#Mitsuki Saotome
otomeminion · 3 months
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(˶˃ᆺ˂˶) pls continue
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mikia87 · 3 months
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After playing CxM, I needed something light and sweet. So I started Sympathy Kiss. It’s fun so far.☺️ (I wish I had colleagues and a work environment like this irl.😢)
A few hours into this game and I have already fallen in love with Yoji.🥰 He’s my type & I love his voice (it’s Ray from Ephemeral!). I can’t wait to play his route. But now I started with Saotome.
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I just finished Mitsuki Saotome’s route. It was good. I like him and his genki personality.☺️ I’ll see with the other LIs, but the game started well with him.😉
*Since the game has just been released, I won’t say more than this.🫢
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Yoji Kobase’s route is done! OMG that was amazing and all I needed.😁 I love his story & I love him so much!!!!💖 He’s HOT!!!!!🫦🥵🥵🥵🥵💦💦💦 My heart is still pounding after hearing all his moans & kisses.🫣 His voice is…👌🥰
It’ll be hard to surpass him. I smiled like an idiot for almost the entire story.😊 (Like I did with Eltcreed in Steam Prison.) It was perfect and I need more of him.
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Kohei Minato’s route was good.😄 He’s a good big brother!😊 I like him, a bit like Saotome.
Now I can’t wait to play the other routes.
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I really liked Rokuro Yoshioka's story. The classic Prince Charming caught in a love triangle. I love him, he’s like a little puppy.🥺 For now, he’s my 2nd favorite (after Yoji of course😌).
I also finished the Secret Route #1. His story was good. But the LI, for me it’s an absolute NO! He has all the characteristics I don't like in a LI.😖 So, no thanks!
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I completed Nori Tainaka’s route. It was good, but I'm not really a fan of this type of character (like Shion). But I liked his story.
I also played the Secret Route #2. I wasn't expecting that at all. I really liked his story.🥰 It was different from the usual routes. There were some very cute scenes.☺️ But I was disappointed there was no "hot" scene like in the other stories.😔 (Yoji has all the additional ones.🤣😏)
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I just finished Shuya Usui’s route. I never thought I would cry.😭😭😭😭😭 The story was really good & I love him.🥺
He can be hot when he wants!!!🫣🥵 That scene was 😏👌. And Akari is sooooooo horny in his story.🤣😂🤣😂🤣
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minaliluma · 3 months
Spoiler CGs Mitsuki
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hellcatinnc · 3 months
Sympathy Kiss Review
Spoilers Included...
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So all in all this is one of my favorite otome games now right up there with Code Realize, Amnesia, and Piofiore. I love the age ranges are all the way from 19 to 45 thats a big difference but each character brings a different feel to it. Also the music and art work is great too. There is a guy for everyone in this game and its funny but I never played them in order yet nothing was spoiled so honestly I will say its a soft follow route nothing more. I played Nori, Saotome, Kobase, Usui, Yoffy, Rokuro, Higa, Minato. All the guys are so mixed like there is no straight tsundere or kuudere or just dominant men each of these guys have a little bit of it all in them. Also the fact its the first otome game that has had kids in it and single fathers I was floored. We need more of those men too. Know there isn't anything explicit but you will see them in the bed with the idea you know sex was involved some talk but nothing over the top definitely more mature than alot out there. Below is my guys I love in order from the one I love to the worst.
Rokuro Yoshioka
This man from the beginning did peak my interest because he looked like the prince charming type and I'm not normally into blonde haired guys but figured what the hell. He was one of my last 3 to play but oh my god the best one of them all for me. So anyone who knows me knows I don't always like the good guy but the guy who will find a person worth fighting for and he will love her so much he would burn the world for her at any cost whether good or bad. Well this guy is that guy, you would never guess it when you first meet him and honestly as the first part of the story you would still question what I'm saying is true. He is a gentleman from the start opens doors for a woman, kisses hands, and honors a woman's space to not push himself on them. Like one point in the very beginning he offers you a ride home and he has to help you with the seat belt he doesn't jsut do what most men would do and reach across you but he asks you if its ok if he touches you to fix it then when he does he is very delicate and not trying to reach or touch places to make you uncomfortable.
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He shows interest in you and even tells you some reason he is pulled to you and wants to get to know you better. He is very upfront and asks you out and its sweet at first until half the time you hear him talk about the love of his life being his childhood sweetheart. He tells you the story how he met her when he was staying with his uncle, he was alone and this little girl comes up and comforts him. They play together every day after she calls him her prince and her his princess. She teaches him at the age of 9 that even princes cry too. When the summer ended he had to go back home but made a sweet promise to the little girl that he would find her again one day, however he had searched and searched and never could find her. Granted the only thing I felt was weird here was either he never heard the MC's first name or he never knew her last one or it should have been easy with someone with money to find anyone.
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However skipping past that he is so sweet and endearing about it all and says she changed his whole life and he wanted to be a prince because of her. It was funny because in the prologue as the mc you mention how he looks like a prince. Anyways he tells you as he goes along going on dates with you tells you he likes you alot, even on his side he talks about how much he really likes you and is starting to fall. One night your out walking and he is talking bout his first love and a park near by so you walk there together. Soon as you walk in the park you remember a little boy you used to play with and tell him about the memories you have and when you face him his eyes look like they are going to cry. He tells you he is that little boy and you both realize you were both each others first love. It is such a sweet lost love story and you think now they will be happy but oh no it is not that simple at all.
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He battles his birth right of being rich and the son of a big business owner who had already arranged a marriage for him. You deal with the drama of that girl trying to destroy you the more he fights against them the worse it comes on you. He asks you to wait and trust him behind the scenes he is trying to get his father and the girls family to understand at any cost. They even go as far as locking him in his house and taking his phone so he can't reach you. Your whole team at your office is supporting your relationship they do everything they can to get ya'll together with all thats going on around you. Saotome us hilarious when he knocks little miss bitch fiancé down and tells her he don't give a shit who she is fiancé too he wasn't talking to anyone but Roku. No matter what he goes out of his way to reach out to you and constantly let you know your the only one for him and he refuses to ever be with anyone else.
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Its funny the more you get to know him you realize there is a good chance this man fell for you as a kid and never moved past that. I say that because he says to stop girls from hitting on him and him having to date people when they heard he was in an arranged marriage he let it go so he didn't have to worry even though he didn't want that girl either. He has been waiting his whole life to give you his everything and obviously even his v-card. That being said the constant feel of butterflies even as a person playing this game I could feel them the way he was so dedicated to his lover. Even with time apart he always wanted you he always comes back to you. He was willing to be disowned if need be if it meant he could be with you. He is a gentleman up to a end. He is the guy though that will grab you and confess his love and kiss you with the most passion you will ever know. He is the guy that when he makes love to you that you will feel every emotion at the extreme level he does, and when he kisses you he will take your breath away.
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He is a mixture of a modern day romance with a fairy tale one that meets lost love. Honestly I loved every minute of it well when bitch face fiancé wont in it that is. She is that girl you want to beat the shit out of. That being said he constantly tells her he don't want her she is just deaf. The way the endings are seem close because one he goes to America but brings you with him, or he stays and works at a job hours away but still wants to talk and see you as much as possible then after 2 years he comes home to you for good then the last best ending he takes you to that original playground he met you on gets down on one day and asks you to be his princess forever then tells you he loves you and asks you to marry him. The one adult scene with him you get is so passionate and sweet that its not all about the act but the intimacy and the love that goes into it. I don't know to not feel so engulfed in this story I hated to see it end.
Yoji Kobase
Ok this man is everything I could have asked for in this game. He is daddy like can be strict and stern yet also sweet and gentle. Then that passionate side is there and he would just as soon tear you clothes off than to do without your touch. His story is sad but also sweet. Watching him fall in love was a treat and falling for him was even better. I had seen him on the other routes I had done and saw right off the bat he wasn't some hard ass tsundere that you had to pick apart to get him to show his emotions he actually was a caring man inside work he was strict so people were more scared of him. I never saw one thing scary though like he was not one of my guys I cared about going into it but after seeing him on other routes I looked forward to doing his route. Then getting the chance to and I swear even down to this mans moans, sighs, and breathes he takes in his kisses will drive you crazy if you have a headset on.
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Not only that but this mans steaminess starts early and really never stops he is insatiable he just can't get enough. I swear the way he says I love you akari makes me want to change my name to akari cause fuck the way he says will make you melt. Parts of his story had me in tears closer to the end and other times smiling from ear to ear. His blushes drive me nuts like I swear I thought the other guys blushing was hot but I think its because he is this strong man, dominant then when you compliment him or put him in predicaments he isn't in control and he becomes a blushing mess. I say he is a daddy type but the more caring and gentle daddy dom if anything however I never knew one that got embarrassed before. To me he is like dominant, geeky guy, daddy, sexy all wrapped into one man. His was the fastest route which is weird because I swear it felt like the longest because the story was so engaging I could not stop playing it.
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This story felt like the most real yet also more romantic comedy as well. I say this cause I know I have watched movies with office romances, they get stuck in the elevator together, they almost drop a box and need help from behind, they need to move in together because apartment is being fixed, Walking in with her in a towel, I mean the list goes on these are just some of the things that happens in his one route but yet it blends so well together it doesn't feel forced and I love that. I really felt like I was part of his story and that my own choices made a difference. I did it blind at first and answered how I would and it went towards the love route. Now going back through to cover all routes for the CG the love ending is sweet and sexy I mean like really fucking hot. The best ending he plans to propose but because it never got to that and you never saw it I swear there needs to be a fan disc I need to see this man down on one knee.
I love his loyalty to the people he loves as well like he would take a bullet for someone or in this case go under for a hit and run he didn't do. If I had to compare him to another game character that I have played honestly he does have alot of Dante Falzone's qualities as far as dominant, loyal, family is everything, blushes when things are out of his control or is complimented alot, he thinks lower of himself but wants to help others he loves, he is ahead of a company where Dante is head of the mafia both having a big title, they both propose in the main route and both not taking their job lightly. I think he is alot more sexual than Dante however based on times as well Dante is more of a gentleman so guess if I had to say Dante and Gilbert together would make more sense to be his personality in some ways that is.
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Oh my god his pin stripe suit let me touch upon that please. So I have a thing about men in trench coats, fedora's and pinstripe outfits and this man wears a suit so well and sexy in it. They show him a few times in other clothing which I mean he looks good in anything but the suit..... damn damn damn this man is smoking hot to me. I didn't even care if he was my 3rd route I needed me some Yoji and now I can go to bed satisfied for the night I finished his route. His CG pictures annoy me a bit because I feel like the person who drew the game wasn't the ones that did his CG pictures. I say that because if you take Nori he is hot in his CG pics but also out where I feel like some of Yoji's pictures didn't give you have the sex appeal you could have gotten. Either way this is my boy sweet, sexy, and down right passionate as hell.
Nori Tainaka
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So first off besides him looking hot I wasn't sure how I would like him cause his voice wasn't as deep as I like in most of the voice actors I follow as well as the moment I realized he was like a lost puppy needing a home I almost quit. The only reason is cause Variable Barricade put a nasty flavor in my mouth about the puppy type guy with Nayato who never really grew on me and annoyed me all the time. However here is the different Nayato was like a puppy hyperactive that needed overly amount of attention and would scratch your leg when you walked through the door every day. He was your good/bad dog however Nori is that sweet lab like puppy you bring in that just wants to be snuggled and loved. He wants to protect you and be needed and wanted by you. I felt like if you have played Variable Barricade take Shion and Nayato and put them together because the easiness of this guy and how he treats you after a long day of work reminded me more of Shion. He will make you breakfast, pour your bath, take care of you when your sick, dries you off and snuggles you when you get rained on, even gives you a bubble bath him washing your hair and so on.
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To me he is such a cinnamon roll I can't imagine anyone hating this man. Like in the beginning he tries to come off manipulative just to get you to let him stay with you by telling you has amnesia and such, but trust me you and the mc see through that a mile away and still trust to just have him there because he needs it. As time goes on its not just him that needed that comfort but you find you need it too. I love he gets blushy when you give him compliments and I mean you only can make him blush and he is adorable when he does. I will say that you do find out he was not only a lost puppy when you found him but an abused one at that. In time he eventually apologizes for lying to you and lets you into his past. I love that at one point you have a fight with him and he leaves and Kobase takes him in like a big brother until he can get you two to talk. I never saw that coming from Kobase when you first meet him but it was sweet.
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So I guess it fits still for me he is another sad boy and thats where I seem to flock first never fails. You can have alot of fun with him though he likes to have game night and he is pretty competitive. Also don't think he is always your good boy puppy because he has a mischievous side to him only you bring out. Oh and damn when he is turned on or wants to turn you on his voice gets deeper which sounds hot as hell then. This character to me wasn't just a puppy not that one thing I loved that he had a dream as a chef and only you make him feel valued enough to do it again. That being said if you go to the love route he wants you to go with him, move with him so he can open a restaurant with you by his side. The work route he still goes to a restaurant to work but you are in a long distance relationship however he refuses to give you up. Then I need to make it clear there is a third way which is supposed to be the best ending which I disliked because he goes out on his own leaving your place to get his own life even though he wants to be with you in the future just not right now how in the world is this the best ending I will gladly take the love ending.
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He is the first love interest I have ever came across though that randomly starts talking about wanting kids one day and not just kids in general but he includes you in that dream. You two haven't even talked about what you are to each other or said I love you and he already had his sights on making you his wife one day. Granted this was technically months together by then but he knew what he wanted. He doesn't yell and he is definitely more submissive than confrontational however I think in the bedroom he would be anything a woman wants anything to make his woman happy. He is the first to tell you he loves you however I think you can see where he went from just an obedient dog to where he started actually caring for you and it was beautiful to see. I think that he doesn't get the recognition he deserves because he really is a good love interest in my book. He was my first play through that I did blindly and ended up with him but I'm glad I did also I never saw any reason not to play him first some say spoilers but most his story 99% is just about him.
Mitsuki Saotome
So this guy first look I found him very attractive and looked forward to starting his route. However after doing the prologue I felt he came off more annoying than I hoped. As I dug in deep to his route I still found a lot I was hoping to have in him as a partner that I felt lacked. I found myself drawn to his friend Esaka more than him. His route was predictable like I knew the person talking shit was Esaka before he even knew yet it was almost like common sense then I felt they both lacked the common sense between him and the MC. I kept pushing through though to see if it got better. I will say even though I liked Esaka to the very end and still want to see him as a love interest, eventually Saotome got better for me. After he realized he had feelings for the mc was alot better. Before not only was he annoying but also kind of a jerk.
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After he lets her in you get to see the adorable blushy boy that I love in him. He is too cute when he pouts and blushes, I really wish there had been more of them but it was decent. I just didn't like it took getting to the 3rd almost 4th episode before it really started to grab my attention with him. The love route was sweet and he wants to take you with him across the ocean for a job offer. Unlike Nori who was only going towns over Saotome wants you to uproot your life and country to leave with him. I'm not sure I liked the love ending much for that reason and the work ending was just you get a promotion to a different department yet yall still date and such. The best ending of this one was best for sure like it was super sweet. He takes you to meet his parents and talks about how he doesn't want to love anyone but you. He even turns down that job over seas because he feels whats right for him is to be loyal to his company and to you as his partner.
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This showed the most mature side to him I think and that is what I was looking for. I played blind but had to use walk through to get this route cause I ended up with love route first. I will say though his passionate time with you his sighs, moans, and breaths are steamy he caught my attention fast. I mean it never fully goes into it but damn the noises is enough to make any woman to stop and listen. Definitely use a headset with his route so you can enjoy that part of his time. I really do like him I just felt like he was not the best in my book but I do still think people will enjoy him in the end. Just expect not being able to connect with him right away. If I had to compare him to someone it would probably be lover pretend Yukito Sena and Kazuma Kamikubo I say both because some of his cuteness and best friend feel is more like Kazuma but Yukito is a free spirit that doesn't care what people think as much so to me I feel like he is a mixture of the two and more towards Kazuma because of the blushy side to him but when he is naughty thats the Yukito type personality coming out.
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How he was as a friend in other routes won me over alot more with him. Like in his route he was kind of a jerk in the beginning however in other routes as your friend he will do anything for you he thinks of you like family him and Kobase both are protective of you. This is what knocked him up higher on my list of love interests I like.
Kohei Minato
This one was hard because to me Minato and Higa are tied for me because I love how both interact with children Minato with his siblings and Higa with his son. I will say Minato is sexy as hell and you see it in his route too however there is good and bad things for me with him. First sexy voice, check, naughty boy, check... His story is sad but also more bittersweet. You find he has been ripping off the company he works for as a spy for someone from his past because he has black mailed him into getting money to take care of his mother and brother and sister since his father walked out. Its respectable that he would do anything for the people he loves, it was what I love most about this character.
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I feel like his route is just slow to get into it like there is 6 episode chapters yet doesn't really get in depth to the relationship til end of the 3rd one into the 4th. I feel like I just had a hard time really knowing him until farther in and when you do you find he is a flirt not just a kuudere here. Funny thing is I thought he was going to be a tsundere but I feel like definitely more of a kuudere attitude. He shows no emotion but once he does he shows it alot.
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He is sweet how in best ending he tells you your his sunshine the light of his life and he loves your always and forever. This is one of the sweetest things and the grab kiss that he and you are in tears in. His route is up and down hot and cold and it gives me whiplash its worth playing just know his sex side and that one happy ending is his best quality.
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His sex appeal is over the top he is the only one that tells you he will make you scream until you go hoarse then when he has done that to you he feeds you water by mouth. Like this is a hsdgkjvg moment for sure. Anyways he is seductive he will lick your finger when you prick it with blood, he is dominant and a dirty boy in it all. This is what got him so far up on my list it was a saving thing however I didn't care for some of his words. Like he doesn't talk about spoiling his woman but wants his woman to spoil him. When you try to pat his head or just be cute he takes it from 0-100 in seconds and ready to take it to having sex. Its the pushiness I don't care for at times. I mean if your going to be dominant be that all the time not sweet some moments, wishy washy in others then dominant and possessive in anther way. He also has huge jealousy issues possessive is hot but he doesn't even want you to go anywhere even around guys that he isn't involved in.
Secret Route #2 Tsukihiko Higa
Ok I wasn't sure what to think of this dude because you barely see him in other routes but not even 10 minutes in you find out he is a single father and widower and my heart strings were instantly pulled. Anyways you see how it unfolds of growing close to his son who is 5 years old that you stand up for on the playground. That starts the constant meetups with his son and play dates then Higa starts falling for you cause yall are doing things that families do. Its so sweet that he keeps his wife's picture on a dresser so his son Hinato can talk to his mom any time he wants to. I really was hoping so much for this story because how often do you get a older man and a man who is a single father in otome games I loved the idea and hope to see this again.
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However even with this I felt like if it had just been about him and his son and you work together would have been great but then they make him a past idol. He supposedly was this big singer who just stopped and quit one day got married and had a kid and now one of his fans is stalking him and cussing him out for ruining everything with him leaving and she even blurts out in front of his son he should have never been born. It was harsh but Higa is a good daddy he was right there for his son and not one time did I feel like he wasn't a good father. I feel like he got the shit end of the deal as a character though I mean shit ever other man gets lucky in the bedroom most you get with Higa is on the love route. He tells you when he gets home one night with his arms around you while you cook and says you should get married soon before you bring a fourth member into the house and has a mischievous look so you know he wants to make babies then they ruin it Hinato runs in yells the food is burning.
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Thats it total cock block and you never get to see more than him kiss her a few times. I feel like only reason he couldn't be higher on my list is because they made his story short, they didn't put alot of effort into the work route, the best end was ok but I felt the love route was best. Dude should have gotten laid though come on he loses his wife, works his ass off for his son, has to deal with a stalker fan from the past, has to look for his son trying to run away due to that bitch and yet he can't get laid shame on them. I might just have to put something together so this man has some happy ending in intimacy I mean he strikes me as a snuggler. Anyways he grows on you fast if you have a sweet spot for single fathers. Just hope if there is a fan video they give him more and better continuance like I want to see making babies with him in the fan disc if there ever is one.
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Secret Route #1 - Yofy
So I thought he was cute the first time I saw a picture of him however I had just played Mineo's route in Collar x Malice and the voice actor is the same and normally he is yelling in CxM so wasn't sure if I could deal with it but as Yofy he is not like that at all. He is a shy gaming guy who is a programmer. However once he likes you this boy is yandere through and through. I normally hate yandere and I'm still not gonna say its my cup a tea but to see the shy gamer boy turn into a very dominant man in some sexy art FFS it made it hard to think straight. Romance wise I love the possessiveness but this man drugs you, stalks you and scares you, bites you, forces you to kiss him, and accuses you of lying. Like that would be so hard to forgive I see so many think he is most peoples favorite I just can't.
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He is adorable and sweet and he made me smile so much until he started doing the shit he did. Like to me it was plain creepy in some points but you can tell he has some mental issue setbacks from his childhood. Its almost like you date him he feels like there is no room for anyone else in your life. He is that toxic boyfriend you would have. The scene where he grabs you and kisses you and he bites you after you bite him bloody kiss some reason is fucking hot. Then his dominance comes in when you tell him you love him and want to be with him. He is 19 and you can tell it his mindset is not that of an adult or a person in their mid 20s on out. He has alot of growing up to do.
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He does try to do better in the best ending he really does try actually all the routes if you love him he will try to be better for you. However I don't know sometimes he reminds me of Toma in amnesia talking about locking you away however Toma was to protect you Yofy id to keep others from wanting you. Possessiveness in a man is hot but I feel like only in his sexual side of him is it hot because when he is just running around being a blushy guy he just comes off as a creepy stalker. Only reason it is over Shuya Usui for me is because least he wants to be with you and there is a instant chemistry and he didn't care about age unlike Usui did even though you still have age on Yofy too. Overall on like a scale of 1-10 I would say Yofy is a 6 for me. Definitely better guys and I'm still irritated he was a route but Esaka isn't.
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Shuya Usui
I played several routes before not being able to wait anymore and jumped into playing his route. He seemed so gentle and caring even in one route he brings you in after someone tries to attack you and a few other routes he cares for you so its not hard to see how he would be an amazing partner and lover. That is until you actually play his route. He was much older than the rest at age 45 now me being a older woman never saw a issue and even though they were 20 years apart they were both adults and you can't help who you love however thats not how he saw it. As soon as he realized you were even the bit interested in him he starts comparing you to reminding him of his sister and then later says that he is more like your dad. He continues to treat you like your a child and family pushing your heart and needs away. In his side of things you see he wants you and loves you but refuses to let down the fact he is much older than you and you deserve better.
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His story is so angsty no matter how many times you try to get through to him he finds ways to not be interested or act like it or even cold at times. He saves your life in the alley because a drunk guy tries to touch you he becomes your prince charming and its not hard to start falling for him then and you see why your character did and the rest of his route is about him healing from where he got injured in his wrist when it happened. You help him at the bar as well as come to help him even clean his own house. Finally you have a point when you make a move on him in his own apartment and even though deep down he wants you he acts like he doesn't yet lets you kiss on him and all anyways. Then tells you for this one night he will do anything you want and thats it. It was sad because earlier in the night you had ate dinner together and even helped him wash his hair in a steamy bathroom scene. Here he was telling you in a cold detached voice he will do anything you want but never again.
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This burned my ass it was even worse the next day after all it happened and you were naked in his bed he tells you to forget it every happened. He spent his time making you feel like you took advantage of him, like you forced yourself on him, and that he only gave in because you wouldn't stop he even admits he did that to you on his thoughts, thats pretty fucked if you ask me. It was bad enough that it took almost the last chapter for you to get love in this I mean you get one date and he never sleeps with her again or they sure don't mention it if so. The episodes were the shortest most took me about 8 hours to finish this one in all endings only 4. The best ending sucks because you break apart he goes one way business in his life and you go another then 4 years later you decide to be with each other and you go to him. Then the work ending is worth cause you break up never to see each other again. The love ending at least he chooses to stay there with you instead of taking over his family's inn and you leave your job to be with him working the bar. It was by far the sweetest.
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You get moments where he will blush from time to time yet weirdly enough he doesn't fit the part like I don't know he seems overly mature to be a blusher. His love for cats is cute and he even jokes about petting her as his kitten which could have at least been a interesting way to go. You hear his sad story of losing his sister and his dad on deaths door. I don't know there is just too much angst that when you finally get a happy ending it doesn't feel like one. You feel empty and loss of connection because you have seen all your character has gone through, how many times he pushed her away, was cold to her, and acted like she was a child. I mean even when he sleeps with her he was detached and cold she even says it in the dialogue, for someone who loved her and wanted to be with her like that like he says later its funny after the way he was not even really there in the midst of one of the most intimate things. I just can't with this guy. As far as comparison I don't even know if I have met any character that irritated me this much so I can't say.
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akikamitsuki · 3 months
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happy 10th anniversary to etpa!! 🥳✨🎉— pt. 2
and to celebrate those 10 years, i've made a slides presentation about the series! though, it's quite lengthy and is divided into two parts so buckle up this is a really long ride :"D
you can see the rest under the cut!
see also: the original ppt meme @.patriciaselina and i did in 2015
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berserkerbarbie · 11 months
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Company -Lessons, Passion, and Companionship- by Moon Troupe 2018
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shinyasahalo · 2 months
Top 50 AO3 Anime/Manga Fem Ships 2024
Jirou Kyouka/Yaoyorozu Momo (MHA) 6,646 fics
Krista Lenz | Historia Reiss/Ymir of the 104th (AOT) 4,434 fics
Asui Tsuyu/Uraraka Ochako (MHA) 3,382 fics
Diana Cavendish/Atsuko "Akko" Kagari (Little Witch Academia) 2,009 fics
Shimizu Kiyoko/Yachi Hiroka (Haikyuu!) 1,899 fics
Mikasa Ackerman/Annie Leonhart (AOT) 1,826 fics
Toga Himiko/Uraraka Ochako (MHA) 1,670 fics
Kugisaki Nobara/Zenin Maki (JJK) 1,571 fics
Haruno Sakura/Yamanaka Ino (Naruto) 1,446 fics
Akemi Homura/Kaname Madoka (Puella Magi Madoka Magica) 1,300 fics
Kaiou Michiru/Tenoh Haruka (Sailor Moon) 1,229 fics
Suletta Mercury/Miorine Rembran (Gundam: Witch From Mercury) 1,105 fics
Igarashi Sayaka/Momobami Kirari (Kakeguri) 1,098 fics
Saijou Claudine/Tendou Maya (Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight) 1,077 fics
Ozaki Kyouyou/Yosano Akiko (BSD) 1,039 fics
Chabashira Tenko/Yumeno Himiko (Dangan Ronpa) 997 fics
Fukawa Toko/Naegi Komaru (Dangan Ronpa) 989 fics
Nishikina Maki/Yazawa Nico (Love Live!) 950 fics
Mila Babicheva/Sara Crispino (Yuri on Ice) 949 fics
Nami/Nefertari Vivi (One Piece) 935 fics
Ayase Eli/Toujou Nozomi (Love Live!) 897 fics
Asahina Aaoi/Ogami Sakura (Dangan Ronpa) 852 fics
Ashido Mina/Uraraka Ochako (MHA) 814 fics
Akamatsu Kaede/Iruma Miu (Dangan Ronpa) 805 fics
Kirigiri Kyoko/Celestial Ludenberg (Dangan Ronpa) 799 fics
Akutagawa Gin/Higuchi Ichiyou (BSD) 717 fics
Krista Lenz | Historia Reiss & Ymir of the 104th (AOT) 702 fics
Todoroki Fuyumi/Usagiyama Rumi | Miruko (MHA) 664 fics
Himemiya Anthy/Tenjou Utena (Revolutionary Girl Utena) 640 fics
Momobami Ririka/Saotome Mary (Kakeguri) 618 fics
Ieiri Shoko/Iori Utahime (JJK) 615 fics
Haruno Sakura & Yamanaka Ino (Naruto) 583 fics
Miki Sayaka/Sakura Kyouka (Puella Magi Modoka Magica) 583 fics
Akamatsu Kaede/Harukawa Maki (Dangan Ronpa) 575 fics
Koizumi Mahiru/Saionji Hiyoko (Dangan Ronpa) 573 fics
Mikasa Ackerman/Sasha Blouse (AOT) 570 fics
Amagi Yukiko/Satonaka Chie (Persona 4) 563 fics
Mioda Ibuki/Tsumiki Mikan (Dangan Ronpa) 537 fics
Jirou Kyouka & Yaoyorozu Momo (MHA) 536 fics
Daiba Nana/Hoshimi Junna (Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight) 521 fics
Bakugou Mitsuki & Midoriya Inko (MHA) 519 fics
Sakurauchi Riko/Tsushima Yoshiko (Love Live! Sunshine) 490 fics
Mikasa Ackerman/Reader (AOT) 468 fics
Ikusaba Mukuro/Maizono Sayaka (Dangan Ronpa) 456 fics
Minami Kotori/Sonoda Umi (Love Live!) 453 fics
Erza Scarlet/Mirajane Strauss (Fairy Tail) 449 fics
Kanroji Mitsuri/Kochou Shinobu (Demon Slayer) 446 fics
Takami Chika/Watanabe You (Love Live! Sunshine) 436 fics
Imai Lisa/Minato Yukina (BanG Dream) 427 fics
Hazawa Tsugumi/Hikawa Sayo (BanG Dream) 424 fics
Asui Tsuyu & Uraraka Ochako (MHA) 424 fics
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ikemenfangirl · 11 months
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🌐 Sympathy Kiss (English version) Otome Switch
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Title: Sympathy Kiss
By: Idea Factory International
Language: English, Japanese
Platform: Nintendo Switch
Website: http://ifi.games/sympathykiss/
Release: Early 2024 (Physical, Digital)
งานใหม่ รักใหม่!
เกมจีบหนุ่มในออฟฟิศ ตั้งแต่หนุ่มจบใหม่ถึงหนุ่มรุ่นใหญ่
📌 Trailer https://youtu.be/sK8cSHJotbQ
New Department, New Job, New …Love!
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Mitsuki Saotome (24 years old)
CV: Kajiwara Gakuto #梶原岳人
Kohei Minato (25 years old)
CV: Umehara Yuichiro #梅原裕一郎
Yoji Kobase (31 years old)
CV: Okitsu Kazuyuki #興津和幸
Rokuro Yoshioka (28 years old)
CV: Yamashita Seiichiro #山下誠一郎
Nori Tainaka (22 years old)
Shuya Usui (45 years old)
CV: Uchida Yuya #内田夕夜
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puella-magi-images · 1 year
Puella Magi Madoka ☆ Magica
Puella Magi Madoka ☆ Magica: The Movie
Magia Record: Puella Magi Madoka Magica [Side Story] (Anime)
Magical Girls:
Madoka Kaname (Ultimate)
Homura Akemi (Glasses | Ribbon | Devil)
Sayaka Miki (Movie)
Mami Tomoe (Holy)
Kyoko Sakura
Nagisa Momoe
Iroha Tamaki
Yachiyo Nanami
Tsuruno Yui (Uwasa)
Felicia Mitsuki (Black Feather)
Sana Futaba (Black Feather)
Momoko Togame (White Feather)
Rena Minami (Black Feather)
Kaede Akino (Black Feather)
Ui Tamaki
Touka Satomi
Nemu Hiiragi
Alina Gray
Mifuyu Azusa
Tsukuyo Amane
Tsukasa Amane
Mitama Yakumo
Kuroe (Black Feather)
Sayuki Fumino
Black Feather
Other Characters:
Little Kyubey
Hitomi Shizuki
Kyosuke Kamijo
Kazuko Saotome
Junko Kaname
Tomohisa Kaname
Tatsuya Kaname
Trailer Girl (the unkown girl in these 3 pictures: 1 | 2 | 3)
Patricia (Mathieu)
Pairs of 2
Madoka & Homura
Madoka & Mami
Madoka & Kyubey
Homura & Kyubey
Pairs of 3
Madoka, Homura & Kyubey
Madoka, Sayaka & Kyoko
Pairs of 4
Madoka, Sayaka, Kyubey & Hitomi
Pairs of 5
Madoka, Homura, Sayaka, Mami & Kyoko
Pairs of 6
Madoka, Homura, Sayaka, Mami, Kyoko & Nagisa
Madoka, Homura, Sayaka, Mami, Kyoko & Kyubey
Pairs of 7
Madoka, Homura, Sayaka, Mami, Kyoko, Nagisa & Kyubey
Mitakihara City
Homulilly's Labyrinth
Charlotte's Labyrinth
Walpurgisnacht's Labyrinth
Patricia's Labyrinth
Sakura Church
Wings of the Magius
Ume Aoki
Junichiro Taniguchi
Takahiro Kishida
Hekiru Hikawa
Etsuko Sumimoto
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2D & 3D
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Banana Fish
Ash Lynx
Yue-Lung Lee
Byakuya Kuchiki
Ichigo Kurosaki
Renji Abarai
Ulquiorra Cifer
Uryū Ishida
Bungō Stray Dogs
Chūya Nakahara
Chainsaw Man
Aki Hayakawa
Cobra Kai
Robby Keene
Code Geass
Lelouch vi Britannia
Suzaku Kururugi
Cowboy Bebop
Spike Spiegel
Alllen Walker
Yū Kanda
DC Comics
Albert Rothstein
Barry Allen
Bruce Wayne
Clark Kent
Dick Grayson
Death Note
L Lawliet
Light Yagami
Detroit: Become Human
Devilman Crybaby
Ryo Asuka
Devil May Cry
Diabolik Lovers
Shū Sakamaki
Double Decker! Doug & Kirill
Kirill Vrubel
Dr. Stone
Gen Asagiri
Ukyo Saionji
Dragon Ball
Androide 17
DRAMAtical Murder
Aoba Seragaki
Izaya Orihara
Nate Jacobs
Fairy Tail
Cú Chulainn
Fujimaru Ritsuka
Final Fantasy
Cloud Strife
Haruka Nanase
Ikuya Kirishima
Rin Matsuoka
Fullmetal Alchemist
Edward Elric
Roy Mustang
Game of Thrones/House of the Dragon
Aemond Targaryen
Daemon Targaryen
Jaime Lannister
Jon Snow
Robb Stark
Grey's Anatomy
Derek Shepherd
Jackson Avery
Mark Sloan
Atsumu Miya
Shōyō Hinata
Tobio Kageyama
Harry Potter
Cedric Diggory
Draco Malfoy
Gellert Grindelwald
Harry Potter
Tom Riddle
Heaven Official's Blessing
Hua Cheng
Xie Lian
Howl's Moving Castle
Hunter x Hunter
Chrollo Lucilfer
Hisoka Morow
Illumi Zoldyck
Killua Zoldyck
Jujutsu Kaisen
Megumi Fushiguro
Satoru Gojō
Yūji Itadori
Kimetsu no Yaiba
Giyū Tomioka
League of Legends
Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic
Billy Russo
Loki Laufeyson
Miles Morales
Peter Parker
Pietro Maximoff
Steve Rogers
Metal Gear Solid
Big Boss
Solid Snake
Venom Snake
Mo Dao Zu Shi
Jiang Cheng
Jin GuangYao
Jin ZiXuan
Lan WangJi
Wei WuXian
Xue Yang
My Hero Academia
Izuku Midoriya
Katsuki Bakugō
Shōto Todoroki
Tōya Todoroki
Mobile Suit Gundam SEED/Destiny
Athrun Zala
Shinn Asuka
Boruto Uzumaki
Naruto Uzumaki
Neji Hyūga
Sasuke Uchiha
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Shinji Ikari
Kaworu Nagisa
One Piece
Trafalgar D. Law
Zoro Roronoa
One Punch-Man
Speed-o'-Sound Sonic
Owari no Seraph
Mikaela Hyakuya
Ranma ½
Ranma Saotome
Ryōga Hibiki
Resident Evil
Albert Wesker
Chris Redfield
Jake Muller
Leon S. Kennedy
Rurouni Kenshin
Enishi Yukishiro
Kenshin Himura
Shinomori Aoshi
Sōjirō Seta
Shaman King
Hao Asakura
Shingeki no Kyojin
Eren Jaeger
Levi Ackerman
Star Wars
Anakin Skywalker
Kylo Ren
Tenjō Tenge
Shin Natsume
Mitsuomi Takayanagi
The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System
Liu Qingge
Luo Binghe
Shen Qingqiu
The King of Fighters
Kyo Kusanagi
Iori Yagami
Terry Bogard
Rock Howard
The Legend of Zelda
The Lord of the Rings
The Vampire Diaries
Damon Salvatore
The Walking Dead
Daryl Dixon
The Witcher
Geralt de Rivia
Tokyo Ghoul
Ken Kaneki
Kuki Urie
Tokyo Revengers
Hajime Kokonoi
Izana Kurokawa
Kakuchou Hitto
Kazutora Hanemiya
Keisuke Baji
Ken Ryūguji
Ryusei Satō
Taijū Shiba
Wolfs Rain
Yū Yū Hakusho
Yōko Kurama
Yūsuke Urameshi
Yuri on Ice
Yuri Plisetsky
Viktor Nikiforov
Faceclaims asiáticos para diversas tramas
Jackson Wang
Kim JongIn
Song Kang
Tae Min Lee
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otomeminion · 3 months
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hey can i ship these two now? can they kiss now?
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hadukilina · 2 years
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Sympathy Kiss 💋
Kobase Youji (CV. Okitsu Kazuyuki)
Minato Kouhei (CV. Umehara Yuichiro)
Saotome Mitsuki (CV. Kajiwara Gakuto)
Tainaka Nori (CV. KENN)
Usui Shuuya (CV. Yuuya Uchida)
Yoshioka Rokurou (CV. Yamashita Seiichiro)
Esaka Toshinobu (CV. Arthur Lounsbery)
Higa Tsukihiko (CV. Toriumi Kosuke)
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minaliluma · 3 months
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Got the necklace Edition 😄
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favourite anime and anime characters part 3
Paradox Live
Parasyte-Satomi Murano
Peacemaker Kurogane-Saya
Peach Boy Riverside-Sally/Saltherine Aldarake
Peeping Life TV
Penguin Musume- Sakura “Penguin” Nankyoku
Persona 4 The Animation- Yu Narukami
Persona 5 The Animation-Futaba Sakura 
Persona:Trinity Soul-Kanaru Morimoto
Pet Girl Of Sakurasou- Mashiro Shiina 
Peter Grill and The Philosopher’s Time 
Phantasy Star Online 2 -Rina Izumi[PSO2 TA], Melrandia[PSO2 EO]
Phantom: Requiem For The Phantom- Zwei/ Reiji Azuma, Ein/Eren
Phantom of the Idol-Asahi Mogami 
Phantom of Twilight- Baileu Ton
Phantom Thief Jeanne-Maron Kusakabe
Phi Brain
Photo Kano-Rina Yunoki 
Piano no Mori 
Pilot's Love Song-Claire Cruz/Nina Viento 
Ping Pong Club
Planet With- Ginko Kuroi
Plastic Memories-Isla
Platinum End-Nasse
Play It Cool Guys
Please Teacher/Twins-Mizuho Kazami, Miina Miyafuji[Twins]
Please Tell Me Galko-chan 
Pokemon-Koharu(Pokemon Journeys), Liko(Pokemon Horizons) 
Police in a Pod-Mai Kawai 
Pon no Michi-Pai Kawahigishi 
Pop Team Epic
Popotan- Ai
Potemayo-Mikan Natsu
Power of Hope
Powerpuff Girls Z-Momoko Akatsutsumi 
Precure- Makoto Kenzaki/Cure Sword(Doki Doki Precure), Ageha Hijiri/Cure Butterfly(Soaring Sky Precure)
Pretty Boy Detetive Club-Mayumi Dojima 
Price of Smiles- Yuuki Soleil 
Prima Doll-Karasuba
Prince Of Stride-Nana Sakurai
Princess Connect-Kokoro Natsume/Kokkoro 
Princess Jellyfish- Tsukimi Kurashita 
Princess Lover-Charlotte Hazelrink
Princess Nine-Ryo Hayakawa 
Princess Princess 
Princess Principal- Ange
Princess Resurrection-Reiri Kamura
Princess Tutu-Ahiru
PriPara-Sophie Hojo. Rinka Aoba(Kiratto Pri Chan)
Prism Ark- Bridget
Prison School-Chiyo Kurihara
Problem Children Are Coming From Another World, Aren't They?- Black Rabbit
Project Scard-Azusa Yuki
Protocol: Rain-Yuu Saegusa
Psychic Detective Yakumo-Haruka Ozawa
Psycho Pass- Akane Tsunemori, Shinya Kogami 
Puella Magi Madoka Magic
Pumpkin Scissors- Alive L. Malvin 
Punch Line- Mikatan Narugino 
PuraOre-Yuu Kiyose
Puzzle and Dragons X- Garnet 
Qualidea Code-Canaria Utara
Quaser Of Stigmata-Tomo Yamanobe 
Queen's Blade-Tomoe
R-15-Fukune Narukara 
Rage Of The Bahamut-Amira, Nina Drango
Ragna Crimson-Leonica
Ragnarok the Animation-Yuufa
Rail Wars-Haruka Koumi
Raimuiro Senkitan-Momen Sanada, Kasuri Hattori[Raimuiro Ryuukitan X]
Rainy Cocoa
Ranking of Kings 
Ranma ½ -Ranma Saotome(female)
Ranpo Kitan
Rave Master- Elie 
Raven of the Inner Palace-Liu Shouxue
Rascal Does not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai
Re:Creators:Meteora Osterreich
Reign of the Seven Spellblades-Nanao Hibiya
Re-Kan-Hibiki Amami
Re:Stage-Mizuha Ichikishima 
Read or Die
Real Girl- Sumie Ayado 
Reborn as a Vending Machine,I Now Wander the Dungeon-Lammis
Reborn to Master the Blade-Inglis “Chris” Eucus 
Records of Grancest War-Siluca Meletes
Record of Lodoss War
Record of Ragnarök-Goll  
Recorder And Ransell 
Recovery of an MMO Junkie-Lily
Recently My Sister Is Unusual-Mitsuki Kanzaki
Red Data Girls-Izumiko Suzuhara
Red Garden 
Redo of Healer-Setsuna 
Regalia-Yuinshiel Asteria 
Reincarnated as a Sword-Fran 
Release The Spyce
ReLife-Chizuru Hishiro
Remi,Nobody’s Girl
Renai Boukun- Akane Hiyama
Rent A Girlfriend-Ruka Sarashina 
Rental Magica-Honami Takase Ambler 
Requiem of the Rose King  
Restaurant To Another World-Aletta
Revolutionary Girl Utena 
Remake Our Life-Aki Shino
Riddle Story Of Devil-Haru Ichinose 
Rifle is Beautiful- Hikari Kokura 
Rio-Rio Rollins Tachibana
Rising of a Shield Hero-Raphtalia 
Rizelmine-Rizel Iwaki 
Robotic:Notes-Akiho Senomiya
Rokka-Flamie Speeddraw 
Rokudou’s Bad Girls-Ranna Himawari 
Rokuhoudou Yotsuiro Biyori 
Rolling Girls-Nozomi Moritomo 
Romeo X Juliet 
Romantic Killer-Anzu Hoshino
Ron Kamonohashi’s Forbidden Deductions 
Rosario + Vampire- Moka Akashiya, 
RPG Real Estate-Kotone Kazairo 
Rozen Maiden- Shinku
Rumble Garandoll-Rin Akagi 
Run For Money 
Run with the Wind- Hanako Katsuta 
Rurouni Kenshin-Kenshin Himura
Rusted Amor 
RWBY Ice Queendom-Ruby Rose
Sabagebu-Urara Kasugano 
Saber Marionette 
Sabukui Bisco- Pawoo Nekoyanagi 
Sacred Blacksmith- Cecily Cambell
Sacred Seven-Ruri Aiba
Sacrificial Princess and the King of Beasts- Sariphi 
Saekano- Megumi Kato
Saga of Tanya The Evil-Viktoriya Ivanovna Serebryakov 
Sailor Moon 
Saint Cecillia and Pastor Lawrence-Cecillia 
Saint October 
Saint Seiya
Saint Tail-Meimi Haneoka/Saint Tail 
Saki-Nodoka Haramura
Sakura Diaries- Urara Kasuga
Sakura Quest-Ririko Oribe
Sakura Trick-Haruka Takayama
Sakura Wars- Sakura Shinguji
Sakurada Reset-Misora Haruki 
Salaryman’s Club 
Samurai 7-Kirara Mikumari
Samurai Champloo- Jin, Mugen, Fuu
Samurai Deeper Kyo-Yuya Shiina
Samurai Flamenco-Mari Maya
Samurai Girl-Ryoko Mitsurugi
Samurai Gun
Samurai Harem-Ibuki Ikaruga 
Samurai Warriors 
Sand Land
Sanrio Boys
Sankarea-Rea Sanka
Sansha Sanyou-Youko Nishikawa 
Saving 80,000 Gold in Another World for My Retirement-Mitsuha Yamano 
Sasaki and Peeps 
Sasami-san@Ganbaranai-Sasami Tsukuyomi 
Say I Love You-Mei Tachibana 
Sayonara Zetsubo Sensei
Scared Rider Zeches-Akira Asagi 
Scarlet Nexus-Kasane Randall 
Science Fell in Love So I Tried to Prove It-Ena Ibarada
School Babysitters-Maria Inomata
School Days- Kotonoha Katsura
School Live-Yuuri Wakasa
School Rumble- Tenma Tsukamoto
Schoolgirl Strikers-Yuumi Sajima
Scorching Ping Pong Girls-Koyori Tsumujikaze
Scrapped Princess 
Scum’s Wish-Hanabi Yasuraoka 
Seirei Gensouki-Latifa
Seiren-Hikari Tsuneki 
Seitokai Yakuindomo- Aria Shichijo
Seiyuu's Life-Futaba Ichinose
Sekirei- Musubi 
Sekkou Boys
Selection Project-Suzune Miyama
Sengoku Basara Samurai Kings- Masamune Date,Yukimura Sanada
Sengoku Collection-Ieyasu Tokugawa
Sengoku Choujuu Giga 
Sengoku Night Blood- Yuzuki
Sengoku Youko 
Senran Kagura-Asuka 
Sensual Phrase 
Senryuu Girl -Nanako Yukishiro 
Seraph Of The End-Shinoa Hiiragi
Seraphim Call  
Serial Experiment Lain  
Servant x Service- Lucy Yamagami 
Seton Academy- Ranka Ookami 
Seven Deadly Sins-Elizabeth Lyonesse 
Seven Knights-Ellen
Seven of Seven-Nana Suzuki
Seven Senses of The Re’Union-Asahi Kuga 
Sgt. Frog- Angol Mois,
Shadows House: Emilico
Shadowverse-Mimori Amamiya,Ren Kazamatsuri(Shadowverse Flame)
Shakugan no Shana- Shana 
Shaman King-Anna Kyoyama
Shangri-la- Kuniko Hojo
Shangei-la Frontier 
She Professed Herself Pupil of the Wise Man-Mira
Shenmue The Animation-Joy
Shiki- Natuno Yuki, Sunako Kirashiki
Shikimori’s Not Just a Cutie-Shikimori
Shikizakura-Haruko Yamada
Shimoneta-Anna Nishikinomiya 
Shine Post-Rio Seibu
Shining Hearts-Neris
Shining Tears X Wind 
Shinkansen Henkei Robo Shinkalion
Shinkyoku Soukai Poluphonica 
Shinobi no Ittoki-Kirei Kisegawa 
Shinya Tensai Bakabon 
Shion no Ou 
Shirobako-Aoi Miyamori
Shirokuma Café
Shironeko Project-Iris
Shrine of the Morning Mist-Yuzu Hieda 
Shokugeki No Soma-Megumi Tadokoro
Shomin Sample-Aika Tenkuubashi
Shounen Hollywood 
Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight 
Shounen Maid-Miyako Otori 
Shounen Onmyouji- Fujiwara no Akiko
Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu 
Shouwa Monogatari 
Show By Rock- Cyan Hijirikawa, Himeko Mashima[SBRM]
Shuffle!-Kaede Fuyou
Shugo Chara-Amu Hinamori 
Shukufuku No Campanella-Carina Verritti 
Shy-Teru Momijiyama/Shy 
Silent Mobius 
Sin-Maria Totsuka
Sing Yesturday For Me-Shinako Morinome
Sirius The Jaeger
Sisters of Welber 
Silver Guardian 
Silver Spoon-Aki Mikage 
SK8 the Infinity 
Skate Leading Stars 
Skelleton Knight in Another World-Chiyome
Sketchbook-Sora Kajiwara 
Sket Dance- Hime "Himeko" Onizuka 
Skip Beat-Kyoko Mogami
Skip and Loafer-Mitsumi Iwakura
Skirt no Naka wa Kedamono Deshita
Sky Girls-Otoha Sakurano
Sky Wizards Academy- Lecty Eisenach
Slam Dunk
Slayers-Lina Inverse, Zelgadis Greywords
Sleepy Princess in the Demon Catle- Princess Syalis 
Slow Loop-Koharu Minagi 
Slow Start-Kamuri Sengoku
Smile Down the Runway-Chiyuki Fujito
Smile if the Arsnotoria-Arsnotoria 
Snack Basue-Akemi
Snow White With The Red Hair-Shirayuki
So I Can't Play H-Mina Okura
So I’m a Spider, So What- Filmos Harifenas/Kanami Okazaki
Softenni-Chitose Akiyama 
Sola-Matsuri Shihou
Solo Leveling 
SoltyRei-Solty Revant
Somali and the Forest Spirit 
Sonic X -Shadow,Espio,Knuckles 
Sonny Boy-Mizuho
Sono Toki Kanojo wa
Sora No Manimani-Mihoshi Akeno 
Sorcerer Hunters- Tira Misu 
Sorcerous Stabber Orphen-Claiomh Everlasting 
Soul Buster 
Soul Eater-Death The Kid, Tsubaki,Meme Tatane[Soul Eater Not]
Soul Link-Karen Tachibana
Sound Euphonium-Kumiko Oumae 
Sound of the Sky-Kanata Sorami 
Souten Kouro
Space Battleship Tiramitsu
Space Brothers-Serika Itou 
Space Dandy 
Space  Patrol Luluco 
Special 7- Bellemer “Ninja” Cinq 
Special A
Speed Grapher-Kagura Tennouzu 
Spice and Wolf- Holo
Spy Classroom-Lily 
Spy x Family-Yor Forger 
Squid Girl - Squid Girl/Ika Musume
SSSS.Grindman/Dynazenon- Akane Shinjo,Mujina(SSSSDynazenon)
Stand My Heroes-Rei Izumi 
Stars Align-Kanako Mitsue  
Star Driver-Wako Agemaki 
Stardust Telepath- Umika Konohoshi
Starry Sky
Starship Operators 
Starship Girl Yamamoto Yohko
Steel Angel Kurumi-Kurumi
Steins;Gate- Kurisu Makise
Stella Women's Academy , High School Division Class C3
Strain- Lottie Gelh 
Strange Dawn 
Strawberry 100%- Aya Toujou
Strawberry Eggs- Fuko Kuzuha
Strawberry Marshmallow-Nobue Itou
Strawberry Panic-Nagisa Aoi 
Strike The Blood- Yukina Himeragi 
Strike Witches-Yoshika Miyafuji, Hikari Karibuchi(Brave Witches), Inori Shibuya(Luminous Witches) 
Student Council's Discretion. Mafuya Shiina 
Studio Apartment, Good Lighting, Angel Included-Towa 
Subete Ga F Ni Naru-Moe Nishinosono 
Sugar Apple Fairy Tale-Ann Halford 
Summer Time Render-Ushio Kofune  
Summoned to Another World…. Again?-Yuuhi Hanabashira 
Sumomomo Momomo-Sanae Nakajima
Sunday Without God 
Super Crooks 
Super Cub- Koguma, Shii Eniwa 
Super Doll Licca-chan
Super HxEros-Kirara Hoshino 
Super Robot Wars Original Generation 
Super Sonico The Animation- Super Sonico 
Supernatural the Animation 
Suppose a Kid from the Last Dungeon Boonies Moved to a Starter Town-Alka 
Sweetness and Lightning-Kotori Iida 
Sweets Reincarnation-Licorice Mill Hubarek 
Sword Art Online-Asuna Yuki,LLENN/Karen Kohiruimaki 
Sword Gai
Symphogear-Hibiki Tachibana
Taboo Tattoo-Touko Ichinose 
Tada Never Falls In Love-Teresa Wagner
Taishou Baseball Girls 
Taishou Otome Fairy Tale-Yuzuki Tachibana
Takt Op-Cosette Schneider 
Takunomi-Makoto Kiriyama
Tales of the Abyss-Anise Tatlin 
Tales of Eternia 
Tales of Wedding Rings
Tales of Zestria The X-Edna
Talentless Nana- Nana Hiiragi 
Tamako Market-Tamako Kitashirakawa
Tamayura-Maon Sakurada
Tanaka-kun Is Always Listless-Miyano 
Tantei Opera Milky Holmes- Sherlock Shellingford 
Tantei Team KZ Jiken Note
Tatami Galaxy 
Tawawa on Mondays
Tayutama-Mashiro Mito 
Tearmoon Empire-Mia Luna Tearmoon 
Tears To Tiara-Riannon
Tegami Bachi- Niche   
Tenchi Muyou-Sasami Masaki Jurai
Tenjou Tenge
Tenka Hyakken 
TenPuru-Yuzuki Aoba 
Teppen-Kana Kiyotsuru 
Terra Formars-Hong
Terror In Resonance-Lisa Mishima 
Tesla Note-Botan Negoro
Testament Of The Sister New Devil-Mio Naruse 
That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime-Shuna
The 8th Son? Are You Kidding Me?-Louise Yorande Aorelia Oufelbelk
The 100 Girlfriends-Shizuka Yoshimoto
The Helpful  Fox Senko-san- Senko
The Angel Next Door Spoils Me Rotten-Mahiru Shiina 
The Ancient Magus’ Bride – Chise Hatori 
The Apothecary Diaries-Maomao
The Aquatope on White Sand- Kukuru Misakino 
The Banished Former Hero Lives as He Pleases 
The Big O
The Brave Express Might Gaine 
The Café Terrace and Its Goddesses-Shiragiku Ona
The Candidate for Goddess
The Case Files of Jewler Richard-Shouko Tanimoto
The Case Study of Vanitas-Jeanne
The Comic Artist And Assistants- Rina Fuwa
The Dangers in My Heart-Anna Yamada
The Dawn of Witch-Loux Krystas 
The Day I Became God- Hina Sato
The Demon Girl Next Door- Yuko Yoshida
The Demon Prince of Momochi House 
The Demon Sword Master of Excalibur Academy-Riseria Ray Crystaria
The Detective is Already Dead-Siesta 
The Devil Is A Part Timer- Chiho Sakaki
The Dreaming Boy is a Realist-Aika Natsukawa 
The Duke of Death and His Maid-Alice Lendrott
The Dungeon of Black Company-Rimu 
The Eccentric Family-Kaisei Ebisugawa
The Eminence in Shadow-Alexia Midgar 
The Fable
The Family Circumstances of the Irregular Witch-Alissa
The Executioner and Her Way of Life-Akari Tokito 
The Fire Hunter-Touko 
The Faraway Paladin-Robina Goodfellow/Bee 
The Foolish Angel Dances with the Devil-Lily Amane 
The Fruit of Evolution-Saria 
The Future Diary- Yuno Gasai
The Galaxy Railways 
The Gene of AI-Risa Higuchi 
The Girl I Like Forgot Her Glasses-Ai Mie
The Great Jahy Willl Not Be Defeated-Jahy 
The Heike Story 
The Human Crazy University-Chie Negishi 
The Idaten Deities Know Only Peace-Paula
The Ice Guy and His Cool Female Colleague-Fuyutsuki-san
The Iceblade Sorcerer Shall Rule the World-Amelia Rose 
The Irresponsible Captain Tylor-Emi Hanner,Yumi Hanner 
The King of Braves GaoGaiGar 
The Kingdoms of Ruin-Doroka
The Little Lies We All Tell-Chiyo
The Legendary Hero is Dead-Anri Haysworth 
The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady-Anisphia Wynn Palettia
The Magnificent Kotobuki-Kylie 
The Maid I Hired Recently is Mysterious-Lilith 
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya- Haruhi Suzumiya, Yuki Nagato[DoNY]
The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen-Pride Royal Ivy 
The Genius Prince’s Guide to Raising a Nation Out of Debt-Ninym Ralei
The Girl in Twilight- Akane Tsuchimiya 
The Girl Who Leapt Through Space-Akiha Shishidou
The Greatest Demon Lord Is Reborn as a Typical Nobody-Ireena Litz de Olhyde 
The Great Cleric 
The Great Passage –Kaguya Hayashi 
The God of High School- Yoo Mira
The Good Witch of the West 
The Gymastics Samurai-Rei Aragaki 
The Hidden Dungeon Only I Can Enter-Emma Brightness 
The Law of Ueki-Ai Mori  
The Many Sides of Voice Actor Radio 
The Marginal Service-Lyra Candeyheart
The Master of Ragnarok & Blesser of Einherjar-Linnea
The Masterful Cat is Depressed Again Today-Saku Fukuzawa
The Misfit of Demon King Academy-Misha Necron 
The New Gate
The Ones Within- Himiko Inaba 
The Prince of Tennis 
The Promised Neverland 
The Quintessential Quintuplets- Ichika Nakano 
The Reflection 
The Reincarnation of the Strongest Exorcist in Another World-Yifa
The Royal Tutor 
The Ryuuou’s Work Is Never Done-Ai Hinatsuru
The Saint’s Magic Power is Omnipotent-Sei Takanashi
The Severing Crime Edge 
The Story of Saiunkoku 
The Strongest Sage with the Weakest Crest-Lurie Abendroth
The Strongest Tank’s Labyrinth Raids-Luna
The Tale of the Outcast-Wisteria Langley 
The Third-Honoka
The Thousand Musketeers 
The Unwanted Undead Adventurer 
The Vexations of a Shut In Vampire Princess-Terakomari Gandesblood
The Vampire Dies in No Time-Hinaichi  
The Vision of Escaflowne 
The Wallflower 
The Weakest Tamer Began a Journey to Pick Up Trash 
The Witch and the Beast
The World God Only Knows- Elsie 
The World’s Greatest Assassin Gets Reincarnated In Another World as an Aristocrat-Tarte
The World Ends with You  
The World is Still Beautiful-Nike Lemercier 
The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic 
The Yakuza’s Guide to Babysitting-Yaeka Sakuragi
The Yuzuki Family Four Sons-Uta Kirishima
Thermae Romae 
Those Snow White Notes-Shuri Maeda, Sakura Yamano 
This Art Club Has A Problem-Mizuki Usami
Those Who Hunt Elfs- Ritsuko Inoue
Tiger and Bunny- Kotetsu Kuburagi/Wild Tiger, Barnaby Brooks Jr
Tiger Mask W-Haruna Takaoka
Time Bokan 24-Calen 
Time Travel Girl-Mari Hayase 
Tis Time for “Torture”, Princess-Princess
Toilet Bound Hanako-kun-Nene Yashiro
Tomo-chan Is a Girl-Tomo Aizawa
Tonagura-Kazuki Arisaka
To Be Hero 
Too Cute Crisis-Garmie Lou 
Toji no Miko- Kanami Etou
Tokimeki Memorial Only Love-Tsukasa Kasuga
Tokko- Saya Shindo
Tokyo 24th Wad 
Tokyo ESP-Rinka Urushiba 
Tokyo Ghoul-Hinami Fueguchi
Tokyo Majin-Aoi Misato 
Tokyo Mew Mew-Ichigo Momomiya
Tokyo Ravens-Kyouko Kurahashi 
Tokyo Revengers-Hinata Tachibana
Tomica Kizuna Gattai 
Tomodachi Game-Yutori Kokorogi
Tonari no Youkai-san 
Tonikaku Kawaii- Tsukasa Yuzaki 
To the Abandoned Sacred Beats- Nancy Schaal Bancroft 
To Heart-Multi, Konomi Suzuhara[TH2]
To-Love-Ru- Lala Satalin Deviluke
To Your Eternity-Rean 
Toradora- Taiga Aisaka 
Toriko- Toriko,Rin
Toshokan Sensou
Touka Gettan-Momoka Kawakabe
Touken Ranbu
Toward the Terra 
Tower of Druaga-Coopa
Tower of God- Endorsi Jahad
TP Bon 
Train to the End of the World-Akira Shinonome
Trails of Cold Steal Northern War-Altina Orion 
Trapped in a Dating Sim-Olivia
Triage X- Mikoto Kiba 
Tribe Nine-Saori Arisugawa 
Trickster-Makoto Noro
Trinity Blood -Able Nightroad, Esther Blanchette
Trinity Seven- Lilith Asami 
Trigun- Vash The Stampede. Milly Thompson, Meryl Stryf
Trouble Chocolate-Hinano
True Tears-Noe Isurugi
Try Knights 
Tsubasa:Mokona Modoki[white], Sakura
Tsuki Ga Kirei-Akane Mizuno
Tsuki wa Higashi ni Hi wa Nishi ni
Tsukipro The Animation 
Tsukumogami Kashimasu-Okou 
Tsurezure Children-Yuki Minagawa
Tsuyokiss-Sunao Konoe
Twin Star Exorcist-Mayura Otomi 
Two Car 
Uchi no Maid ga Uzasugiru
UchiTama-Momo Hanasaki 
Udon No Kuni No Kin-iro Kemari 
UFO Ultramaiden Valkyrie-Sanada
Ueno-san wa Bukiyou-Ueno
Ulysses- Jeanne D’Arc 
Umi Monogatari-Kanon Miyamori 
Umisho-Amuro Ninagawa 
Uma Musume Pretty Derby-Special Week, Rice Shower 
Unbreakable Machine-Doll-Yaya
Uncle from Another World-Sumika Fujimiya 
Undead Girl Murder Farce-Aya Rindo
Undead Unluck-Fuuko Izumo 
Undefeated Bahamut Chronicles-Philuffy Aingram 
Under Ninja 
Unlimited Fafnir-Iris Freyja
Ultimate Girls
Ultimate Otaku Teacher-Sachiko Tanaka/Kisaki Tenjouin 
Ultra Maniac-Ayu Tateishi, Nina Sakura
Ultraviolet Code 044
Unnamed Memory-Tinasha
Urara Meirochou-Chiya
Urahara-Rito Sudo
Urawa No Usagi-chan 
Urusei Yatsura-Lum 
Usagi Drop
Ushio And Tora-Asako Nakamura
Uta No Prince-Sama-Haruka Nanami 
Uzaki-chan Wants to Hang Out-Hana Uzaki
Val x Love- Mutsumi Saotome
Valkyria Chronicles-Alicia Melchiott
Valkyrie Drive-Mamori Tokonome 
Valvrave The Liberator-Shoko Sashinami 
Vampire Dormitory
Vampire Knight-Yuki Cross/Kuran
Vampire Princess Miyu 
Vandread-Dita Liebely 
Vatican Miracle Examiner 
Vazzrock The Animation 
Venus Versus Virus-Sumire Takahana
Vermeil in Gold-Vermeil 
Vinland Saga 
Vilainess Level 99-Yumiella Dolkness 
Violet Evergarden
Viral Hit
Virtual-san Looking
Visual Prison  
Vividred Operation-Himawari Shinomiya 
Vlad Love-Mai Vlad Transylvania 
Voice of Fox  
Wagamama High Spec
Waka Okami wa Shougakusei-Oriko”Okko” Seki
Wakaba Girl
Wake Up Girls 
Walkure Romanze-Mio Kisaki
Wandering Son
Wandering Witch-Fran
Wangan Midnight 
Wanna Be The The Strongest In The World-Sakura Hagiwara 
Waiting In The Summer-Ichika Takatsuki 
Warlords of Sigrdrifa- Miyako Muguruma
Wasteful Days of High School Girls- Saku “Loli” Momoi 
WataMote-Yuu Naruse 
Wataten- Miyako Hoshino 
Wave Listen to Me-Minare Koda
We Never Learn-Fumino Furuhashi
We Were There- Nanami “Nana” Takahashi
We Without Wings-Hiyoko Tamaizumi
Wedding Peach 
Weiss Krauz
Weiss Survive 
Welcome to the Ballroom-Mako Akagi
Welcome to Demon School Iruma-kun-Clara Valac
Welcome to The N.H.K-Misaki Nakahara 
When Supernatural Battles Become Commonplace-Hatoko Kushikawa
When Will Ayumu Make His Move-Urushi Yaotome
Whisper Me a Love Song-Himari Kino 
Whispered Words-Sumika Murasame 
White Album-Yuki Morikawa, Kazusa Touma[WH2] 
Why Raeliana Ended Up at the Duke’s Mansion- Raeliana McMillan 
Why The Hell Are You Here Teacher-Mayu Matsukaze  
Wise Man’s Grandchild- Sizilien “Sicily “ con Claude 
Wind Breaker
Witchblade- Masane Amaha
Witch Craft Works- Ayaka Kagari
Witch Hunter Robin
WIXOSS-Ruuko Kominato, Suzuko Homura[LIW], Akino Onko[WIXOSS Diva(A)Live]
Wizard Barristers-Cecil Sudo
Wolf Girl And Black Prince-Erika Shinohara
Wolf's Rain- Tsume, Kiba
Wonder Egg Priority- Ai Ohta 
Woodpecker Detective’s Office 
Wooser's Hand To Mouth Life
Working!!-Popura Taneshima, Hana Miyakoshi[WWW.Working]
World Break-Shizuno Urushibara
World Conquest Zvezda Plot-Kate Hoshimiya/Lady Venera 
World DaI Star-Yae Niizuma 
World’s End Harem 
World of Narue-Narue Nanase 
World Trigger-Chika Amatori,Yuichi Jin
Wotakoi- Narumi Momose 
Xam'd: Lost Memories 
Xenosaga The Animation-Shion Uzuki 
xxxHoLic-Zashiki Warashi, Yuko Ichihara
Ya Boy Kongming-Eiko Tsukimi 
Yaiba-Sayaka Mine
Yakitate Japan-Tsukino Azusagawa 
Yamada-kun And The Seven Witches-Urara Shiraishi 
Yamada's First Time: B Gata H Kei-Yamada
Yami To Boushi To Hon No Tabihito-Hazuki Azuma 
Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki
Yatterman Night-Alouette 
Yoake Mae yori Ruriiro na-Mia Clementis 
Your Lie In April-Kaori Miyazono 
You’re Under Arrest-Yoriko Nikaidou
Yondemasuyo Azazel-san-Rinko Sakuma
Yosuga No Sora-Nao Yorihime
Youkai Gakuen Y-Fubuki Himekawa
Young Black Jack
Yowamushi Pedal-Miki Kanzaki 
Yozakura Quartet- Hime Yarizakura
Yu-Gi-Oh-Black Magician Girl, Asuka Tenjoin(YGOGX), Aki Izayoi(YGO5Ds), Kotori Mizuki(YGOZEXAL),Yuzu Hiiragi(YGOARCV),Aoi Zaizen(YGOVRAINS),Romin Kirishima(YGOSEVENS),Yuamu Ohdo(YGOGORUSH)
Yumeiro Patissiere
Yume no Crayon Oukoku 
Yume Tsukai
Yumeria-Mizuki Agatsume
Yurei Deco 
Yuri is My Job-Hime Shiraki/Hime Shirasagi
Yurikuma Arashi-Kureha Tsubaki 
Yuru Yuri- Chitose Ikeda 
Yuuki Yuuna Is A Hero-Mimori Tougou/Sumi Washio
Yuuna and Haunted Hot Springs- Yuuna Yunohara
YuYu Hakusho-Koto
Yuyushiki-Yukari Hinata
Zatch Bell-Megumi Oumi 
Zegapain-Ryouko Kaminagi 
Zetman- Jin Kanzaki
Zettai Bouei Leviatan-Leviatan
Zettai Karen Children-Kyousuke Hyoubu 
Zoids- Rei-Mii(ZG)
Zom 100-Shizuka Mikazuki 
Zombie Land Saga- Sakura Minamoto
Zombie Loan-Michiru Kita
Zone of Enders 
Z/X-Ena Soranokawa(Z/X Code Reunion).Ayase Kamiyugi(Z/X Ignition)
1 note · View note
44gamez · 4 months
Sympathy Kiss review for Nintendo Switch
System: Change Launch date: February 27, 2024 Developer: Thought Manufacturing unit Writer: Thought Manufacturing unit Akari Amasawa is somebody that I’m positive loads of us can relate to: she wakes up within the morning, she goes to work after breakfast, and he or she comes dwelling within the night. Rinse and repeat. Her job is one which might be executed by mainly anybody, and her life is unremarkable. However actually, what else are you able to anticipate? That’s simply life. However even unremarkable circumstances can change, and for Akari, who has been with IT firm Estario Corp. as a designer for nearly a yr, her work life (and, after all, her private life) is instantly turned upside-down when she is recruited as a part of a small staff to avoid wasting one of many firm’s founding apps, which has been shedding momentum as it's pushed out by the competitors. Her new function is unsure, and her new colleagues are strangers. In Sympathy Kiss, a brand new otome title from Thought Manufacturing unit, you’ll be becoming a member of her on her journey to navigate the perilous trenches of labor, romance, and life. The alternatives you’ll make alongside the best way are most likely not what most individuals would do in her scenario, nevertheless it’s definitely a pleasant break from the stressors of on a regular basis life. At the same time as an avid reader of otome visible novels, I typically discover the opening hours could be troublesome to get by means of. Pacing within the frequent route (the occasions shared between all characters earlier than the paths diverge to give attention to people) could be fairly tough, because it tries to each introduce you to the forged sufficient to kind an attachment to them whereas concurrently bombarding you with technical jargon regarding its fantasy setting so that you simply’ll have some body of reference for the occasions to come back. Breaking from that established norm, I discovered Sympathy Kiss to be remarkably refreshing as a result of it has completely none of those pacing points in its opening prologue. As Akari (whose title could be modified for those who so want) you might be an atypical workplace employee thrust into a brand new function that you'll determine the path of for your self, and your colleagues are individuals you could be passingly accustomed to however who're in the end strangers to you. The sport is introduced in a relatable style that's nearly fully true to actual life, and so there isn't any have to bombard you with new phrases to frantically search for within the dictionary each few sentences. This characteristic is used very sparingly, having a meager 62 entries unfold out throughout particular person routes, and are extra a degree of reference for characters, or particular jargon you could not have heard earlier than, however are not at all important to understanding the setting or story. On the contrary, the sport appears as decided to omit the particular particulars of the work the characters do as doable, by no means lingering for too lengthy on them even after they’re truly being mentioned.
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With out this have to familiarize your self with an odd new world or be taught an exhaustively convoluted set of latest phrases, you’re free to dive straight in and focus your consideration on the forged. That core forged of affection pursuits is the only real focus of the sport, and though their personalities all fall into some fully anticipated stereotypes, and the dialogue can vary from cliche to downright disturbing when the romance heats up, I discovered all of them to be surprisingly nuanced and possessing hidden depths that I didn’t anticipate them to have based mostly on their first impressions. The cheerful and pleasant Mitsuki Saotome, as an example, is definitely one thing of a closed-off perfectionist, resulting in some very tense exchanges over the course of his route that utterly contradict how he presents himself within the prologue, and he turns into a way more complicated character over the course of his six episode story. In between episodes you’ll get the chance to discover an occasion from their perspective as effectively, which could be fairly enlightening as their view of occasions is usually utterly totally different from Akari’s. This added degree of complexity makes the love pursuits really feel much more alive as characters, and it had me extra invested of their private struggles. It’s all fairly low-stakes drama for probably the most half however unusually compelling regardless of this, or maybe even due to it: the issues the characters have are simple to narrate to and sympathize with, and Sympathy Kiss dives into some emotionally potent matters which might be dealt with with a stunning degree of depth and sensitivity, together with workplace-related stress and nervousness, burnout, and extra sophisticated workplace politics and battle. For those who’ve ever labored in an workplace atmosphere earlier than, numerous what's introduced right here might very effectively mirror your personal experiences at occasions, and I discovered it simple to narrate to Akari specifically as somebody comparatively inexperienced surrounded by individuals who (at the very least at first look) are extra assured and succesful than her. With that mentioned, Akari is sadly fairly underwhelming in the case of her character improvement and development, and though the story unfolds from her perspective and also you get an inside view of her thought course of, she solely ever describes issues, relatively than truly talking within the first particular person. The concept right here is for the participant to place themselves in her sneakers (that is exacerbated even additional by the in-game CGs, which exit of their option to cover her face, and the truth that she doesn’t have a personality portrait) however it could possibly make for some awkward and one-sided conversations because the characters on-screen react to what she has mentioned with out you truly attending to see that dialogue. Given the energy of the writing and the way Akari’s anxieties about her efficiency within the office are sometimes introduced entrance and heart within the narrative, it might have been good to have her as a extra developed and totally realized character.
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Sympathy Kiss options branching pathways and a number of endings, and as you would possibly anticipate there are numerous selections so that you can make within the sport, though nearly all of these are extra within the nature of taste textual content that personalize the expertise. With the Emotion Choose system you’ll be given the selection between two emoji to react to one thing in dialog, and your response will typically be famous for future dialogue; for instance, you'll be able to react positively or negatively to a dialogue about siblings to point whether or not you will have a sibling your self. It doesn’t considerably affect the path the story takes, however does add a pleasant private contact to interrupt up the extra scripted dialogue. You’ll additionally often be given a alternative of two minor dialogue selections, each as regular textual content and by way of the RiNG app in your cellphone; Akari has a keenness for utilizing emoji as responses that I discovered to be fairly endearing. The pivotal story moments which come as soon as per episode are extra clearly telegraphed. A vocal observe will normally start to play softly within the background, and also you’ll be introduced with 4 dialogue selections. Two of those will relate to the “Work” ending whereas the opposite two will relate to the “Love” ending, and usually certainly one of every will fill the corresponding meter and produce you nearer to the result you want. Thankfully the sport makes it very simple so that you can manipulate the circumstances to your liking: the “Love Catch” system (which could be disabled for those who’d favor to play by means of blind) will point out with a blue or pink flower which route your alternative pertains to, and checking the Standing choice from the menu will present if that alternative has had an affect or not. This isn't an unusual characteristic in otome titles, nevertheless it’s executed significantly effectively right here and it makes getting the ending that you really want a lot simpler to perform without having to resort to holding a number of save recordsdata at every vital junction. On the absolute most you’ll have to reload thrice to examine the affect of every alternative, though it’s normally pretty apparent which one to decide on for a specific final result. When you’ve accomplished a personality’s route you might be additionally ready to return to any episode in that story from the menu, adjusting each the Work and Love meters to excessive or low, making it very simple to get the opposite endings. The sport additionally has two skip capabilities (one for learn textual content, and one for all textual content) that can assist you particularly pinpoint dialogue you missed, slicing down on time you'd have in any other case spent re-reading issues. This all makes seeing every thing that Sympathy Kiss has to supply a really speedy and nice expertise.
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Sadly the important thing story beats don’t change a lot no matter your solutions, which may make the romance parts really feel fairly incongruous for those who’re choosing the Work route. Even for those who choose the entire selections comparable to Work, you’ll nonetheless find yourself going by means of the steamier scenes, and most of the time choosing the Work route will omit smaller particulars of the romance between Akari and the chosen love curiosity because the dialogue takes a much less private tone, which may make it really feel all of the extra jarring if you’re instantly thrown headfirst right into a heated second that doesn’t actually make a lot sense inside that context. With such a transparent distinction between Work and Love, I felt that it might have been extra acceptable to omit these scenes for one thing extra platonic than romantic, to make your selections really feel extra impactful. Though the Work endings don’t really feel just like the customary dangerous endings which might be a staple of the style, they didn’t really feel as satisfying as pursuing the Love endings, and this weakens their general affect. Every route can be just a little shorter than the usual, lasting round three hours apiece and a reasonable studying pace, though I didn’t discover this to be a detriment to the standard of the writing or the narrative pacing. Sympathy Kiss ’ presentation is kind of fashionable, and though among the menu textual content is just a little laborious to learn, being squished right into a small house or in an in any other case illegible font, the in-game textual content is straightforward and cleanly highlighted towards a white background, making simple to learn, though some extra fonts would have been a welcome inclusion. The animated character portraits and static CGs, illustrated by Fujirito (who additionally labored on Lover Faux) are all eye-catching and fantastically introduced, with probably the most outlandish factor about them being the hair colour selections for among the characters. The sport is totally voice-acted in Japanese, with character portraits synced to the voices, and with greater than sufficient totally different facial expressions to match, though only a few totally different poses, which may make proceedings really feel just a little lifeless at occasions. I did discover the odd grammar error sprinkled all through throughout my playthrough, however these have been fortunately few and much between and the localization of the textual content is of an general top quality. The Verdict
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The quick route construction and acquainted settings that don’t require you to wade by means of pages and pages of jargon to know what's going on make Sympathy Kiss an excellent place to begin for many who have by no means learn an otome title earlier than, and a very good palette cleanser for followers of the style who need a extra digestible expertise, or only a change of tempo. In a post-pandemic atmosphere the place many people at the moment are completely working from dwelling Sympathy Kiss can really feel nearly nostalgic at occasions, which provides to its allure, and what it lacks in drama it greater than makes up for in emotional depth. The selection between Work and Love might have been made extra significant from extra dialogue – or on the very least, omission of the romance scenes for those who opted for the previous – and it falls prey to some cliche dialogue at occasions, however is nonetheless a strong visible novel that explores some extremely relatable and attention-grabbing themes in a method that many will have the ability to respect. Sympathy Kiss copy supplied by the writer for the needs of this evaluate. Associated Source link Read the full article
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berserkerbarbie · 6 months
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The Kingdom by Moon Troupe 2014
15 notes · View notes