miragablog · 7 years
Top 10 Mahou Shoujo Shows for Babies (Part 1)
I’ll be the first person to admit, getting into Mahou Shoujo is hard.
With the lacking amount of accessible critique and over the top presentation shows of the genre adopt,
It can be genuinely uninviting for many anime fans to get a foot in the door that is Magical Girl.
After my last video, I received a handful of comments asking about what I’d recommend as great gateway shows for a newbie.
While a recommendations list is all good and well, giving context to why these shows are worth your time is what i’m more interested in talking about today.
Before getting into the list I’d like to clarify that the choice being presented arnt tiered based on quality nor personal preference.
Some of these shows I love more than others and others not so much; However when recommending shows to try in a sub genre like Mahou shoujo, I find it counterproductive to introduce ratings when breaking down audience bias.
Also I’m judging the viability of these shows on their first five episodes, maybe a few chapters of the manga.
With that out of the way, let's get into the first section….
Kill la Kill
In a world where facism has taken hold of Japanese government, scissor blade wielding badass Ryuko Matoi is on a quest to avenge the death of her father. This brings her to Honnouji Academy, a school run by the iron fist of Satsuki Kiryuin. 
For the sake of finding her father’s murderer, Ryuko must demonstrate pride in her body and fighting spirit with the help of a bloodthirsty seifuku known as Senketsu.
Let's say you made a magical cheesecake. Amongst the common choices, of strawberries, banana and cherries you dig through and find the tangy lemon that is Hiroyuki Imaishi’s Kill la Kill.
Trigger has done some fantastic work in its six years as a studio, revolutionizing modern anime as we know it. 
However what I never hear ANYBODY talk about is how Imaishi and co.’s work has pushed the concept of the Magical Girl.Kill La kill is a bombastic, stylish addition to the genre and a fantastic entry point for introducing others to Mahou Shoujo. 
It has a really fresh, fun take on the Magical warrior, in its most literal form. The use of a mascot character being the transformation item is rare enough, but including symbiote-esc elements to the costume as a whole is something i’ve never really seen done outside of comic books stateside. 
While some may critique the shows use of “Fanservice” to be pandering or perverted, I don't think it should be a roadblock in trying KLK out. Most of the nudity presented serves into a message about confidence and having pride in who you are.
It's not trite BS like what you see in Queens Blade or (shudder) Master of Martial Hearts.
If you’re trying to get your little brother or a friend to try Mahou shoujo without having to preface starting crunchyroll with a disclaimer- about how your a real man, throw this on with a bowl of popcorn and a pitcher of lemonade. You’ll have a blast.
Shugo Chara
Amu Himamori is, for all intensive purposes, popular.
Or is she feared?
The “Cool and Spicy” character surrounding Amu pervades the relationships she tries to make with others.
Despite her crushingly shy nature, classmates interpret everything she does in a rebellious lense, perpetuating rumors without making the effort to get to know Amu outside of her reputation.
But in a miraculous turn of events, she is given the chance to rectify her social standing with the blessing of three strange eggs known as Chara, portions of Amu’s buried personality that act as guardian angels.
Originally watching the show while airing in 2008, I can say that Shugo Chara is a contender with the likes of Pretty Cure when it comes to presentation. I’m surprised I don't hear more people talk about the series to be honest.
Transformation sequences are minimal but catch the eye.
The concept of having multiple characters to change in and out of when needed lends to keeping the audience guessing, especially when paired transformations with new Chara come into play.
In combination, Peach-Pits colorful art design and Kenji Yasuda’s directing kept me glued to the screen.
While the shows premise isn't horribly original, Shugo chara stands out for it’s “heart on it’s sleeve” approach to character development.
Overall Shugo Chara has a very child friendly plot while addressing overlooked themes in most bishoujo.  
Panty and Stocking With Garterbelt
Keeping this one nice and sweet as i’ve already mentioned Hiroyuki Imaishis contribution to the genre with Kill La Kill.
If you want to test your expectation or others of Mahou Shoujo while indulging in some vulgar toilet humor, then Panty and Stocking is worth checking out.
While shows like this may not be everyone's cup of tea, Gainax has definitely cranked out a fantastic parody addressing the more sexual undercurrents usually glossed over in Magical warrior.
You don't see many studios that have the confidence to implement pole dancing into their transformation sequences.
Atsushi Nishigori, Masahiko Otsuka, Yoh Yoshinari- Shit even my girl Sayo Yamamoto is here. With the diversity in staff, you’re bound to find something you like whether its the experimental realism in “Vomiting Point” or a saving private ryan homage with sperm ghosts in “Pulp Addiction”.
As someone who's watched all of Panty and Stocking through in both Japanese and English; I’d highly recommend the dub.
Not only does it help jokes stick but stays really close to the original intent while implementing some Adult Swim level humor.
If you’re anything like me, you’ll probably be swept away by the shows poppy, powerpuff girl-esc art and Teddyloid’s contributions to the OST, introducing punchy playlist worthy electronica. Just don't listen to it with your mom or anything.
Cardcaptor Sakura
Sakura Kinamoto is your typical fourth grader.
She's outgoing, participates in sports at school and is beloved by her fellow classmates.
One day, when returning from class Sakura hears a strange sound from her father’s study. Investigating the bookshelves, she opens a strange tome containing “Clow Cards”,
a magicians tarot deck imbued with the powers of aspected spirits.
However, with a gust of wind the cards are lost and with the help of the books guardian, Kero- Sakura must recollect the deck and discover her true self.
Cardcaptor Sakura is by far one of the least abrasive gateways into long form Magical Warrior.
I’m 20 episodes into the series and while I know I dont have the free time to watch another 50 I kiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnddddddddddaaaaaaaaa dont careeeeeee?
The scenery is beautiful, pacing is mellow and everybody, whether it be top tier camcorder waifu Tomoyo to the cuckoo lander childhood crush Yukito will find a way to melt your heart.
When others talk about the typicality of magical girls, I find that Sakura presents many unorthodox takes on commonalities to the subgenre.
The show doesn't have transformation sequences, but rather invests its runtime on  inventive fight scenes and dynamic character development.
On the Manga side the series is much more compact read, with about 12 volumes not including the newly announced Clear Card Arc. Mokona and gangs luxurious, carefully laid linework are in the forefront, taking a less hi-scifi approach than their other titles.
When it comes to wholesome, genuine Mahou Shoujo- Cardcaptor Sakura is a great series to snuggle into a blanket and watch with a friend.
Sailor Moon
Yes, the Dic dub is borderline horrible if you didn't grow up with it and the shows a popular prototype for what we now consider the Magical warrior, which for some is pretty stock. BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN IT ISN'T FANTASTIC AND WORTH THE BINGE.
As far as Magical Warrior goes, Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon is a staple introduction to modern Mahou Shoujo.
While early sections of the series do contain buckets of filler, the show makes up for it with a lovable, diverse cast, Beautiful transformations and a fun premise.
Season three alone, Sailor Moon S is arguably one of the best installments in the genre and worth every second of your time as it showcases director Kunihiko Ikuhara, of Utena and Mawaru Penguindrum fame.
The story is nothing too crazy mind you; but if you’re interested in Sailor Moon manga-wise, Naoko Takeuchi’s illustrations are TO DIE FOR, drawn with meticulous detail and colored with a mixture of ink and translucent watercolors.
Look i’ll even make it easier; because I have no life and completed the show six times. A month or so ago I put together a “Abridged Viewing Guide” for people wanting to cut out useless filler so if you’re interested the link will be in the description.
Sailor Moon broke ground in the 90’s for what is now considered a “typical magical girl”. Truly, You would be doing yourself a disservice passing the series up.
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purpledragon57 · 6 years
At long last. It is time. Time to continue my Sailor Moon Commentary.
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jojismagicsupplies · 7 years
Gary’s Mega List - Part 1 Youtube
This will be a Link Dump to end all link dumps, covering absolutely everything that is cool and interesting on youtube, the main reason for separating this from everything else is because youtube is such a diverse platform that trying to fit it in with any other category wouldn't make much sense
Every Frame A Painting - Amazing writer on the medium of film from a technical perspective - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjFqcJQXGZ6T6sxyFB-5i6A 
Kapitankristian - Extremly talented editor, able to use his editing to convey his points effectivly and has though rather basic writings an interesting way of presenting them also with his Dr Suse video his conveys a clear and emotional narrative that is near perfect - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuPgdqQKpq4T4zeqmTelnFg
Lessons from the screenplay - writes about film from the perspective of the screenplay and has an amazing video about the 2014 film nightcrawler - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCErSSa3CaP_GJxmFpdjG9Jw
The Royal Ocean Film Society - Some of the best written videos on both live action and animation out there, Brad Bird -  Playful cinema is a good starting point - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWq-qJSudqKrzquTVep9Jwg
Now you see it - A channel that has a hanful of amazing videos surrounded by lackluster ones, Opening shots tell us everything, Lateral Charachter Movement and What Makes A movie Scary are worth your time - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWTFGPpNQ0Ms6afXhaWDiRw
Chanel Criswell - Interesting video subjects but presented in an uninteresting way - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL5kBJmBUVFLYBDiSiK1VDw/videos
The Canipa effect - A lot of potential but lacks the ability to reasonably be called original in any way - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCz4ZjuO7HrynjRrRlur1yWg
Soulbruthuhnumbuh3 - Amazing writer when he isn’t making comedy videos, the Pokemon Theatrical Releases definded an era is one of the best video’s on the site with other videos at a close level of quality, Suicide squad vs the marvel empire voices an opinion that is rarely spoken and the review of Black Snake Moan showcases how important marketing correctly is - https://www.youtube.com/user/soulbrothanumbuh3
Mathewmatosis - Incredibly in depth discussions about video games with a funky accent - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCb_sF2m3-2azOqeNEdMwQPw
Joseph Anderson - Mathewmatosis without the funky accent - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyhnYIvIKK_--PiJXCMKxQQ
Ninouh - Writes about anime from the same perspective as all storytelling - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCX7hu_boq1Dl5vlujfp54bw
Miragephan - Made one really good video about Jaques Derrida - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZdyVHF4N_tmKm-RF8c1VPQ
Mothers Basement - Better backlog than current releases but has many good points to make, Whats in an OVA daicon IV is the best video he has ever made - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBs2Y3i14e1NWQxOGliatmg
Digibro - Who is Hideaki Anno/ The Asterisk war sucks are some of the best videos about the creation of fiction and everything else he has made is amazing too, Coined term “Aesthetic Persona” and has generally reshaped my way of writing - https://www.youtube.com/user/DigibronyMLP/videos
Mrbtongue - Impossible to describe impact on video game writing and all around amazing content - https://www.youtube.com/user/MrBtongue
Razorfist - Possibly the best writer on the platform, many controvertial opinions will face you if you choose to watch his content though the attrition of ambition in gaming can be applied to almost any creative form of expression - https://www.youtube.com/user/xRazorFistx/videos
Super Bunnyhop - Among the better games journalists on youtube, having the added level of freedom of not needing to protect a publication name has allowed him to make content about the Nintendo playstation and many other interesting topics - https://www.youtube.com/user/bunnyhopshow
Best Guy Ever - Possibly the best editor on youtube and one of the most skilled people a winding a narrative through the utilization of critique as a means for self expression-https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGgy9QqFwElrVg4vf6QNX_A
Anthony Fantano - Some of the most interesting writing about music - https://www.youtube.com/user/theneedledrop
Zefrank - Made youtube the platform that it is with the show way back when and Ashow with ze frank is among the most interesting community acts that has ever occurred - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVpankR4HtoAVtYnFDUieYA
Digibro After Dark - some of the most interesting concepts are born out of this channel as well as a large amount of expleantions of how the youtube system works - https://www.youtube.com/user/DigibronyAfterDark
Max Landis - Holywood screenwriter - https://www.youtube.com/user/Uptomyknees
The ProCrasinators - An alliance of amazing content creators with their group show PCP as well as the many individual series have many insights into writing and content creation as a whole - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-6IzAdy_yVVwPgk0I59dOw
Unable to describe/All of the above
Endless Jess - Absoloute genius and madman who is able to craft a narrative that works wonders emotionally whilst still using some of the most interesting writing techniques - https://www.youtube.com/user/ImDrowningInFootwear
Bedhead Burnie - Writes about lost media - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCntBLn2xskJWKqMV40BqKJA
0 notes
miragablog · 7 years
Madoka Magica isn't a deconstruction
As a subject, Mahou Shoujo is, in my opinion one of the most misunderstood and yet widely adopted genres in anime.
Being a regular fan, you can know about its presence like that of Super Robot and Battle Shounen- and yet have no insight into its role as one of the eldest genres on the scene.
Many viewers simply don't find interest in watching a feminine, almost voyeuristic take on dramatized child adolescence, which is totally fine. (Doesn't make you any less of a fan of the genre either if you’re of the male persuasion and aren't there for those themes. All power to you!)
However, when it comes to analyzing such genre steeped shows, like that of Sailor Moon or Little Witch Academia- those without the wide understanding for which their structures are based can make unfair or miscalculated conclusions of what those stories communicate.
This is the exact quandary that Madoka Magica poses for such analysis and why I don't consider it a deconstruction of the Magical Girl genre.
Mahou Shoujo, or Magical Girl is a term assumedly coined by that of Mitsuteru Yokoyama and Fujio Akatsu-ka, creators of Mahoutsukai Sally and Himitsu no Akko-chan; firsts of the genre, bench marking its creation in the early 60’s.
(I say “assumedly” as I can't find anything divulging the cut and dry fact. Hit me up if you have the actual source with citation.)
The genre has many subsets, but for the sake of your time we’re going to focus on the most popular and prolific of the Magical Girl Sub-genres, Magical warrior. There are some key components that make a show “magical warrior”.
1.) Have the protagonist or other female characters gain/have the ability to transform into an alternate, enhanced version of themselves.
2.)The presence of a magical companion, whether that be a animal or object that accompanies the protagonist in her magical endeavors.
3.)Items that assist in either the transformation process or battle for the protagonist
4.)An adversarial force threatening the lives of the protagonist, their friends, society and or existence itself
Its is of note that while a transformation is a must for this sub genre, the other factors can be all present or sparsely.
In Cardcaptor Sakura for instance the main character, Sakura Kinomoto doesn't traditionally transform but rather changes her clothes. However she still uses a magical item, is accompanied by Kero and works towards a goal that threatens the lives of those around her or her way of life.
(Arguably Sakura's “transformation” is just that because she transforms her mindset when changing outfits to better suit her magical endeavors.)
Along with those structural linchpins, Magical Warrior-centric shows are known for their glamorous, long-winded transformation sequences, teenage leads, handsome love interests, revealing outfits and normalized use of cute, bright and feminine iconography.
On the subject of how Madoka supposedly “deconstructs” these shoujo conventions common to the genre, with its “dark” tone and DEATH and despair- it simply doesn't work because modifying elements of a genre and subverting audience expectations doesn't mean your critically taking apart the framework.
But you must be asking by now “well Mirage, if twisting elements of a genre isn't Deconstruction then what is?”
Jacques Derrida was an accomplished french philosopher of the early 20th century. You can see his fingerprints all over, influencing how we study subjects embroiled in the arts and social sciences. He found that the meaning many authors and scholars claimed to see in stories were inherently arbitrary or transient.
Generally speaking, Derrida’s theory of deconstruction, (or post structuralism) deals with the mental form of which meaning takes- form. Although we perceive meaning in a text such as, let's say Evangelion or Welcome to the NHK- such meaning isn't structurally sound. A lot of deconstructive analysis focuses on the words and language we use in describing- communicating those thoughts and how they are, in their own form- failures.
Tim Nance has a fantastic video on explaining in laymen’s terms what the act of deconstruction is, I highly suggest you pop over and listen to his video. For now I will simply relay that of his points on the process of which someone deconstructs a text.
Find meaning
Identify tensions
Identify the ways that those tensions seem to be unified by meaning
Deconstructing the tension
Then unity falls apart
Then the meaning doesn't mean anything anymore.
So a Hypothetical; Hameru is chasing Kyuubei down a corridor.
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Cornering the demon rat creature, she pulls a gun from her shield.
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Before Homura can muster the greatest of head tilts, Kyubey yells “Homura, no matter what you do magical girls and their wishes cannot exist without the creation of witches and their curses!”
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However Hameru being the dimension-skipping cynic we all know and love doubts this, arguing that “you can't know the intent of which causality occurs, Incubator. You may think that being a magical girl ultimately means being a witch but you can't know that for sure because hope is not guaranteed to falter to despair.”
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Kyubei asserts to Homura that its is impossible for witches and Magical Girls to not exist together through the Cycle of Entropy, forwarding their meaning in the knowledge perceived. Homura then identifies the tensions of such a statement, and their unity.
She understands that Kyubei believes the two to be omnipresent however questions if it's necessarily true, stating that hope doesn't necessarily need despair.
By deconstructing the tension, the structure of Kyubey’s statement falls apart and loses its meaning.
When I refer to Madoka as not being a deconstruction, its as a genre deconstruction. Instead of words, we cut down to a set of trappings and conventions that cement the subject and go about playing those elements as they would in the real world, then commenting on the genre as a whole.
While undoubtedly Madoka uses the ingredients of Mahou Shoujo, it doesn't necessarily comment on the way in which those trappings are when deconstructed. Rather it simply changes the shades of pink and white to purples and blacks.
It points out that the form the genre is known for is problematic and pushes the shape of events to a far darker place. But it doesn't take that point any further than that, focusing rather on its themes of selfishness vs selflessness.
In the case of deconstructing the genre what conversation does that start?
If it was as deconstructive as people claim, Madoka would’ve elaborated more on, lets say its themes of utilitarianism through Kyubei or Feminism regarding the witches as a whole.
Madoka has a female cast, a mascot character, transformation items and weapons, a cosmic big bad and trucks full of cute, fairytale imagery paired with its stark depictions of despair and death. It's not an outlier for its themes but rather the boundaries it's willing to push.
I think this issue is less of a problem with the show and more its fanbase. Madoka isn't deconstructive, its subversive, turning the expectations of common viewers upside down. (Again, note i’m saying subversive and not subversion.)
When ads started popping up on social media in 2011, not many people were expecting anything other than that of the “standard fair”. They were fairly innocuous, toting typical character slates and a new ClaRis song. Nobody seemed to care all that much outside of magical girl trash like myself. Then when fans of the genre saw the cool direction the show was heading as it aired, they shared it with others. Eventually a swath of anime fans Came to sing Madoka’s praises.
But as the internet is, when communities started coming together to dissect the show somebody threw the word deconstruction into the mix and now we’re here.
One thing people bring up in defense of the deconstruction argument is that Madoka features a collection of irrevocable character deaths, not recouped by the power of friendship. And while this is technically true I don't understand what makes this qualify as deconstructive. Many of the deaths in Madoka end up just as friendship fueled, and arguably less meaningful in context of the multiple universe dilemma.
For better or worse you get it; But still may be asking- what's the problem with Madoka being considered a deconstruction in the first place?
This is a rather daunting question because while it seems to be a non-issue, it affects not only the way we perceive deconstructions but that of the shows titled as such.
I want more people to get into Magical Girl-centric anime but those who label Madoka as superior to that of its predecessors stop potential fans from being created.
Believe it or not Mahou Shoujo is a much more flexible genre than it looks, capable of tackling difficult themes like that of abuse, love, identity and growing up.
Saying Madoka is contrary to the genre as a whole rather than being a darker take greatly limits what Magical girl as a concept is able to be. It harmfully obscures the shows that have celebrated and deconstructed the genre while simultaneously denouncing the messages they convey as “frivolous girly redundancy”. And that's the last thing Mahou Shoujo is.
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purpledragon57 · 6 years
Princess Tutu, Howl's Moving Castle (the book), Sailor Moon, and Love Live?
Princess Tutu:
How I first got into it: I… Don’t actually remember. I know it was one of the shows people talked about being one of the really good Magical Girl shows but I can’t remember how I first heard about it.
Everything I ship: Highkey Fakiru, I also clearly ship Mytho and Rue given how excited I got over them. All the side-ships I remember were pretty cute. I kinda shipped Duck and Mytho as well but not as much as some other people did. (I think this was partly because I got semi-spoiled about which ship would be endgame ehehe)
My favourite platonic relationship(s): Duck and Rue! Even if they didn’t get to spend much time being friends what with all the plot shenanigans.
Top 3 Characters: Fakir, Duck, and Rue (in that order)
One of my favourite scenes: that scene where Fakir sasses Drosselmeyer and then stabs himself the the hand was pretty wild. (I left right after that scene to go play mariocart with my siblings and I was just internally screaming the whole time)
Links to three fan works I like: this piece is absolutely gorgeous. So is this one, and this one is just so wholesome and cute. 
Favourite Fandom meme/inside joke: honestly Fakir seems to be a fandom meme in and of himself and I think that’s Beautiful.
Howl’s Moving Castle:
How I first got into it: I remember people mentioning that the book was even better than the film waaaaay back before I’d even seen the movie so at some point after seeing the film (which was my favourite ghibli film till Whisper of the Heart recently overtook it btw) I borrowed it from the library. And uh yeah. I love it. (I own it now actually)
Everything I ship: Howl and Sophie obviously, also Micheal and Martha. (my memories of the other two books and stuff are a bit fuzzy right now so I think i had other ships but I can’t remember people’s names oops)
My favourite platonic relationship(s): I. Can’t really pick one off the top of my head. One of my general subconscious metrics for brotp potential is ‘how much sarcasm/sass is there’ and. y’know.
Top 3 Characters: Howl, Sophie, Micheal
One of my favourite scenes: The entire sequence where Howl is sick and being a drama queen makes me laugh every single time I love it.
Links to three fan works I like: *whispers* Hayao Miyazaki’s Ghibli version AU one of the first book-scene recreations I saw, mandatory josie-arts/bird-princess-official piece (all her hmc stuff is perfection go look at it k), everyone needs more Hatter sisters in their lives
Favourite Fandom meme/inside joke: See that thing I said about Fakir earlier? Same thing goes for Howl.
Sailor Moon:
How I first got into it: Miragephan mentioning it in her magical girl recommendation videos and conveniently providing an abridged viewing guide was what got me to actually watch it!
Everything I ship: HIGHKEY shipping UsaMamo (I think is their ship name. I’m still not good with the japanese names). Nothing else I’m really actively shipping so far
My favourite platonic relationship(s): Makoto and Ami, Rei and Usagi
Top 3 Characters: Makoto, Darian/Mamoru, and Ami!
One of my favourite scenes: Does the entirety of the Sailor Moon R Movie climax count? Because that was amazing. On a more comedic/actually one scene note, this flipping scene
Links to three fan works I like: Wholesome Content, Them Transformation Sequences Tho, Gotta include art of the Best Girl
Favourite Fandom meme/inside joke: Tuxedo Mask Must Stand on the Tallest Place
Love Live:
How I first got into it: This was one of those shows my sister insisted I watch, so I eventually did. I was into it by the first rendition of Start Dash, then I finished the original series right before Sunshine!! started airing, then I found the mobile game right after the first season of that ended, and basically it’s been a swift and steady descent into Idol Hell and now I’m here.
Everything I ship: Don’t have any romantic Love Live ships
My favourite platonic relationship(s): YoshiRiko, NicoMaki, HonoUmi, Aqours Third Years (aka the Mom Squad)
Top 3 Characters: Rin Hoshizora, Riko Sakurauchi, Honoka’s Dad
One of my favourite scenes: Snow Halation!!! And the scene in episode 5 of Sunshine s2 when Riko and Yoshiko are being broken in unison over their dog.
Links to three fan works I like: boop boop boop (I have an enormous collection of gorgeous love live fan art hanging around on my blog ahaha)
Favourite Fandom meme/inside joke: (I can’t choose one so have a bunch of random ones) 
Honoka nO
My Sister Is Better Than Yours
Mari Ohara
Thanks for the ask!
Current Ask Meme
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purpledragon57 · 5 years
it is FINALLY TIME for
Dragon Watches Sailor Moon Season 4!!
It’s been a freaking year since I finished the last season wtf. Deepest Apologies. Anyway, an explanation of what this is exactly for those who are new, or just forgot in the YEAR LONG FLIPPING HIATUS:
this is a very silly liveblog of the original Sailor Moon anime
I’ve been doing this for two years now if you count the hiatus
This is the first time I’m watching this series
I’m watching the old 90s English Dub!
I’m using this abridged viewing guide by Miragephan
Character names will probably be inconsistent - I've learned most of the Japanese names by this point but expect frequent use of dub names.
You can find the whole commentary so far in chronological order here
I’m using the tag #dragon watches sailor moon
There is absolutely no set structure or schedule to this at all
This season is Sailor Moon SuperS!
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