#Mix Mup
grrlmusic · 9 months
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MM/KH - Ich sehe Vasen
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avaliveradio · 2 years
Mup The Edens Brings Creepy Witchcraft to Electro Pop on 'Scissors for the Cut'
Mup The Edens -Scissors for the Cut
Featuring the sultry sound of Kelli Johnson on vocals, "Scissors for the Cut" is a bewitching canticle conjuring conceptions of a bayou boudoir. Mup the Edens makes multidisciplinary music in two bedrooms 2,390 miles apart. For each song created, there is but one goal - a fun listen.
I love how Kelli Johnson from Mup The Edens has mixed her influences to produce something unique. The production is dynamic with twists and different layers that keep the listener interested. Lyrically it might be a simple song structure but the the artist clearly put her vision and skills to work on the production using effects and instrumentation to bring on this fun electro pop single.
Release date: Dec 27, 2022
Genre: Electro Pop, Indietronica, Alt Pop
Moods: Sexy, Dark, Moody
Similar artists: Billie Eilish, Dua Lipa, Selena Gomez, Halsey, Lorde
TikTok - Spotify - Instagram
Currently featured on this Curators Monthly Picks Playlist by Jacqueline Jax
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2257ad · 8 years
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leggyre · 2 years
Can I ask for a copy of the tiny dictionary? I'll make do with portoguese sounds. I can pay you two pennies
its oooold like i haven't made any major edits to it since 2014,, there aren't actually many words aside from all the ones used as names and theres a bunch of words that are just there with no meaning because one day i went "ill just fill this up with nonsense and then come up with meaning later"
to be honest its not very important for the words but actually several grammar rules that are, Pretty Good
also its so funny that a lot of stuff has basically a "im still working on this" note but like last time i actually worked on it was years ago JKSDFBGSDGBDF basically the plan was to make a bunch of words and grammar rules and then start trying to make phrases but i never got to that second part so everything is forever under revision but not really
anyway cue readmore
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(that last one is the phonetics part that is kinda weird if you don't have this mix of english and portuguese in your head but uuuh lil tip an "ê" sounds like "eh". also on number 7: the GÜ is pronounced like a GW so güe and güi are normally pronounced 'gwe'' and 'gwi')
now u too can understand why I alternate between hiro and yuhiro :)
and here's a list of the words that are used as names so far, with pronounciation edited for clarity :)
Ae.ru.ii (A-eh-ru-ee) To be united Ce.pu (Say-pu) Everything, everyone Hi.ro (Yuí-roh) Sweet, sugary, pleasant Klu.mn (Clu-min) Kind Na.no (Na-noh) No one, nothing, negation O.a.ri.in (O-á-rin) The act of ending Ri.mn.a (Ree-mi-na) Tired, sleepy Se.a.ru (Say-ah-roo) Never Ta.e (Ta-eh) A plant's roots Te.o (Te-oh) Meaningless* To.mo.ro (To-mô-ro) Heart
*i dont remember the reason why this one is so mean SDKLJFGLKJDFBG this just in teo's parents hated him
and here's a few favorites bc why not
Dan.ts.kva (Dan-tês-que-va) Depressing, sad, lacking energy (i just like saying this one) Fri.at.te (Frí-a-te) A cold herbal drink with a minty taste Is.ghó.ma (Ich-gwo-ma) no meaning i just like saying it Mup (Mu-pe) no meaning just a good word Ne.aro.ho (Ne-a-ro-yon) Pain Ne.ro.hi (Ne-ro-yuí) To feel pain, to be hurt Nea.vo.drii (Ne-a-vo-drí) To hurt someone O.ne.re (On-neh-reh) Flawless, perfection Sen.vro (Sen-veh-roh) A long period of time A.de.ri.mna (A-de-ree-mi-na) this one does have a meaning but it can be deduced by using the rules and words I shared so heres ur homework :)
and theres these three that are a ptbr joke
Pa.ve.tte (Pa-veh-te) Cake Pa.vin.ni (Pa-vee-ne) Cupcake Pa.cu.me (Pa-cu-me) Pavé
im like extremely proud of this stuff. the only thing keeping me from strolling around showing it to everyone is how incomplete it is...... and the phonetic mixup that part is worse actually
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johannstutt413 · 4 years
(requested by anonymous; technically a continuation to this)
Penguin Logistics - a company where the sexual tension could be cut with a knife if you so desired. Many of the Operators who worked with the girls (and Bison) of PL had to wonder if the business’s leader/mascot/breakout rap superstar had intentionally brought together a group like this, but if anyone had had the balls to ask, they hadn’t shared what they learned. It was kind of weird for them to think any of them would actually do something about their feelings.
Then everything changed when Sora and the Doctor confessed their feelings to each other.
It was about three months after that fateful day; Mostima had returned after the fiasco with Lungmen a week ago and hadn’t gone off again yet, her excuse being that she wanted to explore Rhodes Island before heading out again. Sora had just gotten engaged (no points for guessing to whom), and Emperor had decided it was as good an excuse as any other to throw a party. There’d be plenty of booze, plenty of music, and everyone could just have a good time. At least...that was the plan.
At some point that night, one of them suggested playing a game of poker; who made the suggestion doesn’t really matter, but the fact that most of them agreed to play certainly does. Bison and Croissant abstained; it’d already been a long day, Bison had a job starting early the next day, and Croissant had had a couple more drinks than she’d intended and didn’t feel like gambling her spending money away so quickly. When he noticed the trouble she was having walking in a straight line, Bison offered to help her to her room, and they said goodnight to the rest as he had to use both of his hands to keep her steady.
Emperor volunteered to play the dealer for the evening - he didn’t want to rob them all blind, after all - which left Sora, the Doctor, Texas, Exusiai, and Mostima (arranged in that order) paying into the pot. It was clear early on that the Doctor knew the cards but couldn’t bluff for shit, and she was the first out; since buy-ins were using real cash, and she was rather light at the moment, she didn’t join back in, and after a couple more hands, Sora was out as well. That left two angels, one fallen, and the fastest delivery-wolf in the west in a game far more intense than the amount of empty bottles around the office would’ve implied to an outsider.
“Alright girls, this is gonna be the last hand for the night.” Emperor yawned, flapping his flippers rapidly to shake off the sleepies before dealing their cards. “Whoever walks away with the most at the end of it wins the whole thing. Texas, if you don’t mind, it’ll be $300.”
“Sounds good to me.” She took the smallest stack of chips adding up to that price and slid it into the pot.
Exu glanced at her cards once, twice, three times, before finally saying, “I’ll call.”
“I’ll raise it to $1000,” Mostima asserted. She hadn’t looked at her cards once. 
“Call,” Texas replied almost instantly, putting in the required $700.
The red headed angel hemmed and hawed for a moment before nodding to herself. “I’ll raise to $2000.”
“...All in.”
Exusiai smiled brightly. “Call!” All three players moved their chips into the pool.
“I know I said ‘last hand,’ but shit, this is a real turn.” Emperor went through, flipping cards, until all were revealed. “Alright, that’s two Jacks, a Queen, and two fives. Let’s seem ‘em, Texas.”
Exu’s eyes went wide. “Hey, I got that, too!” She revealed she did, in fact, have Ace-King as well, each of a different suit to Texas’.
“That makes three of us,” Mostima confirmed, turning over both her cards in a single motion. “What a way to end the night.”
“Well, I won’t bother splitting the pot myself. Don’t forget to clean up on your way out.” Emperor hopped off his stool, leaving them to stew in the pot he left for them.
After taking care of that much, Texas collapsed into the loveseat. “What a night.”
“I’ll say,” Exusiai agreed. “I can’t believe Sora’s really getting married.”
“I always guessed it would be her first, if any of you were going to.” Mostima shrugged, flicking a $5 poker chip in the air and catching it on her thumb ad nauseam.
The other Sankta in the room cocked her head. “What do you mean by that?”
“Ignoring Bison for the moment,” she continued, “Croissant has never showed much of an interest, I travel too much to settle down, and Texas always looks annoyed or mad at something which scares people off.”
“And what about me?”
Mostima smiled. “You’re always going to hold out for me, aren’t you?”
“I don’t have to, you know,” she retorted. “And Texas isn’t that scary.”
“I’m not?” The Lupo seemed nonplussed by that.
Exusiai hopped up and walked over to her. “Not at all. I’ll kill two birds with one stone right now.”
“Exu, wha-” Texas didn’t get to finish her sentence, however, as a pair of lips stopped her from doing just that. Her eyes flared open as it happened, but the next few words were slow to come out. “...Mostima, when did you get over here.”
“I can erase time,” she shrugged.
The other angel pouted. “No fair - I was going to do that.”
“You always did have good taste,” Mostima smirked before giving her a kiss as well. “Happy?”
“No.” Her face was a mask of mixed emotions.
Texas stood up from her chair and took Exusiai’s hands in hers. “You were saying?”
“Really?” She immediately perked right back up. “Aww, Texas, have you been holding out on me?”
“Don’t play dumb; that’s my job.” As she said that, one arm went around the angel’s waist as the other went to the small of her back. Exu followed suit, and one passionate kiss later, they’d fallen onto the couch next to them, the Lupo on top with her tail wagging all the while.
Mostima watched all of this with an expression the other angel might’ve recognized if she weren’t occupied at the moment. “I suppose I’ll leave you to it-”
“Mmm.” One of each of their hands reached out to pull on her. They looked up at her, with Exusiai speaking for the both of them. “You can stay, if you want.”
“Well, with an invitation like that...”
The next morning, Sora walked into HQ, humming her latest song-in-progress up until she saw the amount of loose clothing on the floor. Glancing over at the couch, she blushed heavily before turning around and announcing, “Good morning, girls!”
“Hmm?” Texas woke up at the bottom of the pile before groaning. “We had to do it in the office, didn’t we...”
“You two started this,” Mostima smirked, her head on the other side of the couch.
Exusiai sat up and stretched from the top of the pile. “Aw well. Sora, could you help a couple girls out getting back in order?”
“S-sure, Exu.” The four of them went through the clothes scattered on the floor, the idol’s eyes pointedly focused on the ground until they were at least moderately covered. “H-how did the game go?”
“Three-way tie,” Texas replied before snorting as the other two began to giggle.
At that moment, Bison staggered in, looking like he’d just barely made it out of bed himself. “Mornin’, ev’ry’ne.”
“Morning, Bison!” Exusiai cocked her head. “Are you alright?”
“Yeah, ‘m fine. ‘zere coffee yet?”
Sora walked over to the machine. “Not yet, but I’ll make you some.”
“Thanks.” He sat at the bar and buried his head in his arms. “‘Stoo damn bright’day.”
“What happened? You look like you got run over by a truck,” Mostima observed, her characteristic half-smirk now fully in place for a day’s use.
He looked back at her, attempting to glare but only managing to squint. “Wazzup mosta last night.”
“Really?” Exu couldn’t imagine why. “How come?”
“Mornin’; girls!” Croissant walked in and joined Bison at the bar, sliding an arm around his shoulder.
He returned the favor, setting his head on her shoulder. “Thnx 4 wakin mup thz mornin,” he slurred together.
“‘Course,” she smiled, giving him a peck on the cheek. “D’ya want me to come with ya for this’un?”
“Mmhmm.” Sora set a cup of coffee next to him, which with Croissant’s help he managed to hold to his lips for a sip.
Texas asked the question on all their minds. “Did you two spend last night together?”
“Aw shucks, he was a real champ,” Croissant beamed. “A real keeper, this one.”
“I should call my dad before we head out,” Bison muttered.
She rubbed his back. “You ain’t gotta worry ‘bout that after one night.”
“Thanks,” he shook his head, “but I want him to meet you, and if we’re going that direction anyway...”
“Now ain’t you just the sweetest apple in the barrel!” The cup of coffee was set to the side as she set upon him.
Texas and Mostima shared a glance and a smile as Sora looked between them. The Sankta shared the thought with her as they looked at Exusiai. “I’m pretty sure ours is sweeter.”
[Note: There was another way they could’ve found out about Bison/Croissant...]
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jeffrevolucion · 6 years
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Experiments in living: music albums
The next album I listened to is MM/KM by MM and KM (Mix Mup and Kassem Mosse).
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pesura · 7 years
sick & filthy: Mix Mup - RA.534
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dopecheddar · 6 years
Mix Mup – Clear Drive
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daily-klingon · 6 years
wotmey wej
mach be small v magh betray v maq proclaim v maS prefer v matlh be loyal v matlhHa' be disloyal v maw offend v maw' be crazy v may be fair v ma' accommodate v mech trade v mej leave, depart v meq reason v meQ burn v mer surprise v meS encrypt (slang) v meS knot v meSHa' decrypt (slang) v mev stop, cease v mIgh be evil v mIl be formerly honored (loss of honor is implied; an adjective to describe one who has fallen from grace; not applicable to 'utlh, which implies a voluntary, honorable retirement) v mIm delay v mIn yuq perform magic (referring to a stage magician) v mIp be rich v mIQ deep-fry v mIS be confused, mixed up v mISmoH confuse v mItlh forge (metal) v mIy brag v mI' dance, run in place, do calisthenics v mob be alone v moD hurry v mogh be frustrated v moH be ugly v moj become v mol bury v mon smile, grin, sneer v moq beat (something with an implement) v morgh protest v moS compromise v mot be stunned, be knocked out (in the sense of "rendered unconscious or into a dazed state as a result of being hit (by a fist or a projectile, etc.)". Like being hit by a "phaser set to stun") v motlh be usual, normal / standard v motlhbe' be unusual (abnormal, non-standard) v mub be legal v much perform (music) v much present v mugh translate v muH execute, put to death v muj be wrong v mul be stubborn v mum taste, sense flavours v mun intervene v mup impact, strike v muq have a volume of v muS hate, detest v mut be selfish v mutlh construct, assemble, manufacture, construct, put together v muv join v muvmoH recruit v nab plan v naD praise, commend, approve v naDHa' discommend, disapprove v naH be hostile, malicious, unfriendly, antagonistic v naj dream v nan gouge v nap be simple v naQ be full, whole, entire, complete v nargh appear v nargh escape v naS be vicious v natlh drain v natlh use up, consume, expend v naw' access v nay marry (wife does this) v na' be salty, be brackish v nech be lateral, move laterally v neH want v nej look for, seek, search for v nen be mature, be grownup, be an adult v nenchoH mature, grow up v nep lie, fib v nIb be identical v nID attempt, try v nIH steal v nIj leak v nIl be grassy v nIq weave, knit v nIS disrupt, hinder, interfere, interfere with v nIt be plain, be pure, be uncorrupted, be unsullied v nIv be superior v nI' be long, lengthy (duration) v nob give v nobHa' give back, return v noD retaliate v nogh writhe v noH judge, estimate v noj lend v non be rotten v nong be passionate v nop omit v noS eat in small mouthfuls, nibble v notlh be obsolete v nov be foreign, alien v noy be famous, well known v nub be suspect v nuD examine v nughI' twist knuckle into someone's forehead v num promote v nung precede v nup decrease v nuQ annoy, bother v nuS ridicule v ngab disappear, vanish v ngach debate v ngaD be stable, be steady, be balanced v ngaDmoH stabilise v ngagh mate with v ngaH squeeze (an object) v ngaj be short (in duration) v ngal be chewy v ngaQ be locked, be secured, be sealed, be fastened v ngaQHa'moH sign in, log in v ngaQmoH sign out, log out v ngaS contain (have inside) v nga'chuq sex (i.e., perform sex; "always subject" probably refers to the concept that all involved parties collectively make the subject of this verb.) v ngeb be counterfeit, false, fake v ngeD be easy v ngeH send v ngej infect v ngel attract, lure v ngep override v ngeQ bump into, run into, collide with v ngev sell v nge' take away v ngIj be rowdy, unruly v ngIl dare v ngIm be putrid v ngIng be negatively charged, have a negative charge v ngIp borrow v ngIv patrol v ngI' have a weight of, weigh v ngI' be pressurized v ngoH paint using fingers, smear v ngoj be restless v ngol move bat'leth from horizontal to vertical orientation v ngom be geeky (This describes someone who is "into" a subject and knows a lot about it, but does not necessarily participate in associated activities the way a qatru' does. It could be a less intense version of ven.) v ngon bubble (The verb ngon describes what water does when it's boiling: It's bubbling. Also, if you blow with a straw into a glass of water, then it's also bubbling. The person does not ngon, they ngonmoH the water.) v ngong experiment v ngor cheat v ngoS dissolve v ngotlh be fanatical v ngoy' be responsible v ngo' be old (not new) v ngun perch (if bird lands on land, use Saq, on water, use tlhot) v nguq be arrogant, haughty, conceited (an undesirable trait) v nguv be dyed, be stained, be tinted v nguvmoH dye, stain, tint v ngu' identify v pab follow (rules) v paj resign v pan spark, emit sparks v pang pluck (a stringed instrument) v paQ meditate, cogitate, reflect v par dislike v pargh be synthetic, artificial v parHa' like v paS be late v patlh be ranked, have a status, be graded v patlhmoH rank, assign status, compare, sort v pav be urgent v paw arrive v paw' butt heads (slang) v paw' collide v pay regret v peD snow, fall slowly (like snow) v pegh be secret v pegh keep something secret v pej demolish v pep raise v peq slaughter (connotes intention, targeting specific victims) v per label, ascertain, specify, designate v peS supply, furnish, provide, dispense v pet be welded (together) v pe' cut v pe''egh keep score v pIch blame v pID coat (food) with herbed mixture) v pIH be suspicious v pIH expect v pIjHa' infrequently, seldom adv pIl be inspired, be motivated, be stimulated v pIlmoH inspire, stimulate, motivate v pIm be different v pIQ be direct v pIQHa' be indirect, roundabout, devious v pIv be healthy v pI' be bold v pI' be fat v poch plant v poD be clipped v poDmoH clip v poH time v poj analyze v pol keep, save v polHa' discard v pon persuade, convince v pong name, call v poQ demand, require v poS be open, opened v poSmoH open v potlh be important v pov be excellent v po' be expert, skilled v pub boil v puj be weak v pujmoH weaken v pul be ground up v pum accuse v pum fall v pup be high resolution v pup be perfect, exact v pup kick v puQ be fed up v pur inhale v puS be few, be several, a handful v puS sight (with gunsight) v puv fly v puy wreck v
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discoattack · 6 years
RA.642 Moxie | Resident Advisor
Tracklist / Mix Mup - Clear Dub - Forthcoming Trilogy Tapes Lord Tusk - Champion Lovers - MIC Capablanca - Lap Dance (Lipelis 'Paper Sound' Dub) - Discos Capablanca Decius - Rupture Boutique - More About Music Tambien - Indignados - White Label Louise Chen - Reach_Raw_Mix - Forthcoming On Loop Gene On Earth - Saab Cruisin - Forthcoming Limousine Dream Ravi McArthur - Another Crap Night Out In Eltham - Reverberations DJ Moonbeam - 1999 - Step Into The Unknown Housey Doingz - Flying Saucer - Pagan Urulu - Precinct 9 (Ex-Terrestrial's Extremix) - Oyster Cult The Delinquents - Funktional - Wiggle Shanti Celeste & Hodge - Alula - Forthcoming Peach Discs Norm Talley - Get It Right - FXHE Tracey - 1999 - Intergraded Violet - Antifa Beats - Forthcoming On Loop Morphology - Mind stealers - Cultivated Electronics Cyborg 95 - Tour de France 16' - Forthcoming Lobster Theremin Mala - Alicia - DMZ 
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carlos-ritter · 3 years
Ikea / Exit from David Hofmann on Vimeo.
The Czech Republic is one of the countries where domestic violence - especially violence against women - is common. Almost one in two women has experienced some form of psychological violence and one in five has experienced physical or sexual violence. (* FRA 2014 study.) Leaving an abusive partner is not easy for a woman for many different reasons. Do not be afraid to lend a helping hand to a victim of domestic violence. Listen to her. Let her know that she can contact one of the specialised organisations. Give her hope that she is not alone.
CAST: Hana Kušnjerová, Viktor Dvořák, Daniel Rous, Mariana Čížková, Jaromíra Mílová, Client: Ikea CZ, SK, HU - Marek Vomočil Agency: Triad, Vlado Kurek, Michaela Brůhová, Michal Pivarči, Barbora Ivanová, Matěj Páluš, Martin Špaček
Director: Marek Partyš Director of Photography: David Hofmann 1st AD: Janek Palovský 2nd AD: Jose Castorena 1st AC: Filip Kettner 2nd AC: Richard Krejza Runner: Jan Hušek Produced by Bistro Films Executive Producer: Jiří Ptáček Line Producer: Matěj Paclík Production Coordinator: Ondřej Lukeš Production Assistant: Pavlína Berčíková
Production Designer: Mariana Kuchařová Wardrobe: Lenka Kermes MUP Artist: Eliška Matějková Casting Agency: Cast Me. Margareta Abena Porps: Oliver Růžička Gaffer: Jirka Vrána Location Manager: Ondřej Novák Location Assistant: Šimon Rossler Key Grip: Josef Kos
Color Grading: Ondřej Štibinger Post production: RUR Music: Jonatan Pastirčák Sound and mix: Jan Sléška
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dudleysaintdudley · 7 years
Phonica Mix Series 12: Roi Perez by Phonica Records For the twelfth episode of The Phonica Mix Series and to commemorate an entire year of mixes, we are proud to present an excellent mix from Roi Perez. Originally from Israel, Dj & producer Perez was resident at the Tel Aviv PAG parties for many years before relocating to Berlin about two years ago. In this short time there, he's already made a name for himself and been invited to play at some of the best spots in town including the infamous Lab.Oratory and Berghain's Panorama Bar. It's his closing sets at Panorama Bar that have captured peoples attention…one in particular spanning 10 hours into Monday afternoon. Without further ado, here is an hour and a half of stripped back House and Techno from Phonica's Berlin connection, Roi Perez. You can find Roi at The Store x Soho House, Berlin where Phonica have a selection of records available and you can pick up your online orders there too! Track List: 01. Albrecht La’Brooy - Louis' [Analogue Attic] 02. Terre's Neu Wuss Fusion - A Cripple Left Wing Soars With The Right (DJ Sprinkles) [Skylax] 03. Mix Mup – Skip Intro [The Trilogy Tapes] 04. Annanan - Kameruna [Pinkman] 05. Dorisburg - Computer Drumming 128 [Bossmusik] 06. Studio 3 - Unknown Jam 1 (Ital's Catalonic Fumes Rework) [Modern Obscure Music] 07. Aquarian - Soma [Uno] 08. Red Axes - Todum Todum [Hivern Discs] 09. Trevor Jackson - Lumiline [The Vinyl Factory] 10. D’Marc Cantu - Rival [Drone] 11. Johanna Knutsson & Hans Berg - Love Child [Ufo Station Records] 12. Liit - Lungo [LACKREC.] 13. DJ Metatron - Spiral Worlds [Giegling]
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johannstutt413 · 4 years
(continued from this)
“Ya sure ya wanna drive, darlin’? I reckon yer still pretty tired.” Croissant and Bison had finished loading up their freight truck. “Not ‘nuff coffee in a full pot to keep ya ‘wake after last night.”
“Don’t worry, I’m fine. If my dad saw you driving, he’d have a cow.” He chuckled at his own joke, joined by her guffaws.
It had been a weird night. Most of PL wanted to play poker, but someone had to do this job, so Bison had decided to step out; the fact that Croissant didn’t want to play and clearly needed someone to escort her back to her room made his choice even simpler. “Thank ya, Bison. Can’t see clear after all that whiskey, and I’m swayin’ like cattails in a twister.”
“Don’t worry about it. I think that’s yours up there.” They made their way over, and he confirmed that it was, in fact, Croissant’s room. “Alright, you have your key, right?”
“‘sin mah pocket.” She reached into her coat and pulled it out before waving it in front of the lock.
Bison took hold of her wrist and guided the key into the lock. “There we go.”
“Thank ya.” Once the door was unlocked, they opened the door, his hand still on her wrist. “Hey, you wanna c’min for a nightcap?”
“I thought you’d had plenty already.”
She chuckled. “Not alkamahal, ya dork. Just siddown on the couch and lemme get ya some water. I ain’t too light, and you done near carried me down that hall.”
“I am kinda thirsty,” he admitted. “Alright, I’ll hang out for a little bit. Besides, I should make sure you don’t need anything in the middle of the night.”
“Heh. That an offer, Bison?” Croissant winked at him.
He chuckled, shaking his head. “I don’t hit on drunk girls, Croissant. Come on, let’s have that water and see you make it to bed alright.”
“Hmph. Alrighty, then, take a seat over yonder.” She gestured over to the couch, where he promptly sat down. A few fumbling minutes later, she brought over a couple bottles of water. “Ya workin’ tomorrow?”
“Freight job - pick up in Lungmen, drop off in Siracusa. Long drive, but apparently the cargo ain’t- isn’t that heavy.”
She laughed. “Pickin’ up my accent, now?”
“Maybe a lil’,” he admitted. “When’s your next job?”
“Dunno. Couple weeks? I get by on mah’ bargain store, anyway.”
Bison blinked. “Your bargain store?”
“Ya dunno ‘bout mah bargain store? Eh, I’ll show ya when I can see the numbers.” Croissant downed the bottle of water, set it on the table in front of them, and started rocking side to side. “Hey, I gotta know: who ya sweet on in Penguin, eh?”
“Well...” The thought clammed him up as he tried to think of a way to defuse the situation.
She finally fell over, her head landing on his shoulder. “C’mon, Bis’n, I won’t tell nobody else. Please?”
“Alright...” Bison sighed, blushing up a storm. “But don’t think just because I’m saying it now means you’re getting anything else from me tonight.”
He looked at her. “It’s you, of course.”
“Well gimme a red cape and call me a matador.” Croissant grinned super wide. “Now ya gotta spend the night wimme, doncha?”
“Like I said before-”
She bowled him over, kissing him as they fell sideways across the couch with her on top. “Ya leave ya eyes at HQ, ya big oaf? I been crushin’ on ya harder than a rock ‘n a hard place.”
“You...you have?” Bison was more prepared for the second kiss that came his way...and more receptive. “Well, I mean, if you’re sure you’d say the same sober-”
“I’d say the same if I caught the Doc’s amnesia.” Croissant tugged on his jacket before sitting up to help him slip out of it.
He took advantage of the moment to stand up entirely, lifting her to her feet as well. “Let’s do this right. Which door’s your bedroom?”
“C’mon, longhorn,” she winked, leading him by the arm. “I’ll take ya there.”
“Take it easy on a first-timer, alright?”
Croissant guffawed. “Same here, darlin’. Same here.”
While neither of them knew how long they’d gone at it, it’d left them both more exhausted than they’d ever been; the difference was that, while Croissant seemed to recharge almost entirely overnight, Bison was still quite drained the next morning.
“Hey, han’som.” She whispered in his ear as he began to stir. “Time fer work.”
“Fuckin’ headskillime.” He sat up and accidentally caught his horn on one of hers; he turned to her and blushed as last night caught up to him.
Croissant rolled over on top of him. “Yer not the only one. C’mon, I’ll make breakfast.”
“K’dkey,” Bison managed through the mix of euphoria and exhaustion. Even without the capacity for rational thought, her weight on him felt heavenly. “Hull muplz.”
“No problem.” She hoisted him to his feet before throwing on her jacket and handing him some of his clothes.
By the time he was dressed, Croissant had fixed herself up and put a burrito on the table for him. “Microwave, but better’n nuthin.”
“Salgudthinx.” He fumbled his way into a chair, cowlicks on his cowlicks and eyes barely open. “Yerwunful.”
“Aww, shucks, I’m just happy I got ta wake up to ya in mah bed. Most guys just left me at the bar - talked a good game ‘til I showed ‘em I could bench press ‘em.”
Bison blinked. “Hudevr dotha2ya? Dumbasses.”
“I mean, neither ‘f us were thinkin’ of anythin’ more than a night atta time, ya know?” Croissant sadly smiled. “Just how life is on the road.”
She leaned forward. “What was that?”
“‘Said ‘m notha kinda guy.” He finished his burrito in record time. “Kay, tima gotawerk.”
“Alright, longhorn, get rollin’. I’ll meetcha there, kay?”
Bison frowned. “Kay.”
“What’s the matter?” Croissant chuckled. “Didya wanna walk in with me?”
“Mhmm.” Without another word, he walked out of her room, closing the door behind him. 
She stared after him. “Mama never did say what I’m s’posed ta do if they say they wanna stay...”
Bison staggered in, looking like he’d just barely made it out of bed himself. “Mornin’, ev’ry’ne.”
“Morning, Bison!” Exusiai cocked her head. “Are you alright?”
“Yeah, ‘m fine. ‘zere coffee yet?”
Sora walked over to the machine. “Not yet, but I’ll make you some.”
“Thanks.” He sat at the bar and buried his head in his arms. “‘Stoo damn bright’day.”
“What happened? You look like you got run over by a truck,” Mostima observed, her characteristic half-smirk now fully in place for a day’s use.
He looked back at her, attempting to glare but only managing to squint. “Wazzup mosta last night.”
“Really?” Exu couldn’t imagine why. “How come?”
“Mornin’; girls!” Croissant walked in and joined Bison at the bar, sliding an arm around his shoulder.
He returned the favor, setting his head on her shoulder. “Thnx 4 wakin mup thz mornin,” he slurred together.
“‘Course,” she smiled, giving him a peck on the cheek. “D’ya want me to come with ya for this’un?”
“Mmhmm.” Sora set a cup of coffee next to him, which with Croissant’s help he managed to hold to his lips for a sip.
Texas asked the question on all their minds. “Did you two spend last night together?”
“Aw shucks, he was a real champ,” Croissant beamed. “A real keeper, this one.”
“I should call my dad before we head out,” Bison muttered.
She rubbed his back. “You ain’t gotta worry ‘bout that after one night.”
“Thanks,” he shook his head, “but I want him to meet you, and if we’re going that direction anyway…”
“Now ain’t you just the sweetest apple in the barrel!” The cup of coffee was set to the side as she set upon him.
Once he was thoroughly awake - coffee and Croissant will do that to a person - they’d set off for the garage. Now, they were on the road; he’d asked her to be in charge of their music, letting her use his phone to do so, and for a few miles, they rode together in not quite silence. Eventually, though, she turned down the volume quite a bit. “Hey, Bison? Yer really sure I’m the girl fer ya?”
“I made my choice last night.” He glanced over at her, a smile forming on his face. “Whatever your past experience with guys might’ve been, I’ve only fallen in love once.”
“Oh? How’d that go fer ya?”
Bison chuckled. “I dunno. I’m taking her to see my dad now.”
“...Oh, Bison.” She smiled, wiping a tear out of her eye. “Ya really are an angel, aintcha?”
“Naw, you’re the angel. Never met a girl like you before, and I know I never will again. You know what my dad said when I told him about you?”
Croissant shook her head.
“Said I’d lost my mind,” he chuckled. “‘Son, there hasn't been a woman that perfect since your mother,’ he told me. I said right back, ‘Isn’t that what Grandpa said to you?’ He got a real kick out of that. My dad’s got his flaws, but you and him both have that merchant spirit in you. He’s gonna love having someone to properly talk business with, and I’m gonna love listening to you talk.”
“I’m gonna need ta start taking med’cine if I’m gonna hear this ev’ry day. I’ll turn the music back up now - don’t mind me, just gonna bask in mah luck fer a bit.”
Bison let a hand off the steering wheel and jostled her thigh. “Love ya.”
“Hehehe.” She set her hand over his. “Love ya, too.”
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crazyyankee · 4 years
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August 23 - Another great morning with the guys from Operation ReBoot OutDoors. These guys were great on the rods and fun to bust balls with the last two mornings. There's a great mix of mature Salmon, 2yr old Salmon, and Steelhead offshore right now. Pick your day and get out there for some explosive 🎣!
We started at the 30N line this morning, but it didn't get poppin' until we got to the 32N line. We fished 5-6 Miles East of the harbor. FishUSA' custom Dreamweaver called Martel was a stud. We ran it Mupped down 90' on our Cannon Downriggers. Other mentions as the 🌞 got high were UV Green Tuxedo and Green Jeans in that 65-80' depth. Our wires were going out 170-250 depending on where the thermocline was (it got deeper as we got deeper). A-TOM-MIK Glow Stud and BAM flies took fish behind Dreamweaver Spin Doctors. Only A-TOM-MIK copper to 🔥 today was a 300 pulling a Geezer spoon.
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tyrannosaurus-mix · 4 years
Mix 2
2001 Space Odessey - Gyorgy Ligeti - Lux Alterna
Orson Welles - War of the Worlds part 1
Floating Points - Myrtle Avenue
Orson Welles - War of the Worlds part 2
2001 Space Odessey - Gyorgy Ligeti - Atmospheres
Matthew Jonson - Symphony for the Apocalypse
Shackleton - Seven Present Tenses
Anthony Naples - El Portal
Elgato - Dunkel Jam
Kassem Mosse - Staat Aus Glas
Akufen - Psychometry 2.1 (Oliver Hacke Remix)
Plastikman - PK
Trentmoller & Buda - Gamma (Minilogue Remix)
Audion - On My Way to the Center
Bodycode - Exciting Ride
James Blake - At Birth
Margaret Dygas - Missing You Less
Bruno Pronsato - Read Me
Mix Mup - Before
Pearson Sound - Piston
Orson Welles - War of the Worlds part 3
Kassem Mosse - Hi Res
Squarepusher - Red Hot Car
Chemical Brothers - My Elastic Eye
Orson Welles - War of the Worlds part 4  
2001 Space Odessey - Aram Khachaturian - Gayane Ballet Suite
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cordycepsspore · 7 years
Mix Mup – IE
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