeezing his cock through his sweat pants, forcing out a whimper of your name.
P…please baby d…don’t tease me” he whines grinding his bulge faster in your hand, while panting against your neck like a bitch in heat. You smirked and pull away making him whimper “your suck a needy little thing, aren’t you” you say as you slowly trailing your hands on his chest and your fingers slowly pinching and rubbing his sensitive nipple.
You knew how sensitive his nipples where how they always sent him over the edge, you swear you felt his cock grow even more against your thigh.
F…fuck” Gojo moaned as his feels his cock grow even more and throb as more precum stain his boxer, his cock is so painfully hard he can’t hold back his need of destroying your pussy. he wants to take him slow to savor every inch of you but he needs release now he’s been edging himself for you long.
"No more fucking around, I want to be inside you now!" He hoisted you up easily taking you by surprise as he instantly changed from being submissive to taking the lead. he carries you to the kitchen counter before turning you around making your breast and face press against the cool counter of the kitchen, he starts hiking your skirt up to your waist revealing your glistening pussy to him.
Your wearing no panties, guess your needy too” he mutters taking his tongue and trailing it through your wet folds, you let out a loud moan you’ve been holding back. “You taste so good, but I taste you later right now all I need is my cock inside you” he growled before pulling down his sweatpants revealing his long, thick cock dripping with ample amounts of precum.
Gojo was done with all the teasing and games - he needed you, and now. "Gonna fuckin' wreck this pussy," he snarled against your neck, biting and sucking harsh marks into your soft skin. You cried out sharply as he lined up the swollen head of his cock and slammed it inside your pussy to the hilt with one rough thrust.
"Oh fuck yes!" he whines while his white messy hair hangs in front of his face and his hands holding your hips in a bruising grip that was sure to leave a mark later.
He looked so good his white hair hanging in front of his face, his abs flexing and sweat dripping down his body, you feel your pussy clench around his cock at the sight of him.
He didn't give you a second to adjust, immediately starting to pound into you with fast, sloppy strokes. Gojo's hips snapped against yours over and over, his cock slamming in and out of your tight, dripping cunt with wild desperation.
"Mmph! Mmph! Fuck, I missed this pussy!" Gojo's cockiness had completely dissolved, he’s turning into a whimpering, needier mess. His thrusts were erratic, uncontrolled, like a virgin getting his first lay. "S-So fucking good, baby! Ah! Been too long!"
You grip the ends of the counter as he pounded into you with rough punishing thrusts. Each thrust battered your cervix, making you scream out garbled curses and pleas for more as it feels like he’s splitting you open and he slowly drags out of you only to slam back into you making your eye roll to the back of your head.
"That's it, that's it - take it all, baby! Take my big fucking cock!" Gojo was snarling, fucking you like a bitch in heat over the kitchen counter. Every time you clenched down around him he let out hot, breathy whines right against your ear. "Oh shit, I'm not gonna last...already so c-close!"
His thrusts were getting sloppier, wilder, absolutely frantic as his release barrelled towards him. Gojo's grinds his cock against your pressing your hips close to his you couldn’t even talk all you let out pathetic moans, his cock was swollen and pulsing inside you with every relentless thrust of his hips.
He grabs you hair and pulls your back against his chest as he lifts one of your legs on the counter and fucking you even deeper than before you threw your head back on his shoulder and begin fucking herself back on his cock meeting his desperate thrust.
"G-Gonna fill you up, babe! Y-Your pussy's gonna be fucking flooded with my cum!" Gojo whine you can see him sobbing with need, tears leaking from the corners of his eyes as he fucks you in a brutal pace the sound skin slapping filled the kitchen.
You never seen him this desperate before all crying and whiny but fuck he looks so good his blue eyes filled with tears and rolling to the back of his head, his messy white hair pushed back away from his face.
You move you hand down towards you clit rubbing it desperately wanting to come undone on his cock, he feels you clenching around on his cock he feel his body go into over drive and he turn you over and he lifts you up his arm booking under your knees and you thought he couldn’t get any faster.
Somehow he did his hips slams up into your in a wildly pace, he whines and moans in your ear while he tightly wrap your arms around his neck, your tongue lolled out, your eyes glazed over you were so cock-drunk all you can think about is his cock pounding into your pussy.
"Satoru ...I'm gonna...oh fuck, I'm gonna come!" The warning tore from your lips in a broken cry muffled against the heat of his shoulder. he increased the relentless pace fucking into your pussy that was desperately clenching around him.
“Come on baby…give it to me…please i need to feel you cum on my cock”
You came undone with a strangled cry, Gojo's name torn from your lips. Wave after wave of release shot through your core as you shuddered and clenched around his unrelenting cock. White-hot sparks burst behind your clenched eyelids, your entire body seizing up from your climax.
Gojo was close to the feeling of your pussy gripping him like a vice shot waves of pleasure to him, he grips your legs tighter and his hips fuck up into your sensitive pussy wildly and his thrust begin to get more sloppy and his whines get more louder.
You felt his cock throb and twitch madly as thick, hot ropes of cum started gushing inside you.
"Aagghh! Fuuuck! I’m…I’m cumming" Gojo cried out as his release shots through his hard, delirious with pleasure as he grinds his hips tight against yours. His cock kept jerking and pumping heavy spurts of seed deep inside your aching cunt.
Slumped boneless against the counter, harsh breaths heaving past his lips, Gojo gazed up at you with hazy, lust-dazed eyes. "...R-Round two in five minutes?"
Let’s just say two didn’t leave the kitchen until later that morning.
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2millu2 · 4 months
Sweet Honeyed Love - Trafalger D. Law
ꨄft. Law x Fem.Reader
WC. 2.1k
Warning: Smut, PwP, penetration, dry humping, Oral (female receiving), use of pet name (baby), nipple play, food play (honey), rough, cursing, soft/hard dom Law, sub reader, slight cum play, unprotected sex, creampie
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The ship was rocking and creaking like always, but you couldn't sleep. You were tangled up with Law. His big, muscly arms were wrapped around you, squeezing you tight against his hard chest. His hot breath was tickling the back of your neck with each breath he took. You could feel every inch of him pressing into you.
Law's said some things, but you weren't listening. You were too focused on the wetness between your legs. The outline of his cock pressing against your ass. Even the slightest movement of his hips made your panties wet.
"Hey, are you listening to me?" Law's deep voice snapped you out of your daze.
"Huh? Sorry..." You turned to face him, his intense gray eyes making you blush.
A smirk spread across his face. "I Asked if something was bothering you. You seem really distracted."
Your cheeks got hot as you looked away. How could you tell him just being near made you drip like a faucet? You bit your lip, thinking how to explain to him.
"Look at me," Law growled, gripping your chin with his thumb. "Spit it out."
You huffed out a shaky breath. "It's about us having sex'. Can't stop thinking about it."
His smirk got even bigger. "Oh yeah? Care to elaborate."
"Well, we been have been having sex for a while, and you know all the spots that get me going," you went on. "But I dunno what turns you on."
Law was quiet for a bit, those storm-colored eyes getting darker with his thoughts. When he spoke again, his voice was low and deep.
"You really wanna know?"
You nodded hard, your cunt getting even wetter just thinking about it.
Leaning in till his lips brushed your ear, he whispered, "I like sweets."
You scrunched up your face in confusion. "Sweets? You mean like candy l?"
He let out a deep chuckle. "Nope. More like honey...chocolate"
Then it hit you, a wicked grin spreading across your face. "You’re talking about pouring it all over someone and licking it off?"
"Bingo," Law purred, nipping at your ear. "Down to try it?"
Instead of answering him, you pressed your lips against his in a hot, open-mouthed kiss. You didn't feel shy anymore as you ran your hands all over his tattooed chest and abs. His tongue fought its way into your mouth, his tongue begin to wrestle with yours.
Rolling on top of you, Law pinned your wrists above your head, his hard bulge against your clothed cunt. You arched back and wrapped your legs around his waist pressing his hard bulge more harder against your throbbing cunt, desperate for it, a whimper slipped out of your mouth as you feel him grab your hips and grind harder against you your wetness seeped through your panties and on his clothed cock making him grind harder.
“Your already soaking” he smirked his eyes filled with desire
He then trailed kissed down your neck, sucking and biting the sensitive part of your neck making you squirm underneath him, every inch of your skin was lit up by his touches.
"Law..." you gasped, pulling him closer to you. "Need you inside me..."
“Patience, baby we still have to put honey on you” he smirked, look down at how a mess you are already
He ripped off your shirt quick revealing your breast and hard nipple, he pressed small kisses along your breast making you let out small whimper of need. He reaches over to the nightstand and pulls out a jar of honey.
“Did that come from the nightstand” you say surprised
“lets just say I’m always prepared” he chuckles then he hovers over you and he sticks two fingers in the jar of honey then he puts it down your lower abdomen all the way up to your breast and making sure to swirl it around your hard nipples. You let at small gasp of feeling the cold honey against your breast and nipples.
He then moves down in between your thighs and pulled down your soaking wet panties, revealing your cunt wet with your juices, you whimper at the feeling of the cold air hitting your cunt.
“Shit…,you look so good” he groans wanting to taste your sweet cunt, he grabs some more honey and placed it on your inner thigh very close where you need him the most
“Just touch me already” you whined feeling your cunt throbbed with need then you yelped as he slapped your cunt
“Be patient, I thought you said you wanna know what turns me on, so shut your pretty mouth…for now” he growled his eyes looking up at you dark with lust.
He keeps his lust darkened eyes on your as he start to lick the honey off your inner thighs his soft and warm tongue trailing up your thighs and dangerously close to your cunt, you let a needy moan as tangle your hand in his dark lock making his groan against your inner thighs.
He skips over your throbbing wet cunt making you whine, you look at him through your lidded eyes and he looks at you his dark eyes locked on yours as his tongue licks your lower abdomen all the up to your breast, he dips his tongue on your smooth breast making sure to lap up the sweet on your sweet skin making sure it’s clean of the sweet honey.
You moan dripping his dark hair as he bites your nipple and suck the honey off your swollen bud, he then moves over to your other neglected breast and begin to flip his tongue on your hardened nipple savoring the sweet honey against your skin, he then begin to roughly suck your nipple making your hands grip his dark locks.
"Fuck...Law, please..." you babbled, you didn't know if you were asking for mercy or more. "Can't take it anymore..."
Pulling away from your nipple with a “pop”, he gave you a teasing smile, "We're just getting warmed up, baby."
He grabbed more honey dripped down your cunt trickling against your swole-up slit.
Law's big, hands spread the sticky mess over your hot flesh as you squirmed and whimpered. When his fingers finally slipped between your dripping folds, your whole body locked up tight with need.
"Look how soaking wet you are for me," he rasped, pumping his ring finger and middle finger into your wet throbbing cunt slowly, he feels your needy cunt clenching tightly around his finger.
“Shit, baby you squeezing my finger so tight” he groaned feeling his cock let out pre-cum at the thought of your cunt squeezing his cock like this. He begin to curl his his ring and middle finger inside your thigh cunt making you cried out, your hips bucking into his long finger, the delicious stretch of his fingers made you crazy, just begging for more.
He stuck a third finger inside your tight cunt making moan his name he curled his finger again while he moved his thumb to circle around your throbbing clit. You threw your head back and you felt your eyes roll in the back on your head. Right when you thought you'd snap, Law put his mouth over your throbbing clit, flicking it wild with his hot tongue.
That overwhelming feeling shattered you in an instant, every muscle tightening up as you felt the coil snapped as you came, your cunt clenched around his fingers as you cummed on his fingers and tongue. Law's name tore outta your lips in a litany, as he lapped up all of your sweet juices.
As the pressure of your climax finally let up, Law crawled up your limp form with that same devilish smirk. he dragged his honey-glazed fingers across his lips your lips.
"Open up," he ordered, eyes blazing with wanting.
You parted your lips like he said, letting in his honey-covered digits. You swirled your tongue around his two fingers, lapping up every sweet drop. He bites his lip as he watched you clean off his finger, he hand moved his other hand moved down to his pants and shamelessly pulled his hard thick cock from his boxers.
He pulled his two fingers from your mouth, a string of saliva trailed down his finger and he wrapped his saliva covered fingers around his cock and slowly pumped it in front of your face. You watched desperately as he pumped his cock in front of you watching him trail his saliva covered fingers towards his swollen tip making pre-cum come out and trail down his cock, you felt your cunt begin to throbbed more again wanting his thick cock inside your aching walls.
Law crushed his mouth against your lips pushing his tongue inside your mouth, while he stills pumps his cock his hand moves more faster as his kiss grew more messy and desperate. Too turned on to wait another second, Law then pulled away from the kiss and wrapped your legs around his waist. He dragged the thick head of his big cock through your wet folds, making you shudder.
"Last chance to back out," he growled, pausing for a second even though he wanted to destroy your cunt.
"Just fuck me already," you whined, grinding his tip in between your fold. Law groaned before placing the head of his cock at your your entrance he begin to slowly push his hard, thick cock inside your tight, wet cunt you moan and tighten your legs around his waist making him slam himself until he’s balls-deep in your cunt, stretching you so excruciatingly full. You squirmed against him as you got stuffed so tight.
“Shit…your so fucking tight, baby” he groaned against your neck his dark hair pushed back. “Fuck, baby I…I can’t hold back any more” not giving you anymore time to adjust, Law pulled his cock out leaving his swollen top at your entrance, you whimpered at the feeling of being of being empty.
He then slams his cock back inside you with brutal force making you scream as your feel his tip press deliciously against your sweet spot, he sets a rough and hard pace. The room filled with the sounds of your skins slapping mixed with his groan and your moans of pure pleasure.
"Fuck yeah...just like that!" you wailed after each of rough strokes, your nails scoring lines down his back. "Don't you stop..."
He then grabbed your ankles and pushed them beside your head making his cock go deeper instead you, he pounds against your cunts harder feeling your gummy walls clench around his cock.
“your sweet cunt all for me…s…shit…I can’t get enough of…your” he groans against your neck as his hips continuously pounds against your sopping cunt hitting every spot inside your aching walls. You begin to babble incoherent words of how his cock keeps hitting you so deep.
Mmmh…d…don’t stop… f...fuck I feel so full you’re hitting me so deep…mmmh” you babble out to drunk off the feeling of his cock repeatedly slamming into your walls.
Y…yeah, baby I’m making your feel so good” weakly smirks as his mouth went down breast and begin sucking and biting your nipple while one of his hands goes down to rub your throbbing cock. You throw your head back on the bed and your his hands clenched tightly against the sheets, you rolled your eyes back so hard you start to see white stars.
You felt your climax approaching, your moans get more needy and you begin to buck your hips desperately into his meeting his brutal pace.
“F…fuck…your close baby” he grunts against your nipple, all you can do is nod as the pleasure is making you unable to speak. He then pulls one of your legs on his shoulder and his hands grip your hips harshly as he slams down faster against you as his finger circles against your clit faster.
He clenched his eyes closed and tossed his head back letting out mutters of curses sweat drips down his tattooed chest, this was your last breaking point and your cunt begins to spasms around his cock as you buck your hips wildly against his
Shit…shit…shit…I’m cumming” you moaned out as your thighs quivered and your cunt begin to milk his cock and clenched around him like a vice and this pushed him over the edge. He begins to fuck into your sopping cunt in an animalistic pace his hips harshly pounding against you, his balls slapping loudly against your ass and he grips your hips as he cums muttering out your name. He begins to ride out both of your climax’s as he slowly fucks his cum back inside your sensitive cunt.
He then slowly pulls out his cock covered in both your juices, but he gets surprised when he sees you whimpering while you push his cum that was slowly falling out of your cunt, slowly back inside you.
“Damn, you look so hot doing that!” he panted out still catching his breath, he feels his cock get hard again just from the sight of your weeping cunt filled with his cum
“Wanna go for another round, you’re on top this time.
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