chroniclesofnadia111 · 4 months
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are you looking up?
are you asking why?
'cause if you wanna go
then baby, go wild
yeah, I can shift shapes
but I can't deny
baby, we can put it all to rest
just for one night🍃
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princessyndrome · 5 months
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grrlmusic · 14 days
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aurevoirhoney · 7 months
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𝘔𝘬.𝘨𝘦𝘦 𝘹 𝘑𝘪𝘭 𝘚𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘍𝘞24
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whitelightwildflowers · 2 months
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are you asking why?
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bjorn2dye · 23 days
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mkgee posters designed by yours truly
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witherbee · 2 months
2024 Album Recommendations?!
hello! i am constantly looking for more newly released albums to listen to. does anyone have any to recommend? i will share some that ive been really into this year:
Two Star & the Dream Police by Mk.gee
Anti-Fun Propaganda by Gen and the Degenerates
I Got Heaven by Mannequin Pussy
Underdressed at the Symphony by Faye Webster
Bleachers by Bleachers
UTOPIA NOW! by Rosie Tucker
Only God Was Above Us by Vampire Weekend
Visitor by John Moreland
sentiment by Claire Rousay
Atavista by Childish Gambino
HIT ME HARD AND SOFT by Billie Eilish
BRAT by charlie xcx
Big Idea by Remi Wolf
reblog with your 2024 album recs!!
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bangers2 · 3 months
Weekly Music Roundup 28/6/24 :)
Heya! I've had a lot more free time lately to listen to some new music, so I'm going to be sharing what I listen to each week through a Friday Tumblr post. I'm aiming to listen to an album (or EP, compilation, DJ mix, etc etc) a day, and this week my schedule wasn't perfect, but I found a lot of great stuff nonetheless and want to talk about it!
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Look at this pic I took omg. just wanted 2 share ^_^
Tinashe - BB/ANG3L (2023)
I'd always been aware of Tinashe, but hadn't taken the time to deep dive into her discography until she dropped the Nasty remix EP (JANE REMOVER REMIX????). "Nasty" is a banger obviously, but a lot of stuff on BB/ANG3L is excellent as well! She traverses so many genres with ease and excels at each of them. This is such a diverse showing, and it's very concise as well, having a runtime of just 20 minutes. I feel like anyone can find something they vibe with on here. Personally, my favourite track was "Gravity," a song with gentle vocals juxtaposed with a bit of a breakbeat moment. I always love a breakbeat and was shocked to hear one on here. Overall, BB/ANG3L was short enough to leave me wanting more, but in a good way. I hope that she builds upon this sound and vibe with her next album! I'm super excited to listen to Quantum Baby and listen to the rest of Nashe's discography.
Jane Remover - jane_remover_heatwave.zip [NTS Radio] (2024)
Real ones know that I am Jane Remover's no.1 fan. That is a vast exaggeration, but I love her music to bits and greatly enjoy these DJ sets she does. Each one has a different vibe and the ones she's been doing lately have been my favourites ever. The mixing is immaculate and the tracks she mashes up are always so unexpected but go so well together. I really loved heatwave, especially the mashup between her song "Lips" and the Carti song "Different Day." So damn hard. These sets are always the highlight of my month and always become mainstays in my DJ mix rotation. Give it a listen!
Mk.gee - Two Star & the Dream Police (2024)
I was a little intimidated to listen to Mk.gee (Mike Gordon), since I've heard so many great things about him. However, I heard "Are You Looking Up" in Jane Remover's new DJ mix and fell in love with it instantly. The guitar playing intrigued me since it sounded so...different to what I'm used to. The control Mike has over his instrument is phenomenal and allows him to create these really unique sounds and textures. There's a wonderful energy to all of these songs that I can't quite place. Due in part to the interesting guitar sounds, but also the really distant-sounding vocals, nostalgic melodies, and bits of noise peppered about, this album vaguely reminds me of something that would be heard in an empty building. Not the backrooms or anything, but like...a quiet mall in the suburbs. Is that weird? Probably. On songs like "Candy" the melodies sound really 80s to me for whatever reason, and...I don't know. The nostalgia? Regardless of whether I've placed the vibe or not, Two Star is a wonderful collection of hopeful, sweet guitar melodies interspersed with little bits of noise. I need more people to get on the Mk.gee train RIGHT NOW. What are you even doing with your life if you haven't listened to this? I can seriously see Mike becoming an all-time great.
lil hero - pawwwfect! (EP) (2023)
Okay, this is another one I found from Jane's set. "big flirt" is such a bop, and it sounds kind of familiar to me (upon further research, the song went viral in 2022 ish...I have no recollection of that year tbh.). It's a song that instantly puts a smile on your face with its sweet bubblegum production and wonderful vocals. This whole EP sounds like bright pink. There are pitched-up samples, bouncy uptempo grooves, and cute lyrics about falling in love all across pawwwfect, and I eat that shit up. I need lil hero and PinkPantheress to collab; I feel like that could change my life. All in all, it's a great 16-minute project that makes me feel like a...chihuahua in a pink purse. Which is exactly how I want to feel. Excited to hear what lil hero does next! :3
Radiohead - In Rainbows (2007)
I've definitely listened to In Rainbows before but I don't think I ever properly digested it. It's an overwhelming album to take in upon first listen. I revisited it a couple days ago after not really liking it the first time I listened to it, and needless to say it clicked for me. I still need to listen to this a couple thousand more times to really get it, but as of right now I think In Rainbows is an excellent and innovative record that is as thought-provoking lyrically as it is gorgeous sonically. The whole album made me feel like I was spinning. I don't know why or how, but I physically felt sort of dizzy, like the world was trembling around me. Strange how music can do that. It's magic.
Not on free Soundcloud smh
Jelani Aryeh - The Sweater Club (2024)
I got this album in my Apple Music (do NOT judge me or you're BLOCKED. STOP IT.) recommended before it came out and was really drawn to the album art. As the no.1 "person lying on grass" fan and president of "person lying on grass" NATION I was intrigued, but also had absolutely no idea who Jelani Aryeh was hahah. I presaved but didn't listen to any of his discography and just listened to it when I realized it was out. The Sweater Club is a wonderful collection of indie pop jams that are warm and summery. The art matches the music super well - I felt like I was lying in the grass on a breezy summer morning as I listened, and am definitely turned on to more of Jelani's music now. Holy shit this was such a gorgeous record.
Kevin Abstract - Blanket (2023)
I listened to this at like...2 am and have no recollection of it, other than that it was filled with jams. I really liked "The Greys." Will probably have more to say about it after another listen hahaha.
Couldn't find this on Soundcloud, sorry!
Okayyyy and that was every album I listened to this week! (minus the relistens...which there were many of lol.) I hope you enjoyed reading my little ramblings and I hope you have a great week to come :)
Now i am going to sleep. In the morning i will listen to tonight's new releases. Today is stacked tbh
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unspokenmantra · 8 months
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digit-zero · 5 months
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Photographed by @bradleyjcalder
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princessyndrome · 14 days
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mk.gee for dazed wearing mcqueen by seán mcgirr, shot by quentin de briey
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flameshardsgoo · 8 months
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aurevoirhoney · 11 months
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grrlmusic · 8 months
Mk.gee - Dream police (Official Video)
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stankfaceworld · 7 months
mk.gee - two star and the dream police
This is the best album i have heard in forever. I’ve been increasingly excited for this with every successive single, and i think it’s gonna rule my life for a very long time. i’ve been enjoying getting myself all tangled up into it like a big cozy blanket - warm and enveloping and sweet but sad. this piece says almost everything i want to say about this album in far better words than i can, but its also a record that i think speaks so personally and differently to everyone that listens.
To me its an album of reflection, contemplation, and growth, and i love the way that the rougher, more frayed edges cut through the cosmos of the entire sound. I hear this in 'rylee and i' a song wrestling with itself in the most beautiful way, and DNM, where the pounding drums, and keys are in danger of ripping the song apart, but its able to keep chugging along, hanging on by a thread and held together by sheer will. It reminds me of dijon’s 'coogie' in the way the songs sound like they are in danger of unravelling as we listen. At risk of going on a tangent, the artistic collaboration and connection between dijon and mk.gee is one that has produced some of the absolute best music i have heard in the last couple years. You can find so much of the two of them in each of their music, and I see it as beautifully unselfish artmaking that I would love to write more about at some point.
I see 'i want' as the heart of this record, the way it builds into the glimmering guitar piece at the end is astonishing every single time. The way a lot of these tracks circle in on and around themselves, allowing the music to breath without devolving into noodling or wasted space is what keeps me coming back - singles ‘you got it’, ‘are you looking up’, and ‘dream police’ have been living inside of my head ever since they came out, and ‘breakthespell’ has started to occupy those same nooks and crannies of my brain. ‘candy’ stuns as a centerpiece of pure joy and artistic confidence, the likes of which we can also find in ‘alesis’. the feeling of these tracks exemplify the feeling created in the full album. Mk.Gee is firmly in the drivers seat here, and I can’t wait to see where he takes us next.
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gaultique · 24 days
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