mintisse · 1 month
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I have a new blorbo
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lokelios · 2 months
tbf i try not to be intimidating!! so this is pretty good to hear actually-
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dentos-wife · 1 year
Damn it’s been a while since I did a tag meme, tagged by @itstimetodrew
3 Ships: Just in general? I’ll do one per fandom Chrobin that valentine’s alt was incredible, Ichisaya thank you Tokyo Mew Mew reboot for this gift and I still have a soft spot for Negaishipping
1st Ship: Ever? Gosh that’s hard ummm probably Hamtaro and Bijou. but it could have been Advanceshipping, I just think Hamtaro was first. I thought Mulan and Shang in 1998′s Mulan was precious as a child does that count?
Last song: The opening for Fire Emblem Engage is amazing and everything I ever want in a song I need a full badly if this isn’t it and haters can fight me
Last movie: Puss in Boots the Last Wish! Oh my god it was so good! The animation was so neat and creative and the story was touching, it still had that humor of Shrek movies too, absolutely recommended you check it out if you haven’t yet
Currently consuming: Apple Pie Ala mode flavored milk from Kroger, it’s delicious
Currently watching: The new Urusei Yatsura with friends, Spectacular Spider-man with them too. Lots of streamers barryisstreaming, causeimdanjones, ray. All people who play video games I’ve gotten to the point I’m too lazy to play so I watch other people play them
Currently reading: I barely read anymore I don’t even search out fics anymore I read posts, I am “the girl reading this” of the legend
Currently craving: MRobin and FCorrin to win CYL 7, I know you meet food but nothing right now so once again MRobin and FCorrin to win CYL 7
Tagging @mintisse, @janna-weyland, @sierra117-renner, @nailbats, @amber-plans
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blue-sniper-python · 5 years
I don't think my message ever went through the other day, but I wanted to make sure you knew how sweet you are~ thank you for your kind words~
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azebraslife · 5 years
@mintisse replied to your photo “Been playing the new Langrisser game. I don't have any strong feelings...”
I had my eye on this game but I'm pretty big on an art style being my fancy. And seeing how the girls looked like 90s hentai in this game was a huge turn off. I'm personally going to wait until Monday for Another Eden, that game looks and plays lovely ~
Yeah I looked at Langrisser and went “Wow the 90s fantasy style JUMPED out,” then a fair portion of my time was spent getting distracted by the gainaxing in their animated story portraits.
I’m willing to look the other way if the designs belie the writing and gameplay, but I can understand people getting turned off by the game’s visual design. It helps that I prefer games that use a consistent art style rather than a variety of artists.
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kisant · 5 years
mrules answer 22 questions & tag 22 people you want to know better
tagged by @fluffycakesistainted​
nickname(s): I don’t really have an irl nickname, but I’ve been using Kisant or variations in social media since I was 13 or so. 
zodiac sign: Gemini
height: 1,74 cm
last movie i saw: Aquaman
last thing i googled: Ao3
favourite musician: I am a big nerd that really enjoys Amalee’s anime covers. 
song stuck in my head: I don’t have one right now, but I usually get stuck with videogames’ battle music after playing for a while. 
other blogs: I had a homestuck/fire emblem crossover one, but that one’s pretty abandoned since I stopped working on that au a while ago. 
following: 2,561. I like having an active dashboard. 
followers: 248
do i get asks: Not very often. I mostly use the IM function to talk with my friends here. 
amount of sleep i get: ...I try to get at least 7 hours every night. Sometimes, I fail, because sometimes I make bad decisions that I very much regret the following day. 
lucky numbers: I don’t really have those? I’m not supersticious in general.
what i’m wearing: Comfy clothes and a hoodie.
dream job: I wanted to be a mangaka when I was in highschool. I’ve moved to more realistic job prospects now and I’m happier for it. 
dream trip: That said, I still would really like to go to Japan sometime. 
favourite food: Iberian ham, fried fish and seafood. I also like steak, salmon and Italian food. 
instruments: The typical small wooden flute they always make us learn to play in school. I think it’s called a recorder in English?
languages: Spanish (native), English (that’s what I studied in university) and intermediate German that I really should get back to studying before I forget everything like with the French I studied in high school. 
favourite songs: ...I am just going to refer back to how I am a big nerdy weeaboo that really enjoys anime covers. Only now I look for the English covers.
random fact: I always arrive late and very spoiled to Kingdom Hearts games. My first one was actually Chain of Memories in gba, and then I had to wait until the ps3 remakes to play the first two main games. I am currently playing Birth By Sleep on the KH2 remake compilation and enjoying how much of an oblivious dumbass Terra is while everyone else is getting hyped about the KH3 release. Which I’ll probably get two play in a few years, at this rate x’D
aesthetic: Right now it’s jeans, boots and sweaters. I enjoy summer aesthetics far more than winter ones. I want it to be warm again. I want it to be summer and to go to the beach, and to have slightly more free time. I don’t enjoy being cold and miserable or getting rained on, thank you very much. Winter fucking sucks. 
I tag: @cantankerouskaputnik, @thotkumi, @luizsiqueiraneto, @lostchasingsilver, @wolfs-dawn, @theredtactician, @ohofcorsola, @bird--nerd, @mintisse, @kittilumpo, @ephemeral-eternity, @fus-ro-deuueaugh,
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katherine-maxwell · 3 years
꧁Kat não gostava muito de hipocrisia e mesmo que por vezes mintisse para si mesma, ela não tentava fingir que estava acima dos confortos com que cresceu; ela poderia ser muito diferente da dama da corte polida e perfeita que todos esperavam - que ela as vezes fingia ser - no entanto, ela não era tão diferente assim. Ela gostava de vestir-se bem, sentir-se bonita, gostava de poder comprar as coisas que quisesse, gostava do luxo que tinha. Não eram luxos extravagantes nem desnecessários, mas ainda eram luxos que apenas a nobreza possuía. Foi com certo prazer que entrou na loja de fitas naquela tarde para procurar um novo acessório e avistou @beamontxnika​ sozinha perto do balcão. ❝━━━━━━Perdoe a intromissão, mas sabe dizer se a vendedora volta logo? ❞ perguntou enquanto se aproximava e via a fita da sacola no balcão  ❝━━━━━━É uma cor linda, vai ficar bonita em você ❞
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mintisse · 9 months
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I always thought it was funny Mytho barely got to do anything before he gave up
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mintisse · 5 months
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Original costume design by Beccabuttdraws! Please check out their work as I find the way they draw clothing inspiring. Thank you Becca for letting me draw your design~
I wanted to try my hand at this basically as soon as I saw it. I like the idea of putting the Mews Mews in high fashion, and still might try something like this again in the future with the others. Now, back to my other projects...
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mintisse · 4 months
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Super Wedding Peach!
...that's what I'm going with. Gimme a break, this final form design is literally only available for 2 pages of the manga
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mintisse · 2 years
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I made Mint back in July and decided to do the rest
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mintisse · 1 year
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I need dumb magic baby to do dumb magic baby things
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mintisse · 6 months
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I'm rewatching Wedding Peach
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mintisse · 8 months
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I heard they made the baby a Precure
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mintisse · 1 year
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Mermaid Melody Aqua is funny, actually
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mintisse · 11 months
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I make fun of Mermaid Melody Aqua a lot, but I couldn't resist drawing the latest chapter cover. It's so unabashedly shoujo and I love it.
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