#Miniature Pony Centre
Miniature pony
Miniature pony by Helena Pugsley
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kyndaris · 1 year
Pitted Spelunking Caves
The name Cappadocia, it should be known, does not come from the caves that dot the extinct volcano landscape or the hot air balloons. It actually is a name given to the region due to the quality horses that roamed the area. And, in fact, there were plenty of horse statues scattered around on the streets, thus prompting the question to our tour guide: what’s with all the horses?
Waking early to, once more, make our 8AM daily departure, we headed down to the local caves to enjoy crawling through the remnants of what the Chrstians from ye olden times had dug out when they had still been persecuted by the Romans in the first few centuries CE.
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We saw kitchens, a small church, storage areas, sleeping rooms and a wine cellar! Many of the tunnels within the cave system were small and tight, forcing our tour group to travel in single file. While it was cramp for us, and any curious tourists, in the context of the times, it made perfect sense for the Christians to make the tunnels as claustrophobic as possible. If the enemy ever inflitrated the caves, their large numbers would not avail them. The tunnels, being so narrow and tight, would serve as a perfect death trap for large armies. There was even a stone door with a hole in its centre. One in which someone could spear a person on the other side if they attempted to break through the hard rock.
After wending our way through the confusing labyrinth of caves and tunnels, we escaped and made a quick stop at Goreme Onyx, passing by a prison along the way. There, we snapped photos of pigeons and fed them with seeds so that they could they hop their disease-ridden bodies up onto our arms for the perfect photo opportunity.
The scenery in and around the area was also incredibly unique in comparison to everything I’ve seen in the world. But while there were plenty of caves here as well, they were meant to house pigeons and not humans.
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From there, we made several pit stops around the area before lunch, the pictures are below. In one of them, I managed to take a photo of a Shetland pony! At least, I think it is. In any case, it’s a small miniature horse and cute as heck! There were also camels but the owner was going to charge me an entire Euro! No, thank you! I’ll delete my photo rather than pay an exorbitant amount for a simple photograph!
Lunch was at the Uranos Sarikaya where we enjoyed stewed beef and potato. For dessert, I had a baklava. And it was so good! 
Like the hotel we were staying in, the restaurant itself were caves that had repurposed for a novel experience. It was fine dining at its best, although I did fear something akin to The Menu. Luckily, I am not especially wealthy and feel like I could have pulled off a cheeseburger moment a la Anya Taylor Joy’s character from the film.
Once we had eaten our fill, we then ventured to the Goreme Open Museum where early Christians in the region built churches in the malleable rock. Unfortunately, due to Turkish law, photos of the muals inside were forbidden without a permit. Suffice it to say, most of those were religious iconography pertaining to Jesus’s life. There were also a few Saints and a wickedly long serpent.
Of note was a church called the Dark Church. Why was it given such a moniker? Because it was bloody dark inside with the only light source a small opening. Creative, these people are not!
Still, had it not been for the fact that it received so little sunlight, many of the murals have been bleached out over the centuries. So, at least we got to see what the inside of the Dark Church had looked like originally.
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That done, we returned to our hotel.
But I barely had a moment’s rest before joining another jeep safari. This time, we would be exploring the rugged landscape of Capapdocia, driving down into the deep gullies and ravines that we had seen from a distance earlier. WIth the rain, however, the sights and sounds of Cappadocia felt incredibly inferior to what we had witnessed in the Egyptian desert. And because it was so cold and wet, I was quick to return to the land cruiser in a desperate bid to stay warm rather than stand out in the rain to snap shots of the scenery.
I mean, I still did but the fun had lost its lustre.
By 4:30PM, we returned to the hotel and I took the opportunity until dinner to pen my thoughts down for the day (you’re welcome future me) as well as down some cold medicine as the near freezing conditions of Turkiye were starting to get to me.
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concerningwolves · 5 years
Before the earth had settled, before magic allowed itself to be bent and shaped, humans lived in terror. Only a select few dared to brave the wildness of Ys. These were the fisherpeople — the Herdannan. They fished in the bays in early spring and harvested the herring’s eggs in summer, taking what they could from the teeming waters before winter descended once again. But no matter how bountiful the waterways of Ys, the land was hungry and perilous. Things from the marshes crept amongst their yurts at night and snatched children from the cradle, stealing faces and playing tricks with the human mind. Wolves savaged the goats and emptied the hunting grounds. 
And worst of all, ravens plagued the settlement night and day. 
(Rostfar scrunched up her nose and broke in, "No, not ravens.”
Skanna frowned down at the telling stones, and Natta frowned at Rostfar. 
"What else were they then?" Natta scoffed. "Flying ponies?" 
"No. Why would ponies—?" Rostfar gave up with a shake of her head. "Look." She pointed to where three chiselled divots in a vertical line intersected the painted symbol for a bird. "Not like Ethy’s ravens. Ravens like—like the wyrdaetha. They weren't really ravens at all." 
Skanna took the stone from Rostfar and held it closer to the candle. Her pale eyebrows arched. "You've good eyes, my girl. So they were." 
"I'd have seen that," Natta huffed, even though Rostfar knew her sister couldn’t read the stones. Not that she minded the lie. She just wanted to hear the rest of the story.) 
Wyrdaetha who assumed the shape of birds plagued their settlement. These not-ravens stole the fish from their nets and descended in great flocks during the roe-picking season, plucking the clusters of herring eggs straight from the hemlock branches as fast as people could harvest them. The fisherpeople were in despair.
But then, when the winter bore down upon them with freezing rains and hunger, a beast came walking. 
The beast was many things; he was a silent watcher who slumbered among the mountains, and he was a single constant in a world that was forever changing. One day, they would worship him as a god. But he was also a monster, and for this, the people feared him. His eyes gazed out on the world beneath brows of blooming fireweed, and the antlers of a caribou wreathed his head like a crown. Moss grew on his back and bees nested in the branches of his antlers, for he moved so slowly and so infrequently that he became a part of the land itself. 
The people called a meeting. Shambler, as they knew him then, was someone to live in awe of. Not someone to trust. He was magic itself, and magic had not been a friend of the fishers for many a year. 
"We haven't any choice," said the Old Man who served as both Dannaskeld and Dannhren. Nobody else wanted to lead or protect a settlement under siege.  "If he can call away the creatures, we may yet save our last roe harvest for trading." 
All the people seemed to agree, and that was when a boy spoke up. 
"But what is his price?" asked Boy. "We have nothing he would want." 
Old Man laughed. "Why would he ask anything in return? He came to us." 
The next morning, when Recc was high in the sky, Old Man went to Shambler. He seemed like a small replica of the mountains where he slept, just a few spans outside of the Fisherpeople's circle of huts. When he breathed, the earth shivered. 
"Will you help us?" Old Man asked. His voice startled a nesting flock of terns from the miniature forest on Shambler's back, and Shambler lifted his shaggy head with surprising speed. Old Man was afraid then, but he would not show it. 
"You've woken me," Shambler said in a voice that wasn't a voice at all. His words went right through Old Man's head, clear as day, but he had no mouth to speak with. "For what purpose?" 
Unease spidered down Old Man's back. But, undeterred, he said, "You came to us from your mountain roost. Was it to help?" 
Shambler hummed, and the earth hummed with him. 
"Perhaps," he replied. "We are kin, after all. Or perhaps not, for those you would have me defeat are my kind." Shambler rose until he stood on his hind legs with his long, long arms dangling down past his knees. He was so tall he blotted out both moons. 
“We will give you anything,” Old Man said, too hastily. He did not understand that the ancient mountain-beast had already decided. 
Shambler laughed. "Do not give me thanks. That is all I ask." 
"Do not give thanks?" 
"No," Shambler agreed, "I will not accept any instruments of debt from you, little one, not when I am going against my kind." 
Old Man sensed that he had a deal. From his belt he drew a sharp knife. Bending down to Old Man's height, Shambler held out one of his own hands. It was as big as a human was tall. Old Man drew the blade across his palm and pressed the wounded skin flush in the centre of Shambler's leatherlike hand. 
"We're settled," Shambler said. And with that, he turned and loped back into the mists from whence he came.
That night, the Fisherpeople were woken by the thunderous grinding of stone on stone. They stumbled from their yurts, children clinging on to the limbs of their parents in mute terror.
Cast in the light of both the red and silver moon, his body cut from the shadows of deep night, Shambler was an awesome sight to behold. In his long arms he held great boulders, and to these stones he whispered the words of a language that only the earth knew. When the rocks would not listen he hurled them out into the tundra and then went to retrieve them — all with a gentle, serene gait. 
In the morning, Shambler lay down near his huge pile of stone slabs and half-closed his eyes. The children, curious and frightened in equal measure, edged ever closer. They did not near him that day, nor the next. But after three nights, when Shambler had laid the foundations of the wall, he was no longer frightening. The first to approach him was a girl. Her name was Almr, a name that people would love and fear in equal measure in the centuries to come. 
Almr rode on Shambler's shoulder the next day, half-hidden amongst the fireweed and lousewort. He made strange flowers blossom from his palms and Almr wore them in her black hair with pride. Crisp, sweet berries grew along the ridges of Shambler's spine for the children to eat and he would hold them up so high that they could pretend to touch the clouds. They loved him, and he loved them in return. That, for Shambler, was worth more than all the thanks and gifts in the worlds. 
But Old Man did not understand. He was already planning, desperate to pass his titles on to someone — or something — else. He whispered to the children in the evenings across dying fires, planting suggestions: make him a bracelet, ask him to help, show him where baby hares sleep, seek him out for your chores. Unaware of anything but their fondness for this huge, slow beast, the children listened. They were, for the first time in their short memories, safe. The walls encompassed everything, with space aplenty for play, and for once their parents did not call after them in hushed terror. Shambler had given them that. So surely, they thought, they should give him something in return. 
By the Bloom’s end, Shambler had finished the walls around the settlement, but he showed no signs of leaving. The people grew accustomed to seeing him asleep outside their walls, or carrying most of the village children on his back. He helped with the roe-harvest and whispered old words to the earth to make it fertile. Beads of clay and silver adorned his antlers, glinting in the sun and moonlight, and the birds that once found safety on his body fled for quieter, child-free heights. The children wanted to share their sweetcakes, so Shambler made himself a mouth and sat at mealtimes, tiny little drinking-bowls clasped in his fingers. In time, the adults loved him, too. 
Only Almr withdrew from Shambler’s shadow. She heard how the adults spoke — asking favours when Shambler was content by blazing fires, using their children as mouthpieces if they thought he would not otherwise agree — and it rattled her to the core. Shambler had trusted Almr with his true name, told her secrets and showed her how to let the magic of the wyrdness into her soul. Old Man’s game made her bristle. 
In the depths of the night when everyone was asleep, Almr donned her cloak and crept out to Shambler’s sleeping-place. Seated upon his shoulder, she whispered her suspicions and begged him to leave. 
“I’ll come with you,” she said, holding on to the crags of his face so she could gaze into one drowsy amber eye. “But if you stay here, they’ll chain you up with your own kindness.” 
Shambler did not believe her. He didn’t want to. And he continued to dismiss her claims night after night, until the fateful feast on the last day of the Bloom. 
Safe in Shambler’s presence, everyone gathered outside of the walls eat and drink. Fires blazed and spirits burned bright in defiance of the long, dark winter to come. No creature of magic could cross their walls, their children were safe, and the summer had been bountiful. For this winter at least, they would want for nothing. 
Standing on a pile of sacks, Old Man blew his horn and called for quiet. His voice carried in the sudden stillness. “Tonight, we feast, and tomorrow we close up our homes against the winds. But there is someone who made all this possible — our friend, Shambler.” 
Cheers went up. Shambler nodded his head as if he was listening to an interesting new idea, his face otherwise impassive. Almr sat at her mother’s side and held her breath. 
“I asked the K’anakh smiths of Aaven to make you a gift finer than any you have had before.” At this, Old Man stepped off the sack-cloth and pulled it aside. Bone-forged steel glistened in the moonlight, huge links carved with beautiful patterns. Almr wondered how much corn Old Man had traded for it. She felt sick. 
Brow furrowed, Shambler lifted the chain and held it up between forefinger and thumb. His newly made mouth curved into a grimace, but Old Man did not seem to notice. With a triumphant smile, he drove the final blow home. 
“You are loved here, my friend. Without you, I fear we would have died — our children would have died, starving and frozen.” He reached up and placed a hand on Shambler’s leg. “For that, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.” 
Shambler dropped the chain. He looked past Old Man, across the fire-pits, and met Almr’s eyes. A shiver of rage passed through his body, stirring the earth and making the walls tremble. 
“You have shared your last meal in my company,” Shambler said. “Tomorrow, I leave.” And then, without another word, he lay down with his back to the people, as unyielding and cold as the mountains he came from.
And he kept his word. 
On the first morning of winter, after five whole months among the herdanna, Shambler went home with Almr sitting proudly on his shoulder. Seeing this, some of Almr’s closest friends gave chase. They followed all the way out into the tundra, where Shambler welcomed them with open arms. 
“Where are you going?” Old Man yelled from atop the walls. 
“I am Erdan,” the beast called. “I nurtured your kind, pulled you from the foaming sea, and I would have loved you no matter what you did. But you’ve wounded my faith in you.” 
“But we gave you our gratitude!”
At that, Erdan turned around. New flowers bloomed on his arms and back, and birds had returned to his antlers, sensing a change on the winds. Almr was the one who spoke. She stood between his antlers, a crown of flowers in her hair, and cupped her hands around her mouth. 
“No, we did.” She held out her arms to show the other children. They waved. “You tried to trap him with guilt and use his good old heart against him.’S best you let us go, else he might lose his faith in all of humankind everywhere — and then you’d starve for real.” She grinned, bright and gleeful, Erdan’s magic humming in her veins. 
Old Man gaped, but no words would come out. 
Content with his newfound company and satisfied with a job well-done, Erdan turned and loped away into the horizon. And all the children went with him. 
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Don’t know who or what a “when dealing with wolves” is? Here’s the info post.
A wild Ysan folktale for WDWW appears! It’s been aaaaages since the last tale (Speaker and Shield) but! Hopefully, it won’t be too long until I get the next instalment out. This just spent a very long time in my drafts and i forgot abt it oops. 
Tag crew: @yvesdot @kriss-the-writing-nerd @lady-redshield-writes @thespooniewrites @weaver-of-fantasies-and-fables @wri-tten @oheoo @focusdumbass @wolvesofarcadia @incandescent-creativity @heniareth @ofvisitorsthefairest@reikeburgen @mirror-of-too-many-books @pixiepurple 
If you want to be added to/ removed from the tag list, just let me know!  
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wolffyluna · 5 years
I have a problem.
Due to an extended family dinner, I went past a second hand store in a shopping centre I’m not usually near. And in their window, they had a giant stuffed horse.
Like, full on coffee table sized. There a miniature horses that are smaller than this thing. And it has a saddle blankets and a bridle and everything.
And it’s... tempting.
Do I have a (reasonable) justification for a giant stuffed horse? No! (I have many stupid and self serving justifications.) And it would require a recreational bus trip, during business hours, to get this. And it’s probably expensive and/or not for sale. Or it will already have been bought. Or if it hasn’t, I’ll be depriving some young girl of her dream stuffed pony.
But. But. I wants it.
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horsecenta · 4 years
Horses for Sale - Advice on Buying a Horse
Helpful Hints & Tips on Buying A Horse
There is a lot to take into consideration when looking the right horse for sale. Novice and inexperienced riders should always seek expert, unbiased advice form a qualified professional. The standard of the rider and their amount of experience looking after horses and ponies must be taken into account. Assessing the rider's capabilities and needs is essential as this should be used as a guide to find a horse or pony for sale that meets with the requirements and needs of the rider to find a potentially well matched partnership. miniature horses for sale
Finding the right horse
Be prepared to travel.
Recommendation is always a good way of sourcing a quality horse, remember not all horses for sale are advertised. Go to competitions if you see a horse you may be interested in don't be afraid to go up to the owner and ask if they would be interested in selling. Be prepared to approach a horse producer who specializes in the type of horse for sale you are looking at. (If you do turn to a horse producer make it clear on what you do and what you don't want.) When replying to adverts find out some information on the prospective horse or pony to determine their suitability.
How old is the horse?
What type of temperament does the horse have?
Does the horse bite or kick?
Does the horse have any vices?
Is the horse calm or buzzy to ride?  mules for sale
What bit is the horse ridden in?
Does the horse hack out alone and in company?
Does the horse have any behavioral problems?
Does the horse have a dust allergy?
Has the horse had any health problems?
Are the horses' vaccinations & worming an up to date?
What is the horse fed on?
Does the horse live in or out?
Does he need any special care? ranch horses for sale
Tips on viewing a horse
Don't fall in love with the first horse you see, it is unlikely the first horse you see will be the one for you. Try not to be influenced by a flashy / good looking horse, not all turn out to be as nice as they look. Remember presentation is everything when selling, so the horses for sale you go to view will be done up to look the best. Look past the horses' appearance, the horse may look brilliant but can it do the job you want? Always see the horse or pony untacked and untied in a loose box. You will be able to start to determine the horse's temperament. Make sure the horse is happy to be groomed, tacked and untacked, remember to touch his face and pick up his feet. When taking them out of the stable watch as you do not want a horse that pushes you out of the way and runs off. Watch the owner turn the horse out; make sure you are happy with the way he behaves. Ask the vendor to ride the horse for so you can assess the horses' way of going. If suitable, try the horse. Ask for the horse or pony to be ridden out of the yard alone, and watch him being hacked alone and in company. (You can follow by car) You will be able to assess how the horse behaves on with traffic, and you can see how well the horse hacks alone and with company. If the seller does not have the facilities you require to try the horse or pony out arrange to meet at an equestrian centre that meets your needs, for example if the seller doesn't have access to a set of show jumps, or a cross country course. If the horse or pony meets your requirements arrange for a second viewing.
Buying the horse
Never buy if you don't feel safe and comfortable on the horse as this feeling won't go after you have purchased and you won't enjoy your time with the horse. Never be pressured into buying a horse. Always have a potential horse vetted. When buying your horse you must have something in writing which states the horse is up to the job you want it to do. If the horse has any problems (for instance the horse may crib) So that there is no confusion on the horses capabilities and behavior. Having a receipt / bill of sale which has this information is essential. If you brought the horse and it does not do what it should and you have nothing to prove any difference there is not much you can do, but if you have something in writing then you can prove you were sold a faulty horse and should be able to return it.
Visit Here: tennesee walking horse
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tarot-tatas · 6 years
Persona 5 Equestrian!AU
 it’s the dreaded Horse Phase™™ I have some ideas under the cut if anyone’s interested
Some terms for those who don’t know Stallion - male horse  Gelding - male horse who’s had the snip Mare - female horse grey = white (in terms of coat colors) Eventing - cross country on horseback (I did it for a long time it’s pretty hectic) paddock name - the informal name of a horse used outside of competition or in general conversation. The elaborate names are a makeup of the sire (dad) and dam (mum) names for their offspring tack - the bridle and saddle
all rounder, great a show jumping & eventing
dates Yusuke
Lives with stable master, Sojiro
Horse: ‘Arsene Lupin, Joker extraordinaire’
black thoroughbred stallion
paddock name: joker
herd leader, rather relaxed temperament 
former jockey turned barrel racer, sometimes events with Akira
dates haru
Started horseriding as a correctional method but now really enjoys it
A cowboy
Horse: ‘The Skull of Captain Kidd’
Buckskin quarter horse gelding
paddock name: skull or kidd
has a bit of a limp like his owner but it’s nothing serious
mischievous af 
Morgana is the barn cat who gets on well with a miniature pony named ‘zoro’ (this horse is a such a shit) 
prize-winning dressage champion
dates makoto
also models equestrian gear
Horse: ‘Carmen’s Panther’
palomino Swedish warmblood mare
Also models tack
paddock name: Pan? Carmen?
Sassy bitch
Dressage & show jumper
also paints lots of horses (he went through the horse phase)
dates akira
Horse: ‘Goemon’s fox’
grey ‘white’ arabian stallion
paddock name: ‘fox’
rather stubborn
allrounder, loves eventing (GOTTA GO FAST)
dates Ann
father was a mounted policeman, aspires to do that later
helps out with the bizniz side of stabling & stuff
Horse: ‘Queen Johanna II’
Cleveland Bay mare
paddock name: Queen
a bit skittish
From the same dam as Sae’s horse
stable girl (does pony club & junior comps that aren’t as serious as the rest)
helps design obstacles & monitors horses when others aren’t around
doesn’t date anyone because she’s an ace child
Horse: ‘Necronomicon’
tri-paint pony mare
paddock name: oracle (orry?)
Very fast learner
decent allrounder, gets on with Joker
prized dressage champion & show jumper
dates Ryuji
pays for literally everything & anything everyone is so spoilt
like everyone else here, never got out of the horse phase
typical rich girl with a horse (but not a cunt)
Horse: ‘Milady de Noir’
Chestnut andalusian mare
this horse is literally worth over 10k its pedigree is fucken royalty)
Paddock name: noir
the sweetest mofo ever anyone can ride her she’s so calm
will be a great dam
General Ideas 
Everyone’s riding uniforms includes a coloured accent from the games text message background (ie Ann’s cravat for dressage is pink. Also everyone looks so hot in their uniforms)  The saddle blankets are also the same colour (ie Queen’s saddle blanket is dark blue)
Akira moves in with Sojiro Sakura, who owns a fair bit of land and equestrian centre with his adoptive daughter, Futaba, and their pet cat, Morgana
Upon arriving, Akira is put to work doing basic stable hand stuff under Sojiros eye, and meets Joker, a stallion that hasn’t been put to work for some time since the original owner abandoned him
Sojiro offers to coach Akira in the basics of riding, while Morgana and Zoro watch. He gets a bit more confident riding Joker and starts to take him out alone on trail rides
Morgana sits on Zoro’s back when out riding
Akira meets Ryuji and Ann, who moved their horses to aggist with Sojiro since he is a lot cheaper than other places
Ryuji is a former jockey who had an accident, so he’s now a barrel racer
Ann is a dressage and showjumper, but is also a model for equestrian clothing
The three get along and start to share their mutual dislike towards society, they go on trail rides together (with morgana and zoro tagging along.)
Ryuji hates his old coach, Kamoshida, for abusing him and horses, and Ann hates him for constantly hitting on her
Yusuke and Makoto move their horses in and get to know everyone
Yusuke is a freelance artist who spends his time drawing horses as well as being a show jumper/dressager
Makoto is an all-rounder whos training to become a mounted policeman
Yusuke and Akira hit it off, as do Ann and Makoto ‘,:)
The horses start a herd, and then a pony comes along, no one knows who it belongs to until Sojiro tells them he has a daughter who owns it
Futaba doesn’t do pony club and junior comps anymore since her mother passed away, so Sojiro wonders if the group could get her back into riding
Futaba also loves to dress up the horses and Ann is On Board™ with that
Haru shows up with the most perfect horse anyone has ever seen like wtf
Escaped her fiance, Ryuji offers comfort (they become a thingo)
Do I dare include the trash man? He could be a lit rival though
Shido used to own Joker but abandoned him because he wasn’t good enough
Akechi’s horse - Robin Hood (paddock name: Crow) a grey thoroughbred stallion
If anyone has more suggestions hit me up 
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ges-sa · 5 years
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New Post has been published on https://ges-sa.com/comic-con-africa-2019-a-resounding-success/
Comic Con Africa 2019: A Resounding Success
With Comic Con Africa over we look at a round-up of what the weekend was about. There was some unfortunate cancellation just before the event with the likes of Falcon and Bran Stark actors cancelling but that didn’t keep anyone from enjoying the rest of what Comic Con Africa had to offer.
The GES team ran the CCA Championships of Cosplay again and we has a blast. The Cosplayers were amazing and the Novices brought it all. Our Masters yet again did not disappoint and even the casual Cosplayers shown off what they had. It was a great success and we cannot wait to see what 2020 holds.
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Wrap from Comic Con Africa:
Last night the doors of Comic Con Africa 2019 closed for the final time, but the buzz and excitement generated by four days of the greatest celebration of pop-culture that South Africa has ever seen shows no signs of abating. The sheer magnitude of this Con was something to behold – Reed Exhibitions and Reedpop promised that Comic Con Africa would be bigger and better, and on that promise they delivered. With an astounding 71,000 visitors, seven halls packed with 300 exhibitors, four international film, TV series, and gaming celebrities, 12 international comic artists and writers, 12 local comic creators, one international cosplayer, two international DJs, competitions, specials, and giveaways, an esports prize pool of R1.3 million, 26,000 square meters of event space, 120 hours of content, and one incredible Wingman in the form of KFC, Comic Con Africa 2019 exceeded all expectations.
This year the guests in Artist Alley tripled in numbers and the incredible line-up left fans spoilt for choice. In the feature area artists and illustrators engaged in live drawings and sketch offs, sharing anecdotes and artistic tips as they did so. Ecstatic fans watched their favourite characters drawn in real time on large screens mounted above the easels. Under the grading organisation CGC’s watchful eye, comic books were signed and sent for evaluation and protective casing to preserve investment pieces. Alongside in the Writers Block, local novelists and authors signed their books and spoke on educational panels to encourage local writers to pick up their pens. The Block was filled with handmade creativity including pop-culture inspired clothing, décor, and jewellery.
The Cosplay of Comic Con Africa 2019 was a visual feast. You’d be forgiven for thinking you’d bumped into Iron Man or Wonder Woman walking straight off a Marvel film set, such was the level of detail and skill evidenced in these pieces of walking art. Cosplay Central was buzzing all weekend long with skits and well-known local and international Cosplayers signing prints. Fascinating panels for newbies and pros alike gave insight into crafting the perfect wig, applying make-up, or how to cosplay with confidence. The Cosplay Karaoke Café was a real hit with Cosplayers belting out magnificent renditions of well-known songs. Casual Cosplay competitions took place every day on the main stage, and on Tuesday the highly anticipated Championships of Cosplay winners were announced. The overall Cosplay winner Jinxkitty, who wowed with her Priestess Bathory cosplay, will be representing Africa at the Championships of Cosplay Quest for the Crown at C2E2 in America. Leon de Bruin of GES, Comic Con Africa’s Cosplay partner, was blown away by the level of this year’s Cosplay and called on any interested Cosplayers to sign up for 2020’s competition.
Hall 5 housed Pop-Culture retailers and exhibitors, many of whom had special deals that were snapped up by happy visitors. Comics, figurines, collectibles, clothing and other merchandise absolutely flew off the shelves and into the hands of thrilled collectors. Radio partner to the Con, 5fm provided the musical vibes with live broadcasts from their DJs who were happy to chat with fans. TikTok’s WoahTikTok competition on the main stage was a fun addition from the Con’s digital media partner. Television Media partner Viacom celebrated 25 years of the series Friends and brought THE show’s couch where fans queued up to have their picture taken. There was one particularly special exhibitor in this hall. The presenting sponsor of Comic Con Africa 2019, The Ultimate Wingman, the makers of finger lickin’ goodness KFC, made their home here with a gigantic KFC bucket housing a greenscreen set up where visitors could photograph themselves in a setting of their imagination. Also on their stand was a caricaturist and a special edition of local arcade game Boetfighter, along with cosplayers in the costumes of the especially commissioned Comic Con Africa KFC Captain Colonel.
Hall 5 was also the location of the KFC main stage where panels, Q&As, competitions, and interviews were held with international film and TV series celebrities like Star Trek’s William Shatner, The Originals’ Daniel Gillies, and video game voice actors Nolan North and Troy Baker. Audiences were awed in the presence of these pop-culture giants. The stars themselves were charmed by our South African audiences – in the words of Daniel Gillies, we are “the most polite people I ever met… the fans are so warm, and kind, and polite.” Just off the main stage, Hall 6 was the scene of photo ops and autographs with the celebrities, and fans came out ecstatically gripping these souvenirs and treasuring their
Comic Con Africa’s 2019 gaming offering was nothing short of a paradise for both casual and avid gamers. The absolutely enormous esports set up of the Con’s gaming and connectivity partner Telkom VS Gaming filled an entire wall, giving Con goers a panoramic-like view of the action. Featuring nail-biting finals of the likes of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and Dota2, local esports teams kept their cool playing for their share of a R1,3 million prize pool – the largest prize pool at any esports event in South Africa. The spectators were captivated, their eyes glued to the live action. Freeplay areas had gamers trying their skills on the latest titles such as Mortal Kombat, PUBG, and Fortnite, while Xbox exhibited exclusively at the Con. Playstation gave away a highly sought-after limited edition 20th Anniversary PS4, and ATK had state of the art equipment on display for players to test run. Red Bull’s Hit the Streets, a nationwide contest of the best Street Fighter V players from across the country, hosted their finals on last day of the Con. In line with Comic Con Africa’s aim to uplift and develop local talent, Project Springbok provided a platform for up-and-coming developers to showcase their work.
Comic Con Africa’s newest addition, the first kid-focussed convention in South Africa, was KidsCon. But don’t be fooled – KidsCon delighted adults too. The African continent’s largest LEGO® activation saw visitors swallowed up in pools of LEGO® bricks surrounded by LEGO® characters come to life. Kids could meet the My Little Ponies and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and Nintendo brought Mario and Luigi along with the opportunity to play Splatoon, Mario Kart, and Supersmash Bros Ultimate. BIC and Exclusive Books were there to encourage creativity among other edutainment offerings from Hasbro and ToyZone. Sponsored by Jaguar Landrover, KidsCon was masterminded by our Little Board of Experts, 11 kids who shared their ideas and made KidsCon an event for kids, by kids. Those little experts were very much a part of the Con and strutted their stuff on the KidsCon main stage in the Cotton On fashion shows.
The Ballroom of Gallagher Convention Centre was the scene of a tabletop gaming extravaganza. With bottomless coffee supplied by KFC, tabletop gamers met and engaged in epic battles with cards, dice, and miniature figurines. As the organising partner of this impressive battlefield, Solarpop encouraged players to engage in the connection and creativity of Tabletop Gaming with their Unplug Yourself arena. Next door in the auditorium were exclusive screenings of Abominable, along with The Angry Birds, films by Black Sands, and many more exciting showings. LARPing took place in the trees of Gallagher Estate, with players battling each other with safe play swords, giant shields, maces, and jousting lances.
The Business of Gaming Forum, now in its second year, was held on Monday. Fascinating keynote addresses, panel discussions, and shared ideas from the gaming industry were the order of the event. Speakers from South Africa, the African continent, and international thought leaders flew in for the day, sharing fascinating content on maximising the value of gaming as a marketing tool or a commercial product, and the direction of the modern gaming ecosystem.
There truly was something for every fandom at Comic Con Africa 2019. As positive feedback comes flying in from visitors and exhibitors alike, Reed Exhibitions and Reedpop are thrilled to have hosted a second successful Comic Con Africa that remained true to our driving force: always put our fans FIRST! And what comes next? Comic Con Cape Town of course. Put 1 – 3 May 2020 in your diaries to experience the inaugural Comic Con Cape Town at the Cape Town Stadium.
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Miniature pony
Miniature pony by Helena Pugsley
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ladystylestores · 4 years
Nature Break Spots Close Gothenburg, Sweden
Gothenburg (Göteborg), is Sweden’s second biggest city. Visitors can explore the beautiful coastal city, magical islands and some of the best seafood in the world.
Located on the west coast of Sweden, Gothenburg has a city pulse with nature on its doorstep.
  Go cycling 
Rent a bike and explore the city with brand new rental bikes from Styr & Ställ. Styr & Ställ has launched more than 130 stations and 1,750 bicycles around town during summer 2020, which can be rented via a new app-based booking system. Single-ride passes start from 20 SEK / 1.70 GBP.
For those who want to head out of town, the säröbanan route awaits. Ride from Gothenburg down the old railway line to Särö and experience spectacular views of the sea and beautiful nature along the way. The last train to Särö departed in 1965. But that doesn’t mean that the old railway line no longer attracts visitors, in fact it’s quite the contrary. Today, Säröbanan is a highly popular bicycle route, taking you from Linnéplatsen in central Gothenburg to Särö, passing the cliffs, beaches and natural areas along the coast.
Delsjön is one of Gothenburg´s most central swimming and nature areas. Here you can take a relaxing walk in the nature reserve, go on a canoe trip, take a delightful swim at the beach Delsjöbadet or from the surrounding cliffs. At the beach you find jetties, playgrounds, a barbecue area and a beach volleyball court. In addition, Skatåts fitness centre offers a number of running tracks. 
Alternatively, head to The Sauna Frihamnen. The sauna is situated in the park Jubileumsparken which is part of the city’s quatercentenary. It was created by German architect collective Raumblabor Berlin and in large parts it’s constructed from recycled material.
The rock climbing in and around Gothenburg is considered some of the best in Sweden. Visit the crags of Utby and you’ll soon realise why. Or get a boat to the island of Hönö and go bouldering in a unique environment. If you’d rather stay indoors, there are several challenging indoor climbing walls to try. 
  Discover parks and gardens 
At Gothenburg botanical garden you’ll find around 16,000 species of plants in the different greenhouses and the rock and herb garden. The Botanical Garden offers a vast and impressive collection of plants and flowers and is a great place to visit all year round. With over half a million visitors a year it’s one of the most popular attractions in the region. Although you can still find your own spot or path. 
Änggårdsbergen Nature reserve, within walking distance of the city centre, is a popular spot for outdoor activities ranging from strolling through the woods to downhill mountain biking. The varied ecological environment and fauna contains several examples of nature typical of Western Sweden, such as heathland and moorland. Änggårdsbergen lies next to the Botanical Gardens and stretches from the green parks of western Gothenburg towards the nature area Sisjön, south of the city of Mölndal. Forest bathing is a must for those who really want to get back to nature.
Slottskogen is Gothenburg’s main park. Take a stroll along the winding paths lined with leafy greenery and you’ll see why Slottsskogen is the locals’ favourite place to unwind. You’ll also be able to see elks, Gotland ponies, Gute sheep and other Nordic animals in the park zoo. In Slottsskogen you’ll find large, open spaces, perfect for children to play in or for outdoor activities. There are also volleyball courts, miniature golf, outdoor gyms and playgrounds. One of the popular playgrounds is adventure playground Plikta. On the other side of the park is the exciting playground Naturleken that uses nature to create a fun environment for children. The observatory Slottsskogsobservatoriet is located in the northern part of the park, on the top of the hill, and it’s a great spot to visit if you want to learn more about stars and planets.
Vättlefjäll nature reserve is one of the larger open-air recreation areas in the region. Here you can go canoeing or fishing in the many lakes, hike along the trails Bohusleden, Vättlefjällsleden and Pilgrimsleden and enjoy the moorlands, forests and hills. 
  Explore the northern archipelago
The Gothenburg archipelago – with several islands within short distance of each other – is perfect for a weekend trip.
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anadventurousgirl · 5 years
I first visited Merthyr Tydfil in January 2018, when Brew Dog and I did a fabulous walking route from the town. So, when I was invited back to experience more of what the town had to offer I jumped at the chance. What followed was a weekend packed with adventure, laughter and fun. Whether you’re a family, group of friends, a couple or a solo traveler you will be able to find your fun in Merthyr Tydfil. I’ve put together this handy guide to show you how!
Merthyr Tydfil: 10 Steps to an Adventurous Weekend
1. A place to rest your head
We stayed at the fantastic Parkwood Dolygaer Outdoor Centre and couldn’t have been better looked after. This is a great base for explorers of all levels. Choose from large group accommodation, camping or the beautifully refurbished Dolygaer Cottage. You can go self-catering or have food provided. We were so well fed during our stay that we needed lots of activity to burn off those delicious calories! Parkwood have a fab group of friendly, qualified instructors who can take you on loads of activities. Or you can just step out of the door and explore the surrounding hills yourself. I am planning on gathering a group of friends and visiting again soon.
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2. Overground…
Our first activities were at the brand spanking new Rock UK Summit Centre. We only missed Prince Charles opening it by a week! I love a bit of climbing  and after a nice lunch in their cafe, it was great to get kitted up by the instructors and have a play on the vast array of different walls. My usual wimpiness on the bouldering wall came out but I gave it a go! If you aren’t already a climber the centre has a great range of courses, from Climbing Tots to Private Taster Sessions to get you off the ground.
3. …Underground
If you prefer to keep your feet on the ground or, more precisely, under it then Summit Centre’s man made caving system is the place for you. We had such fun scrambling around and learning about cave systems. One of our group was very nervous of confined spaces and didn’t fancy entering the cave.  Our instructor was so good at putting his fears at ease that he ended up dong the whole tour. Summit Centre run outdoor caving trips too, as well as tons of other activities.
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4. Walk this way
Merthyr Tydfil is nestled right by the stunning Brecon Beacons National Park. With boundless miles of footpaths to explore, you will never run out of options. It’s natural to head for the hills to take in the views but did you know the area is also famous for it’s gorgeous waterfalls? The lovely team from Parkwood showed us the Four Falls Trail and we just couldn’t stop taking pictures. You can even walk behind one of the waterfalls – don’t expect to stay dry though!
5. Go paddling
I love being on or by the water and in the Merthyr Tydfil area there are plenty of opportunities for this. The rivers in the area are a mecca for white water kayakers but we had a go at something a little less adrenaline pumping. Despite high winds on the Saturday of our visit the Parkwood gang had us in peels of laughter with some stand up paddleboarding.  We all had a go on a giant SUP together before braving the waves on individual boards.
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6. Re-fuel
All this activity and adventure left us with huge appetites. Luckily Merthyr has plenty of options to re-fuel after a full on day. We ate at Woodfired and Portugalles, both of which catered for our mixed dietary requirements well. Both venues also had live entertainment to accompany our meals. The atmosphere in town on the Saturday night was particularly buoyant due to Wales bringing home the Six Nations Cup!
7. Be entertained
Occasionally you meet someone whose spirit and passion blows you away. Karla Brading, Media and Marketing Manager of the New Crown, Merthyr Tydfil is just one of those people. During our visit to the New Crown they had some brilliant live music on but it was Karla’s tales of future plans for the pub which really excited us. Not only is she busy booking some great bands but she is also putting on fantastic family events at the pub. You can see where Karla’s creativity comes from as, in her spare time, she’s a wonderful children’s author.
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8. Pedal power
I’ve a confession to make: I might be An Adventurous Girl but I’m not always a brave one. I’m ok with that and have learnt to do what I enjoy and park what I don’t. That’s where I was at with mountain biking before my visit to Bike Park Wales. Luckily our lovely instructors at this awesome place knew just how to help with a fear filled rider and soon had me whizzing (well, gently descending) one of the longer runs. With miles of trails for all abilities, bike hire, an uplift service to take you up the mountain and a scrummy cafe there is something for the newest and most hardcore riders to enjoy.
9. Step back in time
When I visit an area I always love to learn a little about its history. On a break from our more active pursuits we were treated to a visit to Cyfartha Castle. Our wonderfully enthusiastic guide talked us through Merthyr’s role in the industrial revolution. The castle itself was built by William Crawshay II, the owner of the town’s Ironworks. The castle grounds are packed with more attractions, such as the miniature railway, splash and play and the recently renovated ice house.
10. Hit the trails
It wouldn’t be right for me to miss out the fantastic trail running you can do in the area. From Parkwood you are on the trails as soon as you step out of the door. On my wild runs I spotted wild Welsh ponies, climbed tough hills, followed sweeping paths through forests and drank in beautiful views. You can even run up the famous Pen Y Fan mountain. Just grab your trainers, choose a route and head out!
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So when are you heading to Wales?
My friend Becky the Traveller (who took loads of these fab pics) and I managed to squeeze in one more walk before we headed back to Notts but there is still so much more of the area for me to explore. I will be heading back to the Merthyr Tydfil area soon…hope to see you there!
For more information on all the area has to offer pop to the Visit Merthyr website.
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Merthyr Tydfil: 10 Steps to an Adventurous Weekend I first visited Merthyr Tydfil in January 2018, when Brew Dog and I did a fabulous 
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Another week, another rescue! has been published at http://www.theleader.info/2019/03/25/another-week-another-rescue/
New Post has been published on http://www.theleader.info/2019/03/25/another-week-another-rescue/
Another week, another rescue!
Who just leaves their horse tied up to a palm tree on the side of the road? We’ll never know because this latest rescue has no microchip or any other forms of identification. The Policia Local in Albatera got in contact with Easy Horse Care Rescue Centre (EHCRC) on the advice of Seprona from a neighbouring town. This is so reassuring as there is a growing interest amongst the authorities regarding animal welfare and the Rescue Centre is seeing more and more cases of Law Inforcement being willing to act to save an animal knowing there is somewhere safe for them to be. Two young Police Officers met Rod Weeding, Co-Founder, at the Albatera police station to  complete the necessary paperwork for  her to be transported legally to the safety of the Rescue Centre. Then they took him to the location and with their assistance and that of several other helpful bystanders they eventually loaded her into the horse box. [caption id="attachment_29073" align="aligncenter" width="1000"] Another week, another rescue![/caption] Rod said : ‘It was quite a struggle trying to coax and encourage her with bits of grass and treats to get into the trailer. There were 2 elderly guys and 2 young girls who helped and there were several others bystanders who were interested in what was happening. But it still took over an hour to finally get her into the trailer.’ The Police were fantastic. This stunning mare now called Megan is about 3 years old. She has been seen by the vet Dorothea and at least she is not in foal as that was a preoccupation. Foals are seriously cute but with nearly 120 horses, ponies and donkeys already at EHCRC they really didn’t need any more! Megan is settling into her new surroundings but it is becoming increasingly clear that she has suffered some traumatic experience or most likely been locked away as she appears to be ‘agorophobic’. Megan seems quite settled and at home in her stable, with her little neighbours, the recently rescued pony mum and baby mule but as soon as she gets out into the open she just appears to totally panic. She is generally terrified of the horses but seems to cope better with the donkeys and miniatures. She just cannot cope with being let off to run free. On her first day out she just bolted and galloped blindly around the fields sending fences flying everywhere. On the next couple of outings it became clear that she did not know how to behave when in the open air. So with regular short walks throughout the day out into the fields, building her confidence with time and patience, is the best way forward. This is not a problem for the Centre as Co-Founder Sue Weeding said : ’Time is not an issue, whatever Megan needs Megan will get. Right now we are most concerned with her psychological wellbeing and helping her adapt to a new confident way of living, slowly and patiently is our goal’ EHCRC are Megan’s custodians now and they will do whatever it takes to build this beautiful girls confidence and help her to have a happy healthy life. EHCRC are a non-profit organization with no governmental funding. It’s thanks to Sue and Rod Weeding and the generosity of all the donators and volunteers that this invaluable service continues. If you would like to become a supporter then check out the website www.easyhorsecare.net for all information about donating financially or donating articles such as good quality furniture for the Charity Shops and you’ll find information too on their Open Days on the first Sunday of the month and much much more.
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marilynngmesalo · 5 years
Emotional support alligator ‘just like a dog’, likes to be pet on head
Emotional support alligator ‘just like a dog’, likes to be pet on head Emotional support alligator ‘just like a dog’, likes to be pet on head http://bit.ly/2SXu9Al
Joie Henney would like to assure you his emotional support alligator wouldn’t hurt a fly, let alone a human being.
Despite its sharp teeth and powerful jaw, Wally is actually mellow around people.
“Wally’s never bitten me, and he’s never tried to bite anyone,” Henney told the York Daily Record. “He’s pretty laid back.”
In this Jan. 14, 2019, photo Joie Henney lifts his emotional support animal, Wally, up on a table to give a presentation at the SpiriTrust Lutheran Village in York, Pa.
Earlier this week, Henney brought Wally on a leash to an assisted-living centre near York, Pa. Some residents were curious about the animal and asked how safe Wally is around humans. He encouraged people to pet the gator on its head.
“He’s just like a dog,” Henney told one woman. “He wants to be loved and petted.”
Admitting he’s not a dog person, Henney grew up on a hog farm. When he was 10, he rode a steer in a local rodeo and got an adrenaline rush. That rush turned into an addiction, which led to having venomous snakes and other reptiles as pets.
“I like the calm things in life,” he told the paper.
Pigs, chickens and miniature horses allowed as comfort animals in Calgary
Woman kicked off flight for bringing ’emotional support squirrel’ on plane
Emotional support pony? Canadian airlines’ rules on comfort animals
Three years ago, Henney, who had a hunting and fishing show that aired on ESPN Outdoors from 1989 to 2000, was asked by a friend in Florida if he wanted an alligator. A group of gators, called a congregation, were living on a plot of land that was about to be developed. Originally, the congregation was to be moved to another habitat but the plan changed and the alligators were going to be killed instead.
Henney didn’t like that idea, so he took one in.
In this Jan. 14, 2019, photo Blanche Hake leans in to examine Wally the alligator’s teeth, as owner, Joie Henney, opens his mouth, at the SpiriTrust Lutheran Village in York, Pa.
Wally was about 14 months old when it arrived in Henney’s home in Strinestown in September 2015. It took time for the gator to become domesticated, snapping at everything.
After a few months, Wally became accustomed to its surroundings despite being a wild animal, and was calm enough that Henney would let it roam around the house.
Henney soon brought Wally around to schools and senior centres to educate people about gators. During one visit, he noticed children with developmental issues, such as autism or Tourette’s, were calm around Wally. That got him to thinking: could Wally be used to help people?
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Henney found that rules surrounding service animals, mostly dogs, were very strict. But registering a gator as an emotional support animal only required him to fill out a form online.
During presentations, Henney stresses an alligator does not generally make a good house pet, and people could get seriously hurt if they don’t know how to handle one.
“They aren’t for everyone,” Henney said. “But what can I say? I’m not normal.”
In this Jan. 14, 2019, photo Wally, a four-year-old emotional support alligator, soaks up the sun while his owner, Joie Henney, rubs his head at the SpiriTrust Lutheran Village in York, Pa.
Click for update news Bangla news http://bit.ly/2VVIGyi world news
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habaricloud-blog · 6 years
'World’s smallest horse' stands tall at 19 inches – and he’s called Gulliver 
‘World’s smallest horse’ stands tall at 19 inches – and he’s called Gulliver 
An adorable miniature horse – thought to be the world’s smallest – has been frolicking around with a sweet puppy at an equestrian exhibition in Russia.
Gulliver measures in at a tiny 49cm (19.29inch) from hoof to shoulder blades.
The ‘miracle’ pony strutted his stuff at the 20th Hipposphere International Equestrian Exhibition at the Expoforum Convention and Exhibition Centre in St Petersburg,…
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carlsonknives · 6 years
GLAMPING | Chilling Out In Luxury at Wigwam® Holidays Brecon, Wales – Review
Where did we go?
Wigwam® Holidays Brecon Cilgwyn LD3 9ND
Tel: 01874636387 / 07811350573 Web: www.wigwamholidays.com
Need to know
From £85 per night for 2 people
Arrivals between 2pm and 6pm, departure by 11am
Cabins all have heating and electricity
Running water deluxe cabins sleep up to 4 people and include a kitchen and bathroom
Bedding is not provided but is an optional extra
Take your own saucepans for cooking
Dogs are welcome
On site recylcing bins provided
Don’t forget coals for the barbecue/firepit
The accommodation
We arrive at Wigwam Holidays Brecon after work one balmy Friday evening after a non-stop week at work. Having already exchanged emails with owner Rebecca, we know which of the 6 cabins we’ve been allocated and head straight over to it.
Our very own private hot tub which proved to be blissfully relaxing
Pulling up outside the cabin we’re eager to get out of the car and have a stretch and are immediately struck by the sense of stillness and peace. All we can hear are the gentle reassuring sounds of nature as the last of the daylight warms our faces.
We start upacking and are greeted by Gavin who gives us a warm welcome and explains how to operate and take care of the hot tub, a beautiful wood-fired beast that looks mightly inviting, even more so after several hours stuck inside the car.
Inside, the cabin feels light and airy, and I’m reminded of just how spacious and well-appointed this particular style of Wigwam cabin is, providing even more space than I remember having stayed in several different, and much smaller cabins in recent months.
Inside the cabin
As well as finding our beds made and pile of fresh fluffy towels waiting for us it’s impossible to ignore the enormous homemade chocolate and strawberry cake taking centre stage on the table. We continue making ourselves at home, finding a use for almost every storage nook and cranny then I start to fill the fridge. Delighted, I find a nicely chilled bottle of Prosecco waiting inside, which of course I immediately open, my intention being to finish it in the hot tub a little later on (an objective I proudly achieve).
The kitchen and bathroom inside the cabin
On site
The site itself is glorious, like an oasis in the rolling countryside set within the grounds of a working farm, surrounded on all sides by woods and endless green fields and hills. The site is the ideal place for children to scamper around carefree and safe. There’s an open grassy area for ball games, easily visible from every cabin so parents can keep a watchful eye on their offspring as they do what kids should be free to do more of.
There are 6 Wigwam cabins on site, all of them ensuite, 2 of which have their own wood-fired hot tubs. Each cabin has it’s own gravel patio area containing a wooden picnic bench and firepit/barbecue along with solar powered path lights and a homely planter of flowers.
Ponies  from the adjacent farm openly grazing
Looking down from an adjacent field onto the Wigwam Holidays, Brecon site
Out and about
I visited the area a couple of years ago with my daughter and was keen to go back to lovely Llangorse Lake for a paddle, so after a lazy Saturday morning which involved another dip in the still-surprising hot hot tub and reading languidly in the sunshine with an enormous bowl of granola, we set off for the lake.
Kayaking on Llangorse Lake
It takes around half an hour to get to Llangorse lake from Wigwam Holidays Brecon, and it’s a lovely place to take to the water. We hire kayaks and spend a wonderful couple of hours out on the lake in blazing sunshine. If kayaking isn’t your thing, SUP and rowing boat hire is also available at the lake, but if taking to the water really doesn’t appeal there’s pplenty to see and do in the region.
Having researched the area before we arrived, I was aware of nearyby Llangorse Multi Activity Centre, and had noted down the postcode and intended to make use of the indoor climbing centre there in case of bad weather. As luck would have it though, the sun doesn’t stop shining the whole time we are there.
The quaintest most book shop looking book shop I’ve ever seen in Ross on Wye
The popular peak of Pen y Fan is also close by, and had we the luxury of more time, we’d definitely have headed for the hills. Alas this was but a flying visit, albeit it an intensely relaxing and renewing one.
We decide to stop in picturesque Ross on Wye on our way home for a bite to eat and to bimble along the Wye river in the sunshine, in a desperate bid to delay the return home and hold on to the feeling of content relaxation that has crept over us both.
Wild flowers snapped whilst wandering down the riverside in Ross on Wye
The verdict
Friendly owners who have got the attention to detail just right, and even though on our visit the site had only been open a month, everything appeared to be running smoothly. The cabins are truly luxurious, more like a miniature log-cabin than the ubiquitous basic timber pods that have popped up at so many campsites, and the addition of the wood-fired hot tub made the stay extra special (and super romantic!).
The countryside location is simply stunning and becuause Brecon is one of just 9 Dark Sky Zones in the world, the night sky is breathtaking. You truly know relaxation when you are sat next to a loved one in a hot tub, a glass of Prosecco in your hand and an endlessly twinkly array of stars looking down on you.
With heaps of things to do within a short drive from the site, for us, Wigwam Holidays Brecon ticks every single box and we couldn’t have wished for more enjoyable or relaxing stay.
Arriving to find some lovely thoughtful extras waiting for us
Taking every opportunity to make the most of the wood-fired hot tub – a definite win and well worth the premium
Romantic, relaxed evenings soundtracked by nature
The big comfy bed, lovely ensuite, compact yet functional kitchen and enormous fluffy towels
Finding ourselves so relaxed that it was gone 11pm on Saturday night before we cooked over the firepit and ate dinner under the stars
Kayaking together for the first time in the sunshine on Llangorse Lake
Strolling down the side of the river Wye and spending far too much money in the book shop there
Prices start from £85 per night for a deluxe Wigwam sleeping up to 4 people.
You can stay in a Running Water Deluxe cabin with a private wood-fired hot tub from £140 per night.
Find out more
Wigwam Holidays Brecon
Llangorse Lake
Pen y Fan Circular Walk
Llangorse Multi Activity Centre
See more photos from our stay over on Flickr
Thank you to Wigwam Holidays who invited us to stay.
The post GLAMPING | Chilling Out In Luxury at Wigwam® Holidays Brecon, Wales – Review appeared first on Camping with Style Camping Blog | Activities • Glamping • Travel • Adventure.
Original Source http://www.campingwithstyle.co.uk/glamping-chilling-out-in-luxury-at-wigwam-holidays-brecon-wales-review/ For the best knives to use whilst camping check out Carlson Knives http://www.carlsonknives.com/
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dreamaerie-blog · 6 years
8 Amazing Destination for First School Break
Complete your kid’s adventure in Melbourne by visiting these must-see attractions around the city. An attraction for kids, moms and dad and kids at heart. Take a walk on the most visited parks and have fun on the carnivals while digging in some delicious snacks that your kids will totally love. There a lot of places in Melbourne including museums, galleries, theme parks, farms, and zoos that are family-friendly, while some destinations are for educational purposes, and safe. Here are some handpicked places and activities that you can’t miss on your visit to Melbourne
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No childhood is total without a stroll with that well-known giant mouth. From the minute you walk with, you're exposed to a world loaded with carnival style, from tourist attractions that send you over-the-top to historical carousel rides.
 Be certain to take a look at the Scenic Railway Roller Coaster, a huge wooden coaster that projects its guests, at fast paced, around the beyond the whole park. It flaunts the title of being the earliest consistently operating wooden roller coaster on the planet and the just one of its kind with a standing brakeman in control aboard its moving carriages. 
This world-renowned roller rollercoaster will not just supply you with heart-stopping slopes as well as turns, but additionally one of the most spectacular sights of Port Phillip Bay, St. Kilda has to offer.
 Address:18 Lower Esplanade St Kilda 3182
Opening hours: Various.
Price: Unlimited ride tickets from $17.50.
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Calling all kids, moms and dads, and also kids at heart: did you understand that there is a huge amusement park much less than an hour's drive north from Melbourne?
 Well, you do know today. Funfields, situated in Whittlesea, opened in 1985 and has actually become to be one of Melbourne's favourite attractions specially for kids. Your entrance ticket obtains you access to 22 rides, plus a water play area for children and barbeque area.
 Kids are well supplied for, with mini go karts, ferris wheels as well as slide carousels customized simply to them. From there, things get more exploratory: take the trip to the top of hill and also zoom back down the Alpine Toboggan Slide, feel that flit in your stomach on the Blackbeard's Fury pirate ship and also test your colleagues to a race on the go karts, for a start. Required a break from the action? Funfields is fully prepared for family days out, with a resting area and also barbeque location, plus cafés and an ice cream shop.
 Address:       2365 Plenty Road Whittlesea 3757.
Opening hours:         Opening hrs vary throughout the year: browse through site for details.
Price:  $27-$ 45.
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Transforming the climbing experience, Clip 'N' Climb has blasted in popularity since its opening in March 2013. How is it diverse to various other climbing experiences, you enquire? Well, there are 33 different climbs up, each with dissimilar themes as well as complications. You can also contest your friends on the Speed Wall or make use of the challenge boards to deal with each wall surface in a various means.
 Use up the obstacle at Clip 'n Climb Melbourne. It's the latest trend in indoor climbing, NZ reproduced and built, as well as the first of its kind in Australia. There's difficulties and also climbs that appear like nothing you've seen prior to.
 Address:144 Murphy St Richmond 3121.
Opening hours: Tue-Thu 3-7pm; Fri 3-9pm; Sat-Sun 9am-9pm.
Cost:  $13-$19.
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Heaven Junior is a central city enjoyable park delivering a fanciful household experience for the young and young in mind. Shock the little ones with an enjoyable day out and take pleasure in the exhilaration of amusement rides including Dodgem Cars, Carousel, Mini Swing Ride, Rockin' Tug, Circus Train, Tea Cups and even more!
 With tasks to keep the whole home pleased, dancing and also skipping all day long; come and satisfy Twiggy the Talking Tree, appreciate a classic video game of Laughing Clowns or feel our normal interactive programs including real-time shows, music concerts, arts and also crafts, animal visits and also special holiday parties.
 The emphasize of an otherwise drowsy Harbour Town Shopping Centre, Wonderland Fun Park at Docklands has lots of rides and attractions for any ages consisting of old favourites like Dodgem Cars, The Wacky Worm Roller Coaster, The Grand Carousel and also The Drop Zone.
 Address:       Waterfront City 120 Pearl River Rd Docklands 3008.
Opening hours:        Weekends, public holidays & school holidays from 11am.
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Gumbuya World covers four distinct locations: Oasis Springs, Wildlife Trail, Oz Adventures and also Outback Explorers. The Oasis Springs theme park features fast slides with sharp declines and interesting weave. You can additionally hang 10 at Surf's Up, a surfing area to instruct you how you can stoop or stand on a board. Or for those that desire to take it a bit gentler, the 300-metre Lazy River could be more your rate.
 For a walk on the rougher side, there is the Wildlife Trail, with greater than 50 domestic species to see. Visitors could hand-feed kangaroos, wallabies and emus, as well as there are likewise two new young koalas in the park. Kids could obtain up close and also personal at the petting animal park, where they could pat lambs, ducks as well as baby goats.
 Address:       2705 Princes Hwy 3813.
Opening hours:        10am-6pm except Christmas Day.
Cost:  $43-$49.
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Chock packed with play areas consisting of a huge plane, large wood pony with saddle, trampolines, tree for climbing up, go-kart course, big metal slide, chook house, flight on dinosaur, various swings as well as slides, real flying fox, cubby home, elephant, climbing up frames, pirate ship, steel half-pipe, little basketball court, huge tepee, large wood castle with great deals of nooks and also crannies (like your house of Horrors at Luna Park without the scary) and excellent tunnel slide. It's a eccentric location - natural, all-natural play areas with loads to do, totally free, simple to accessibility. I would certainly love to acquire the same theme going for our kids.
 Address:       Neptune St Kilda 3182.
Opening hours:        Mon-Wed, Fri 3.30-6pm; Thu 3.30-5.30 pm; Sat-Sun noon-4.30 pm.
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Like a fanciful book come to life, the Enchanted Adventure Garden is a fairy-tale bush land decked with huge wood figures, functioned iron work, manicured bushes, spectacular flowers and giant challenges.
 Your tackers will certainly intend to leg it right to the mazes, however. There's the Hedge Maze with its Japanese Garden, the Labyrinth Maze with huge topiary dragon, Children's Maze with fairies, and each inconceivable, garden-y pleasure. There are also tube slides as well as an indoor labyrinth.
 When you're done oohing as well as ahhing, route trance-like after the miniature plaything train (each carriage stuffed with lollies) and after that arrive the Amazing Lolly Shop. Willy Wonka eat your heart out!
 Address:       55 Purves Rd Arthurs Seat 3936.
Opening hrs:  10 am-6pm.
Cost:  $19-$29.
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On the very first Sunday of each month, Australian Centre for the Moving Image will be organizing a day of totally free family members and kid-friendly occasions as well as interactive activities for every first Sundays. The occasion will see youngsters developing art-making robotics or coding their very own video games in these hands-on events that utilise media, technology as well as the moving picture.
 Kids of any ages have the ability to participate, and also keep your eye out for themed days that explore whatever from superheroes, television production crew, Lewis Carroll's Wonderland and also some famous Pixar and also Disney characters. This complimentary event runs from 10am to 4pm.
 Address:       Federation Square Cnr Swanston & Flinders Sts 3000.
Opening hrs:  Daily 10am-5pm.
Transportation:        Nearby stations: Flinders Street.
Cost:   Free.
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